Aggressive Progressives: May 18, 2017

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan117 Comments

Jimmy Dore, Malcolm Fleschner, and Graham Elwood for this week’s Aggressive Progressive. Jordan Chariton skypes in. The trio discuss Roger Aisles, Wikileaks, and more to enrage any sane Progressive.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 18 minutes, 4 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. For the people desperate for some aggressive progressives, the jimmy dore show uploaded a new episode recently, available to podcast.

  2. I’m with these guys! I was about to cancel my membership a few months ago for financial reasons, but then caught the first AP and cancelled Netflix instead. I work swing shifts, so I can’t catch it live. FFS! PLEASE start uploading these a bit faster!

  3. I’ve been refreshing the AP page ALL day… I pray to the powers of the Internet that it’s uploaded by my dinner time. Please, help me TYT, AP is my only hope.

  4. Of course, my fiance calls and keeps me on the phone right when AP comes on… And now I can’t even download and watch while I’m at work. Call off the wedding? (Just kidding)

    Come on, TYT. We know you’re going as fast as you can… But, you know… AP!


    Cenk is talking about some establishment bullshit that doesn’t affect me AT ALL!

    Cenk talks to the top 20%
    Jimmy talks to the bottom 80%

    More dore!!!!!! Freaking out

  6. Why does it take so long for this show to get uploaded? The daily shows seem to usually upload within a few hours

  7. New episode is still not up? This should be a priority as many members like myself only joined because of AP.

  8. AP is the best show by far! Go Jimmy, Malcolm, Steve, Graham, and all AP people! Do more shows a week. Everyone email this link telling them that we need more shows a week.

    If we get enough people saying they want more shows then it will happen.

  9. Love the show, really wish you guys uploaded new episodes quicker never am able to watch it live and hate waiting a day or 2 for it to go up. Regardless great job on the show!

  10. Hey fuckos, where’s the new episode? The show’s 90 minutes, so it ended eight hours ago –– quit fucking around and get that shit up! I’m shelling out for this show alone on this whole network. Get it together, y’all!

        1. If he’s still sticking with the Seth Rich conspiracy maybe they have to edit it out. I sure hope he isn’t. I got tickets to see him in July, but if he keeps moving from truth teller to Alex Jones of the left I’ll probably throw them away.

  11. Aggressive Progressives is the best show on TYT. Why do I sometimes have to wait several days for the show to be posted on website?! If you can get the main show up within an hour or two after it ends then I see no reason why I should have to wait for AP. I am going to have to make serious cuts to my budget soon. I would hate to have to drop TYT.

    1. To be fair, when they record this and other bonus shows all of the crew have to stay late and they all go home after filming, so they don’t edit it until the next day and they almost always get it up the next day.

    1. Done, and thank you for the link. Even if he’s not nominated this year, if his show is still going next year (and I see no reason it shouldn’t be) I honestly he could win it. I love TYT, I really do….but The AP’s is hands down the best progressive voice we have right now.

      1. Done, and thank you for the link. Even if he’s not nominated this year, if his show is still going next year (and I see no reason it shouldn’t be) I honestly think he could win it. I love TYT, I really do….but The AP’s is hands down the best progressive voice we have right now.

  12. Thank you Jimmy for pointing out that Trump is the better of our current options! Thank you so much!

  13. PS – met Ro Khanna at the convention — he is warm and gracious and genuine, the real deal. Got my picture taken with him (was wearing a TYT shirt, of course!)

  14. Hey Jimmy — Thomas Frank says “hi”

    I will be very happy to be proved wrong, but I saw no sign that TYT made any effort to cover the CA State Democratic Convention this weekend. The second largest Democratic organization in the USA (after the DNC) met to elect officers, including a new Chair, who will shape the future of the party in California. (When I met Thomas Frank at the Progressive Caucus, I mentioned enjoying his interview with Jimmy Dore, and he asked “Is Jimmy here? No? He should be here.” I agreed!)

    You may have read about it in the LA Times online, but as a delegate and eye witness, I can say the news articles only just touch the surface of the intense drama. Does this sound familiar: the Establishment Candidate has been waiting in the wings for many years, paying his dues, awaiting “his turn.” He had the entire establishment wing of the party behind him. A year ago, he was assumed to be the unchallenged new leader of CA’s party.

