TYT Hour 1 July 20, 2017

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan44 Comments

Ana and Mark Thompson. Trump NYT interview throws everyone under the bus. Trump doesn’t know the basics of insurance. Special counsel Mueller looking into Trump business transactions. John McCain diagnosed with brain cancer. WH plans to roll back EPA regulations. Baltimore cop records himself planting drugs on body cam.


  1. Isn’t it wonderful that John McCain has a taxpayer funded cadillac senate health care plan that allows him to be treated at the Mayo Clinic, and receive the best healthcare our country offers. I hope they get him healthy quickly so he can go vote to take away the already limited options for the poor and middle class in this country to get even the most basic, life-saving care.

    No, actually, I hope he realizes that he is super fortunate to be a politician in this country, and that if taxpayer funded care is good enough for him, it’s good enough for the entire damn country, so that we no longer have single mothers having to decide between paying for their own chemo or feeding their kids that week. And if he does make it back to work, I hope he dedicates the rest of his time to helping those less fortunate than he is. Because the ever famous Joe the Plumber would not have been able to get the same care he just did for his cancer.

  2. I agree. We can only hope that Cenk or Steve Oh read these comments. The new hires could all d be used on the main sho from time to time..

  3. Seems like Trump i thinking Life insurance instead of medical insurance here.
    The premium is probably right and true enough if you keep paying at the end you have a nice plan.

  4. I wonder if you asked McCain’s victims he murdered in Vietnam, the women and children and non-combatants he bombed to smitherines, whether they would hold him up in such high regard as y’all do?

    1. Oh for shit sake, he was a soldier, following orders, as part of the military, he had no fucking choice really once he was in. The choice was to enter the military or not, but McCain was in the military since 1955m a time at which no one was heading for Canada to avoid the draft.

      When judging McCain you have to have context, when he entered the military soldiers were seen as HEROES! Then the years at Annapolis, then actual military service when everyone believed in the government and it’s intentions. McCain BELIEVED in what he was doing because at the time almost everyone in the military believed in the intent of the Government.

      You paint with much too broad a brush.

      1. Too broad a brush, I might have to agree… though I think there is room for both takes on this: it is important to acknowledge historically all the shit our imperialistic foreign policy and the military industrial complex are guilty of, and as a result, it is fair to criticize those who currently love McCain as McCain shouldn’t really get points for being a tool of the state. Now, more specifically, does McCain himself deserve criticism? As a young man joining the military in 1955? Probably not so much. As an old man who now is one of the old fuckers who sends other young people off to fight corporate wars? Oh for shit sake, yes.

      2. as if US involvement in Vietnam was such a fucking honorable endeavor in American history, and yes they all have a choice and this fucking trollip definitely had a choice. Hero my fucking ass. Americans are so fucking brainwashed when it comes to the God Damned military and wars of choice they choose to take part in.

  5. Camera always on obviously are you insane!
    A traumatized abused woman could not care if the autocam records as long as she knows the tape is placed in a vault, unwatched. Giving her the opportunity to maybe use it in a courtcase.
    Regulation people. How is it posible that close to no-one in the US understands how this works, when it works in almost all developped nations?

  6. Here’s the problem with the way the media/corporate Dems handle Trump in one poll:

    The problem is not and never has been if and how you cover Russia,
    the problem is what are you also covering, or not covering?

    The argument made so often is that we can walk the walk and talk the talk, but do we?
    We have a president who is establishment through and through, who bathes in corruption and the blood of innocent, a war criminal, but people only care about his personal characteristics. Well, his racism, misogony, islamophobia etc. are personal characteristics you might think, yet only 3% care about that, 29% care about him “not being presidential” (whatever that actually means). Remember the whole “decorum” thing? Don’t try to tie this to Republicans only, Dems are pretty good at that too “oh you murdered innocent civilians? Don’t care as long as you speak soft and quietly and wear the right clothing”.

    That’s the problem with the media’s handling of the Trump presidency –
    Cenk and John both said that at least now they’re being “real journalists” because they attack Trump. I would be 100% on board with this if they after asking question after question about Don Jr.s meeting another day question after question about Saudi-Arabia, next day Yemen, next day healthcare, next day conflicts of interest with China, next day white phosphorus in Syria etc etc etc, but they don’t. Why?

  7. Ana is right about one thing w/the Russia thingey …

    Democrats & DNC need to STFU about the emails.
    Because then people are REMINDED that the emails were about the corruption in the DNC.

    Follow the money, Lebowski.
    And Dems, could you for god’s sake…. PLEEZE come up w/a message other than … “We’re Not Trump.”
    Cuz that’s setting the bar waaaaaaaaay low on how shitty the Dems are.

