Post Game: January 27, 2017

In Membership, Post Game - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan24 Comments

Steve, Irma, Asher, and Gigi watch a hilarious Dutch video inviting Trump to visit the Netherlands. They discuss the benefits of knowing another language, the importance of the Women’s March, and Steve’s man-trip to Charleston. Also, stick to the end to watch Steve’s awkward love advice.


  1. Love the background. Nærøyfjorden in Sognefjorden is stunningly beautiful.
    How about Helgeland or Lofoten in the background on a Friday Post Game in the near future ;)

  2. Love this panel, mostly for the discussion on languages. Sometimes you gotto get out of politics and smell the flowers, talk about the more positive things that make life worth living. Staying beautiful in ugly times – that’s also a big part of how we’d make it through all of this.
    Your use of a language is not just as a mode of expression or communication, but also closely related to how you organize your thinking and approach to a problem or situation. I speak a few languages but think mostly in my mother tongue, Bengali. Wonder how many people think in multiple languages, and what it’s like.

  3. Steve-Oh NOOO! You better speak to your kids in Korean or eles they will feel robbed of such a cool gift as another language… You can do it=)

    1. Spot on! I wish I my Ma had continued speaking to me in Japanese, but now I’m a single language English speaking American : { yeah, I know, it was not totally her fault…

      1. If possible, watch anime with English subtitles (a lot of cool stuff that is as good the best typical television that people usually watch in the USA) and you will gradually able to understand your second language and culture more.

        And I agree that Steven Oh would make his daughters culturally richer if he would brought Korean culture and language more. Korea is amazing; the daughters can catch up by listening to Korean popular music and watching Korean variety shows where nearly all of music starts are contractually obligated to participate — it all is available with English subtitles.

        That said, Asian languages are considering to be the fifth, the most complex category to learn, if besides just understanding them you would want also to speak, read and, the more so, write in them.

  4. @multiple languages: I think the most beautiful and important thing about learning other languages is that some of the culture and some of the concepts can only be conveyed through the local language. There are words that have no translation to another language because the concept does not exist in another language. If you learn about Japanese culture, you get a sense that is a lot about standing and respecting those above you. But you won’t really get it until you see the multitude of ways their grammar changes depending on whether you talk to an inferior, equal or superior. Language carries the key to culture.

    @Gigi: Actually if you have an intact skull bone, you can usually tell the race of the person. There are differences between the bone structures of different races that are quite pronounced like the width or flatness of the forehead, the cheek bones, the shape of the back of your head, your jaw, etc. PP. – and this is logical. Different races have distinctive facial features that cannot just be determined by skin, flesh and muscles. But of course, just because your bone structure is different, you are not a better or worse person. It is just important to point out that science says there are genetic differences and it is not politically incorrect to accept that fact. It would just be incorrect to draw conclusions of the worth of a person because of that.

  5. I have to point out, the voiceover in the Dutch clip is spoken by Greg Shapiro, an American from Chicago. Came to the Netherlands in 1994 and never left. He is married to a Dutch woman. He has now both Dutch and US Citizenship.

    But yes, about 90% up to 93% of the Dutch population speaks English as their second or, sometimes, third language (in varying degrees, of course).

  6. At about 38:44 Steve Oh makes his overture praising MLK Jr. Being not just for Black people but for everybody, encouraging us to be progressives like him. But remember last week when he said he doesn’t care if Drumpf’s use of “America First” is Nazi sympathizer Jew-hater rallying garbage? His progressivism is NOT for everyone as Weimar America transitions into full-on Fascism with Racism at the top & all over the bottom. Not for everyone if you don’t care bout Jews.

    If we don’t address this bullshit on the left, existing in less overt but not necessarily less severe ways than on the right (though likely small numbers of severe conscious Jew hate on the left), soon OUR blood will be on the streets much more than it already is.

    They’ve got Muslims targeted for a reason. They can even rally Jews through hate & fear of them to bring things to how they want them. Then the pogrom will expand. Just because you haven’t thought that or refuse to see it coming when the majority of these haters believe Jews are the source of all problems on Earth, doesn’t mean you’re right & I’m wrong. There’s many reasons why many people aren’t seeing what I’m saying. One of them is, I don’t care. If you don’t care about Jews & you call yourself a progressive you’re a hypocrite.

    1. Steve Oh has a lot I’m common with Drumpf’s Administration actually:

      The White House raised eyebrows on Friday when it issued a statement to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, that did not mention Jews, Judaism or antisemitism.

