
  1. This video won’t load for me and I get an error when I try to download. All the others work. Also, there’s a “JW Player Test Post” visible in the Hour 1 Member post list. Might want to look into these issues, guys.

  2. Anyone else find it disturbing when Trump pulled out that pair of Baoding stress balls and start clacking them around as he muttered something about getting CNN with geometric logic and stolen strawberries?

  3. What proof is there that Trump inherited 200 million dollars. The largest estimate of his fathers net worth at the time of his passing was 300 million. How would 200 go to Trump? Also, Trump sucks.

    1. Short answer: There’s basically no proof of anything. There’s a lot of conjecture and estimates based on partially reported information spanning fifty years.

      Long answer: Like many of Cenk’s talking points, this figure started out as a more detailed comment a couple of years ago and has gradually been simplified and exagerated as it gets repeated. Basically, there isn’t a lot of detailed information, but Cenk seems to have conflated a series of loans and gifts with the later inheritance.

      In the mid-’70s, Fred Trump gave his son a loan to get started in business. This has been variously reported as either one or a series of loans, anywhere from $1 to $14 million.

      In 1968 Donald was given a job with his father’s real estate company and became president in 1971, it was then valued at $200 million. Some portion of it was sold off and split between the five siblings. That’s the $40 million dollar business starter that Cenk likes to mention, but it’s worth pointing out that (a) the company wasn’t sold immediately, and (b) Trump didn’t receive the money as cash. In 1980 Donald renamed the remaining company as The Trump Organization.

      Fred Trump is believed to have given his son additional loans later. There was one in 1990 in which an emissary bought $3.3 million in chips at a casino then left without cashining them in. This money was used to make interest payments. Although the loan was determined to be illegal by the Casino Control Commission, they declined to investigate or pursue charges, instead levying a fine and certifying Fred as a lender of record. Fred was also known to give Donald access to various trust funds and to help in establishing business connections.

      The New York Times in 1999 estimated Fred Sr’s wealth between $250 and $300 million based on statements from the Trump family. It is unknown how the money was divided up between the four surviving children. A 2003 article reported that a portion of their father’s real estate company worth approximately half a billion dollars was also sold off and divided up. This could be considered inheritance depending on how you look at it.

      So all in all, the $200 million dollar number probably isn’t too far off if you use a very liberal interpretation of the word inheritance.

        1. “The $200 million dollar number probably isn’t too far off if you use a very liberal interpretation of the word inheritance.” Well, Cenk is left of liberal so… in a way it works. :-)

  4. Trump actually said “I’m the least Semitic person that you’ve ever seen”, NOT the least antisemitic (22:39-22:45). You have to listen closely to pick up on it, but it’s definitely there and I’m surprised that neither John nor Cenk heard it.

    While I suspect that it was a simple mistake — the short short pause before Semitic suggests that he was trying to remember the word — that quote would be very useful for the sound board or other attacks against Trump.

    John: There have been at least three attempts to update wikipedia’s page on Uranium to include Trump’s definition. The page now enjoys semi-protected status to prevent joke edits.

  5. What you fail to understand is the Media and you are not the audience he is speaking to. He is addressing his base via the Press conduit. Looking at it with their eyes he is being badgered by the “Lying Media”, not making a rambling rebuttal. His campaign style is nearly identical to his response in this conference.
    Tried and true dog whistling is enhanced by your scorn and ridicule, no matter how satisfactory it seems.
    Moving on, I agree with his statements about the Russian Scare…there are forces within the government and media who are salivating for a confrontation to put Russia in its place. You can have a Russian spy ship 30 miles south of Groton, but how far out to the east is it?
    Our Navy Destroyer “buzzed’ in a “reckless and unprofessional manner” by Russian jets. In the Black Sea near a disputed Crimea while the US is demanding Crimea be “returned” to Ukraine.
    While NATO forces are being beefed up in every country bordering Russia.
    Do you want that war? Pence will give you that war.

  6. *my life can now be summed up in two parts: before and after this very day, when I saw that Trumpty is even dumber than I thought he was… and by a factor of 10 #conservativeestimates

  7. Yeah, I totallly take it back, watching Trump ride out the tallow tide of his own melt isn’t nearly as entertaining as I thought it would be. Just SAD! SAD! SAD! #cringefactorinfinity

  8. The Electoral College is not really the problem. The problem is the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 which set the number of 435 for representatives in the House. Before this Act, a state’s number of Electoral College votes and representatives changed every ten years, according to the census. 435 is based on the 1910 census. Each state’s current number of Electoral College votes and representatives is derived from a census taken over 100 years ago. This can be changed by both houses merely passing a bill and the President signing it. There is no reasonable arguement against modernizing our representation to reflect America today.

