Jimmy Dore, Steve Oh, and Malcolm Fleschner skype in with Jordan Chariton to discuss his coverage of the water crisis, Ivanka Trump’s campaign for Cory Booker, and US funding to Saudi Arabia.
Happy shitty birthday to you, happy shitty birthday to you, Happy shitty birthday dear asshole, happy shitty birthday to you! And many more…
Since when are the Aggressives worried about political correctness? Of course you can speak ill of the dead. But wishing them a shitty birthday before they die is undoubtedly a lot more fun and satisfying!
Jimmy “MotherFucking” Dore, Steve “OMG Jim” Oh, and Malcolm “Fleshlite” Fleschner shines a light on topics that are ignored by our corporate media. I fucking love you guys, good chemistry on the panel, kinda like a well balanced delicious dish being prepared by Gordan Ramsey….
So much for the whole – Republicans would never work or agree with Bernie on anything… Right, Thanks Democrats. 12 Republicans just showed for bought you are.
Great job this week, guys! Keep up the good work. I started calling those Democrats who fucked us on the pharma import bill. I’m going to go ahead and text this out to my people and start direct action on the phones. Keep us informed about how to do this stuff. 18 months to take back the Congress isn’t a long time. Hopefully, we can ride this out. I gotta say that TYT and in particular, Progressive Aggressives (sic) keeps me informed and sane. I look forward to the next show. BTW…you should go ahead and make it two hours once a week. You know, you’re going to end up there. Last thing: I live in NorCal and yeah…Kamala fucked us on the Schneiderman inquiries. Keep us up to date on what she’s doing. Seems to me that she could be a valuable asset for the Dems. But what kind of a Dem will she be? Will she be a Cory Booker or an Elizabeth Warren?
I wonder who the clown is who selects the background music for those bomblet ads. How callous do you have to be to work on these ads, let alone the actual weapons?
Good to see you back, Jimmy, and in good health (even though you might be faking it).
Roger on Chariton deserving a vacation. He made history on a daily basis, and badly needs the time off.
It’s great that Jordan is looking deeper than Flint’s lead problem, and discovering the different ways they can hide it
“Bernie can’t be bought.” I agree, but he can be threatened, and was.
“Pre-selected for sucking.”
Painful to watch, those ‘cluster bombs bursting in air.” Land of the Free, Home of the Craven Politicians.
“These are dropping on women, children, and the elderly.” And on adult males, too. Just sayin.
“We don’t kill people, for religious reasons, (true enough). No. We just kill people for money.” Perhaps we should remind Bill Maher and Sam Harris, of this.
“There’s gonna be a revolution in America, one way or another.”
Not just America.
The sad thing is, it could be avoided. There are other ways for corporate interests to profit, without killing people. The surveillance state could make a case for their data collection needs, without putting us at odds.
“Awwww, he’s cryyying. What are ya crying for, ya ….?”
“Worked to close Gitmo.” Oh, he ‘worked’ to get something done, and actually had a window to accomplish it, but didn’t push hard enough. But he ‘worked’, so he’s entitled to a nobel peace prize.
“It’s one big club.” If we could keep only that in mind, then we could stop fighting each other.
“If you have to depend on the better angels of our nature, to run the system, then it’s gonna fail.”
Yes. But if you create a system that makes it impossible for any angels or demons to break things severely, then you can afford to hire the wrong leader, from time to time. Unfortunately, as long as our existence depends on the exchange and acquisition of money, there are no patches or laws that will protect the system.
Thank you all so much for this show! What a treat! I just wanted to say this past year with the terrible media representation and lack of investigative journalism is what led me to tyt and shows like yours to get news that is real, truthful and important. I have been so inspired by the work done that I started my own local and state news show at my community radio station to keep spreading these ideas and challenging the preconceived ideas surrounding who makes up the “Democrat” and “Republican” parties. It is, now more than ever, just rich versus poor, and thankfully whenever I watch your show I am reminded of that and encouraged to continuing spreading the message on the east coast!
Malcolm’s cabal rant and Jimmy’s Cory Booker rant — both were epic and great.
Aggressive Progressives all by itself is worth the price of membership — if it were the only show on TYT, it would be worth joining just to watch AP. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I count on this show not only to educate myself, but for the inspiration to continue the fight.
I’m afraid I must echo the sentiment others have said here — I wish this show were public, so I could send links to friends. This is the most important content on TYT right now. It needs to be more easily and widely share-able with non-members.
In the words of Ed Sullivan, that was a ‘really big shewww’ you guys did here! Thank you Jimmy, we all need to take the cover off scum like Booker. Thanks Malcolm for pointing out who the real cabal is. Thank you Steve for bringing it home on those bombs in Yemen and that water in Chicago.
Jordan, is there any research we can do on the history of business leaders and city / state government officials deliberately building housing in poisonous areas and directing it to middle class – poor people with whitewashed or outright false safety standard documentation? Like the history of the housing and the pipes built in east and north Chicago, who it was designed for initially and what was known about lead and bacteria at the time? Then what successive governments knew about the toxins and when they knew it?
Of course one of the first poster cases in the nation for deliberate placement of poor people into toxic, crummy housing was the Collect Pond area of Manhattan in NYC after the great Erie Canal was completed in 1825. Officials had originally planned a upper-class district for the moderately wealthy, bragging that they’d conquered how to cover the pond, but soon after they got residents the whole thing started to sink. Then they built the infamous tenements and streets over that mess and we all know what happened next.
My point here is that authorities KNEW how dangerous that was, especially considering the Collect Pond, East and Hudson Rivers were brimming with toxic rich garbage from tanneries and slaughterhouses as well as human / animal waste and dead bodies. They may not have known about cholera but they did know THEY didn’t intend to live on that shit or depend on it. People have blamed Irish, Italian immigrants and South fleeing black people of being inherently violent for going on two centuries since that canal without much research into the effects of all those toxins in the drinking and bathing water. Reminder: baths for Five Points residents (the area over and around Collect Pond) were often huge public pools of that same water for five cents a dip.
Here in Tokyo we open the year with more discussion of the famous old Tsukiji Fish Market and when to relocate it. The new location has a floor filled with toxic water containing all sorts of grossness which previous mayors have known about but kept under their hats. The thing that grosses me out though is the original location, built on some landfill just after WW2 that was never been built to last. I’m thinking low information has been the only reason for its long popularity with tourists because the whole place STINKS and is constantly falling apart. Japanese tapeworm’s got to be the least of their issues with fish coming through there. This is the land of sushi and one of the most important markets looks like a pigsty, so in my 30+ years here I rarely eat sushi (though I love it). Can’t imagine the water situation there, I’m sure authorities have kept that under their hats too but at LEAST they know it’s past time to move that market to a safe location with clean, modern facilities.
Japanese people also don’t know much about lead, bacteria and other toxins coming through water via old pipes but most seem to realize the necessity of drinking filtered or bottled water. Poor people here suffer similar illnesses to people in Flint and Chicago due to being able to afford shoddy housing only in areas with low or subsidized rents which have these issues, but from what I can see far fewer illnesses than I’m seeing in your reports, Jordan. I need to find out why this is.
When that big quake / tsunami happened going on six years ago, one area near Tokyo Disneyland got hit bad with liquefaction and sinking, broken up homes just as if it were built over Collect Pond. Developers pushed that area, Urayasu, as a perfect place for yuppies and the up and coming middle class, right next to Disneyland so safe and secure. Wrong. Everybody over there got duped into paying way more than they were told it was worth because it was built on a cheaply done landfill. So in this case people who were not poor and who should’ve been better informed got conned.
