Aggressive Progressives: April 27, 2017

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan68 Comments

Jimmy Dore, Mark Thompson, Graham Elwood and Ron Placone for this Thursday’s Aggressive Progressive. Jimmy Skype calls Krystal Ball to talk DNC gossip and her new book.

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  1. I knocked on doors for Obama in 08. Donated again in 12.
    Woke the fuck up in 16.
    THANK YOU TYT for opening my dumb, stupid eyes to the Democrat party.
    I can’t tell you how many elections I watched and wondered why are the Democrats always losing?
    I kept blaming stupid people. But know I see the light.
    Go Jimmy Dore! Keep attacking. You rock!

  2. Jimmy,we need to lead with our values! Hopefully 2018 will be a real shitstorm. Send um scurrying like the rats they are. Great show as always. You may need a bullet proof vest in 2018 to avoid being Seth Riched. Tom Perez must lay awake at night dreaming of your demize. I have to wear a depends to listen to your Perez imitation. Can’t imagine how pissed off the DNC is at you. They can’t read the writing on the wall you know. M.O.T.B.

  3. Awesome fucking show guys!!! I love anything with Mark Thompson in it! From his laker broadcasts, to the main show, to old school, to edge-show. He’s golden .
    Keep it up guys!!!!

  4. I would have liked to hear more from Mr. Placone. Either way, it was still a great episode . Stoked to see Mr. Thompson in the mix as well!

  5. I think Jimmy (and people in general) are too hung up on the Robot thread. Automation is part of progress. From farm machinery to conveyor belts to the coffee machine in the kitchen, ‘robots’ have always been around.

    We don’t want to stop innovation simply because we are afraid of change. If we shied away from it we would not have the internet or many of the comforts we take for granted.

    1. It’s not the technology itself which is problematic, it is how it is implemented, especially how it is implemented in the economy. If it merely serves to enhance neoliberal ideology, the concentration of wealth, and the further debasement and exploitation of the lower classes, then the impact can only be highly negative.

      The internet you’re using right now wasn’t even created by the private sector, it was created by the government (and therefore, under responsible control, at least initially). The networking part of it was invented by the US military (DARPA etc.) and the World Wide Web technology was invented by Tim Berners-Lee who was an employee of CERN, which is a European state research institution. Control of the technology was only surrendered to the private sector – i.e. to big corporations – much later, which was not the right way to implement it, in that the commercialization of the internet ended up being just another enhancement of neoliberal globalization, rather than the more economically egalitarian project it could have been instead.

      1. Thanks for the ‘how the internet was created’ tutorial. But you missed the point. The internet pretty much killed the Post Office. Should we have given up e-mail and online chatting so the Postman can have job security? Cars displaced horses and no doubt a lot of stable hands. Computers used to be a job title for actual people who performed calculations. Should we have stopped them from being replaced by machines?

        1. Well, you missed the point too. I’m not saying that new technology should not replace the technologies that came before (like email replacing the post office etc.). But these changes are rolled out in certain ways, in ways that have political and economic impacts. Somebody always controls the new technologies when they arrive, and it’s always the state. Even now, online markets are extremely subordinate to the power of nation-states (especially the European Union, with its powerful antitrust laws) though you wouldn’t know this if you look at the internet from the perspective of the corporate giants like Google and Facebook.

          I’m making an argument about political economics more than about technology. If you implement the technology in a certain way, it can serve ordinary people without also serving the profit margins of giant corporations like Google, Facebook, Uber, etc. Obviously we have failed to do that so far, but there is no reason whatsoever that we can’t do in the near future.

    2. There is a difference between a machine that turns on and off and does a set of tasks, like brewing coffee, or a machine that is controlled by a human like a back ho, and a robot.

      a robot can think and thus the number of jobs that can be eliminated by robots is endless,

      While robots will be progress the uphevil in how people do work and what jobs will be available to them will be tremendous and potentialy very painful for some sections of society, as it was when automation kicked in, only the robots will be effecting a much greater percentage of the workforce.

