Cenk, Ana, John, and Brett Erlich talk Ana forgetting to invite Brett to her wedding, concept of “thank you” notes, Instagram photos, rocking the boat, Brett’s and John’s bromance, and inappropriateness on social media.
there are many espisodes of old school that are similar to this. in fact i can think of 2-3 old school episodes that were even more fun than this one. this literally ranks 4th & many lower even tho it was a fantastic episode and so much fun.
I’m really surprised no one mentioned this … HOW do you know that they received your gift?
I get it that if you’re writing a check, you know they cashed it. But what if you actually buy something from the registry and have it sent before or after the wedding? (You’re not actually taking it to the wedding, I hope. That’s a royal PIA for the couple (or their parents) to deal with.)
No, No no I love Hanna, they don’t dislike her she’s just too high strung. Tholugh from what Ive only seen of her on air shes never come off that way to me. She seems like shed be fun to hang out with.
Yes, you’re a tremendous asshole for insulting a stranger online, and for even bothering to comment on something so insignificant such as astrology in the first place. No, I don’t believe in it, but who the fuck doesnt ready their horrorscope for amusement? Each sign has their “characteristics” and thats all I point out. You took it upon yourself to be a judgemental scumbag, proclaiming your “superior intellect” when you’re just a pathetic troll who would probably get their teeth kicked in if they werent hiding behind the safety of their computer.
It can not be stated enough how great this Old School was.
Watching everyone have such a good time was just as much fun as the content! A Top 10 episode for sure, Top 5 quite possibly.
Also, to hell with Thank You cards. Saying thank you to the person’s face (or ears by phone) makes a lot more sense and is how I’d approach it. The whole bullshit etiquette behind writing the cards is just to benefit the Thank You card industry– available now at your local wedding supplies store– and is very outdated.
I loved this episode of old school. Definitely one of my favorites.
I know that i am probably in the minority, but there are some forms of etiquette that we should keep and i think that thank you notes are one of them. I understand that if you have a huge wedding and you don’t want to write a long personal note to every single person, but even just a small note goes a long way. Especially for a wedding/wedding shower, baby showers, etc. When someone is taking the time to celebrate you and a new chapter in your life, taking a few minutes to write a thank you note isn’t too much to ask. I know that not everyone writes as much as some people and any time i hand write a card it is always five times as long as anything I’ll get back, but i still appreciate the effort.
Totes agree. My mother didn’t press a lot of etiquette on me growing up, but Thank You cards was definitely one of them. Weddings are a pain in the ass to attend sometimes, and buying or making a gift takes money you don’t always have. So a nice little “nod” is appreciated. Perfect example: my cousin got married last year and lives 11 hours away (one way). Traveling there, kenneling my dog, paying for a hotel room, spending 4 hours making her gift (I’m poor ok), being ignored while she hung out with her friends… would’ve been nice to get a note afterwards. It would’ve been the tiniest way for her to show she appreciated the effort. Call me crazy.
We take pictures of our food before we eat it because we think people are interested. Why not take a picture of it again when it comes out as a couple box cars with the troublemaker on top making you feel like you won the day? You know, decorate the bowl, add ground lighting effects. Winner.
There’s shady bitches following Christian on social media because well they’re suspect af and then there’s me who follows Christian literally just in case he post something about Ana or Charlie lmao
Gaud, that was so funny and fun. Like an inside look at our off the wall family dynamic. This is the sort of thing that makes being a member really special, that feeling of connection to like minded people. I also liked this particular panel, where Cenk didn’t dominate the topics. I know Cenk is the driver of the narrative and I’m not trying to take anything away from his methods. I just think a good leader needs to know when to step back and let his minions pick up the flag and run with it.
Such a relief to see ppl like me after all.
I HATE etiquette stuff, marriage rules, being offended for not getting a thank-you-card …
I can’t stand ppl like that.
Unfortunately, here in Germany, these rules are still very much present in daily life.
Fuck that shit and have fun!
Cenk, we have something in common.
No-rules-party is the greatest idea ever.
