
  1. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the senate judiciary committee, is not a lawyer. Bruce Braley pointed this out when running against Joni Ernst the first time and it cost him the election but Braley was right.

  2. Bannon is using Trump like a useful idiot tool. Trump is too stupid to see it, and owes his election to Bannon. Bannon is going to go too far and create a crisis that even the GOP will be shocked. Bannon is a Neo-Nazi, racist piece of human filth, and the media plays around it instead of going straight up against it, because that is THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

  3. I am SO sick of wimpy Dem’s. We all know liberals are more intelligent than conservatives, LETS OUTSMART THEM already. They are backward idiots. Dem’s are just complacent, while R’s are relentless…and now their restlessness is paying off BIG LEAGUE.

  4. Surprised to read negative posts. Of course its your right to speak your mimd, but aren’t you funding something you hate? Or do you subscribe so you will have a forum to bitch on?

    1. You don’t hate something just because you criticize it. Criticism is good. Criticism is important. Something you don’t criticize would be a cult, or a totalitarian regime.

  5. i really like this panel. i feel like a balance of personality and informed passion are better represented here. more than ever, TYT, please give us more panels like this!

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  6. Stop hyperventilating over the nomination for Secretary of Education. It is the least important/powerful position in the Cabinet.

    The one that should scare the heck out of you is the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of Defense is the only person who can legally stop the President from launching nuclear weapons. The World needs a cool hand in that position.

    1. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Betsy Devos is the sister of Erik Prince of Blackwater. They are both radical christians. He is the military wing of the family who runs a private mercenary army whose goal is to fight for christianity by killing Muslims, who he views as subhuman.

      Betsy is in charge of infecting the minds of the next generation. She wants to break the back of public education, and the wall between church and state. She wants to initiate a voucher system that will allow individuals to spend these vouchers at religious schools. She’s been working on that mission in MIchigan for the last 2 decades. She was instrumental in getting the most deregulated charter system in the world into Michigan state. She did this by eliminating property taxes, which starved the public schools, and then out of desperation and with her family’s money, she pushed through her radical private charter school agenda.

      Her national plans, now that she’s finally made it to the federal level, are to keep one system going in public that will house all the poor kids and non-Christian kids until they can be shunted off to prison or the military, so they have somewhere to simply be (not learn, but just be), and divert all that public money to religious schools that teach a religious view of the world, specifically their militant calvinist christianity. Their religion teaches that all of life is already pre-ordained by God, that wealth is just an indicator of who God favors. They believe that Capitalism is God’s instrument to reward the truly good and that anyone who is poor is either lazy or evil. That’s what she wants to be able to teach to the young and impressionable new generations of Americans, all Americans, as national policy. If you can’t see the threat there, you are not looking.

      1. Read the Constitution. The federal government has no jurisdiction over public schools. All the feds can do is entice States to do some thing by giving them more money. Sure she screwed Michigan schools. But as Secretary of Education she has no such power.

        Be afraid of the Secretary of Defense. He has real power.

        1. are you serious? “all” they can do is entice with money? You mean, like the reason TYT and wolf-pac exists? Because money enticing behavior is exactly how everything got fucked up. Schools are often funded by property taxes, so poor areas have shitty schools and they fundamentally depend on the money that comes from the federal government. No Child Left Behind was a federal program, but had no problem devastating public education.

          With regard to the constitution, I assume you mean the 10th amendment about states rights, because the constitution doesn’t ever mention public schools, because there were no public schools when the constitution was written. Also, with regard to constitutional power, that only has power if people defend that power. It means supreme court nominees get a hearing in the Senate. Take a look at the 4th amendment again. That’s violated every single day. The 15th amendment protecting the right to vote didn’t stop voter rolls from being purged of black people. Check out the emoluments clause that Trump is violating daily. You can point at laws and say your protected, but they mean nothing if not enforced.