      1. The ‘thinking’ portion is AI, and is not a feature of the mechanism, but of its control unit. You try to get a welding robot today on a manufacturing line and I can tell you it does not think for itself at all. You have to program it to follow a very specific path and the work pieces and surroundings all have to be positioned very carefully and accurately. Even the concrete floor is specially hardened to make sure relative positions change over time. If you need to weld something else, you need to program the robot and tell it what to do exactly all over again. Maybe there is a robot with AI and is certified by the AWS to do all weld types and positions, if so please tell me where I would love to buy one for work.

        1. correction “Even the concrete floor is specially hardened to make sure relative positions *do not* change over time.”

  6. I was thinking that if the mainstream media lost ‘access’ to politicians who don’t like the hard questions, that is a win for all of us! Think about it; those snowflake politicians would lose their propaganda platform and we wouldn’t hear from them anymore. If they don’t have the media exposure, they will fade away. We will only see the remaining politicians who are willing to do the interviews and answer the difficult questions. I say to all journalists and media outlets stick to your principals! Don’t give in to these demanding politicians, ask the tough questions!! Hold our public servants accountable! Unless the elected officials are willing to answer the questions DON’T give them airtime. We can do this! :)
    Jimmy you are my favourite.

    1. Do NOT Donate to: Parties, shows, PACs, (T-shirts)campaigns, Protests, nor activists… Make your (limited) Cash Count; find Warriors sacrificing on the front-lines of politics Now, today! then donate directly to them… Cut out any middlemen, liberal or not! I utilize ActBlue for Tulsi, Maxine, Ro-K, and I confess, one-campaign, Justus Democrats. This is finest way for we older Boomers tucked away in the four corners of this planet to make a difference; while displaying the excellent & ultimate utilization of the Internet…

    2. MAY 1, 2017REPLY dannywray
      Do NOT Donate to: Parties, shows, PACs, (T-shirts)campaigns, Protests, nor activists… Make your (limited) Cash Count; find Warriors sacrificing on the front-lines of politics Now, today! then donate directly to them… Cut out any middlemen, liberal or not! I utilize ActBlue for Tulsi, Maxine, Ro-K, and I confess, one-campaign, Justus Democrats. This is finest way for we older Boomers tucked away in the four corners of this planet to make a difference; while displaying the excellent & ultimate utilization of the Internet…

      1. Do NOT Donate to: Parties, shows, PACs, (T-shirts)campaigns, Protests, nor activists… Make your (limited) Cash Count; find Warriors sacrificing on the front-lines of politics

        There seems to be a slight contradiction in there: surely the “warriors on the frontlines” include many protesters and activists? (like, say, the people risking their lives protesting against DAPL).

        “Protestors and activists” is an extremely broad, expansive group of people, and the least one can say that is that they are not all “middlemen”.

        Conversely, I don’t know what you think ActBlue and Justice Democrats are, but they are definitely organizations which operate as a form of “middlemen”, at least to a certain extent. In fact, both ActBlue and Justice Democrats are Political Action Committees ( ) and you said “do not donate PACs”. I confess to being confused.

        1. find ways to agree; not just nit-pick so you can claim to be “confused”. Who are working with? donating to? Read again I said, “I confess one campaign, ActBlue” guess you missed that while searching for petty complaints…

          1. Pointing out a contradiction is not nit-picking. You seem well-intentioned, so don’t you want your message to be understandable? I think you will agree that if a message is not clear to the reader then there is no real point in stating the message.

            It’s still not clear to me whether you are for or against donating to Political Action Committees, or what your precise definition of a “Warrior on the Frontline” is.