Alcohol does suck, beer makes you bloated, wine can give you a headache, tequila makes you wanna puke and whiskeys burn.
after a few hours of no matter what is being drunk, I feel all stuffy and sweaty and my head is pounding and I feel tired and literally grimy. It’s just a shitty high compared to other things.
Best laughter therapy this old Alaskan woman’s heart needed. TY guys! I would love more Old School! Enjoyed my own personal homemade edibles after the show and just kept laughing most of the day reliving all the fun parts of the show in my head!
I’m probably not their target audience, as a 30-year old, but Old School is one of my favorite shows on the TYT network. And since the show is purposely laid back, with hosts “shooting the shit”, have they ever considered having viewers call in every once in a while, to join in on the topic being discussed? The viewers would be paying members, and would weed out the vast majority of “haters” calling in. Just a thought.
Uhh what? Come on that born on some month 9 months after your parents had sex, means your labelled as this or that is so stupid. Thank God the universe doesn’t work that way.
aw shut the fuck up. typical douchebag on the internet that feels compelled to comment on some insignificant shit they disagree with… wow cool dude, you don’t believe in astrology, neither do I, but on old school, she was displaying some of the characteristics of what a cancer is like… crucify me! hahahaaha fucking asshole
Every characteristic is interchangeable with each other star sign, so how have you identified Cancer’s traits? You haven’t. You just projected your own ignorance and even worse you say you don’t even believe in astrology.
I’m an asshole am I? Kill yourself
More people need to watch. I think you need to describe the show when promoting it though. Cenk will often say “Old School tonight for members”. That tells new people nothing. Just say it’s “where we shoot the shit for 90min. It’s a great time!”
Bill Maher just stole Brett’s joke and called Tucker Carlson ‘Fucker Tarlson’. I know it’s not exactly the same, but the timing is suspect – also Cucker is much funnier
if you’re 61, then please look into Niagen, remember Cenk did story on life prolongation? it’s been out as a pill now. i’ve been taking it as a 37 year old and my mind and body feel 18 again. also it fully works on almost everyone, above 95% of ppl. fda approved it some time ago after human trials were done since it is so low risk and safe. pls at least look into it.
I am more like to think… “Why did they send me a thank you card?” I was invited to celebrate, free booze, dancing… should the guest send thanks? Thanks for putting in all that work and inviting me to a wonderful event.
You know considering all the narcissism that has slowly built up over the last 20 or so years complete with people hitting on their friends’ / associates’ partners / spouses is it any WONDER teflon Trump got in?
We all need to sit back a bit and THINK about ways to empathize more. I know there are tons of sites and such that cater to the Selfish Gene and make sport out of hunting and gathering anyone / anything anywhere, but if you look at patterns in human evolution you can see these types getting selected out every time.
There will always be those who don’t marry for or base any relationships on long term love and trust, so I say let them be but draw some lines when they invade your space. If I were Ana’s husband I would block ANYBODY I knew she met first from following me on Twitter or friending me on any of the other socials. 80-year-old wise guys no exception. I’d also react in a polite but aloof manner to any Hollywood-here-today-gone-tomorrow hotie making stupid signs at me. They do this because that’s all they know how to do in that 120 year old cannibalistic industry.
The Kama Sutra is the only one of originally three 2,500 documents of ancient India that the British imperial colonizers didn’t destroy. The Kama is a treasure because it’s main point is how the human condition requires the love and trust of ONE person to blossom to it’s fullest potential. Those who are lucky enough to find the one can work to overcome many usually divisive obstacles. The Kama states that if things come together well with two people looking long term, the one grows deeper, therefore to higher levels of pleasure with you, and you with that one. Your vision of the one is not clouded by age or illness. It states that there is a level of confidence this creates that has no time for jealousy or the pettiness of others. It also states that many people go from birth to death without ever having found the ONE for them.
I’m just saying set your standards, be who you are, be polite but firm, unsmiling when it’s warranted, and be ready to enjoy the sharing of responsibilities with the one who is not like you but as disciplined and committed to you as you are to that one.
Remember that Seinfeld episode on ‘the day after thank you call’ ?
This Old School was HI-LARIOUS! Seinfeld proved the little human things about us are big enough to entertain, and 40 years before that show there was Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys whose banter will always have a big place in my heart. You guys captured the essence of both of these American treasures this time.