    Then an unknown community organizer with zero name recognition came out of nowhere to become the progressive’s rising star candidate, and this weekend she nearly upset the establishment’s apple cart. The establishment candidate won by a whisker (and the results are currently being audited).

    But here’s the thing — the whole setup is rigged. In addition to delegates from The People like myself, every Democratic elected politician is allowed to appoint their own delegates — some have up to 30 appointees. These appointees usually vote as they are told to vote. The ballots are NOT secret, so the person who is appointed will eventually be held accountable for their vote, and if they have any political ambition at all, they understand the consequences of going against their elected’s instructions. How many delegates at the Convention were appointed, and therefore an extension of the Establishment? Between 600-700, out of 3000 total.

    Were it not for the 600-700 establishment-appointed delegates tipping the scales, the Progressive candidate would have won by a LANDSLIDE.

    I came away from the experience feeling very optimistic. I saw the Power of the Movement, and it was awesome. Yes, we hit a speed bump created by the Establishment, but we have the REAL numbers on our side. We now know about the elected-appointed-delegate problem, and we will fix that.

    Too bad TYT wasn’t there. Check out the LAT coverage. (btw I’m in the crowd shot where Kimberly address supporters in Caesar Chavez park. The logo on my TYT shirt is unfortunately blocked from view).

    1. Thanks for the report! And yes, TYT and/or Jimmy being there just seems like a no-brainer. It does require advance planning and setting aside a budget for it, but surely that’s doable now.

    2. This is one of the most importannt political news stories this week. But since TYT doesn’t do weekends, so no coverage here.

      TYTs next fund drive should be on setting up some live weekend coverage.

      TYT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. This story hasn’t even been mention d on the regular show.

      In all fairness, no progressive shows have mentioned this story.

      The ball was majorly dropped here. A chance for big progressive victory was lost by a hair.
      I wonder if better reporting / better whipping up activist awareness would have won the day?

  15. I don’t care what Seder-istas say. AP is great!! And I subscribe to MR.

    ANYWAY…Corburn actually seeks to re-nationalize British Rail.

    See History of British Rail |

    “…between 1994 and 1997, British Rail was privatised, as track and infrastructure passed to Railtrack in 1994 and, later, passenger services were franchised in 25 blocks to private-sector operators. Freight services were sold outright.”

    That was during the Blair tenure.

    1. I don’t care what Seder-istas say. AP is great!! And I subscribe to MR.

      What did they say? I can’t subscribe to MR, it’s just too boring. I do very much enjoy Sam debating rightwing libertarians or conservatives, however, which he does with great skill and argumentation.

      1. They think Jimmy is a problem for TYT Network and said last Friday that his presence on TYT should be ended.

        They don’t like Jimmy’s arguments and conclusions.

        Which is strange to me as what Jimmy Dore hoped for is what we have now anyway. A humiliated Democratic establishment desperate enough to keep power that the just might change for the better.

        Seder is fighting yesterday’s battles.

        Sam and his sidekick Michael thinks that if Hillary won that we would have had a better chance of influencing her. But to me the Clinton’s have practiced ignoring liberals for so long that there is no evidence that she could be moved our way.

        They see Dore’s or anti-Hillary / anti-Democratic establishment as entirely rational because so much has been lost and is being destroyed by the Republican Party right now.

        They themselves are not pro establishment….so it’s weird to hear them rail against Jimmy.

        (Too much for me to get into right now.)

        They are on the same side really….Sam is a bit stuck in the past though.

        1. They see anti-Hillary / anti-Democratic Party establishment as entirely irrational…rather.
          (Man I wish we could edit our original comments.)

        2. In general, agreed on pretty much every point.

          > that his presence on TYT should be ended

          That’s hilarious! After TYT’s support for Sanders in the primaries, Jimmy himself is the second biggest factor that lies behind TYT’s growth during the past two years. They would be shooting themselves in the foot, enormously, and they know it.

          It’s also just more evidence that all pundits who are addicted to Corporate Democrats, far from being open-minded, in reality can’t tolerate dissent. No one’s stopping them from arguing against Jimmy’s points, but they’d rather erase those who argue against theirs.

