Aggressive Progressives: September 14, 2017

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan83 Comments

On this week’s Aggressive Progressives, Jimmy Dore is joined by Malcolm Fleschner, Ron Placone, and Stefane Zamorano to discuss Bernie’s new healthcare bill, Hillary’s new book, and who is Joy-Ann Reid.

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  1. You are correct, they have to toe the line at MSNBC but I think you are kicking Joy a bit too much. Caller her a liar and comparing her to Sinclair media. come on.

  2. Epic episode, epic Clinton rant. Great job Jimmy and crew. I also liked the added touch of some positive news. Sometimes this show becomes all about the DNC’s corruption; we get it, time to move on to other progressive issues, which is what seems to be happening now. Keeps getting better and better.

  3. Jimmy should have some fun with this — in her book, Hillary compares herself to Cersei Lannister.

    Clearly, Hillary has no friends. She must have shared advance proofs with “friends” for feedback, and yet no one had either the intelligence or courage to point out the obvious: “Uh, Hillary… probably not a good idea to compare yourself to Cersei….”

    Nope. No one stopped her from including that in her book. Clearly, she has no friends.

  4. As Iroh famously said: “Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.” The greatest sin of the Establishment is pride, and Hillary is a prime example of what that looks like. As is Trump. As is Joy Ann.

    I get why he hopes about selling out. I also agree with the one person who said it lets us all know that if Jimmy changes then we will know why, which ironically would prevent him from being bought.

    The attack against Chenk in the comments was disingenuous. He supported Hillary in the primary because of lesser of evil fears. I disagreed with him but after the election was over he has railed against her time and again. As far as Soros, I agree that trying to effectively steal from him (which is what the petition was for) is out of line. He didn’t defend him, just his rights.

    Also I love the rant you went on, it was beautiful.

  5. I know this might be frowned upon but I nicked Jimmy’s Hillary rant (the one ending with f@$k you) so I could post it on facebook. I couldn’t wait. Sorry.

    1. @Dave Menuey Just make sure to tell your Facebook friends to support the show so Jimmy can give us more of that greatness. When Jimmy goes off, GOD DAMN!! It’s a beautiful thing to watch.
      Because EACH And EVERY Word comes straight from the HEART.
      100% Real = Jimmy Dore.

      I know Stef Zamorano, the Miserable Liberal, is proud to have him as her man.
      I could only imagine the face she made when he went in like that on Hillary.
      John Lucas

  6. If I was a billionaire I would give Jimmy a million in exchange for becoming even more fiery against the establishment. Or just cause Jimmy is awesome.

  7. Steph said something important about the election. She said that you got the impression that she lost to Bernie! Is she wrong? You don’t vote on paper ballots, and if you do they are not counted in public. Have Brad and Desi come on the show and talk about getting Paper Ballots hand counted in public. I watch Trump giving his speech about Cuba and I think it was an Onion speech and he should have talked about the Amerikkkan elections. I voted for Kerry, and I gave money to Bernie and voted for Stein. That is my political history. But often when I went back to America and talked with people, they often said they didn’t understand how Bush was elected since everyone voted for the literate candidate. This has been going on for a long time.

  8. Kudos to Jimmy for epic stream-of-consciousness rants! Beautiful to hear.

    Since the topic of “new voters” was raised early in the show, I’ll toss some anecdotal evidence into the mix. This weekend, we did voter registration at a tribal-owned casino, and the response was much higher than a year ago.

    In one hour, I helped register a dozen new Democratic Party voters, including a 52-year-old who said she had never been registered to vote before “in my whole life!” Three of those new Democrat voters were changing their party affiliation from Republican. Only one person who filled out the form while I was there chose “No Party Preference.” (He was leaning Democrat, but wanted independence, which I totally respect. He was grateful that I helped him avoid the pitfall of choosing “American Independent Party” which of course is not what people think it is.)

