Cenk and Ana. VA judge denies bail to crying Nazi. Chechen leader forces divorced couples to get back together. IA judge conspired with ICE to help her husband profit from private prisons. Comey to start at Howard University. Blacks and hispanics underrepresented at top colleges.

I love that Ana is so enthusiastic about teaching. A teacher who loves to teach is worth their weight in gold and can have a positive effect on students for life. Even if some students may appear to have a ‘too cool for school’ expression I like to believe it does light something in them that it will simmer away and have a positive effect on them later. And then there are the students that will respond immediately and will never forget the teacher who cared so much about them that they gave 110% to share their knowledge and listen to them. I remember there is nothing more dispiriting than a teacher who’s only there because they simply needed a career to make money or meet tenure needs. I know it’s often hard work to care so much, so RESPECT Ana! And congratulations!
regarding chechen story; thats not Fundamentalist Islam?!
Thats just stupidity. Quran nor Prophet Muhammad taught such Attaturk logic. Cenk instead of making such comments?! get An Islamic Scholar like Hamza Yusuf and see how far ur lack of Interpation will go.
Ana, inequalities begin in the womb and at birth, long before students reach the doors of kindergarten. Babies growing up in stable homes with enriched environments have developed many, many more of the neural connections necessary for academic learning. While all students WILL make gains, and begin growing those connections, the prime age for doing so is behind them, and those that started ahead are also learning, and learning more because of those connections, so the disparity remains. This is not about good or bad schools, although your point about neighborhoods and resources is valid.
Ana is way too naive, stigma matters in a big way. Its not people who are ‘gonna hate no matter what’. Its a bias that presents in subtle ways, and in all stages of life.
Well. she didn’t say it doesn’t matter. She said she doesn’t care. You could certainly argue there’s a problem with that though.
*Well, she…
This nazi fellow, while in the Free Keen, was also responsible for harassing all the parking police, some of whom ended up resigning. The group may have called themselves “Robin Hood” but was an aggressive harasser even then who spent his days following parking cops and endlessly abusing and threatening them
Congrats Anna on your new appointment! There’s hope for our youth yet! Train those brains ?
What’s she going to teach? How to throw hissy fits and wave your arms around??
A ridiculous (stupid?) comment. She’s very emotional for vastly the right reasons. Opposed to our President who obviously has more ‘hissy fits” and more waves his arms for vastly ridiculous, nasty, vile, hateful, bigoted, fascist reasons. There is that.
No judge. Hell, no law enforcement, prosecutor, or judge should be allowed to buy private prison stock. Also we should abolish private prisons
I was teaching at Crenshaw HS when affirmative action ended. Miles Corwin spent a year on campus and wrote “And Still We Rise” documenting the experience of twelve of our highly gifted black students. Please read this book if you are interested in affirmative action.
TYT keeps reporting on Chechnya like its a separate entity from Russia. It is part of Russia and merely a one of Russias federal regions.
Thank you Ana for calling Cenk out on his affirmative action reasoning. I find it funny how he cited examples of liberals criticizing the continuation of the war on drugs to justify ending affirmative action, then cited fear of republican criticism and talking points as a downside; which is the same thing he’s been screaming about as Obama’s biggest flaw as a leader!
Ana got it right when she said those people are going to call out affirmative action not because of any issue with the law, but because they have to sure up the cognitive dissonance that occurs when someone who is supposed to be their genetic and intellectual inferior is sitting next to them in class (and probably doing better academically).
I do agree with both hosts that the issue is at the grade school level. Once people of color were allowed at the top, white racists started chopping the tree down at the trunk by dismantling public primary education so that when they graduated poc would be significantly behind white students and would struggle in college and fail out. Thus, to the untrained eye, confirming eugenics and white supremacy without having to “do” anything. If we really want to have equal representation in colleges, then we have to stop letting conservatives and neutral white bystanders continue to act like they don’t know the formula to build good schools only when it comes to black and brown children; while there’s a god damn multi-level learning complex in every suburban town in the country. We know how to create good schools that produce competent educated children, the issues is conservatives have convinced the larger white middle (which wasn’t too hard) that poc are undeserving of the funding necessary to build those type of schools because education won’t break through their natural savagery. All roads lead to racism. We can’t fix what’s wrong with this country until we deal with the belief system that allows people to sacrifice the good of the country (and many times themselves), so that certain people can’t benefit from it.
“Criminally Republican” is now in my vocabulary; thanks Cenk!
“The smell that I saw in a… that I had in a hallway” Lol. Cenk… STOP EATING WEED. Just smoke it man. Hashtag jokes
I love Ana. And I love the pink blouse and the fact that she wears it a lot. She doesn’t cave into that pressure of appearing in a new outfit every show. Watch mainstream newscasters. Their costumes cost a fortune. Many reasons to love Ana; this is just one.
Americans have been trained to hate socialism. Dont bother. Theyd rather vote for trump
I think Cenk is misinterpreting the results of affirmative action. He’s right, statistically it hasn’t improved minority admissions, but they also haven’t gotten worse. So it’s more like food stamps, social security etc, it’s not that these programs have “failed” it’s more along the lines that it hasn’t gone far enough. Just like these other social programs further weakening won’t help, it will make things worse. These social programs need to be made much better
Great point.
Although he does point out that it would be more effective if we intervened earlier in kids’ lives, which would be the way to strenghten equality in the colleges too.
You gotta get kids into homes that aren’t poisoned by lead and other toxins, you gotta improve primary education, you gotta get parents parental leave – not to mention end poverty and other social problems that impact kids’ readiness to go to school and college.
I think Cenk is a bit silly when he talks about affirmative action being a bad idea, but he’s still right about why it could be working better.
Hello cursedgoldcoin, actually a hell of a good argument could be made for a hybrid society; mainly capitalism, though with numerous parts socialism. That is obviously open to the deepest of thinkers and humanists; also obviously closed to the shallowest of thinkers and non-humanists. I’ll be polite and not name names, or groups. We most here know who the hell we are and who the hell they are ha-ha.
Is Gigi on vacation~?
Reason for delays~?
No comments on Hour 2~?
Not mad. Curious.