Jayar, Ben, and Wes talk the popular hashtag following Elizabeth Warren being silenced by the GOP, the weakness of the DNC, why John Wayne is not an American hero, and Trump’s 3 a.m. phone call.
Guys. How did it take you until your twenties to realize your country isn’t number 1? No country really is for all positive dimensions, but the US has real issues to deal with. Seriously, learn about the rest of the world take heed of the lessons from them – the US has some much potential to really be the best country but American society needs to push for a move towards being better – healthcare for all, educating all kids to the best ability (to be critical thinkers), better food and health, to have the best scientists who push the boundaries of humanity’s knowledge, etc. Instead, we pay idiot politicians and celebrities far too much – wtf do so many people care about reality shows and people like Kim Kardashian?
> You think that we’re better off with Trump as POTUS because people are out in the streets just to preserve the status quo?
No, Hillary’s candidacy was the attempt to preserve the status quo. The already disastrous, completely unacceptable status quo.
Now the neoliberal warmongering bitch has gone out on her ass, and in the process we exposed her party for the corporate sham that it has become and must not remain any longer.
And now we can begin to prepare for the real fight and for getting some real work done. If you don’t have the stomach for it, that’s your problem.
Asking whether America is the best country in the world is to visceral of a question to have meaning. A better question: is America the best country to live in? There are more indexes than the GDP to answer that question.
* Happy planet index (New Economics foundation)
* Life expectancy
* UN human development index Inequality – Gini coefficient
* Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare
* Genuine progress indicator
* Gross National Happiness
* GDP per capita
From the Happiness index, U.S. is not even in the top 10. The top 3 are Denmark, Switzerland, and Iceland.
Ben is what is wrong with the “Old School,” people who think they know “politics” as a monolith subject to a specific, unchanging set of rules. If Ben’s commentary were absent from this discourse, NOTHING would be lost to the TYT supporter, unless you don’t know anything about how the Hillary voter thinks.
Ben is becoming more and more irrelevant. He cannot bring himself to admit people like Jimmy were right all along. Also, he mentions “Russian Hacking” as a reason for HRC’s loss. I remember back then, Ben and Mike thought HRC is such a strong candidate that the hackings and revelations won’t have any affect on the election. They were wrong over and over again and still can’t admit it. Arrogant much?
Ben looks like Leon Trotsky. And he likes to give this “I am a cool guy who is smart” vibe. Cool guys find it hard to admit they were wrong. Other than that, Ben’s fine. But to be fair, so many people thought Hillary would win that I don’t even blame them. It was a collective brain fart.
LOL @ Jimmy being right. You think that we’re better off with Trump as POTUS because people are out in the streets just to preserve the status quo? Jimmy’s head was so far up his ass on the election that it’s not even funny. The entire progressive movement has been set back decades, and he’s going around patting himself on the back.
Good luck on that plan to take back Congress with all of the voter suppression that AG Sessions is about to rubber stamp.
Oh and look at what happened today. Jimmy did umpteen videos about how Russia was a non-issue that was being hyped by the sore losers on Team Hillary. How’d that work out?
Or what about Jimmy’s ridiculous notion that we’re better with Trump as POTUS because Hillary was too hawkish towards Russia? Russia is just about the ONLY fucking country that Trump administration isn’t hostile towards. The lunatic shouted down the fucking Prime Minister of Australia, one of the US’s closest allies.
> You think that we’re better off with Trump as POTUS because people are out in the streets just to preserve the status quo?
No, Hillary’s candidacy was the attempt to preserve the status quo. The already disastrous, completely unacceptable status quo.
Now the neoliberal warmongering bitch has gone out on her ass, and in the process we exposed her party for the corporate sham that it has become and must not remain any longer.
And now we can begin to prepare for the real fight and for getting some real work done. If you don’t have the stomach for it, that’s your problem.
Jimmy is a baby who knows nothing about policy, economics, or world affairs. He misquotes facts often because he doesn’t really understand them. He acts like somebody who just came of age and “discovered” politics for the first.
Come to thing of it..that’s exactly who the TYT base is now days. #SAD
p.s. not my find. Was in the coments from another tyt video. I bookmarked it and cant find the OP to give credit. So if any know whom it was please tell =)
Robert Bentley is worse then they say. He appointed the AL AG to fill Senate seat open because of Sessions. The problem is that the AG was to investigate the Governor for possible impeachment.
The fix was in that’s why Warren didn’t run or endorse Bernie. Saying Warren could have and been the nominee if she ran, and the same time saying if she endorsed Bernie, that it wouldn’t have helped is dysfunctional.