    BTW, I was wearing my Bernie 2020 shirt. Got lots of compliments and thumbs up throughout the afternoon. No doubt in my mind that the Bernie message was catching people’s eye and bringing them over to our voter registration table.

    I don’t trust corporate democrats either. However, the fact that 15-16 senators have signed on as co-authors or sponsors of Bernie’s medicare for all bill is YUUUUUUGE. He has completely changed the narrative.

    And, Malcolm is right — we are the ones who will hold feet to the fire and make sure the corporate sell-outs don’t get away with walking back their support for single payer. That’s our job.

    1. @macberg Jimmy’s rants might give you priapism! You’ll think someone slipped a Cialis in your drink or something after listening to Jimmy go off.
      How many times did I replay that section?
      How many times, man.
      WHEW! FIRE!

      AGGRESSIVE Progressives is da name o’ da SHOW!
      John Lucas

  9. I’m so glad you guys did a segment of Joy-Ann Reid’s hypocrisy. It’s obvious she’s on a crusade against progressives and wants to discredit Bernie in any way possible. She is constantly lying. Just the other day she said that every mainstream reporter was marveling over Bernie… She actually said that…. She is incredibly disingenuous and full of pride (a very Hannity like combination). She is in a way as bad at lying as Trump is. I can’t believe she doesn’t get unmasked and called out more often. I think EVERY single TYT member should call out this woman for her hypocrisy every time she let’s it out. It’s IMPORTANT because she is in a serious warpath for Kamala Harris now and anyone who is not on their side WILL BE called out as racist and sexist! Harris’ candidacy will come sooner than later and Reid will try to push it as much as possible. She has to be called out for her hypocrisy before that even happens!!

  10. Another great show! Jimmy’s rant about Hillary might be my favorite part of any of the AP shows . Love seeing the Miserable Liberal on the show as well as Ron and Malcolm. Missed Steve, however.

  11. Trevor Noah is such a massive, corporate-tool, step-down from Jon Stewart.

    Having followed Jon Stewart from his days on the Comedy Channel, his own short-lived show, occasional guest on the original, old-timey Politically Incorrect, and from his start as host on the Daily Show.
    I stuck it out thru John Oliver, and then Trevor Noah.
    I tried to hang in there, but couldn’t do it.

    To watch Trevor Noah on the Daily Show , John Oliver & Bill Maher on HBO, is a giant exercise in painful, soul-sucking, frustration. They are such COMPLETE and obvious establishment corporate bung-hole lickers, I can’t stand it.

    Thank god, for Jimmy, Ron, Graham and Lee Camp, as well as others online.
    No one on cable does satirical punch-up comedy anymore.
    Appears Jon Stewart’s timing was excellent. He got out before he had to bend the knee.
    It’s so sad.

  12. I’m trying to find clips of this on youtube to share on my facebook page, can’t find anything. Somebody on the production team please cut from 44:30-48:58 (49:05 to include steph’s deadpan “I like her.”) and get Jimmy’s rant on youtube so that we can share this message. One of my coworkers was watching this over my shoulder and literally just bought a monthly subscription to TYT. People are thirsty for this type of content, but a lot of them don’t realize it’s out there and don’t know how to get ahold of it.

    1. @pyroclasm A poster in this comment board named Dave Menuey already snipped that section of Jimmy going off on Hillary & posted it to his Facebook page.
      I totally understand both you & him not being able to contain that greatness behind the paywall.
      That thing HAS to be shared.
      And most likely just like with your co-worker it’ll inspire more people to get memberships.

      Just share what Dave snipped out & share that if TYT doesn’t listen to your suggestion.
      All it’ll do is bring more people in. That rant was GOLDEN!

      I’m kicking myself for not becoming a member sooner than 2016.
      Been watching TYT since about 2007 or 2008 on YouTube.
      But now that I’m finally here, I will ALWAYS be a lifetime member.
      That’ll make up for the past & make sure we get excellent commentary like this in the future.