      2. Politicians are not warriors (most anyway), and giving money to them directly or through pacs or lobbiest groups will not make change, when there is so much more money sloshing in the system. while I agree avoiding the middle man might help a bit, so good luck

        (yes Bernie could be president, but all the money would just slosh into congress and opposition to him, and while he would make change it wouldn’t solve the issue.)

        instead be the change you want. take your issue and work to solve it. if it is climate change, don’t fund lobbyists asking congress to change instead fund groups that are working to better the environment, if it is money in politics don’t fund groups supporting congress to change join groups that are pushing for change, If it is give money to groups that are training people for jobs or startups that have potential to expand.

        the age of paying politicians to solve are problems is over, the other side has too much money, instead we have to solve the problems are selves and the politicians will jump in front of the parade once they see the parade is inevitable

        1. Tulsi’s a warrior; donate directly to progressive politicians. One doesn’t need a “group”, I am “the change ” I want when I donate directly…

  7. You heard it here first.
    TYT’s next reporter will be Krystal Ball.
    You could say I’m clairvoyant making a call on Krystal Ball. Heh heh. ;-D

    John Lucas
    P.S.: I noticed the pattern some time ago.
    An interview out of nowhere & before you know it BAM!—the new member of the team.


    We bank online, pay bills online, vote for board members online, but when it comes to the most important vote we can cast, we have to go stand inline during a work day, show id and then they let us vote on a touch screen that does not print a receipt and cannot be validated, (less security and validity than if we all voted online or mailed in the ballot). Most of us don’t even know what is on the ballot and after we do are confused because of how its worded. Then if we take a selfie of a completed ballot, you could be arrested

    Lower middle class works about 2 months for free to pay taxes, middle class works about 3 months for free, upper middle about 4 months and the richest of the rich work about 1 month. Who profits the most from taxes and the infrastructure and military it funds……….richest of the rich and they work at the most 1 month for free, and if you total up there federal income taxes, they equal what the upper middle pays even though there income is a thousand times more.

  9. That’s confusing. Primarying the democratic incumbents is exactly not giving up on the dems, but taking them over.

  10. I really hope that Bernie gives up on the Democratic Party before 2018 if they don’t really turn things around. The people we need to primary the democrats will need support, and while it may not be a good year to pick up a lot of republican seats, it’s a great year to primary the democrats!

    Also, nice shirt, Ron!

  11. What did I do for the Climate March? Cancelled my subscription to TYT. Not really, since I want AP to continue. But all of those jag-off Exxon sponsored marchers did nothing for changing anything. I have decided to help my community in western Switzerland but I am holding them hostage. I am buying a panel van EV and will start importing solar PV from Germany where they are locally made. I am have a metal construction firm that will install them and I have talked with 2 battery companies to supply them with batteries(Tesla and Aquion), since any renewable installation needs to have batteries. The firm will find a qualified installer since it is best to do things in-house. They would like to change their 30 vehicles to EV, but there are problems with EV cars and trucks, if they are not Tesla. I am talking with Nissan and Renault, and I have been passed up the corporate ladder to talk with the higher level people. I talk openly with them and they listen to my complaints since all EV builders put a faulty detail in the product to not sell the EV. I am talking with the developers and giving them my opinion and they are listening to me since I decided to open my mouth and tell the truth. I have also talked with some financial people and told them my worries about the climate and they are starting to wake up. I don’t have a lot of money to do everything but since I am talking, I am hoping the money will follow. I thought about commiting financial suicide. I will spend all of my money next week with Green Energy projects and if I go broke, I will ask that Donald Trump kills me with a drone. Or the Mother of All Bombs. But I plan on being in front of the UBS headquarters when they kill me. I listened to everybody do a climate confession but I am not convinced. Jimmy, I just gave you some money, and I won’t give anymore. Go out and lease an EV and drive it on your California streets. Once you do that, you will start talking about it and more people will go to EV. Everybody that protests a pipeline or drives to a climate march is a fucking hypocrite. Look back on my posts since at least 2, if not 3 years. I am the Start the Green Revolution guy. And now people are listening to what I am saying in one town where I used to live. I had a medical practice but like Jill Stein, I decided that they weren’t doing enough and I left, but I wasn’t far away. I had talked with some friends and we decided to do something and recently things are really moving. Everything that I said in this post has happened in the last week. Why? Because I am taking action. Has anyone in Flint started to build a rainwater cistern? No. Has anyone on TYT bought an EV? Have they installed solar PV and a battery since they pay outrageous electricity bills? Not at all, and Cenk likes getting on those airplanes and flying to Washington, New York, etc and complain about the climate deniers. I have learned a lot about doing things, and I don’t mind helping anyone out that wants to do something, but Robert can kindly abstain from making any comments. Jimmy and Steve, get into an EV. I will know if I want to keep listening to you by your next couple of shows. You are two Americans that I respect and admire for your comments, but it is time to make the first step.