    1. I did not know this. I thought the number changed with each census. You’re right. This is ridiculous. Is that why 5 states only have one representative, because of their population in 1911? What about states that weren’t states in 1911?

      1. The electoral college results won’t be affected by repealing the 1929 act because 48 out of 50 are winner takes all.

        However it will have the better result of making gerrymandering harder. But people will not stomach an 870 strong House of Representatives although a 635 strong house would be a better fit. The UK House of Commons has 650 members.

          1. Nope, percentage wise it will be the same.

            State Electoral college votes=No. of Senators (2)+No. of Representatives, hence VT has 3 votes while NH has 4.

            The number of senators is fixed. The number of representatives is proportional to population. What you might get is more electoral votes per state but their allocation will remain proportional and they will still be winner take all.

            Now the real danger is the current GOP plans to make electoral college votes awarded based on congressional districts. That is dangerous because Obama would have been thrashed in the electoral college 5 years ago and we would had President Romney because republicans controlled the house back then.

            For more checkout this:


  9. Alright, I feel I gotta call out Cenk on the Trump coverage. Not about the amount of it, but about a certain aspect which, once again, shows that Cenk can be just as much of a hypocrite as anyone else.

    The problem I see is that Cenk is focusing on Trumps speaking mode and delivery, which was proven already during the campaign to be a non-factor with his base, but forgets about the one thing he rants all the time about: Strength (or the perception of it).

    Trump, by attacking the press and doing semi-unconstitutional stuff, is projecting the image of an action man to his real audience, which are the conservative/disenfranchised voters. Given that TYT’s unofficial motto is “Too strong!” and one of Cenk’s evergreen soundboard quotes is “You gotta hit them with a stick a couple of times, and they will do!”, you’d think that Cenk would recognize that Trump is doing, in his own bumbling way, exactly what TYT has always been asking Democrats to do: Hit the opposition.

    I hope Cenk (and the others) come out of this fugue sooner than later, which seems to be that they are still reeling from the election and cannot cope with the reality of President Trump, so they focus on shit which already didn’t work during the election (mocking Trumps delivery) and get easily misled by media narratives and DNC obfuscating (Russia! Russia! Russiaaaaaaaa!).

    It’s pretty telling that one part of the progressive media (Cenk, Ana, John, for example) spend all their time being led by the nose by the DNC and the media, while the apparently more effective part of the progressive media (Kyle, Jimmy, Glenn Greenwald) focus on the really important stuff, which is actually opposing the toxic agenda of both Trump and the establishment Democrats.

    1. You make a good point, but to be fair to Cenk he did point out that Trump’s tactics might very well work politically. Cenk is just separating out the politics from the reality of Trump as he sees it.

      1. You’re not wrong. But if the majority of the segment (which spans more than half of the first hour) is 95% Cenk and John mocking Trump, it seems like they are missing the point and just want to do cheap shots. They should be devoting at least half the discussion to the underlying way how he exercises his power.

        I think they still feel that they can somehow topple him by yelling and mockery. It’s gonna take more than that, concerted political action to oppose his bad policies. This, what they are doing now, is just liberal masturbation.

        1. Not only should they be sticking to the issues just as you said, but they need to be tying Trump to the Republicans in Congress. We are not working to take Trump down and have to start the fight all over again. Trump is the distraction while the Republicans are doing just as much or more as Trump.

    1. I think your doing a disservice to Cartman.
      Cartman is BIG BIG HUGE clever-level in his smart-ass dickishness.

      Also, Cartman is a cartoon and Trump is … oh, wait … maybe your right!

  10. here is my wife’s text to me after Donald Trump’s Press Conference: “Dufas Trump nominated Alexander Acosta as Labor Sec. OMG so wronged!!! Media is untruthful! Oh and yay!!! We are building a wall! Guess what!? Mexico is going to pay for it!!! He has been treated unfairly… Dufas has the highest rating and change made in the history of Presidents prior…WOW!!!! Soooo glad we have him. I think that I am going to lick the base of our toilet to celebrate!!!

    1. @ bruhman; dead on!
      TMT, too much Trump. Meaningless, though entertaining-news- Words make folks dumber & number.
      We donors know hyperbole sells & investigations increase; ur kool we all Kool, but be kool and try shit going on behind Trump’s funny-foggy-veil. Do we have a congressional reporter? maybe I might view more but am I missing stories with respect to anticipated Legislative attacks on our Country? on energy? our wallets? on Mother Nature-environment..? (Its why Republicans luv him, sign any hidden thing they Pass).
      Sam’s “Legislative F–kfest” is best coverage of Congressional Bandits we;ve seen…

    1. Please…? Because my mom had it (it killed her), and I don’t wish Trump harm, he clearly needs help. His behavior is irrational and his thinking is unbalanced. He seems to be operating under some powerful delusions. He just CAN’T leave the popular vote loss alone, and his crowd sizes. This has got to be symptomatic of something that needs evaluation.

