As an Australian I wish I was their in the audience, the idea that the many times I went to the emergency room including the expensive times for a broken foot, a car crash, instead of walking out with no costs id get a bill in the tens of thousands would mean I received better treatment is absurd, also we still have private hospitals and insurance companies so anyone who wants top of the line care can pay for it, anyone who can’t afford it still gets access to healthcare. And yes the worst case scenario for this is semi long waits for elective surgies or for example my sister not being able to choose a C section for her birth plan, unlike her friend who has private health insurance. Bernie is everyone to me but this was hard to watch.
Seriously, though, if you’re going to comment, pause it or something. Have a delay on the stream, I don’t know. It’s frustrating to have these guys talk over the debate sometimes. I know Ted Cruz is going to lie and that even when he’s telling the truth I won’t agree with him, but I still want to hear what he’s saying so I’m not just writing him off and falling prey to confirmation bias. I do, however, appreciate the fact that when he does lie, you’re pointing it out and providing facts. Just pause it to do so or have annotations or something.
Could you guys just STFU so we can hear the debate. You had plenty to say before and you critique afterwards, can you just turn off your mics when the debate is on. Thank you.
Could some one STOP Teddy from spouting that same old stupid LIE of the “American Dream.”
In the US, it is more common that if you are born poor, you will grow up poor, live poor and STAY poor.
It is also more likely that you will live with your parents AFTER you leave college.
The US where Teddy’s dad washed dishes and then slowly worked his way up to paying for his own health insurance does not exist anymore.
When I graduated high school (in the 80s), I worked PART TIME and went to Wayne State University FULL TIME and did it without FAFSA, without a loan, living with mom & dad.
That world DOES NOT exist any more! I wish someone would call out Republicans on that GIANT amount of horse-shit. The “American Dream” is just that … a dream. It does not exist.
I am disabled on medicaid. I have never been refused, had to pay over 5 dollars if anything for a prescription, had one drug in 3 years not on the formulary. And I am covered by a good dental plan
Chetzmom Completely agree. I also put myself through college back then on a part time job, living at home and split the tuition cost with mom and dad. I had no loans and no assistance and was still able to do that. Not only is there massive income inequality these days, our kids will also be dealing with a lack of job opportunities, soaring costs of the education necessary to qualify for better jobs, and then horrible benefits that are barely helpful and leave them with no security for their older years. Time to stop the lie. I’m amazed that we are still screaming about immigration when numbers have actually gone down. There are so many countries that take better care of their people.
The debate was a setup to make public option look bad. At the end when Cruz made a bunch of false claims about single payer, when Bernie tried to respond host cut him off and went to commercial. That wasn’t coincidence.
Absolutely loved this TYT special. John and Jimmy were both excellent hosts. Hopefully there is more of these town hall type debates in the future, covering a plethora of important topics.
What an amazing special! Thank you, TYT. I appreciate the input and perspective from the commentators (Jimmy & John). However, I am more interested in hearing the debate. You comments while Senator Sanders and Cruz debate tend to be more distracting than informative. For the next special, please take notes and lets have the commentary after the initial debate or during any commercial breaks. This is just constructive criticism. Again, thank you TYT for having this special with two of my favorite hosts, Jimmy and John.
Bernie did well overall. He responded well to the “rationing” question by pointing out our system rations in a haphazard and cruel way. He switched to Medicare for all whenever ACA couldn’t be defended. He did great on “access”. The whole point Cruz made was Republicans want to give people access to healthcare. Bernie pointed out everyone already has access, they just can’t afford it. “You have access to buy one of Trump’s houses. You just don’t have $5 million to plunk down on one.” (paraphrase) I think Bernie scored a solid win here. Cruz has to defend total garbage, and Bernie exposed it over and over for what it is. It’s something none of the other major Democratic candidates could do because they were all on board with ACA. Now, let’s have him debate them on issues like trade or climate change. He’s still out there moving the ball forward. That’s exactly what we need.
I wish they would consistently push this counter-retort when they push that line, or with things like death panels. There are death panels now -> insurance companies that won’t cover procedures, leaving people to suffer and die.
