I downloaded this, because it sounded like Ana was going to talk about having babies. But noooooo such luck. I’ve literally felt the ‘glow’, the magic, that happens when some women are pregnant, so it’s a cool subject to hear about.
“It’s unfair, that your body starts to fall apart, soon as you hit your 30s.”
Ok, thanks a lot, angel. 57 here, and still in denial. I sprained my damn ankle over the weekend, doing something that my younger self would have aced, and would have shrugged off a bad landing, easily.
My wife also has sciatica. She needs butt massages several times a week. Not the worst thing in the world.
“I’m gonna get back into Yoga”
Yikes. Too much stretching, and too embarrassing. Better you, than the rest of us.
Pilates seems to work, for a lot of people. Ask Hannah about it, unless you’ve already tried it.
“… and lay off running…”
Ana, please look into rebounding – mini-trampoline. You will get some of the aerobic benefits of running, and others related to your lymphatic system. It’s highly addictive. You can buy a foldable version, but make sure you get a good one, meaning $200+. When you see the doc, ask them about it.
“Stretch more”
Absolutely. We should all follow that same advice.
Wow. Grace isn’t very graceful, when it comes to doctors. Damn. This is why would-be doctors decide NOT to study medicine.
GRACE! I feel you!! I have only been to the OBGYN once ( a few months ago) and people kept giving me shit about it. Im 24 and I went because everyone in my life made me, they said they couldn’t believe I hadn’t done it already, and I also knew I had to but it was the worst experience.
I don’t know if Grace will ever read this, but I totally get it! I didn’t go to the doctor for years because the first time I went in the US the male doctor just started touching my boobs and I was like “whhaaa??!” – I’m also “that kind of a lesbian” so pap smears scared the shit out of me for the longest time.
I would suggest going to a health clinic that specializes in LGBTQ health. In Boston there’s Fenway Health, which is where I went, and the doctor was pretty understating with me when she noticed I was extremely uncomfortable. Go to a clinic and choose a doctor who’ll be patient, understand your phobia, and understand queer culture. So far I only had one pap smear. It sucked. But you gotta do it.
Ana, I had the same exact butt-pain. I used to run 5 miles a day, and not stretch. If you start stretching, the pain will instantly get better. Sitting is not helping either, so you should stretch throughout the day. Do a little warm-up beforehand. My butt is now totally 100%. I’m not a doctor, so don’t sue me, if your legs fall off.
This is what I found with a quick Google search, the 3rd stretch is dope.
As others have said, love the chemistry of you three – Grace, Jayar, and Ana.
Grace, of course you felt derailed! – you were talking faster than a locomotive! ;) Ya had me cracking up so much with your story, and then your “uncomfortable” asides toward Ana and Jayar. As funny as you were, just off-the-cuff, it made me wish I were in that area so I could see one of your stand-up shows.
I’d be happy to see more of you three on shows together :)
Jayar – get lectric salts/soda (not sure what they’re call in USA, but definitely not epsom salts. repeat. epsom salts are uselessss); lectric salt/soda crystals (not powder-in aus, we use in laundry?) so get the crystals, and chuck them in a towel, wrap that knee and elevate/hip level for at least an hour and drain the swelling. its gross, but effective. i used to go to bed with it wrapped up but its… messy if you move a lot in your sleep.