  12. Outstanding show. My only criticism is that Jimmy has been too slow to realize that not everybody is on the same page as him; he’s kind of in a politics bubble, whereas most regular people seem to avoid it until it affects them.

  13. It was actually Kennedy that Reagan picked to replace Justice Powell’s seat, not Scalia. He was the third candidate, after first Bork’s failed nomination and then Ginsburg withdrawing his nomination. By the time Justice Powell retired and his seat opened (the one Reagan tried to fill with Bork), Scalia had already been confirmed. He replaced then-Associate Justice Rehnquist, who moved up to Chief Justice to replace the departing Chief Justice Burger. Jimmy isn’t completely wrong, though, as Clinton would’ve likely pushed Garland’s nomination through, and he’s a centrist at best. However, Mark is more on the nose in that anyone Clinton nominated would’ve been a major upgrade over Gorsuch, who could potentially be on the Court for 40 years.

  14. Can you guys please add the Jimmy Dore show under “Shows”? I never understood why it’s not there along with Sam Seder, Humanist Report, and others.

    1. I also thought that before, but I think they categorized all the free shows, which appear on You Tube as “Shows” and the shows under “Member Content” are for paying members only.

      1. I think they categorized all the free shows, which appear on You Tube as “Shows”

        They did, but the fact is that the Jimmy Dore Show is ALSO a free Youtube show. So he’s right: it should appear in the category “Shows”, alongside The Majority Report and all the other similarly conceived Youtube shows which are part of TYT Network. I am going to submit this to support.

    1. people have an idea you be “nice” to big business because you have to, and you be “nice” to workers because you’re kind and benevolent. But it’s opposite of that. It serves us all to defend workers and public institutions. Everyone’s wages and opportunities is measured off the most marginalized, not the most privileged.

    2. The difference with the Tea Party is Republican’s were smart enough to realize, “Hey ! here’s a whole bunch of motivated voters we can easily grab up” By comparison, Democrats look at progressives concerned about healthcare, education, corporatism, foreign policy, etc… and say, “Fuck off, we know better than you even though we keep getting our asses handed to us and all your points poll favorably. Shut up and get in line, if you don’t eat your porridge, you can’t have your meat.”

      1. You think Medicare is popular ? Here’s a newsflash, Medicare sucks ! What I mean is that 60+% support Medicare for all, but that could probably be 75% or more if Dem’s would actually bother to come up with a real, modern national healthcare plan and promote it ! They’d win in a landslide on that alone, won’t do it ! Medicare is a 1970’s typrwriter bullshit dinosaur. People like it vs the bullshit capitalist’s, let’s make it easy to profit off of the sick system we have, sure. But can you imagine a real patient experience based health system ? Holy shit, a party like Dems would dominate like nobodies business and probably make 10X in small donations than giving up the teat of big business too.

        1. I agree, but Medicare For All is still leaps and bounds beyond the conservative, market-based concept that is Obamacare (or ‘Trumpcare’, or the system as it was before Obamacare). Medicare For All would not be an adequate, fully sufficient public system (and therefore the fight would not end there) but the fact is that it IS a public system is still a radical departure from the current system.

    3. $400,000 = 31.5 YEARS working 35 hrs/wk at FEDERAL minimum wage ! p.s.- sorry for all the comments, I have short-term memory issues.

    4. should have flipped the tables in 2000. I wasn’t old or aware enough to know what was going on, but Al Gore was an insult to progressives. Should have been obvious in 2008 we didn’t want Hillary. forget 2018 or 2020, flip the table times is overdue !

