
  1. Rewatched this, man is Steve ever on the case. Yes, it is very good to know what Dr King really stood for. In his book Why We Can’t Wait, which includes Letter from Birmingham Jail, only warned us about the white ‘moderate’ but the black hypocrite/self-aggrandizer:

    “There are Negroes who will never fight for freedom. There are Negroes who will seek profit for themselves alone from the struggle. There are even some Negroes who will cooperate with their oppressors. [like Cory Fuckity-Fuck Booker] These facts should distress no one. Every…people has its share of opportunists, profiteers, freeloaders and escapists. The hammer blows of discrimination, poverty and segregation must warp and corrupt some. No one can pretend that because a people may be oppressed, every individual is virtuous and worthy. The real issue is whether in the great mass the dominant characteristics are decency, honor and courage.”

    He also talked about right or justice defeated being greater than evil triumphant.

    Let’s move forward with this Steve, Malcolm, James (no blue suede motherfuckers at the doc’s).

    Love you guys!

  2. I really liked the Rev Dr ML King segment – fascinating in-depth truth telling about Rev King that challenges my own sense of his radical holistic fight to save the soul of America & re-ignites quite of few of my progressive ideals to stand and fight myself.

  3. This was truly one of your best shows. Great hosts, content, format and length: 3 enlightened folks discussing their points back & forth and the pace was aggressive so as to have a lot of hard-hitting content.

  4. another AWESOME show… great to hear you give so much in depth attention to these topics–very grateful for the info,… AND in a longer show format, YIPPEE! [Well on your way to that fabulous 6 hour show Malcolm! ; ) ]

    Good on you Jimmy, for callin out Cory Booker everyday, as the scum he is

  5. If you want a good documentary about how the problems we are facing now can be traced back 40 years to Henry Kissinger and how his actions resulted in the current problem we have with terrorism, check out the BBC documentary called “HyperNormalization.” Very eye opening. Just saw it on Inauguration Day and it even talks about Trump and Brexit. It is time for people to wake up and this documentary is a great tool to do that. Wish I had seen it when it originally came out this past October. Would have shared the shit out of it!!! I watched a video with Hasan Piker and some of the footage from his video was also used in “HyperNormalization.” Keep fighting the good fight Jimmy and Steve.

  6. NEVER stop calling out the corporate democrats, or the egomaniacal democrats or any other democrat who’s in PUBLIC SERVICE for any other reason than public service.

    Thanks for what you do – all THREE of you are excellent.

  7. Betsy Devos is a nightmare.

    Cenk said it very well the other day, about his trip to Charleston.
    He talked about how the slave-owners wouldn’t allow the slaves to learn to read to better control them. It is similar to what has been happening. The US has been on a steady downward slide in education. Keep the masses uneducated, control what they learn & how. Teach them to barely read & basic math. Supplement it with religious studies.
    Follow Jesus. Respect Authority. OBEY.
    Life is very hard & a struggle, but you will be rewarded in the next life.

    The few that manage to sneak thru the Golden Gate guarding the Oligarchy, will be quickly told they can stay (as a Horatio Alger-type American Dream prop) as long as they slam the gate shut on anyone else.
    Every time I have a conversation about charter schools, people always parrot the same line, “What’s wrong with choice?”
    I am gonna say it right now … I FUCKING HATE CORY BOOKER.

    Why, why, WHY is he calling himself progressive????? Ever single time I hear his voice, I want to explode. Even if he said something reasonable, I would think he is saying it because some Bankster or Corporate donor said it was “okay.”

    1. I was “educated” in right-wing private Christian school, grades 2 through 12. That kind of indoctrination always, ALWAYS keeps a person from reaching their full potential. Even people around me who don’t realize what happened to them are stunted or warped. If TYT ever wants to hear what kind of shit goes down in religious schools, I will do my best to retrieve every rotten memory. You’ll just have to keep my identity a secret. I still live among religious whackjobs.

  8. As an atheist, I consider this show my weekly church.

    One of the best eps of AP thus far.

    Thank you for all your energy, passion, and information which support and educate those of us true progressives who feel so alone in US society.