          The secretary of defense is an important post. I’m not denying that, but actions abroad with the military involve the complex interworkings of a powerful deep state. There’s not much a rogue DOD secretary can do on their own. There are too many powerful people with powerful interests abroad to tolerate that stuff. The total destruction of the education system, however, doesn’t conflict with anyone in power’s wealth and power. That is totally doable.

    2. They all Scare us, but by dumbing down future generations they’ll get lots more FOX viewers. Pretty scary to me.

    3. All of them should be taken seriously. She is extremely unfit for the position and that shouldn’t be ignored just because there are other bad ones too.

  7. How do we know when Trump is well and ready to institute a fascist regime: When he burns down the Congress and blames it on a muslim immigrant member of the Green Party (see: Reichstag burning in 1933).

  8. By the way, I hope TYT retracts the bullshit story on all senior foreign service officers quitting. First of all it was not the entire senior staff that quit. And they didn’t resign because of Trump. It is the normal procedure when a new administration comes into office. I honestly feel that TYT is either lying to us, or is very uninformed. Here’s a tip, try looking something up on the internet before putting out a video titled “Mass exodus from Trump administration”.

    1. My Gawd, a voice of reason!.. How did you find the biased, atheistic. anti-Semitic, pro-Muslim terrorist, BLM-thuggish-behavior apologetic, Democratic Party supplicating cabal like The Young Turks?.. It’s too bad you have to pay the member fees to post your cognitive arguments… Or do you?..

      1. yates3243…”Gawd” is not a word. How can TYT be both atheist and pro-Muslim? Makes no sense. BLM is a peaceful movement engaging in peaceful protest so how can you say it’s thuggish? A lot of oxymoronic statements from an obvious moron.

        1. I’ve been a member of TYT since right after the Air America days… In truth, I think Ben Mankiewicz is close to being an American hero… My Gawd, I never comment — and I shan’t too much in the future – or as a minimum, I’ll close down accepting email replies…

    2. Will agree with you that it was not a mass exodus. However, it’s not normal to decapitate department heads at the beginning of a new administration. That’s Banana Republic stuff, major countries like us and Britain have permanent staff that remain on from one administration to the other. Some of those guys were appointed during the Nixon Administration.

    3. Hi: I watched the episode where this was discussed. Your comment was addressed in the episode by Cenk.


  9. Can someone honestly disagree with Steve Bannon in this case? The media IS the opposition party and they DON’T know this country. And I think they SHOULD shut up and listen for a while and stop making up bullshit stories. Maybe then they would actually have an ounce of credibility.

    1. Yes, Stephen K. Bannon is an American Hero!!! Everything he states is gospel… My Gawd, thank Gawd the DC Police are arresting and jailing anti-American journalists excusing anti-Trump demonstrations… I am with you, any propaganda from anyone in the “opposition” should be met with police action…

      1. yates3243…”gawd” is not a word. Protesting is a right protected under the constitution…anyone standing in the way of that right is the one who should be arrested. Standing up to those in power is essential to our freedom…if you’re looking for someone who is anti-American…take a look in the mirror.

        1. I was making lame jokes… Do you think I (or anybody) think the Bannon is a hero to any other than the alt-right? My Gawd…

      1. Of course. But when they lie and purposefully misrepresent the facts, then that undermines their credibility, which in turn leads to people not trusting them. Which will become a massive problem when there is an actual scandal to report on. Then people will just think that this is yet another thing that the media cooked up in order to serve their own agenda. Isn’t it very concerning that only about 16% of Americans trust the main stream media? People point out Trumps low approval rating, but even his numbers are much better than the ones of the MSM.

  10. Sean Hannity is not a journalist. He’s a pundit. He gives opinion. A REAL journalist asks the hard questions and doesn’t give up when the person he’s interviewing tries to brush him off.

    1. On the rare occasion a clip is shown that features Hannity, I can barely stand watching him because his punditry is so far removed from reality. Unfortunately, it may be more accurate these days to use the word “RARE” instead of “REAL” when referring to journalists.

