
  1. The Democrats won’t even address the Trump they have in their own party: the governor of WV, Jim Justice.
    1. He’s a billionaire with multiple conflicts of interest.
    2. His kids are in charge of his businesses.
    3. Sold his coal business to the Russian company Mechel in 2009, then bought those mines back in 2015.
    4. Owes millions in backtaxes even though he’s threatening people with layoffs due to the budget crisis.
    5. Brags about his friendship with Trump.
    And the list goes on and on. Yet none of these Democrats care. This election really opened my eyes to the decay in the Democratic party

  2. I really wish my fellow progressives would stop defending Russia. They are doing the GOP’s work for them. None of us know for sure who did what. All we have are opinions and we know the saying about those. Can we please stop droning on about Russia and focus on the issues facing us? Trump and the GOP are in the process of installing a Kleptocracy. They will literally transfer Trillions from us to a small number of super rich elites. I think Russia had good reasons to sway the election for Trump. When the half Trillion dollar oil deal is done with Exxon thanks to Trump and Rex removing sanctions you will have solid proof.

    Please don’t forget what our present reality is and the coming elections. The Democrats have a huge number of Senate seats up for grabs in 2018. I think the GOP have 9. If the Democrats do not develop a platform for the people they will lose. The GOP will have a super majority in Congress. It will be the end times for the middle class and poor. Also, don’t forget the GOP almost have enough States under their control for a Constitutional Convention. A few more and it will literally be the end of the USA as we know it. Once they can call a convention and start putting in amendments it will be the beginning of Armageddon. I can only imagine what they would put into the constitution. So quit droning about Russia and lets get this weak ass Democrats on our page or primaried out.

    1. > So quit droning about Russia and lets get these weak ass Democrats on our page or primaried out.

      Er, no, it is the weak ass Corporate Democrats who are ‘droning on’ about Russia and supposed Russian interference. They think such droning is a legitimate and effective strategy to avoid losing elections or being ‘primaried out’. They are wrong to think so.

      1. There are many progressives who drone on in defense of the allegations Russia influenced the election. Yes the Establishment have been screaming Russia at the top of their lungs but it’s time to move on and get to work. It’s not a one sided issue. I just want both of them to put it to rest and focus on the real issue right now. As I said I think Russia had good reasons to want Trump over Clinton. I think they had a half Trillion reasons which may become reality later. We know the claims of both sides on this. It’s pointless to keep focusing on it instead of developing a plan to take over the Democratic party. Every time I hear progressives still attacking Clinton and defending Russia I shake my head. Clinton is done. The Russia issue is a dead horse quit beating it. Lets get busy and take this corrupt party over before we squander the present opportunity to do it.

        1. We both want it put to rest, absolutely. But let’s note that some people have an establishment megaphone, while progressives don’t (not really), so it’s very hard for the latter not to react to what the megaphone is screaming out.

  3. Love love love AP with Jimmy and Steve. Totally agree with everyone that AP and Jordan’s stuff on TYT politics are the best. I love all the rest of the team too but I have to say that young lady who sometimes reports on tyt politics (I think her name is Emma and I think is a producer) needs to be kept off air and stay behind the scenes until she gets some on camera training. I’m not an American (Australian living in London) and find it quite hard to understand her as she stumbles so much with her reading and needs to reduce her vernacular speaking and made up words. The reporting itself is great but she needs more training if she is to be in front of the camera or keep her behind the camera as a producer where she is doing great work. The new team looks great and can’t wait to see more of them. Would love to see TYT go international as we need new media especially in the U.K. BBC is almost as bad as CNN.

  4. Head of NAACP since 2014 … Cornell William Brooks.
    In Washington, DC, he directed the FCC’s Office of Communication Business Opportunities.

    I wiki-ed that factoid … I think the one fact that he has connections to FCC & now NAACP wants to help KILL net neutrality is very interesting. He’s gonna talk a good game and FUCK every who isn’t giving millions in “donations.”

  5. I joined TYT for Aggressive Progressives and Jordan Chariton’s reporting. Three months in and I don’t miss a single episode, consider extending it to 2 full hours!

  6. You’re correct. Also, there’s nothing wrong with Congress calling for a formal investigation. If nothing’s found, then let’s move on.

  7. If civil rights group ( like NAACP, etc) are now for ENDING Net neutrality … WE ARE FUCKED.

    So we are suppose to hope Google & Netflix are going to stop this?

