TYT Old School July 13, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan31 Comments

David Koller and Malcom Fleschner talk children’s museums, Sen. Joe Manchin, TYT fans and local radio.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 2 minutes, 0Volume 90%
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  1. Totally loved it!

    You were both very entertaining, love you. I hope you do get to see that comment because I very much appreciated this episode of TYT Old School, without the famous Cenk.

    I was on vacation when you filmed the episode so now I am catching up at work (I save TYT content to listen to at work , and that is the only way I survive my job. So no TYT during vacation.)

  2. Dave seems to be the only one able to consistency call out some of Cenk’s issues, which makes me happy because I’ve been really noticing them a lot lately. He does have an obsession with labeling people, setting up and then enforcing criteria for ‘his’ people versus ‘their’ people. It often seems like you need to hold very particular opinions 100% of the time or it’s a problem. He also goes on to constantly character attack and strawman those he considers to be his ideological opponents while acting holier than thou with his side… when in reality both sides are extremely flawed.

    IIRC Kyle had to talk him down from this with Justice Democrats, where he wanted stringent consistency in positions and Kyle wanted to be more ideologically open with political positions outside of money in politics.

    Now don’t get me wrong. I like the guy. He just needs to be way less dogmatic.

  3. To the radio and “hearing a certain song” thing. I am kind of in the middle (like a lot of people my age). I grew up with the radio, hell I remember trying to record songs off the radio to make mix tapes. But I am also young enough that I hate radio now after so many years with “better” technology. I do agree with something being lost. My discovery of new music has gone WAY down which I consider a very bad thing. Not only that but even with listening to random pandora stations it is very rare for me to be like “oh hell yeah I haven’t heard this song in months”. I’m stuck between preferring the way things are now but understanding the benefits of what I had when I was younger

    1. Joe Manchin is a disgrace to my state…he calls himself a moderate Democrat…he’s no less than a Reagan type Republican which he tries to deny feverously. I hope Paula Jean Swearengin takes him down in a way to surprise him that you dared the people to replace you. I want to be the one to sayTHEY REPLACED YOU ASSHOLE!!!

  4. 90 degrees is a hotter temperature than 60 degrees. I don’t see why its wrong to say that 90 is hotter than 60 as opposed to higher. Yes, the number 90 is higher than 60 so that’s another way to express the difference.

  5. Great show, thanks guys. That said… was disappointed Dave did not get to discuss SHATTERED as I was really curious to know how response to it.

    Here’s what struck me the most — we know them, but they don’t know us. Allow me to explain.

    As a political news junkie, I was already familiar with all the events in the book, but it was fascinating to re-live those events from the perspective of the Clinton inner circle. As someone who lived and worked among Hollywood elites for many years (and that of course includes Ivy League elites who have taken over running studios), I was totally familiar with the mindset and attitudes and above all, the arrogance, of the Clinton team.

    The authors were insiders who knew the Clintons and their team intimately and told the unvarnished truth about the good, the bad and the ugly behind the scenes in Clintonworld. But when it came to Bernie Sanders… OMG, the difference. The authors’ prejudice was almost undoubtedly a mirror of how everyone in Clintonworld felt about Bernie and his followers, and it was very revealing.

    They had nothing but contempt for “crazy Bernie” and their anger towards him at the end was a reflection of their own sense of entitlement. They believed he stayed in the race to the bitter end only out of EGO. They saw him as a crazy loser who had finally hit the Big Time like a pop star with his adoring rabid followers, and his EGO would not allow him to let go of that, and that’s why he did not concede until the convention. They dismiss all his followers as “dead-enders.”

    I was, quite frankly, shocked when I read the vitriol in the book against Bernie and his followers, because the authors had been so scrupulous about showing all sides of the Clinton team, so I had this idea that they were journalists who did thorough investigation. Then I realized they were EMBEDDED journalists who had absorbed all the prejudices of Clintonworld. They genuinely believe that crap about Bernie and his followers.

    How can they be so wrong? Why is it that I know them so well, and they know nothing about me, or us?

    Then I remembered the old Roman adage, “The servant always knows the mind of the master, but the master never knows the mind of the servant.”

    People lower in the pecking order MUST understand the thinking of the people above them, in order to survive. Whereas the people at the top have no need to understand the people below them. We are just insects to them.

    We saw this in Hillary every day, but reading SHATTERED raised my awareness to how pervasive that elitist attitude is in everyone around her in Clintonworld.

    It is a great weakness.

    They know NOTHING about us. We know everything about them.

    1. And now, some two months later you have ‘What happened.’ These guys will not let it go..Wait for another installment

      Wonder why Bernie is not publishing any books? Because he is out there in the field with the people doing actual work, not busy making money I guess

  6. I enjoyed this. Breaking down things and being engaged (I like incomplete sentences), Thank you.

  7. Really good Old School. Nice to see these guys outside of Friday Post Game. Always enjoy them as hosts; add Jay R or John and it would be perfect!

  8. Another great Old School. I enjoy hearing their personal stories especially TYT stories. I think Malcolm and Dave are a good team. They complement each other well.

    I gotta start watching Friday postgames again.

  9. Dave –

    The AM radio stations that transmitted greater distances at night were assigned to Clear Channel frequencies which were protected from interference. Licensed competing stations could use those frequencies during the day, but were forced to sign off or reduce power at night to prevent interference.


  10. I admit I enjoyed this hour even though I am annoyed at how infrequently Cenk and Ben have been on OS lately.

    Whenever my brother and I played Monopoly as kids as soon as I started winning my brother would knock over the board and all the pieces would go flying. It was very dramatic.

    I’m going to disagree with Malcolm regarding the Google employees wearing their Google shirts. If you get a free t-shirt, why not wear it? That doesn’t make you uncool.

  11. Jurassic Tech Museum is amazing and 100 percent bullshit and I love it. Its a fun place to check out and good for day dates to gasp over curios. I’m surprised Dave didn’t like the Getty collection. It’s incredible to me and they have shows that tour to that spot all the time. Natural History in LA is excellent as is the Science Center; I would recommend the traveling shows that show up at Pepperdine University up in Malibu. They do fantastic shows and the view of the sea from the campus is absolutely inspiring. Getty Villa also a good one on that side of the ocean.

  12. Dave’s story about the children’s museum shopping game reminded me of my childhood in the 90s going to the Boston Children’s Museum that had a mini supermarket where you pretended to be an adult and chose what to buy logically. Like not putting eggs at the bottom of the cart. simple times. Children museums done correctly where they are equally fun and teaching kids stuff are needed in every major city in America in my humble opinion

  13. Great to hear different opinions about the manchin interview. Curious about the approach Cenk took and y’all broke it down great!

  14. Lol! Damn it! I LOVE DAVE KOLLER!! Hahaha only he has this specific delivery and things he says in the particular way he says them. I freaking love it! It’s so thought out, so meticulous, and so uninterestingly-interesting , it’s just the best :) keep it up guys!

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