    As I’m typing, Ana goes on a whiny Sorry – I’m – gonna – talk – about – Russia rant.
    Well, Ana, maybe people wouldn’t be so pissed if you didn’t take up half the 1st Hour with Trump & Russia and there’s only 51 mins in that “Hour” to begin with!

  8. Why I am I not surprised by the number of people here who still shit on TYT for reporting on the Russian affair developments and ridicule every development in it insisting that there is nothing wrong?

    Trump is going fast down the rabbit hole. His interview sent the signal to the AG to resign or fire Mueller and the AG won’t because he knows he can’t fire Mueller, none of Mueller’s bosses will fire him either and if he found someone who will he will find himself without a job immediately afterwards.

    This is how Watergate spun out of control and it seems that this will happen here too. The problem is Robert Bork was rewarded by the republicans with a Supreme Court seat nomination in which every “moderate” republican voted for.

    Things are getting more and more interesting.

    1. “Why I am I not surprised by the number of people here who still […]”

      What number of people? You mean 0?

      There is literally not a single comment “here” on this page that would suggest, let alone “insist” “that there is nothing wrong” with Russia or “still shit on TYT for reporting on the Russian affair developments and ridicule every development in it”?

      Nothing. Nada. Zero.

      1. Yeah, I am confused too when Cenk goes off the rails and says “for those who think there is nothing going on with Russia – even some great people who work at TYT – you are dead wrong!!!” As far as I can tell – Jimmy included – no one is saying, “don’t investigate, there is nothing there.” Rather many people are saying, “let’s be sober about this, let’s investigate for sure, BUT make sure that the media doesn’t turn into a shit show circus…let’s be sure to cover OTHER things that BOTH parties right now are fucking up.”

  9. ok… Just because the man is dying that does not excuse the horrible things he has done, He is ill, he is going to die. We all will. He is also a terrible man, and a destructive politician. Let’s not praise his, ‘honor’, and forget his divisive, hateful, and destructive actions.

  10. side note

    Mark is usually not in that camp, but there is a tendency on TYT (maybe especially on the main show) to, instead of appreciating the nuances and complexities of the world and digging deeper for a deeper understanding, taking a complex issue and trying hard to cut off the edges to fit it into a simplistic narrative. That’s getting more and more annoying. It’s on par with the fact that even though I like Ana and respect her opinions on most issues, yet whenever she says the phrase “I got humbled” it’s never anything she did wrong, it’s always about being naive about how horrible XYZ is or XYZ’s deeds are. John and Ana in particular seem not only have a disdain for Tracey, but it feels like more people on TYT Politics (even though all of them are doing great work over there an diverse issues – no one is only concentrated on one issue), but I’m not even sure anymore if they’re angry at them for their stance on Russia, or if they criticize their Russia coverage because they have some personal beef with them. First they criticize people for calling other people shills and hacks, then they proceed calling them “only motivated by fame and Patrons on Patreon”. It’s just little digs, but it happens over and over and over again on almost every show. It’s getting annoying and frustrating…

    1. Thanks for pointing this out. So far as motivations for Ana and John to take digs at the folks over at TYT Politics… here are three:

      1) The TYT Politics crew are real journalists, while Ana and John are not.

      2) The TYT Politics crew were hired because they ALREADY had respected reputations and achievements they earned the old-fashioned way, writing and investigating for other news outlets and publications. Whereas Ana and John have their jobs because, as young newbies with no resumes or job experience, they were willing to come work at the bottom for near-free. (I’m not slamming that, I’m just pointing out that no one at TYT was setting off fireworks because “OMG! we got Ana Kasparian to come work here!” — she was hired because she was willing to work for peanuts and available for an off-hour shift that needed filling. Given her giant ego and self-centeredness, it must have been grating to hear Cenk praise the new-hires to the roof and brag on what a great coup it was for TYT to hire them (and he’s right).)

      3) The TYT Politics crew have real-world experience in politics, whereas Ana and John just sift through articles written by other people and then read those aloud on air.

      Given the huge investment in the great new talent now working for TYT, I wish we could see the new hires on the main show, covering the new original stories that they have uncovered. I can read The Guardian myself. I don’t need to listen to Ana read it aloud, mispronouncing the bigger words.

  11. Maybe criticizing Trump specifically for not supporting the Kurds in Syria, the most consequent force against the IS and Assad, would be more helpful than saying “withdrawing support from the groups we supported helps Russia”. Putin is as opposed to the Kurds as to any other Syrian rebels, but it would also challenge Saudi-Arabia, Turkey and the political establishment in Washington. You can make a direct Trump connection using the Michael Flynn story about stopping a military action against ISIS on behalf of Erdogan.