      The truth is in these times investing in TYT is investing in my future, our future.
      It all begins with media. And just look at how Jimmy uses that media. WHOO!
      John Lucas

    1. @pyroclasm A LOT of people are comparing Jimmy to George Carlin.
      A LOT of people, man. And I see exactly what they’re talking about.

      Jimmy has his own style & he’s his own man.
      But when it comes to the impact of his words & the truth he speaks with the passion he speaks it with…
      …how can you NOT draw parallels to the great George Carlin!

      It’s the highest compliment to be put in the ranks of folks like George Carlin.
      I hope it doesn’t embarrass Jimmy to see his name floated among that greatness.
      But for damn sure, he belongs in my book.

      And guess what?
      He hasn’t even reached his final form! (DragonBall Z reference)
      Wait until Jimmy goes Super Saiyan 3!

      John Lucas

  13. IDK if all the talk of misogyny and sexism around Hillary’s campaign has done more good or harm. I’ll admit that for someone like me it’s often made me angry, but it also makes me re-examine myself and consider misogyny and male privilege in ways I otherwise wouldn’t have.

    But for people who truly are misogynist, I think all the loose allegations empowers them. It leads them to believe that misogyny is just a bullshit word women can use to dismiss any argument.

    I just don’t think the way Clinton uses concepts like misogyny and sexism empowers women. We should probably be having conversations of how we perceive a candidate as “presidential”. We should probably be learning to accept that women in powerful positions may look differently and act differently than our pre-conceived ideas of how that works, but can be just as effective and more effective in some ways.

    It seems to me many of Hillary’s most ardent supporters arrive at the conclusion that misogyny is so awful, the deck is stacked so badly that ONLY Hillary (the chosen one) can break that glass ceiling. That the only chance all women have is to go all in on this ONE woman, no other will do. It seems to me this idea ultimately dis-empowers women, as we’ve seen with Nina Turner and Tulsi Gabbard. Even a great Democrat like Barbara Lee seems overshadowed by one like Kamala Harris because she’s not tight with the pro-Hillary regime.

    I think we should also acknowledge that some of this “dirty feminism” came out of a desperate situation back in the early days of the movement when women needed to develop plots and tactics to beat the machine. I do admire their toughness and tenacity, the old-school feminists who don’t budge an inch. It’s just really frustrating to deal with when they’re opposing good changes rather than moving things forward. lol, they know how to frustrate very well!

  14. Haven’t read threw all the comments yet, but I must jump in to voice my appreciation for this show. I just finished watching Real-time and it almost made me physically ill watching those sneering elitist punch down (as Jimmy would say). Thanks for keeping it real in UN-real times.

  15. Whoooweee. I quit smoking like 5-6 years ago, but I want a cig after watching Jimmy burn it down this episode. Another great discussion, so happy Stef & Ron are making regular appearances!

  16. With regard to empty suits like Booker and their endorsements… they may very well try to torpedo this in the event they become president. Maybe this is only for show, but this will spread through the people and nobody can take it away. It will remain in the minds of the people. It will remain and the Cory Bookers will either have to sincerely adopt this or be voted out. This is only good.

  17. “Blaming or denigrating others serves to disown what the shameful person feels. Shame may lead a person to make attributions about others that are disguised attempts to restore a positive self-view or hide negative self-perceptions. In order to escape shame’s self-diminishing effects, a person might instead denigrate others or express contempt toward them. Thus a person might attempt to bolster his own view of himself by finding flaws in others so that they become the one who is shameful.”

    Hillary must feel sooooo much shame.

  18. I am so sick of hearing about Hillary Clinton. Sick of it! Talk about something else! Go away, Hillary, your victim complex is exhausting. Ugh.

  19. Jimmy it’s not true that no other host on MSMBC gave no time to the TPP. Chris Matthews would come on right after Ed Ed Schultz and give his full throated support of TPP. I remember turning to my wife and say Ed’s done.