Thank you for the reminder about Five Points. Fascinating to consider relationship between environmental pollution, violence, and “the gangs of New York” (which btw is one of the greatest films ever made about US politics).
Nice job guys. I am ashamed to say that just a few days ago I was singing Cory Booker’s praises. I feel betrayed, ashamed and foolish now. Cory HOOKER is my new name for him. Because he is a BITCH for corporate money & Wall Street money and he sold out his constituents.
Jimmy I love your rant about Cory Booker and big pharma. I wish that TYT would post snippets like this on their YouTube channel, not just the first 15min as a tease. If people were given a snippet of a topic or a rant, they would be much more motivated to join TYT.
Isn’t this already the basic modus operandi, though? Anything that gets posted to Youtube is a snippet of a long show, and if that snippet has Jimmy in it, then that snippet is usually a concentrated rant, or a rant about one single subject or public figure.
More than any other, the channel of the Jimmy Dore Show operates on that principle. That channel has tripled its subscriber base in one year, so it seems to be working.
As a control, TYT should also sample the water from the bottom of the hot water heater in their studio. They will find that they have off-the-charts contaminates there too because again its the worse place to actually take a sample.
“Questionable testing” indeed you took the sample from the sludge purge valve at the that bottom the water heater. I am sure there ARE water problems but you taking samples from a device that boils the water 24-7 (for how many years in this woman house) and as a result concentrates minerals (lead salts etc) and then you passing it off as some exclusive you do a great disservice to TYT’s credibility. Stop pushing this sample you took, its terrible science. BUT the blood tests are very scientific, thank you.
So your saying the testing is wrong and her water is safe to bathe in?
You are saying that concentrated lead levels are bad, but that low levels are safe?
No, he’s saying that TYT is promoting an unscientific way of testing the water. Cold water is the proper test. Because Jordan is promoting this unscientific method, it makes TYT look less credible, ironic for people who promote science over religion. Testing the sludge from a water heater is an unscientific test and produces unreliable and inflated results. A progressive like Cara Santa Maria would be able to explain.
This says nothing about whether the water is safe or not; that’s a straw man.
Yes, I’m saying that if the levels that are registered at the facet are within federal guidelines as being safe then its a good chance its fine to shower in the water. These guidelines are set by doctors and I am not one so I will differ to those who actually know more about these things than I.
Aggressive progressives needs to be a main show everyday. I never miss a show because it fuels my rebel ego. I’m proud to be a TYT member because of people like stevo and jimmy, so fuck the corporate dems and republicans; we need a new path forward!
Jordan needs to go out and expose exactly where these drugs are made. Most of these “safe FDA approved drugs” aren’t even manufactured in the USA, they’re manufactured in places like Ireland and Germany and then imported here from overseas warehouses….who also ship these exact drugs, from the same lots, to other countries. Meds from Canada are literally the same exact ones we take here and a fraction of the price…because the Canadian health program is allowed to bargain with manufacturers on the prices drug companies can charge consumers. We have no protections like that in America.
TYT should join with Michael Moore to do a documentary on this :) Once you see how Michael is able to make these type of documentaries so successful you can do them on your own in the future. (Others like Josh fox could be another option)
GREAT SHOW as usual…… Not to early to start reporting on who will primary BOOGER………oops BOOKER, to kick that corporate ass clown out so he can begin a job as a drug tester for the Pharma companies…
Best show ever!
You guys were great and the extended format allowed you all to pace your delivery and not be rushed (like last year’s shows).
Me likee and…..FUCK YOU Corey Booker…FUUUUUUCK YOU!
Love your work JD & Co.
Hey everyone, I figured out how to make this show work. Just download the low res video and then you can fast forward through Steve-Oh-Shit-I-Have-No-Business-Being-On-This-Show’s parts and get right to Jimmy. Works great!
Steve Oh speaks with intelligence, compassion and integrity. His thoughtful commentary provides the perfect balance to Jimmy’s emotion. The show would not be anywhere near as good if either one were missing from it.
LOVE this show, LOVE this show, def wish you were on WAY more often.
sorry Malcolm, but you are utterly incorrect in regards to the “innocence” of military contractor workers just making a livng. I live in Raytheon territory and have had many of their employees as clients. Trust me, they know exactly what they are working on and they are absolute believers in the MIC and the American Military Way, that is why they work for such companies… and I might add my observation of the supposed christian theme amongst these peeps… wonder how common that might be????. Everybody goes through various levels of security clearance, but make no mistake, they know what they are working on and do it by choice.
Yes, people get to choose their work, their values including shirking personal responsibility in choosing such employment. I’ve managed to avoid working for the MIC throughout my 62 years, not that they would have me LOL!, and I dare say every one of those employees have always had the opportunity to make, and have made their choice in this regard, as have I. Let’s remember, we are talking about highly educated people making a shit ton of money….who can move into many life supporting innovative fields if they so desired… yeah, they seem real ‘nice’ to me as well, except they are completely in sync with this militarism/corporatism massacre empire shit… we are not talking about some struggling lower class worker here who is just trying to pay the rent.
Yeah, you’re right I’m sure. I really just want to emphasize how we’re all complicit in the culture of death Jimmy describes, but we’re fed the bullshit that our bombs are only killing for freedom and you have to swallow it whole with no drink to wash it down to work in a place like that. Whereas the rest of us have to swallow the same kind of bullshit to believe that Obama is a peace-loving humanitarian and not a war criminal but we get to wash it down with his soothing, intoxicating rhetoric.
Hey Malcolm… wow, somebody who “answers their own phone”… very impressive, thanks for all the replies you are posting!
I think what you mention–our common complicity as americans, as humans–would be a fantastic discussion to be had…. over and over! You hit it with the commonly held assumption that “we HAVE TO swallow the bullshit”…. and this is where I get really curious as to how humans organize ourselves and what we believe about that, and how do we challenge our closely held habits and beliefs? It’s just too easy to keep projecting ALL the blame onto people who have attained wealth and power, when so many defer personal responsibility and idolize those very same people, or at least the system that allowed such concentration of wealth/fame, the paradigm where a few rule the masses.
In many ways, if we want to continue living in the world, we “have to” participate in a lot of disgraceful bullshit, like running gas in a car because it’s the only way to get around still, in way too many cases having to take a job that sucks, cell phones and computer conflict minerals, paying taxes for the MIC, on and on. But we also have daily choices of voting with our dollars that can be made, but many never give that a thought… might be inconvenient, or more costly, or require investigation and learning, or involvement in the community…..who knows why peeps mostly just go along?
It would be great to have a long discussion about how we got here from the perspective of the population & culture, what everyday peeps are about and up to, as opposed to the regular drumbeat of projecting all the blame onto world “leaders”. ….. let’s discuss the sheeple mentality, tribalism, consumerism, giving away personal power to others, etc and try to understand ourselves a bit more, and hopefully shed some light on how we can unwind our own complicity in the old paradigm while supporting the creation of something different?
Oxfam just released report that only 8 corporate men, 6 are white american males, own more wealth than 50% of the world’s population and will again meet at their fancy retreat, Davos, to mentally masturbate on how to lead the world given the wave of populism… WTF? When do we stop star-fucking the rich/famous and see them for the elitist, deluded with power self-important humans that they become, who have no more right or reason than you or I to rule the planet? How do all we humans grow up a bit and be more responsible?
