TYT Hour 2 Aug 18, 2017

In The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan32 Comments

Cenk, Ana and Cary Harrison. White supremacists upset over unexpected DNA results. Alt-right women prefer to let men lead. Bannon talks to press on his firing. DOJ warns states on danger of legalized pot. PETA settles with family after euthanizing dog.


  1. PETA is a creepy cult that supports terrorism and loves putting down pets. There’s a Penn and Teller Bullshit episode about them.



  3. Basically Alt-Right women are the Serena Joys of the world. Politically active right-wing women would find themselves horribly stifled if the world REALLY conformed to what they think they want it to be. It was fascinating to watch the HULU version of The Handmaid’s Tale.

  4. Cenk, you quoted Bannon as if his words came AFTER Trump fired him. I understand this was breaking news and you may not have time to get all the facts straight, but this was a no-brainer because the interview in which Bannon said the Trump presidency is over happened two days earlier. And, that interview was a HUGE story in its own right. Therefore… Sorry, but there is no excuse for telling your audience on Friday that Bannon only waited “half a day” after his firing before saying those words… When he actually said them days earlier.

    Also, it astonishes me that you miss this giant point — Bannon gave that interview (entirely voluntarily, he called this Lib journalist out of the blue) which was published on Wednesday. The moment I read the interview, I knew Bannon was gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Clearly, Bannon knew he was gone.

    So… Why the interview? Keeping in mind that Bannon is 1000x smarter than Trump…?

    This is a huge question. What was the purpose of the interview. In it, he baited Trump over and over again. Most tellingly, he baited Trump on NK. He directly contradicted Trump on NK. He effectively said war with NK was unwin-able, and that the North Koreans “have us.” Talk about waving a red flag in front of a charging bull…!!!

    Ask yourself why Steve Bannon is trying to bait Trump into attacking North Korea.

  5. That’s not what Reefer Madness was about (it was the about a kid who was convinced he killed the girl he was defending from rape bc he was stoned and was nearly found guilty). Pretty sure he’s thinking about Birth of a Nation…

  6. I don’t have the foggiest idea who the hell this Cary Harrison guy is (I’ll google in a minute). But, please, put him on more often. Funny, intellectual, brings a very in-depth point of view and has good chemistry with both Ana & Cenk.

    Oh, and he has the best words. Believe me.

  7. PETA story … There are MANY good people who support PETA.

    BUT … there is a faction of rabid PETA people who believe ALL animals should be set free.
    Which is beyond stupid. Try setting human toddlers “free” and see how long they last and how “happy” they are.
    Domesticated animals primarily depend on humans for their safety & sustenance.
    True, livestock could probably live on their own, but dogs & most cats cannot. They breed at an insane rate, starve & suffer diseases that they cannot cure on their own.
    These people often believe the animal is “better off dead”, than living under human control.
    Fortunately, fundamentalist PETA people are few… at least I hope so!

    Cenk was right when he said, “It is like setting free the slave, and then killing them.”
    Dumb-dumb, dumb, dumb-dumb.

    1. PETA is a terrible organization and there is no excuse for supporting it. The facts are out there. They use women as props, they have killed many animals after taking them from shelters, they have put out fake video after fake video. You might be a good person and support PETA but you are doing a BAD THING when you do. Find another organization or stop pretending like you actually care and it’s not about making yourself look good

  8. I realize that Friday’s show is time-limited, but I was surprised you didn’t squeeze in the negative financial news regarding Trump’s brand.

    Trump hoped that the illegal use of his office would improve his financial situation. His brand would definitely get a much broader exposure than if not in office. However, the exposure works “both” ways. The recent fallout related to his comments on the Charlottesville rallies is having a negative financial impact on his business:

    “The cancellations … also reveal a widening vulnerability for Trump, who, unlike past presidents, refused to divest from his business interests when he joined the White House.”

    Salvation Army, Red Cross, Susan G. Komen abandon Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

  9. I always wonder about this “true to your nature” shit that White Supremacists, fundamentalists of ALL stripes, and conservatives go on about.

    Why is it that the “true nature” of women is suppose to be subservient, breeding & caring for children, housework , cooking & cleaning? But, no decision making involved, other than what color curtains. I won’t even go into sex. She is perfectly free to enjoy the sex her ONE man enjoys. Don’t worry, he may approve of many ways that you can pleasure him! See how magnanimous he is?