  20. Jimmy this is just for you !

    I’m 81 years old and been around long enough to criticize a young fellow like you.

    Your endless joking about selling out your sacred honor if the price was right is really wearing thin!
    Read the above comments and see that people who love and respect you are starting to have some doubts.

    Do one of two things,please for God’s sake:

    1. If it is true stop talking about it or you will lose a lot of support. It is really becoming tiresome.

    2. If it is a joke,admit to it. Tell us that you put no price on your honor. Make it convincing and the last time that you will refer to it again.

    Just some advice from one of your concerned admirers,

    The Old Geezer

    1. I don’t think it is a joke, and I think Jimmy talking about it is his way of being honest. In saying that he’s willing to sell out for millions as well, he’s not putting himself forward as a moral superior to the people he is criticizing. Instead, he’s illustrating the reality of making that kind of corporate money and how powerful it is to silence the voice of dissent.

      1. I love Jimmy’s joke because it reflects on the fact that money can corrupt anyone, no one is above being bribed out your principles depending on the price, that is why we need to get money out of the equation!

  21. 45:25 to 48:58 should not be Premium content. It should be cut and released as a standalone video and an effort should be made for it to go viral.

    1. I’d also love to share the first segment about Joy Anne Reid, as I’ve been trying to make a case about how awful she is to friends and family lately, but I couldn’t do it nearly as eloquently as Jimmy–it’s probably not often that Jimmy gets called eloquent!

      With Reid filling in for Rachel Maddow, MSNBC’s top rated show and someone that people I know still revere, this is all the more important. The segment on the show about MSNBC and Lawrence O’Donnell was also quite enlightening to me.

      Totally agree with wanting to support Jimmy and the show though! This show’s my top reason for subscribing.

  22. Jimmy is amazing. He voices all my anger and fustration and it’s great to have someone calling out the BS. I have decided to become a preimium member at instead of upgrading my TYT memebership.

    I also believe that when he says he sell out he using it as rhetorical ploy, just as when he calls himself a jackoff standup comedian, it’s like saying to the elite don’t think you are superior ’cause your acting just like the asshole you think I am

  23. OK…who the hell would vote for a woman JUST because she’s a woman…that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard thru out the campaign. And so many demo’s were using that as as their platform argument ! PUKE !

  24. I love TYT and AP. I’ve studied humanity for over 40 years, both as an amateur and professional Anthropologist, and at this point I don’t think anything is going to change. Money is the great corruptor and humans are avaricious. I have no hope for man kind. I like people generally but humanity is a loss. This all boils down to the political system is trashed. I don’t believe you can change the system when it is corrupted by this kind of money. Call me a cynic. It takes a major catastrophe to reset it. Perhaps the 6th extinction will restart the whole thing. OK /rant.

  25. And Cenk makes a video defending George Soros and accepting Hillary Clinton if she wants to stay around to help us!
    Please Jimmy, It’s killing me having to support TYT to listen to ur show!

      1. There are segments I wish they’d release onto youtube so it could get a larger audience, but they don’t do that often with ap, I feel there must be some other reason for it. For one thing they seem to be cutting the stories mid-story, which isn’t really conducive to editing. Plus, breaks aren’t necessary if you want to edit into pieces. The cut off point is simply when they change topics.

  26. Jimmy’s rant in the middle mark of this video, both for its energy and for its incredible recitation of issues with Hillary and the system, is the reason why Jimmy is so good at his job, and why I am very happy to pay for membership. I feel that same outrage inside myself, but I can’t express it, neither in words nor in passion, like he does.

  27. I agree with Treetop69. You must stop joking about selling out.
    It makes it seem like you only have integrity because no one has offered to buy it from you.
    I’ve heard you joke about it several times now. Yes, I know it’s a joke, but you say it an awful lot
    for it to not have any meaning.
    We’ve seen too many so called progressives sellout this past year, I don’t want to waste my time
    if you’re just waiting for someone to pay you to sell out on us.

