TYT Old School February 15, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan39 Comments

Cenk, Jayar, Jimmy Dore, Wes Clarke, and Jesus on for the Old School 15th anniversary special. They talk Nomiki’s viral tweet, Jimmy’s craziness, Trump’s incompetence, Jayar’s first time eating edibles, and Cenk’s first time getting drunk.


  1. This is gold! I’m also a latecomer to weed and drinking… and I’m right there with you brothers!!
    I was missing out !!!!!

  2. moonshine isn’t that hard, you can do it with a pressure cooker (after letting your mash ferment). The people going blind is from Methanol, the alcohol we like is ethanol.

    Methanol boils at 148 F
    Ethanol boils at 178 F

    It’s easily gotten rid of by throwing out the first bit to come out of the still (called the heads)
    The middle of the run is nearly pure Ethanol.
    We also throw out most of the last bit (tails)

    Some mash’s contain more methanol than others, your typical corn mash doesn’t have much to begin with. fruit mash’s can contain enough to be dangerous.

    Another source of health problems during prohibition was people building cheap stills with old car radiators or other unsanitary devices without proper cleaning.

    There’s ALOT of moonshine in the US, if it was dangerous 1/2 the south would be blind already.

    1. I haven’t dropped A comment in DAAAYYYSSS! But I fucken love this Old school! I HAVE been harsh in some comment and nad high on praise in others. For the most part though its high praise! I often watch this show with the delusion I will one day win the lottery or invent some nonsense that will elevate to the status of millionaire dom. After which, I’d endow TYt with a grant with which to expand the network and further OUR ideals! But that’s what it is a fantasy. That’s what makes it fun! In the Interim I have given what little I can afford especially toward Justice Dems! Old school holds a special place in my heart. After watching this episode my latest fantasy is creating a show within the TYT net work in concordance with Doug Benson, something along the lines of Cenk, Jesus, (I fucking Love Jesus! id love to have a one on one sit down with Jesus and Jayar!) Jimmy Dore, Jayar and Wes Clark! I’ve talked to Wes in the past on twitter about our mutual love of books and sci fi! But, I think a bimonthly old JUST like this ala w/Doug Benson would just fucking PROpel this show into the internet stratosphere. Get Doug with High and JUST let the Show UNLESH! It would be like a fucking tour de force! This was my favorite Old School, in LIKE DAYS! Not that they aren’t ALL great but the the idea of an open stream consciousness debate about EVERYTHING under …you know ….the UN restrictive force of pot…..I’m Just sayin’

      In any event I loved this shit! Best I’ve seen in a long time! No offense to Ben, I love Ben, but the unmitigated tell almost all pot concept ……ummmm……..FEED ME SEYMORE!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7SkrYF8lCU


          1. OK, in that article it says “we may only use 10 percent of our brains at one time”.

            The amount of brain at work at any one time probably varies hugely depending on a person’s state (eating vs. playing tennis vs. working on math problems). Considering the activity that regulates bodily functions in addition to the tonic/baseline activity in many discrete brain regions, there’s probably much more than 10% of the brain engaged at any one time.

  4. Yes, to Wes and watching TV while high! I’ve watched movies I normally would find so stupid and been super interested in them and actually found them moving.

    Thanks to Jayar for sharing his experience, that was a great story.

  5. Oh god.. the “you only use 10% of your brain” myth… Please don’t fall for this! I took a psychology course several years ago and the professor spent the first class debunking this. It is also easy to disprove by doing a simple google search…

    1. I’ve heard it’s like saying a stoplight only uses 1/3 of it’s lights. No, it actually uses all of them just not all at the same time.

    2. Maybe it would be better stated we use 10% of our mental capability. iDK, still inaccurate as who really knows if it’s 2% or 13%. We know there’s a lot more capability.

      It’s like having a computer with a quad-core processor and 16 gigs memory to check your email.

  6. It this not start like an old olschool but turned out to be one of the best in memory.
    Who is the lady laughing, sounds sexy and fun.

  7. Man Cenk, let Wes play a bigger role here. He knows incredibly much and could def be an asset to the main show! rootin for ya Wes!

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