Ana – if you dont wanna see a doctor – i’d recommend osteopath or physio – they can work the muscle well and give you exercises. If its sciatica – look up how to ‘floss the sciatic nerve’ (my mother has this exact this. it is indeed a goddamn awful pain) and get back on that foam roller! they’re golden! the more you roll, the less it will hurt, the better the muscles will normalise
random advice, yes, but worked for osteos for years / also have fucked uuuuup muscles/joints/ligaments. is sucky. someone needs to benefit from all the money and time i’ve spent trying to fix my shitty body! i have the information, at least :)
also – i feel you grace. paps are weird but necessary. i’m slightly scarred for life whenever the topic comes up because my mum used to teach doctors how to perform pap smears yeeaaars ago and would use these wacky family friends of ours who were SUPER comfortable in their own bodies – mum would perform the procedure with the Drs watching in a group, learning how to use the new tools, but one day the clinic was locked and no one had a key….. so they came back to our friggin house AND USED MY BED as the patient table. faaaaaaark. i was 15. i was horrified. the mere word ‘pap’ brings it all back in a second. euughaaah
This PG was a real hoot, I laughed my guts out for about 20 minutes. I’m 65 now and the worst part about getting old is the never ending deterioration of my body. The best part about getting old is being OK with that and being open to laugh and engage with people of any age. I love the feeling of being included with a generation I don’t often associate with and having the wisdom to appreciate our sameness, regardless of age.
Died! Grace has my exact opinion on doctors. 90’s music rules! Jayar, Boom boom boom is the only thing I’ll be listing to for the rest of the week, thanks lol. Ana all the best with the phantom ass pain.
Ana: Zygote is just the technical term for a fertilized egg. In humans, it is the zygote which travels into the uterus, which can take up to a week. By the time it gets there it has already left the zygote stage. Cell division leads to the zygote becoming a blastocyst within 36 hours, often less, of fertilization.
My boyfriend and his fucking foam roller(s)… do not get me started. They almost found the inside of a dumpster one day, just sayin.
Doctor appointments, omg. I used to go to the doctor regularly, but now that my health insurance has changed three times in three years I haven’t gone in ages. After a suuuuper annoying ear sensation pissed me off for like 2 months, I finally made an appointment (the soonest one was another 2 months out), and I’m just praying this stupid ass ear thing goes away before June 27.
As an old as heck, fifty three, year old runner, this is what I’ve done. Doctor!! Who told me to stretch my glutes. It’s hard to explain, but you can look it up, and yes Anna, the foam roller. You need to stretch out your glutes, ideally about five minutes into your run, after you warm up. I’m also a certified personal trainer, and not a doctor, so this advice is worth what you paid for it, I paid you. Go to your damn doctor. Grace, YOU TOO!!
JR, that is wrong. You knee should not be puffy. You are all so young!!! FIx it now, or you’re going to wake up like I do some days, “Just cut off my butt. Please, just remove it.”
I’m on NHS (cos British) and just was put onto a list called ‘women not to do pap smears on’ or something like that. Basically, it becomes your responsibility to tell them if you think anything’s amiss. Then they’ll do them but not every six months or whatever it is.
Sounds really weird what Grace had happen. Was it seriously without warning or was she over egging that? Like surely you’d be called in for it…
Paps and Breast Checks are essential every one to two years. Don’t be such a BABY, Grace! Prevent more trouble in the future, which would be a helluva lot more invasive!
Grace why do You always sit really far away from Everyone, it looks weird. But I love You in a fan-news reader type of way.
Grace, thank you so much for being SO open. I already thought were awesome. I’m sorry you and women in general have to go through so much.
I was diagnosed with a propitiatory tumor when I was 17 (but a super young 17) and I had doctors from everywhere came to touch my gentiles and compare them with beads. It was SUPER discomforting and I was worried about pedophiles. I talked to my mum who explained what women have to go through for child birth. I decided that it was worth it to help doctors detect other kids in my situation so you can remove the tumor before it gets BIG.
I seriously think you should see a doc but a the same time work up to it. Maybe talk to others about what they go through. You are not alone. You are Spectacular!
I feel that way about TYT in general. Go you guys
so much love
I’ve not laughed -literally – out loud so much in ages. all 3 were genuinely hilarious, but grace could do stand up – even though i don’t think she realises she’s funny – just by being fearlessly honest. recently we’ve had tick beach, the period cave, and other gems… future ‘TYT classics’ lol?
God dammit people. Go to the fucking doctor! Living in Australia, hearing Americans talk about self-diagnosing sounds like madness. Is it truly that prohibitive in terms of cost? Even if you have health insurance? Crazy stuff.
