In the membership area, Aggressive Progressive members isn’t coming up. It shows it as “News” and needing to open that app. Is this a new thing? Or is it just messed up? Hanks
You’re not the only one.
Jan 25 I wasn’t even able to log in for the majority of the day, the page came up with some Unicode character errors on every link and the whole site, other than the main page, was inaccessible
I only got to this page from the sidebar link, I think they might be doing some maintenance.
OH NO NERD ALERT, NERD ALERT Did Jimmy just mix up Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica? Also, I love Jimmy. he started singing the same song that jumped into my head when Trump said never gonna let you down
Great analysis by Jordan regarding not wasting energy focusing on Trump, who is a front puppet, when we need to call out people on both sides who are pawns of the rich. The Democratic Elite, as Jimmy pointed out, must not be allowed to hide behind their platitudes.
And thanks to Jordan for including “enlightened older people” along with younger progressives as allies. People over 55 are not necessarily stupid about technology or about the bullshit that Corporate Democrats spew. And yes to town halls: hopefully, we progressives will put some of our energy into defining what we want and how to jam congressional phone lines instead of wearing ourselves out with undefined, generalized protests. We vote for Senators and Representatives in 2 years!
Hey. there’s no crypto-Jew-Hater crap on the left, right? Yeah, could be open reference to an explicitly Jew-hater WWII Nazi-sympathizer name “America First” & it might give “Racists” rhetoric to “play with”. But just like them Steve O saying “I don’t really care” if it is Jew-hater “play”, only Oligarchs & banker control matter.
Doesn’t matter how the President & his Chief Propagandist rally people against Jews. Doesn’t matter how dangerous that is, no it’s not dangerous to people that matter. Says the Racists get to innocently “play” & it’s merely ugly, but come on, “that’s for the Jews” & no one SHOULD care, right?
Too many people care about Jews, right? In fact, let’s just make it a conversation about umbrella “Racism” & not even give Jews the focus the story demands for unbiased sane balanced people who don’t have anything against even a little focus on Jews for a second when a story is all about how they’re being rallied against. Let’s not even say this is specifically NOT about any other kind of hatred. Let’s completely divert everyone away from actual explicitly Jew-hater rallying that you want to make into an unknowable question, that even if it were admitted openly YOU SAY YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT.
Don’t pretend you’re a real Progressive concerned with actual social justice peace & compassion if Jews are completely removed from consideration even when this kind of thing happens. Everything else matters more? Just like the Nazi sympathizer says, almost. Only you won’t use the word Jew or Jews like he does & avoid using it & don’t believe they’re the real problem. Just that they don’t matter at all. You WON’T even mention us except to say hatred against us, in rhetoric Drumpf & his campaign is using, even if it is that, which you won’t see it to be, despite all the other dog-whistling & rallying into the audible spectum, that doesn’t matter. I don’t care. But, what what what? I didn’t say I have even a little hate for Jews. Can’t be true even unconsciously, right?
If this doesn’t disturb you & you couldn’t care less. You DON’T care about Justice. & You’re not untouched by Jew hate. & Look how acceptable this has become. Only gonna get worse.
Alt-Nazi heroes are in the Whitehouse & their pogrom engineering is now shifting gears. You couldn’t care less. Because that’s for the Jews. When they came for everyone but the Jews you
It’s all very well to be concerned, but we have base ourselves on evidence of actions and actual policies firs;, on rhetoric and quotes second; and all other speculative considerations (like parallels with Nazi Germany) can only come after.
It’s still terrible rhetoric, to be sure, but it’s only concerned with using Jews as useful material for his more anti-Muslim rhetoric. There is nothing there that can be described as antisemitic.
I mean, its more or less the call-backs to Nazi Germany that the campaign kept on using, but also you don’t have to hate jews to be anti-semitic,
“I don’t hate black people they are just stupid”- is a good example of typical racism.
” I know alot of jews who are good people, but they control the world and thats a bad thing” – Is a good example of typical anti-semitism.
Trump went to a room filled with jewish leaders and organizations and told them “you all know how to ‘re-negotiate’ a deal” inferring that their religion had something to do with how they deal financially. That is anti-semitism, its a path that gets exponentially darker as you descend its trail.
