TYT Hour 1 Aug 18, 2017

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan41 Comments

Cenk, Ana and Michael. Trump fires Bannon. Bannon supporters furious with Trump. Maryland officials remove Dred Scott justice statue. Boston covers confederate statue with box. Bannon returns to Breitbart as Executive Chairman. Medical device spending. Charlottesville organizer in hiding.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 7 minutes, 21 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. If you have John Oliver on the show, you need to have Jimmy Dore on the same panel to call Oliver out on his bullshit punching down he did to Jill Stein during the election. I haven’t been able to watch his establishment crap since that segment, and if you have Oliver on, and refuse to call him out for attacking the one remaining presidential contender in 2016 that actually wanted to help real Americans, I WILL drop my subscription. I don’t watch Last Week Tonight or the Daily Show anymore because both of those shows are pathetic sell outs to establishment talking points, and are an embarrassment to progressive politics.

  2. When expressing relief that there will be Goldman-Sachs people leading the nation instead of white supremacists we should point out (with relief) that there was never that much money to be made in the body bag industry.

  3. Today, my husband and I were down town Colorado Springs, there was a march of Alt Right types of people. We saw a total pf 20 people and one police officer walking with them. They were chanting and carrying big US flags. They were so tiny as a group goes and they walked on the side walk, while people just walked around them. No one reacted to them! No news, no counter protest, just sad people. Not shocked to see it in our city, but happy to see not many people involved.

  4. One of my family members said she doesn’t want to talk any more about what Trump said, “it’s uncomforable how they make him out to be a racist”. Similar to what Micheal Moore said in this interview, what I think is uncomfortable for them is looking in the mirror and knowing they had a hand in elevating this person and they made a huge error in voting for him.

    1. The ones who really lost out in our country’s history are the Indigenous peoples of this land. I’d rather see monuments honoring them than any civil war monument.

  5. While I can acknowledge the handful of Republicans for understanding that these statues should not be displayed in places of honor, I want to know what they are doing about voter suppression and criminal justice reform. You can’t denounce racism in the same breath as you support racist laws.

  6. Did TYT Main Show just quote /r/The_Donald ?
    Do they realize that’s the cesspool that brought on PizzaGate? Anything posted there is worthless.
    Shame on TYT.

  7. re: the video of the press release: I saw people following and calling out to him; I didn’t see violence. Was there violence that was not in the video?

    I agree that we should not be responding to these hate groups with violence. That doesn’t mean that we can’t respond at all.

  8. It will be interesting to see how low Trump’s approval numbers sink without Bannon on his staff. If it splits his supporters 50-50, he could see numbers below 20% for his approval, and among Republicans they could sink to less than 50%. If that happens, say hello to President Pence.

  9. The manner in which Bannon went out the door is the most disturbing thing yet. Things to note:
    1) Bannon is 1000x smarter than Trump, and knows Trump’s every weakness and foible.
    2) Bannon can play Trump like a bad violin.
    3) Trump hates being contradicted, and Trump has repeatedly insisted we would “win” a war with NK.
    4) Bannon tells the Lib magazine that NK is un-winable, adding the words “They have us.” That’s not just salt in an open wound, it is waving a red flag before the nose of the Trump Bull.
    5) Bannon tells the Lib magazine that the Trump presidency is over.
    6) Exit Bannon, stage right.

    What did he accomplish, on the way out the door? He makes the Alt Right furious with Trump. He goads Trump into escalating war with NK. He establishes himself, meanwhile, as the lone voice of reason who recognizes that war with NK would be disastrous for all sides. If and when Trump nukes NK or otherwise starts war, his presidency will be effectively over (ironic, since the reason he will launch war is to save his presidency, in his own Trumpian mind).

    This makes Bannon a genius for exiting before shit hit fan, for correctly predicting Trump presidency over, and for correctly pointing out that no one wins thermonuclear conflict. Tens of millions of dead people cannot be laid at Bannon’s feet because he tried to point out that Trump should NOT attack, and Trump launched the attack after Bannon left, so… can’t blame Bannon. Nor can we blame the Alt-Right, who are an extension of Bannon.

    Ergo… Trump was not true to the Alt Right, Trump betrayed the country, Trump caused mayhem and bloody war. Meanwhile… Bannon’s hands are clean. Bannon hero.

  10. What does Michael Shure say about Democrats, in office right now, HELPING the Republicans pass those massive tax-cuts for the 1%? The irritating thing about Michael, is that he NEVER thinks Progressives have a chance, or speaks to what THEIR political move should be.

    He is ONLY ever concerned on the political ping-pong that ultra wealthy politicians play with the rest of the American people’s lives. It seems to all be a game to him.

    Interesting also that Michael doesn’t say “boo!” when Cenk is on.
    But, when he is on with John or Ana, alone, he bulldozes them.
    He makes snide little *asterisk* comments under his breath while they are trying to make a point.
    Cenk is the only one who makes Michael even watchable.

    Ben & Michael together is like a back-slapping contest …
    “Great Point,” … “Very interesting,” … “You are SO right!”

  11. Why is it bad to destroy these statues/monuments? They were created at the requests of white supremacists to intimidate African Americans. They should all be destroyed and disposed of at the local landfill. We don’t need the statues to learn history.

