TYT Old School July 27, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan49 Comments

Cenk and Ben talk Scaramucci’s Twitter breakdown, Trump’s shifting cabinet and midterm speculations.

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  1. No.. no i don’t think so; In answer to you final question. Evil is placating insanity, or retroactive forgiveness. Positive Regard; yes, all else feeds the psychosis.

    I find prayer vile. Please don’t talk to yourself, and expect anything at all to happen. If you’re that intent on such things, just try and solve algebra equations by chewing bubble gum.

  2. Very unsettling reading up in here. We go on about how someone can get five deferments or live in their own feces for two weeks to avoid the draft, but how often do we talk about the ones who did go into service for us? How much have we helped them these last 100 years? We are a country without universal health care and one that skimps on care of the veterans who are supposed to see better care than the rest of us.

    The mind is part of the body too, and that is often the first to be damaged in service to the country. Conflict within the barracks and bases is often reported on but hardly ever addressed because mental illnesses receive so little attention or care all over the United States. It’s as if the mentality that gave permission to the old sanitariums and Walter Freeman’s horrific lobotomies has never changed.

    And what about the added dynamics of having a famous father? How would that impact the experience of joining a small, unknown, comfy network that has ballooned into a huge entity that is creating new fame and discomfort?

    It’s not possible for a company to grow without issues, but the good news is Internet based firms have way more leeway to exercise humanity than corporate controlled trad media, mostly thanks to the member support of We The People.

    Despite all the demons Wes has had to battle and continues to fight in his life, he has given us at TYT and at Standing Rock incredible, awesome gifts. Many would say the greatest gift he has given to us were all the sacrifices he made for us in service to his country. Of course we have loved him here on Old School and elsewhere on TYT; we have learned so much from him. We The People cannot thank him enough. Supporting him and his family via prayers for the faith-based among us, via positive, healing thoughts and vibes for the secular and atheist among us, would be a good idea, don’t you think?

  3. It’s pretty obvious Wes has had a breakdown they are limited by the law of HIPPA which is privacy for people who are having emotional problems just because it happened on social media does not give this channel or any other channel the right or the legal right to speak on this issue . I have it on good sources that he is being helped loved and cared for. I will not speak on it as to how I know or why I know it is no one’s business I will not refute anything anyone is saying just to say he’s in good Hands and there is nothing Nefarious happening or has happened. If you’re so goddamn curious about his writings or anything else feel free to wait and see from other publications what stories may or may not come out of it. It’s a pretty good guess that if I am SM has not picked it up in order to crucify the young turks then the situation is medical.

  4. On paying for medicare for all: how about employees and employers pay into it just like they do for employer based healthcare with the money instead going into a medicare fund? In addition, tax all incomes over $250,000 at a flat 2.5% to cover additional costs. Maybe a 7% tax on derivatives and stock trading…just saying it may be a start

    1. @TTDM – Spot on. A lot of it could be funded by payroll taxes with most of the tax burden allocated to employers. Because of the cost savings opportunities (Rx pricing, administrative overhead, shift away from fee-for-service to value-based reimbursement systems, etc.) the tax rate could be significantly below what employers are currently spending and it would relieve them of the impossible task of trying to manage health care costs. It’s a classic win-win. Well, not for the drug companies or other price-gouging providers. It could be argued that it would be attractive to insurers as well, if they win claims administration contracts or are able to offer alternative plans as with Medicare Advantage.

  5. I highly recommend The Fight for The Four Freedoms by Harvey Kaye, the guy Ben was talking about. Exceptional history of New Deal progressivism.

  6. Speaking of twitter breakdowns, is anyone at the Young Turks going to address the Wes Clark Jr. kerfuffle any time soon? It’s been close to a week since he started his unhinged conspiratorial ravings, and there’s been zero mention of it by any of the hosts despite the fact that it’s gotten a lot of attention from many TYT viewers, especially on social media. I assume a decision was made early-on that no one engage Wes in order to prevent a social media brawl that could very easily spiral out of control. In that vein, TYT is probably waiting for the dust to settle before broaching the issue so that they don’t end up with egg on their faces. Either that, or they might be limited in their course of action out of caution in light of the fact that Wes actually reported Cenk to the FBI. Either or both scenarios are possible and at the same time understandable.

    That being said, I hope they actually address it with the viewers at some point instead of maintaining a wall of silence indefinitely. Cenk, Ana, Michael Wood Jr., and Ben all especially have to address it since they have known Wes the longest and/or he mentioned them by name in his social media posts. TYT has to broach the issue at some point with the viewers (or at least discuss it with one another on the show) because continued silence would result in Wes controlling the narrative and could also arouse suspicion.

