“The Overtime” and Podcasting Issues

In Communications to Members by Dan4 Comments


A lot of you have heard about Cenk’s “Overtime” segments, featuring stories prepared for the first hour that missed the main two hours of the show. These segments can be found as part of that day’s Hour 2 under Member Content.

Additionally, we’re aware that inaccurate podcasts were uploaded for the past few days. The issue is somewhere down our content pipeline, and we’re working to pinpoint it and address it. As always, thanks for your patience and support. We’re just about ready to unveil our brand-new and far improved website, which we couldn’t have done it without your support.


  1. Can we get an RSS Feed for the videos? I would prefer to watch videos but I have to log in everyday and download them and transfer them to my phone. It’s a real pain and I usually don’t bother doing it.

  2. Thanks for the clarification! Looking forward to the new website. This one can be very confusing for new AND old members. Getting a better GUI can only be a good thing, although there will always be people who will hate changes, even when they are improvements. However, be sure to separate those who are complaining for complaining’s sake, and those who have actual issues with the new site, which I’m sure you will do. Keep up the good work!

    1. I’d kill for a new UI here, but the site probably needs to be rebuilt from the ground up to do it right and add the modern functionality that’d be required. The way it works now is just as bad as a homebuilt wordpress blog.

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