Aggressive Progressives: April 6, 2017

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Aaron Wysocki95 Comments

Steve Oh and Graham Elwood join Jimmy Dore for this week’s episode of Aggressive Progressives. Jimmy, Steve and Graham discuss Syria, Gorsuch and single-payer health care.

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  1. Supreme Court segment:
    1) Jimmy, you made an Excellent point that Al Franken set-up the moral & ethical & humane arguments to HAMMER Gorsuch’s legal decision regarding the frozen trucker, but then makes a humorous remark at the end which then ‘slaps’ Gorsuch and Gorsuch didn’t have sweat and buckle from shame. I want merciless & brutal arguments from politicians against those who are corrupt, evil, inhumane, corporatists and who are mercilessly brutal towards everyday folks.
    2) Again, great point that no one really cared to fight for Garland to become next SC Judge because he was repub lite. Also, I believe that when the Repubs defeated Garland’s nomination by Obama, then the Repubs could go even further RIGHT (crazy outwardly corporatist puppet) in nominating Gorsuch.
    3) People like Gorsuch, Trump, Bannon, Price, Tillerson, Session, don’t have any sense of shame or moral grounding – they are so hardened inside that they don’t care what-so-ever if they crap on everyday people while saying some of the humane things to say.
    4) There must be consulting groups & education groups that train ego-manics how to appear some-what human while using their power to crush & steal people’s rights, land, air, water and animals.

  2. Jimmy & Steve & Graham – great show! Great topics, great discussions, great points, great truths! I want more of this show every week.

    I want 2 shows per week at 2 hrs per show.

  3. American corporations don’t give a shit about life. In Italy, bus and truck drivers have strict driving laws that require them to take breaks and not drive more than 12 hours a day. Every time they drive they must insert a card that tracks the data. If they are stopped, the police can access up to 28 days of data to track any violations yet in America we just hope corporations will do the right thing…smh

  4. 43:00 “If you pay $1000 in taxes $540 will go to the military”

    Guys I agree with your overall message but the fact that none of you apparently know the difference between the discretionary budget, mandatory budget and interest on federal debt is pretty concerning.

    In 2015 29.34% of the total budget (~$1.11 trillion) was allocated to discretionary spending. Of this, 54% was spent on the military. Now I’m no maths surgeon but 54% of 29.34% = 15.84%. So if you pay $1000 in taxes, $158.40 will go to the military. This is still atrocious but please get the basic facts straight so you don’t look foolish.

  5. You guys take too long to put up the newest episodes — it has been almost three hours since the show concluded. I have to go to bed soon, and by tomorrow, which is when I’ll have to wait to see it, apparently, it will be old news.

  6. Jimmy is spot on in his ideology when it comes to the unjust oligarchic government and it’s mechanics, but he has gotta cheer up. I mean, his criticism of Franken just lacked purpose and was just strangely reactionary and not thought through. I think Franken did an amazing job at pressing Gorsuche on the issues that rose from this particular case. I think Franken’s bit about identifying absurdity was well put and made a great point. It is absurd to not rule in favor of a man who risked his life to do his job.

    1. But Franken had his opponent (Gorsuck) down, and did not finish him off. This inability to go for throat is why Dems have gotten slaughtered over ideas. Jimmy nailed it how Franken, looking like a meteor about to impact, really was just a hot air balloon that got a rip in the end.

      1. Compufox – I totally agree! I want the full weight of the HAMMER to batter these a-holes, who are mercilessly doing the bidding of Greedy & Corrupt Corporations while they are violently assaulting the rights of everyday folks.

    2. I think the Dems really believe they can be Repub-Light, but they haven’t taken into account that (unlike the Republucans) they’re screwing over the MOST informed base in politics.

      1. Yea but this isn’t about Franken’s public image or future elections. But you’re right, I don’t think they can exist much longer without adopting true progressive platforms. I just have seen the slow evolution of Jimmy from being on point and concise and controlled and now he is beginning to sound uncivil and like Mark Levin. It’s stopping them from looking at any issue objectively. It’s infuriating, I get it, but he says some dumb shit when he get’s angry. My advice would be, “don’t freak out”.

  7. Anybody have that Nancy Pelosi video? I’d love to start blasting that one out. I have hated this women since she was first elected. Would love to see a real progressive replace her. Will work on it.

    1. Yes, primary Pelosi with Courageous Progressives that will fight for everyday folks. Pelosi must go – get her out!

      1. Pelosi is like a portrait of Warren G. Harding still hanging in one of the toilets of the White House, provoking the natural reaction: “What the fuck is this still doing here? Why hasn’t it gone into the archives or the trash can already?”