Again, thanks for this fantastic show, hope it becomes more frequent… and I sure hope one of the new reporting teams is dedicated to unveiling the MIC!
I also know people who are deeply entrenched in the MIC, living in the greater Washington DC-Delaware-Maryland area, with multiple generations in the same family taking jobs in that industry.
Here’s the scariest thing about it, to me — the people I know working in the MIC are extreme fundamentalist Christians. They are part of a large community of hard-right fundamentalist Christians who work and live in that area. It’s a thing. Not only is it a thing, but it is a very DELIBERATE thing. They seek to infiltrate and influence the government at every level. Just like Republicans have successfully taken over most state governments, fundamentalist Christians have successfully taken a significant percentage of jobs in Washington DC and associated industries. (Remember the clerk on the floor in Congress who pitched a fit a few years back, and had to be taken out by security? Fundamentalist Christian, who was morally opposed to whatever bill had just been passed. Louis Gohmert praised her for her outburst, as I recall.)
My observation is informal and unscientific, purely anecdotal. I simply know people who work in the MIC who are fundamentalist Christians, and through them I know that many of their fellow church-goers also work in the MIC. They believe that Jesus is The Only Way, that everyone who is not a true Christian is damned to hell, and they look forward to The End of Days and the Rapture. And, they make their livings producing engines and tools of death, misery and mayhem.
Dear dDErss,
Although you have been extremely prolific in your comments about this episode, I am forced to remind you that the requirement was Fifty pages!
Back to work!
THANK YOU again, Aggressive Progressives! One comment on the MANY topics you covered, exposed today: the cluster bomb b.s. What a sad pathetic use of technology, of human capabilities to invent that COULD be applied to providing amazing technology that could save our air, our land, our water, our humans, our animals but instead is used to produce generations-long maiming, killing devices. Who wonders ‘why they hate us?’
Excellent episode as always. I was dreading the THIRTEEN shirts I had to iron, and watching AP completely took my mind off this mind-numbing chore. Plus, I just returned from a vacation in Ireland and feel completely alone/frustrated with the state of this country, but as it always does, AP made me feel better and more connected. Thank you for producing this show as it adds so much to my quality of life here in the US. (BTW the great majority of Irish people we talked with are of course appalled by Trump.)
I so wish AP were a daily segment to replace Hour Two. I turned off Hour Two last night because it became utterly insipid/annoying as it so often does. PLEASE make “Aggressive Progressives” a daily, hour-long show, preferably taking the place of Hour Two.
I wrote to my senators Murray and Cantwell yesterday and called the two of them and Cory Booker just now to register my disgust at their corrupt votes. I am sickened.
Also just emailed both senators and will follow up with phone calls. We are one of the most progressive states in the country but you would not know it from our elected officials. Time to primary both of these “liberal” senators.
I’m so glad I made my New Years resolution to become a member of the TYT family – to support a REAL media outlet, and so we can watch brilliant programs like this. Thanks guys – keep up the great work… I used to feel like my mom and I were the only sane people in a world of chaotic madness, but not anymore ~~~ and Jordan deserves a Pulitzer Prize for the work he’s done in 2016. He’s become a hero of ours.
I think I am losing my mind and then I watch you guys and I am motivated to continue the fight. First a shout out to dDRsss since you gave a very detailed description about cluster bombs with information about why we still have them. I just wanted to refer to our good friends at PNAC who put in place a plan to destabiize the entire Middle East. Remember their words: First Afghanistan, then Iraq. But they didn’t want the war to go well, it’s purpose was only to spread the war into either Syria or Iran. Then the plan is to get Israel involved. Only then would they leave the fighting between the Israelis and the Arab and Persian countries, and then they would go attack “Europe*, which is clear that means Russia. I just saw in the last couple days that the US Mahan has fired warning shots at boats a kilometer away, and Israel has fired missiles near Damascus. I think it would be safe to quit calling the Military-Indurstrial Complex a shadow government. It is the government, it is who we are. Saying that bad things were done by the CIA as an excuse should be punishable by a stern talking to by HRC. Bad things were done by the USA. They are war crimes, they are not even bought to trial which is in itself a war crime if you are in a position to do anything about it.
Living in Europe, I am amazed at the propaganda that the Sheeple are fed by their government corporate media. I was surprised that Malcolm mentioned the Trilateral Commision since I think they took over the elections in America long ago. Remember, Les Moonves was speaking at a conference sponsored by UBS. The Swiss president thinks that the situation in Syria has nothing to do with geopolitics, it is only a humanitarian problem. He urged all of the good Swiss Sheeple to give money to the Red Cross, and mentioned that the next crisis point is in Eastern Ukraine. We have the Green Light from the Red Cross to fight Russia.
You guys are right that climate change is our biggest problem facing our survival on this planet. I looked on Polar Portal (.dk) and did you know that the Arctic ice cap has been thinning since November? I fear that we will have a Blue Ocean event in 2017 already. 83 fucking years in advance of when they predicted it. Elon Musk is working his ass off since he has the right idea with his Gigafactory, and if we only had another 99 in the world we could change our energy and transportation system for the whole world. Could we stop making cluster bombs and Apache helicoptors and go to solar PV, wind turbines, batteries and EV? Please?
Great show, can you guys please do a review of “The Donald’s” AKA “Twitler” (As my wife refers to him) news conference. I would really like to understand how “he is the best’s jobs creator that God had made”. Also as I am up in the great white north how his job policy’ s will effect the Canadian Auto industry which has been completely destroyed under our Provincial gov lack of planning.
For those who want more fantastic Aggressive Progressive we need to have an AP party and show our friends, buy them a months membership. Once we expand the base they can do anything!
Will Obama selling cluster bombs to the saudis to destroy Yemen, be the repeat of henry kissinger bombing of Cambodia?
Loved the show as always. Glad you feel better Jimmy! Maybe next time maybe show the tweets you sent to the corporate whore Booker, or play the audio of the voicemail you left. :) Would have loved to hear it.
Also want to say that I REALLY like Malcolm on the show. Hope he comes on more. His humor and knowledge go together very well. Probably an Aries thing. Lol
Agree with the many others, would love to see AP with 2 shows a week. More than that though, I dream of a traveling show where you go across the country, do an AP show, then lead into a Jimmy stand up routine. Not just in Cali. In fact, as long as you came to Texas I wouldn’t give a shit if you didn’t go anywhere else. Hahahahaha I would def drive to Austin to see a live show. Hands down!
The Aggressive Delusionals do it again. They have no idea how the world works yet it does not stop them from judging nor forces them to ask professionals for help.
But then again they live in an echo chamber where everyone agrees with them so they must be right. They do not report that the good people of Michigan returned the republicans to power with the largest majority since 1948 despite the fact that republican politicians ran on owning Flint and repeating it and did not flinch.
> But then again they live in an echo chamber where everyone agrees with them so they must be right.
They are all on Twitter, where they no doubt suffer a daily barrage of Alt-Right, Lol-bertarian and fascist attackers. Same goes for all the other social media platforms. What kind of echo chamber is constantly besieged by trolls?
I am also a regular on the TYT subreddit. The abuse is relentless. It doesn’t deter us in the slightest – we’re far too aggressive for that – but it does put paid to any notion of “echo chamber”.