      The statement read:

      It is with a heavy heart and somber mind that we remember and honor the victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust. It is impossible to fully fathom the depravity and horror inflicted on innocent people by Nazi terror.

      Yet, we know that in the darkest hours of humanity, light shines the brightest.‎ As we remember those who died, we are deeply grateful to those who risked their lives to save the innocent.

      In the name of the perished, I pledge to do everything in my power throughout my Presidency, and my life, to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good. Together, we will make love and tolerance prevalent throughout the world.

    2. > But remember last week when he said he doesn’t care if Drumpf’s use of “America First” is Nazi sympathizer Jew-hater rallying garbage?

      I’m pretty sure he didn’t formulate it like that. Secondly, “America First” is a fairly broad concept. It’s paleo-conservative and reactionary, but not necessarily pro-nazi and antisemitic. It can be combined with all that, obviously (and often has been in the past) but not by definition.

      I know that everyone has their own take on progressivism, and I respect yours, but would just like to point out that there is definitely more to it than only issues of race, ethnicity or religion. For example, for me, the primary issues are the economy, labor, and distribution of wealth.

      1. Definitions of progressivism is not the point. He did absolutely say he did not care of it was referencing the Jew hate. He absolutely did say that. The fact that you missed that & want to argue that’s not what he meant & divert, & do everything BUT acknowledge that absolutely not caring about Drumpf rallying Jew haters to hate Jews like that again, in an open Nazi sympathizing way, is a problem as everyone else ignores what I said is a problem. There is unconscious Jew hate being magnified in this culture. Whitehouse gives a Holocaust remembrance message without mention Jews or Jew hate at all telling Jew-haters ‘we will erase Jews’, while acknowledging History enough to make a general we will conquer evil statement. But most people don’t care. Steve Oh says blatantly, I don’t care if it was referencing the America First Nazi sympathizing. He read it was Nazi sympathizing. He doesn’t care. That was just fine with everyone who heard it & the only response to it is from you sidestepping the point & the problem to say there is no problem. The rest ignore it. If he said something in reference to pro-hanging black people you would care & he would. It it were a reference to gay bashing the left would care. Not Jew hate. Left cares only slightly when it’s useful for demonizing opponents but not really as a real problem. Your refusal to acknowledge this as a problem & diverting to anything but a shift in pogrom to more openly rally hate for Jews in a new phase. You will not even see as happening as I’m saying it. As what Steve Oh read implied if it wasn’t interpreted as probably not happening but even if it is, who cares.

        Weimar transitioning… who cares. We’ll fight all other types of bigotry but we will intensely ignore this one or argue it isn’t happening but even it it is, “that’s for the Jews”, who cares?

        1. It might be as bad as you say – such is possible – but I do have a question. Trump has foot-in-mouth disease, meaning, most of the time he can’t stop himself saying what he really wants to say, or what he really means. So then why can’t I find any antisemitic quotes by Trump?

    3. What kind of stupid crap is this?!?! Are you serious or are you just trolling me for a response?

      I brought up Trump’s use of the phrase “America First” during his inauguration speech and I flagged the ugly history of that phrase. No one else at TYT brought that up so I did to shed light on it.

      I then questioned whether or not Trump’s use of “America First” hearkened back to that ugly past. I then decided that I “didn’t care” if his use did or did not hearken to the past b/c I don’t care about what goes on inside Trump’s head.

      WHY would you then make the massive logical leap that I don’t care about Jews? According to you, I care about blacks, Muslims, LBGT, women but not Jews simply b/c I made one comment that I don’t care about Trump’s intention with respect to one single phrase? And that is your fucking evidence to smear me as being indifferent to the plight of Jews? That logic is so asinine it calls into question YOUR INTENTION to make such a ridiculous charge.

      I subscribe to MLK’s view that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Discrimination against any group threatens all other groups. I’ve often said that oppression of any group often leads ultimately to oppression of Jews, that it starts with the easiest group to target, then eventually leads to Jews. Again, the notion that I somehow don’t care about the history of Jewish oppression and am unconcerned about the threat to Jews going forward is not only shockingly stupid, it’s outright slanderous.

      1. There’s an abundance of this trolling tripe on here in the last few weeks.
        Wonder what could be the nexus of that

  7. I have to hand it to the Dutch: their comedy can be pretty hit-and-miss (not to mention very scatological which can be off-putting)…but sometimes they really knock it out of the park with their satire! This is one of those times.

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