Its not as doomsday scenario as it is for hispanics and muslims under this new administration, but it is the first time we’ve revisited this kinda talk decades after it became public taboo, so we then push up the timeline up to 2016 when the US is susceptible to racist and anti-semitic administrations.
We need to see more of the TYT Politics material incorporated into the main TYT main channel stuff. Also Bill Press who is now part of the TYT Network just did a 25 minute interview with Bernie Sanders and none of it was on any of the other of the TYT channels.
> Bill Press who is now part of the TYT Network just did a 25 minute interview with Bernie Sanders and none of it was on any of the other of the TYT channels.
Oh, I see. I wasn’t aware that there was a channel literally called “TYT Network”. :)
(In my defense, that particular channel only has 9,000 subscribers.)
I know the interview was on 1/18 and TYT Network had it on 1/20 and that is a small TYT Channel. There should be a page on THIS website with links to items of program interest across the entire TYT network of content. That way you could go to one place and find stories you might want to see instead of trying to wandering around in the wilderness of YouTube and Facebook.
didn’t even bother watching the rest of TYT’s election coverage (though i’m definitely glad it exists!) but for me, this AP episode is all i need and i’ll be sharing it with my family (who i’m trying to convince to become TYT members as well). great stuff as always, guys.
I have a video and was present at the protest we held in Scranton Pennsylvania where are group tried to deliver a petition to Senator Bob Casey’s office and one of his people came outside and refuse anyone entry into the building and then I’ll salted at least three people. There was an undercover cop who infiltrated our protest and called the cops right in at which time the three people who were all salted by Senator Casey’s representative or whoever he was were actually arrested instead of the person who actually committed the assault. The local news somewhat covered it but this is a story perfect for The Young Turks about what is wrong with the Democratic establishment. We were treated much better better by senator Pat toomey’s office who is a republican who accepted our petition with no trouble. Please reach out to me at Sicily 7480 at and I can talk to you and provide you with the video of everything that happened at the Senator’s office. I have been in touch with someone from one of the New York City Newspapers and have exchanged a few emails but we want to get this story out to the people.
Steve Oh’s story around 40:00 hits pretty close for me. This is the thing we often miss in discussions of 1%er’s and corporatism. It is easy to think there are evil, greedy, assholes pulling the strings. But the truth is that many of the 1%er’s don’t realize they are complicit in screwing over those on the bottom. A good example is that video of Carrier when they announced people were losing jobs and plant was moving.
The corporate guy making the announcement (obviously had 0 relationship with workers) says, “I want to assure you it’s not personal” That was so skewed, as if the workers were standing there thinking, “oh golly, they must not like me”, as if it somehow makes it better that they are a dispensable cog to be tossed aside. It’s not personal, sheesh.
How many people go into a cubicle every day and negotiate lower pricing, push and push on profit margins from suppliers ? How many in this corporatocracy justify their paycheck by forcing others to go cheaper than they’d like ? Most people consider that “good business” these days. Cheapest is always the best price, and it doesn’t matter who’s being marginalized to accomplish it.
We are building poverty from the bottom up, and as long as we elect representatives who only look at it from the top side it will continue.
For far to long the right-wing and corporate media have been yelling at, smearing and dismissing progressives and progressive issues. Its about fucking time that someone started yelling back. JFD!
That’s right, Steve. “The Democratic Party has a chokehold on themselves”. They are – so far – unwilling to abandon the neoliberal, corporatist, oligarchic model that they have fallen into.
I have to say that folks should be judged by the company they keep. My respect for Cenk & TYT has increased exponentially with the rising role of Jimmy in the company. The same goes for Jordan. I also like the fact that the Aggressive Progressives have brought out the best in Steve. Kudos to TYT for providing the platform for progressive opinions.
Obama talking about Ukraine is a DOUBLE Orwellian since himself is responsible.
The Crimea case was a response to USA backing neo-Nazi-driven “regime change” coup in Ukraine, and to those neo-Nazis videodocumenting their threats against Crimeans; the neo-Nazis were later sent to the Eastern Ukraine to subjugate/kill those who did not accept the coup, who were still aligned with the legal government; Putin had to help people with the military equipment; the neo-Nazis are officially employed by the new Ukrainian regime: you can google Azov and Aidar regiments’ Waffen SS insignia. Crimea was illegally torn from Russia back in 1954; ever since the USSR has dissolved, Crimeans never wanted to have anything to do with Ukraine and voted to reunite with Russia with over two thousands of international observers and media presented. Even the Western pollster admit that it was an act of direct democracy. And it was legal as per Kosovo precedent.
