Aggressive Progressives: April 13, 2017

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan75 Comments

Jimmy Dore and Steve Oh skype call Nomiki Konst for this week’s episode of Aggressive Progressives. They discuss all things Governor Cuomo.

0 seconds of 1 hour, 21 minutes, 57 secondsVolume 90%
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  1. Why is AP no longer being loaded up to the member podcast feed? Not that I don’t love TYT post game and throwbacks but AP is a big part of the draw of membership.

  2. Best Aggressive Progressives episode thus far! Keep the heat comin’!

    Thanks god we get 90 minutes of my favrite show on TYT now. Much appreciated!

  3. If Bernie was anymore obvious about calling out Tom Perez and the democrats then he would not be able to do the tour.

  4. “The self-lobotomizing of Congress is one of the chief reasons why the executive branch, and behind it the Deep State of contractors, lobbyists and think-tank experts, has filled the void of decision making in Washington.” -Mike Lofgren, The Deep State/The Fall of the Constitution and the rise of a Shadow Government, Penguin Books, 2016.


  5. I just want to add an update to my previous comment. Jimmy, Steve, Malcolm, Steph, et al, you guys are great. But don’t forget that words without action are hot air. I have heard lot of things about elections since Tiny Hands did his corporate takeover, with three losses. And you are talking about winning an election in 2018 or 2020? I say Don’t Vote, Revolt. And did you notice that volt is included in Revolt. This is a unit of measurement for electricity. A Green Revolution would be a war, and it is a war against a well-oiled machine. Why do Americans accept every slap to their dignity without reacting? Is it you inner comfort or you inner cowardice? I have lost my American feelings since I don’t live there since Bush 1. I know what motivates the Swiss, since I have lived here 26 years. They are very selfish and think thatrhey can let their leaders buy their way out of any problem. They have an expression, pull down your pants and bend over so a rich person can control you. I am now in Germany and I am amazed that their propaganda machine works so well. They sell themselves to the world as efficient, but they are at efficient at shipping their trash elsewhere. If we are to start a Green Revolution, we need batteries. Europe is lagging and they will suffer. Tesla has plans for a Gigafactory for Germany this year and another 3 or 4 in America. Support him. If we are to survive we need to have batteries ASAP. Stop making jokes and get serious about energy storage. Maybe you can buy a battery and find a place to store your jokes, and you won’t be embarrassed by another on-stage joke placement mishap. You can’t hide behind your non-alcoholism forever.

  6. Hey aggressive progressives, do you think we could probably get the show back on the TYT member podcast feed? That would be awesome, thanks.

  7. Jimmy does a lot of stuff on Syria. He NEEDS to see this. Good stuff starts at 30 seconds.

    Essentially , the reporter states that the chemical weapons were being built by terrorists and their destruction by the Syrian Air Force was what started the Western Media’s panic to blame Assad. He goes into much more detail and is very level headed. Not to mention that near the end of the piece, they start hearing shelling in the background, which the reporter clearly says “that’s normal here.”

    It’s a great piece and will help Jimmy make his case better, I think.


  8. I have always said it is SAD when every time there’s some militarized action against an unarmed US citizen I tend to go ‘Are/Were they black?’ and I KNOW there are lots of people thinking like me.

    Of course it’s not only black people, it’s anybody the people paying the militia SAY needs to be targeted. It upsets me about this man on United Airlines, of course because he is of Asian heritage which is a reminder of the horrific ‘$5 for every Chinese man killed’ in the 19th century Wild West, the 1924 anti-Asian immigration law, Japanese American internment camps, Iva Toguri, No Gun Ri in Korea and My Lai in Vietnam. I don’t believe ANY ‘computer’ decided to pick on and attack that man, people who thought he’d cower did that based on the ridiculous myths in their minds. Obviously they hadn’t seen the award winning picture of that lone man standing in front of a tank.

    Remember when the Irish were routinely attacked by ‘militarized’ privately paid forces like this? The group Extra Credits has a fantastic short account of Australia highwayman Ned Kelly. Here you can see the ridiculous 19th century royal roots of wealthy patrons paying police to do their bidding. Not a care at all about age or physical condition, or the necessity of having to get to the destination to help the hospitalized.