> republican politicians ran on owning Flint and repeating it and did not flinch
Perhaps they got what they wanted from the richer parts of Michigan, the suburbs, the gerrymandered countryside, etc. There is class warfare within Michigan just like there is class warfare everywhere else.
They won the majority of the vote so the gerrymandering excuse does not work.
And as Jordan reported, Flint is not the only place in Michigan suffering from water pollution and indeed whites suffered even more since they remain the overwhelming majority of Genesee county residents (74%). That being said it did not stop them voting for republicans in even greater numbers than before.
Again, progressives think that conservatives look at the world through the prism of logic and facts, they have no idea. One of the best books on the mentality of conservatives is the one written by Arlie Hochschild and she spent 5 years in Louisiana studying those people.
> Again, progressives think that conservatives look at the world through the prism of logic and facts, they have no idea.
I am a progressive but I don’t think this at all (I think I may have ranted at length to you about this before ;) ). I think most people look at the world through the prism of narrative, framing, something to believe in , a great story, a myth, values, or even just feelings and emotions.
Meaning, if we want to convince them of 1) facts and figures, or 2) progressive ideology, or 3) both (ideally the last one), then we have to couch all this in the things that I just mentioned, and cast those things through those particular prisms. As opposed to merely throwing a fact at people and expecting them to instantly change their minds (out of all TYT hosts, John Iadarola is most guilty of this). That’s just elitism. And I may be an elitist in some ways, but I recognize all the ways in which it doesn’t work.
In this case, this means that the “fact” of conservative ideology having poisoned those people’s water, is not by itself sufficient to make people vote differently. I fully recognize this. The process of changing their minds is unfinished…for now.
Aggressive Progressives All Assembled! Give us some advance warning next time..can’t you shine a searchlight across the skies with Jimmy’s silhouette in it or something? :)
This is only relevant to a comment made at the end of the clip, so I wont go into all the deetz…
I never had any fondness for Rush, but now hearing his words on MJF I am having to fight myself from completely hating him. I don’t dig hate, as much as I dig violence, so when it comes to things like this is becomes quite the challenge to not wish an extremely slow and painful, gruellingly torturous death upon him! So to compromise, I just hope he loses his senses as he ages and, defiantly continuing his show, falls from grace in the eyes of his beloved audience.
1. James might need to put on some weight, we need him to be healthy.
2. Jordan Chariton is, as always, amazing.
3. no wonder that James and other progressives hate fake liberals more than Trump, who is overall honest in his policies, however bad they are.
4. TYT predictably did not report it, but Trump has said in his press conference that he is going to dismantle no-negotiation laws for drugs. Lets see if he will be able to follow the suit.
a. James shows a video about a more advanced anti-vehicle/cannon cluster bombs; regular ones are much simpler, cheaper and more common than that they are created to work against infantry.
b. Major countries (the USA, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Israel, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia) did not join the ban of use of cluster bombs since they are way more effective than regular ones; it is not possible to wage a significant war now without the use of cluster munitions.
c. Those who did sign the convention did it not because they benevolent (holier than thou human rights advocates like Sweden or just good countries like Spain love to sell arms to Wahhabi/Salafi heads-chopping monarchic tyrannies such the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for example), but because they mostly do not have such munitions in the first place.
d. cluster bombs are used against open field targets (lethal area can reach 5000 square meters and more), not in the cities (where they are dramatically less effective as buildings are too strong for the bomblets that cluster bombs consist of). So when you hear claims about the use of those types of bombs you have to bear in mind where the supposed target was situated.
e. cluster bombs are not banned universally, they are not illegal (about half of the countries have signed the convention, it is optional and voluntary), however, they are subject of actual international law that prohibits the use of area-targeted munitions (of any kind) in close proximity with densely populated areas. Not following this law would constitute a war crime within an international law.
d. the law against of use of cluster bombs is not effective, considering the point “d” and “e”: those munitions are not really used on densely populated areas due to the low effectiveness, so the chances to prosecute the use of cluster bombs as a war crime are in general very law (let alone politics that guarantees that neither the USA, nor Israel will be ever under international tribunal even if such cases would be proven).
e. cluster bombs’ main danger is that the bomblets are small enough for people and cars go step on/roll over them, that might cause detonation. This aspect is not covered in international law at all, the convention is not law, it does not make anything illegal, and entities like the UN will never make cluster bombs illegal as all key players are against it.
f. the only thing that countries like the USA and Russia promised and are trying to implement is to increase detonation rates of the droplets. Theoretically, if they could achieve 100% detonation rate, the specific to cluster bombs issue would go away, however, for now it is not possible. Both normal full sized single explosion bombs and cluster bombs never guarantee detonation and always regularly fail, no matter how simple or, on the contrary, advanced they are. But it is possible to improve the detonation rate. This is the best case scenario that humanists can hope for.
g. countries like the USA, Russia are both selling cluster bombs and use them themselves. Public opinion makes them reluctant to admit that they are using those munitions directly, but there are claims that they do use them. Russia is using a typical trick: it sells cluster bombs to Syria, which uses it in their bombings, while Russia itself uses “good” (which really are not) classical single-explosion bombs and guided munitions. So in effect even the public opinion does not really help the situation anyway.
6. The difference between Syria and Yemen, however, is that half of Syria has fled: mostly to the government territory or abroad, what helps to save lives immensely as the fighting scenes have mostly long become depopulated, and Yemenis can not go abroad in masses: if you will look at the map, to the north is the kingdom of Saudi Arabia that does not favour taking care of refugees in principle, and to the West is Oman, but territories that are close to it are either controlled by the pro-Saudi government or directly by Al-Qaeda.
7. Good to see Maclom has getting aggressive (versus him being a master of calm ironic remarks usually). Though towards the end I was worried for him as the show went well beyond its time limited and I was afraid his research on Limbough will not get the airtime it, thankfully, received.
8. This is the best TYT show. Good to see Steven Oh also; you could totally see why he was a lawyer/prosecutor as he is able to formulate his points in a very clear way. He is the only hope for TYT in a long run to, in a few years, brink Cenk out of establishment bubble that makes his coverage on some major issues very pro-establishment. For example, even though Cenk admits that he was wrong on Libya, he did not really learn his lesson, he still uncritically pushes StateDep narrative on Syria, literally quotes StateDep, which is a job of stenographer, nor of a journalist.
Another example of Cenk being in the establishment bubble on major issues is whole Russia hysteria.
TYT’s main show has never covered any critical analysis of the claims (and will not cover, of course, the latest Michael Taibbi’s piece: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/features/the-russia-story-reaches-a-crisis-point-w460806 “The Russia Story Reaches a Crisis Point”), and what even worse, Cenk went into loony Alex Jones territory by claiming that whether the actual vote was hacked is the main question of the election, even though no one really claimed that the vote was hacked, there was nothing ever to it to begin with. Cenk casually admitted that there is no evidence for this notion, but did not release any bombastic rebuttal videos like he did while he was pushing this in the beginning.
hose initial videos got big number of views: the seeds of the conspiracy theory/fake news were spread wide. No wonder 53% of Democracts believe in this insanity by now — the fact that, of course, also never warranted a story in TYT’s main show as any information that would contradict to the fear mongering, xenophobic red baiting/neo MacCarthyite narrative that, sadly, included the use of Orwellian framing such as calling revelations that the DNC has undermined the democratic institutions “interference” and “propaganda”. (Cenk disagrees that his coverage is MacCarthyite, but in effect it is: what other effect it can have if it is completely devoid of any scepticism, making people believing that Putin has installed Trump as his puppet.)