  16. It would be nice if this show focused on the atrocities against livestock animals in slaughter houses and the dairy industry. There are several groups that speak for what is, the most evil and corrupt industry existing in the US and around the world. Mercy for Animals, Compassion Over Killing, the Humane Society, Animal Place, Farm Sanctuary. Thanks,

  17. Speculation leads to further investigation. Speculation is how leads form. If you are happy with just not knowing then stay out of the conversation.

    1. Right. Even when a detective tries to compose scenarios in his head – i.e. hypotheticals which can then be tested with field work – that detective is also speculating.

  18. I have to disagree with Jimmy about it being better to back off and keep Trump around for the next election instead of Pence. The Dems can’t afford to pull their punches and its not going to be as easy as many think to knock off Trump. They need every win they can get, even if it is just perception. Every day that imbecile is in office is another day where some random tweet could start a war. I’d feel a lot better with Pence in charge, even if his domestic policies suck as much as Trump.

    1. its not going to be as easy as many think to knock off Trump.

      Very much agree with ya on that.

      But to see it as a ‘Dem’ job to take Trump down is the wrong way to think about it. It’s not ‘the job of the Democratic Party’ – which is now at its lowest point ever, not because of Trump but entirely because of itself and because of the path it has chosen to embark on for past three decades (choosing to no longer be the party of the working class etc.)

      It’s not their job, it’s the job of progressives. The Dem party can still be a vehicle and an instrument for it, perhaps, but not necessarily. Either way, it’s up to progressives to remake America, which is more important than taking down Trump (but roughly coincides with it, at this point).

      1. I disagree (a bit).

        It appears to be the self-appointed job of the Corporate Dems, because they want a distraction from actually reforming their party, and attacking Trump gives them that cover. As the opposition party I would think they are expected to rail against the President especially when there is an obvious weakness.
        Let the corporate Dems have at it on that front with Trump, because it’s possibly the one thing they may be good for at this point.

        I would think its the job of the “Progressives” to focus more on pushing the Democratic party to the left towards more progressive policies (including getting money out of politics), be it by raising their voices or by infiltration.
        It’s fine to use Trump as an incitement, but not be so distracted as to not see the bigger picture and the problems with the Dems themselves.

        1. Let the corporate Dems have at it on that front with Trump, because it’s possibly the one thing they may be good for at this point.

          I certainly see what you’re saying, but there is the further consideration of how all this would (probably) evolve the field as a whole.

          If Corporate Dems succeed in taking down Trump on their own in the short term (they won’t, IMO, but let’s suppose) then Pence would replace Trump in the short term. That would be a worse situation for progressives than the current situation, because

          1) Corporate Dems would then be able to crow about having impeached Trump, which strengthens their position inside the party as well as in general.

          2) Against Pence, they will still flounder and fail, but not in a way that creates as many opportunities for progressives as Trump did. I think having a president Pence would take us back, in some ways, to the early years of Bush (when he wasn’t highly unpopular yet). It’s more familiar ground for Corporate Democrats, and the chaos generated by Trump and his incompetence would recede. At this point in time, I think we need a certain level of chaos and political instability, which only Trump can generate (until we take him down, at least, which may just be at the next presidential election).

          1. I see your point of view of course….and I hate to hark on about this….but let me make an analogy.

            I see Trump as like an unexploded bomb (like the kind they still find in London basements from WWII).
            There’s no timer…..and it’s probably dangerous to try and move.
            Would you sleep soundly in your bed with an unexploded bomb in your basement until the next election?
            And for what? A strategy? I’m saying Trump is too dangerous to keep around. Period.

