Cenk. Gas prices to rise as Hurricane Harvey heads towards Texas. Exxon Mobil deceived public on dangers of climate change. WH may raise debt ceiling to pay for the wall. Infrastructure advisers quit. Legislators propose laws that would allow running over protestors. John Kelly vets info for Trump. Blacks for Trump guy has checkered past.

it annoys me that Cenk is joking about the storm coming when cancer rates are already high enough because they have the most refining plants in the world
Exxon is leaking all over Houston and it’s only going to get worse
There’s been several explosions, but I’m sure they know about that by now
When I watched Trump’s speech the other day and saw the one black guy waving his shit all inspirational I laughed so hard looked at my wife and said look, honey, another paid actor.
I have a friend in college who is supposedly right-wing, and he calls protestors “stupid.” He is excessively annoyed by them and he himself wants to be a police officer to establish order. But after seeing that police officer’s response laughing at the fact that Heather Heyer got ran over, I am now incredibly disturbed. This is my friend’s response pushed to the extreme.
The camera Transition felt, dare I say it, Low grade.
Wow. I’m not sure how to feel about all the rather hostile comments on the small delay in getting the show up “on time”. As a member who used to adore the iPhone app that Cenk has disparaged in the recent past, but which was actually a solid piece of engineering, app-wise, and is what you are using online, I am just happy that I again have access to the show and the member content I thought I had lost when the app died.
Do I love delays? No. Do I love the show and am I grateful for an American source of openly liberal news? Hell Yes. It’s the only thing that keeps me even slightly hopeful we’ll get out of this alive..I am now 50 and thought I had been here protested that saw the wall fall.
So I am glad for every new TYT..it means we are still America for one more day. That’s worth a little wait. I hope that didn’t sound sanctimonious..I really meant it from my heart.
I agree that posting the show late *shouldn’t* cause members so much grief, but a little communication from the TYT team would be helpful. I get that there are going to be reasons why the show can’t go up in a super timely fashion from time to time, but if there was just a little “Hey members, the downloadable show will be a bit late today. Sorry, we’re working on it!” notice up there below the banner^ (or something to that effect), that would go a long way to keeping folks’ noses being tweaked when these things happen.
We members are their customers; communication is important!
I’m totally with you. How many times did I refresh this page yesterday? A bit annoying for us members.
Getting rid of Trump is a HUGE mistake for two reasons 1) Pence is twice as scary and competent, and so is every other cretin vying for that job i.e. Ted Cruz et al, and 2) He’s entertaining as fuck. We can’t go back to boring platitudes and dead mythologies. Trump personifies the USA and it’s time we learned to love it.
Am I missing something or has the show been cut from about 2 hours to about 1.5 hours? Did I miss an explanation regarding this?
Morning Joe kind of sucks but at least they respect their audience enough to post podcasts consistently every single day. That is called being professional I believe.
Maybe get Michael Tracy the half million dollar man to upload the shows on time. Seems like he doesn’t do anything else.
WTF is everyone so pissed off, someone forget to do a thing, but yeah thats the fucking worse thing thats happened this week… fucking dumbass twats
Thanks for getting this uploaded
This is great reporting Cenk. I hope you read your copy of REBEL: Are You Brave Enough to Join? This is one of the battles in the revolution which deals with this exact issue. Check it out at archwaypublishing.com, Amazon, booksamillion.com, and many more online retailers.
Joseph iaquinta
Late uploads used to be the norm on tyt. It changed when they hired a new person to upload it. They have been really good since then, maybe she was off this week or out sick.
The first few comments were fun (if I do say so myself) but they sure did escalate quickly..
Seems like either joviality isn’t properly conveyed through text alone or there are a lot of members with limited appreciation of the logistics behind airing, editing, and uploading the show. Unless they’ve been replaced with automatons, the TYT crew have personal lives and need to sleep just like the rest of us. Maybe don’t stress out about it so much?
TYT had mentioned in past shows that the Trump Administration did not yet appoint a head for FEMA. With Harvey on the way, is FEMA still headless?
Why is Cenk so disapproving of Bert and Ernie? ?
Yahweh Ben-Yahweh…
If this is a religious cult, they definitely didn’t spend much time on the commandment: You shall not take YHWH’s name in vain.
So since it has finally been proven that the oil industry lied and jeopardized our climate and health will they be taken to task like the tobacco industry? How about charges of genocide or at least treason? I’m sure the Dems will be making moves to prosecute. What, they take campaign contributions from the oil industry too? Oh, never mind then…
rump won’t fire Kelly. Kelly will quit first.
Cenk already did a story about Michael the Black Guy, back when it became apparent that he had some wild theories about the Semitic peoples…
Not just Jews. All the Semitic peoples. It involved the Phoenecians, the Palestinians, the ancient Egyptians, etc.
I don’t remember if he was pro-Semitic or anti-Semitic, but he sure had an interesting fascination with the Semites.
I get that Exxon Mobile is a horrible company for misleading the public on climate change, but as far as being responsible for climate change, I differ with Cenk. We’re all to blame for climate change.
This is exactly why the balance of fossil vs. renewable will not shift at a fundamental level until Gaia crushes the technological infrastructure that made those addictive fossil resources so accessible in the first place.
We can thank our selfish genes for this mess. The altruistic genes seem for the most part to have bled out on the battlefield of natural selection.
We face a choice between maintaining the current disparity via renewable tech vs. our civilization collapsing into a stinking infected heap of cannibals on its way to extinction. There is no middle path where we magically end poverty while saving the human race, any more than there is a middle path where we magically continue burning fossil resources without contaminating the environment irrevocably either.