It may take Cenk many years to get out of his establishment bubble on this and other issues, but I have hopes that he eventually will as he did show that he is capable of doing that. The unfortunate part is that Cenk can not reform the way he thinks and consumes information. The lack of consistency in his ability to think critically fails him again and again since he forms his preconceived notions on any subject without them attached to facts. And further Cenk goes confirmation bias route.
This is how Cenk has supported blatantly disastrous destruction of Libya, what now he regrets, AGAIN based on false pretences (Obama/Clinton/”intelligence community” lied that Qaddafi was about to commit massacres; the lie was exposed this September of UK parliament’s investigation). Cenk completely bungled the coverage of the USA-backed coup in Ukraine and of consequent retaliatory action by Russia such as reuniting with Crimea with the goal to make further expansion of NATO impossible (the territorial integrity issues guarantee that). The coverage of Syria is also a complete disaster.
I agree with you on Cenk and his occasional bouts with confirmation bias and disregard for real questions about evidence on Russian hacking. But I’d like to make two points.
1. I never got the sense that Cenk ever pushed the idea that Russians hacked actual voting machines. I think he raised that question to illustrate that he thought the hack of the DNC and Podesta (even if perpetrated by the Russians) was not particularly significant in determining the outcome of the election, but if they had hacked voting machines that would be more important to determine. I don’t ever recall him asserting that this actually happened, only that he wanted to make sure the vote was verified. And he reported intelligence sources’ findings that the voting machines had not been hacked.
2. Even the ideologically pure fall into this trap. In Jordan’s reporting (and as shown in this episode) he interviewed a lady who read off a long list of ailments she has suffered. It is implied that these came about due to lifelong exposure to contamination, yet no evidence is presented demonstrating a causal link. It’s very concerning and worth exploring, but not definitive.
1. My whole point is that no one really besides Cenk has pushed the question about the hacking of the vote, there was nothing to it. “Did the Russians Hack Voting Booths?” and “Did Russia Steal Election For Trump?” videos are examples of that. Cenk has even installed a petition on this very site for an investigation of the vote. I did not write that Cenk has made any asserts on that, I was writing about the narrative. And I did mention that Cenk has admitted that there is no evidence to the idea, though he never did a rebuttal video on this versus the bombastic videos that pushed the narrative in the first place. This is how Cenk has contributed to the unfortunate number of 53% of Democrats believing in the nonsense. Glenn Greenwald wrote a good article on the issue, though on the example of different cases : https://theintercept.com/2017/01/04/washpost-is-richly-rewarded-for-false-news-about-russia-threat-while-public-is-deceived/
2. The water in lady’s house is contaminated with a number of poisonous substances. Yes, it is impossible to scientifically establish which chemicals might have facilitated or caused certain illnesses that the lady suffers from, the more so with them acting in a combination. The lady also does not have an exact twin sister that would live in a clean area would have otherwise similar conditions, including the type of job. Fully scientistic level of proof in such cases is literally impossible. However, the sheer number of illnesses, especially considering lady’s age, and proven presence of poisons in the water allows to make applicable conclusion that at least some of the illnesses are related to the poisoning. Three chemicals that Jordan has named are documented to facilitate/cause some of the illnesses in the list the lady has.
The implication that all of the lady’s illnesses come from the poison is certainly possible to perceive from Jordan’s interview, considering the fact he did not detail all those “sciency” disclaimers and caveats I listed (and my list is not even complete), but even with this it does not change overall veracity of the report, unlike speculations on the voting machines hacks, which go way beyond the scope of core news. If we would compare it to Jordan’s report, it would be as if Jordan would start speculating on something completely detached from reality and facts of the case, for example, whether the lady was also abducted by aliens that might have been additionally poisoning her, even though the was nothing to it whatsoever.
I believe we have exchanged comments before specifically about Russia and Syria (if this wasn’t you I apologize), but I find your estimation of Putin to be naive. I normally agree with Glenn Greenwald, on many issues, and I saw his interview on Fox News where he says to distrust the CIA. And normally, I would. But I believe every case has to be thought of individually, regardless of the misinformation about WMD’s (which was perpetrated mostly by Cheney and the Bush administration directly, not the CIA, which was fed false intelligence). If you are trying to make claims about the Russia hacking scandal, specifically running with the whole “new McCarthyism” narrative, as Greenwald seems to be doing because he was called “an agent of the Kremlin”, then I would just make these comments:
1) If Putin did interfere through hacking the DNC, which I believe he did, based on the evidence that I have seen and the general consensus, that does not mean we shouldn’t see more evidence and treat things with skepticism. But to almost IMMEDIATELY run with the “new McCarthyism” narrative, as some did, makes it seem as if Putin is a blameless actor in the realm of foreign policy. He is a dangerous human rights violator who imprisons journalists and is openly hostile to the West. I agree with Obama’s new sanctions on him
2) Do I believe that the elites, to bolster their own standing, have used Russia as kind of a foil? Yes, and if you listen to Lindsey Graham and other neocons would do about Putin, yes it makes sense that they would run with this new evidence of Russia hacking and seek to unnecessarily increase tensions with Russia. I’m open to new evidence, but unless there is some conspiracy that I don’t know about, I believe,
-Wikileaks didn’t know the source of their leaks, and it was ultimately engineered by Russia, or they played into Putin’s hand
-Putin wanted Trump elected, and got what he wanted
-Russia definitely hacked the DNC
The Young Turks also covered the Podesta emails from Wikileaks. So why are they so far off the mark in your estimation? I get the feeling you are one of those who think Jimmy and Jordan are the “pure progressives” and Cenk and Ana are not. Why?
1. To be correct, neither Greenwald, nor myself are denying that Russia as government could have ordered the hacks, so we are not naive about that at all. The point is, however, that so far not only there is not evidence on that, what we have for “evidence” contradicts to the notion, rather supports is. And we have the fact that Obama belongs to a competing camp that has lost and obviously have motive to attack his adversaries and delegitimatize them.
2. The CIA was in full force supporting in “high confidence” intelligence fraud about Iran. Not only they signed united intelligence report, they had their high profile serial perjurer James Clapper at the time lie about this the media personally. So while some within the CIA did not support the “findings”, the organizations itself was used as a political tool. In lesser degree it has happened when the CIA has been claiming that Qaddafi was about to commit massacres in 2011 (exposed lie) and that Assad has gases his people in 2013 (exposed lie). So they do it consistently under any and all adminstrations.
3. As I mentioned before, “general consensus” on the role of the Russian government in the hacks only exists under Obama’s command (zero credibility and motive to smear opponents) and government/DNC-hired “pay to attribute” contractors with connections to globalist neolib pro-Cold War think tanks, which are the same thing.
4. neo-MacCarthyism, alas, is the only explanation. Considering points #1-3, it is a political motivated witchhunt with zero evidence presented and a strong motive to pretend it exists.
5. What journalists Putin imprisons? Zero whistle-blowers/journalists were prosecuted by Russia, unlike Obama, who has prosecuted at least eight. Also, if you ever cared to look at what Putin says and does, it is not “hostile” to West at all. He either helps West (as in the fight against Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, providing military bases in Russia for transit, TWICE warning about Boston bombers, so on), or acts in retaliation to destructive moves by the USA (Georgia, Ukraine, Syria).
