TYT Hour 1 May 26, 2017

In The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan47 Comments

Ana, Ben Mankiewicz, Sue Ann Robinson, and Mark Thompson. Gianforte wins. Gov. Abbott’s shooting journalists joke. Kushner investigation. Holes in Saudi deal. Rep. DeLauro dismantles education budget.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 5 minutes, 28 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. Everyone (including TYT) looks at the arms deal and conveniently forget that the deals included a $20 billion investment in American infrastructure through Blackstone, and forgets the sizable investments the Saudi government and business have made in the US over the years.

  2. Sue Ann Robinson did a great job on the show today, please have her back its great to have a legal expert on the show. Please come back Sue, you’re great addition to TYT!

  3. Please, there needs to be more indepth reporting & evidence of ‘PAY TO PLAY’. Mark is so Right – it’s about the money. Cenk is right – follow the money. TYT says it all the time; so please then do a BIG in-depth, detailed story on it already with your hired guns. Get in the Weeds, show me graphs, dig for the shady deals we believe is going on.

    I saw Naomi’s youtube on Trump’s Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia and I commented that she needed to be interviewed on the main show when you were doing that Trump Saudi Arms segment. This needs to be a 15-25 minute first story on the Main Show. I’m disappointed that so much time was spent on the first Gianforte story and Naomi only got a portion of her article on the Main Show. Naomi needs to be there or Skyped like most news shows.

    The Main Show needs 3 hours:
    1) HOUR-1 – Big stories on pay to play corruption & policies & war & healthcare & issues that worry us to death. You say how the Corporate Media doesn’t discuss policies and hides or dismisses corruption. I know TYT does some policies but it is not always front and center and there are a lot of Trump Drama stories in the first hour. I say be bigger and bolder than the rest – be a real voice for policies that you care about and that we care about. For Example, tell us how Bernie’s Healthcare bill is doing, what’s in it, how much does it cost, compare it to Medicare, who else has introduce a Healthcare bill and how its doing, who’s supporting them and who’s not, which big money donors are fighting to keep it out of the Congress floor for a vote, how Corporations are oppressing the will of the people to have Healthcare, …
    2) HOUR-2 – Stories and interviews with your 2 million dollar bold and fantastic reporters. Get them, their stories and the people they are fighting for on your Main Show. Also, include the top headlines from major Progressive News orgs to both highlight their work and to help get the message out ‘the truth’ in order to drown out the anti-worker corporate message – The Intercept, Truthdig, Alternet, Common Dreams, Democracy Now, Counterpunch, Wikileaks, DC Report, C-span, RT, …
    3) HOUR-3 – Fluff stories, fun stories, Trump Drama stories, weird stories, …

    1. They are wary of tinkering with the formula of the Main Show. And not without (some) good reasons: it’s a fomula proven to work, in terms of attracting new viewers and keeping those viewers watching.

      But yes, experiments like this will have to be tried eventually. The three hour concept sounds great. Call the middle hour “TYT Investigations”. (That one is a no-brainer).

  4. IMO, Ana is really right about the whole education thing, particularly with DeVos. They don’t want there to be public education, because that is money that They can’t pocket. Their goal is to keep that money for themselves and to make sure that we are not educated as a nation. Destroying public education is a win-win-win for them.

  5. Australian Senate voted against a referendum of same sex marriage because:
    -It would have cost millions
    -70%ish didn’t want a referendum when they heard it would be costly and could just be done in an hour in Parliament
    -We wanted our politicians to do their damn jobs
    -It should pass a house vote if the conservative Liberal party let it’s members vote freely and not under party lines

    1. Even our left blocked it. The biggest reason provided was that the deluge of anti-gay rhetoric that would have been generated would have been hazardess to mental health, for those at a precarious stage of their life. If it prevented one suicide then it was worth delaying.

      Unfortunately our right wing has been in power for quite some time, but it won’t last forever. Labor has pledged to pass the law the moment they have power AS 80% OF AUSTRALIANS WANT.

  6. so, I clocked on this thinking it’d be the monday show, and now I’m facepalming because monday is a holiday. DAMNIT TYT, just pay people time and a half and give me what i want, Cenk and Co. being fucking awesome! granted, i did miss the friday show so I’m not to torn up about it :)

  7. Tom Cole is a tired, haggard old fool representing the top wealthy 1% . I would expect nothing more from this loser. All he has to do is run around with a gun, like Mitch McConnell, during his reelection campaign and he will get reelected.

  8. Gianforte is a thug and the people of Montana did a disservice to the country electing him. The DNC is hopeless, choosing to lose in areas of the country they deem not worth the investment. Well, if the DNC keeps up this strategy, they will remain the minority party. I’m suspecting these corporate Democrats are secretly doing their corporate sponsors bidding and purposely losing to distract real Democrats, who support the middle and working classes and the poor. The only reason the Dems took the House in 2006, they used Howard Dean’s strategy of competing in every district.

  9. I live in Montana, and let me tell you, people here live in a bubble. It’s so frustrating!! It’s amazing to me that people voted for Gianforte who is freakin’ rich when wages in Montana are so incredibly low and the cost of living is ridiculous! Plus, people from here are ALL about how proud they are of Montana and they don’t like outsiders but then they go vote for this asshole?!?!?! I DON’T GET IT!!!!!!

  10. The Boeing comparison is not great. Unlike most defense contractors, Boeing has a larger work force in the Consumer Space than in the Commercial Space. Just a little fact check in a great overall segment that was spot on.

  11. There are plenty of Montanan’s who are ashamed that Gianforte used our State to launch his political career. Any real Montana man (or woman) controls their body and rises above unnecessary physical violence.