  9. Democrats just need an actual message, it doesn’t even have to be every single progressive idea!

    Pick three and run hard on those three!

    Single Payer, free college, Green New Deal.

    Living minimum wage, Legalize ALL marijuana, End the For-Profit War Machine.

    Money out of Politics, Repair-Rebuild-Renew our Infrastructure, Bring back Glass-Steagall Act.

    But, no… all they can say is, “Democrats are for people and jobs and women and minorities.”
    What does that even mean??? It’s so frustrating.

    1. Yup, totally agree with you chetzmom. But we have to remember there was actually a time people thought that cliche WAS an actual message, before the Internet became what it is today. They got away with telling me shit like ‘Bill Clinton was the first black president’ while Crime Bill incarcerated more black men than ever before. Local Dem chapters got away with discrimination, stealing ideas and giving all the benefits to those leaders selected by the corporate donor doughed DNC reps and ‘counselors’.

      Tammany Hall has NEVER died, it continues to rule the Dems and there are more Boss Tweeds than ever in their ranks. Their message was one of bribery and appeasement until Theodore Roosevelt and FDR took huge chunks from them. But Teddy had employee murdering corporations to propel his message and FDR had The Great Depression in those lesser populated war torn days. Now we’ve got Bernie and nearly four times the population since the 1930s, so they of course are pulling out all the stops to curb him since we don’t have a crisis like 80 years ago to propel his message to the fore.

      Nomi is awesome, I loved her ‘Hey, does the IDC plan on joining the Democratic Conference?’ and that hilarious bit of feces IDC spokeswoman Candice (Kellyanne) Giove threw back means Nomi hit her in the jugular. This is the way towards a REAL message without leveling disaster upon We The People.

      Here are the names of those eight IDC-ers who take GOP money and work against their own party:
      Jeffrey D. Klein
      David J. Valesky
      David Carlucci
      Diane Savino
      Tony Avella
      Jose Peralta
      Jesse Hamilton
      Marisol Alcantara

      And Malcolm Smith is listed on Wiki as a former member. Remember these guys Andrew Cuomo loves so damn much just started around 2010.

    2. > Single Payer, free college, Green New Deal.

      Are you crazy? Those are three popular socialist programs!!! :)

      Sorry but they’re going to go with Big Pharma, the insurance industry, and Silicon Valley instead. With the military-industrial-security complex and the private prison industry as backup programs, obviously.

      The program has to be 1) ideologically neoliberal, 2) a cause of further wealth concentration, and 3) unpopular. Don’t you know that? Heheheheh

  10. My one grip about Aggressive Progressives is that it was too short. 90 minutes is sweet, but 90 minutes twice a week would be money. Maybe even 2 pretty sure everyone is game. TYT keep it up. Maybe a AP power panel??…jimmy, steve, malcolm, jordan, nomi, tracey,..can even put kyle in that block..3 hour special to go HAM..just a thought..

  11. Alex jones is nothing but a snake oil salesman, anyone who thinks he is a credible source is an idiot. Jimmy you are the most therapuetic thing I watch, keep going after those dems, republicans are hopeless but don’t forget to attack them too.

  12. Holy crap!!! Could you imagine if Jimmy ran as the Green’s presidential candidate???
    I almost wish he hadn’t literally spat in Alex Jones’ face. Almost.