Yes, it is expensive for the elementary things, but the other aspect of it is that basic American emergency room care has the roughly same success result as self-diagnosis for many circumstances.
Since the most expensive part of the ER is walking in the door, there’s a financial incentive to push patients through as fast as they can with minimal attention. I’ve seen a lot of patients come in multiple times because the MD didn’t bother to order proper lab work and just told them to “take over the counter medication and come back if it gets worse.” So long as they order the basic labwork and chest x-ray, they’ve screened for the late stage and serious problems, so they rather get more profit from the same patient come in multiple times and take less time with each visit.
It can easily throw a lot of people into bankruptcy level debt if the hospital doesn’t do partial debt forgiveness. Americans need to weigh the potential risks of self-diagnosis against the possibility of going bankrupt from being told to take Benadryl.
It’s very expensive, even if you have good insurance. And the prices you’re charged are even higher if you have crappy insurance or no insurance.
Example: I just scheduled a laparoscopic surgery to have my gallbladder removed next week. I have very good insurance through my employer, and reasonable deductibles. My out-of-pocket so far, for 2 doctor visits and and ultrasound, and a pre-payment for the surgery itself, before even having the surgery, is about $1500. And I’ll end up paying more once it’s done.
I’m lucky, I make a good living and can pay that $1500 with no problems. A lot of people would have trouble coming up with that much cash, and might put it on a credit card. People without a credit card are even more screwed.
Dayum – hilarious post game. Grace and I grok on both the 90s indie rock and avoiding doctors completely. You guys are fighting so hard for single player health care in the US, and meanwhile here I am in Canada and I haven’t renewed my expired health card in a year.. That’s how much I avoid the doctor
Jayar I looked up old ass knees lol I always tell my people yeah I got a body thinks he has brain fog and that I might have it so I looked it up in the dictionary what it was in there with my picture. Lol I think many of us are getting to have old ass bodies. Enjoy those 20s and 30s cause boy at 58 the last 20 years seem like it went by in a split second so now I’m just approaching, old ass LOL when you find a picture yourself in the dictionary for that then you know you got problems.
You guys had me dying laughing at work. I loved it. I really needed the pick me up. :-)
It’s called a speculum
Grace, put your big girl panties on and then take them off to get a Pap smear!!!
I downloaded this, because it sounded like Ana was going to talk about having babies. But noooooo such luck. I’ve literally felt the ‘glow’, the magic, that happens when some women are pregnant, so it’s a cool subject to hear about.
“It’s unfair, that your body starts to fall apart, soon as you hit your 30s.”
Ok, thanks a lot, angel. 57 here, and still in denial. I sprained my damn ankle over the weekend, doing something that my younger self would have aced, and would have shrugged off a bad landing, easily.
My wife also has sciatica. She needs butt massages several times a week. Not the worst thing in the world.
“I’m gonna get back into Yoga”
Yikes. Too much stretching, and too embarrassing. Better you, than the rest of us.
Pilates seems to work, for a lot of people. Ask Hannah about it, unless you’ve already tried it.
“… and lay off running…”
Ana, please look into rebounding – mini-trampoline. You will get some of the aerobic benefits of running, and others related to your lymphatic system. It’s highly addictive. You can buy a foldable version, but make sure you get a good one, meaning $200+. When you see the doc, ask them about it.
“Stretch more”
Absolutely. We should all follow that same advice.
Wow. Grace isn’t very graceful, when it comes to doctors. Damn. This is why would-be doctors decide NOT to study medicine.
GRACE! I feel you!! I have only been to the OBGYN once ( a few months ago) and people kept giving me shit about it. Im 24 and I went because everyone in my life made me, they said they couldn’t believe I hadn’t done it already, and I also knew I had to but it was the worst experience.
I don’t know if Grace will ever read this, but I totally get it! I didn’t go to the doctor for years because the first time I went in the US the male doctor just started touching my boobs and I was like “whhaaa??!” – I’m also “that kind of a lesbian” so pap smears scared the shit out of me for the longest time.