  11. Cenk — I fear you are — at times — too generous in your appraisal of the capacity for logical responses on the part of Trump’s base. I fear you sometimes over-estimate that base’s ability to discern the blatant wrongs which you do your best to reveal to all of us (for which thanks, by the way). I get the feeling John might share my view in this, and I have heard Ana expressing it as well. Before you OVERestimate the logical responsiveness and “swayableness” of Trump’s base, think of this convoluted quote, often mis-quoted and possibly from H.L Mencken, though the attribution is not certain:

    “No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by UNDERestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.” [emphasis my own]

    Nothing may be taken for granted these days, least of all the hoped for (and rational) change of heart on the part of Trump’s “great masses” of supporters — and they are many in number.

    1. It’s not about changing the hearts and minds of Trump’s base – they are a lost cause. It’s more about getting through to others who can join the coalition of the resistance in order to dwarf Trump’s base.

      1. Thanks very much for your clarifying reply, and all I can say is I DO EARNESTLY HOPE YOU’RE 100% RIGHT!!!
        That said, perhaps that gravely ill joke of a solo press conference MAY actually sway at least SOME of the unswayables as well. (“Whisper of a dream”?)

        My current (and possibly perverse) view is that I hope he doesn’t actually blunder into some remarkable success — like, for example, actually solving the Israel-Palestine issue — because I simply don’t want to have to feel grateful to him for ANYTHING!!! (I realize this is highly selfish of me, but perhaps you will understand the sentiment regardless!!!)

  12. Every time I see Trump in action my blood turns to ice.

    The strongest military in the world is in the hands of a child.

    Every tin pot despot, and every wannabe Napoleon with a nuclear arsenal too, is licking chops in eager anticipation…

    …now that the cop on the beat is a total moron.

  13. I think the CBC thing makes more sense if you give Trump way less credit. Obviously he didn’t know what the “CBC” is, but even after the reporter clarified “congressional black caucus”, he still had no idea what she was talking about and did a real bad job guessing. I think he doesn’t know what a caucus is, and doesn’t realize that “congressional” implies that it’s in congress. He probably thought that she was bringing up some random advocacy group which is why he asked her if she knew them.

    1. Trump does not know what the Congressional Black Caucus is because he does not know any black congresspeople. He only bribes the white ones.

      1. Weird. I tried to reply to this comment in Chrome, and it added a new one to the heap. Seems to work fine in IE. Is participating in TYT comments worth using internet explorer for? Hmmmm…. this might be my last comment reply lol.

        1. If you click on ‘reply’ then change your mind, you have to click on ‘cancel reply’ before clicking on another ‘reply’, or your comment is still directed toward the comment you first clicked on. This would not have caused a new post however so not sure what caused your glitch.

          If Chrome is acting up for you, try updating it, or rebooting. You may have some OS or browser updates causing problems. Firefox works well too.

    1. It’s difficult to see how SNL can carry on with the parody. The real life Donald Trump is out-doing anything they could make up. Life imitating art at it’s most horrifying

  14. I think it was strange you left out the beginning of the jewish reporter’s question, because it made trumps response MUCH stranger.

  15. My stomach is churning. Trump, against every possible standard of logic and governance, is being normalized. Normalized, and borderline acceptable. Oh Lordy, already, NPR is reporting he told jokes and was much more “accessible”. Resistance on every level is critical.

    1. There’s your first problem. NPR. They are the most milquetoast, both sides do it, take no stands, but if you have to be on one side, be slightly to the right, bullshit news.

    2. Wikipedia: The Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 requires the CPB to operate with a “strict adherence to objectivity and balance in all programs or series of programs of a controversial nature”.

      In practice, ‘balance’ often outweighs objectivity. This means that everything is 50-50 if a more objective approach would piss off the corporate sponsors of public broadcasting. CPB only provides a portion of the total funding. The rest comes from private donations and corporate charities.

      During Dubya’s reign, the Rebuplicans attempted a right wing coup at CPB, and the director was fired as a result of the ensuing scandal. Ever since, Rebuplicans have kept their thumb on the scale and launched PR attacks against everything from Barney to the Teletubbies to Bert and Ernie, claiming they inculcate gayness in toddlers or some such B.S., although the attacks have grown fewer and farther between as the novelty of the attacks on children’s programming has worn off with the moron crowd.

      Even so, PBS still manages to produce NOVA and other documentaries that are an excellent source of accurate information, as long as no one’s sacred corporate ox gets gored until after the political damage has blown over.

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