How many followers do you have? He mentioned on this week’s Old School that his Twitter account it set to automatically block anyone with fewer than 40 followers because so many are bots.
In a film crew there are two kinds of best boy: best boy electric and best boy grip… They are assistants to their department heads, the gaffer (in charge of electricians) and the key grip (lighting and rigging), respectively… In short, the best boy acts as the foreman for their department…
In a film crew there are two kinds of best boy: best boy electric and best boy grip. They are assistants to their department heads, the gaffer (in charge of electricians) and the key grip (lighting and rigging), respectively. In short, the best boy acts as the foreman for their department. A woman who performs the duties of a best boy may be called best girl
P l e a s e do not torture us with another guitar performance from Wes, p l e a s e. The guy is tone deaf and can barely play the guitar. Plus he’s coughing and blowing his nose into the microphone all the time, freaks me out on audio, unprofessional albeit it is OS. plus his religious bullshit is seeping through him, plus he thinks it’s already over and we and our children are already dead and we do not need this. What is he doing, thinking we are going to heaven and need to make good with the maker? Bliah (I bet if he reads this he ll go, that’s right, we need to make good with the maker; dude, you try to do the right thing all along, not come up with some “spirituality” thing at five to midnight and think you are covered. I’m not suggesting that this is what he is doing but clearly his religious focus is starting to divorce him from critical thinking and action )
I get we can all have our opinion, but you spent so much time writing a long comment on a video with a clear description, if you don’t care about the topic move along, some of us are curious about what religious people believe on politics and what motivates them. anyway have a good day.
Listening to Wes in this Old School, I think he experienced what the Hindus call “shakti” and which most religions have a word of similar meaning. Don’t quote me because I’m not Catholic but Catholics might call it “Grace,” as in Amazing Grace. Evangelicals call it being “Born Again” but that term is claimed by many who prove by their thoughts and actions that they are conning the people around them when they claim that title.
I experienced shakti in 1993. It was a life-changing event that ended 25 years of hardened intellectual atheism in a single, soul-explosive moment of transcendent joy. I was not under the influence of any drug or alcohol at the time, and yet for weeks afterward, I walked around with a giant goofy grin and felt like my feet were not even touching the ground, I was riding a residual wave of intoxicating joy and gratitude. The beauty of the world around me was transfixing, absorbing. I felt a mania to DO SOMETHING to contribute to the betterment of others. I signed up with Project Angel Food and began delivering lunches to people with AIDS. I had to do this — something inside was driving me, and could not be ignored.
That shakti experience changed my life, yet nothing changed except me. Decades of religion-rejection made me incapable of using the word “God” so for several years, I tried every other possible word-combination (“the light,” “universal consciousness,” “universal love” etc) until finally I realized that the single-syllable “God” was the quickest word to summarize the concept. It’s not God’s fault that so many fucked up people have twisted and perverted religion and use it to try to control and abuse other people.Again — Not – God’s- fault. So, now I use that word.
And no one can say that God does not have a sense of humor. For 25 years, my smug response to anyone purporting the existence of a higher being or consciousness was… “prove it!” Then I experienced God, and now I know there IS this higher power, higher consciousness, etc. And yet, I cannot prove it either. I can only laugh at myself, then and now. Too, too funny.
Wes’ journey echoes many similar journeys undertaken by people who have experienced shakti/grace/spiritual rebirth or awakening/enlightenment. There’s an excellent collection of essays on this topic, WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT? edited by John White. There are many different paths to God — Enlightenment does not care how you got there.
In essay after essay by people ranging from Aldous Huxley to Krishnamurti to Evelyn Underhill, one finds the same pattern — what happens to a person after they experience Enlightenment. Overwhelmed by joy and gratitude? – check. A driving mania to improve the world? – check. The urge to engage in selfless service? – check.
And, the frustration of trying to find words that do justice to the experience and its after-effects..? – check!
From the book’s essay by Alan Watts: “If the experience of cosmic consciousness is unspeakable, it is true that in trying to utter it in words one is not saying anything in the sense of conveying information or making a proposition. The speech expressing such an experience is more like an exclamation. Or better, it is the speech of poetry rather than logic.”
And, “Cosmic consciousness is a release from self-consciousness, that is to say from the fixed belief and feeling that one’s organism is an absolute and separate thing.”
Experiencing this reality changes one’s perception of the world, forever, and this change in perception changes one’s life.
I will be fascinated to see where Wes’ journey leads him.
