TYT Old School May 31, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan23 Comments

Michael Shure and Jayar Jackson talk Capital Hill staffers, aging, planning for death, and meeting crazy religious people.

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  1. Strong work boys. I enjoyed this old school immensely and that’s saying a lot for an episode with no Cenk or Ben. Michael, solid as always and I’d like to see Jayar on more.

  2. Guys, great OS! However you both need to haul your reluctant butts to lawyers ASAP. Without a Will, there are some states that have huge court fees that can eat your entire estate, leaving your child with basically nothing. Also if you haven’t legally designated a person or persons with whom you’d prefer to have your son be raised, it might not be the person you’d think or want!
    As for life insurance it’s a Must- it exists outside of probate and taxes so you can designate beneficiaries as you want- say a certain amount for the child to pay for school and a certain amount to be released if he chooses not to go to school or whatever. But to do that he again has to have a designated caretaker- that may not be your brother Micheal- what if he dies before you? And Jayar, do you want an entire family fighting over your child at the worst possible time in his life?? No!! That’s why you just have to make the appointment and go. It’s not going to be fun, but you’ll both be relieved afterwards- like a prostate exam. Oops- you’ve got time for that horror- but now is the best time for estate planning!!

  3. I’m not sure why, but I find Michael incredibly sexy. I love when he’s on! Haha Hassan is my age, but I’d choose Michael everytime…

    1. I totally get it, actually. I think it has something to do with his wisdom and wholesomeness – things that are not exactly easy to find in men our age.

  4. Great chemistry here! Great job guys. Oh, btw Michael, my husband, I and my step-daughter canoe competitively and many of the races have multiple (5-25) portages. You might get a kick out of this video. My step-daughter was 8 at the time. Kind of a crazy race! https://vimeo.com/215289676

  5. You guys are thoughtful & good conversational partners. I really like Old School. The weirdest thing about aging is that you don’t move with your age after a certain age. I look at you, Michael, and figure we’re the same age. I do that all the time with 40 somethings but I’m almost 60. Yeah, I’d rather not be called cute ever again.

  6. To answer Jayar and Michael’s (unasked) question about Godparents, it works like this. In the modern era, god parents are chosen as someone who will take an interest in the child’s upbringing and personal development, so Michael’s description of Ben’s involvement is perfect. Traditionally the practice had more to do with the child’s moral upbringing.

    Prior to the 8th century, baptism and confirmation were the same ritual. As this was done to infants, the child needed a “spiritual father” who would sponsor the child into the church through a confession of faith and would then be responsible for seeing to the child’s spiritual upbringing. As time went on this became a general “see to the child’s moral and religious upbringing”, which practice is still followed by some of the churches, especially Roman Catholicism.

  7. I’d like to see these two on OS together more. It was an interesting mix and as “odd couple” as they seem. the chemistry is just right. Never have Jimmy on with Wes again. One of the absolute worst one I’ve ever seen. Would like to see more of Jayar and Jesus on OS too.

  8. I’m just glad Jimmy want there this time to utterly ruin a chill conversation. Last week was a complete water because of him. I do like his live show clips. But if hear him repeat his same taking points about the Petro dollar, the Washington Post, hapias corpus etc., I just watch something else. He generally ruins every panel he is on.

    Hopefully, at some point sooner rather than later, Dylan ratigan and David sarota etc, will be on the main show occasionally. I’m not appreciating their little two minute videos on TYT politics. Like, this is what they’re getting paid for? I constantly have on this point. I know it’s early, but a whole bunch of these people are basically AWOL. Sean King? His picture should be on cartons of milk at this point.

    And will somebody at TYT please send someone over to Michael Tracy’s home, and encourage him to step out of his house an go out and explore this big country for stories? You can’t just read articles all day and then talk about them. TYT already has plenty of that. If he was at home all day doing research, making phone calls, getting sources etc., Fine. But he’s basically doing what I do, what we all do. I think he’s better suited as a writer, putting information already acquired into context, and adding perspective, like at Vox etc. I wanted 4 more Jordan Charitons like we were promised, not more commentators. Sirota is breaking stories at I times, which is great. But will he be breaking stories exclusively for TYT? It will they just do stories on the main show about his ibtimes articles?