In KS we have caucus and it was like 80/20 for Bernie with 400+ outside as they said. People being present and reacting to these ‘votes’ speak volumes.
Its an isolated experience but come on.. Both sides of disliked Hillary.
I doubt Warren would have beat Clinton in the primaries but Warren would most definitely beat Trump in the general.
And I’m not sure it’s as naive to think Trump will quit during his presidency as it was for the campaign. He enjoyed campaigning but I don’t think he enjoys being president. Oh, I’m sure he likes some aspects but really he doesn’t want the responsibility. I think the people making the decisions (like Bannon) would try to keep him from quitting. But anything could happen. Bannon could overreach, Trump could quit, he could be impeached or he could stay in for 8 years.
And I think Ben has a point, the left fights way too much amongst themselves. You can support Warren but also call her out when you disagree with her, can’t you? Why not both?
Agreed. My fear is that progressives will be too much like the Tea Party and demand “ideological purity” of candidates and party officials that make even the most minute disagreements grounds for a battle. Yes, there are certain principles that must be fought for. But at the end of the day you have to get elected to get things done and if we wait for someone who won’t ever disappoint us we’ll be waiting for a long time. 80% of your agenda is better than 0%.
I think Ben was over-caffeinated. Either that, or he was able to let loose in a way that doesn’t happen when Cenk is around to dominate the discussion.
I wonder if these guys (and not just them) realise that when Ben says something like, “don’t nitpick Warren, you won’t get any better” or when Jayar says, “I was so annoyed at people who got upset at Warren for not endorsing Sanders during the primary, as if him winning Massachusetts would win the primary”, they sounds just like when the corporate Democrats tell us, “you can’t have single-payer universal healthcare” or ” we have to take money from corporate donors to be able to compete”. It’s patronising, dismissive, off-putting, and counter-productive.
And then Ben mutters under his breath. “Get the fuck over it.” Exactly what I heard from Clinton supporters during and after the primary, and what I hear from right-wingers now. Alrighty then Ben!
is it just me or was this episode a bit too political? its interesting and all, but I personally like it better when old school is a bit off current politics and more nonsense.
I think it’s way too early to be promoting Elizabeth Warren as the democratic nominee in 2020–definitely support any democrat standing up to Trump. But still, they are weak sauce.
What’s Next…Well you make it a TYT shirt and you donate the proceeds to a women’s rights organization in order to help fund the fight for gender equality. OR some young writer turns that # into a column or an article or a book about women who persisted, perhaps a recurring spot for a major online news organization highlighting the contributions of those women (something clean and well delivered that can easily be shared on social media networks for consumption by a bipartisan audience with differing ideologies). When you do that, you give nod to Elizabeth Warren in a credit toward the end of each piece, “In honor of Elizabeth Warren for persisting,” or some other such courtesy. In short, you act like republicans, in that you don’t let the issue die, you turn into a cultural rallying cry, you put your force behind it, and you keep it there.
Had another thought, one could end each piece, or put on the back of merch, “We will not sit down.” Also, as opposed to having one individual compose and deliver a litany of different spots, each member of the network could promote someone she found inspiring. This idea would not have to be limited to women; although the initiated # was “she persisted, ” it could be potentially expanded at some point to include other activists as well — especially given the context of the occurrence during Warren’s attempted defense of civil rights. A more inclusive campaign would allow the content created to push a voting rights agenda as it moved forward. in order to create even more community engagement, artwork for proposed merchandise could be sourced through competition with a judging panel which included prominent figures from activist groups/organizations. It all sounds reasonable enough, very grass roots.
Guys. How did it take you until your twenties to realize your country isn’t number 1? No country really is for all positive dimensions, but the US has real issues to deal with. Seriously, learn about the rest of the world take heed of the lessons from them – the US has some much potential to really be the best country but American society needs to push for a move towards being better – healthcare for all, educating all kids to the best ability (to be critical thinkers), better food and health, to have the best scientists who push the boundaries of humanity’s knowledge, etc. Instead, we pay idiot politicians and celebrities far too much – wtf do so many people care about reality shows and people like Kim Kardashian?
Am I wrong, or is this the first Old School ever with no mention of food, diners or cue-zine?
Tuning out. Ben is so wrong it’s difficult to know where to start. Also really tired of his arrogance. Stick to movies Ben! Adios.
> You think that we’re better off with Trump as POTUS because people are out in the streets just to preserve the status quo?
No, Hillary’s candidacy was the attempt to preserve the status quo. The already disastrous, completely unacceptable status quo.
Now the neoliberal warmongering bitch has gone out on her ass, and in the process we exposed her party for the corporate sham that it has become and must not remain any longer.