Hey man I always liked Wes and respected his knowledge on the deep state and the military and the intelligence community. That is why I will not throw out his experience just because I never had a similar one. I have done psychedelics and have experienced a feeling of oneness with the natural world, i have seen old patterns in tree bark and even concrete that made me feel like i was as much a part of the earth as the ants crawling on the ground. I learned through science that our DNA is the same DNA that is in a banana and a whale. The elements in us are the same as the elements in stars. The definition of our relationship to the universe for some is god, to others it is called spirituality, to others it is just a good feeling to be alive in a beautiful world. I know when I go in the forest on a snowy quiet day I have a sense of awe that I know can not be bought. I’m older than Cenk and Wes but I feel a kinship to them because I know that empathy for others is a natural part of life on this planet. I am like Cenk an atheist but like him feel no animus towards Wes’s choice to follow his path. The path that Trump is on to me is incomprehensible and I don’t understand how so many conservatives actually believe it is positive. I am fully aware of the path we’ve been on and the democrats since the dlc neoliberal conversion were probably more to blame than the republicans. Bernie did pull the curtain back and if we don’t take the reigns starting in 2018 the aliens may be here to do the clean up pretty soon
Just a warning to everyone here. I sent a tweet to Wes just saying I loved this Old School episode and I found the conversation about spirituality helpful to me and he blocked me immediately after. I don’t know what I did wrong, but it really kind of hurts when someone you look up to shits on you. So don’t reach out to any of your idols because when they reject you it hurts and I can’t watch Old School anymore because he’s always on it.
I criticized Saun King and got blocked too. Some folks just can’t handle it. Maybe Wes is that way. He obviously possesses a tremendous amount of rage as well as his newer “spirituality”.
Dude, it’s Wes. I didn’t block you, at least, not intentionally. After getting a troll avalanche in December I got a blocking list. It might have been you got added to that block list or that you had a small number of followers and it automatically blocked you. I’ve only manually blocked 2 people and I’m sure you aren’t one of them. Sorry to sign in from another account, but my account is deactivated for some reason.
Thank you for letting me know, man I feel a like fool. I think I only have 2 people following me.
Sorry I over-reacted, but from listening to You, Cenk, Ben M, Jordan C, I have just gotten so much life advice, motivation to fight and just exposure and development of progressive ideas and values I didn’t have growing up.
Yeah, I was gonna comment that it had to be some sort of mistake. Wes routinely gives feedback in the comments section, so I doubt he would block you for reaching out in a positive manner.
meh, the angry white man comment. Cenk should stop feeding the trolls.
What culture doesn’t have angry people ? Hear of Genghis Khan ? ISIS ? vikings ?
Much warring among Native American tribes, etc…
Finding a society that didn’t have violent uprisings full of hate and anger would probably be much more difficult. The ruling class is primarily white in the USA so of course when angry people take prominence they are likely to look white and powerful, whereas angry black groups or others will seem more benign.
Is it really necessary to belittle your own point by associating the whiteness with the anger ?
Trump has pretty well screwed himself for global trade deals. It’s not real estate where people may have been wiling to hold their nose to get a deal. People like Xi Jinping have to consder political consequences, I really don’t think it’s going to be worth the risk for them to be viewed as working with Trump. In real estate you can partner on a property, and if the guy goes to jail later nobody will criticize you. But in world trade and politics if you hitch your wagon to Trump it will take you off the cliff with him.
Figured out what make America great again is Make America great again = manifest destiny
I am Canadian wonder what the new war plan to invade my country . Last one was war plan crimson. We willl resist up here.
1. So far both Mexico and Australia denied those anonymous stories about the bad talks they had. However, of course, it may be gesture of good will.
2. It is absurd to place Putin along with Trump. Putin is quite predictable strategically, even though he can be unpredictable tactically.
3. It is weird to hear complains from Wesley on how Trump’s team is full of conspiracy theorists while he himself is one of the biggest ones.
4. Wesley claims that Russia actively wants to hurt the USA, but this paranoid idea is based on nothing. Russia wants the USA to stop arranging coups around its borders, stop pushing missiles close to its borders, as well as stop arming terrorists in places like Syria where yet another regime change war is going on.
5. Trump and his team did not yet pick Russia as a partner, let alone strategic one, it is all talk for now.
6. It would make much more sense for the USA to be parter with Russia than with China, if there must be such choice (which is stupid; all big countries have to be at constructive relations) as Russia is the only other nuclear superpower in the world. Clinton/Obama pushing for the WW3 with Russia is way more dangerous than any other ways, including with China and Iran, combined.
7. Besides, in PPP currency Russia is about #5 economy in the world, way ahead of Italy. Russia also has very small no debt, trade surplus, and $450 billion in reserves in two state funds.
8. Russia was not enemy to the USA “over 70 years”, contrary to what Wesley claims. Russia has helped the USA with the war on Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, as well as TWICE warned about Boston bombers. Russia has also been ally to the USA in every major war there was: in 1770s, 1860s, in 1910s, 1940s. Of course, it does not mean that Russia is a friend (just as any other country is not really a friend; all pursue their national interests).
