Aggressive Progressives: Aug 10, 2017

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan72 Comments

Jimmy Dore, Stef Zamorano, and Steve Oh talk North Korea, war sensationalization, weapons of mass destruction, Russia sanctions, the appeal of progressive platforms and Kamala Harris.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 23 minutes, 47 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. I’m getting a little turned off at simply bashing the Democrats or the media. It’s easy; Stewart and Colbert did this for years. It’d be nice if the issues were brought up more, like systemic voting fraud, corporate cronyism, and politics screwing over the little guy, like in Flint or with DAPL.

  2. While you guys on the west coast are just waking up and getting coffee, the rest of us here in the East are waiting to watch Jimmy!! Please upload last night’s AP :)

    1. HELLO…it is 8:19 AM in AZ and no POST GAME and no AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVES!!! Look, it is ALMOST impossible to watch ANY of your”tyt” online content LIVE so I look forward to my coffee and TURKS in the morning. How about you hire some folks to upload content with some of that 20 MILLION…WTF!!!!!!!!!

    1. They started at like 630 too without any warning . Said it would start at 7 I come back to the live feed at 650ish and it’s 20 minutes in. Sucks but hopefully it’s up soon.

      1. Just a HEADS -UP…… when TYT treats A.P. FANS with such obvious DISRESPECT in kinda come off as PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE….SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!!!

  3. Why does it take so long for shows to post? I don’t have time to watch the live feeds. I watch the show later to save time because I won’t be waiting through the breaks. The main show is available immediately after initial broadcast. Why can’ t the rest of the shows be available at least the next day?

    1. My thoughts exactly. I love starting my Friday mornings with A.P. It should be a priority for staff to upload it promptly.

    1. You’d think that with the $20 million that TYT just raised, they could let the members know what’s going on with a show. You know, the members that got them there. Just sayin’

    2. yea, like every thursday i just open up the AP tab and set my browser to keep refreshing until the new one pops up

  4. Really, you’re going to apologize for Trump saying he is not the war monger but its the establishment??? According to telesur, monthly drone strikes, yes those terrorist weapons used by the fucking US military, has quadrupled under the fucking racist pig fuck called Trump. Yeah he’s a man of peace and the dems, not republican pig shit, are the problem.

  5. The lesson from Vietnam was to create an all-volunteer military to avoid massive public protests so the military could do whatever it wanted. If one is drafted, you take the unwilling and eventually they are going to protest. If one volunteers, you take the willing and eventually the complaining becomes ignorable!

    About cybersecurity and the 2018 elections: it is the responsibility of the local officials who manage the voting process to find a solution. If machines can be hacked, then ensure there are paper back-ups that can be recounted, as an example. Chertoff and his ilk are not needed. They have had their turn at the wheel; they do not get a second chance to make matters worse!

    Voters voting for Obama because they want change, then vote for Trump over Hillary because they still want change and have not received it yet is a bit simple-minded. Change is like a coin, it has two sides: one happens to be good and the other happens to be bad. Change is not always the same change! If people voted for Obama because of change and after eight years decided the “black messiah” was nothing but a corporate democrat in progressive’s clothing, then perhaps they did not vote for Trump to give them the change they desired and deserved. Perhaps, they figured, “Why should I vote for another corporate Democrat, instead, I’ll vote for the real thing. Let the nation get a good taste of what unbridle oligarchic rule is really like.” They did not vote to drain the swamp; they voted to burn down the house!

    About Moulitsas: it is not that I am uncompromising, it is just that I am not going to give money to any organization that will help elect, yet, another corporate Democrat. I heard, and it may have been from TYT, that Moulitsas does not care what type of Democrat gets elected just as long as it is a Democrat. This may work in horseshoes and handgranades, but it does not work for politicians who are expected to overturn 40 years of economic inequality, among other iniquities. Hey, Markos, look around, the uncompromising extremists are running the country, so it is not really a losing philosophy, now is it?