    I write this while being fully aware of the fact that any sort of public exposition by TYT to counter Wes’ ramblings could seem like a no-win scenario similar to an innocent spouse trying to answer the question “So, how many times a week do you beat your wife?”. However, they have to at least broach the issue at some point to clear the air, and they can do that in a way that doesn’t give credence to Wes Clark Jr.’s rantings.

    For example, they can talk about their attempts to get Wes professional help and explain what possibly caused his outbursts while giving their side of the story. Either way, something’s gotta give at some point because all of us members and viewers are waiting for the elephant in the room to be acknowledged.

    1. It would be a terrible idea to address the mental breakdown of a former guest host on the show. This is definitely not an issue to be discussed in public. Addressing this doesn’t settle it or solve anything. There is nothing to gain here; and with a psychologically unstable person this can spiral out of control really bad.

      TYT should handle it via lawyers and in consultation with the authorities like the FBI and L. A. Police. We are talking about a veteran and gun owner with PTSD who had a religious awakening and now thinks God is talking to him and that he is God’s sword in the dark End Days, because humanity will end in seven years and stuff like that. This is not a “kerfuffle” or the usual social media bullshit. Brace for impact, these movies usually don’t end well. Every public statement would only add fuel to the fire.

      1. It is very relevant when he is saying he has discussed Cenk and TYT with the FBI! Also he says he has seen a few doctors and they all have said he is no threat to anybody and seems sane. It is not a small allegation he is making, and he is not Alex Jones who has a history of coming up with random BS.

    2. The mental well being of Wes is his family and friends concern. Theres no need for them to address it on this show, because its wholly irrelevant and frankly none of our business.

      That aside, can you imagine on a personal level how this must feel to the team at TYT. A long time friend and ally of the show, is clearly going through a difficult time and lashing out. I cant imagine the heartache this is causing them. But I do know that absolutely nothing positive would come from them addressing it on the show.

      If Wes found out the show was having a conversation about his mental well being on air, I can only imagine that would aggravate the situation exponentially.

      Just keep Wes in your thoughts and hold out hope that he gets the help he needs and this can be a crazy story he can share with us on Old School.

      1. Most excellent observation. I can only imagine the torment and helplessness of friends and family. I share your wish for a peaceful and well WES!

    3. My god, I had no idea what was going on. I don’t follow Wes on Twitter but decided to go and take a look. You’re right, it definitely seems like he is in the middle of some sort of breakdown. Suddenly turning extremely religious and attacking Cenk. Scary stuff. I agree with a lot of the commenters that TYT probably doesn’t need to make a public comment (too much drama), but hopefully they are working behind the scenes to reach out and make sure he gets the help he needs.

  7. At least Ben recognizes that he is the anti-Nostradamus of the left (same as Bill Kristol is on the right).

    1. Great points Holger and goatku. You’re both absolutely correct, any public hashing out of the whole situation would make Wes’ condition infinitely worse in a number of ways and potentially complicate legal matters.

      On a side note, I’m not sure Wes owns firearms. I’ve heard him mention a couple of times on old school that he’s completely against owning firearms and having them in his home. That could have changed very recently, but I recall him saying not too long ago that he doesn’t own any guns. I sincerely hope he doesn’t for his safety and the safety of others.

      He’s certainly in my thoughts and I hope he finds the help and healing he needs.

  8. Hank Stram only said “matriculate the ball down the field” during Super Bowl II (which the championship game wasn’t even named yet) because he was mic’d up. The Chiefs players, who didn’t know Stram was mic’d at the time, were puzzled as to why he was speaking so out of character

  9. I enjoy Old School best when it’s just Cenk and Ben. It’s the closest I can get to hearing their old radio show.

  10. The eyeglass thing is true. Check out how much Luxottica owns the market. There is almost no competition in the eyeglass industry.

  11. Wes’ account wasn’t hacked. He posts selfies in real time, by request, when people question his identity.

    Regardless of what you think of his religious conversion, Wes doesn’t lie. At least ask yourself why you’re willing to be so blindly loyal to some pundit on a shiny screen? You might believe something nefarious is going on in the CIA or a conspiracy took place at the DNC, but this jolly fat pundit couldn’t possibly be lying or have an agenda? Why? Just because he sounds friendly and sincere?