  12. While undoubtedly the issue of slavery was the Centerpoint of the civil war, the north was not against slavery as a moral issue. They were against it because it was making the south far richer due to their abundance of free “slave”labor. Lincoln was not motivated by racial equality. He was driven by economic competitivity. By all accounts, he was reluctant to take this tactic because of how many people in both the north and south, still believed African Americans were inferior. While not technically “slaves” in the north, they were still not much more than indentured servants with little to no rights.
    In that sense, the civil war WAS about state rights, but not because of the confederacy NOT being racist. They were and wanted to keep taking advantage of the wealth their plantations made by remaining sovereign states who could still hold slaves. The two are tied together. The revisionist part is claiming the south wasn’t racist or that the north was motivated by racial equality. Neither of those claims is true.

    1. Not quite. The war was about keeping the union together after decades of fights over the addition of new states that were slave or free. This created a political tension of power in the US. Lincoln was not motivated by economic competitivity. It was not a premeditated goal of his to go to war to crush the slave system. He wasn’t an abolitionist and didn’t believe race equality, that much is true, but neither did the abolitionists. The abolitionists were against slavery, because they found it morally offensive, usually religiously, but they did not want race equality or even unsegregated society. They were just against the slavery part of it. Abolitionists were a big part of helping to create the newly formed Republican party. The people who fought the war didn’t care either way. They were drafted into the war and forced to fight. They had not say at all. The people at the top who made the decision made it for power reasons like all decisions the powerful make.

      The dynamic was not economic, or based on a fear of the economic model of slavery, or any desire to crush that system, because the north was heavily involved in the slave system. The benefits of having free labor were not locked in the south. The wealth of that system flowed freely. There was no issue raised at all about the ties of slave system to the products you’re enjoying in the free north, like their might be today. The north was financing slavery and benefited from the cheap goods it created, and supplied the materials to the south, since they were primarily about creating large, agricultural cash crops.

      The power dynamic that threatened the North was political, because slave states and free states were equally balanced, but new states were being added to the union and neither side wanted the other to have the advantage. Slaves were 3/5ths of a person, so the tiny handful of super wealthy plantation systems were basically running their states like kingdoms. So, they could always shut down initiatives that northern states wanted. It was always easier to get a handful of men who generally had equally lined up interests to agree than a bunch of wage labor states with different industries that often had competing interests. So, slave states had a de facto veto on getting anything done. One of the big ones was the transcontinental railroad, which was rammed through while the south had seceded in the middle of the war, just because they could, and it was the railroad that created the first robber barons of the US after the war, once the balance was completely crushed and the northern states became finance and industry and the south didn’t even get electricity until the 1930’s by government edict.

  13. Cenk,

    The Supreme Court did not directly rule that corporations have the rights of persons. While I don’t have the details ready at hand, it was some functionary of the court (a clerk, perhaps?) who originated the language that suggested corporations have constitutional rights. Please check into this when you get the chance.


    Mike Van Handel
    Corvallis, OR

    1. It was a clerk for the Railroad company who is credited with typing up a document for a court case in the 1800’s who inserted the name of the railroad corporation as the “person” with standing in the case, or some such (don’t quote me, that’s just the gist). When that wording went unchallenged in that particular court case, it established precedent that a corporation could be a person with standing in a court case, and therefore… a person.

      I ain’t no lawyer and I have not read the case… so again, don’t quote me.

    1. There are crazies on both sides. Cenk is right to continually denounce things like violence and death threats… especially with the very inflamed political climate we find ourselves in.

    2. MikeinCleveland, Cenk usuallly talks to his YouTube audience, since segments of this show appears live there and segments are individually posted, as well. As you probably already know, there are a lot of troll-posts made from YouTubers.

  14. Oh a white nationalist is scared? They feel threatened? Maybe they can now think about this when they carry torches outside synagogue and treat others the same things.

    I refuse to feel sorry for him. Cry, cry and be scared.

  15. Damn, Cenk. You consistently come across as someone who sorely lacks compassion for animals and particularly, people’s attachment for their pets. Animal lovers such as myself are sickened by your cavalier attitude towards loving relationships between pets and their owners. You’re a political whiz, and your heart’s in the right place regarding humans. So if you’re going to be a cold heartless asshat about the animals, why not give it a break and just play the “animals are innocent” thing on your soundboard. Obviously the only furry thing you’ve ever been close to is that ridiculous haircut of yours.

    1. Hey stupid , animals r animals, humans r humans. I swear Californians lose their minds from smoking so much pot. As long as we keep their biodiversity I don’t care bout how they feel relative to saving humans from hunger , drought etc. U must be a really privileged American to be indifferent to iraq war but complaining bout sufferings of animals that r …… not humans. So f… U all ultra sensitive human beings, spend one tenth of your time into helping poor instead of protesting bout abandoned animals.

      1. Hey stupider,
        I’m not really sure why you think a person who cares about animals can’t also care about the Iraq war or poor people. Guess what a**hat. It IS possible to care about the suffering of ALL living beings, human or otherwise.

        And as if your ignorance wasn’t obvious enough you had to go ahead and add the “lose their minds from smoking so much pot” line. Seriously.

        1. Good call on the “smoking too much pot” comment!

          Immortal_champion immediately showed his hand on that one.
          Maybe he should think outside the box he’s put himself in.

  16. I knew they promised two more stories and then didn’t come back! I couldnt just rewind the live feed to make sure I wasn’t crazy. Also this suit comment up there is great. In case they actually figure out how to delete it:
    1st comment:
    “you need to book a fitting, that is too nice a suit to have it hanging off you like that
    you’ll be accused of embezzlement after he is done with you”
    2nd (same person):
    “how do I delete a comment”

  17. The lizard is back. Woohoo!!

    Haven’t seen the critter for quite some time and was concerned.

    How about an update on how it’s doing?

  18. It will probably never happen but if Cenk could interview Bannon I think that would be epic. The things he could say.

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