  8. I meant to comment on a recent Post Game on Jimmy’s backwards views on male sexual assault and their inability to be taken seriously, mostly due to the ‘boy are they lucky!’ attitude. They’re reminiscent of my staunchly Catholic, and conservative, father. Perpetuating the attitude among a progressive audience harms progress of equality to both genders.

  9. I don’t usually comment on Jimmy’s crap but the Syria situation and his comments on Gorsuch needed to be addressed:

    On Syria, unlike most people here who never met a Syrian or heard about Syria, I know a lot of Syrians from school days as well as from the refugee camps in Turkey when I visited the country on several occasions and until you go there and ask the 3 million official refugees in Turkey (the actual number is probably a million more since a lot work illegally in Turkish factories) do not dare talk about Syria because none of you have any idea about the people or the regime, the regime that killed 400k of its people with conventional weapons with conventional weapons.

    I suggest instead of bringing “Experts” who never went to the country (or like the British Ambassador are on the payroll of the Syrian regime since he lobbied for him in the UK and still does that) that you bring any adult from the 1500 refugee community in California and ask him what it’s like to live under the “regime” that Jimmy claims 10000 miles away is “popular” because here is the thing, the 5 million registered refugees did not decide to take an indefinite vacation en masse, they were kicked out of their own country and were replaced by colonists from Iraq and Lebanon who share the same faith as the dear leader.

    Oh and one note on the so called “independent” Journalists who cover the Syrian war (which oddly does not cover VICE, Journeyman Pictures or any other platform that tells a different story), these “journalists” never visited a refugee camp inside Syria or outside, never visited opposition held territory and sell their “investigative reporting” to Sputnik, RT, Press TV and other outlets that unabashedly support bombing of hospitals (because terrorist sympathizers and enablers are treated there) and ethnically cleansing Sunni populations from areas that surrender to Assad because of “suspect loyalties”.

    Finally on the Syrian question, with half the Syrian current population (excluding the refugees) living outside of Assad’s control and nearly a third living outside Syria and refusing to go back if Assad stays in power, can Jimmy and his buddies give us a solution because the way it is portrayed right now it is either Assad or nobody. Surely there is a general somewhere who could replace him if we were to believe that Assad’s regime is a none sectarian regime where the Baath holds power and Assad is just another member.

    As for Gorsuch, a couple of surveys showed that more republicans in districts that swung to Trump cited “appointment of conservative Supreme Court Justice” in their reasons to vote for Trump than Democrats in districts that swung to Clinton. Furthermore, Trump actually campaigned on this particular issue in the three rust belt states that he swung to him.

    As in every other survey of the election, the Republicans voted in one block to achieve a certain set of goals while Dem voters voted for a rainbow of issues and guess what, Trump still enjoys the support of 90% of his voters according to the average surveys while Obama lost a third of his voters 100 days into his presidency.

    This is why republicans win elections. Their voters are faithful, patient and don’t have a purity test whereby if a “progressive” differs with a Dem candidate on 1% of the issues the Dem candidate is a corporate sellout as Jimmyboy described Keith Ellison. Hell millions of “progressives” called Bernie a sellout when he endorsed Hillary.

    1. > Their voters are faithful, patient and don’t have a purity test whereby if a “progressive” differs with a Dem candidate on 1% of the issues the Dem candidate is a corporate sellout as Jimmyboy described Keith Ellison. Hell millions of “progressives” called Bernie a sellout when he endorsed Hillary.

      You’re skipping over the fact that it’s a completely different political landscape on both sides of the isle.

      The fact is that all conservatives in America are spoiled for choice in that:

      1) their default party has only become more rightwing. There are divisions inside the Repub party but those divisions are between different flavors of conservatives; between the extreme and the slightly less extreme.

      2) the Dem party as an entity has neoliberalized and triangulated for three decades, which essentially means that they have massively developed their own conservative wing (which has always existed obviously, but used to be more contained by a Rooseveltian coalition). So many elected Dems are conservatives who pay lip service to gay rights and womens’ rights.

      3) If none of the above floats a conservative’s boat, then there is still libertarianism, which may be fringe but boasts candidates with history of holding office, large corporate donations, and a fair amount of attention from the corporate media (in other words, way ahead of the Greens in those areas, and not comparable to the Greens as far as this goes).