    One small example — how many times have you been forced to auto-listen to TYT commercials, brainwashing their audience that the network is entirely member funded? “TYT is funded by our members! It’s all about you! We love you! By the people, for the people! blah blah”

    Has Cenk ever disclosed to the audience that Buddy Roemer firm invested $4 million in TYT?
    Does he ever bring up that fact? Why not? Do you know who else is funding them? What do you really know about how this organization functions and what their goals are? Be careful cheer-leading for some remote personality you’ve become attached to. People lie. Even people who look friendly.

    1. “Wes doesn’t lie.” In his rant Wes claimed TYT’s position is that Hillary is the same as Trump and that TYT ignored the Russia hacking story. I mean anyone that has spent anytime at all watching this show knows that is blatant lie. If anything the opposite is true and they have over covered the Russia story.

      He also makes numerous assertions without any evidence including claiming a TYT reporter is an agent for Putin and that Micheal Wood embezzled funds from the water protectors. If you want me to believe insane shit like that you are going to have to show some significant proof, which is the same standard I would apply to any claim like that.

      1. @Steven Meincke
        That’s why it’s so hard to believe it’s really Wes. I mean, even some network colleagues like Jordan Chariton have said Cenk and/or the main show covered Russia too much for their liking.

        Plus Wes’ allegations that Michael Wood Jr (I don’t even like him) took 400,000$ from fundraising money, that Cenk is a double or triple agent, that Cenk sent a helicopter to monitor Wes at home etc. All of this – along with the religious savior stuff – is completely bananas mixed with Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. This almost makes Alex Jones look balanced like the Dalai Lama.

  12. Texan here, and all I gotta say is that I’m pumped to start walking blocks for Beto. I will do absolutely everything in my power to get him elected.

    1. Same here, but he desperately needs easier means to spread awareness. Look him up on YouTube or his website and it’s Spartan. Hope he becomes a Justice Democrat.

  13. Ok so as someone who doesn’t check their feed often I wasn’t aware of the ongoing confusion about Wes (or his accounts). As a casual browser of these comments it looks like a drive by trolling of Wes, out of context. You’ll occasionally get accounts who drop some really nasty stuff in these comments and I assumed it was one of those attacks. I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

  14. First, Wes is NOT in this video. Anything anyone is claiming he said is FALSE. Second, the URL Faukwilliam claims is Wes’s profile is actually a Facebook Page, you know like a Page for a business that anyone can make. You can spot the difference because actual profiles don’t have legible names in them (source: https://knowledgebase.constantcontact.com/guides/KnowledgeBase/6069-find-the-url-for-a-facebook-profile-or-business-page).

    So sorry TYT crew for playing into the jag-hole’s game and responding, but I would at least like to correct the record for anyone skimming the comments. Great Old School. And don’t forget, when you go high, they go troll.

    1. I am not trolling or spreading misinformation. I *HOPE* Wes’ account is being faked or is hacked. I really enjoy Wes’ input on Old School, and am genuinely worried about him. Look at all his social media accounts.

    2. Awaidmann,

      If you type in Facebook.com/wesclarkjr, it brings up his FB page where the post referenced by Faukwilliam IS there, currently near the top of his page.

      People below weren’t saying Wes was in the video and saying any of this; they’re referencing his Twitter and Facebook feeds, which Wes is filling up with those comments about religion and secret agendas. I’ve seen a bunch of people commenting about Wes in most of the videos’ comments sections this week. Not that it does much good – many of the comments just come across like gossip. If he’s mentally ill, it could take years to get him to recognize that and begin to stabilize… so it’s definitely sad for him and any of the friends/family who care about him.

      TYT will address it if/when they know something official and if/when it seems appropriate to do so. Which could mean soon, or never.

    3. I totally missed the whole thing with Wes Clark Jr. and just read across his last tweets he posted during this week. He has lost his fucking mind:

      “I’m just doing what God tells me”
      “He [God] simply makes me Know things.”
      “I don’t hear a voice or see anything. He [God] just makes me instantly know things and I obey the instructions.”
      “Because I watch and I can see patterns in reality that others don’t notice. God operates through synchronicity and not magic.”
      “I found out the truth.”
      “Found out some disturbing stuff and Cenk threatened to have me framed for my wife’s murder if I told anyone, I posted about it on Monday.”

      And he reported Cenk to the FBI.