            I suspect Trump has a brain tumor.
            My ex-boss displayed practically every horrible trait as Trump once he was diagnosed. You name it.
            Lying; making false claims; believing the lies were the truth; Using hyperbole; tweeting/posting crazy stuff every week after promising to stop; baseless-lawsuits; Private investigators; Short attention span; Agreeing to do what the last person in the room told him to; contradicting our agreed strategy; Contradicting his own lies. Bragging about lying (that one’s coming); Bragging about firing; Charming people in person and bad mouthing them behind their back; Crazy conspiracy theories; Announcing products before they were ready and without proper testing; An immense sense of entitlement and superiority; Willing to throw staff under the bus, for any old thing, especially with vendors; Mood swings; Nepotism; Promising the world for your loyalty but giving you nothing back; It goes on and on; Selling at freakin’ loss at launch due to ineptitude, and then jacking up the price 300%.
            The company lost so much good will, and he came across as a snake-oil salesman, and sales dried up.
            As his main aide I barely kept him on the rails, and I shudder to think what would have happened without me.
            I had sooo many Spicer moments on the company’s social media.
            I remember the anxiety I had every morning. I’d feel sorry for Spicer, if he wasn’t a Republican.
            I finally left, a matter of weeks before he died because he was acting totally unreasonably….and of course the company folded with a mountain of debt.
            I was practically the last to know, but still having access to our social media accounts I was forced to make a flattering online statement about him, because no-one else was going to. One of the hardest things I’ve had to do.

            1. Fair points. Personally, though, I’m always a little wary of leading a political argument towards an argument about someone’s alleged psychological failings or mental disabillities. Traditionally, this has been a long-standing tactic on the Political Right, for centuries arguably, in that it was always fond of arguing that leftists (and activists, etc.) have “something wrong with them”, as if they’re “crazy” etc. For all of Trump’s obvious personal flaws, I’m not eager to import this sort of thinking to our side.

    2. I agree. Pence doesn’t pull the anti-esrablishment support that Trump does. He’s also far more predictable and wouldn’t make us look like as much of a laughing stock. Not to mention that if Trump did obstruct justice (and he probably did) that is an impeachable offense, and we shouldn’t allow a President to get away with that just because we think he will be an easier 2020 opponent.

  19. I like the Shitty Birthday concept. I enjoy the historical and interesting information it brings in.

  20. I’m a TYT member just for Aggressive Progressives, thanks for another great show! I hate to say it, but I must, you all gotta cut the “Shitty Birthday” segment. It’s a lot of time wasted on shitty people, who literally suck at life, and although Michael ( who is awesome) has jammed packed the information, the segment goes on way too long. I would have way rather seen a segment on Chelsea Manning or some of the topics that you all couldn’t get to. A shitty B-day should get no more than a few short minutes of time on your awesome show.

  21. The ramp is for ducklings not ducks. Mom has no trouble getting to the water. The little guys can’t get over the lump and into the water and therefore will be eaten by predators without aid.

        1. Never rule out miracles. Anyway, the polls are always skewed in favor of the rightwing media’s opinions, especially lately. In the event that Corbyn loses but he doesn’t lose by a landslide, then it will be a major victory. Even in the unlikely event that he loses by a landslide, I predict that he will stay on and go on to win the NEXT election.

      1. Perhaps that’s a bit of a simplification, though. I’m sure there are many on the more liberal end of the Labour Party who are better than those on the conservative end of the Liberal Democrats. The UK is a much more complicated place with all of those parties that the US can only dream of. #EndTheTwoPartySystem

      2. The Libdems are neoliberals, just like the rightwing of the Democratic Party is. What marks them out is that outside of a few issues, like being pro-EU (and being neoliberals), they will opportunistically go whichever way the wind seems to blow as long as they can still sorta label it “centrism”. So they had no problem whatsoever with joining the Conservatives in coalition in 2010 and inflicting harsh austerity and neoliberal measures on ordinary people.

        In other words, they could not be more wrong for the current era, in which the status quo of politics/economy is gradually collapsing; bolder choices and far more conviction are needed; and leftwing populism is making a deserved comeback.

  22. I was just thinking damn I wish Jimmy Dore would come to the Bay Area, and TA-DAAA, you’ll be in SF for my birthweek :D :D HELL YEAH! See you there, Jimmy!

  23. Anybody who hates on ducklings has GOT to be a psychopath. Imagine living with a person like that–argh! Ducklings! I HATE THEM!!