I wonder on whom Obama would push responsibility for Honduras, Libya and Syria. Most probably leaders of those countries would be blamed.
On Bernard Sanders: he is pragmatic and tries to get something positive for people in the current moment. For this reason he agrees to work with both corporate Democrats and Trump, for what he is critiqued.
I just want you to know that my bf is in love with your show. He feels the same way, and where we live, nobody else really feels that way (or so he thinks, there are progressive movements, he’s just wrapped up with work so he has no time to go to any event b/c he works odd hours), anyway, thank you for this show.
ALSO! If you wanted to attract new members, I think that THIS VIDEO is a great one to post (B/c sometimes you post snippits of your convo on TYT’s Youtube). It’s informational & important, and it was overall a fantastic convo.
It helped put things for me into perspective, and Jimmy you’re wrong, you forgot “totally naive” when you were talking about supporting Clinton in any capacity, because to some of us, Clinton was our beacon of somewhat of hope. Believe me, I still have a Bernie sticker on my car, but I put that same faith of Bernie into Clinton out of desperation, the same way Trump supporters put their support in trump.
Duality is what it is, in all aspects of being raised & learning.
Thank you for this amazing conversation. It gave me a new way to think in a sense.
In the membership area, Aggressive Progressive members isn’t coming up. It shows it as “News” and needing to open that app. Is this a new thing? Or is it just messed up? Hanks
You’re not the only one.
Jan 25 I wasn’t even able to log in for the majority of the day, the page came up with some Unicode character errors on every link and the whole site, other than the main page, was inaccessible
I only got to this page from the sidebar link, I think they might be doing some maintenance.
OH NO NERD ALERT, NERD ALERT Did Jimmy just mix up Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica? Also, I love Jimmy. he started singing the same song that jumped into my head when Trump said never gonna let you down
Great analysis by Jordan regarding not wasting energy focusing on Trump, who is a front puppet, when we need to call out people on both sides who are pawns of the rich. The Democratic Elite, as Jimmy pointed out, must not be allowed to hide behind their platitudes.
And thanks to Jordan for including “enlightened older people” along with younger progressives as allies. People over 55 are not necessarily stupid about technology or about the bullshit that Corporate Democrats spew. And yes to town halls: hopefully, we progressives will put some of our energy into defining what we want and how to jam congressional phone lines instead of wearing ourselves out with undefined, generalized protests. We vote for Senators and Representatives in 2 years!
When they came for everyone but the Jews you spoke but when they went after the Jews you argued people shouldn’t care.
Hey. there’s no crypto-Jew-Hater crap on the left, right? Yeah, could be open reference to an explicitly Jew-hater WWII Nazi-sympathizer name “America First” & it might give “Racists” rhetoric to “play with”. But just like them Steve O saying “I don’t really care” if it is Jew-hater “play”, only Oligarchs & banker control matter.
Doesn’t matter how the President & his Chief Propagandist rally people against Jews. Doesn’t matter how dangerous that is, no it’s not dangerous to people that matter. Says the Racists get to innocently “play” & it’s merely ugly, but come on, “that’s for the Jews” & no one SHOULD care, right?
Too many people care about Jews, right? In fact, let’s just make it a conversation about umbrella “Racism” & not even give Jews the focus the story demands for unbiased sane balanced people who don’t have anything against even a little focus on Jews for a second when a story is all about how they’re being rallied against. Let’s not even say this is specifically NOT about any other kind of hatred. Let’s completely divert everyone away from actual explicitly Jew-hater rallying that you want to make into an unknowable question, that even if it were admitted openly YOU SAY YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT.
Don’t pretend you’re a real Progressive concerned with actual social justice peace & compassion if Jews are completely removed from consideration even when this kind of thing happens. Everything else matters more? Just like the Nazi sympathizer says, almost. Only you won’t use the word Jew or Jews like he does & avoid using it & don’t believe they’re the real problem. Just that they don’t matter at all. You WON’T even mention us except to say hatred against us, in rhetoric Drumpf & his campaign is using, even if it is that, which you won’t see it to be, despite all the other dog-whistling & rallying into the audible spectum, that doesn’t matter. I don’t care. But, what what what? I didn’t say I have even a little hate for Jews. Can’t be true even unconsciously, right?