    These crusty OLD “civil rights” groups do not give a shit about civil rights!
    They care about how much bank they get and where they should build their second or third house.
    It’s the same with the old Unions (that are in the pocket of the DNC) and don’t do SHIT for their members.

    The Old “Phony Liberal” Guard all away around needs crawl off into a cave and die.

    I want to see SOMEONE get in the face of the NAACP or UAW leadership (or any other civil rights/union groups) and just ask them …

    “How much money did you receive from (fill blank)?
    And btw, how many homes do you personally own? Could we see your tax returns?”
    Bet I would not be surprised.l

  8. I agree the vast majority of time with Jimmy, but he is totally wrong on Russia. Paul Manafort his former campaign manager just happened to have an office in Ukraine and dozens of Russian clients involved in the current escalation in the Crimea. Yeah sure that’s just a coincidence. Cmon Jimmy you can be just as tough on the Neo-liberals and call out the obvious with Trump. “The lefts Benghazi,” dont get blinded by your resentment for Hillary. She’s gone forever. The fight now is against Trump and it’s becoming increasingly clear Russian agents were involved in his campaign.

    1. Absolutely disagree with your opinions on Russia. While it’s true that Russia was being used by the Democrats as a distraction from what was being released during the campaign, it’s also true that there are already some concerning things about the Trump administration’s connections with Russia. Sure, Democrats are still pushing this hard, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to the story. We need an investigation.

      You guys compared it to Benghazi, but I disagree with that as well. We can’t make that comparison unless, after numerous independent and congressional investigations revealing no further connections, Democrats continue to push the Russia narrative. For now, it is extremely important that Russia is investigated to see if there’s any fire inside this smoke.

      The fact the Democrats have something to gain by pushing the Russia narrative is mutually exclusive from the potential for serious Russian election interference in collaboration with the Trump campaign and/or Russian manipulation of our executive branch.

      Each piece of evidence on its own is not significant, but when taken as a whole, creates a frightening narrative. You mentioned the trustworthiness of our intelligence community, which is fair. However, we’ve never seen leaks with this many sources, and even Trump confirmed that some of the leaks are real. Even the non-intelligence based components of this issue are concerning. Why would Trump, who knew about the Flynn issue from Yates, wait to fire Flynn immediately after this knowledge became public? Why do many comments from the GOP saying that with the Flynn resignation, they consider this issue closed?

      Everything would go much smoother if congressional Republicans would commit to an independent investigation. Their stonewalling of any investigation is keeping this story in the media. It’s also concerning that the Republican party is willing to accept the possibility of a government compromised by a foreign state simply because of their party. Putting their fear of political optics over our country’s national security is repulsive and dangerous. I would hope Democrats would not act the same way, but I’m not so sure.

  9. Totally signed up for TYT because of Aggressive Progressive and Jordan Chariton’s reporting.
    Normally, I prefer Steve Oh on AP to refine Jimmy’s arguments, but the situation as of late has gotten so ridiculous it’s hard to go overboard with criticizing government and media.

  10. I made Rush Limbaugh a song. The following lyrics are to be sung to the EXACT melody of the famous “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”:

    What funny noises he’s making on the radio!
    Rush is talking to us — all anal cysts talk!
    But what should we say to Rush Limbaugh today, fellas?

    We…tell…him… shitty shitty, shitty shitty, shitty shitty, shitty shitty,
    shitty shitty,
    (Bang – Bang)
    Bang Bang!
    Shitty Shitty
    Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Birth Day Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Birth Day Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Birth Day Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Oh your pretty Shitty Birth Day,
    A Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    we wish YOU.
    Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Shirty Shitty Birth Day
    we wish for YOU.
    Small, tall, you’re a creep to all,
    Oh! What a happy time we spend
    wishing a Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    to this douche who can get bent.
    …a Birth Day Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    for this hatemonger, no gent.

    Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Birth Day
    Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    Oh your pretty Shitty Birth Day
    A Shitty Shitty Birth Day
    We Wish You.

    Repeat until your justified aggression runs out.

  11. Jimmy Dore and aggressive progressives is the main reason I joined as a member. Jimmy is a beast! Please, give him a longer air time.

    1. Amen! I’ve been a member for a long time now and… well, never actually logged in and checked what I got with that. I thought it was just a donation thing and I was doing a good deed. Then randomly I checked and have been binging on Aggressive Progressives non-stop. Love this!