I would suggest going to a health clinic that specializes in LGBTQ health. In Boston there’s Fenway Health, which is where I went, and the doctor was pretty understating with me when she noticed I was extremely uncomfortable. Go to a clinic and choose a doctor who’ll be patient, understand your phobia, and understand queer culture. So far I only had one pap smear. It sucked. But you gotta do it.
Please come sing Karaoke with me at the San Diego County Fair on Sunday’s! ??????You guys f*ing rock!
Ana, I had the same exact butt-pain. I used to run 5 miles a day, and not stretch. If you start stretching, the pain will instantly get better. Sitting is not helping either, so you should stretch throughout the day. Do a little warm-up beforehand. My butt is now totally 100%. I’m not a doctor, so don’t sue me, if your legs fall off.
This is what I found with a quick Google search, the 3rd stretch is dope.
Great post game!!! Loved seeing Jayar…..he looks very sexy giggling ;-)
Jayar and Grace are a really great comedic duo.
Freakin’ hilarious!
As others have said, love the chemistry of you three – Grace, Jayar, and Ana.
Grace, of course you felt derailed! – you were talking faster than a locomotive! ;) Ya had me cracking up so much with your story, and then your “uncomfortable” asides toward Ana and Jayar. As funny as you were, just off-the-cuff, it made me wish I were in that area so I could see one of your stand-up shows.
I’d be happy to see more of you three on shows together :)
Best. Postgame. Ever!
This was a KICKASS postgame.
Yo, Jayar, you didn’t lob your zygote, you lobbed your gamete.
A zygote is formed from the male and female gamete.
Much love, Grace. ::heart::
Best post game ever.
Jayar – get lectric salts/soda (not sure what they’re call in USA, but definitely not epsom salts. repeat. epsom salts are uselessss); lectric salt/soda crystals (not powder-in aus, we use in laundry?) so get the crystals, and chuck them in a towel, wrap that knee and elevate/hip level for at least an hour and drain the swelling. its gross, but effective. i used to go to bed with it wrapped up but its… messy if you move a lot in your sleep.
Ana – if you dont wanna see a doctor – i’d recommend osteopath or physio – they can work the muscle well and give you exercises. If its sciatica – look up how to ‘floss the sciatic nerve’ (my mother has this exact this. it is indeed a goddamn awful pain) and get back on that foam roller! they’re golden! the more you roll, the less it will hurt, the better the muscles will normalise
random advice, yes, but worked for osteos for years / also have fucked uuuuup muscles/joints/ligaments. is sucky. someone needs to benefit from all the money and time i’ve spent trying to fix my shitty body! i have the information, at least :)
also – i feel you grace. paps are weird but necessary. i’m slightly scarred for life whenever the topic comes up because my mum used to teach doctors how to perform pap smears yeeaaars ago and would use these wacky family friends of ours who were SUPER comfortable in their own bodies – mum would perform the procedure with the Drs watching in a group, learning how to use the new tools, but one day the clinic was locked and no one had a key….. so they came back to our friggin house AND USED MY BED as the patient table. faaaaaaark. i was 15. i was horrified. the mere word ‘pap’ brings it all back in a second. euughaaah
Grace = Hilarious …Best PGS of all time
This PG was a real hoot, I laughed my guts out for about 20 minutes. I’m 65 now and the worst part about getting old is the never ending deterioration of my body. The best part about getting old is being OK with that and being open to laugh and engage with people of any age. I love the feeling of being included with a generation I don’t often associate with and having the wisdom to appreciate our sameness, regardless of age.
BEST NON-Cenk postGame EVER! Lol. Good job guys. Thanks :))
Died! Grace has my exact opinion on doctors. 90’s music rules! Jayar, Boom boom boom is the only thing I’ll be listing to for the rest of the week, thanks lol. Ana all the best with the phantom ass pain.