      Look at his new pictures on Twitter. The beard, the empty stare in his eyes… Even after years of TYT I would NOT have recognized Wes anymore. That isn’t the empathic person who went to Standing Rock anymore. Man, this is some SCARY transformation. He now looks like a lunatic powder keg. And he’s a former veteran with PTSD. This is not going to end well…

  15. I am worried about wes as well, and I hope he has people in his life looking out for him. His social media posts have made whatever issues he is having pretty public. His posts have been increasingly hyper religious and paranoid. I work in mental health and see this sort of thing all the time. I don’t know what his relationship is like with his father, but I actually emailed him about my concern. Probably won’t matter even if he actually reads it lol, but I felt like I had to do something. Feel bad for the guy and hope he gets some help. Loved hearing his thoughts and stories on old school, hope to again one day.

  16. wow wes really is taking this paranoia and running with it.. insinuating that cenk is some sort of spy and he’s been hacking his employees.. this is seriously out of hand woah
    was never really a fan of his anyway. its just sad to see someone reporting converstations with cooworkers/friends, that he thinks are suspicious, to the fbi with no evidence whatsoever.
    no need to bring god into it.
    u say u have no fear, when actually you are afraid of alot of things, i guess u dont believe in god as much as u think

  17. And yeah Wes went after Michael wood jr… As if Michael, the guy who blew the whistle on corruption in the Baltimore police is going to randomly decide to start embezzling money from his fellow veterans. Wes get your shit together, you are the problem.

    1. It seems like Wes has serious psychosis or is doing a social experiment. His heart seems to be still in the right place, but his mind is confused. I hope he gets help.

  18. Wes really lost it. Frequently tweets about how god talks to him and now this revelation that he’s completely paranoid and making up bullshit to smear TYT. It’s really sad.

    1. On Twitter Wes has said that God gave him the power to call back all the love that God has given to people that Wes doesn’t agree with. Its some fucked up shit, definitely mental health issue, I really really hope he finds his way out of this before he hurts himself or others. He said if his wife or father didn’t approve of what he was saying and doing he wouldn’t care anyway because God is talking to him. That right there is what scares me and should scare everyone who cares about him. This kind of rapid personality change is the telltale sign of severe emotional trauma or serious mental illness.

  19. Wow Wes turned out to be a NARC willing to sell out his friends to the FBI based only on his own paranoid delusions. I hope he gets some help.