6. Wikileaks says it is not a state party, and former UK Ambassador says he has got the data from the whistle-blower within the DNC, he personally flew to Washingon to meet with the person and get the archive. As he himself admits, this does not mean that the hacking attempt did not happen, but whether they were actually successful is a totally different things considering the fact that the DNC did not allow investigators to check the evidence that “pay to attribute” contractor claims it gathered; there is no way to confirm how much authentic it is.
7. I did not write that TYT did not cover Podesta’s mails. So I am not sure what is your point on this.
8. Jordan has critical thinking on, professional scepticism towards the claims of the government that is documenter liar for political purpose. This is a professional quality of true journalist. Notice that neither Glenn Greenwald, not Michael Taibbi, nor David Sirota, nor any serious intellectually honest journalists is running with the “Russia hacked elections” nonsense. They just can not detach themselves from fact-based journalism principles. (James Dore is not a journalist, so sometimes, unintentionally, he makes small mistakes here and there, but he also does trust in the claims of the government without evidence, unlike Cenk and others).
There is zero evidence on how Putin “”disappears” and murders” journalists, and there is no even a motive. Unless you also think that Obama has killed Michael Hastings, organized “natural death” of Anthonine Scalia, “robbery” of Seth Riggs, and many more critics.
I take it you are not Ukrainian and are not payroll by the NSA/neolib/neocon think tank task forces, are you?
Thank you for (among many other points) mentioning Matt Taibbi’s article! I keep waiting for the Main Show to do ANY sort of critical unpacking of this propaganda debacle. In the meantime, I adore Dore and Oh and Jordan.
dDErss, thanks — your comments are always well considered and well presented. And, truthfully, one of three reasons I am sticking with TYT. Another reason is the Aggressive Progressive show. And, of course, a third reason is Jordan Chariton.
Reading in response something other than MacCarthiate accusations that I am a Putin’s agent (in lieu of any arguments on the substance) is almost shocking, I am almost at disbelief.
I would not discard Cenk and Ana from the reasons, though. While I often have to correct them they mean well and in the majority stories do good coverage. Too bad they miss so badly on some of important stories.
Wouldn’t that just be giving extra food to the tapeworm? I’m only joking. Still, gotta lay off the salmon sushi/sashimi for a while, Jimmy.
My personal favorite is MACKEREL sushi or sashimi. But mackerel is always cured and then liberally vinegared for an extensive period prior to being eaten raw like this, which reduces the chances of parasites surviving, I think.
James fears about tapeworms are overblown as the overwhelming majority of fish is now grown in artificial pools, full of its feces and antibiotics. This fish is safe from tapeworms, but might be harmful anyway.
Ironically, there are dramatically higher chances to get a tapeworm in pricey sushi restaurants that purchase “natural” fish.
Love this show, this show is the reason why I became a tyt member. My only concern is that why it takes so long to upload the episodes. I know airs on a Thursday then why can we not watch it the next day
How can they sign trade agreements that tell corporations go buy cheap steel from China if you want to, go buy cheap labor in Mexico or Taiwan? If you’re a corporation you can indiscriminately shop for cheapest price on laborand materials all over the world. But if you’re a citizen you can’t even go to Canada or Mexico for a break on prescription drugs.
That jackass Jon Tester – MT was joking and yukking it up with Ben Carson in the hearing today too. How do rep’s from WA, MT, and ND get away with opposing buying cheaper drugs from Canada when they have constituents that could literally drive a few miles and save money ? If the bill passed prices in US would fall quickly anyway. Cut healthcare costs by a few points over night. But who cares about cutting healthcare costs ?
Happy shitty birthday to you, happy shitty birthday to you, Happy shitty birthday dear asshole, happy shitty birthday to you! And many more…
Since when are the Aggressives worried about political correctness? Of course you can speak ill of the dead. But wishing them a shitty birthday before they die is undoubtedly a lot more fun and satisfying!
I need every dollar to help my mom..But if it wasn’t for THAT AP, I’d have cancelled my membership..For necessity. Awesome Show!!
Jimmy “MotherFucking” Dore, Steve “OMG Jim” Oh, and Malcolm “Fleshlite” Fleschner shines a light on topics that are ignored by our corporate media. I fucking love you guys, good chemistry on the panel, kinda like a well balanced delicious dish being prepared by Gordan Ramsey….
Dear Jimmy and Steve,
You guys are the prime cause among many reasons that I became a TYT member!
You always speak truth to power and call hogwash when you see it — regardless of the political affiliation of the one spewing the hogwash.
I rejoice whenever you “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”
Keep up the good work!
Fantastic video, so glad I joined the membership. AP has got to be one of my favorite shows to watch online now..
So much for the whole – Republicans would never work or agree with Bernie on anything… Right, Thanks Democrats. 12 Republicans just showed for bought you are.
Jesus! How is that lady alive?? Damn….
We see you , you piece of shit, Cory…. we fucking see you. \,,/, 0.o ,\,,/ stay strong Jimmy.
Great job this week, guys! Keep up the good work. I started calling those Democrats who fucked us on the pharma import bill. I’m going to go ahead and text this out to my people and start direct action on the phones. Keep us informed about how to do this stuff. 18 months to take back the Congress isn’t a long time. Hopefully, we can ride this out. I gotta say that TYT and in particular, Progressive Aggressives (sic) keeps me informed and sane. I look forward to the next show. BTW…you should go ahead and make it two hours once a week. You know, you’re going to end up there. Last thing: I live in NorCal and yeah…Kamala fucked us on the Schneiderman inquiries. Keep us up to date on what she’s doing. Seems to me that she could be a valuable asset for the Dems. But what kind of a Dem will she be? Will she be a Cory Booker or an Elizabeth Warren?
I wonder who the clown is who selects the background music for those bomblet ads. How callous do you have to be to work on these ads, let alone the actual weapons?
hey jimmy, K is silent if you really want to pronounce your commie’s name properly.
MOVIE LENGTH! I like it.
Good to see you back, Jimmy, and in good health (even though you might be faking it).
Roger on Chariton deserving a vacation. He made history on a daily basis, and badly needs the time off.
It’s great that Jordan is looking deeper than Flint’s lead problem, and discovering the different ways they can hide it
“Bernie can’t be bought.” I agree, but he can be threatened, and was.
“Pre-selected for sucking.”
Painful to watch, those ‘cluster bombs bursting in air.” Land of the Free, Home of the Craven Politicians.
“These are dropping on women, children, and the elderly.” And on adult males, too. Just sayin.
“We don’t kill people, for religious reasons, (true enough). No. We just kill people for money.” Perhaps we should remind Bill Maher and Sam Harris, of this.
“There’s gonna be a revolution in America, one way or another.”
Not just America.
The sad thing is, it could be avoided. There are other ways for corporate interests to profit, without killing people. The surveillance state could make a case for their data collection needs, without putting us at odds.
“Awwww, he’s cryyying. What are ya crying for, ya ….?”
“Worked to close Gitmo.” Oh, he ‘worked’ to get something done, and actually had a window to accomplish it, but didn’t push hard enough. But he ‘worked’, so he’s entitled to a nobel peace prize.
“It’s one big club.” If we could keep only that in mind, then we could stop fighting each other.