Ana: Zygote is just the technical term for a fertilized egg. In humans, it is the zygote which travels into the uterus, which can take up to a week. By the time it gets there it has already left the zygote stage. Cell division leads to the zygote becoming a blastocyst within 36 hours, often less, of fertilization.
Thank YOU Grace. Nirvana is my religion.
Brother Ali – Uncle Sam Goddamn
Good ass song, folks.
Re: pap smears
The metal things on the exam table that you put your feet in are called stirrups.
The metal contraption they shove into your vagina to hold it open is called a speculum.
Fun side note, a true pap smear exam also involves a rectal examination, aka a finger up your ass, though no doctors ever do it.
You’re welcome, Grace.
Baahahaha, I relate so much to this post game.
I’ve had that butt pain – it’s the actual worst.
My boyfriend and his fucking foam roller(s)… do not get me started. They almost found the inside of a dumpster one day, just sayin.
Doctor appointments, omg. I used to go to the doctor regularly, but now that my health insurance has changed three times in three years I haven’t gone in ages. After a suuuuper annoying ear sensation pissed me off for like 2 months, I finally made an appointment (the soonest one was another 2 months out), and I’m just praying this stupid ass ear thing goes away before June 27.
Literally my 3 favorite people on the show! I died!!!
Best Postgame Ever!! It was awesome to be taken away from bullshit and filled with laughter!!! This panel ROCKS!!!
Excellent Post Game! I hope that story is part of Grace’s stand up, it was killer and I’m in stitches. :)
Hahahaaaaaaaa…. that was some funny ass shit, right there!
I’ve got OAK as well!
Old Ass Knees… Hahahaaaa
Megadeth > every other music mentioned in this post game
Art/Music is never a competition sport. Tho some do forget this. Its all opinion man. :P
Ana singing is cringe two levels deep. Stahp.
Grabbing someone’s breast without telling them is just straight up sexual assault. What a horrible doctor.
I’m pretty sure they were talking about a speculum not forceps.
One of the best post games ever – laughing out loud throughout – more Grace and Jayar!!!!!
Fun, fun, fun post game! Love this panel. Loved it :) Boom, boom, boom…
Grace, you gotta write that shit down girl, I just pissed myself laughing ???
As an old as heck, fifty three, year old runner, this is what I’ve done. Doctor!! Who told me to stretch my glutes. It’s hard to explain, but you can look it up, and yes Anna, the foam roller. You need to stretch out your glutes, ideally about five minutes into your run, after you warm up. I’m also a certified personal trainer, and not a doctor, so this advice is worth what you paid for it, I paid you. Go to your damn doctor. Grace, YOU TOO!!
JR, that is wrong. You knee should not be puffy. You are all so young!!! FIx it now, or you’re going to wake up like I do some days, “Just cut off my butt. Please, just remove it.”
I’m on NHS (cos British) and just was put onto a list called ‘women not to do pap smears on’ or something like that. Basically, it becomes your responsibility to tell them if you think anything’s amiss. Then they’ll do them but not every six months or whatever it is.
Sounds really weird what Grace had happen. Was it seriously without warning or was she over egging that? Like surely you’d be called in for it…
Paps and Breast Checks are essential every one to two years. Don’t be such a BABY, Grace! Prevent more trouble in the future, which would be a helluva lot more invasive!
Grace why do You always sit really far away from Everyone, it looks weird. But I love You in a fan-news reader type of way.
90s Dance Music is the Shit! :)
HAHAHA!! This post game was hilarious!
Grace, thank you so much for being SO open. I already thought were awesome. I’m sorry you and women in general have to go through so much.
I was diagnosed with a propitiatory tumor when I was 17 (but a super young 17) and I had doctors from everywhere came to touch my gentiles and compare them with beads. It was SUPER discomforting and I was worried about pedophiles. I talked to my mum who explained what women have to go through for child birth. I decided that it was worth it to help doctors detect other kids in my situation so you can remove the tumor before it gets BIG.