9. Trump is not racist towards Chinese. He has complemented them on smart strategies many times.
10. Wesley is wrong on technology. In fact, both China and the USA are benefited from development works done in the USSR more than vice versa. For example, planes such as F-35 and the new Chinese 5th generation plane come from Russian concepts — partly licensed for almost nothing, partly copied.
11. Cenk complains that he still gets critiqued for supporting Clinton, but this critique is valid. It was counter productive for TYT to support her as it is devalued the brand and made those who were undecided to go against Hillary as literally every MSM were for her 24/7. Secular Talk’s Kyle Kulinski approach when he was equally merciless to both Trump and Clinton proportionally would have worked much better for TYT as it would be seen as partisan propaganda tool due to heavily skewed coverage. Of course, the difference between TYT and the MSM is that the former is genuine and well-meaning, but the result is that TYT has rescinded its promise of fair and objective coverage in favour of bigger goal to defeat Trump.
12. Scientists have detected area in the brain that is responsible for religious/spiritual feelings. If it is stimulate it, you will feel those godly revelations. It does not mean that there is god in any shape or form, it is just a feeling. David Koller’s approach on this is correct.
13. Cenk repeats zero-evidence conspiracy theory about “Russians”.
Every single time you comment is you blindly defending Russia and ignoring all of the internal history of that country and their interactions with us in the past. You’re starting to sound like a Russian paid bot
Every single time you comment is you blindly ignoring the fact that I systematically critique Russia where applicable, and you are ignorant of the interactions with the USA in the past. As I mentioned, Russia was an ally in absolutely every critically important period, starting from the founding to Civil War to WWI to WWII to the war on terror. You’re starting to sound like a Snowden-exposed NSA’s paid bot.
1. Trump’s own white house people confirmed the information about the call with Australia
2. Stop shilling for Russia, it’s getting weird. I get that you are into RT and the believe whatever comes out of Julian Assange’s mouth crowd, but you are seriously misinformed. Yes putting weapons on Russia’s borders is a bad move- that’s why Cenk critiqued it in a recent video when he criticized Obama’s move on that front! Instigating a war is wrong. That doesn’t mean that Russia is a totally pure actor- I wouldn’t have done it, but Estonia and Latvia do fear for their safety when Russia ACTUALLY INVADED CRIMEA
1. Trump has thanked Australia PM for dispelling rumours on how the talk was carried out. They did discuss the refugee deal, but according to both sides it was noting like “anonymous sources” claimed.
2. Stop shilling for neocon/neolib maniacs. I get that you are into StateDep and the believe whatever comes out of MSM’s mouth crowd, but you are seriously misinformed. I never wrote that Russia is a “totally pure actor”. Conservatives feared FEMA camps/hobbit homes, they feared for their safety. Russia never “invaded” Crimea; under military base deal Russia had the right to have/rotate up to 25 000 troops there, and with added troops it did not top the limit. You can not “invade” a place where you already are.
although i dont agree with much of what you say, talking about russian air force reminded me of something – israel embarked on a mission to steal an updated mig fighter from russia by finding a mig pilot in iraq, getting him to fly the fighter to israel secretly, deciphering the technology and sharing the tech with the usa & using it for itself. of course, the iraqi pilot was a christian and he and his family members, all 43 of them, were given citizenships and refuge in other countries right before the flight. once mossad got the fighter to fly into israel, they deciphered the technology & used it in their own fighters, with the usa.
there was a documentary about this. very interesting.
I am an agnostic, but If I had to ‘bite’ parts of the bible, no pun in tended, Adam and Eve is very interesting.
God basically was like “here is a planet that has everything you’ll ever need, just don’t learn about what its made of, once you discover the atom you’ll eventually discover how to split it, and destroy everything I’ve made for you.”
The Tree of knowledge is a metaphor for the path humanity takes with technology, Problems like nuclear war, resource struggles and over population eventually all branch from us learning how to manipulate the world around us and using knowledge to basically populate every corner until the whole thing was owned by someone, somewhere.
The Bible was written hundreds of years after Jesus, so its unlikely that divine intervention was placed upon the writers all individually then again divine intervention manipulated the compilers of the stories to select the right ones and vote accordingly so I think this metaphor is unintentional but fun to think about.
I dont know if Chenk or Wes read these comments, but just in case:
OK, my opinion totally differs from your when it comes down to China and the military capability etc. Thats fine, i get it, people can have different opinion on those topics.
But what drives my crazy is your lag of understanding how state debt works. Chenk is a savvy businessman,, but there is a reason why economists are the experts of such stuff and not MBAs. Its totally different than debt a company has. In fact the only thing those two topics have in common is the word “debt”.
