TYT Hour 1 Sept 7, 2017

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan47 Comments

Cenk. Daddy Trump. Little girl tears apart InfoWars reporter. Breitbart’s DACA misinformation. Debt ceiling deal. Trump & DREAM Act. Trump raves about great news coverage. Hurricane Irma updates. Youtube “dominated” by right wing news media.


  1. If trump had ever wanted to kill DACA he wouldn’t have given congress 6 months to fix it. He was just throwing red meat to his base.

  2. Trev (the guy who does The Walking Dead and GOT reviews) has 225,794 subscribers and 121,529,993 views.
    Do these people have any idea about YouTube order of magnitudes?

  3. I think its monumentally stupid and irresponsible that Lindsey Graham voted against the Harvey aid package when hurricane Jose, according to early predictions, may take a slightly northerly course and can slam in to S.C.. Isn’t that his state right? Now if tropical depression Irma clips the western part of the state and Jose slams into the eastern part of the state wouldn’t that look hypocritical if he begs for federal aid for S.C.? Hmm……

    1. Yep that would be his state and unfortunately for me, mine as well. Lindsey “I’m Not Gay” Graham seems to be in hot water lately so he’s probably going to be as monstrous (sorry, more conservative) as possible to win back the fickle hearts of his ignorant constituents. My fellow South Carolinians are very angry with him for his opposition to the president. Ironically, he’s not fellating Trump as often or fervently enough for their homophobic liking.

  4. Beware Establishment Democrats in sheep’s clothing!

    I’d never heard of, or joined, a group called Democracy for America until yesterday I received several emails that seemed to suggest I was already a member and asking me to donate more. I visited their website… Guess who? Howard “I hate Bernie and whiney millennial” Dean. I’m a California Democratic Party delegate and that is likely how he got my email address.

    DFA is claiming to be a progressive Democratic political action group. I hit REPLY to their email and gave them some choice words, along with the URL of the You Tube that Cenk did a few days ago, on Howard Dean. I also Unsubscribed, and used the “tell us why you’re leaving” to add a few more choice words.

    Howard Dean is now pretending to be the voice of the progressives. The man has no shame, no conscience.

  5. To anyone complaining about clip 11, have you never seen the show before? They use that clip ALL. THE. TIME. Stop whining.

  6. With respect to the NYT Magazine piece, ironically this piece was almost universally panned in the comments by everyone but particularly by not by reasonable people but Sargon “The Loon” of Akkad and Dave “The Nazi wannabe” Rubin aficionados who cried like bitches citing numbers all around and trying to distance themselves from the people mentioned in the article.

    Some did mention Cenk and others citing numbers as well but the no comments from the writer as far as I read.

  7. There needs to be a weed stories panel and a weed playlist like the edibles vid w Brett Cenk and Jimmy. Make TYT giggly again

  8. as i said before… i am broke… but i had to debate my 2 subscriptions… spotify or TYT to cut out of my budget… guess what… TYT wins…

  9. I am a long time subscriber, like Ana may as well be my cousin since we “grew up together” longtime viewer, and the nuclear clips were a bad idea; especially given the context of 1) just getting done (rightfully) criticizing the MSM for their terrible lack of context and poor editorial review standards and 2) the (again, rightfully) terrifying recent stories about how close we are to nuclear war and the graphic descriptions that were in the last couple days videos aren’t a good combination. This is exactly how people become desensitized to the very real danger we are in (and subsequently elect amazingly idiot people like Trump to represent the-clearly they cannot tell the difference between fact and fantasy). I’m not going to cancel my subscription or any of that crap, and I rarely ever post in these comments, but I felt the need to this time. I hope you guys read these comments, or maybe you could even turn it into a learning moment with a poll or something. I’m not above being told that I am wrong, but given the comments trends, I don’t think that I am.

  10. What if this is when DJT turns it all around? That would be so weird. What if he even backs Senator Sander’s Single Payer bill?

  11. Unpopular opinion but I always enjoy the “heads exploding” clip… reminds me of simpler TYT days. It doesn’t bother me because it’s not a video of an actual explosion.

  12. i wonder if the deal trump made with pelosi and schumer is a prelude to a tit-for-tat deal with democrats voting with him on cutting taxes? :(

    1. Agree with everyone else. Such bad timing on video 11. Made me cringe repeatedly in what was otherwise a very entertaining show.

  13. I wouldn’t worry Panda we can have a pretty wild sence of humor in the USA and we don’t always realize some of the things you other countries have seen personally .
    I wouldn’t worry about North Korea bombing you the world community would never allow that to happen. Also it would pretty much guarantee North Korea would be sitting at the bottom of the ocean as a crater .

    Have a great day on the other side of the world we all need to work together for the betterment of mankind. TYT is a good start because it least we’re getting the truth. Cenk is the man.

  14. Cenk, why such insecurity? don’t you have more important stories to share with us?
    Contact the NYTimes, or we should contact them about covering TYT.
    But is it that important that you want to take so many words and so much of our time proving again that TYT is dominating.
    It IS, you don’t need to keep proving it to us

    1. TYT doesn’t have the same viewers from day to day. Thousands of new viewers watch the videos from day to day.

  15. Cenk you should appear Sometimes in Jimmy’s comedy show or something. When you get on a roll your usually hilarious. I like did you explain news and have a legal background because it’s something it’s very hard to explain to people but you get the point across you always make it fun. And when you get radical and pissed let’s just put it this way you kind of mimic me on the rampage, we are brothers. Too Strong!