Looking forward to seeing that which must not be mentioned.
*My god, I want to hear Michael’s rebuttal. ;)
**Cenk, 47? Jimmy’s 50? You damned kids. ;)
*** Johnie Pi, definitely over the hill. ;)
****Cenk, don’t take this wrong, but everything you’ve said about her, I love your wife.
***** Yep, Ana’s right; its all about the vibe. After I got divorced I was suddenly getting flirted with constantly, when I met my now wife, within a week, its was a desert. ;)
Ok. Please. PLEASE. I need an ep where both Wes and Brett do the Russian accents. Please. And ty.
Ana: I would friend you, even if I don’t get fashion. You like to keep it real and I appreciate it. And no, you are jealous. It’s ok tho. Forgiven. I will not make moves towards your hubs’ butt.
After last night’s coverage of the dude romper, with Ana throwing Cenk under the bus (that he would not look good in it), I’m calling it: RIP Cenkosexual. You only lasted….never? ?
As a kid who grew up in a Hispanic household: passive aggressiveness is a necessity. It’s not until my current age of 30 that I’m realizing I need to let that shit go.
It’s so funny because literally JUST last night I had the “I am too a millennial!” argument with my girlfriend (she’s younger). Mainly just because I feel their pain. So, I’m 36…and according to Wikipedia, the cutoff is 1980! Boom. I won the argument.
Yeah, but that doesn’t seem realistic. I define a millenial as someone who knows social media and devices like the back of their hand. There seems to be a very clear line dividing TV watching reactives and Internet interactives, and it’s looking more and more to me like the millenial starting line is 2000 or a few years prior. Because someone born between 1980 and, say, 1993 would have grown up with mostly VHS tapes, no cell phones, CDs and OJ all day on the boob tube, whereas anybody beyond 1995 sees anything to do with that antiquated stuff on portable digital display free or as cheaply as possible. How many 1980s-90s born folks can use all the latest on the Net like it’s second nature? And how many of them are used to taking advantage of all the stuff just recently released into the public domain?
Yup, I’m 36 and I completely agree. It a cultural division, rather than any arbitrary date marker. I should have scrolled down and read this before I comment on that post :p
Yeah, I’m 36 too, but i just don’t think i’m a millennial, they grew up with the internet, and cell phones, we grew up with Tandy’s and rotary phones :p I love to claim to be a millennial just to piss off the stuffy ugh, over 25 is mway old crowd, but i make it a life style distinction. we just didn’t grow up with the same relationship to tech as they did.
Notes; we need more Brett, Micheal Shure deserves a response.
and OLD SCHOOL is 100% real conversations with friends that reveal true funny stories. Inside the news team to the real people.
I know you people are struggling now but it will get better, hopefully soon. Please try to appreciate how special you all are and with each other with TYT. Together we will change the world.
So funny! I laughed nonstop. They all mesh so well together and make a terrific show. More of this panel, whoever’s reading these comments, and please pay attention to the feedback. Some of these OS’s are so deadly serious, and this one’s just lighthearted fun, which is a wonderful surprise—
I’d enjoy watching these guys more often!
Got one Gladys Kravitz all the way over here in my old Tokyo, Japan apartment building. Thank Merlin she’s on my side so I don’t get hassled. Nearly everybody she’s hassled has left.
Hey you want old school, try “to the moon Alice”. My sister and I would be out driving around and we’d sing old theme songs for TV shows like, “The Beverly Hillbillies” or “Green Acres”, so silly and fun.
I laughed my ass off, best episode of old school in a long time. Would love to see more of these guys but also more jimmy, Steve, Malcom and Jordan would be cool.
It’s insane that the topic of shity neighbors came up. Yesterday we had an inspection done on a house we were buying and the neighbor who was drunk off his ass at 10am on a Wednesday shouted at the inspector that he was breaking the law and trespassing. He wouldn’t shut up about it and when our agent went to find out what he was yelling at, he proceeded to tell her to shut her C**t mouth causing me and him to get into it. Long story short we bailed on the house right there and as pissed as we are to lose out on a home we loved we got lucky we found out before we moved in, you can’t live a good life with shitty neighbors.