Okay, as a Christian progressive, I find Wes refreshing. I understand that some see religions as divisive, but I’m tired of the idea that a religious person is always an extreme conservative. I think we need a refresh. Wes might be a bit extreme to some, but I just appreciate that he is “born again” but still utilizes his faith for progressive causes.
I love that Grace is a Christian. I love that Wes is too. I’d love to see more religious voices on TYT, because I think the typical Christian stigma needs to end.
What he describes – not needing to sleep, eat, being able to work 20+ hours a day… sounds too much like a manic episode. Mind you, these can last for months.
I used to work in psychiatry, and the religious fixation plus the immense bursts of energy – and, frankly, grandiose fantasies about “calling that energy down, man”, it ain’t good. Sounds way too much like bipolar disorder or unipolar manic psychosis to me.
Last month, I had to let a colleague go after he manifested immense paranoia and “bad-vibe” mania. It can happen at any age – and it is sad when it does.
Another guy years who all of a sudden began reading the bible – including having prophesies involving me (my name is David) and archangels – ended up trying to commit suicide, attacked police, and ended up in an institution, losing everything he had.
Stay safe, Wes, and take care of yourself. If you feel bad, please, seek help, immediately. There’s still room for faith even without “superpowers”…
Also, the Jericho thing, walking around the city 7 times and blowing horns… Sorry, man, but that is so bizzarre, especially since he genuinely seems to believe it.
Where I am concerned is when it does absolutely nothing, which, of course, it won’t. That’s where people are really vulnerable, and Wes seemed extreeemely strung out on his religious feelings in this episode.
I tend to agree it’s pretty far out there, but there’s always been a fine line between genius and insanity. Who has ever done great things, profoundly challenged the ruling class, changed society for the better, etc… that hasn’t been labeled crazy or exhibited bizarre thoughts and behavior.
MLK was a crazy nigger to some.
Hugo Chavez was a mad man.
Sanders was considered off his rocker by most of his colleagues.
I think you kind of need someone that may not have a firm grasp on reality to change what reality is.
I like the Old School’s with the reminiscing and story telling better than this one.
What an extreme shift in Wes’ outlook from his more logical approach in the past. The way he talks about it is a little ‘out-there’ sounding. However, he is taking seemingly positive action and doing something with his march on Washington. As an agnostic, the main thing that frustrates me about the devoutly religious is how its a convenient excuse to not give a fuck about humanity or the world we live in because ‘its all in the plan’ or ‘heaven will be good’!
I know that Harry Truman’s mother grew up in Missouri before the Civil War and was known to have Confederate sympathies. It was so much so that when she was in the white house while Truman was president, it was said that she refused to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.
Love that it was just Cenk and Wes tonight. Sometimes when it’s a whole bunch of people the conversation goes in all sorts of weird tangents or someone hogs the narrative. Cenk, keeping it real, can be that way, but it seems when it’s one-on-one, it’s a conversation.
Since it was mano a mano, it was great to get Wes’ views uninterrupted on Trump, spirituality, etc. Also we got to know more about Cenk and why he’s secular and agnostic. I loved it both! I love getting to know where someone comes from, their thinking and feelings. I guess that comes from being a hairstylist…we’re like bartenders.
Cenk, in some metaphysical circles (meaning, I can’t remember where I read it), they believe the Book of Revelations is the journey of the soul towards enlightenment/fulfillment/”heaven”. They don’t see it as literal fact, but symbology. Like Wes was telling you about the sword in Christ’s mouth.
Also Cenk, maybe by the time Wes’ group is spiritually cleansing DC, we’ll have a NEW reporter to report for the week. GO GO!! #PressOn !! :-)
No, no. The Republicans have already figured out that it was Obama. But ya know, he wasn’t a very good Anti-Christ. I mean, where’s the Rapture?! C’mon man! Obama messed that up too.
But we have Trump. “I will be the best, and I mean the BEST, Anti-Christ you’ve ever seen. Believe me! We’ll nuke the Four Horsemen, bigly!” (Cue Alec Baldwin!)
To be fair, the biblical narrative is that anti-Christ will come with overwhelming adoration and applause, so Obama has fit to that religious apocalyptic world view much better than Trump.
How many followers do you have? He mentioned on this week’s Old School that his Twitter account it set to automatically block anyone with fewer than 40 followers because so many are bots.
Ignore this. For whatever reason it didn’t show up under the comment I was replying to and I don’t see a delete option..
In a film crew there are two kinds of best boy: best boy electric and best boy grip… They are assistants to their department heads, the gaffer (in charge of electricians) and the key grip (lighting and rigging), respectively… In short, the best boy acts as the foreman for their department…
Does anybody know when in the day Old School is uploaded or is it kind of random?