  16. Personally, i would have gone for a cartoon clip of someone’s head exploding rather that the nuke clip, given the current situation. I’m a Houston native, though I live in colorado now, and I gotta say I appreciate all the love I’m seeing for my home city. I just wanted to point out that millions of young people have seen during hurricane harvey, possibly for the first time, what it means to be a Texan, an American, and a generally decent human being. It is my personal belief that despite how the government in Texas has been corrupted by the hatred that is unfortunately so pervasive in the south, This is going to change many of them forever. Brace yourselves, Don’t Mess With Texas is about to get the millennial makeover. Much love y’all! <3

  17. Video 11 was definitely very unsettling for a lot of us and it’s intended to be. I viewed it as a consistent reminder of what a horrible world we live in, one in which people do not choose peace over war. I hope things will change and violence will be averted, but in the meantime, being scared of burning alive is a legitimate fear for the whole world. What I interpreted was that we need to blow the minds of our opponents- politically- change their ignorant desires into truth guided movements. Scorch the earth and start from scratch. War and death are definitely scary, TYT is the leading superpower fighting against atrocities. At least that’s what I think.

    1. Sorry about that, smiley. The Turks are definitely consumers of tons of mass media, so the desensitization has affected them a lot, If you see over-the-top violence and destruction as a substantial part of your entertainment experience, you are likely to enjoy depictions of death and violence as exciting fun, even as jokes.

      Also, there is little experience of mass murder, short of Oklahoma City and 9/11 amongst our citizens, so the violence is not so much direct experience as the accumulation of thousands of explosions and murders which we enjoy as if they are an amusement park ride.

      And so, we have little interest in discussing US bombings, support of others’ bombings, as in Yemen, and endless drone strikes. So the explosions and murders we are willing to see are those created for our enjoyment

  18. Actually went back to see what you were talking about. The whole time thinking, “what the hell is this idiot talking about? I just watched the hol….sumbitch. Well played.” Well played indeed.

    1. Establishment Dems are basically right-wingers on most of their policy – especially the issues that billionaires (aka the people who own the media) care about. The mainstream media loves corporatism, which is the foundation of the current right wing AND the establishment dems.

  19. Mad Kim has been threatening for months. Make a decision now. Leave or stay. Its quite obvious you never once considered it if the video is a wake up call. Youre the one treating it lightly

  20. As a viewer currently living in Japan, your constant use of video 11 (?) where you show a city being bombed was very unsettling. I mean we are literally facing a threat of being bombed from North Korea.
    I love TYT and Cenk’s humor, but this was a bit much. I understand showing it once or even twice, but not as many times as you did in this hour. I mean I hardly ever post stuff online, but it was so extra I had to leave a comment.
    I know it did not come from a bad place, but it was still unsettling. But maybe it’s just me.

    1. I have to admit that I hadn’t thought about it from that perspective. The clip always makes me laugh when it’s used in the show (I feel like years ago it used to get played all the time) – that said, I agree with you that playing it more than once or twice is a bit much!

    2. Panda, it’s not just you. Cenk is awesome and cool and I love his forthrightness and fully-expressed concern, but there are certain things, regarding women, gay folks, people from some other cultures, that he says and does that reveal him to be less fluent than one might hope him to be. Like he hasn’t had experiences that would lead him to be naturally more sensitive and wise regarding some others. I don’t get a sense that he realizes this, but that may be going way beyond what I can know.
      Cenk could be a little more in touch, wiser about all these different folks who aren’t him.

      I write freely, hoping it will be more valuable, but the result might be that I am myself being insensitive and offending all sorts of people, loyal fans, etc.
      I never intend any harm or destruction. I really like TYT and Cenk, and it is possible that he go a little deeper in order to speak to everyone.
      Like I say, though, he is a very gifted communicator, politician of a sort, charismatic spokesperson for progressivism, and he will continue to contribute so much. I hope, though, that he will add even more breadth and depth to this.

  21. The mainstream media isn’t “liberal” as in “progressive”, but they are most certainly economically neoliberal. And also neoconservative, since the difference is rather small.

    1. oh :( that made me think Wes had returned to normal and was no longer super duper crazypants. I miss normal, fun Wes. recent ‘less normal’ Wes is scary and needs help

    2. Can it be? Wes is back? Gotta check out Old School. Wonder how they ironed out Wes’s accusations and weird stuff?

      1. I don’t know if they discussed Wes last night. I missed the first 10 minutes so maybe. I will be SCHOCKED if *anything* related to Wes (or Micheal Wood Jr.) is ever mentioned on a TYT network channel ever again until the end of time. I’m really sad about whatever it is that happened. The Facebook post from Wes that seemed to show he lost a grip on reality was very disturbing; if he were 20 years younger I’d bet money either schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder had manifested. I just hope he’s okay. My husband and I have always really liked Wes and we miss seeing him on the show. :(

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