    1. And you actually joked about it twice in this episode alone. You spent 15 minutes ripping on Joy Reid (which I like), but then you go on to say that you’d do the same thing she’s doing if they paid you that kind of money. Seems kind of hypocritical to me. Either you are for or against selling out Jimmy. Sorry I’m being picky, but as I said, I was so disappointed this past election cycle at all the selling out by so called liberals and progressives. I hope that you aren’t serious, and I hope that you wouldn’t sell out if someone paid you to do so.

      1. I think the point is we need to be aware that these people have sold out and thus should not be taken seriously. I mean, imagine it. Say MSNBC said “Jimmy, we like your style, but would like to pay you a ton, but we’d like you to direct your humor at, uhhh, “both” sides.” And they give him $$ and shackle his words.

        And then you watched him. You’d know he’s only doing it for money. You’d doubt every thing he says. And so it is with JAR and Chris Hayes, etc. You and I may already know it, but alot of people don’t.

    2. You people KILL me! He is NOT going to sell out. It’s a JOKE! Jesus, do you really think ANYONE is going to give Jimmy a million dollars?

      1. If they did I would expect him to take the money, fulfill one year of his contract and play nice, then on the final day go off on a tear about how the channel is a sham and the system is rigged, get fired, and use his newfound wealth to promote an even better version of his online show and/or TYT.

  28. Hillary used the ‘Bernie Bro’ sexist tactic against Obama, she called them the ‘Obama Boys’

    All she has is smears, she couldn’t run an issue based campaign to save her life, she has no idea what the issues are to normal people. This book and the interviews are just making more people realise what a fraud she is, as they can see for themselves how she lies so obviously and cravenly with no shame

    1. Amen to that, brother. I’m 61 and falling apart, Fuck the system and the donkeys they ride. I’m happy and content just to flip them off. The last act of defiance! (sorry for any typos, I’m single hand typing.)

  29. 10 minutes in and I’m thinking – Ok. So I may only have to wait 4-14 years to have access to healthcare. 24 years if things stay the same. That’s just. Plain. Fucked. Up. I’m getting to be too old for this shit.

  30. We have a long way to go before we get some sense back into our politics. I have no degree on what’s taking place, but I can tell it’s far from over. The establishments complacency is beyond bewildering; it’s almost as though they are playing get back with people’s lives. With this kind of in fighting, we are guaranteed a no win situation in the coming elections.

  31. Will someone PLEASE explain to Hillary that after you lose the presidential election, you are supposed to quietly fade into obscurity? I did not understand how someone could vote for Trump instead of Hillary until Hillary kept showing up on my screen, and continuously putting on display all of the deplorable things she has done, her pathological insincerity, and her arrogance (has anyone ever been more sure of being right?). It feels like she misinterpreted Obama’s comment that she was the most qualified candidate to ever run for U.S. president to mean that she *deserved* the presidency. Americans wanted a populist this time! Get over it!
    And Hillary: PLEASE GET OFF MY TV

  32. i wish jimmy would stop “joking” about being willing to sell out.

    jokes have kernels of truth.

    makes me dislike him and feel like hes a sheepdog

    1. Your allegiance to people should only be as long as they’re on your side. Jimmy doesn’t seem to me like he will change, but if he does, just stop watching him. There’s plenty of people I’ve stopped watching because they dropped the ball in some permanent fashion. But I am happy that today, Jimmy is really the voice I think the US needs, so I’m happy to support him in various ways.

      1. Jimmy’s comments of selling out tell us, quite clearly, that if his voice ever changes we would know why, and hence, insures no one will ever come along offering…

  33. Watching Jimmy’s passion and outrage at something, than a follow up quip has to be one of the best things about this show. Love your show!

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