  13. I am responding to your MOAB video here since I hate YouTube comments. I will support you on Patreon since you will be installed as the next president after we do regime change. I have said it before that you have to start the Green Revolution without waiting for the government. Europe is also under capitalist control but people are so happy that you are building all of the pipelines so they drive SUV and we love burning coal. There is a vote in Switzerland about energy policies and they don’t want to change at all since Americans are too stupid to start an Arab Spring. The Swiss are also setting the prices for petroleum and electricity and they are keeping it low so that they can profit the most when the Carbon Bubble bursts. You know what Jimmy says, when you pile up money it stinks. The Swiss people are so scared since their lifestyle is so artificially high that they will suffer the most. The one advantage is they have a high standard of living and I am trying to start a business. I want to buy an electric panel van to transport Solar panels and batteries and wind turbines and install them in Switzerland and eventually Kosovo. Of course, since you have an energy source, it would be best to have an EV to drive around in so you aren’t tied into an ICE vehicle. Trying to find a panel van with a decent range is like trying to find the Easter Bunny. I am quickly confronting the conspiratorial behavior of auto makers. But the petroleum lobby has long claws. They have sent out a small newspaper which is scaring the shit out of the Swiss Sheeple. I am writing letters and convincing who want to listen, but they think I am a crazy American. But enough about Europe, what are you plans for the New Country? You are sounding very pissed off, and you have almost a half a million followers. But your anger is justified and you are staying focused. Good job, and I don’t want to ignore Stevie Oh since I think you make a great team. I would encourage you to be proactive with your followers. Are they investing in solar PV? Are any trying to do a job reconversion to installing solar panels and batteries? Don’t compain about unemployment, start you own job market. How many of your followers have an EV? Have you done a story about the Gigafactory? This is something that can save our future on this planet. When I read what I am writing, this is a blueprint for a Green Revolution. But I am color blind. Is this a greenprint? I haven’t changed my comments for several years. Why aren’t people reacting?

  14. Jimmy I’m sorry about the changes in Youtube but want you I’ve chosen to support you. You are definitely a muse for me. Thank You

  15. I’m so glad you guys extended the show to 90 minutes! The next step is to give us 2 shows per week! The 60 minute show was far too little!

  16. It’s a pretty specific stress test. At work as I move around my WiFi switches between three different sources. YouTube is unaffected by this, the old player was unaffected, but this new one just can’t handle it.

  17. Election fraud happens..happened in 2000, 2004..exit polls way outside margin of error in 2016 dem primary. Keep telling yourself we live in a democracy

  18. super glad you guys made the show longer! now i have a whole extra half hour’s worth of sanity in my week (:

  19. 90 minutes is an improvement but I would watch AP every day if I could. Nomi is wonderful. She could mop the floor with Maddow.

  20. Love it that you got the extra 30 mins. Good stuff. Would love to see more of the TYT Politics folks on the show. Real investigative journalism is rare, and hard to find; especially when it’s coupled with Jimmy’s humor.

    1. yeah i really like how this show has more of the politics channel stuff too. its nice when one of the contributors or jimmy gets to interview someone for 15 minutes.

  21. Absolutely loved two things about this week, announcement of the 90 mins show and Steve laughing in background when jimmy said Chris fuckface, hahahah…. priceless!!! Keep up the good work guys!

  22. Thanks guys! 90 MINUTES a week is awesome.

    Keep up the good work on the network.

    Jimmy, stay strong on the Jimmy Dore Show, bro. I’m a premium supporter and also a TYT member.

    I look forward to your live shows. Howsabout bring Steve Oh along on your shows? It’s cool to have an attorney onstage, man.

  23. This new media player is cool when it works, which basically means it’s not cool at all. Having to reload this page for the 5th time now.

    1. I’ve never had any issues with the new player. I’m using Chrome, so maybe switch to Chrome if you aren’t currently using it.

  24. Hey Jimmy, I love what you shared about Thompson and the DCCC BUT I also have another point to make. Bernie has a huge base here in Kansas and I feel Thompson came across as a”phony” Dem. He never stood on many of the hard issues like Bernie did. He just danced on the safe issues like Veterans and Jobs. He used a lot of platitudes which bothered me greatly. I voted for him but I was fearful I was voting for another “phony” Dem that could easily turn corporatist once he got the seat. Thompson never made me feel totally secure he was a true blue progressive. I think many true progressives didn’t come out to vote because they picked up on the same things I did. In my opinion Thompson was not a true Bernieit and if someone wants to win in this climate they have to be willing to not only stand strong on the hard issues BUT ALSO make it VERY clear they want to fight corruption in the Dem. party.

  25. Thanks for extra half hour hosts and crew! We asked and you delivered – I love that about you guys! Thanks for the Shane Ryan article too – hits the nail on the head.