And now we can begin to prepare for the real fight and for getting some real work done. If you don’t have the stomach for it, that’s your problem.
Asking whether America is the best country in the world is to visceral of a question to have meaning. A better question: is America the best country to live in? There are more indexes than the GDP to answer that question.
* Happy planet index (New Economics foundation)
* Life expectancy
* UN human development index Inequality – Gini coefficient
* Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare
* Genuine progress indicator
* Gross National Happiness
* GDP per capita
From the Happiness index, U.S. is not even in the top 10. The top 3 are Denmark, Switzerland, and Iceland.
The above link is for the World Happiness Report. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Happiness_Report
Gigi, that new old school tho
Ben as long as you apologise for H. Clinton, you’re not progressive enough to be on the show.
Where is the newest Old School?!
Ben is what is wrong with the “Old School,” people who think they know “politics” as a monolith subject to a specific, unchanging set of rules. If Ben’s commentary were absent from this discourse, NOTHING would be lost to the TYT supporter, unless you don’t know anything about how the Hillary voter thinks.
*Regarding the first section that deals with politics. All other topics were ok…kinda…
I agree, The past few months he seems more like a slightly more off the cuff version of a CNN or MSNBC anchor.
It’s true that Ben may be making ‘Old School’ a little too ‘Old School’ for its own good’, at least as far as politics goes.
Ben is becoming more and more irrelevant. He cannot bring himself to admit people like Jimmy were right all along. Also, he mentions “Russian Hacking” as a reason for HRC’s loss. I remember back then, Ben and Mike thought HRC is such a strong candidate that the hackings and revelations won’t have any affect on the election. They were wrong over and over again and still can’t admit it. Arrogant much?
Ben looks like Leon Trotsky. And he likes to give this “I am a cool guy who is smart” vibe. Cool guys find it hard to admit they were wrong. Other than that, Ben’s fine. But to be fair, so many people thought Hillary would win that I don’t even blame them. It was a collective brain fart.
LOL @ Jimmy being right. You think that we’re better off with Trump as POTUS because people are out in the streets just to preserve the status quo? Jimmy’s head was so far up his ass on the election that it’s not even funny. The entire progressive movement has been set back decades, and he’s going around patting himself on the back.
Good luck on that plan to take back Congress with all of the voter suppression that AG Sessions is about to rubber stamp.
Oh and look at what happened today. Jimmy did umpteen videos about how Russia was a non-issue that was being hyped by the sore losers on Team Hillary. How’d that work out?
Or what about Jimmy’s ridiculous notion that we’re better with Trump as POTUS because Hillary was too hawkish towards Russia? Russia is just about the ONLY fucking country that Trump administration isn’t hostile towards. The lunatic shouted down the fucking Prime Minister of Australia, one of the US’s closest allies.
Jimmy was right my ass.
> You think that we’re better off with Trump as POTUS because people are out in the streets just to preserve the status quo?
No, Hillary’s candidacy was the attempt to preserve the status quo. The already disastrous, completely unacceptable status quo.
Now the neoliberal warmongering bitch has gone out on her ass, and in the process we exposed her party for the corporate sham that it has become and must not remain any longer.
And now we can begin to prepare for the real fight and for getting some real work done. If you don’t have the stomach for it, that’s your problem.
Jimmy is a baby who knows nothing about policy, economics, or world affairs. He misquotes facts often because he doesn’t really understand them. He acts like somebody who just came of age and “discovered” politics for the first.
Come to thing of it..that’s exactly who the TYT base is now days. #SAD
> that’s exactly who the TYT base is now days.
Well, through your membership fee, you’re helping to pay for producing the content that we enjoy. So…thanks, I guess?
Must be nice to be so much more knowledgable about politics than everyone else is. (You thought Hillary would win, didn’t you?)
I agree…
it wasn’t the the ohio river it was the cuyaoga river up by northern ohio. i know i’m from ohio
I believe you.
No way Ben, you’re way off…
regarding the coments at the end about Mr. tinyhands oratory prowess and Wes saying he has been edited all along:
p.s. not my find. Was in the coments from another tyt video. I bookmarked it and cant find the OP to give credit. So if any know whom it was please tell =)
Ben just got a million more guy followers.
‘Great communicator’ huh, Ben? Take that hat off it’s burning your brain!
Loved Jayar’s shirt and Wes’ jacket today.
Robert Bentley is worse then they say. He appointed the AL AG to fill Senate seat open because of Sessions. The problem is that the AG was to investigate the Governor for possible impeachment.
The fix was in that’s why Warren didn’t run or endorse Bernie. Saying Warren could have and been the nominee if she ran, and the same time saying if she endorsed Bernie, that it wouldn’t have helped is dysfunctional.