In a film crew there are two kinds of best boy: best boy electric and best boy grip. They are assistants to their department heads, the gaffer (in charge of electricians) and the key grip (lighting and rigging), respectively. In short, the best boy acts as the foreman for their department. A woman who performs the duties of a best boy may be called best girl
The end of the American Century was the election of Trump,
I like the songs Wes, keep em coming
See ? Another proof of how Wes is going in a completely weird and imo wrong direction in relation to his public personality
P l e a s e do not torture us with another guitar performance from Wes, p l e a s e. The guy is tone deaf and can barely play the guitar. Plus he’s coughing and blowing his nose into the microphone all the time, freaks me out on audio, unprofessional albeit it is OS. plus his religious bullshit is seeping through him, plus he thinks it’s already over and we and our children are already dead and we do not need this. What is he doing, thinking we are going to heaven and need to make good with the maker? Bliah (I bet if he reads this he ll go, that’s right, we need to make good with the maker; dude, you try to do the right thing all along, not come up with some “spirituality” thing at five to midnight and think you are covered. I’m not suggesting that this is what he is doing but clearly his religious focus is starting to divorce him from critical thinking and action )
I get we can all have our opinion, but you spent so much time writing a long comment on a video with a clear description, if you don’t care about the topic move along, some of us are curious about what religious people believe on politics and what motivates them. anyway have a good day.
Listening to Wes in this Old School, I think he experienced what the Hindus call “shakti” and which most religions have a word of similar meaning. Don’t quote me because I’m not Catholic but Catholics might call it “Grace,” as in Amazing Grace. Evangelicals call it being “Born Again” but that term is claimed by many who prove by their thoughts and actions that they are conning the people around them when they claim that title.
I experienced shakti in 1993. It was a life-changing event that ended 25 years of hardened intellectual atheism in a single, soul-explosive moment of transcendent joy. I was not under the influence of any drug or alcohol at the time, and yet for weeks afterward, I walked around with a giant goofy grin and felt like my feet were not even touching the ground, I was riding a residual wave of intoxicating joy and gratitude. The beauty of the world around me was transfixing, absorbing. I felt a mania to DO SOMETHING to contribute to the betterment of others. I signed up with Project Angel Food and began delivering lunches to people with AIDS. I had to do this — something inside was driving me, and could not be ignored.
That shakti experience changed my life, yet nothing changed except me. Decades of religion-rejection made me incapable of using the word “God” so for several years, I tried every other possible word-combination (“the light,” “universal consciousness,” “universal love” etc) until finally I realized that the single-syllable “God” was the quickest word to summarize the concept. It’s not God’s fault that so many fucked up people have twisted and perverted religion and use it to try to control and abuse other people.Again — Not – God’s- fault. So, now I use that word.
And no one can say that God does not have a sense of humor. For 25 years, my smug response to anyone purporting the existence of a higher being or consciousness was… “prove it!” Then I experienced God, and now I know there IS this higher power, higher consciousness, etc. And yet, I cannot prove it either. I can only laugh at myself, then and now. Too, too funny.
Wes’ journey echoes many similar journeys undertaken by people who have experienced shakti/grace/spiritual rebirth or awakening/enlightenment. There’s an excellent collection of essays on this topic, WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT? edited by John White. There are many different paths to God — Enlightenment does not care how you got there.
In essay after essay by people ranging from Aldous Huxley to Krishnamurti to Evelyn Underhill, one finds the same pattern — what happens to a person after they experience Enlightenment. Overwhelmed by joy and gratitude? – check. A driving mania to improve the world? – check. The urge to engage in selfless service? – check.
And, the frustration of trying to find words that do justice to the experience and its after-effects..? – check!
From the book’s essay by Alan Watts: “If the experience of cosmic consciousness is unspeakable, it is true that in trying to utter it in words one is not saying anything in the sense of conveying information or making a proposition. The speech expressing such an experience is more like an exclamation. Or better, it is the speech of poetry rather than logic.”
And, “Cosmic consciousness is a release from self-consciousness, that is to say from the fixed belief and feeling that one’s organism is an absolute and separate thing.”
Experiencing this reality changes one’s perception of the world, forever, and this change in perception changes one’s life.
I will be fascinated to see where Wes’ journey leads him.
thank for your post.