If this doesn’t disturb you & you couldn’t care less. You DON’T care about Justice. & You’re not untouched by Jew hate. & Look how acceptable this has become. Only gonna get worse.
Alt-Nazi heroes are in the Whitehouse & their pogrom engineering is now shifting gears. You couldn’t care less. Because that’s for the Jews. When they came for everyone but the Jews you
It’s all very well to be concerned, but we have base ourselves on evidence of actions and actual policies firs;, on rhetoric and quotes second; and all other speculative considerations (like parallels with Nazi Germany) can only come after.
As far as rhetoric goes: I have just looked at all of Trump’s quotes on Jews. He only ever seems to mention them as victims of Muslim terrorism. Also he has said that he admires Israel’s racial profiling policies.
It’s still terrible rhetoric, to be sure, but it’s only concerned with using Jews as useful material for his more anti-Muslim rhetoric. There is nothing there that can be described as antisemitic.
I mean, its more or less the call-backs to Nazi Germany that the campaign kept on using, but also you don’t have to hate jews to be anti-semitic,
“I don’t hate black people they are just stupid”- is a good example of typical racism.
” I know alot of jews who are good people, but they control the world and thats a bad thing” – Is a good example of typical anti-semitism.
Trump went to a room filled with jewish leaders and organizations and told them “you all know how to ‘re-negotiate’ a deal” inferring that their religion had something to do with how they deal financially. That is anti-semitism, its a path that gets exponentially darker as you descend its trail.
Its not as doomsday scenario as it is for hispanics and muslims under this new administration, but it is the first time we’ve revisited this kinda talk decades after it became public taboo, so we then push up the timeline up to 2016 when the US is susceptible to racist and anti-semitic administrations.
We need to see more of the TYT Politics material incorporated into the main TYT main channel stuff. Also Bill Press who is now part of the TYT Network just did a 25 minute interview with Bernie Sanders and none of it was on any of the other of the TYT channels.
> Bill Press who is now part of the TYT Network just did a 25 minute interview with Bernie Sanders and none of it was on any of the other of the TYT channels.
What?? I agree, that’s pretty ridiculous.
I’m going to post a link to that interview on the TYT subreddit, right now:
Good idea maybe TYT will place a link on there home page.
Just found this link on the TYT Network for the Bill Press Bernie Interview.
Oh, I see. I wasn’t aware that there was a channel literally called “TYT Network”. :)
(In my defense, that particular channel only has 9,000 subscribers.)
I know the interview was on 1/18 and TYT Network had it on 1/20 and that is a small TYT Channel. There should be a page on THIS website with links to items of program interest across the entire TYT network of content. That way you could go to one place and find stories you might want to see instead of trying to wandering around in the wilderness of YouTube and Facebook.
Thanks for the alert about a long Bernie interview. I never check TYT network.
My point exactly.
didn’t even bother watching the rest of TYT’s election coverage (though i’m definitely glad it exists!) but for me, this AP episode is all i need and i’ll be sharing it with my family (who i’m trying to convince to become TYT members as well). great stuff as always, guys.
inaguration* coverage not election coverage. this is what happens when i comment late at night d-;
Assaulted. I apologize for the spelling and grammar mistakes in my last comment. Voice messaging
I have a video and was present at the protest we held in Scranton Pennsylvania where are group tried to deliver a petition to Senator Bob Casey’s office and one of his people came outside and refuse anyone entry into the building and then I’ll salted at least three people. There was an undercover cop who infiltrated our protest and called the cops right in at which time the three people who were all salted by Senator Casey’s representative or whoever he was were actually arrested instead of the person who actually committed the assault. The local news somewhat covered it but this is a story perfect for The Young Turks about what is wrong with the Democratic establishment. We were treated much better better by senator Pat toomey’s office who is a republican who accepted our petition with no trouble. Please reach out to me at Sicily 7480 at and I can talk to you and provide you with the video of everything that happened at the Senator’s office. I have been in touch with someone from one of the New York City Newspapers and have exchanged a few emails but we want to get this story out to the people.