I seriously think you should see a doc but a the same time work up to it. Maybe talk to others about what they go through. You are not alone. You are Spectacular!
I feel that way about TYT in general. Go you guys
so much love
Best post-game! Glad to see more of Jayar, and Grace is so natural, adorable and funny. Those three have great chemistry.
♥ I ♥ LOVE ♥ GRACE ♥
way oh! so good, great song to be stuck in my head, hilarious pg with awesome peeps. Can’t love yal enough! Thanks you TYT :)
self diagnosis is life!! and lol @ this hilarious mess of a pap smear post game (i first heard of the term from a song by crystal castles)
Amazing post game! Thank you!
I’ve not laughed -literally – out loud so much in ages. all 3 were genuinely hilarious, but grace could do stand up – even though i don’t think she realises she’s funny – just by being fearlessly honest. recently we’ve had tick beach, the period cave, and other gems… future ‘TYT classics’ lol?
Grace has done stand-up comedy.
LOL This was a fucking funny ass post game. I love the 3 of you together.
God dammit people. Go to the fucking doctor! Living in Australia, hearing Americans talk about self-diagnosing sounds like madness. Is it truly that prohibitive in terms of cost? Even if you have health insurance? Crazy stuff.
Good post game btw.
Yes, it really is. Especially if you have to go to the emergency room . It’s outrageously expensive.
Yes, it is expensive for the elementary things, but the other aspect of it is that basic American emergency room care has the roughly same success result as self-diagnosis for many circumstances.
Since the most expensive part of the ER is walking in the door, there’s a financial incentive to push patients through as fast as they can with minimal attention. I’ve seen a lot of patients come in multiple times because the MD didn’t bother to order proper lab work and just told them to “take over the counter medication and come back if it gets worse.” So long as they order the basic labwork and chest x-ray, they’ve screened for the late stage and serious problems, so they rather get more profit from the same patient come in multiple times and take less time with each visit.
It can easily throw a lot of people into bankruptcy level debt if the hospital doesn’t do partial debt forgiveness. Americans need to weigh the potential risks of self-diagnosis against the possibility of going bankrupt from being told to take Benadryl.
It’s very expensive, even if you have good insurance. And the prices you’re charged are even higher if you have crappy insurance or no insurance.
Example: I just scheduled a laparoscopic surgery to have my gallbladder removed next week. I have very good insurance through my employer, and reasonable deductibles. My out-of-pocket so far, for 2 doctor visits and and ultrasound, and a pre-payment for the surgery itself, before even having the surgery, is about $1500. And I’ll end up paying more once it’s done.
I’m lucky, I make a good living and can pay that $1500 with no problems. A lot of people would have trouble coming up with that much cash, and might put it on a credit card. People without a credit card are even more screwed.
I was dying. Grace, you’re awesome and frikken hilarious.
Ana’s arm swinging gave me life,
Right?! someone needs to gif that!
I laughed a LOT. Super weird but super fun.
Dayum – hilarious post game. Grace and I grok on both the 90s indie rock and avoiding doctors completely. You guys are fighting so hard for single player health care in the US, and meanwhile here I am in Canada and I haven’t renewed my expired health card in a year.. That’s how much I avoid the doctor
Grace and I have similar tastes in music and it makes me adore her more. More Grace forever.
Worst Post Game ever :/
Come back sooner, Cenk. Your show is burning to the ground.
Agreed. Except for Grace, Ana, and Jayar here, this was terrible.
I was also sweating when Grace was talking about going to the doctor but I lost it at the high five!!
Excellent post game! Grace is the best :D
Jayar I looked up old ass knees lol I always tell my people yeah I got a body thinks he has brain fog and that I might have it so I looked it up in the dictionary what it was in there with my picture. Lol I think many of us are getting to have old ass bodies. Enjoy those 20s and 30s cause boy at 58 the last 20 years seem like it went by in a split second so now I’m just approaching, old ass LOL when you find a picture yourself in the dictionary for that then you know you got problems.