  26. FFS Steve, stop interrupting Jimmy and hogging the camera! /s

    Seriously though, Jimmy pace yourself man. You’re losing your hair, this is simply further evidence that you don’t need to overextend yourself!
    We all need you around for the long haul so go a bit easier on yourself man. Be aggressive but be smart, we love your lily-white ass my friend so take good care of it.
    Loving the extended time and more of Nomi puhleaze! Super smart and professional women always get my foot off the brakes and stomping the accelerator….booyaah! :-)
    Seriously though, freaking awesome work TYT securing intelligent professional individuals like Nomi and Jordan to keep the progressive juggernaut rolling. Cenk, you da man and Anna, you da woman!
    Have a great Easter y’all!

  27. Longer AggProg, heck yesss just what I wanted!! Thanks Jimmy, Steve Oh and the other hosts, and a big thanks to the Crew for putting in more hours for us!!

  28. I think United Airlines will be seriously damaged for their corporate thuggery and rightly so. No one should have to suffer the humiliation and physical assault that unfortunate man was subjected to – a paying customer no less. If I can avoid it I won’t in future be flying their “friendly skies” and hope all other citizens of good will act likewise

  29. Fantastic that they expanded the show, however I would have rathered they did an hour on Monday and Thursday.

    Nomi is a superstar and needs more screen time on the network.

    Why wasn’t the TYT Army mobilised in Kansas for that race? Heck, I might have even have donated to the campaign. Where was the TYT coverage? Where was the interview with the candidate? Was there a debate? Why not host it? Why aren’t these races covered in real time?
    Why can’t we have a progressive score card both on the candidate stances, and their infiltration in the Democratic party. Imagine if each battle were followed closely enough where we (TYT) could both influence and feel part of the victory.

    Also, why the anxiety about being called a new democrat? Its not like the news orgs or populace have long enough memories to understand the nuance. Better to be called a new breed of democrat than what Hillary was. Are not tea party (far right) values arguably now a huge part of Trumps agenda. Why not take it as a compliment, as at least now the media is noticing the schism in the party.

  30. Love Nomi, she’s intelligent, gutsy, a thorough professional and happens to have a great smile too.

    1. Already joined! The Establishment Corporate tools keep trying to stop people from getting info, from hearing Progressive alternatives, from straying away from the herd.

      Good luck with controlling YouTube.
      It’s like trying to stop guys from sending dick pics or people looking at porn.

      1. Yeah, I’m not even remotely surprised by the turn of events there. Youtube is owned by Google, they’re never going to do anything else other than follow Big Money and Capital. Which includes kicking progressive news to the curb.

  31. No will answer this but we’re the hell were the justice dems in Kansas? They could have help this person out to show others they are ready to help where Kansas dems, DNC and DCCC were useless

    20000 from Justice Dems would have been an amazing investment and the of think of the free ads if he won or just came in with the same number of votes.

  32. I honestly think Democrats are afraid of actual lefties aka progressives and dare I say it folks that call themselves socialists or even communists. Those with more concrete ideologies are more likely to sound like leaders and know how to lead imo.

    1. > I honestly think Democrats are afraid of actual lefties aka progressives

      Well, of course they are. Their donors are not progressives. Their donors are corporations, neoliberals, economic conservatives, and the One Percent.

  33. Goddamn I hate me some Chris Hardball and his bullshit. I used to be required to listen to his show for some government class. I’m so happy I’m passed listening to his bullshit and all of the incoherent yelling.

  34. You guys need to get the newest episodes uploaded quicker — it took over three hours after the show ended to get it up! I’m about to go to bed, so I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see it, but by then this will be old news! Things are moving fast in the Trump era, so I like to stay up on the latest breaking stories — by tomorrow evening, when I’ll be able to finally watch this, it won’t be worth it. Put an upload up of the video, or provide a link to a locked YouTube channel, for members only, and worry about the downloadable version later. I only subscribe to TYT to watch this show (I’m paying for one show a week), and it’s a waste of money if I can’t catch the live show, but have to wait until the next day to see it, when it’s no longer of real interest to me. There are many outlets that livestream on YouTube and you can immediately watch the whole episode — you can even rewind to the beginning of the episode while it’s still streaming live (Thom Hartmann’s program, for example). You have have to remember it’s after 1am for people on the east coast — I doubt many will want to stay up until almost 2:30am on a work night!

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