  12. Aggressive progressives is the real deal ! You half to be tough with your truth to power precisely
    Because the power is So strong and Hard to crackthru.

    1. The audio of the full and uninterrupted JD Shows can be found on Jimmy’s own site, no sign up necessary:

      (I don’t know why they don’t yet offer the video version of the full show, but I suspect it’s because that site’s servers aren’t equipped to handle that much video streaming.)

      Also, if you sign up for that site’s Premium Membership, you get access to some bonus materials IIRC.

  13. Aggressive Progressives gets exponentially better. Jimmy is a rock star. Malcolm and Steve are great.

    Best ever…..”Bernie Sanders really exposed MSNBC for what they are.” and “Even a Rhodes Scholar (did Maddow make that up? ) doesn’t know how blackmail works.”
    I’m a member because of Aggressive Progressives. The main show is yada yada yada Trump is a jerk. Can they talk about how such a buffoon beat the corporatist who spent over a billion dollars with the whole mainstream media and Dem establishment on her side lost?

  14. I’m a member because of Agressive Progressives. Jordan is great and I watch Hour 1 if Cenk is on but AG is what makes my socks roll up and down. (That’s a good thing.) Once a week is not enough.

    More more more!
    More Jimmy Dore!

  15. I became a member because of the main show. That said, what I most look forward to every week is the Aggressive Progressives. (And anything new in Murder with Friends!)

  16. Definitely signed up for a year solely because of Aggressive Progressives. I watch some of the nightly news shows, but the incisive perspective and edgy commentary of AP really sets TYT apart. I am impressed by Jimmy’s interviews with people like Tim Canova and Mark Blythe. Every good information network needs a spectrum of offerings: Aggressive Progressive has its own special vibe and appeal . Not to say I don’t get a lot out of the other shows and hosts: I think of TYT as a complex ecosystem, with everyone occupying different niches and doing the best in each one. Aggressive Progressives are trying out new,highly adaptable behaviors in their niche! We love them for occupying the leading edge.

  17. I got my annual TYT subscription, after months of daily watching on Youtube, because I wanted to listen to an Aggressive Progressive interview between Jimmy and Jordan. So yes, Aggressive Progressives is your money maker.

  18. If TYT ends or interferes with the Aggrrrr Progressives show, then I would end my membership.

    I’m an Aggrrrrr Prog faithful member.

  19. Aggressive Progressives is the only must watch program on TYT. Its the only reason I stay a member. I only watch the main program if Jimmy’s on the panel. We need more AG shows a week!!!!

    1. Agreed, I love Aggressive Progressives. It’s the only show on TYT that I simply must watch. Not that I don’t enjoy the main shows, but the limited number of AP episodes combined with the fact that they are simply f-ing awesome is the reason I always check in for more Aggressive Progressives. War Jimmy Dore!!

      1. I notice this every week. Hour 1, 2, postgame and AP are usually up within an hour or 2 of live airing, but Old School takes a day or two to be posted. I don’t understand that.

        1. My guess: Viewership of Hour 1 , 2 , postgame and AP are higher than Old School. So they’ve prioritized uploading the videos of those shows over Old School. Ideally, you’d want all shows to be uploaded as soon as possible, but I guess the person responsible for uploading has other tasks that he/she has to juggle.

  20. Are Comments seen by AP afterhours..?
    1st Must-see TV; Congress daily frontstage, Watergate(watched with tinfoil wrapped-rabbit ears). next, the one that made cable&CNN, OJ.
    Now Trump anxiety-TV; look away & one might miss the Fall.. what will crash him? when? will we crash alongside him..? how much worse can it get b4 * Boom!?
    resignation or reichstag..? AhhhH we can’t look away..! but we do long enough to see Sam’s Congressional coeverage, Best!

    Celebs for office from Left..? besides Al who’s willing to take a pay cut & run? Matt, Stephen, Cenk, Stephen, Jon…? Wheres Left’s celeb candidates..? to many atheist-closets with loads of bones..?
    We have a Dream; one day citizens will not need to be squeaky-clean (nor appear to be) to run for office…

  21. i’ve been watching episodes of AP with my brother and concurrently he’s said he’ll be signing up as a TYT member soon exclusively because of this show. tell cenk (;

  22. Aggressive Progressives is absolutely the only reason I subscribe to the TYT network. Can’t get enough of Jimmy Dore. If you’re honing in on a niche audience, it’s me.

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