  24. I saw Jimmy talking about the Crime Chelsea Manning was accused of. It was of exposing the US military of being worse than the Nazis. He was affected by these revelations, and maybe he can become unhinged. And when he is talking about a murder of someone in the DNC who was exposing the corruption of your fucking greatest democracy the world has ever seen? Do you realize that they beat people on the feet with chains and drilled holes in their legs. And this is your military. Thanks for your service soldier. Was that a Black and Decker drill? My old man always used Black and Decker, great brand. And when Manning blew the whistle, we tortured her and she tried to commit suicide twice. But let’s protest Trump’s tax returns. Fuck that, you American pussies. Try to have a Nuremberg Trials for the past 50 years of Uncle Adolf. We have a ventriloquist, Tillerson, with a dummy Trump and instead of his hand, he has a gas pump up his ass. But that gas pump is up your ass too. God Bless Fucking Murica. Jimmy, you need to be even more unhinged. You go, Girl.

    1. How come the name Craig Murry never shows up. He is the ex ambassador from the UK for Uzbeckistan. He claimed to have collected the leak from a DNC worker.

      1. Craig Murray has gone quiet in recent months (at least on the Podesta affair). There could be lots of different reasons for this (both great and small) but in any case this makes it even more difficult for Jimmy et al to take his version into account, or to involve him.

    2. Hey Jimmmy, please google The Guardian and Independent on Craig Murray. Why is no one following up or interviewing him. Friend of Assange, claimed he collected the leak. an interview would be world shattering.

  25. So you never state the obvious conclusion you want let me see if I can state it for you.

    Seth was found to be the leaker but the DNC want it to be the russians so badly the had Seth executed on the street.
    I dunno. I just don’t think the DNC dems are this organized and effecient. Remember these are a bunch politicians paid to lose.
    And why doesnt’ assange release his name if he was the leaker since he’s dead now?

    1. Even though he’s dead, he still has a family and Assange (assuming that Seth’s the leaker) doesn’t want the family to be put through a horrible national inquiry.

    2. It’s not the necessarily the DNC as a whole. It is also possible that one member of the campaign took it upon himself. Someone who noticed the activities of the leaker and thought to himself: “So this guy wants to be the next Edward Snowden, eh? Well, I used to work in military-security sector and I still have contacts. I can take care of this asshole, quietly, and without it creating any major media story that would itself hurt the campaign.”

      Pure speculation on my part, obviously, but perfectly plausible as a scenario. Remember that the Clinton campaign was full of people who thought that they were on their way to their “gilded futures” (as Cenk put it so well) in which they get to rule the country, make millions (also as lobbyists and with private sector parachutes), etc. That their arrogance and sense of privilege are extreme.

  26. The best show by far on tyt! Make it DAILY please! I pay 10 bucks a month for this show bcuz I can’t stand the main show and other moderate crap on tyt. Jordan also but he’s free on utube.

  27. I love this show. The best part is listening to Jimmy yell for 78 straight minutes. Make this show a daily!

  28. I love Malcolm on the show – he’s just as funny as the comedians – great zany wit.

    Dylan plugged along with his youtube story while his noisy bus passed him by. I felt that was an essential point and I’m glad Malcolm picked up on it.

    Yes, Dylan hits hard like a sage!

  29. Great work by Jordan – thanks for that interview and regular updates on that much needed story. I’m with Graham – Can Jordan find the authorities to ask/tell/prevent the police that they just can’t go around arresting people like this in the first place? NO more police thuggery & senseless deaths to beautiful everyday folks!!!!!!

    Also, I hope Jordan keeps going up the chain of command to get a sensible person in charge who can cancel those liens for unpaid poison water utility bills and throw out that CFO and sue the city for such behavior.

  30. Jimmy – Please do a segment on this article below from DC McClatchy: People are in meltdown mode – Inside the GOP donor class panic about Trump.

    I believe it is good to prolong the investigations into Trump and to look deeper into the $500 billion oil pipeline Exxon deal with the Russians and to look deeper into which foreign groups are financing Trump and to see how wrong it is for Trump to make crap-loads of money while being President.

    I want these investigations into Trump to drag on for the next 2 years, so Trump & the Repubs & their Big Money a-holes can’t get any support for their terrible policies and actions that rape the taxpayers and steal from our huge national tax bounty that was meant to support all of us.

    Here is a statement from the article of one Repub on how Trump is getting them off-track: [my thoughts about the article – damn straight – keep Trump in the WH & keep him off track]

    “At this time, as we speak today, I’m more concerned with, this is getting their legislative agenda off track,” Barbour said. “And listen, they’ve got a year to get stuff done before the elections in 2018, and I know members of Congress and President Trump, these guys want to get this stuff done. But they’re just so off message. They’ve got to find a way to get back to focusing on what people care about, what people elected him to do. If not, they’re in real trouble.”