  20. Anyone know what is going on with Wes Clark Jr? He made the following post:

    “First, let me say I know a thing or two about information warfare. I watched the former Yugoslavia descend into murder and mayhem, I watched Syria descend into murder and mayhem, I watched Russia pull apart former Soviet Republics, most notably Ukraine, and I watched Erdogan accumulate power for years, his final act being a phony coup which has allowed him to round up and execute enemies.
    The first thing to understand about information warfare is that it is useless unless the hostile party funds both the left and the right, for civil disorder and intrastate violence is always the goal in weakening the opponent. Our election was hacked last fall. One of the key players, Michael Flynn, worked for both Russia and Turkey.
    I called Cenk Uygur on June 13, 2017 to report my fears that one of his reporters might be wittingly or unwittingly involved in the messaging to set up a false flag attack on the United States later this year in order to save Trump’s Presidency. Cenk told me he was on a plane in Milan, Italy about to take off for Istanbul and that he would not return to the United States until 21 June 2017. My first question was, “How can Cenk freely move in and out of Turkey when only days earlier Erdogan tried to extradite from Romania an Oklahoma NBA player for things his father said about the Turkish regime?”
    I was followed by 4 Wolf Pac bots in the next 72 hours and it got me thinking. My computer also began updating itself every 24 hours with a Turkish language app I have never downloaded and I cannot remove or find on my computer. I started to think about foreign agents and the easiest way to recruit and control them is through vices. Cenk told me shortly before we shot an Old School episode in the fall of 2016 that he’d lost close to $20,000.00 in a single night of gambling in Las Vegas – this stuck in my head because it is greater than the cumulative pay Cenk rewarded me with over 14 years of working with the Young Turks and angered me because they pay their employees a pittance while braying about income inequality.
    Cenk moved to the US at the age of 8 or 9 and travels back and forth to Turkey, where his father owns a successful business, at will. Why is the show called The Young Turks, a group that pioneered ethnic cleansing and genocide in the 20th Century and from which the Nazi’s drew much of their inspiration? Why is Cenk’s political action committee, supposedly created to overturn Citizen’s United, called Wolf PAC?
    I began researching these things online and quickly came across an article written by Common Cause President Karen Hobart Flynn on April 6th, 2017. I know what an organized troll attack to discredit others looks like as I’ve been the victim of a few myself and it was obvious that Common Cause came under attack for this article everywhere online. It is listed below.
    I spoke with Karen Hobart Flynn and a couple staffers from Common Cause a few weeks later and she told me that Cenk had told her any attack on Wolf PAC was a “declaration of war.”
    The messaging language on the Young Turks is rather consistent – do not pay attention to the mainstream press (organizations that fail to deliver the truth consistently but nonetheless have actual reporters rather than simply reporting on stories they’ve found on Reddit each day), do not pay attention to claims of Russian interference in the election, Hillary is the same as Trump, accusations of a “deep state” operating in the United States (Erdogan’s propagandists made similar claims before that liar staged a false coup).
    Then I began to wonder where Young Turks gets its money from. Out in the open is the $4 million loan convertible to equity that Buddy Roemer, former governor of Lousiana put into TYT. They also receive support from members of Nexus, an organization for inherited wealth with a worldwide membership set to inherit trillions of dollars in the next decade. Not out in the open is the source of the anonymous donations, which I believe contain laundered money but I have no concrete proof.
    I googled Turk and Wolf which brought up the Grey Wolves, a pan-Turkic terror organization funded by drug money. Remember the guy that pulled out a pistol and shot and killed a Russian diplomat in Turkey in the fall of 2016 in an art gallery on live TV? That was Erdogan doing Putin a favor.
    I reported these concerns to the FBI, Congressman Ro Khanna and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on 17 June 2017 because, despite my disagreements with many of our government policies, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies – foreign and domestic.
    While Cenk was still in Turkey, I met with Ana Kasparian and some of the investigators on the Kathleen Bennett case – which implicates Michael A Wood jr in paying mercenaries that jailed an innocent Lakota woman at Standing Rock but also provided proof that Michael kept for himself over $400,000.00 in funds raised to help Water Protectors. Ana was not allowed to run the story on Young Turks.
    On 3 July 2017, my wife left the house to get a manicure around 4:30 in the afternoon. Fifteen minutes later Cenk called and thirty seconds after that an OH-58 Scout helicopter with mustard, gold and white trim hovered over my house. I know what an OH-58 looks like because I was in 2/7 Cavalry and 1-10 Cavalry and we had them in our unit – although in the 90s ours didn’t have the big ball above the rotor blade or on the bottom of the hull that collects electronic intercepts like this one did.
    Despite the sound of the chopper, Cenk denied hearing it and suggested I was seeing things. He then proceeded to tell me that:
    1. Cenk didn’t know who told me about the gambling loss in Vegas but that people were spreading malicious rumors about him. I always find it amusing when a liar tells me I didn’t hear something that came from their own mouth.
    2. Wolf PAC had nothing to do with an Article V convention and that Common Cause was a tool of the “elite” and “Clintonites” both of which I know to be false.
    3. Cenk claimed he didn’t know what Grey Wolves even are, which is about as believable as an Alabaman telling you they never heard of the KKK.
    4. Cenk said three times that he was worried I was so paranoid I might “accidentally” murder my wife.
    Needless to say I reported this encounter to the FBI as well. I will not be intimidated. I will not be terrorized. I have no fear because God is with me.
    Tremble before the Lord because has given me a sword in my mouth – the sword of Truth.”


    1. This long text is riddled with inaccuracies (“Young Turks” as a show referring to the Armenian Genocide), conjectures (Wolf-PAC bots, Turkish malware, and Helicopters are following and monitoring Wes) and assertions (Ana not allowed to do segments). If it’s really Wes Clark Jr., he is suffering from a massive mental breakdown. To be honest, I was terrified that the most non-religious person (based on the stories and anecdotes he told) I’ve ever seen in left-leaning political YouTube videos had a religious awakening last November. This is a red flag for me and points to some serious psychological condition.

      Most of the stuff in this long text has been addressed a gazillion times on the show by Cenk and others: the name of the show, the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian Genocide (didn’t Cenk spoke with Wes on Old School about this issue last September? It’s not that long ago. Plus another Old School episode this year with Cenk and Mark Thompson), the origin of the PAC called “Wolf-PAC, the investment by Republican Buddy Roemer a couple of years ago, why TYT can’t pay its employees a lot of money and they critizise income inequality nonetheless etc. Wes Clark Jr. knows all of this. This can’t be him, or his PTSD he has spoken about in the last 10-15 years has finally caught up on him.

    2. Poor Wes. He has admitted on the show that he’s suffered from PTSD while serving in the military. I do hope that he gets the help he needs. Even if he’s never back on the show, I wish him and his family the best in their lives. It breaks my heart to read some of the crazy stuff he’s posted but he’s mentally ill and we can’t judge the poor guy.

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