      Nothing like the plentitude of choices of the above exists on the Left. Progressives are a marginalized minority inside the Democratic Party and its structures, which would like nothing better than to be rid of their acitivity (but keep enough of their votes regardless, like cattle to be coralled). And the Greens must grapple with the two party system in a way that is much harder than what rightwing libertarians face, because they are not rightwing.

      So what you’re calling “purity test” is nothing of the sort, I would say. It’s more akin to a struggle to be allowed to exist within the official political system at all, which just makes talk of “purity tests” entirely inapposite to that basic reality (though the Democratic establishment sees this totally differently, obviously).

      Note that I’m talking about the ‘Washington’, representative side of politics. The realities on the ground are different and evolving rapidly.

    2. On Syria: well, I would agree that the coverage here is light, superficial, and on some levels detached. But that’s true of nearly all Syria coverage in America (though the ideological accents here are still very different from most coverage obviously), and I’m not sure how it could be different unless TYT somehow hires a dedicated foreign affairs staff which ALSO has a professional background that lies well away from the American MSM and its distortive effects.

      1. The problem in the coverage of the Syrian catastrophe in the US media is that is became a partisan issue not a human rights issue and most politicians’ and pundits’ views are colored not by principle by by knee-jerk reactions on both sides or in the case of Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard, irrational hatred of muslims (both voted against resettling refugees in the US and if I am not mistaken also voted against refugee support programs by USAID).

        When I read or hear comments here or comments elsewhere I am constantly reminded by the way American media, politicians and the public viewed the unfolding catastrophe in Nazi Germany or the boat people catastrophe after the fall of Saigon and Phnom Penh. Indifference until the size of the slaughter became apparent in the case of Cambodia after it was too late.

        Thankfully the situation in Syria can be mitigated peacefully but peace negotiations without a show of strength by the mediators are useless. After 1000 raids per day in the last 3 days up to the gas attack (despite and official “cease fire” applying to areas beyond combat lines) the number now is a fraction that (and limited to active fronts largely) thanks to this show of strength.

        The hope right now is that the Russians will do their part that they agreed to in the first Geneva Conference (Geneva I).

        1. I see what you’re saying, about the partisanship and the kneejerk reactions. The most dangerous kneejerk reaction is still the reaction “won’t sombody think of the children? Let’s send in the bombers”, though.

          However tempting, it’s not a good idea to stare at a select few bloody incidents in which “lives might have been saved” (which is always second-guessing history and speculation). If, instead, you insist on always looking at American foreign policy in its totality and full history (which hardly anyone ever does, obviously, except people like Noam Chomsky and Henry Kissinger) then indifference on the part of the public to external conflicts is not necessarily a bad a thing IMO.

          The history of great powers suggests that a caring public (meaning, one that cares about outside conflicts, an interventionist-minded one) will always be engaged and instrumentalized in projects of aggression and expansion; projects which are also designed to distract from domestic politics and from their own society’s problems.

          1. A 5 year old has more sense about foreign policy than Noam Chomsky who should stick to the area he knows best, linguistics.

            As for public indifference, that has never been a good thing. Public indifference is what made the US Marines the police force for the United Fruit Company, the US Marshal Service the official Union Busting agency and the US Army Cavalry the muscle-for-hire for the Rail Roads and Frontier Groups.

            If you think the situation right now is bad I suggest you read about US interventions prior to WWI to see how bad things were. As bad as the interventions right now are they were nothing compared to the earlier ones. At leas the US government is officially in charge. Back then the UFC agent was the US Ambassador and chief administrator for the occupation force.

            1. > If you think the situation right now is bad I suggest you read about US interventions prior to WWI to see how bad things were. As bad as the interventions right now are they were nothing compared to the earlier ones. At leas the US government is officially in charge.

              That’s where your point is shot in the foot by the mercenaries. :) On that level, militarism is actually circling back to the 19th century, because of the growth of private contractors, mercenaries, privatization, and how war increasingly becomes an extension of Late, Globalized Capitalism and its instabilities.

              And I think that the notion of “who’s in charge” underestimates the extent to which War is a wild and uncontrollable force. Control slips away from elected officials very quickly, even without considering privatization.

    3. I’m sorry, but did you listen to this broadcast? I don’t recall anyone using the adjective “popular” to describe Assad in any way shape or form. In fact, they clearly berated the USA’s unconscionable lack of empathy and support for the plight of the millions of Syrian refugees who have fled his repressive regime. Just because they remain skeptical of media’s reports about the “gas attack” does not mean they like Assad, any more than questioning the existence of WMDs as a reason to go to war in Iraq made one a “fan” of Saddam Hussein.