    However, men’s true nature involves strutting, preening, working out, playing militia man, and bringing home the bacon … unless, of course, he can’t hold down a job because all the immigrants, blacks & liberals are keeping him down.

    Weird how that works.

    1. I didn’t mind him but personally I don’t see just Cenk & Ana (regular hosts) and 1 new/newish guest host as a “Power Panel”. It’s hard to have a real one with John Iadarola still off in the arctic, but overall it was a good show ;-)

      1. I’m convinced that John has fell in love with the sled dogs and is either never coming back or will return with no less than five dogs, especially that crazy puppy that keeps biting him and the female husky.

  10. About the whole thing about kids getting marijuana in Washington, it’s practically impossible to do unless you have someone legal age buy it for you. Every single store I’ve been to cards you on the way in, and cards you at the register. Even places I’ve been to countless times still cards me twice.

  11. Ana, again, with the women-are-the-same-as-men-but-not-the-same-when-it-convenient-not-to-be, feminist chip on her shoulder! For some reason, she, as a so-called “progressive” will try to see the point of views of others unless those others are conservative. I think what the woman was saying is that the different sexes generally have predispositions and tendencies. And that in relationships if each partner mainly operates toward their sex-based tendencies then overall the relationship tends to be more harmonious. Men and women aren’t biologically the same, but that doesn’t mean that one sex is inferior, or should be subordinate, to the other. I’m black, so, of course, racist ideology is absurd and obscene based on science and experience, but that doesn’t mean that some underpinnings of the way of living of those women shouldn’t be considered as having some footing in truth. It’s ok to denounce the ridiculous aspects of their ideology and still acknowledge that all of their perceptions might not be equally ridiculous.

    1. Did you miss the story from just a few days ago when Ana defended the Google employee that has fired over his memo about the differences between Men and Women? Ana has said on numerous occasions that there are biological differences between Men and Women that in some instances hold Women back in succeeding in the workplace. This would be the opposite of the feminist position.

      There are certainly feminists out there that are as you describe, but Ana is not one of them. Her views on feminism if far more nuanced then that.

  12. Dogs are the product of artificial selection. They exist because at some point back in time some wolves decided to live with humans, and both sides benefited from the arrangement. They are not products of natural selection and hence do not have the tools to survive in the wild. So what is PETA’s plan? Euthanize all the dogs out of existence?

    1. There is no plan in PETA. They are religious nuts, except their gospel is the made up vision of a natural paradise. We desperately need a PETA that works only to stop animal suffering. One that tells us which farms treat poorly their animals to save a buck or two, and which sacrifice their animals with cruelty.

      There is real cruelty to animals and there is the PETA vision that exists only in Genesis. And people who kill a dog who, as far as this case is known, is well treated, in good health and would have a good chance of getting a new family if the current family does not find him, are as cruel as you can get.

  13. I enjoyed your second hour guest contributor Chris. He reminds me of someone from Austria who is as well heeled as his reindeer Chihuahua.

    Very well spoken definite air of European education. Luckily I did not need a Dictionary to understand him!

    One of the many benefits of being a well-traveled Old woman from Alaska.

    I am so grateful Steve Bannon is out of there now we need to get out Steve Miller.

    I don’t know how to hell you get to be an attorney general like Jeff Sessions after lying to Congress three times and you are the ultimate law of the land?

  14. This is the third consecutive day with DNA tests being mentioned. There are plenty of stories to cover I can’t believe alt-right DNA testing is getting 3 days on the main show.

  15. Has TYT really never heard of the ‘womyn’ phenomenon? It’s an actual thing. IIRC it’s from the more radical feminist term for women. They use the y instead of an A or E to distinguish that women should be considered 100% separate from men. I can remember back when I was in university there was a ‘womyn’s center’ at the student facility. I think the alternatives are wimmin? Womban? Been awhile since I read up on it.

    1. A Womyn Center. Now I am depressed. Maybe the depressing world of MGTOW is the right one for us, the men who want a real world with real equality, and find radical feminists instead.

      What happened with the world where you do whatever is best for your kids, and not necessarily best for the adult crybabies? I am going to check on my kids right now, check that they are really growing instead of becoming a new generation of ME FIRST. Maybe then I will get less depressed.

      1. Here’s an idea… Don’t like the idea of Womyn’s Center? Then… don’t go there.

        You do you, boo. And don’t whine about people who are NOT you, preferring something different than what YOU prefer.

        How hard is that to figure out?

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