TYT Old School January 25, 2017

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan42 Comments

Cenk, Dave, Ben, and Wes talk about Cenk’s involvement with Justice Democrats, Wes’s plans for what’s next, Ben’s favorite Trump story, and Dave’s thoughts on Jordan Chariton’s methods of water testing.


  1. Just because you aren’t a religious or spiritual person doesn’t mean you shouldn’t allow and acknowledge their point of view. Wes was saying that this idea feels right to him in his gut. Just because you don’t experience that as spiritual doesn’t make it nonsense nor irrational, and TYT should be encouraged to engage with different points of view, not censor them.

  2. I am not defending anyone involved in the Flint Wayer Crisis, but concerning Jordan’s water sampling methods, his results don’t accurately depict who’s at fault for the tainted water situation that he is reporting on. Testing water from a hot water heater is not done by government agencies because the hot water heater is not the responsibility of the Government. Homeowners are responsible for their own hot water heater and for all of the pipline inside of their house including the water line from their house to their water meter or curb box. The govenrment is only responsible for the water main and all of the pipe from the meter/curb box to the main. Testing water in a lot houses in some of these impoverished neighborhoods is yeilding bad results, but not necessarily at the fault of the governemnt. It sucks to say it, but a lot of the problem is that replacing all of the piping inside of a house is very expensive and most people can’t afford to pay to keepo their personal property in good clean working condition. I deal with this problem on a daily basis at my job, replacing old water main and copper services up to people’s property lines. We are legally not allowed to replace any more pipe that than, so if a homeowner has bad pipes in their house, they are responsible for having that replaced. I honestly think that there should be some sort of government assistance to help poor people have their internal systems inspected in their house and help them pay for having their pipes replaced, but there is only so much that the government can do. The homeowners need to take some responsibility for their own property. It’s one thing that always seems to get overlooked when dealing with the upkeep of owning a house.

  3. I know Wes is sick, but I like his no-nonsense, serious & straight-up comments, because he understands the severity of our current Corporate Coup d’etat and how terribly weak the corporate Dems are.

    My analogy for how badly weak Dems fights: corporate Dems are the Redcoats fighting in a Guerrilla war.

    I just wanted the Dems to have a minimum standard for approving the cabinet nominees and therefore be able to say NO, I can’t vote for most of these nominees because of x, y & z. The minimum standard should not be to compare them to the worst picks – well some of these bad picks are not as horrible as Tillerson.

    I would like Wes to be interviewed by the Aggressive Progressives – explain deep state & corporate coup d’etat, explain how expansive these proxy wars are, explain how there is not a strategy to really win & end these wars, discuss where big war is going next, discuss how we can actually end these needless inhumane wars, talk about solutions that we can do to fight the corporatists as individuals who have families & crazy jobs, and let us know which courageously strong progressive org should we join to defeat them.

  4. As Wes was talking about circling the DC mall & surrounding sites for 6 day (before he mentioned Jericho), I immediately thought of the story in the Bible where Joshua with the Arc, 7 priests with trumpets and all of their army walk around the walls of the impenetrable city of Jericho, and then on the 7th day, they do it again 7 times in a row as the trumpets are being blown, and then at the very end, after the trumpets sound their longs blasts, the army yells and the walls come down.

    As a progressive Christian, artist, humanist, former military, who wants to defeat this Corporate Coup d’etat; I’m very interested in this Interfaith March/April. I live in Brooklyn and have family in DC. This would be a very wonderful event.

    Thanks Wes.

  5. You guys are poking fun @ spirit loosely as hokus pokus. I believe what Wes Clark is describing is the “spirit” w/n all of us which directs us to make the “right decision”, the “right thing” to do irregardless of any religion you may choose, or not choose. The USA accepting Syrian refugees is the right, or spiritual thing to do. If humans listened to their gut, spirit, or intuition, maybe they would make better business decisions as Steve Jobs did.

  6. I’m glad someone on TYT finally called out the problems in Jordan’s water testing methodolgy. The water company is generally only responsible for the water quality up to the point it gets into your house.

    1. But if the water is contaminated by lead or other toxins and damages the pipes and water heater with deposits as a result , should they not be responsible for that?