      1. I am talking specifically about Jimmy who has a history on this issue previously as well as the other show.

        This also applies to the new kid, Vigeland, whose only qualifications apparently is that she is pretty (but amazingly dumb). I hope that that is because she is a kid who was 5 when 9/11 happened but I am not holding my breath.

        As for skepticism, unlike Iraq where every single UN watchdog had access and verified that everything was OK, Syria only announced they had a chemical weapons program after the 2013 attack and the UN watchdogs have been very critical of the regime and have proved the use of chemical weapons by the regime on multiple occasions including the 2013 attack.

        People always cite the UN reporting on Iraq but conveniently brush the UN reporting on Syria under the rug.

        1. Is that right? Am I growing senile? Please provide a link to a clip in which Jimmy said Assad was “popular” to refresh my memory. And if you have verifiable evidence that proves the origin of this latest “gas” attack, please pass it along also. It might be that Assad was responsible, but true skepticism require more than mere media regurgitation. Thanks!

          1. Go to the Jimmy Dore Show on youtube and search: Syria.

            As for skepticism, skepticism is essential. However, there is a time to be skeptical and there is a time to take action. In Syria the time to take action is already upon us.

            The US is already involved. It supports the PYG militia (who are for all intents and purposes common terrorists since they are an official offshoot of the PKK terrorist organisation) against ISIS with arms and troops (3000 boots on the ground and nearly 5000 support staff in Turkey alone). The PYG is already responsible for eradicating 300 villages out of existence and evicting between 150k and 300k Arabs from their homelands under the watchful eye of CENTCOM.

            Leaving the job half completed (that is without a political settlement) is what fucked up Iraq and Libya. Whether you like it or not you can’t bomb ISIS and not be involved in the political solution in Syria because ISIS started because of the Syrian (and Iraqi) civil wars.

            1. Sorry. I’ve watched all of Jimmy Dore’s videos on Syria, and still can’t find where he ever said Assad was “popular.”

  10. I know this totally inappropriate. Forgive me. I am disgusted by the war machines masquerading as countries. BUT, um, is Steve Oh single? I’m a Cornell grad like him. Holla at me? haha Sorry. I just had to. He’s cute. OK. I’m done.

    1. It’s not inappropriate! Any favorable comments about my looks are totally appropriate. Thank you! I am happily married but we can all use a little ego boost every now and then. What years were you at Cornell? I was there from 1988 to 1992.

      1. Oh, my gosh! Thank you for your message. *blush* Indeed, you are very handsome and brilliant. (Sadly, the good ones are always taken.) I was at Cornell for my undergrad from 2000-2004. I was an English major. Anyway, thanks again for humoring me with your message. Your wife is a lucky women. ; )

        1. I am getting your comment bronzed onto a plaque for my office. Thank you!

          I was a government and psychology major. I lived in Sheldon Court my 1st two years and then I lived in my fraternity house (Phi Sigma Kappa) my 3rd year. I loved my time in Ithaca, though I was done with the cold weather by the time I graduated. I recently visited for the first time and absolutely loved it. I stayed at the Statler, drank at Ruloff’s, and even climbed to the top of the clock tower.

          Did you enjoy your years at Cornell? Where are you and what are you up to now?

          BTW, thank you for being a member! You guys are the best.

          1. Haha!

            Wow, you really loved Cornell! I… did not love it for personal reasons; I was the first in my nuclear family to go on to college, and I just kind of felt out of place ( and very poor). Ha! I lived in Balch my first year, the all-female dorm. Then I went on to live in Dickson. I finished up in an apartment on that street that everybody lives on; I can’t remember. I was fond of College Town Bagels, though. And I got to go to Rome to study creative writing while I was at Cornell. So there were a few highlights, but mostly I was kind of a deer in headlights. I’m glad you had a good experience, though.

            I graduated and worked publishing/ TV/ marketing and got an MFA in creative writing.

            I’m now getting a doctorate in psychiatric nursing practice. Long story from TV to psych…actually, they’re kind of the same field. The work environment at TYT seems to be an aberration. That’s good.


            1. Steve IS brilliant, KellyKFCCook. You can imagine it wasn’t easy for him at Cornell, but if there’s one thing I admire about many colleges and universities in the US (despite their ridiculous greed and lack of creative management) it’s fostering a great ability to think and reason for oneself based on facts and investigative evidence and encouraging students to always keep a critical eye open. Steve’s story about his revisit to Cornell was moving. I wonder if I’ll ever go back to see what U of PA is like now?