The problem is that Cruz jumps back to his lies later on, and repetition tends to win in minds. We need to fully expose the word access to everyone for the doublespeak that it is.
Rand Paul on some Sunday show recently… asked what Republicans intend for pre-existing conditions, will those people still be able to buy insurance? His response floored me (using quotes but this is from memory, not verbatim): “It’s absurd to sell insurance to people with pre-existing conditions.”
My first thought was, OMG they’re health plan really IS “if you get sick, die quickly.”
But then he went on: “People with pre-existing conditions don’t need insurance, they need health care.”
The rest of the interview did not follow up about the explosive ramifications of that simple sentence. Like, in truth, NO ONE “needs” health insurance. What we ALL need is health CARE.
National single-payer health care. Period.
Furthermore, there should be no such thing as a doctor or hospital making profit off of people’s illness or injury. That creates an inherent conflict of interest (more $$$ for them if you get sick or injured).
All health care should be through the Health Maintenance Organization model. They are paid to keep you healthy, and if you get sick or injured, not one additional penny comes out of your pocket. I’ve been with an HMO for 25 years and during that time have had major surgeries and hospitalizations related to both illnesses and injuries from accidents. Never even saw the hospital or ER bills. The HMO paid it all.
It’s so unfair that Sanders has to defend Obamacare since he wants another system.
Somebody give Bernie numbers on other European countries like France, Sweden, … the UK system has it’s problems, which I believe come mostly because they charge people too little if nothing, which is why they don’t do certain operations on older people. Other countries charge a little more, we’re talking €5-20 for a doctor visit, but there they can afford to give all elderly folk the operations they need.
I write from Austria, Europe. I find the way Sen. Cruz portraits european health systems obscene and malignantly distortive. He uses rhetoric means to paint a horrific picture (“communism”, “rationing”, etc.), which has nothing to do with the truth. The cases he quotes from Great Britain are especially misleading, since the british health system was bled to death by Thatcher and is still struggling.
I fracking H A T E Ted Cruz and his Hubris-tic ass face – but he is a gifted liar and ignoramuses around the country eat this crap up from the cons as the brain washing has gone on for so long. I don’t despair Bernie for doing this as he is still fighting on for all of us under the thumb of these corporate pigs, even if I don’t like the ACA since it never went far enough but has helped many people that otherwise would be dead now from cancer, heart disease etc who would have been left out in the cold or left begging for help on go fund me. BTW, where is Hillary??? Isn’t it time for her to come out of mourning and start speaking up for the little guy?
Super? It is true that Bernie fell into a few rightwing rhetorical traps, as on healthcare. Traps that would have been avoided if Johnny had been whispering into his ear.
But otherwise he did fine overall, superlatively in some places. He’s mainly held back by having to defend his associations with Loser Corporate Democrats like Clinton and Obama.
I think his biggest “problem” is that he gives people to much credit for being able to extrapolate bad policy with bad outcomes, and doesn’t always make sure that he keeps the response simple and hard hitting.
As the TYT guys keep saying, every one of his answers should have included the “so, what is your plan to improve healthcare if you kill the ACA..?”.
I was curious about the statement of Canadian medical tourism, so I looked up how many Americans leave. In 2016 it was expected to be around 1.4 million. This is roughly double Canada’s per capita.
Ugh we need an editing option on comments my typos are through the roof
As an Australian I wish I was their in the audience, the idea that the many times I went to the emergency room including the expensive times for a broken foot, a car crash, instead of walking out with no costs id get a bill in the tens of thousands would mean I received better treatment is absurd, also we still have private hospitals and insurance companies so anyone who wants top of the line care can pay for it, anyone who can’t afford it still gets access to healthcare. And yes the worst case scenario for this is semi long waits for elective surgies or for example my sister not being able to choose a C section for her birth plan, unlike her friend who has private health insurance. Bernie is everyone to me but this was hard to watch.