Also don’t be a dick and just write the fucking thank you notes, this is from a 32 male saying it’s needed. It’s the least you can do after the people had to go out to buy the gift, pay for it and then take a weekend day off to go to your wedding . It takes a few minutes, suck it up and keep some form of thankfulness alive, we don’t have to be lazy and cynical about everything.
Both of my parents and grandparents have expressed anger over not receiving thank you notes from a wedding… So I always thought it was just rude to not write them.
We had to do thank you cards for everything. Christmas, birthdays, etc. Like and my family still buys me blank Thank You cards. I just write them for select family members that I know expect them and everyone else I call… It’s such a pain. I am with you though I was raised it would be horribly rude not to do thank you cards for like everything…
Honestly, I still write thank you’s, and I’m pretty busy these days. Sometimes, having the old-fashioned card and the personal message in hand is a permanent reminder that someone cared enough to take time for you. I think it’s missing, some of these “old fashioned” means of expression. And it only takes a minute, really. You have time.
It’s the personal touch that makes the difference.
I don’t mean write thank you notes for every post on FB, of course!It’s only the more meaningful and lasting relationships that warrant a personal note. Or, maybe it’s a relationship you want to deepen. If you get a gift, someone thought of you enough to choose it for you. The response needs to show that kind of thought in turn.
Well, the key word there is grandparents. Not that there’s anything wrong with grandparents, but its a bygone pastime from a bygone era. Other keywords included int he previous sentence are… by, gone, and past. :p
Another comment I follow a lot (not all) of the TYT people and I like not political stuff on their social media. Like part of what I like about TYT is that you guys have personalities. There are a lot of problems with cable news and it might not be the most important, but the fact that cable news often tends to kill individualism bothers me.
John I am a huge lover of board games I would love to know your favorites more of those posts, please! LOL Sorry. I get it people are buttheads and it must be hard to have your job and then try to be other people online…
I think this should be an easy pitch as a TV show. “Talking Talking” is about to take off. ;)
I guess the only difficulty might be the getting to know you part. Maybe the reason Old School works so well is that, as members, we know you all ready? We know your”characters” and your “story arc”. Don’t worry Ana, you have an arc ;) Although the few times I’ve watched Old School with non-TYT watchers (yeah, I know!), they have loved it too.
Also, this episode is up there with the best of Old School. Loved it!
Too funny, they are busting on Hannah, since they fired her.
you realize this is from May 2017 right? ;-)
I wish I could like different episodes
I want an old school or got review with Cenk high. Please
Loved it
Just joined and this is the first thing I’ve seen.Loved it,pity that everyone’s saying it’s the best ever :D
there are many espisodes of old school that are similar to this. in fact i can think of 2-3 old school episodes that were even more fun than this one. this literally ranks 4th & many lower even tho it was a fantastic episode and so much fun.
Great episode!!
The greatest Old School EVER!!! Hilarious and super real!!! One SUPER last thing; TYT is AWESOME!
Normally my fav old schools are the Wes Clarke Old Schools, BNut THIS one was fucking GREATTTT!
re: Thank you notes.
I’m really surprised no one mentioned this … HOW do you know that they received your gift?
I get it that if you’re writing a check, you know they cashed it. But what if you actually buy something from the registry and have it sent before or after the wedding? (You’re not actually taking it to the wedding, I hope. That’s a royal PIA for the couple (or their parents) to deal with.)
@John (or anyone else) the best, most delicious way to get drunk: limoncello.
The only acceptable liquor is liqueur, imo
Like a nice Disaronno!?!
BEST old school so far, by far. Love the chemistry with this group.
Dude, this episode was super fun and hilarious. I love this group. I always appreciate LOL for reals. Thanks everybody. :-)
My absolute most favorite Old School ever!!! So many things I loved about this show I can’t even list them. <3 <3
I thought I was the only one that dislike Hannah. Glad to see they all realize it.
No, No no I love Hanna, they don’t dislike her she’s just too high strung. Tholugh from what Ive only seen of her on air shes never come off that way to me. She seems like shed be fun to hang out with.