  6. Wrong. If you don’t try to change the Democratic Party, all you’re going to get is Republican rule. There are two parties and trying to make a third viable can take decades. In Canada on a federal level we have more than 2 parties, but none of the others have ever really done anything. They do in smaller provincial elections, but that’s took a long time even. It’ll be the two major parties who stand a chance at winning, not some new party. Push more a more progressive Democratic party.

  7. This show is a tad off the rails at this point. Anyone who think that not voting for Hillary was a good idea at this point must be insane. There’s the threat of nuclear war, something I am sure she wouldn’t have been pushing for. You folks are so damn pressed at fighting Democrats you apparently are ignoring the crazy incompetence and danger of the Trump administration. I feel the TYT main show is doing a much better job at presenting the issues and what we do to fight them. This type of talk is what some refer to as far-left, and even as a liberal progressive I can see why.

    1. I am not sure who you are directing your comments toward, but I have seen similar comments on these TYT videos before, and they seemed to be aimed squarely at people like me and Jimmy.

      I am not following the progression from Trump threatening nuclear war with North Korea to progressives who voted Stein in California being insane.

      California was a safe state for Hillary. Jimmy voted Stein, and I voted Stein, and the only consequence for our votes was that the Green Party remained an up-and-coming contender to one day replace one of the two defective parties that are currently robbing us all blind while poisoning the entire planet and threatening mayhem.

  8. “Wierd, perverted incentive structure “, to pursue nuclear capability.

    Perfectly descriptive.

    The media is only following its directives.   If any of them speak out in dissent, they’re quickly  ousted and we never get to hear the protest.

    “When did they pass sanctions on us…?”, for actions much worse.  Good question, with an easy answer.

    I always thought that an overriding majority, would be something to celebrate. It puts Executive Power where it belongs. But it doesn’t always work out so well.  Hello, Cold War.

    Good lord, even the French are against this. Holy sht.

    I feel bad for Steve, and all the disillusionment he went through.

    Sometimes you have to wonder, who the enemy really is.  Is it this vague conglomeration of groups and agencies and individuals, that we call ‘the deep state’?  Or is it our own tribalistic psychology?  Ultimately, it’s neither; it’s the environment of sick, childish competitiveness, generated by our market economy.

    When called out,

    The main m.o. of the Democratic Party Cult,
    is to dismiss, deflect and Insult.

    “I don’t think my message got through to her”, but it was a noble effort, Steve Oh.  – but no, you can’t ‘push’ her into holding the right positions.  If she hasn’t taken the right stances yet, then any promises to the contrary, are just BS.

    Good stuff.  I sure am glad that TYT brought Jimmy in, and he’s got good people around him.

  9. Heres the problem Steve… if they dont think they need to barricade you out of the room, or declare you the alt left, you are already part of the problem.

    Kamala Harris is lost brother, give up that dream.

  10. Shame on you. All the talk from Democrats you claim is egging on Trump to provoke Russia got him to thank Putin for expelling 735 of our diplomats. Great logic, appears Trump isn’t listening to Democrats.

    Trump threatened N. Korea with nukes, all by himself.

    1. Heres the problem Steve… if they dont think they need to barricade you out of the room, or declare you the alt left, you are already part of the problem.

      Kamala Harris is lost brother, give up that dream.

    1. I fully agree – make this a 2 hour show so Stef can say many more great things. I like Jimmy’s lengthy statements, but Stef doesn’t get enough air time. We need more Stef’s insights!!

  11. Am I the only one who doesn’t remember when the U.S. “invaded” Libya? How many troops did we send in? I don’t see how we were obligated to defend Gaddafi.

    I don’t disagree that we are in a perpetual state of war to support the military industrial complex.

    1. I can barely remember either, but wasn’t it the ‘Allied’ imposition of a no-fly zone that crippled his military’s stronghold over his people, and tipped the balance of a revolution against him (sufficiently so that no troops were thankfully required)?

      Certainly that went beyond- not ”defend[ing]”‘ him – and into the realms of undermining this authority – and how quickly he was ass raped and killed after that suggests it wasn’t a coincidence!