Seriously, though, if you’re going to comment, pause it or something. Have a delay on the stream, I don’t know. It’s frustrating to have these guys talk over the debate sometimes. I know Ted Cruz is going to lie and that even when he’s telling the truth I won’t agree with him, but I still want to hear what he’s saying so I’m not just writing him off and falling prey to confirmation bias. I do, however, appreciate the fact that when he does lie, you’re pointing it out and providing facts. Just pause it to do so or have annotations or something.
Could you guys just STFU so we can hear the debate. You had plenty to say before and you critique afterwards, can you just turn off your mics when the debate is on. Thank you.
Could some one STOP Teddy from spouting that same old stupid LIE of the “American Dream.”
In the US, it is more common that if you are born poor, you will grow up poor, live poor and STAY poor.
It is also more likely that you will live with your parents AFTER you leave college.
The US where Teddy’s dad washed dishes and then slowly worked his way up to paying for his own health insurance does not exist anymore.
When I graduated high school (in the 80s), I worked PART TIME and went to Wayne State University FULL TIME and did it without FAFSA, without a loan, living with mom & dad.
That world DOES NOT exist any more! I wish someone would call out Republicans on that GIANT amount of horse-shit. The “American Dream” is just that … a dream. It does not exist.
I am disabled on medicaid. I have never been refused, had to pay over 5 dollars if anything for a prescription, had one drug in 3 years not on the formulary. And I am covered by a good dental plan
Chetzmom Completely agree. I also put myself through college back then on a part time job, living at home and split the tuition cost with mom and dad. I had no loans and no assistance and was still able to do that. Not only is there massive income inequality these days, our kids will also be dealing with a lack of job opportunities, soaring costs of the education necessary to qualify for better jobs, and then horrible benefits that are barely helpful and leave them with no security for their older years. Time to stop the lie. I’m amazed that we are still screaming about immigration when numbers have actually gone down. There are so many countries that take better care of their people.
Thank you TYT. I knew I could count on you to upload this. Proud to be a member.
The debate was a setup to make public option look bad. At the end when Cruz made a bunch of false claims about single payer, when Bernie tried to respond host cut him off and went to commercial. That wasn’t coincidence.
Absolutely loved this TYT special. John and Jimmy were both excellent hosts. Hopefully there is more of these town hall type debates in the future, covering a plethora of important topics.
What an amazing special! Thank you, TYT. I appreciate the input and perspective from the commentators (Jimmy & John). However, I am more interested in hearing the debate. You comments while Senator Sanders and Cruz debate tend to be more distracting than informative. For the next special, please take notes and lets have the commentary after the initial debate or during any commercial breaks. This is just constructive criticism. Again, thank you TYT for having this special with two of my favorite hosts, Jimmy and John.
Jimmy pulls out a pre-roll joint at the very end of the feed, haha.
Bernie did well overall. He responded well to the “rationing” question by pointing out our system rations in a haphazard and cruel way. He switched to Medicare for all whenever ACA couldn’t be defended. He did great on “access”. The whole point Cruz made was Republicans want to give people access to healthcare. Bernie pointed out everyone already has access, they just can’t afford it. “You have access to buy one of Trump’s houses. You just don’t have $5 million to plunk down on one.” (paraphrase) I think Bernie scored a solid win here. Cruz has to defend total garbage, and Bernie exposed it over and over for what it is. It’s something none of the other major Democratic candidates could do because they were all on board with ACA. Now, let’s have him debate them on issues like trade or climate change. He’s still out there moving the ball forward. That’s exactly what we need.
I wish they would consistently push this counter-retort when they push that line, or with things like death panels. There are death panels now -> insurance companies that won’t cover procedures, leaving people to suffer and die.
The problem is that Cruz jumps back to his lies later on, and repetition tends to win in minds. We need to fully expose the word access to everyone for the doublespeak that it is.
I’d say this debate was pretty close to a tie. Which means Cruz overperformed expectations; Sanders ought to win and he didn’t.
But I’m a serious Bernophile so my anger is justified in my eyes.
Kinda pissed me off to be a member and have to wait two days to see this just because I had a life and wasn’t at home at 9 pm.
