TYT Old School March 1, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan31 Comments

Cenk, Ben, and Mark Thompson talk potential Cenk, try different types of moonshine, Trump’s attack on the media, and Trump’s speech.


  1. I would love to see an Old School where the panel gets shit faced during the show. Have everyone take 5 shots of something at the start then enjoy the show. Cenk looked like he was feeling it when he got crazy about this Triceps.

  2. Ben is such a sissy, plus he’s wasting and snubbing precious homemade liquor because he can’t handle it. What a waste. The way he throws it away is not even funny, just snubbish and disrespectful.

  3. This may have been mentioned before, but Proof is twice the percentage of the alcohol content, so 100 proof is only 50% alcohol.

  4. I just watched last week’s Old School and this week’s installment back-to-back and loved it. Ben’s contributions enrich the show greatly, in my view, despite the fact that I disagree with him on a number of issues since I am an Anarcho-Communist. Ben’s sharp wit and measured, thoughtful approach to many topics are refreshing in today’s shoot-from-the-hip analysis that fails to break out of its self confirming microcosm and look at the big picture. Even though I disagree with some of his interpretations of political events and trends, as well as economic issues and their subsequent remedies, I think Ben’s points of view are an invaluable addition to the Young Turk’s coverage and analysis of the news. For those reasons, and also my love of classic film, I have a great deal of regard for Ben and I look forward to his presence on TYT’s programs.

    Mark Thompson is a TYT treasure. He really deserves more airtime on the main show and the Friday post game. I always enjoy his insight and anecdotes. If he has the interest, I would like to see him guest star on Murder With Friends with Grace Baldridge. He has a full plate as it is, so I will try to be content with his sporadic appearances, but always holding out for more.

    Speaking of TYT treasures, Erma is wonderful and brightens any TYT program she is a part of. I was genuinely impressed with her ability to down moonshine with ease.

    And of course Cenk was great as usual. By the way, my father, who is an ex-bodybuilder, can still consistently bench press 275lbs at the age of 69 years old -going on 70 this April. He drinks a 6-pack of Sam Adams Boston Lager per week and has never smoked a day in his life.

    Great program, guys. Stay Strong!

    -Eugene Debs

  5. Old School is great. It’s great to hear intelligent people shoot the shit. It’s a simple pleasure that is too sparse in my life.

    It’s time… I’m going to get fit also. I have pretty much the same setup, good lower half but chubby gut. Let’s do this!

  6. I’m just SO against drinking. Wasn’t prepared for there to be three shots of that stuff for Cenk, Ben and Mark. You know sometimes guys up in these Young Turks like to use alcohol as a convenient comparison to show how much more dangerous it is than canabis, then they forget all about that when it’s time to take a dare to throw back some 40-100% pure alcohol. Then we get an operator praising a woman for the ‘balls’ to throw it back.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but the woman with that stuff whose been drinking it since childhood is the same one who keeps on making mistakes with the graphics on Malcolm’s Weekly Whirled News, isn’t she? I know she’s got lots of other jobs back there but if it the same person it sure looks like it’s affected her ability to concentrate on getting those graphics right.

    I don’t believe anybody can drink even one shot of that stuff even once a week without paying for it health-wise years down the road, burdening ANY health care system as well as families and friendships. The vague line that woman had ‘I don’t even drink much’ are famous last words. You don’t need much to be a DROONK.

    This was the first Old School I really felt uncomfortable watching, my love for Ben, Cenk and Mark kept me watching.

    Yes, I am Carrie Nation.

  7. I love Old School. I don’t know how many women watch it, but I do. It’s the best to watch you all in a relaxed setting with all the honesty low viewership affords.

  8. Great show! I think a drinking show should happen more often. Just a little to loosen up. SO FUNNY!!! I think Ben is so cute. I never noticed this eyebrows till he brought it up.
    I love that Cenk is dedicating more time to his health. Great job Cenk!
    Sending much love!

  9. I’m a woman and Ben IS too funny. OMG, he was cracking me up the whole show. I love this trio-best Old School Threesome ever.

  10. Anyone else having probs downloading the vid on this?? I keep starting the DL then it cancels itself before 1%! ????

  11. Okay, put me in the “Didn’t get it” column. I don’t understand what is the thing the wine critic did that’s so snotty?
    You order the second-less expensive wine, have them open it, then as if they have it? Meh. Anybody want to explain the rationale?
    What a good Old School! Funny as all get out. Have Mark on more often!

  12. Proof is double the alcohol %. Typically moonshine is 195 proof which means it’s nearly 100% alcohol. Most whiskeys are 80 proof which is 40% alcohol.

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