  11. As far as the Trump supporters choosing the smaller crowd being larger than Obamas crowd. It reminds me of that TNG where Picard is shown 4 lights and with “alternative facts” the romulan tells him its 5 lights and every time he answers incorrectly he is punished. Even though hes right.

  12. thanks, guys! Now the only glitch on the website is having to listen to Michael Shure. Jimmy is making great points.

  13. While discussing Steve Bannon during the showing of a clip of Amanpour – a clip came up of Kelleyane Conway walking with Bannon and it’s pretty obvious from her physical reaction that he had put his hand on her ass…. Take a look, I really think that’s what’s happening there right in front of the cameras.

    1. it;s at 40:25 – something surely made her feel uncomfortable, think he put his hand on her weist but that was too much for her and she buggered it off, women don’t like to be touched by men they are not attracted to or dont like.

  14. This Muslim list/mesures are extremely dangerous… Is Trump asking for another 9/11???? If I were Muslim, I would be soooo angry at the USA… Do we really want a religious war? 25% of the world’s population is Muslim – That is a lot of people! Racism almost destroyed your country in the past (secession war) but for some reason, too many Americans haven’t learned their lesson… What will it take?

    1. Sorry, I meant to post #resist. Moveon has an emergency phone call on this Sunday. Please participate if you feel like you can. If not that’s cool. TYT thank you for keeping it real. I appreciate y’all and am glad to have found you.

      Sincerest best regards,


  15. It’s strange how Jimmy screams about Obama’s half measures bringing us Trump, when he said many times that Donald Trump would be better than Clinton. Then Trump won, and he didn’t cheer, and he hasn’t talked about how great things are now that Clinton lost. Still waiting on that Democratic Republican alliance to block Trump so he can’t get anything done.

    1. Not sure that James ever talked about Trump being better than Clinton in general terms. Trump was better than her is some policies, indeed, but not in general. James did talk, however, on his theory how Clinton’s win would be worse for Democrats as they would continue to be divided into true progressives and corporate partisan tools that are fine with the corruption, war and human right violations.

      On the segment of Republicans being worried about Trump’s mental state:

      Trump is obsessed with the crowd size not only because he is an insecure child*, but because media, including TYT, continue to misreport it. The crowd was not “small”, it was usual. Vox cited 600 thousand figure, which is, of course, way less than either Obama’s administrations, but not “small”. And the difference is understandable since the DC and surrounded areas overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.

      1. On Bannon versus media story.

        ZERO support for the MSM. Christian Amanpour is neocon war mongering maniac, the tool of neocolonial neoimperialism, based on supremacist exceptionalism ideology. Jake Tapper is useless as journalist most of the time, also pushes for regime change coups and wars, covers up the crimes of the authorities such as in cases of DAPL. CNN is fake news in even worse way than beloved Trump’s conspiracy theory “news” sites as it pretends to be real news much better, all while creating Orwellian picture about almost every major issue.

        1. The media and TYT is not misreporting anything. What is being said in the media is that Trump had a SMALLER inauguration crowd than Obama. No one is saying it was a small crowd…they’re saying by comparison it was “smaller” than the crowd for Obama.

          This is correct…it is not misreporting. Sorry to burst your bubble….and honestly who the hell cares.

          1. John specifically called the crowd “small” at least twice during the last days, and TYT has cited erroneous crowd estimations.

        1. The Verge cites just 600 thousand. But, of course, it is a range and not an exact science. But anyway, the crowd was not small: about as big or bigger what Bush has got.

    1. Happens to me too, It is not just you.

      Before you comment, Just take note of the time stamp on the video, so you can easily refind where you left off.

      I program for a living. It is more complicated than the average layman realises. If it looks simple, than the programmer did a great job, but if you print out the source code that made it look that simple, it is pages and pages and pages of code.

      1. Thank you Tothmetres .. I appreciate the explanation. I admit to thinking “how hard can it be? ” But I am not tech savvy.

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