    The problem with the rebels the US supported sop far is that most of them are Saudi backed Salafi Wahabi terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and al-Nusra front. “Withdrawing support from those groups” helps Russia, but it also happens to help America … and humanity.

    1. Problem with the Kurds is that they are 5% of the Syrian citizenry and 10% if we include those who were denied citizenship by the Older Assad because they were refugees from Turkey. Also we should mention the fact is that everyone hates them and Sunnis would rather live in a shia theocracy than the PKK-PYD communist utopia.

      They did little to convince the majority Arab in their area to join them and threatened numerous times to stop fighting if the US established Awakening Council style tribal militias because they know what those council militias did in Iraq and know what they will do in Syria and the Kurds will lose.

  12. More Russophobia from Ana Kasparian. She opposes the travel ban against Muslims but endorses the housing ban against Russians. Why? Because they’re Russian. So woke.

    1. What ever your definition of “that dumb” is, the answer is yes. I fully expect that getting dressed every morning is a half hour operation for Trump, unless he plans it out in advance before he goes to bed. This guy is at the really dim 10% end of the IQ bell curve.

    2. Yeah.

      He just basically screamed “I am guilty” which will count even if it turns out he is not; a prospect diminishing by the minute.

  13. Honestly, not to belittle that situation, but I don’t think the presence of body cameras is going to be nearly the first thing on a rape victim’s mind in such a situation. It’s a pretty weak argument against them.

  14. Ana’s constant derision of “the left”, who she generally refers to as “some people”, is incredibly misinformed (by her comment section, apparently) and purposely sans nuance, especially when concerning the whole Russia thing

    1. I share your frustration. The main show hosts’ adopted political function is to corral their audience behind the democratic wing of the two-party system. I think of the main show as NPR for teenagers. Cenk’s jingoism is especially aggravating: “If there’s a cease fire in Syria, then Russia wins! And Trump let that happen!” TYT should give international humanitarianism a try.

    2. I’m curious, how would you describe the FAR left’s views on the way TYT covers the ongoing developments in the Russia investigation? I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of arguments on twitter regarding this. How is Ana misinformed? How is it purposely sans nuance? Explain your position, please.

      1. It’s mixed with obvious jabs against other TYT hosts without naming them or searching for common ground, I think that’s what makes it annoying. Cenk used to say that TYT is like a camp fire, that people come together, share their opinions, evolve. These days we have Aggressive Progressives, we have TYT Politics and the Main Show. And it feels like 3 different centers of opinion (even though TYT Politics is actually the most diverse in terms of opinion) – but the arguments never actually get contested. They never have the different POVs actually clash and then forcing the hosts to come up with answers to arguments of the other side. It may not be conscious and I’m pretty positive it’s not nefarious or hack or shill, but the truth is that all sides seem to misrepresent the other sides views and arguments. It’s frustrating because there is no one on TYT, not even MT who thinks Putin is A OK or Russia can’t do anything wrong, or Cenk, Ana, John are hacks or whatever or try to smear hosts for fame or personal enrichment or because they’re eyeing on a job interview. Yet I hear that as introduction to disagreement on Russia over and over and over again and Ana is among the leading voices in this. On the other hand she sometimes out of nowhere says things that don’t even sound like her, more like Cenk used that Arya trick on her face and is speaking right through her…

        1. That isn’t completely true. Tracey was recently on a TYT power panel and there was a very healthy, robust and respectful discussion on Russia.

          1. Tracy was great on that power panel, but I would not say it was “recently” — feels like a lifetime ago. So much ignorant bile from Ana and John has flowed under the bridge since then, as they must heap criticism upon the new hires who are SO MUCH more qualified, knowledgeable and experienced than they are.

          2. I usually just use Tracey as an extreme example, because he is a polarizing figure.
            I know it’s hard to realize, but could you imagine power panels with Ryan Grim, Dylan Ratigan/David Sirota, Andrew Jones, Jordan Chariton, Nomiki Konst, Emma, Naomi in combination with/juxtaposed to Cenk, Ben, Mark, John and Ana? I could throw Michael Shure in there as well.

            That would be a whole other ball game!

            Or throw in Dave, Malcolm, Steve – all of that would be epic!
            And none of those panels would end up being on the quality level of an average TYT main show and I guarantee the arguments would be better/more nuanced, more diverse POVs etc.

            And I love the main show, but the new people at TYT Politics, even the ones I disagree with/the moments I disagree with them are awesome (some literally), they do amazing work on a different level. (Even) Ratigan’s 2:30min videos are a highlight every time.

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