Hey man I always liked Wes and respected his knowledge on the deep state and the military and the intelligence community. That is why I will not throw out his experience just because I never had a similar one. I have done psychedelics and have experienced a feeling of oneness with the natural world, i have seen old patterns in tree bark and even concrete that made me feel like i was as much a part of the earth as the ants crawling on the ground. I learned through science that our DNA is the same DNA that is in a banana and a whale. The elements in us are the same as the elements in stars. The definition of our relationship to the universe for some is god, to others it is called spirituality, to others it is just a good feeling to be alive in a beautiful world. I know when I go in the forest on a snowy quiet day I have a sense of awe that I know can not be bought. I’m older than Cenk and Wes but I feel a kinship to them because I know that empathy for others is a natural part of life on this planet. I am like Cenk an atheist but like him feel no animus towards Wes’s choice to follow his path. The path that Trump is on to me is incomprehensible and I don’t understand how so many conservatives actually believe it is positive. I am fully aware of the path we’ve been on and the democrats since the dlc neoliberal conversion were probably more to blame than the republicans. Bernie did pull the curtain back and if we don’t take the reigns starting in 2018 the aliens may be here to do the clean up pretty soon
Just a warning to everyone here. I sent a tweet to Wes just saying I loved this Old School episode and I found the conversation about spirituality helpful to me and he blocked me immediately after. I don’t know what I did wrong, but it really kind of hurts when someone you look up to shits on you. So don’t reach out to any of your idols because when they reject you it hurts and I can’t watch Old School anymore because he’s always on it.
Can’t and don’t want to when he’s on.
I criticized Saun King and got blocked too. Some folks just can’t handle it. Maybe Wes is that way. He obviously possesses a tremendous amount of rage as well as his newer “spirituality”.
Dude, it’s Wes. I didn’t block you, at least, not intentionally. After getting a troll avalanche in December I got a blocking list. It might have been you got added to that block list or that you had a small number of followers and it automatically blocked you. I’ve only manually blocked 2 people and I’m sure you aren’t one of them. Sorry to sign in from another account, but my account is deactivated for some reason.
Thank you for letting me know, man I feel a like fool. I think I only have 2 people following me.
Sorry I over-reacted, but from listening to You, Cenk, Ben M, Jordan C, I have just gotten so much life advice, motivation to fight and just exposure and development of progressive ideas and values I didn’t have growing up.
Yeah, I was gonna comment that it had to be some sort of mistake. Wes routinely gives feedback in the comments section, so I doubt he would block you for reaching out in a positive manner.
meh, the angry white man comment. Cenk should stop feeding the trolls.
What culture doesn’t have angry people ? Hear of Genghis Khan ? ISIS ? vikings ?
Much warring among Native American tribes, etc…
Finding a society that didn’t have violent uprisings full of hate and anger would probably be much more difficult. The ruling class is primarily white in the USA so of course when angry people take prominence they are likely to look white and powerful, whereas angry black groups or others will seem more benign.
Is it really necessary to belittle your own point by associating the whiteness with the anger ?
Trump has pretty well screwed himself for global trade deals. It’s not real estate where people may have been wiling to hold their nose to get a deal. People like Xi Jinping have to consder political consequences, I really don’t think it’s going to be worth the risk for them to be viewed as working with Trump. In real estate you can partner on a property, and if the guy goes to jail later nobody will criticize you. But in world trade and politics if you hitch your wagon to Trump it will take you off the cliff with him.
Haven’ ever seen a critique of Russia unless followed by “the DNC IS WORSE THAN PUTIN!”
Really Justin’s father was a commie.
Figured out what make America great again is Make America great again = manifest destiny
I am Canadian wonder what the new war plan to invade my country . Last one was war plan crimson. We willl resist up here.
Your Canadian government is right-winged. There will be no need for invasion since they will be silent partners to the US governments.
1. So far both Mexico and Australia denied those anonymous stories about the bad talks they had. However, of course, it may be gesture of good will.
2. It is absurd to place Putin along with Trump. Putin is quite predictable strategically, even though he can be unpredictable tactically.
3. It is weird to hear complains from Wesley on how Trump’s team is full of conspiracy theorists while he himself is one of the biggest ones.
4. Wesley claims that Russia actively wants to hurt the USA, but this paranoid idea is based on nothing. Russia wants the USA to stop arranging coups around its borders, stop pushing missiles close to its borders, as well as stop arming terrorists in places like Syria where yet another regime change war is going on.
5. Trump and his team did not yet pick Russia as a partner, let alone strategic one, it is all talk for now.
6. It would make much more sense for the USA to be parter with Russia than with China, if there must be such choice (which is stupid; all big countries have to be at constructive relations) as Russia is the only other nuclear superpower in the world. Clinton/Obama pushing for the WW3 with Russia is way more dangerous than any other ways, including with China and Iran, combined.
7. Besides, in PPP currency Russia is about #5 economy in the world, way ahead of Italy. Russia also has very small no debt, trade surplus, and $450 billion in reserves in two state funds.
8. Russia was not enemy to the USA “over 70 years”, contrary to what Wesley claims. Russia has helped the USA with the war on Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, as well as TWICE warned about Boston bombers. Russia has also been ally to the USA in every major war there was: in 1770s, 1860s, in 1910s, 1940s. Of course, it does not mean that Russia is a friend (just as any other country is not really a friend; all pursue their national interests).