  15. My highlight of the week is AP. What do we have to do to get two AP shows per week. How about getting the progressive congress members on the panel and take them through the bullshit issues get them fired up and back out in the fight

  16. Jimmy Dore really keeps pushing the third party line and like nobody other than him thinks it’s any sort of sensible idea. Honestly I don’t really get it. Sanders is the only independent senator and even he clearly doesn’t think the third party way makes any sense.

    An ultimatum of 2018 doesn’t really help things. Democrats have been failing for awhile now and progressives are gaining a lot more power within the party (much of it due to Sanders and his campaign staff). By 2018, much of the same problems will still remain (esp if Tom Perez keeps talking jesus fuck that guy is terrible), but the progressive side will grow stronger.

    I don’t understand what miraculous thing they’re expecting to see in 2018. Progressives will probably be stronger in the party, but I doubt it will be a clear instance of “Progressives take over the party!”

    I also thought it was a bit weird that they didn’t just ask her whether 2020 was too late. Instead they like talked about her after she left.

  17. Now that Jimmy has flipped on the unity tour debate I guess I’m alone on the issue of messaging? Okay, Bernie’s nuanced (mixed?) message can reach his own current supporters who are politically aware enough to be talked out of their positions on what he is doing, but how does that advance the ball for Progressives in 2018? Progressives laugh at establishment Democrats who think they can win elections with white collar Republicans who won’t ever vote for them. I still want to know who Bernie is supposed to be talking to with this unity bull.

    Jimmy mentioned something very significant in last night’s show. The panel left it to die like it didn’t matter. He said the purpose of the unity tour was for the DNC to highjack Bernie’s tour in “Trump Country.” Bernie was clearly reaching hearts and minds of disillusioned working people who voted for Trump. The DNC cleverly replaced that trajectory with these impotent tour stops that are preaching to the choir. Does anyone including Bernie notice those misguided Trump voters he was reaching with Chris Hayes are not in the audience anymore? If Jimmy had come to Phoenix as he once mentioned, he would have seen all the same people with Bernie during the Democratic primary, not people who went to the Trump rallies.

    Even if astute Progressives see positive nuance in Bernie standing with and against Tom Perez, aren’t Progressives still the losers here? If the DNC is successful at diverting Bernie’s message away from voters interested in hearing from a populist who’s not a pathological liar, then the DNC comes out on top. If I’m wrong then please…someone…anyone…post your emails from the DNC begging Clinton supporters to rally for unity with Bernie. I’ll reconsider like Jimmy did. I got at least one email per day for a week from “Our Revolution” begging me to show up in Phx. (actually Mesa, AZ) to support this tour. The Democratic party didn’t email anyone locally that I know who are establishment registered Democrats and regular party donors. How come?

  18. Chain of Title was one of the saddest books I’ve ever read. Every person in American should understand what happened, and should have to register their feelings afterward as either Angry or Not Angry. And those should replace the two parties we currently have, and we’d all know where we all stand regarding the foundation of money in America.

  19. If the democrats want to focus on economic issues like Krystal said, then they CANNOT compromise on reproductive freedom. It is not a “social issue” — it is a CENTRAL economic issue for women, especially poor women. If you are not able to control if or when you have children, you do not have economic control over your life. There is a direct link btw the two and the dismissal of it is alarming!

    Thanks as always for doing what you do, Jimmy! I love ya.

  20. Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well! This past election has changed me from a Democrat to an Independent. If you could take the time out of your day, and check out my video on why I left the Democratic party it would mean the world to me.
    Let’s start a conversation!

    Jimmy I admire how aggressive you are, We can’t let them ever step all over us. They expect us to bow our heads,

  21. Great show Jimmy, great POWER panel – loved seeing Graham, Ron & Mark up there with all their insights & passion! Thank you for limiting the number of stories, so the group had more time to discuss the various topics – I really enjoyed that part of the show.

    Thank you for listening to us and interviewing Krystal Ball and her new book. I didn’t know her until I saw her on TJDS – where she shocked me by being so bold to denounce Hillary like that – BAM.