“If you have to depend on the better angels of our nature, to run the system, then it’s gonna fail.”
Yes. But if you create a system that makes it impossible for any angels or demons to break things severely, then you can afford to hire the wrong leader, from time to time. Unfortunately, as long as our existence depends on the exchange and acquisition of money, there are no patches or laws that will protect the system.
Thank you all so much for this show! What a treat! I just wanted to say this past year with the terrible media representation and lack of investigative journalism is what led me to tyt and shows like yours to get news that is real, truthful and important. I have been so inspired by the work done that I started my own local and state news show at my community radio station to keep spreading these ideas and challenging the preconceived ideas surrounding who makes up the “Democrat” and “Republican” parties. It is, now more than ever, just rich versus poor, and thankfully whenever I watch your show I am reminded of that and encouraged to continuing spreading the message on the east coast!
Malcolm’s cabal rant and Jimmy’s Cory Booker rant — both were epic and great.
Aggressive Progressives all by itself is worth the price of membership — if it were the only show on TYT, it would be worth joining just to watch AP. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I count on this show not only to educate myself, but for the inspiration to continue the fight.
I’m afraid I must echo the sentiment others have said here — I wish this show were public, so I could send links to friends. This is the most important content on TYT right now. It needs to be more easily and widely share-able with non-members.
Jimmy, I hope your health is okay. Hang in there mate.
Easily the best show!! Great job guys.
Agreed! The reason why I subscribed! I would love to see a couple of these shows each week :)
In the words of Ed Sullivan, that was a ‘really big shewww’ you guys did here! Thank you Jimmy, we all need to take the cover off scum like Booker. Thanks Malcolm for pointing out who the real cabal is. Thank you Steve for bringing it home on those bombs in Yemen and that water in Chicago.
Jordan, is there any research we can do on the history of business leaders and city / state government officials deliberately building housing in poisonous areas and directing it to middle class – poor people with whitewashed or outright false safety standard documentation? Like the history of the housing and the pipes built in east and north Chicago, who it was designed for initially and what was known about lead and bacteria at the time? Then what successive governments knew about the toxins and when they knew it?
Of course one of the first poster cases in the nation for deliberate placement of poor people into toxic, crummy housing was the Collect Pond area of Manhattan in NYC after the great Erie Canal was completed in 1825. Officials had originally planned a upper-class district for the moderately wealthy, bragging that they’d conquered how to cover the pond, but soon after they got residents the whole thing started to sink. Then they built the infamous tenements and streets over that mess and we all know what happened next.
My point here is that authorities KNEW how dangerous that was, especially considering the Collect Pond, East and Hudson Rivers were brimming with toxic rich garbage from tanneries and slaughterhouses as well as human / animal waste and dead bodies. They may not have known about cholera but they did know THEY didn’t intend to live on that shit or depend on it. People have blamed Irish, Italian immigrants and South fleeing black people of being inherently violent for going on two centuries since that canal without much research into the effects of all those toxins in the drinking and bathing water. Reminder: baths for Five Points residents (the area over and around Collect Pond) were often huge public pools of that same water for five cents a dip.
Here in Tokyo we open the year with more discussion of the famous old Tsukiji Fish Market and when to relocate it. The new location has a floor filled with toxic water containing all sorts of grossness which previous mayors have known about but kept under their hats. The thing that grosses me out though is the original location, built on some landfill just after WW2 that was never been built to last. I’m thinking low information has been the only reason for its long popularity with tourists because the whole place STINKS and is constantly falling apart. Japanese tapeworm’s got to be the least of their issues with fish coming through there. This is the land of sushi and one of the most important markets looks like a pigsty, so in my 30+ years here I rarely eat sushi (though I love it). Can’t imagine the water situation there, I’m sure authorities have kept that under their hats too but at LEAST they know it’s past time to move that market to a safe location with clean, modern facilities.
Japanese people also don’t know much about lead, bacteria and other toxins coming through water via old pipes but most seem to realize the necessity of drinking filtered or bottled water. Poor people here suffer similar illnesses to people in Flint and Chicago due to being able to afford shoddy housing only in areas with low or subsidized rents which have these issues, but from what I can see far fewer illnesses than I’m seeing in your reports, Jordan. I need to find out why this is.
When that big quake / tsunami happened going on six years ago, one area near Tokyo Disneyland got hit bad with liquefaction and sinking, broken up homes just as if it were built over Collect Pond. Developers pushed that area, Urayasu, as a perfect place for yuppies and the up and coming middle class, right next to Disneyland so safe and secure. Wrong. Everybody over there got duped into paying way more than they were told it was worth because it was built on a cheaply done landfill. So in this case people who were not poor and who should’ve been better informed got conned.
Thank you for the reminder about Five Points. Fascinating to consider relationship between environmental pollution, violence, and “the gangs of New York” (which btw is one of the greatest films ever made about US politics).
Please put up Jimmy’s rant about Cory Booker being the problem in relation to Goldman on YouTube. I want to link that out far and wide.
Nice job guys. I am ashamed to say that just a few days ago I was singing Cory Booker’s praises. I feel betrayed, ashamed and foolish now. Cory HOOKER is my new name for him. Because he is a BITCH for corporate money & Wall Street money and he sold out his constituents.
Jimmy I love your rant about Cory Booker and big pharma. I wish that TYT would post snippets like this on their YouTube channel, not just the first 15min as a tease. If people were given a snippet of a topic or a rant, they would be much more motivated to join TYT.
Isn’t this already the basic modus operandi, though? Anything that gets posted to Youtube is a snippet of a long show, and if that snippet has Jimmy in it, then that snippet is usually a concentrated rant, or a rant about one single subject or public figure.
More than any other, the channel of the Jimmy Dore Show operates on that principle. That channel has tripled its subscriber base in one year, so it seems to be working.
Forgot to add: the snippets of Aggressive Progressives always get posted (eventually) to this constantly updated playlist right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTpcK80irdQiHKPVLeGXbgo4Eizd-3Qyt
As a control, TYT should also sample the water from the bottom of the hot water heater in their studio. They will find that they have off-the-charts contaminates there too because again its the worse place to actually take a sample.
Worst place to take a sample for whom?
For the residents who have to actually use the water, or for government officials who want this to go away?
For anyone who understands just a little bit of how a hot water heater works.
“Questionable testing” indeed you took the sample from the sludge purge valve at the that bottom the water heater. I am sure there ARE water problems but you taking samples from a device that boils the water 24-7 (for how many years in this woman house) and as a result concentrates minerals (lead salts etc) and then you passing it off as some exclusive you do a great disservice to TYT’s credibility. Stop pushing this sample you took, its terrible science. BUT the blood tests are very scientific, thank you.
So your saying the testing is wrong and her water is safe to bathe in?
You are saying that concentrated lead levels are bad, but that low levels are safe?
No, he’s saying that TYT is promoting an unscientific way of testing the water. Cold water is the proper test. Because Jordan is promoting this unscientific method, it makes TYT look less credible, ironic for people who promote science over religion. Testing the sludge from a water heater is an unscientific test and produces unreliable and inflated results. A progressive like Cara Santa Maria would be able to explain.
This says nothing about whether the water is safe or not; that’s a straw man.
Exactly. Thank you for clarify my point. Much appreciated.
Yes, I’m saying that if the levels that are registered at the facet are within federal guidelines as being safe then its a good chance its fine to shower in the water. These guidelines are set by doctors and I am not one so I will differ to those who actually know more about these things than I.