    Read more here:

  31. Cenk & TYT – thanks for extending the show to 1.5 hrs.

    I request at least a 2-hour show twice a week. I love the regular interviews that are part this show with Jordan, Michael, Naomi K.. I want more interviews with our 13 investigative reporters about their work and how they are fighting the powerful corruption for everyday people.

  32. Yeah, this wasn’t a great episode… Jimmy is looking a little unhinged here… You can’t start at A then speculate your way to G…

    If B, happens then that could lead to C, which leads to F and NOW WE ARE AT G! OMG!

    … Wait, slow down a few steps Jimmy.

    Even when talking about the “Botched Robbery” … Once the gun is fired they could have just panicked and ran. It happens, they didn’t want to get caught for murder. I’m also speculating, the point is we don’t know. No point making baseless assumptions. For almost every speculation he made, I could think of several explanations that didn’t work up to cold blooded murder.

    Love ya Jimmy, but they really needed a counter voice on this episode to walk him down a bit.

    1. Dude has been unhinged for a long time, and I’m glad people are picking up on it. Some Berniebots haven’t received their firmware upgrades in such a long time, it’s starting to show. Jimmy is trapped in a gravity well of his own confirmation bias.

      1. Why would a TYT member employ a derogatory term for Bernie Sanders supporters? That makes no sense whatsoever. This is Bernie Sanders Central, right here. Maybe you should pay more attention to your surroundings.

  33. The problem that Corbyn has is a BREXIT situation where most of his parties power brokers, urban households, and affluent class want a strategy to reverse or fully stop the process of leaving the EU. I think the trigger has been pulled on BREXIT and there is no going back but there was an opportunity before the parliament started the procedure to object, demand an election, and strategically call that the final referendum on the matter … Corbyn being a dolt politician didn’t and failed to do so. Now he has to sell a message that his own party doesn’t want to hear or has the appetite to listen to. Corbyn has a big message to sell but his polls will be a disaster without really answering the EU situation in a manner that satisfies those who feel like they are losing a province, reaching out to those who are with SNP that don’t want to leave UK after BREXIT. Corbyn isn’t fit to sell that message; remember in politics you can have a good policy but still be a bad messenger. Lastly Corbyn has to show strength to negotiate with the EU. Regardless of the EU fallout the UK will have to carve out concessions with a EU that wants to exact a costly price for the exit to deter other EU nations who want to exit. So he has to seem at least like a strong negotiator that will protect British interests … he doesn’t even look the part so that is the narrative he is facing and British elections are so fast I don’t think he has time to turn around. Tharesa May played her timing very well and undercut the Labour party because of Corbyn’s poor tactics. If he had forced an election before the letter went out starting the 2yr BREXIT process then positioned himself as pro-EU he may have squeaked a victory by galvanising for another Refrendum but this time in the form of an election. He is an idiot on politics but the policy sounds good … their can be these two dichotomies of thought. It’s not game over yet for him; but that is why a good messenger could overcome even the worst policies.

    1. I think the trigger has been pulled on BREXIT and there is no going back but there was an opportunity before the parliament started the procedure to object, demand an election, and strategically call that the final referendum on the matter

      This is just a liberal fantasy (by which I mean, a British LibDem fantasy). The reality is that the people spoke and there were no goods cards for Labour to play on Brexit. This is just another unfair criticism of Corbyn, which the British press cranks out at an astonishing rate.

      The Labour party has been undercutting itself because its own rightwing (the Blairites) have been doing nothing other than try to take the socialist Corbyn down (undermining him at every possible turn) ever since he was elected (and then re-elected) by the party’s own grassroots membership. These neoliberal assholes inside Labour would vastly prefer a Tory victory over a Corbyn victory.

  34. wheeler behaving that way says more about this whole thing.
    he is purposely discrediting himself. would anyone hire him after seeing this?

    1. That’s what I thought.
      Why would he look like an idiot, changing his story 3 times in one day? H
      He’s a Fox contributor, but did someone say, “Hey, Fox, if that moron doesn’t shut up this is gonna undercover more than just the stupid emails.” Make this story go away. Fox is a conservative Republican channel, but they are Establishment/Corporate above political partisans.