      (the perpetual state of war to support the military industrial complex is not in question here, but glad you can see that so I won’t say you’re totally wrong )

      the point here -I think – is Kim Jong in NK is terrified to give up his nukes cos then his fate might be the same as the previous dictator-type-guy who did. but if they don’t give them up Team America will destroy N&S Korea & much of Japan…

      1. You are probably right about our assistance in the demise of Gaddafi, but I’m not sure it had anything to do with him giving up his nukes. Gaddafi wasn’t exactly our best friend.

        Until recently, the DPRK didn’t even have an effective nuclear deterrent. They still may not, but I understand why they might want one. Until the U.S. dismantles their nuclear arsenal, I don’t see how we can preach against anyone else having nukes. The argument that Kim Jong Un is an unpredictable militant no longer applies, since we elected our own.

        The U.S. is no more responsible than any other country, so we have no right to attack other countries that do what we have been doing for decades.

        I can’t listen to the AP anymore. It’s like listening to the alt-right extremists. The message is different, but the extreme positions are similar.

        1. The only nuclear powers I have seen fall since getting nuclear weapons were the Soviet bloc nations that eventually turned over their fissile materials to the US for recycling and disposal. Maybe you know of a nuclear power that has undergone a change in government since getting nuclear weapons that was not part of the Soviet bloc, but I am unaware of any. Nuclear weapons are absolutely a predictor of stability.

          Whether Libya fell because of internal strife or not, it is certain that Libya was actively under attack throughout. Libya is a prime target for oil companies wanting to extract oil from deeper within the African continent. It is a prime pipeline route.

    2. It’s almost two months later, but I’d like to add that NK used Libya as an example for not trusting the US when it comes to disarming. So even if it wasn’t an “invasion” on our part, it bolstered NK’s stance, and that’s what matters in this particular issue.

      And as much as I despise the DPRK regime for their atrocious human rights record, I don’t blame them for not wanting to disarm. It would be stupid for them to do so. Especially now, with an unpredictable and unreliable president like Trump, it’s more important that they maintain what level of protection they do have (from their perspective).

  12. Jesus Christ, I thought you guys said Trump would not lead us into war like Hillary? Nice fucking job! Jimmy Dore has lost his fucking mind he is all about trying to save face now that within 6 months of being President Trump might drop a nuclear bomb. Fuck this show!

    1. no, Fuck viewers who don’t listen properly! the narrative is Obama took us from 2 active military conflicts under Bush to 7 (and failed to deliver the ‘progressive’ change the majority of the population support) & Clinton represented more of the same Wall St, Big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex establishment BS

      so the same ppl who were tricked by Obamas message of subverting the ‘deep state’ trope that both party establishments are beholden to the same multinational interests, and u can’t fit a cigarette paper between them – i.e.. no choice in mainstream politics – no democracy – so bow up the system – were also tricked by trump’s lies of a broadly similar nature, albeit a different type of change. to many any difference is better by default than no difference at all

      the fact he is now shown to be a liar who went back on everything he said – whether you agreed with it or not – and also revealed as more of a dangerously egotistical narcissistic demagogue than most predicted (points to Cenk on that one) is not Jimmy & Steve’s fault FFS


    If we invade North Korea it is very possible that China will move in, after, for a land grab. All so it can remain the top consumer/exporter of rare earth minerals (specifically tungsten). This might be a stretch to say, but this might be why China is so silent on the issue. If we don’t invade, they continue to deal with North Korea (with or without UN consent) for rare earth metals. If we do invade, they may have an opportunity to move in and set up shop, like Exxon/BP did in Iraq or Russia did in Berlin and Eastern Europe.

    1. Furthermore, if we attempt a regime change (like with Libya) then we leave a vacuum that could be filled by China. But, if we do a full scale invasion with troops in North Korea, then it is very likely that we allow the expansion of South Korea; who will want to take advantage of these rare earth metals and since China has the refining/mining technologies to extract these metals South Korea will probably contract Chinese companies. I think China knows we have a history of invading other countries, and therefore they just have to sit back and wait.

