TYT Old School January 25, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - Podcast Audio by Gigi Manukyan7 Comments

Cenk, Dave, Ben, and Wes talk about Cenk’s involvement with Justice Democrats, Wes’s plans for what’s next, Ben’s favorite Trump story, and Dave’s thoughts on Jordan Chariton’s methods of water testing.


  1. I am really surprised Wes is choosing to go down this road of spirituality/religion. I think he’s only hurting himself and the causes he is involved with, I really like the guy, I’m just genuinely surprised.

    And I really fucken hope the Justice Democrats explode in popularity and continue to accelerate their successes.

  2. Ok I got way too happy when Ben showed up unexpectedly on tonight’s episode. Damn I think I have a little crush…

  3. To combat the catastrophic threat that the Trump administration poses to the environment, Wes’ grand plan is: meditative walking around the Capital followed by some singing and prayer…?

    What. the. fuck.

    This isn’t good enough. It’s so ridiculously ineffective for someone wielding this much organizational and social influence that I’m at a loss for words. I know he has this “zeal of the newly converted” and now re-defines solutions in spiritual terms but understand how ludicrous it sounds to rest of the (still) secular audience. Deeply disappointed by this “action plan.”

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