Yes, you’re a tremendous asshole for insulting a stranger online, and for even bothering to comment on something so insignificant such as astrology in the first place. No, I don’t believe in it, but who the fuck doesnt ready their horrorscope for amusement? Each sign has their “characteristics” and thats all I point out. You took it upon yourself to be a judgemental scumbag, proclaiming your “superior intellect” when you’re just a pathetic troll who would probably get their teeth kicked in if they werent hiding behind the safety of their computer.
It can not be stated enough how great this Old School was.
Watching everyone have such a good time was just as much fun as the content! A Top 10 episode for sure, Top 5 quite possibly.
Also, to hell with Thank You cards. Saying thank you to the person’s face (or ears by phone) makes a lot more sense and is how I’d approach it. The whole bullshit etiquette behind writing the cards is just to benefit the Thank You card industry– available now at your local wedding supplies store– and is very outdated.
Right? So you watch an Old School like this and my thought is Who the fuck WOULDN’T want to pick this up and air as a show on a network?
I loved this episode of old school. Definitely one of my favorites.
I know that i am probably in the minority, but there are some forms of etiquette that we should keep and i think that thank you notes are one of them. I understand that if you have a huge wedding and you don’t want to write a long personal note to every single person, but even just a small note goes a long way. Especially for a wedding/wedding shower, baby showers, etc. When someone is taking the time to celebrate you and a new chapter in your life, taking a few minutes to write a thank you note isn’t too much to ask. I know that not everyone writes as much as some people and any time i hand write a card it is always five times as long as anything I’ll get back, but i still appreciate the effort.
Totes agree. My mother didn’t press a lot of etiquette on me growing up, but Thank You cards was definitely one of them. Weddings are a pain in the ass to attend sometimes, and buying or making a gift takes money you don’t always have. So a nice little “nod” is appreciated. Perfect example: my cousin got married last year and lives 11 hours away (one way). Traveling there, kenneling my dog, paying for a hotel room, spending 4 hours making her gift (I’m poor ok), being ignored while she hung out with her friends… would’ve been nice to get a note afterwards. It would’ve been the tiniest way for her to show she appreciated the effort. Call me crazy.
I’m with you on the neighbors. Great great post game. Ty.
This was the best Old School in a long time! Most of the time I think four people is too many but this crew was perfect.
We take pictures of our food before we eat it because we think people are interested. Why not take a picture of it again when it comes out as a couple box cars with the troublemaker on top making you feel like you won the day? You know, decorate the bowl, add ground lighting effects. Winner.
There’s shady bitches following Christian on social media because well they’re suspect af and then there’s me who follows Christian literally just in case he post something about Ana or Charlie lmao
really great ep, little bit of new school in the old school
Gaud, that was so funny and fun. Like an inside look at our off the wall family dynamic. This is the sort of thing that makes being a member really special, that feeling of connection to like minded people. I also liked this particular panel, where Cenk didn’t dominate the topics. I know Cenk is the driver of the narrative and I’m not trying to take anything away from his methods. I just think a good leader needs to know when to step back and let his minions pick up the flag and run with it.
Such a relief to see ppl like me after all.
I HATE etiquette stuff, marriage rules, being offended for not getting a thank-you-card …
I can’t stand ppl like that.
Unfortunately, here in Germany, these rules are still very much present in daily life.
Fuck that shit and have fun!
Cenk, we have something in common.
No-rules-party is the greatest idea ever.
Alcohol does suck, beer makes you bloated, wine can give you a headache, tequila makes you wanna puke and whiskeys burn.
after a few hours of no matter what is being drunk, I feel all stuffy and sweaty and my head is pounding and I feel tired and literally grimy. It’s just a shitty high compared to other things.
All that on top of the regular effects of stumbling over yourself when you walk, the walls spinning, slurring your words and out of control emotions.
Its fun right up until the sip that puts you over the comfort zone and now you’re like “FUCK this is an ordeal now”
Yeah, I’ll take a nice marijuana high over a booze or liquor drunk any day of the week, or all seven for that matter.
Best laughter therapy this old Alaskan woman’s heart needed. TY guys! I would love more Old School! Enjoyed my own personal homemade edibles after the show and just kept laughing most of the day reliving all the fun parts of the show in my head!