  9. Great show, guys!! It was so chock full of chestnuts I had to watch to twice just to let it all sink in.

    Regarding the crazy charge that Bernie brought up the Canadian drug amendment to embarrass Cory Booker: I think I might just as easily argue that Bernie did that not to embarrass Booker, but to make Ted Cruz, John McCain and Rand Paul “look good.” When you thin about it, that argument makes as much sense.

  10. Wow, Jimmy! You were really on a roll.

    Is there a possibility you can put the segment about Afghanistan on Facebook by itself?

    By the end of that piece I had smoke coming out of my ears I was so shocked. People need to know the truth about the real cost of this war and the hideous lack of oversight.

    Thanks for a great show.

  11. thank you Jimmy and Steve for addressing the SantaClaus-ification of MLK in the FIRST part of the show — allowing everyone needs this crucial knowledge about what MLK was focusing on in the years leading up to his assassination. Feeling blessed to have Aggressive Progressives show to educate me and spark ACTION.

  12. An additional 30 minutes – I can’t wait to view. Still my minimum weekly show is twice a week for 2hr/show!!!

  13. I fully recognize Malcolm as an Aggressive Progressive voice for this show!! Malcolm is the third leg to hold up our Aggressively Progressive Platform.

  14. Had to pause with 15 min left so I could comment before I forgot half of the AWESOME stuff I want to say. Lol Also bc this is my bathroom break and the only time I can take up 10-15 min to reply. I eat a lot of cheese.

    First off- Awesome to have Malcolm again! I think it’s pretty obvious that MY comment last week is what led to him being on again. They didn’t mention my handle but I saw the “wink and nod”. So, your welcome Malcolm :)

    Afghan story- Awesome story with a lot of shit I didn’t know. One thing I was wondering though, I was under the impression that we are still there in order to protect a pipeline. Also to kill innocent ppl for corporate profits, but mainly for a pipeline. Is that true? I seem to remember a story way back when that said the first thing our troops did in Afghan was secure a pipeline. Maybe I’m wrong. Also I’m wondering, what are the odds that all the water we send/ship will soon become Trump Water? Who is supplying this bottled water? Same company who supplies the water to Flint? Hmmm. Just thoughts.

    DeVos- Personally, I can’t wait till my 4yr old grows up and learns how to properly snake handle while speaking in tongues. Parent goals! I love how y’all payed out the evil plan of DeVos even though I didn’t understand much of Steves Korean math. I went to public school. Lmao Joking Steve, I love you, and especially Korean BBQ! No idea how you can be a veggie lover with Korean BBQ in the world. I take solace in knowing that my food literally shits on yours. ;) Think about it, come back to the dark side! I have a love/hate relationship with Al Franken. He def defends corporate Dems waaaaay to much, but he’s a comedian so I tend to give him a pass. Corey Booker- Fuck that SOB! He reminds me of a 80’s used car salesman. Pretending to be your friend as he bends you over and raw dogs you in the poop shoot. I mean come on, at least use lube. Lol

    Great show guys, so glad to have the tricycle, love what y’all do, and appreciate the comedy blended with the serious. AND TO ANYONE WHO HASNT SEEN JIMMY ON HULU, ITS AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! Laughed so hard I almost dropped my joint into my beer. Key word, almost.


    WE ARE USING PA’s LISTS OF “CONGRESSIONAL OLIGARCHS” for local progressive action here in my town.

    Keep it up, Aggressive Progressives!!!

  16. I’m enjoying the addition of Malcolm to the show. Real smart guy with an amusing sense of humor. And the longer format is great too. Glad you guys are listening to member suggestions.

  17. What is this crap of teachers ignoring students? Most educators have been fighting for all students for a very long time? Using a broad stroke to say teachers will capitulate under pressure. I know more teachers who have changed careers or have retired rather than give in to these “deforms.” There are also many more teachers still fighting for students and public education even though the demonization is brutal.

    Thank you, Jimmy! I, too, wonder where was the outrage at President Obama’s plan to privatize public education ? Where were the tough questions for Arne Duncan and John King?