              Anyway we Team Steve fans need to flood enough positive comments on him to not only get him his own mike on Aggressive Progressives, we need to encourage Cenk and Dave to give him his own show, based on the great name Cenk came up with on Old School (the episode where Steve kicked that guy out of his car window) — The Oh Zone.

  11. let’s keep the status quo? are u a millionaire or being sarcastic and I missed it. did u not hear we spend 3% of our budget on welfare and 50% on defense/attack?

    1. Sarcasm, sadly. And you didn’t listen, it is not 50% but 54% for the military. I thought Jimmy might want to steal a joke about the kidneys. I also made a response that Jimmy was obsessed with Parkinson’s to explain HRC and her illness, and I think it was wrong. It would be a nice pre-emptive move to just say he was wrong that it was Parkinson’s. Why hasn’t Steph come onto AP?

  12. If the name is federally trademarked, send them a letter and tell them. They should either change it or add a disclaimer that it belongs to The Aggressive Progressives TYTnetwork.

  13. Just watched the whole show. Yes, Sue them. Any money you make send 54% to Rhode Island and make more cluster bombs. Quit trying to make our DNC leaders look bad, since I don’t know how you can afford cheaper health care and cheaper drugs. Let’s keep the status quo, was it Graham that suggested to do his own surgeries? I just look at the AP panel and think that there are probably 6 kidney between the team. Do you know how much that would be worth on the black market? Better than a Patreon page.

    1. about the Clinton story he was saying when her team makes up stories and lies it gives everyone the right to speculate and to make up whatever stories we want.

    1. You’re missing the point. A lawsuit would not be in TYT’s interests. It would be in everyone else’s interests. It is detrimental to all progressives to allow false progressives or corporate operators to get away with posing as aggressive progressives or promoting themselves as such.

  14. Conservative judges would do anything to make the most anti-labor interpretation of law possible. That’s what they learn to do at the federalist society. These same people have been pushing for tort reform for a long time.

  15. Jimmy makes an interesting case about Syria. I really wish he hadn’t been pushing that ridiculous Parkinson’s story about Clinton earlier because it makes me skeptical of him now and I’m not sure what to believe.

    1. I agree, he became obsessed with Parkinson’s and it wasn’t medically correct. I will accept a public apology and I won’t change my opinion that he is the best person for trying to start the Green Revolution. However, I think he needs to get people to take action. I am investing in a small electric panel van and an electric truck to import solar PV panels, wind turbines and batteries into Switzerland and Kosovo. I will give Jimmy some money on Patreon since he deserves it. However, I don’t know if I will continue since he talks a good show but I want action. Come on Jimmy and Steve and GraHam and Malcolm, start the revolution. Read Mahatma Gandhi and his Salt March in India. This inspired Nelson Mandela, so what can it hurt you?

    2. The Parkinsons story dealt specifically w/a candidate’s health. Which on ANY candidate is pure speculation. Are they “too old?” What chronic illness do they have?
      Reagan was in early stages Alzheimers, did it make a difference in how much he was in control of his WH?
      Maybe, probably.

      I think the Syria situation is different. It deals with whether the US goes into yet another war.
      ANOTHER WAR. To protect who? For what? Because the US suddenly NOW cares about dead babies in Syria?
      But we continue to bomb them AND won’t let their refuges in.
      More lies, more excuses, more blood & treasure,
      more lives forever changed or wiped out both at home & abroad.

      Just because Jimmy went off the rails on HRC’s health, it does NOT mean that every issue he raises or every theory he develops is suddenly now unbelievable.
      Unless, of course, you are of the opinion that HRC lost because of things Jimmy said
      or what other Progressives did.
      Then you probably lean towards HRC and going into ANOTHER war is justified.

      1. > Just because Jimmy went off the rails on HRC’s health, it does NOT mean that every issue he raises or every theory he develops is suddenly now unbelievable.

        You said it.

        Jimmy is working here from the investigative reporting by Seymour Hersh, who is asking all the right questions and has an excellent record in this area.

    3. I love this show – every segment, every minute. I wish it were published Thursday night as soon as it is filmed. I can’t always watch it live, but I always watch it when it is made available.