Thanks Gigi!
Rand Paul on some Sunday show recently… asked what Republicans intend for pre-existing conditions, will those people still be able to buy insurance? His response floored me (using quotes but this is from memory, not verbatim): “It’s absurd to sell insurance to people with pre-existing conditions.”
My first thought was, OMG they’re health plan really IS “if you get sick, die quickly.”
But then he went on: “People with pre-existing conditions don’t need insurance, they need health care.”
The rest of the interview did not follow up about the explosive ramifications of that simple sentence. Like, in truth, NO ONE “needs” health insurance. What we ALL need is health CARE.
National single-payer health care. Period.
Furthermore, there should be no such thing as a doctor or hospital making profit off of people’s illness or injury. That creates an inherent conflict of interest (more $$$ for them if you get sick or injured).
All health care should be through the Health Maintenance Organization model. They are paid to keep you healthy, and if you get sick or injured, not one additional penny comes out of your pocket. I’ve been with an HMO for 25 years and during that time have had major surgeries and hospitalizations related to both illnesses and injuries from accidents. Never even saw the hospital or ER bills. The HMO paid it all.
It’s so unfair that Sanders has to defend Obamacare since he wants another system.
Somebody give Bernie numbers on other European countries like France, Sweden, … the UK system has it’s problems, which I believe come mostly because they charge people too little if nothing, which is why they don’t do certain operations on older people. Other countries charge a little more, we’re talking €5-20 for a doctor visit, but there they can afford to give all elderly folk the operations they need.
I’d like it if TYT hosts didn’t do so much talking over the event. Missing Sanders closing remarks. Sad.
I write from Austria, Europe. I find the way Sen. Cruz portraits european health systems obscene and malignantly distortive. He uses rhetoric means to paint a horrific picture (“communism”, “rationing”, etc.), which has nothing to do with the truth. The cases he quotes from Great Britain are especially misleading, since the british health system was bled to death by Thatcher and is still struggling.
Widely shared article in relation to this: “Bernie tricks Ted Cruz into supporting single-payer healthcare”
err, I meant disparage, for you grammar police…
Pull over and blow into this dictionary!
I fracking H A T E Ted Cruz and his Hubris-tic ass face – but he is a gifted liar and ignoramuses around the country eat this crap up from the cons as the brain washing has gone on for so long. I don’t despair Bernie for doing this as he is still fighting on for all of us under the thumb of these corporate pigs, even if I don’t like the ACA since it never went far enough but has helped many people that otherwise would be dead now from cancer, heart disease etc who would have been left out in the cold or left begging for help on go fund me. BTW, where is Hillary??? Isn’t it time for her to come out of mourning and start speaking up for the little guy?
Hate to say it but super disappointed in Bernie…
Super? It is true that Bernie fell into a few rightwing rhetorical traps, as on healthcare. Traps that would have been avoided if Johnny had been whispering into his ear.
But otherwise he did fine overall, superlatively in some places. He’s mainly held back by having to defend his associations with Loser Corporate Democrats like Clinton and Obama.
I think his biggest “problem” is that he gives people to much credit for being able to extrapolate bad policy with bad outcomes, and doesn’t always make sure that he keeps the response simple and hard hitting.
As the TYT guys keep saying, every one of his answers should have included the “so, what is your plan to improve healthcare if you kill the ACA..?”.
I love the chemistry between John and Jimmy!
I second that motion!
Ugh, Cruz is such a creep!
Kept us in suspense there didja
I was curious about the statement of Canadian medical tourism, so I looked up how many Americans leave. In 2016 it was expected to be around 1.4 million. This is roughly double Canada’s per capita.
Finally! I was worried they wouldn’t upload this.
I was waiting all day for this too!!! Woohoo.
Me too. I love that Jimmy took Ana’s place to do the play-by-play with John.
Why did Ana not do it?
Does anyone else think that Jimmy Dore’s Bernie impression sounds an awful lot like Yogi Bear?
Yeah, you’re right!
Jimmy knows his shit
*100 refreshes later* :D