  18. REALLY great with Malcom on!!! I learn sooo much every time I listen to him.

    So Jimmy came in to the studio in those blue suede shoes all ready to do that act, huh?! Timing was impeccable though, nobody saw that shoe till it was too late LOLOL <3

  19. Jimmy “Fucking” Dore!! Love you man, keep on keeping on brother. There can be no change without radicals driving it. Keep turning the light on and scattering the roaches.

  20. Why are you talking about Vietnam again? OOPS! I guess you can recycle Vietnam news, changing a date here and a president’s name there.

  21. Great show, guys. You should have Emma from TYT politics on.. She’s from NJ and did some great clips on Booker.

    1. Cenk and the crew are working on establishing at least a little studio in NY for Jordan, Nimki, Shaun, Eric and Emma (if she will continue her internship) so they would be able to join broadast not just via Skype connection of dubious quality from their kitchens, but in a way better way.

      1. I live in Brooklyn and I had wondered if they would start a satellite office in NY and eventually ‘the swampy’ DC beltway. That is good news about a NY office for them.

        1. I am not sure where exactly the studio is going to be, but it might be significant next step for TYT since a lot of interviewees and political commentators live in East coast.

    1. The Deep State (Multi-national Corporations) know how to hide & work behind the public face of the media & politicians, whom they privately control & manipulate.

  22. love the show and i like that you go after the corporate Dems but lately on the jimmy dore show and aggressive progressive, i feel it’s too focus on the Dems. Can we have 80%coverage on Dems and 20% Trump. we haveto make sure he is not normalize . That’s just me i guess.Anyways glad you’re doing better (flu)

    1. Today’s DeVos story was already about Trump, not just about Cory Booker who admitted he owes to her his career.

      Once Trump will become president and his cabinet will start making bad moves there would no other choice than to cover this. But with accent on how much corporate Democrats will agree with Trump’s policies.

  23. Great show- that segment on public education, DeVos and Booker was so informative and well-done. Damn. Thank you!

  24. I live for this show.

    The treatise for MLKs radicalism is alive and well in ND with the DAPL protestors aka water protectors. Remember when firehoses seemed so barbaric to people on that bridge in Selma? Remember when the water cannons were unleashed on water protectors in freezing temps amid rubber bullets and gas grenades? Remember when the police department tried to write those water cannons off by claiming they were firehoses? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME???

  25. I love the Aggressive Progressives. Jimmy and Steve and Malcolm are the bomb. We have to get radical, because the people behind the government are not leaving us any choice. Non-violent but very hard radical resistance is what we must do. The last 30 years has only proven that being ‘reasonable’ and ‘cooperative’ has been used against us and our goals to help ALL Americans, and as Martin Luther King did, saving America’s soul. They want war, we will give it to them.

  26. Obviously we still have a lot to learn about ‘saving the world’ because we have a Trumpelstiltskins to deal with. If Hillary could have helped us save ourselves, she would have been elected. Trumpel promised to do the impossible and people gave him their faith, hope, and vote. Soon all voters will have to pay his price, their country… (which also stands for more & more money for corporate donors, millionaires & billionaires….or…(this is the long shot)…for us to get our country back…learn Trumpelstiltskin’s name…which essentially means, how to save the world. Be prepared because to finally get it right we will have to live ‘Groundhog Day’ over & over until we learn about the value of truth and how to discern it. Until we learn to care about someone else instead of me, me, and me too. Until we learn about kindness and the Golden Rule, respect, as a means to an end regardless of color, culture, religion or job description, and get enough practice at all of this so that we can ‘save the world’ & ultimately ourselves…. with our eyes closed. Don’t you already feel you have been living the same day over and over again since Trump became the nominee? I already see positive change. Just recently during a concert in Pakistan the singer stopped the show to protect a girl that was being harassed by a group of boys, and he lectured the boys on their behavior. We could name a hundred acts of recent kindness if we took the time to look. Eventually helping each other, practicing truth telling, intelligent discernment and cooperation could become the norm. Trumpel is playing us or he is a part in our evolution. I’m ready to learn his name. Suzy Q

  27. Just want to tell you I love you all and your show and TYT. If you’ll radical I guess I must be too. I’m a member.

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