9. Trump is not racist towards Chinese. He has complemented them on smart strategies many times.
10. Wesley is wrong on technology. In fact, both China and the USA are benefited from development works done in the USSR more than vice versa. For example, planes such as F-35 and the new Chinese 5th generation plane come from Russian concepts — partly licensed for almost nothing, partly copied.
11. Cenk complains that he still gets critiqued for supporting Clinton, but this critique is valid. It was counter productive for TYT to support her as it is devalued the brand and made those who were undecided to go against Hillary as literally every MSM were for her 24/7. Secular Talk’s Kyle Kulinski approach when he was equally merciless to both Trump and Clinton proportionally would have worked much better for TYT as it would be seen as partisan propaganda tool due to heavily skewed coverage. Of course, the difference between TYT and the MSM is that the former is genuine and well-meaning, but the result is that TYT has rescinded its promise of fair and objective coverage in favour of bigger goal to defeat Trump.
12. Scientists have detected area in the brain that is responsible for religious/spiritual feelings. If it is stimulate it, you will feel those godly revelations. It does not mean that there is god in any shape or form, it is just a feeling. David Koller’s approach on this is correct.
13. Cenk repeats zero-evidence conspiracy theory about “Russians”.
Every single time you comment is you blindly defending Russia and ignoring all of the internal history of that country and their interactions with us in the past. You’re starting to sound like a Russian paid bot
Every single time you comment is you blindly ignoring the fact that I systematically critique Russia where applicable, and you are ignorant of the interactions with the USA in the past. As I mentioned, Russia was an ally in absolutely every critically important period, starting from the founding to Civil War to WWI to WWII to the war on terror. You’re starting to sound like a Snowden-exposed NSA’s paid bot.
1. Trump’s own white house people confirmed the information about the call with Australia
2. Stop shilling for Russia, it’s getting weird. I get that you are into RT and the believe whatever comes out of Julian Assange’s mouth crowd, but you are seriously misinformed. Yes putting weapons on Russia’s borders is a bad move- that’s why Cenk critiqued it in a recent video when he criticized Obama’s move on that front! Instigating a war is wrong. That doesn’t mean that Russia is a totally pure actor- I wouldn’t have done it, but Estonia and Latvia do fear for their safety when Russia ACTUALLY INVADED CRIMEA
1. Trump has thanked Australia PM for dispelling rumours on how the talk was carried out. They did discuss the refugee deal, but according to both sides it was noting like “anonymous sources” claimed.
2. Stop shilling for neocon/neolib maniacs. I get that you are into StateDep and the believe whatever comes out of MSM’s mouth crowd, but you are seriously misinformed. I never wrote that Russia is a “totally pure actor”. Conservatives feared FEMA camps/hobbit homes, they feared for their safety. Russia never “invaded” Crimea; under military base deal Russia had the right to have/rotate up to 25 000 troops there, and with added troops it did not top the limit. You can not “invade” a place where you already are.
although i dont agree with much of what you say, talking about russian air force reminded me of something – israel embarked on a mission to steal an updated mig fighter from russia by finding a mig pilot in iraq, getting him to fly the fighter to israel secretly, deciphering the technology and sharing the tech with the usa & using it for itself. of course, the iraqi pilot was a christian and he and his family members, all 43 of them, were given citizenships and refuge in other countries right before the flight. once mossad got the fighter to fly into israel, they deciphered the technology & used it in their own fighters, with the usa.
there was a documentary about this. very interesting.
I am an agnostic, but If I had to ‘bite’ parts of the bible, no pun in tended, Adam and Eve is very interesting.
God basically was like “here is a planet that has everything you’ll ever need, just don’t learn about what its made of, once you discover the atom you’ll eventually discover how to split it, and destroy everything I’ve made for you.”
The Tree of knowledge is a metaphor for the path humanity takes with technology, Problems like nuclear war, resource struggles and over population eventually all branch from us learning how to manipulate the world around us and using knowledge to basically populate every corner until the whole thing was owned by someone, somewhere.
The Bible was written hundreds of years after Jesus, so its unlikely that divine intervention was placed upon the writers all individually then again divine intervention manipulated the compilers of the stories to select the right ones and vote accordingly so I think this metaphor is unintentional but fun to think about.
Great episode. One of my favs
I dont know if Chenk or Wes read these comments, but just in case:
OK, my opinion totally differs from your when it comes down to China and the military capability etc. Thats fine, i get it, people can have different opinion on those topics.
But what drives my crazy is your lag of understanding how state debt works. Chenk is a savvy businessman,, but there is a reason why economists are the experts of such stuff and not MBAs. Its totally different than debt a company has. In fact the only thing those two topics have in common is the word “debt”.
Greetings from Germany – a big fan of Old School.