    Krystal had some meaningful points about purity tests, taking over the Dems like the tea-party, & hi-jacking. I agree that the Corporations have hi-jacked our political parties, our media voice, our gov’t, our levers of power and I want to defeat the Corporate Coup d’etat!!!!! No Corporate a-holes!!!!

    I want (2) Aggr Prog shows per week at 2 hrs long per show!!!! I want Malcolm to be part of the usual team. I want Steve & Malcolm to lead a segment. I want a segment to update us on the Legislation, WARS, PETROL economy agenda, and DONORS who controlling our gov’t sellouts. I would like one interview for each show, since there are so many good people out there that need to be heard. Thanks for giving people a voice on this popular show.

    You all make me feel good and free to fight for Progressives Policies and Rights for everyday folks – thanks for y’all’s bold inspiration.

  22. Keep it coming you Aggressive Progressive mother ####ers!!!

    What an excellent panel and loving that this show just keeps going from strength to strength!

    Thanks Cenk et al. for giving JD such an awesome platform at TYT!

    TYT….Too Strong!

  23. Must confess I used to dismiss Krystal Ball as a gimmick cashing in on her name, just another talking head parroting the corporate line on mainstream media. Then she published an Op_ed that sharply (and correctly) criticized the Democratic Party for letting down the American People, and I thought “Oh – someone who speaks truth to power, working in mainstream media? This won’t last long.”

    Kudos to you, Krystal.

  24. Thanks goes to last week’s commenters 1st for getting Jimmy to flip his stance that Bernie is dragging the dead hooker he’s handcuffed to (DNC) across the finish line in 2020 just so he can humiliate them in public for rigging him out of 2016. I like the 90min show is always 120min & I have alway followed & adored Krystal Ball

  25. Seriously, If I had to choose (thank god it’s a false disjunctive ) between TYT & AP, AP would win without a doubt

  26. Now I feel like I have to apologize for all the Krystal Ball jokes which I have made in the past. In my defense, I believed her to be just another pawn of the corporate and totally corrupt MSM.

    When I heard that she had departed from NBC, I joked that she wanted to spend more time with her two brothers, Itchy and Harry.

    1. RJ18 – was that your apology? kidding. Thanks for sharing. I, too, find it hard to figure out ‘who is a real progressive, who wants real change to our broken system, who is really fighting for everyday folks’ in our corporate-owned media segments and interviews. I feel like I need to read and watch trusted progressive show in order to make sure I’m not being fooled by their mixture of truth & propaganda & charm.

      1. You bet, Sean. For my money, for many years I have trusted in the tried-and-true method of not watching the MSM at all (except for when progressive media replays some of their clips in order to comment on them, as TYT and others do).

    1. I’m all for that – everyday would be fantastic. I think the next step would be a TYT Aggr Prog fundraiser, which I will donate.

      TYT – at the very least do 2 shows per week at 2 hours per show.

  27. What a great show! Missed seeing Steve Oh, but I think the more the merrier and Graham, Ron, and Mark are all excellent on AP. Awww, Krystal Ball–she’s wonderful. I was struck by the mention of Jimmy Carter and his work after holding office. Like Jimmy Dore said, not that long ago, the doctors thought he had only a few months to live and then his cancer went into remission or something and he just went back to doing his same old thing. Hate to say it, but he is a true Christian who gets joy out of helping others, not a hypocrite as so many are. Most definitely not a corporatist.

    1. As a child going up in Texas in the 70’s & 80′, I thought being a Repub was good (except when it came to treatment of the poor) and I remember writing a disparaging report on Prez Carter’s legacy in my Social Studies class in 1986.

      Because of this show’s talk on Carter, I know that I need to revisit Carter’s legacy with my Progressive worldview and my disdain for the Corporate Coup d’etat including the Repub’s lying rhetoric of individualism, toughness, ‘you don’t work-you don’t eat’ and less gov’t b.s.

  28. Man. This show is the shit lol. Absolutely necessary for venting if you spend too much time on twitter reading ludicrous opinions and horrible takes.

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