In KS we have caucus and it was like 80/20 for Bernie with 400+ outside as they said. People being present and reacting to these ‘votes’ speak volumes.
Its an isolated experience but come on.. Both sides of disliked Hillary.
I doubt Warren would have beat Clinton in the primaries but Warren would most definitely beat Trump in the general.
And I’m not sure it’s as naive to think Trump will quit during his presidency as it was for the campaign. He enjoyed campaigning but I don’t think he enjoys being president. Oh, I’m sure he likes some aspects but really he doesn’t want the responsibility. I think the people making the decisions (like Bannon) would try to keep him from quitting. But anything could happen. Bannon could overreach, Trump could quit, he could be impeached or he could stay in for 8 years.
And I think Ben has a point, the left fights way too much amongst themselves. You can support Warren but also call her out when you disagree with her, can’t you? Why not both?
Agreed. My fear is that progressives will be too much like the Tea Party and demand “ideological purity” of candidates and party officials that make even the most minute disagreements grounds for a battle. Yes, there are certain principles that must be fought for. But at the end of the day you have to get elected to get things done and if we wait for someone who won’t ever disappoint us we’ll be waiting for a long time. 80% of your agenda is better than 0%.
I think Ben was over-caffeinated. Either that, or he was able to let loose in a way that doesn’t happen when Cenk is around to dominate the discussion.
Ben talks way more when Cenk isn’t around to monopolize the conversation.
Sean Spicer is a twat, period.
I wonder if these guys (and not just them) realise that when Ben says something like, “don’t nitpick Warren, you won’t get any better” or when Jayar says, “I was so annoyed at people who got upset at Warren for not endorsing Sanders during the primary, as if him winning Massachusetts would win the primary”, they sounds just like when the corporate Democrats tell us, “you can’t have single-payer universal healthcare” or ” we have to take money from corporate donors to be able to compete”. It’s patronising, dismissive, off-putting, and counter-productive.
And then Ben mutters under his breath. “Get the fuck over it.” Exactly what I heard from Clinton supporters during and after the primary, and what I hear from right-wingers now. Alrighty then Ben!
is it just me or was this episode a bit too political? its interesting and all, but I personally like it better when old school is a bit off current politics and more nonsense.
Normally I’d agree but since Hour 1 was unwatchable this week, I’ll allow it.
I agree with hour 1 being shit this week. I like Ana and John, but not on their own. They are just so dull on their own.
In any TYT panel, there always needs to at least one of the following: Cenk, Ben, Wes or Jimmy.
there is a difference between a different perspective and facts regarding the DNC and breaking their own charter with staying neutral.
Same one you and I do. Just has a different perspective and that’s OK. Helps stop the echo chamber effect from consuming the show.
I disagree with Ben about Elizabeth Warren being able to beat Hillary, but he made some great points about Trump towards the end. Great old school!
I think it’s way too early to be promoting Elizabeth Warren as the democratic nominee in 2020–definitely support any democrat standing up to Trump. But still, they are weak sauce.
(39:00) I’m from Alabama and no one can fucking beat Bently, Jayar :'(
What’s Next…Well you make it a TYT shirt and you donate the proceeds to a women’s rights organization in order to help fund the fight for gender equality. OR some young writer turns that # into a column or an article or a book about women who persisted, perhaps a recurring spot for a major online news organization highlighting the contributions of those women (something clean and well delivered that can easily be shared on social media networks for consumption by a bipartisan audience with differing ideologies). When you do that, you give nod to Elizabeth Warren in a credit toward the end of each piece, “In honor of Elizabeth Warren for persisting,” or some other such courtesy. In short, you act like republicans, in that you don’t let the issue die, you turn into a cultural rallying cry, you put your force behind it, and you keep it there.
Had another thought, one could end each piece, or put on the back of merch, “We will not sit down.” Also, as opposed to having one individual compose and deliver a litany of different spots, each member of the network could promote someone she found inspiring. This idea would not have to be limited to women; although the initiated # was “she persisted, ” it could be potentially expanded at some point to include other activists as well — especially given the context of the occurrence during Warren’s attempted defense of civil rights. A more inclusive campaign would allow the content created to push a voting rights agenda as it moved forward. in order to create even more community engagement, artwork for proposed merchandise could be sourced through competition with a judging panel which included prominent figures from activist groups/organizations. It all sounds reasonable enough, very grass roots.
Keep’m old schools coming! As long as there’s Wes they tend to be interesting.
Wow. Talk about denying reality. What world does Ben live in?
was he high?
The buried debates alone had an effect, especially in the earlier states.