  16. Cenk has been skeptical about the reporting. He’s neutral but is leaning towards Jimmy’s belief.

  17. This is an important show. I am a paying member and it is the Main reason for my support. For this particular AP I recommend that you publish it as soon as you can for the world… ie… YOUTUBE…. This one needs wide distribution. NO WAR! AND MEDICARE for ALL . Yes… “Appreciate yous guys muchly” -Bob

  18. Does anybody know if TYT is reporting this as a false flag attack?
    I looked and it seems that TYT SORT of agrees with the corporate reporting.
    This is exctly as in iraq war its SO OBVIOUS…


    1. I think Cenk is leaning toward Jimmy, in that something smells really bad about this whole ramping up to another war … now with Syria.
      It’s all TOO convenient and picture perfect.
      The bigger question is not how or why now, but WHO would benefit & why?

      It is easy for Americans to sit here and speculate on whether we should go into another war.
      Apart from the small percentage of Americans who are actually IN the military, it’s all just “beautiful lights” (as Brian Williams calls it) or flag-waving, ribbon-wearing bullshit (which means ZERO & is insulting).

      Most Americans only really care about whether it is a Good Show, or not.
      Being patriotic means wearing a colored ribbon or having a Bless Our Troops bumper sticker on your car and, most important, continuing to Shop.

  19. This was the BEST Aggressive Progressive episode I have seen. Great that you brought in those other expert opinions about the sarin gas attack, like the former UK ambassador to Syria, etc. And the discussion of health care with an extreme right-winger conceding that single-payer is the future and the LAME Nancy Pelosi clips–classic!!
    Agree with everyone else–need a 2-hour show or something more than just this one hour.

  20. i would just like to speak on behalf of myself and everyone else in san francisco who is not nancy pelosi by saying the following: fuck nancy pelosi.

  21. More Progressive Agressives! This and Grace and Shaun are the best part of TYT. Wish Grace and Shaun were on more.

  22. Sue the shit out of them. Once again they are too fucking stupid to look up a trademark. Incompetence and assholes our demrats

  23. I don’t think it’s good for to be using the name of this show if you guys trademarked it. It’s super important as an identifier for YOU GUYS and their use may confuse people. There are any number of other slogans they can use. Just ask them to drop it, seriously. What do other people think?

  24. I agree Aggressive Progressives should be offered two to three times a week. I would also like snip-its and critical segments posted on YouTube so I can share this wisdom and help to get more members.

  25. You DO have to “come to an agreement” with the other ‘aggressive progressives’, or you could lose your trademark for lack of defending it.

  26. Brian Wiliams on MSNBC used the word “beautiful” 4 times in 45 seconds to to describe the bombing and American weapons. Beautiful. Really? To massacre people. (Well, Williams should know. He was under attack,right? Or was that another corporate media lie?)

  27. Senate goes Nuclear, Trump launches cruise missiles — #JustAnotherDayAtTheOffice .
    Syria attack: proof that even an asshole can do something positive once in a while.

  28. Video is broken. Downloads won’t open.
    Been like this for several AG episodes.
    Canceling my membership if this doesn’t get fixed soon.

    1. That sucks – I watch every episode, either at the regular time or later. Have to say, have not had a problem, so maybe it is your server?

  29. It’s certainly offensive to see the words “agressive progressive” paired with the word “unity” (on

    Because “unity” is just a euphemism now for “submit to the establishment, right fucking now”. That is what Hillary and her campaign have turned the word “unity” into, that’s how they debased and abused that word. And their disastrous campaign is still going on right now, just no longer fronted by Hillary but certainly backed by all loser corporate democrats as a political force.

    1. Yes, I fully support a fundraising drive for the next 100 days to increase the Aggressive Progressives show to at least (2) shows per week at a minimum of 2 hours and to have more interviews with so many Aggr Progs around the world that are doing so much that barely gets attention and have more Aggr Prog guests and to make Malcolm a permanent host that has 2-3 segments.

  30. Can you make the Syria segment its own (considerable-sized) clip on YouTube? I really want to share it.

  31. Us aggressive progressives demand more Aggressive Progressives >;)… and Thanks for getting this on the site.

  32. I want more Aggressive Progressive! This one show and one hour a week is not cutting it. I feel like this show should be on twice a week.

  33. Since Aaron has been uploading videos I haven’t been able to access them as a member on here.

  34. What happened that we have to be polite and respectful to obvious sociopaths? The “Have you no decency, sir?” was delivered in the McCarthy hearings. Why do we have to even talk to these people? People like Gorsuch do not deserve our attention, let alone our respect.

  35. Thank you for getting this up, Aaron. Some of us have to catch this the day after, and waiting for it only once a week is torture enough!

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