Okay, as a Christian progressive, I find Wes refreshing. I understand that some see religions as divisive, but I’m tired of the idea that a religious person is always an extreme conservative. I think we need a refresh. Wes might be a bit extreme to some, but I just appreciate that he is “born again” but still utilizes his faith for progressive causes.
I love that Grace is a Christian. I love that Wes is too. I’d love to see more religious voices on TYT, because I think the typical Christian stigma needs to end.
Religion is poison
I am -really- concerned about Wes.
What he describes – not needing to sleep, eat, being able to work 20+ hours a day… sounds too much like a manic episode. Mind you, these can last for months.
I used to work in psychiatry, and the religious fixation plus the immense bursts of energy – and, frankly, grandiose fantasies about “calling that energy down, man”, it ain’t good. Sounds way too much like bipolar disorder or unipolar manic psychosis to me.
Last month, I had to let a colleague go after he manifested immense paranoia and “bad-vibe” mania. It can happen at any age – and it is sad when it does.
Another guy years who all of a sudden began reading the bible – including having prophesies involving me (my name is David) and archangels – ended up trying to commit suicide, attacked police, and ended up in an institution, losing everything he had.
Stay safe, Wes, and take care of yourself. If you feel bad, please, seek help, immediately. There’s still room for faith even without “superpowers”…
Also, the Jericho thing, walking around the city 7 times and blowing horns… Sorry, man, but that is so bizzarre, especially since he genuinely seems to believe it.
Where I am concerned is when it does absolutely nothing, which, of course, it won’t. That’s where people are really vulnerable, and Wes seemed extreeemely strung out on his religious feelings in this episode.
I tend to agree it’s pretty far out there, but there’s always been a fine line between genius and insanity. Who has ever done great things, profoundly challenged the ruling class, changed society for the better, etc… that hasn’t been labeled crazy or exhibited bizarre thoughts and behavior.
MLK was a crazy nigger to some.
Hugo Chavez was a mad man.
Sanders was considered off his rocker by most of his colleagues.
I think you kind of need someone that may not have a firm grasp on reality to change what reality is.
I like the Old School’s with the reminiscing and story telling better than this one.
What an extreme shift in Wes’ outlook from his more logical approach in the past. The way he talks about it is a little ‘out-there’ sounding. However, he is taking seemingly positive action and doing something with his march on Washington. As an agnostic, the main thing that frustrates me about the devoutly religious is how its a convenient excuse to not give a fuck about humanity or the world we live in because ‘its all in the plan’ or ‘heaven will be good’!
Cenk’s understanding of psychology SUCKS
I love Wes’ demeanor and his logical approach to everything. I loved this Old School. Wasn’t sure I would but it was one of the best!
I know that Harry Truman’s mother grew up in Missouri before the Civil War and was known to have Confederate sympathies. It was so much so that when she was in the white house while Truman was president, it was said that she refused to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.
Love that it was just Cenk and Wes tonight. Sometimes when it’s a whole bunch of people the conversation goes in all sorts of weird tangents or someone hogs the narrative. Cenk, keeping it real, can be that way, but it seems when it’s one-on-one, it’s a conversation.
Since it was mano a mano, it was great to get Wes’ views uninterrupted on Trump, spirituality, etc. Also we got to know more about Cenk and why he’s secular and agnostic. I loved it both! I love getting to know where someone comes from, their thinking and feelings. I guess that comes from being a hairstylist…we’re like bartenders.
Cenk, in some metaphysical circles (meaning, I can’t remember where I read it), they believe the Book of Revelations is the journey of the soul towards enlightenment/fulfillment/”heaven”. They don’t see it as literal fact, but symbology. Like Wes was telling you about the sword in Christ’s mouth.
Also Cenk, maybe by the time Wes’ group is spiritually cleansing DC, we’ll have a NEW reporter to report for the week. GO GO!! #PressOn !! :-)
Wow. You showed me. Whoa. You are like a smart person.
I just happen to know that. Do you hate being corrected that much? Didn’t you like learning something? It didn’t hurt you did it?
Id love to see their reaction to someone claiming Steve Jobs’ success was do to being white.
That’s it, I figured it out. Trump is the Anti-Christ
No, no. The Republicans have already figured out that it was Obama. But ya know, he wasn’t a very good Anti-Christ. I mean, where’s the Rapture?! C’mon man! Obama messed that up too.
But we have Trump. “I will be the best, and I mean the BEST, Anti-Christ you’ve ever seen. Believe me! We’ll nuke the Four Horsemen, bigly!” (Cue Alec Baldwin!)
That’s it, I figured it out. Trump is the anti-chirst.
To be fair, the biblical narrative is that anti-Christ will come with overwhelming adoration and applause, so Obama has fit to that religious apocalyptic world view much better than Trump.