It is time for conservatives and progressives to ‘bend the knee’ to each other, but we are going through all manner of hubris on the way down.
I still have hope we will solve these problems instead of them solving us, but the reality is that the most likely path will be one of declining world-wide human population beginning before the end of the century and continuing for many generations until a semblance of natural balance is restored.
This is why I advocate for everyone who really wants their progeny to survive the coming collapse to move toward Antarctica where the last reserves of fresh water and fertile land will remain long after the northern hemisphere is a contaminated wasteland.
The payoff for departing early could be huge. Some of the climate models predict that a stormy impassable desert will encircle the globe extending 45 degrees north and south of the equator. By that time, any air travel that can potentially fly over will be just as expensive as any submariner travel that can swim under.
Time is limited. This is not a window anyone with dreams of genetic survival on a limited budget can afford to miss. 90% of the people live in the northern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere is sparsely populated and minimally polluted in comparison. That is where the growth opportunity lies. Location, location, location!
Oh wonderful Thursday’s show uploaded on Friday. Sad. Baby.
fvck that bruin not just because Im a vancouverite, but because he aint reliable
I get the sense that TYT members are worried that TYT isn’t primarly a show by and for the members.
I hope this gets rectified.
My prediction, if the hurricane causes any damage to any fossil fuel infrastructure, the government will literally drown those companies in tax payer money. If any tax payer loses their house to the hurricane the government will talk a lot about bootstraps, followed by some sort of program to throw homeless people in prison at a later date.
So this isn’t a comment a comment on this video exactly but in general would you guys be able to post links to your sources if they’re publicly available? I know I often see stories here that I want to cite for different things. Thank you!
They do this on some of the free YouTube video segments from the live show, but that takes a few days. Try there.
Is there a way to post hour one and two as soon as the show ends? I get off work at 7pm and would like to watch the same day, but I’ve noticed the shows arent posted until after 10pm CST. Is there a trick to see these shows earlier as a member?
The only ‘trick’ available is to watch the live stream or maybe devise some way of recording it yourself during the live broadcast.
If they finish ‘overtime’ at 5:30 and post-game at 6:00 Pacific, that works out to 8:00 CST before they even stop the streaming of the main news show. I see the first hour published anywhere from an hour to a full day after the post-game finishes.
It has gotten dramatically better since I subscribed last October. I think that fundraiser really helped. Probably the only thing that would improve it further is to publish the live stream without editing and that seems unlikely.
Houston, TX resident here and I must comment on the coming storm. We don’t blame global warming because we know who the real guilty party is here: El Nino! And his bitch cousin, La Nina! Neither of them, to the best of our knowledge, have green cards, but they are still bringing their murderers, their racists, and some, I assume, of their good people… build that wall! Just kidding ;-) Also, please give Texas residents a trigger warning before you show clips of Congressman Louis Gomert. Yes, I do declare, he is an “honorable gentleman”, but sadly for us in Texas, we somehow elected him as a JUDGE in Taylor, TX before he was a Congressman. May the Great Sky God have mercy on our souls!
The Trump wall may turn out to be a storm barrier along the Atlantic coast to keep out the rising sea.
Cenk is far too generous to the Oil industry. They did not just buy politicians in the US, but in the entire WORLD. Presidents and Kings who did not allow full exploitation of their resources were assassinated or deposed. People who stood up for indigenous rights and championed non-violent protest were killed at the behest of Oil companies. Standing Rock was a big story on TYT, but absolutely nothing compared to what has been going on in the Niger Delta for decades.
Researchers who made breakthroughs in battery technology and renewable energy were de-funded. Patents were bought and innovation buried. The inevitable train of progress is pushing through, but one wonders where we would be today without Oil companies holding us back.
This show was late. Late.
Wow, some TYT members are flaky AF.. Who knows why the show didn’t upload on time. Maybe something tragic happened, idk. Stop bitching without knowing all the facts, geeze… TYT still rocks!! Even if the show is not posted at 5 am when I’m ready to watch. I still have much love =)
Really you’re going to post this a DAY LATER! They need to step their game up!
I totally agree… really you’re going to post this a DAY LATER! They need to step their game up!
I like the URLs these days… what the actual is going on over at TYT? Something seems to be working extremely poorly behind the scenes in the tech department.
Seems like some scripted process that was never fully debugged.
Second time this week. How about using some of the twenty million to hire a new technology person…
TYT treats members the way the Democratic Party treats progressives.
Any time videos were never uploaded, go over to their YouTube page and see if they neglected to keep that updated. Let me check…yup, the YouTube videos got their videos, like always.
I have never seen the free edited videos post before the member videos. Never.
Really? Because that’s what happened on the day this hour aired.
No Thursday show? Well, I guess I’ll watch Wednesday’s show again then.. BTW how great an addition was Nomiki Konst? Good analyst and great TV-personality.
Guys, I figured it out.
It’s an eloaborate ploy to get everyone to watch more Aggressive Progressives, where Jimmy Dore looks high af in the thumb nail.
It’s nice to know I’m not the only one that has their TYT morning routines!
Could really use Thursday’s show, though.
help, TYT is missing
Lost in Zurich, Switzerland, where the day has long begun…and no TYT last night’s show???? Loooooost!
My morning coffee is useless without at least hour one
TYT not properly uploaded…. My morning routine is in chaos!!! ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ
sooooooooo – what happened to the thursday show?