  14. Does Jimmy realize Trump is President? Jimmy gets so worked up attacking Democrats and making excuses for Trump that sometimes its unclear where he stands. Im glad Steve is on the show. He says the same things Jimmy does, while acknowledging that Trump is not some pure saint.

  15. Bernie should announce Nina Turner as his running mate at the beginning of the primary process. I’d love to see the establishment call him a racist misogynist, then.

  16. We can rant until we die about the DNC, they will NEVER CHANGE.

    The only real choice now is to go to another national party, and make that one replacement for that shit hole DNC.

    Anything else, yes even the Justice Democrats are a waste of time.

    1. Justice democrates have been vetted, but, voting with ANY candidate anointed by the DNC is a HUGE negative (let’s just call it the Hilary effect). I give Bernie (until AFTER the 2018 elections) to give the DNC the middle finger and join the PEOPLES PARTY….whisper of a dream:)

    1. What I mean by don’t sell them is not enough to be a rich nation prosperous and equitable nation, they sell just enough for a arms program and keep the elite happy. (Also it’s not letting the mining companies in no strings attached see Norway for the best model.)

    1. I will never ever vote for Kamala Harris…. here’s my experience with her
      and my take away. She disbarred the lawyer ( when she was AG) I was using to save my home.
      Very publicly with a drum roll for her amazing work.
      Yes he was scum, and deserved it. However, she did nothing, nothing for the
      people who were his clients. Did I say nothing. No money retrieval. No legal guidance.
      She left us high and dry with no access to either the lawyer or a path to recover
      our money. It pushed me into foreclosure.
      That’s when I SAW her. Looking good is job one for her. Working for her constituents
      is not her motivation.

  17. If trump successfully shuts down the mainstream media, though found wanting, we would definitely be better off; Dems are so bad I find myself complimenting republicans just to trigger them. Pox on both houses!

  18. That tweet from Fallon represents exactly why Hillary Clinton lost. If he was behind that attitude in the campaign, he may be thee most responsible person for her losing and Donald Trump being president right now.

    1. How is it that Brian Fallon is still on ‘air’ – his 15 minutes of fame should be over. I know the truth – it’s because the corrupt corporatists will always need someone to shovel their b.s and he’s shovels for the right price.

      Also, Brian knows he is shoveling b.s. and doesn’t care as it doesn’t affect him yet; because he is just a highly paid actor/salesman/charlatan trying to get people to believe in him, or at least, distort our belief systems.

      I agree with Jimmy – Brian and the other guy aren’t doing their b.s. job well anymore and should quit!

  19. Why is it that ever since recently I can’t watch tytnetwork [Live] on my iPad or iPhone? Every time I start a video it just starts buffering but never plays anything, and then when I click the maximize button on the video player, it force closes the browser I’m in regardless of what browser (tried safari and chrome). Is this a technical issue that you guys are planning to fix, with your new $20M investment? Or am I just out of luck?

    1. Lamptey500- I’m experiencing the exact same issues! I hope they address this so we not out of luck:(. Some update on when this will be fixed would be helpful, it was suggested by their support team to watch on YouTube but that doesn’t help when viewing post game and AP….something that should be available for members.

    2. Same thing has been happening to me for Post Game & now AP. Just for the last couple of days. Is it on TYT’s end or is it my internet provider? I have to keep reloading the page to stop the buffering. So then I miss 20-30 seconds of dialogue. It gets frustrating so I turn the damn thing off and then watch the recorded post later on.

      1. I have had to use Chrome on my PC to watch the live show lately. My iPad even has trouble playing some of the recordings too.

        I understand that there are varying levels of encoding that can be used with video, and that various devices are better or worse at decoding. While the very tightest compression saves the most file space, it also puts a greater demand on the decoding device.

        If the hardware is incapable of keeping up, the decoder may not even attempt it. That seems to be what is happening on my iPad. The video plays fine, just not on my iPad.

        They need an expert on these things. Doing an international news show from the garage is getting old.

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