      Also, if it is a botched robbery and TWO people panicked and ran … do we see them running and freaking out on the tape? A “botched robbery” doesn’t happen till the victim TURNS AROUND.

      If he is shot in the back (btw, how many shots, I’ve seen claims of 2-5), and was alive when he hit the pavement, that could be why he had bruises on face, and scrapes. Not from a “scuffle” which is NOT shown on the tape, but from falling.

  35. These sum up my thoughts on the death of Ailes. He ailes no more~! His next incarnation~? Over to you.

    We’re all killers at heart . . . . I have never taken anybody’s life, but I have often read obituary notices with considerable satisfaction.

    Clarence Darrow

    The first thing you should do when you get up is read the obituaries. You never know when you’ll see a name that will just make your day.

    Edward James Salisbury


  36. I don’t see why Jimmy has a problem with the the Wheeler story.
    One day when I left from my girlfriend I took the wrong phone with me since we both had the same model. So just in case I texted her, should she find nude photos of my hot secretary on it, that doesn’t necessarily mean, I had anything to do with it, since she could have just accessed my phone during a bathroom break and uploaded these photos without my knowledge. That really safed our relationship when she in fact found these nudes on my phone!!!!!

  37. and more to enrage any sane Progressive.

    By the way and as an aside, “Sane Progressive” is literally the name of an actual channel on Youtube.

    It’s very well done, a worthy addition to the growing list of powerfully progressive channels, and one that would not look out of place as a future member of TYT Network. Also it’s a female pundit, which is a welcome exception to the white males (I am one) who seemingly completely dominate politics and punditry on Youtube.

      1. I feel like she has been on his show – am I remembering that right? She is great and I like her too.

          1. Robert – I found what I was I remembering (see link below) – Jimmy was walking the streets during the 2016 DNC & interviewed Debbie (Jul 28, 2016). It wasn’t from his studio, which is why I couldn’t remember it well.

            Anyway, Jimmy should interview Debbie soon on the Aggressive Progressives to get her perspective on the Progressive movement now that Trump is Prez and the flailing Repub agenda now that Trump is creating a mess on top of a mess within a mess.


    1. She will never join TYT because she likes attacking them too much. She has done a bunch of garbage videos attacking TYT and Justice Democrats. She is just as unhinged as HA Goodman. Both of them are just angry progressives who attract other angry progressives, but unlike Jimmy and TYT they don’t have solutions. They attack Justice Democrats, but they don’t propose an alternative.

  38. When are we going to tye all the Republicans as accomplices of obstruction into the House & Senate investigations?

    1. That’s right – it was 12 minutes short – BOOOOO.

      Those 12 minutes could have prevented Malcolm from racing thru his Shitty B-days, from foregoing a couple of really good points and from missing out on Jimmy’s & Graham’s responses. I want Malcolm to do his Shitty B-days and not be rushed!

      Those 12 minutes could have allowed the segment on Chelsea Manning. I want to hear what they were going to talk about with everyone’s perspective.

      1. Agreed, they need someone who can keep the show moving, and allow other’s perspective…Love you J.D. but when you RANT, you don’t converse…and I like to hear other voices on A.P….of course, yours included, but not exclusive.

      1. Yeah, this wasn’t a great episode… Jimmy is looking a little unhinged here… You can’t start at A then speculate your way to G…

        If B, happens then that could lead to C, which leads to F and NOW WE ARE AT G! OMG!

        … Wait, slow down a few steps Jimmy.

        Even when talking about the “Botched Robbery” … Once the gun is fired they could have just panicked and ran. It happens, they didn’t want to get caught for murder. I’m also speculating, the point is we don’t know. No point making baseless assumptions.

        I love you brother, but I think they needed a bit of a counter voice to walk him down a tad.

    1. This is what happens when you let Jimmy run this show. It’s turning into his shit youtube channel.

  39. Yeah, these two harden criminals, posed a serious threat(hence the team of officers required)…Oh, and let’s further humiliate and emasculate a U.S. citizen by ruffing up his wife…all because “they” objected to being POISONED! Thanks to the TYT gang for your prompt posting of A.P. :)

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