Nerd Alert: June 14, 2017

In Membership, Nerd Alert - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan4 Comments

Kim Horcher and Tim Frische talk Project Scorpio, Metroid 4 Prime, Anthem, Assassin’s Creed Origins review, Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, Star Wars Battlefront sequel, and bashing Rotten Tomatoes article.


  1. I’ve played an absurd amount of AC4:black flag. It’s just amazing how much that game captured the role-playing feel of pirates and even taught me some cool stuff about pirates or the golden age of piracy (so many of its qualities essentially are ‘it’s basically not an AC game’, which says a lot about the series).

    If that team is the one making the next AC, then I’m pretty excited.

  2. It’s funny that MS finally got back to naming their consoles just Xbox. Albeit in their own dumb way: X Box One X.

    I am bummed out with Anthem. There’s so many co-op, loot focused games out there that it feels like a waste of Bioware Ed’s talent that won’t play to the studio’s strengths.

    AC:Origins actually has me interested in it with the changes they’ve made. Still gonna be annoyed with climbing things to unlock activities though. Kim be careful about wishing for your ethnicity’s setting in an AC game cause it might be bad. I’m still so sad with how AC 3 turned out.

    It’s nice to see SW Battlefront 2 getting a female PoC as the protagonist. I feel that games and other media think that having a female protagonist is so current and inclusive but never consider making the female protagonist anything other than white. Here’s to hoping that they don’t feel the need to force a romance in the campaign.

  3. Just like Kim said that Anthem appears to be inspired by Destiny, I would also point out that in many ways ME:A was inspired by TW3 – or at least they tried to incorporate several elements of TW3 into the game.

    I just see this as Bioware transitioning from what it used to be: a private company that came up with new ideas and stories, to being part of the EA conglomerate that funnels money into projects with proven formulas of success. I think Bioware is eventually moving to the fate of Origin, Westwood and other companies that EA bought up.

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