Great show about nothing.
So Ana is Elaine, Cenk is Jerry, Brett is Kramer, John is oh no… He’s George.
As far as accents go — nobody compares to Wes.
I’m probably not their target audience, as a 30-year old, but Old School is one of my favorite shows on the TYT network. And since the show is purposely laid back, with hosts “shooting the shit”, have they ever considered having viewers call in every once in a while, to join in on the topic being discussed? The viewers would be paying members, and would weed out the vast majority of “haters” calling in. Just a thought.
The only way this episode could have been better is if Jimmy, Wes or Ben was in it!
best episode ever!! need more of anna and john on future episodes!!
Ana is such a true Cancer. Fiercely loyal, and insanely jealous. <3
Uhh what? Come on that born on some month 9 months after your parents had sex, means your labelled as this or that is so stupid. Thank God the universe doesn’t work that way.
aw shut the fuck up. typical douchebag on the internet that feels compelled to comment on some insignificant shit they disagree with… wow cool dude, you don’t believe in astrology, neither do I, but on old school, she was displaying some of the characteristics of what a cancer is like… crucify me! hahahaaha fucking asshole
Every characteristic is interchangeable with each other star sign, so how have you identified Cancer’s traits? You haven’t. You just projected your own ignorance and even worse you say you don’t even believe in astrology.
I’m an asshole am I? Kill yourself
I take the kill yourself back, but fuck you
The best Old School I’ve ever seen.
More people need to watch. I think you need to describe the show when promoting it though. Cenk will often say “Old School tonight for members”. That tells new people nothing. Just say it’s “where we shoot the shit for 90min. It’s a great time!”
Bill Maher just stole Brett’s joke and called Tucker Carlson ‘Fucker Tarlson’. I know it’s not exactly the same, but the timing is suspect – also Cucker is much funnier
HAHA Yes I saw that ep. Bill Maher is a fucken joke thief, or at the least the people who write for him are :P
Yes, Jason Rubin is sexy.
jason rubin looks like the epitome of white privilege anally raped mark zuckerberg & gave birth to him :) lol
i just love you guys, and i’ m 61 from Denmark
if you’re 61, then please look into Niagen, remember Cenk did story on life prolongation? it’s been out as a pill now. i’ve been taking it as a 37 year old and my mind and body feel 18 again. also it fully works on almost everyone, above 95% of ppl. fda approved it some time ago after human trials were done since it is so low risk and safe. pls at least look into it.
regards from Turkey
PLease more of this! New Oldschool FTW
I am more like to think… “Why did they send me a thank you card?” I was invited to celebrate, free booze, dancing… should the guest send thanks? Thanks for putting in all that work and inviting me to a wonderful event.
You know considering all the narcissism that has slowly built up over the last 20 or so years complete with people hitting on their friends’ / associates’ partners / spouses is it any WONDER teflon Trump got in?
We all need to sit back a bit and THINK about ways to empathize more. I know there are tons of sites and such that cater to the Selfish Gene and make sport out of hunting and gathering anyone / anything anywhere, but if you look at patterns in human evolution you can see these types getting selected out every time.
There will always be those who don’t marry for or base any relationships on long term love and trust, so I say let them be but draw some lines when they invade your space. If I were Ana’s husband I would block ANYBODY I knew she met first from following me on Twitter or friending me on any of the other socials. 80-year-old wise guys no exception. I’d also react in a polite but aloof manner to any Hollywood-here-today-gone-tomorrow hotie making stupid signs at me. They do this because that’s all they know how to do in that 120 year old cannibalistic industry.
The Kama Sutra is the only one of originally three 2,500 documents of ancient India that the British imperial colonizers didn’t destroy. The Kama is a treasure because it’s main point is how the human condition requires the love and trust of ONE person to blossom to it’s fullest potential. Those who are lucky enough to find the one can work to overcome many usually divisive obstacles. The Kama states that if things come together well with two people looking long term, the one grows deeper, therefore to higher levels of pleasure with you, and you with that one. Your vision of the one is not clouded by age or illness. It states that there is a level of confidence this creates that has no time for jealousy or the pettiness of others. It also states that many people go from birth to death without ever having found the ONE for them.