  7. “…I’m just going off what the kinda spirits told me to do.” – Wes Clark

    I’m a loyal member, but I beg you to stop encouraging this delusional stuff on the show. Wes Clark is awesome and I love most of what he brings to the Turks, especially what he did at Standing Rock, but this talk of spirits and the flying spaghetti monster is just unbearable and sounds like a record scratch every time he mentions it. It’s like someone sucked all the rationality out of the room and now you have to recover and reorient the show. We have enough problems on our hands with Trump, let’s not promote talking to invisible people as the right is so fond of doing. ;-)

    1. I feel this. I fucking love Wes and was so hyped all throughout last year every time he was on Old School or on the main show , because of his thoughts on automation and his knowledge and experience in relation to Geopolitics, but now that he’s “found his faith” he just seems to talk about spirits and feelings and God, and man I am really not feeling that.

    2. Just out of curiosity, why can’t TYT allow this stuff? I’m not personally religious but I don’t like this idea that rational people don’t believe in a god or some sort of spiritual principal. It’s incredibly elitist and I think really detrimental to the TYT cause to hate on religion.

      Granted, I’m a religious studies major (the secular kind) and I’m pretty agnostic. But just let the guy have his opinion and believe what he wants. He’s not advocating for holy war or anything that concerns you in any way. Don’t belittle his beliefs because you don’t understand them.

      I don’t care for times on Old School where the guys go off on sports things, even if I consider football to be horribly dangerous for the players’ brains. But I just tune that bit out. Censoring Wes is absolutely not the answer, and I’m actually thankful to have some religious diversity (or religion at all) on TYT. It’s a crucial aspect of society, whether you like it or not, and will likely always be with us. It’s worth understanding it.

  8. Ben is not a progressive. Everything he says is like nails on a chalkboard.

    Also Alan Greyson is awesome: “”Regarding my friend from California, if he thinks [carbon dioxide] doesn’t cause any health problems, I invite him to put a plastic bag over his head, tie it tightly around his neck and see what happens next”.

  9. I always love it when Wes is on because we don’t get to see him that often. I value his opinion because he goes right to the heart of the matter with few words. He also isn’t afraid of a fight to protect the innocent or disadvantaged who cannot stand up for themselves. One other thing to add about Wes is that he knows the history of things that I have never heard about and he knows many of the “elites” of DC and he isn’t impressed with them.

    I hope Wes will actually follow through on his idea of a six-day spiritual circling of DC. He said he was inspired to do it, and I remember when he was on Old School last year, he said he was inspired to take vets to Standing Rock. We saw the successful results of that inspiration: President Obama ordered that Army Corp study to be done! The added bonus at Standing Rock was Wes apologizing to Sioux Nation for all the wrongs we as a nation had done to them. I was moved to tears by his simple, yet eloquent, apology.

    I like Ben okay, but it seemed he hogged the conversation too much this time. He doesn’t understand Alan Grayson: Alan goes for the jugular like I imagine Cenk would do if he were a Representative. Alan is aggressive, and strategizes to WIN. Ben doesn’t seem to care for that sort of politician, but that is the sort of people Justice Democrats are looking to elect (I hope).

  10. Maybe these Democrats should stand up and stop worry about the next election so sick of these Democrats with no guts vote anyone who runs against them they are sad lot good bye to all of them

    1. I think that religion in and of itself is quite a positive thing. The belief in a higher power is simply the belief in an ideal that humans should strive toward. Be the change you want to see in the world and all that.

      It’s just that when religion becomes an institution it become corrupted by humanity’s evil, greedy tendencies.

    2. It is a problem when people are taught the value of ideas is how much they feel it in their heart or faith or whatever you wanna call it.

      However, the experience of doing something like what Wes is talking about, being a part of something in a physical way with chanting, singing, music or whatnot. It’s effective, physical and verbal communication and belonging, togetherness. All that shit.

  11. Benjamin talking about how Iranian government is “detriment to world peace” is result of StateDep propaganda that MSM spread.

    Iran last time attacked countries like hundreds of years ago, while the USA and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia do it now with their proxy regime change war in Syria. Also, Shia sect does not have an idea of a global caliphate, unlike Saudi’s Wahhabi/Salafi perversion of the Sunni sect.

    So Benjamin pushing the idea that Iranian government has to be “dealt with” is dangerous as it helps neocon/neolib maniacs agenda, even though Benjamin himself does not mean it this way.