    As of right now, Tracy bothers me the most. I don’t disagree with much of what he says. I just don’t see how he deserves to be called a reporter. Jordan goes out, gets exclusives. Nomiki goes out, gets exclusives. Even the new reporter Lachance has already gotten exclusives.

    Tracy went to a couple of town halls. That’s it. The rest is basement dweller reading articles and critiquing and commenting. If he were to investigate something, what would it be. Jordan focuses on environment and economics. Nomiki on the Democratic party. Do you think Tracy will get new information about Russia gate that pisses him off to no end? (me too, but I’ve come to avoid that Democrats and the media will do what they do)

    Oh and here’s a question. Do you think TYT if the kind of place that would let someone go? I mean people have quit before, Jill pike, Dave Rubin etc. But would cenk and TYT say, we made a mistake and this person really isn’t working out, doesn’t contribute, has no shred of on camera charisma… I have the feeling that TYT never fires on camera people. They’re just too nice to every do that, is the impression I get. Not that I think they should fire tons of people. Just Tracy (my own opinion, please don’t tell me I’m a hater and a troll etc) and maybe never have Jimmy on the main show and old school. I know that’s extreme but he’s the one person that ruins the discussions, with his rants and bad jokes. And I’d wish they’d replace Sean king with someone else. He is definitely not a reporter. He wired about racial Justice, which is important, but I feel he’s all talk. Literally, I went to his website, and it’s nothing more than advertising his services as a paid speaker. Plus, he’s toxic to many as a fake she and fake black guy. I don’t think that. I mean it’s possible his dad was black, out not. I don’t care. I’ve read some of his articles and I didn’t find them to be profound or informed me of things I didn’t know. They’re like racial Justice for BuzzFeed. So I’d let him go and hire someone who will go out on the road, and report things other news outlets aren’t reporting on.

    Thanks for letting me vent my bullshit. It builds up and every now and again I have to vent. I did it a couple of times on Twitter, and the TYT army have me do much shit, even Jordan was pissed at me for a few things I said. But I’ve done rants here before, criticising TYT, and I felt the feedback I got was more constructive and less supremely offended, which I’m grateful for.

    I guess I feel deeply invested in TYT. I read a lot of news. I’ll read anything, even stuff I know is bullshit, fake, ingenuous etc. I feel that the more information I have, the easier it is for me to feel like I understand reality. Like if I study current events and science enough I’ll reach a state of Nirvana or something. My favorite are the guardian, the intercept, the Atlantic, and Vox. Vox is awesome, their articles, their videos obviously, and also their podcasts which I highly recommend listening to. Super nerdy on policy and politics. Amazing they’ve only been around for 3 years.

    But I appreciate TYT because they’re unabashedly progressive combined with being super casual and fun. I only discovered TYT after Bernie asked his candidacy and I was looking for more information. TYT have me my Bernie fix give days a week. And through that I began fleshing out my world view for the first time in my life. So I’m ridiculously grateful and appreciative for TYT. I just want it to be the best it can be. It’s not like I’ll ever stop watching or just hate watch. Hardly. I don’t watch much of aggressive progressive, cause it’s the same shpiel over and over. And I don’t watch much of Tracey lately, cause he’s just reading out loud articles I’ve already read and bitching about what they wrote. I know there a place for that. But for me it gets to be too much.

    Conclusion: stick Jordan and Nomiki in a replicator, and push 5 for each.

    Thanks in advance for not chewing me out too much.

    1. To be fair to Tracey, he was just in Montana covering the Quist/Gianforte special election.

  9. Don’t worry Jayar, you made coherent thoughts. I throughly enjoyed the Old School episode, just seemed like two dudes chatting about stuff and things. Keep up the good work. :)

  10. B team again.

    That taking separate flights thing is especially ridiculous if you ride in the same car together.

  11. Well, I was never a huge fan of Michael Shure because politically I’m much more left than him, but now that I know he’s a fan of hockey I have a newfound respect for him. Go Preds!

  12. Do you mean his reserves ? Run for office ? In which case yes indeed it would explain some of the more mild reactions from this and that.

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