I’m just saying set your standards, be who you are, be polite but firm, unsmiling when it’s warranted, and be ready to enjoy the sharing of responsibilities with the one who is not like you but as disciplined and committed to you as you are to that one.
Remember that Seinfeld episode on ‘the day after thank you call’ ?
This Old School was HI-LARIOUS! Seinfeld proved the little human things about us are big enough to entertain, and 40 years before that show there was Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys whose banter will always have a big place in my heart. You guys captured the essence of both of these American treasures this time.
Looking forward to seeing that which must not be mentioned.
*My god, I want to hear Michael’s rebuttal. ;)
**Cenk, 47? Jimmy’s 50? You damned kids. ;)
*** Johnie Pi, definitely over the hill. ;)
****Cenk, don’t take this wrong, but everything you’ve said about her, I love your wife.
***** Yep, Ana’s right; its all about the vibe. After I got divorced I was suddenly getting flirted with constantly, when I met my now wife, within a week, its was a desert. ;)
Ok. Please. PLEASE. I need an ep where both Wes and Brett do the Russian accents. Please. And ty.
Ana: I would friend you, even if I don’t get fashion. You like to keep it real and I appreciate it. And no, you are jealous. It’s ok tho. Forgiven. I will not make moves towards your hubs’ butt.
After last night’s coverage of the dude romper, with Ana throwing Cenk under the bus (that he would not look good in it), I’m calling it: RIP Cenkosexual. You only lasted….never? ?
As a kid who grew up in a Hispanic household: passive aggressiveness is a necessity. It’s not until my current age of 30 that I’m realizing I need to let that shit go.
Great episode!
Loved this unorthodox Old School! A very nice treat on my nation’s birthday! lmao
This is a beautiful thing! Thanks for this.
It’s so funny because literally JUST last night I had the “I am too a millennial!” argument with my girlfriend (she’s younger). Mainly just because I feel their pain. So, I’m 36…and according to Wikipedia, the cutoff is 1980! Boom. I won the argument.
Yeah, but that doesn’t seem realistic. I define a millenial as someone who knows social media and devices like the back of their hand. There seems to be a very clear line dividing TV watching reactives and Internet interactives, and it’s looking more and more to me like the millenial starting line is 2000 or a few years prior. Because someone born between 1980 and, say, 1993 would have grown up with mostly VHS tapes, no cell phones, CDs and OJ all day on the boob tube, whereas anybody beyond 1995 sees anything to do with that antiquated stuff on portable digital display free or as cheaply as possible. How many 1980s-90s born folks can use all the latest on the Net like it’s second nature? And how many of them are used to taking advantage of all the stuff just recently released into the public domain?
Yup, I’m 36 and I completely agree. It a cultural division, rather than any arbitrary date marker. I should have scrolled down and read this before I comment on that post :p
Yeah, I’m 36 too, but i just don’t think i’m a millennial, they grew up with the internet, and cell phones, we grew up with Tandy’s and rotary phones :p I love to claim to be a millennial just to piss off the stuffy ugh, over 25 is mway old crowd, but i make it a life style distinction. we just didn’t grow up with the same relationship to tech as they did.
Get Michael on with Brett. Come on, gotta Michael a fair chance. Loved this Ep
best old school eva!
Notes; we need more Brett, Micheal Shure deserves a response.
and OLD SCHOOL is 100% real conversations with friends that reveal true funny stories. Inside the news team to the real people.
I know you people are struggling now but it will get better, hopefully soon. Please try to appreciate how special you all are and with each other with TYT. Together we will change the world.
Bring this group back for more, please!
Young School.
So funny! I laughed nonstop. They all mesh so well together and make a terrific show. More of this panel, whoever’s reading these comments, and please pay attention to the feedback. Some of these OS’s are so deadly serious, and this one’s just lighthearted fun, which is a wonderful surprise—
I’d enjoy watching these guys more often!
I’ve always really enjoyed John, sand I love it when Brett joins the cast to have Cenk and Anna with them on Old School was a real fucking Treat!
Hey Ana does your neighbor look like this ;P
We got one near my house too, I think its stand issue for every neighborhood.