    1. 1. Of course, here Wesley goes with “Trump is a Russian agent” (“Snowden is a Russian agent” along with many others who are not for the new Cold War Wesley suspicious of); he is our Alex Jones. Wesley would be a good pal to Shaun King who explains on his Twitter that Trump’s pauses in interviews mean that he tries to remember what he was allowed or not allowed to say according to instructions from Putin.

      2. On the early days of the CIA: it has used about 1000 of Nazis in the fight against the USSR. It went so bad that StateDep propaganda arms (that includes Radio Free Liberty/Europe and Voice of America) with its Nazi staff have translated the infamously fake “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, a blatantly anti-Semitic piece, in the context of how horrible the Jewish communists that rule over the USSR are.

      3. On what would have happened if the CIA would not intervene this much: in many cases it would not even mean that those country would have become like Poland or Bulgaria, but in cases if they would, the quality of life there would be much better due to social guarantees that socialist system has offered (of course, with limited freedoms regarding speech and political parties), even comparing to Chile where the economy is good for the elite class mostly. Talking particularly about Latin American countries, it would also dramatically help Cuba, who was suffering from the blockade that the USA forced upon its allies among other Latin America countries.

      4. Cenk is right, and Benjamin is wrong on whether Pompeo-like guy would be appointed to the CIA under any random Republican president. The part of the draft of the executive order on black sites is a copy from Romney campaign document on the matter. And, by the way, Timothy “LESSER OF TWO EVILS” Kaine has voted for Pompeo, who has openly advocated for torture, as well as Charles “THE RESISTANCE” Schumer. Also, MacCain was against torture back during the Bush Junior times, and yet other Republicans and some Democrats totally loved it anyway.

      5. Arrests of journalists were happening all the way during the Obama’s tenure, so it itself is not an indication of anything.

      6. Trump’s voter vote investigation is a totally politicised nonsense conspiracy that is a response to Democrats totally politicized “Russia hacked elections” conspiracy nonsense, so it is weird how Benjamin complains only about one of the two while pushed the other as if there was ever any evidence to it.

      7. The reason why cold water has less contamination is because the diffusion (of poisons from the pipes into water they carry) are naturally slowed down in lower temperatures. It is quite a basic principle of physics even Cenk should know. And the most accurate way to test, if possible, would be in the hottest day of the year, not when it is cold; David is wrong on this. This way the testers will have the maximum amount of both chemical and bacterial contamination detected.

      8. Cenk’s differentiating between Bannon and Gohmert makes no sense. First of all, Bannon is not a Nazi. He has worked and hired Jews for decades, including for Brietbart. And Gohment is not just a goofball, he has made racist moves/statements just as Bannon.

      9. Cenk talking about Trump’s upcoming detention centres and comparing to Obama’s FEMA camps he did not do makes no sense since Obama already had detention centres, where people are held in inhumane, torturous conditions.

      10. Maddison looks like a “normal general”, but he is an anti-Muslim bigot that would not be appointed by Hillary. She would choose a different pro-Aportheid right-winger for this role.

  12. The audio has been distorted on a lot of the videos recently which is a damn shame. But this episode is probably one of my favorite Old School episodes in a long time! Whenever Wes is on you know he’s going to be real and say shit that makes people feel uncomfortable. He’s awesome. Dave hardly spoke but when he did, it was gold! Cool seeing Ben again. Miss him on the regular show.

  13. That was :fire:

    Wes is scaring me a bit with his talk and that’s what I like to hear on here. How do we get through this…

    I liked Wes’s singing at the end, really book-ended it well

  14. Everyone misunderstands that ‘money and happiness’ correlation. The threshold is when you start to see DIMINISHING RETURNS of happiness, NOT when you stop becoming more happy. I think the threshold is like $80,000. So every dollar up to 80,000 does increase your happiness significantly, and so does every dollar after 80,000, just not as significantly. It doesnt mean your happiness level caps off at 80,000.

    1. Does it?

      “Two professors from the Princeton University – Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Laureate, and Angus Deaton, conducted a study in 2006 which revealed that there was an increase in the happiness levels of people as their incomes rose to $70,000 a year. The lower a person’s income from this benchmark, the unhappier he would be. However, there was no rise in the happiness levels once the income reached this point, regardless of how rich a person might be from there on. ”


    1. Ha! I read the description and started the show thinking “Wrong again, Bob!” but it turned out it was I who was wrong.

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