Steve Oh’s story around 40:00 hits pretty close for me. This is the thing we often miss in discussions of 1%er’s and corporatism. It is easy to think there are evil, greedy, assholes pulling the strings. But the truth is that many of the 1%er’s don’t realize they are complicit in screwing over those on the bottom. A good example is that video of Carrier when they announced people were losing jobs and plant was moving.
The corporate guy making the announcement (obviously had 0 relationship with workers) says, “I want to assure you it’s not personal” That was so skewed, as if the workers were standing there thinking, “oh golly, they must not like me”, as if it somehow makes it better that they are a dispensable cog to be tossed aside. It’s not personal, sheesh.
How many people go into a cubicle every day and negotiate lower pricing, push and push on profit margins from suppliers ? How many in this corporatocracy justify their paycheck by forcing others to go cheaper than they’d like ? Most people consider that “good business” these days. Cheapest is always the best price, and it doesn’t matter who’s being marginalized to accomplish it.
We are building poverty from the bottom up, and as long as we elect representatives who only look at it from the top side it will continue.
For far to long the right-wing and corporate media have been yelling at, smearing and dismissing progressives and progressive issues. Its about fucking time that someone started yelling back. JFD!
That’s right, Steve. “The Democratic Party has a chokehold on themselves”. They are – so far – unwilling to abandon the neoliberal, corporatist, oligarchic model that they have fallen into.
I have to say that folks should be judged by the company they keep. My respect for Cenk & TYT has increased exponentially with the rising role of Jimmy in the company. The same goes for Jordan. I also like the fact that the Aggressive Progressives have brought out the best in Steve. Kudos to TYT for providing the platform for progressive opinions.
Obama talking about Ukraine is a DOUBLE Orwellian since himself is responsible.
The Crimea case was a response to USA backing neo-Nazi-driven “regime change” coup in Ukraine, and to those neo-Nazis videodocumenting their threats against Crimeans; the neo-Nazis were later sent to the Eastern Ukraine to subjugate/kill those who did not accept the coup, who were still aligned with the legal government; Putin had to help people with the military equipment; the neo-Nazis are officially employed by the new Ukrainian regime: you can google Azov and Aidar regiments’ Waffen SS insignia. Crimea was illegally torn from Russia back in 1954; ever since the USSR has dissolved, Crimeans never wanted to have anything to do with Ukraine and voted to reunite with Russia with over two thousands of international observers and media presented. Even the Western pollster admit that it was an act of direct democracy. And it was legal as per Kosovo precedent.
I wonder on whom Obama would push responsibility for Honduras, Libya and Syria. Most probably leaders of those countries would be blamed.
On Bernard Sanders: he is pragmatic and tries to get something positive for people in the current moment. For this reason he agrees to work with both corporate Democrats and Trump, for what he is critiqued.
aw he dissed cenk
At which point in the video? (I haven’t watched all of it). Sometimes Cenk has to be dissed in the interests of progressivism.
Love the show guys and the live news with Jordan should be a weekly feature! Love it!
I am only a member because of AP.. Thanks Jummy and Steve Oh…
I just want you to know that my bf is in love with your show. He feels the same way, and where we live, nobody else really feels that way (or so he thinks, there are progressive movements, he’s just wrapped up with work so he has no time to go to any event b/c he works odd hours), anyway, thank you for this show.
ALSO! If you wanted to attract new members, I think that THIS VIDEO is a great one to post (B/c sometimes you post snippits of your convo on TYT’s Youtube). It’s informational & important, and it was overall a fantastic convo.
It helped put things for me into perspective, and Jimmy you’re wrong, you forgot “totally naive” when you were talking about supporting Clinton in any capacity, because to some of us, Clinton was our beacon of somewhat of hope. Believe me, I still have a Bernie sticker on my car, but I put that same faith of Bernie into Clinton out of desperation, the same way Trump supporters put their support in trump.
Duality is what it is, in all aspects of being raised & learning.
Thank you for this amazing conversation. It gave me a new way to think in a sense.
Great show guys! I’d love to see a segment on what Brand New Congress is doing. I think it would be a good topic for Aggressive Progressives.
I’m a TYT member just so I can watch Aggressive Progressives, thanks for giving us another great show!