Got one Gladys Kravitz all the way over here in my old Tokyo, Japan apartment building. Thank Merlin she’s on my side so I don’t get hassled. Nearly everybody she’s hassled has left.
Gladys Kravitz!! Now that’s old school funny.
Hey you want old school, try “to the moon Alice”. My sister and I would be out driving around and we’d sing old theme songs for TV shows like, “The Beverly Hillbillies” or “Green Acres”, so silly and fun.
This was the best Old School!!!! Please, please, please do this again!!!
I laughed my ass off, best episode of old school in a long time. Would love to see more of these guys but also more jimmy, Steve, Malcom and Jordan would be cool.
It’s insane that the topic of shity neighbors came up. Yesterday we had an inspection done on a house we were buying and the neighbor who was drunk off his ass at 10am on a Wednesday shouted at the inspector that he was breaking the law and trespassing. He wouldn’t shut up about it and when our agent went to find out what he was yelling at, he proceeded to tell her to shut her C**t mouth causing me and him to get into it. Long story short we bailed on the house right there and as pissed as we are to lose out on a home we loved we got lucky we found out before we moved in, you can’t live a good life with shitty neighbors.
Also don’t be a dick and just write the fucking thank you notes, this is from a 32 male saying it’s needed. It’s the least you can do after the people had to go out to buy the gift, pay for it and then take a weekend day off to go to your wedding . It takes a few minutes, suck it up and keep some form of thankfulness alive, we don’t have to be lazy and cynical about everything.
great show
Both of my parents and grandparents have expressed anger over not receiving thank you notes from a wedding… So I always thought it was just rude to not write them.
We had to do thank you cards for everything. Christmas, birthdays, etc. Like and my family still buys me blank Thank You cards. I just write them for select family members that I know expect them and everyone else I call… It’s such a pain. I am with you though I was raised it would be horribly rude not to do thank you cards for like everything…
Honestly, I still write thank you’s, and I’m pretty busy these days. Sometimes, having the old-fashioned card and the personal message in hand is a permanent reminder that someone cared enough to take time for you. I think it’s missing, some of these “old fashioned” means of expression. And it only takes a minute, really. You have time.
It’s the personal touch that makes the difference.
I don’t mean write thank you notes for every post on FB, of course!It’s only the more meaningful and lasting relationships that warrant a personal note. Or, maybe it’s a relationship you want to deepen. If you get a gift, someone thought of you enough to choose it for you. The response needs to show that kind of thought in turn.
Well, the key word there is grandparents. Not that there’s anything wrong with grandparents, but its a bygone pastime from a bygone era. Other keywords included int he previous sentence are… by, gone, and past. :p
this was my first old school (new member). Had a big smile just listening and felt you guys were old friends. loved it :)
10 mins in and I am laughing so hard I woke up my dog and my husband *cries from laughter*
Another comment I follow a lot (not all) of the TYT people and I like not political stuff on their social media. Like part of what I like about TYT is that you guys have personalities. There are a lot of problems with cable news and it might not be the most important, but the fact that cable news often tends to kill individualism bothers me.
John I am a huge lover of board games I would love to know your favorites more of those posts, please! LOL Sorry. I get it people are buttheads and it must be hard to have your job and then try to be other people online…
Have you seen that board game show Will Wheaton does? They have episodes on Amazon Prime?
I think this should be an easy pitch as a TV show. “Talking Talking” is about to take off. ;)
I guess the only difficulty might be the getting to know you part. Maybe the reason Old School works so well is that, as members, we know you all ready? We know your”characters” and your “story arc”. Don’t worry Ana, you have an arc ;) Although the few times I’ve watched Old School with non-TYT watchers (yeah, I know!), they have loved it too.
Also, this episode is up there with the best of Old School. Loved it!
That was awesome. Old school is my favorite
this should be a regular old-school group. at least once a month! SO GOOD
yes deffo!!
One of my favorite Old School ever! Great panel everyone plays off each other very well !
The awesome triple head-thrown-back laugh at 1:29 is a joy in itself.
Fantastic!! My first Old School (I am a recent member!)
He-man woman haters club
This is one of the funniest eps ever