Post Game: February 8, 2017

In Membership, Post Game - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan22 Comments

Ana, Francis, and Aida talk Ana’s and Francis’ former show, Cenk’s choice of fashion, Aida’s modeling career, and body dysmorphia.


  1. Ashley Graham , Iskra Lawrence, Jada Sezer, and many other “plus sized” models are seriously the only models that I think are actually hot/sexy/beautiful, etc.

    Great post game, again :) .
    I love TYT hosts and their honesty

  2. Love this discussion. The only person that can tell you if you’re healthy is your DOCTOR. BMI is a fault measurement coz it doesn’t take muscle mass into account.

  3. I’ll say it again, Ana is a goddess. Is it ok that I play favorites? If I ever find my soulmate, I can’t let her know about Ana!

  4. You’re all looking good (Aida, your structure is looking *fine*). And you all had a very comfortable vibe.

    I would wear my TYT apparel, but I haven’t seen it in the mail, or UPS, yet. I’m sure it’s been about six weeks. Gimme!

  5. Well Im actually arguing the opposite. I’m saying that all obesity is unhealthy, including hidden obesity. A recent finding is that a cause of diabetes is that,once they reach a certain size, adipose(fat cells) producing a toxin that damages thr the pancreas/liver.

    What really needs to happen is that obesity needs to be destigmatized as a laziness problem. Babies are now being born obese, and its not sane to call a newborn a fatass and to start running on the treadmill before they can crawl.

    It’s a systemic issue. Even zero fat processed foods create insulin spikes and make people obese, but its cheap to make and easy to store, so businessmen love it. What really needs to happen is consumer protection laws that halt or heavily tax heavily processed foods that poison people. Otherwise we will have pre-diabetic newborns forever.

  6. Ashley Graham is healthy ? Well, she may not have developed any health issues yet, but she is not at a healthy weight at all. She is obese.

    Let’s stop normalizing obesity and calling it “healthy”. Obviously being too skinny is not healthy either, in fact nobody should be “skinny”, people should have meat on their bones. But there’s a difference between Aida and Ana who are at a normal weight, and someone like Ashley Graham who is very overweight.

    1. That is definitely not healthy. There is a serious danger to all Americans when this kind of weight is normalized. There shouldn’t be a social stigma to create shame, but everyone should be aware that this sort of weight is, like smoking, unhealthy and dangerous.

      But simple appearance doesn’t let the rest of us off the hook. Dr Robert Lustig has done some amazing work in showing how many people who are addicted to fructose may appear to be skinny, but are heavy in interstitial fat, which is the most dangerous kind. He coined the term SOFI, skinny on the outside, fat on the inside. Check out some of his lectures on youtube. Unfortunately the majority of Americans are prediabetic from an endocrinologic standpoint, and we dont even show it.

    2. Both Aida and Ana look overly skinny, both admitting to having body-mind issues. Is that the ‘normal’ for SW California?

  7. Society pressure to look a certain way doesn’t magically end once you get out of your teenage years. Adults still suffer from eating disorders, there are billions of dollars spent every year on dieting “magic cures”, pressure to gain weight, lose weight, get surgery, etc. None of that stops. This is an all age issue

  8. The “no white” rule is probably more about the lighting than the cameras. I work in lighting for theatre and white fabric isn’t flattering under stage lights unless it’s dyed.

    1. “This post game is meant for teenagers.” This Post game was good for teenagers (too). There are many adults it well applied to. And… it’s the “Post Game”; not the First Hour.

      No hate. :-)

      1. Haha. Point taken, EdgyLefty. Aggressive Progressives will give me more of what I’m looking for tonight, so it evens out. Mad love for the TYT network.

        1. Thanks for reminding me about Aggressive Progressive. I watched for the first time last week. I’ll watch tonight. Jimmy Dore takes no prisoners! :-)

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