  12. Regarding Gianforte’s assault of the reporter: it is one thing to be strong and tough, sure everyone respects confidence and power, but there is nothing “manly” about a large person beating up a weaker person (according to Limbaugh’s laughably contradictory description of the incident). Instead of being civilised and using his words, Gianforte loses control of his emotions and goes caveman on the reporter. His actions are not acceptable in our society, but the masses don’t seem to think he’s done anything wrong. Whether the voters are rabid conservatives who think white men are all under threat and want to keep the comfortable status quo, or just plain ignorant of the facts (and can’t be bothered to learn) this is by far the most depressing part of the whole thing.

  13. If Mike Pence does become President, how likely is that he will make it even easier for the extreme right in Congress to achieve their goals?

    1. Very likely because you’ll have craven politicians and commentators on the left claiming that he’s “reasonable” by comparison to Trump.

      1. Yeah, like Bill Maher for example, who says shit like “Mike Pence is well within the parameters of ‘awful’ that we have come to expect”, implying that he’s perfectly acceptable, that Pence is just business as usual and that business is good enough (wrong on both counts, obviously).

  14. Sick and tired of this shit, either we have laws, or we don’t. The very premise of a preferential justice system for anyone over other citizens undermines the social contract. Society demands an impassioned, impartial, disinterested arbiter of the law to ensure the stability of its whole. No such person can be reached below apparently, is Montana regressing into the state of nature?
    Tim Fox, Attorney General
    Phone: (406) 444-2026
    E-mail: contactdoj@mt.gov

    Main Administration: Phone: 406-447-8479

  15. Steve Jobs was for school vouchers. As long as the poor families get the same amount of voucher (maybe a tad more if they have to travel farther to get to the school of their choice) as the rich families it seems fair to me. The problem I see is how to get to school if your choice is on the other side of town. Perhaps the concerns regarding science vs. creationism could be dealt with through accreditation. If vouchers are to be used only in accredited schools then if the state wants evolution as part of the accredited curriculum then only vouchers could be used for such schools. I don’t know if it works this way so feedback is welcome.

  16. I think Sue Ann is wrong on Gianforte having trouble in Congress because of his bully-behavior.

    Republicans will be palms up to him. All he has to do is suck up to the Tea Partiers and they will LOVE him.

    Also … has anyone seen VEEP on HBO? I use to think they were over the top, but now I bet they are right on the money on how hypocritical, bullying and down-right STUPID most of our Representatives are.

  17. Thank you Ana! I was wondering when you would bring up the response of the supporters. They are laughing during the apology. You can tell they can see hes full of it and is only apologise because he has to. I hope they sue the shit out of him. What a bad example these people are, all of them. This is why our children are growing up the way they are having such a difficult time with society and whats socially acceptable!

  18. I live in Montana and it is so unfortunate that Gianforte won, I was shocked by the results. There was overwhelming support for Quist with his campaign signs in nearly every yard and in front of so many businesses then maybe only a handful of signs for Gianforte. I just really expected better for Montana.

    1. The problem was all of the early voters. There was a poll done after the election that said that 51% of the people who had voted for Gianforte would have changed their vote to Quist after finding out about his violent body slamming of Ben Jacobs from the Guardian. Early voting screwed us.

    2. I wish the panel knew enough to know that Gianforte is no Montanan. Anything that little snowflake says is just the blustering of a 1 percenter that went to Montana to leach off of it, make a fortune

  19. Offset programs in Arms purchases are standard nowadays (you can investigate that). If you cannot avoid including using local production facilities and technology transfer if you want to make a sale. Saying an ‘investigation’ uncovered this is grossly disingenuous. The information is available in anyone who read details of the deal published in any American or Saudi newspaper. Previous deals with Boeing going back to 80’s were subject to the same conditions. Anyone selling to any country in the world, be it South Korea, India…etc. are subject to even harsher offset requirements.

    Note also that ‘manufactured’ as mentioned in this segment is in fact assembly. And it is assembly of systems that are not being actively purchased by the Pentagon. TYT likes to mention automation and other popular liberal talking points as the reason Boeing reduced its workforce. But any ‘investigation’ beyond reading the news would also note the JSF program that awarded every single fighter jet to be purchased by the DoD in the foreseeable future to Lockheed Martin. Boeing, like other companies, has to shed large numbers of designers, engineers and production workers in its fighter divisions simply because there is no new business in those areas.

    As for transforming the Saudi economy, everyone on that panel was completely oblivious to how weapons production and the space program completely transformed the US into a knowledge based economy. The internet that carries this very broadcast started out as a military project.

    Stop the echo chamber!

    1. Although accurate, your statement is misleading. Military spending is the least efficient at promoting new technology or economic growth.

      1. Surely then, without the pursuit of any other avenues of growth, we should just continue the same plan with more funding right?

  20. I wonder what Gianforte will say when he shows up at an elementary school as a resource for a government class. Kids know how a bully works. They slug someone and apologize when caught… again and again.

  21. Right on Ben, great closing, I agree. thanks for the show today all of you, I like what you do.

  22. Excellent Power Panel! Would like to see more of these 4 together. And Jayar always adds good insight.

  23. THIS

    31:00 Ben Mankiewitz

    (approximate quote)
    “After 37 years….

    Starting in the Reagan administration, of an attempt to say journalists, academics, scientists are leftist and should not be believed… Taking 3 of the most knowledgeable groups of people that we have in this country… (they’d already done it to lawyers… that was easier)… people who have dedicated their lives to learning things and then sharing their knowledge with other people … and Rush Limbaugh and Fox News led a movement to spread disinformation and to undermine their credibility… and whaddaya know? It worked.

    Donald Trump is the creation, the magical gift that 37 years of disinformation gave to this country.

  24. Breakthrough: At minute 42:59 Ana says: “Just real quick before I continue on . . . before we continue on.”

    Ana is catching on!

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