But Jimmy, Wolf Blitzer says that if we stop selling bombs to the Saudis, it might cost jobs.
AGREED! Done with Obama and Mr. Obama lite — Cory Booker. Never ever will i support another corporate Democrap.
Aggressive progressives needs to be a main show everyday. I never miss a show because it fuels my rebel ego. I’m proud to be a TYT member because of people like stevo and jimmy, so fuck the corporate dems and republicans; we need a new path forward!
Haven’t even watched the show, and you got me with “Cory Booker and the garbage person that he is”. You rock Jimmy
Jordan needs to go out and expose exactly where these drugs are made. Most of these “safe FDA approved drugs” aren’t even manufactured in the USA, they’re manufactured in places like Ireland and Germany and then imported here from overseas warehouses….who also ship these exact drugs, from the same lots, to other countries. Meds from Canada are literally the same exact ones we take here and a fraction of the price…because the Canadian health program is allowed to bargain with manufacturers on the prices drug companies can charge consumers. We have no protections like that in America.
TYT should join with Michael Moore to do a documentary on this :) Once you see how Michael is able to make these type of documentaries so successful you can do them on your own in the future. (Others like Josh fox could be another option)
The lead in the water sorry got to eager to share my idea.
GREAT SHOW as usual…… Not to early to start reporting on who will primary BOOGER………oops BOOKER, to kick that corporate ass clown out so he can begin a job as a drug tester for the Pharma companies…
Best show ever!
You guys were great and the extended format allowed you all to pace your delivery and not be rushed (like last year’s shows).
Me likee and…..FUCK YOU Corey Booker…FUUUUUUCK YOU!
Love your work JD & Co.
Hey everyone, I figured out how to make this show work. Just download the low res video and then you can fast forward through Steve-Oh-Shit-I-Have-No-Business-Being-On-This-Show’s parts and get right to Jimmy. Works great!
Steve Oh is a fully competent speaker and host of the show. I’m perfectly happy having him here. Most people are.
Steve Oh speaks with intelligence, compassion and integrity. His thoughtful commentary provides the perfect balance to Jimmy’s emotion. The show would not be anywhere near as good if either one were missing from it.
Inspired take down of Booker – thanks for the passion Jimmy.
Thanks God you guys are back…
LOVE this show, LOVE this show, def wish you were on WAY more often.
sorry Malcolm, but you are utterly incorrect in regards to the “innocence” of military contractor workers just making a livng. I live in Raytheon territory and have had many of their employees as clients. Trust me, they know exactly what they are working on and they are absolute believers in the MIC and the American Military Way, that is why they work for such companies… and I might add my observation of the supposed christian theme amongst these peeps… wonder how common that might be????. Everybody goes through various levels of security clearance, but make no mistake, they know what they are working on and do it by choice.
Yes, people get to choose their work, their values including shirking personal responsibility in choosing such employment. I’ve managed to avoid working for the MIC throughout my 62 years, not that they would have me LOL!, and I dare say every one of those employees have always had the opportunity to make, and have made their choice in this regard, as have I. Let’s remember, we are talking about highly educated people making a shit ton of money….who can move into many life supporting innovative fields if they so desired… yeah, they seem real ‘nice’ to me as well, except they are completely in sync with this militarism/corporatism massacre empire shit… we are not talking about some struggling lower class worker here who is just trying to pay the rent.
Thank you for your comment^^
Yeah, you’re right I’m sure. I really just want to emphasize how we’re all complicit in the culture of death Jimmy describes, but we’re fed the bullshit that our bombs are only killing for freedom and you have to swallow it whole with no drink to wash it down to work in a place like that. Whereas the rest of us have to swallow the same kind of bullshit to believe that Obama is a peace-loving humanitarian and not a war criminal but we get to wash it down with his soothing, intoxicating rhetoric.
Hey Malcolm… wow, somebody who “answers their own phone”… very impressive, thanks for all the replies you are posting!
I think what you mention–our common complicity as americans, as humans–would be a fantastic discussion to be had…. over and over! You hit it with the commonly held assumption that “we HAVE TO swallow the bullshit”…. and this is where I get really curious as to how humans organize ourselves and what we believe about that, and how do we challenge our closely held habits and beliefs? It’s just too easy to keep projecting ALL the blame onto people who have attained wealth and power, when so many defer personal responsibility and idolize those very same people, or at least the system that allowed such concentration of wealth/fame, the paradigm where a few rule the masses.
In many ways, if we want to continue living in the world, we “have to” participate in a lot of disgraceful bullshit, like running gas in a car because it’s the only way to get around still, in way too many cases having to take a job that sucks, cell phones and computer conflict minerals, paying taxes for the MIC, on and on. But we also have daily choices of voting with our dollars that can be made, but many never give that a thought… might be inconvenient, or more costly, or require investigation and learning, or involvement in the community…..who knows why peeps mostly just go along?
It would be great to have a long discussion about how we got here from the perspective of the population & culture, what everyday peeps are about and up to, as opposed to the regular drumbeat of projecting all the blame onto world “leaders”. ….. let’s discuss the sheeple mentality, tribalism, consumerism, giving away personal power to others, etc and try to understand ourselves a bit more, and hopefully shed some light on how we can unwind our own complicity in the old paradigm while supporting the creation of something different?
Oxfam just released report that only 8 corporate men, 6 are white american males, own more wealth than 50% of the world’s population and will again meet at their fancy retreat, Davos, to mentally masturbate on how to lead the world given the wave of populism… WTF? When do we stop star-fucking the rich/famous and see them for the elitist, deluded with power self-important humans that they become, who have no more right or reason than you or I to rule the planet? How do all we humans grow up a bit and be more responsible?
Again, thanks for this fantastic show, hope it becomes more frequent… and I sure hope one of the new reporting teams is dedicated to unveiling the MIC!
As soon as the show gets extended to six hours we can begin to tackle the topics you bring up.
I also know people who are deeply entrenched in the MIC, living in the greater Washington DC-Delaware-Maryland area, with multiple generations in the same family taking jobs in that industry.
Here’s the scariest thing about it, to me — the people I know working in the MIC are extreme fundamentalist Christians. They are part of a large community of hard-right fundamentalist Christians who work and live in that area. It’s a thing. Not only is it a thing, but it is a very DELIBERATE thing. They seek to infiltrate and influence the government at every level. Just like Republicans have successfully taken over most state governments, fundamentalist Christians have successfully taken a significant percentage of jobs in Washington DC and associated industries. (Remember the clerk on the floor in Congress who pitched a fit a few years back, and had to be taken out by security? Fundamentalist Christian, who was morally opposed to whatever bill had just been passed. Louis Gohmert praised her for her outburst, as I recall.)
My observation is informal and unscientific, purely anecdotal. I simply know people who work in the MIC who are fundamentalist Christians, and through them I know that many of their fellow church-goers also work in the MIC. They believe that Jesus is The Only Way, that everyone who is not a true Christian is damned to hell, and they look forward to The End of Days and the Rapture. And, they make their livings producing engines and tools of death, misery and mayhem.
Dear dDErss,
Although you have been extremely prolific in your comments about this episode, I am forced to remind you that the requirement was Fifty pages!
Back to work!
THANK YOU again, Aggressive Progressives! One comment on the MANY topics you covered, exposed today: the cluster bomb b.s. What a sad pathetic use of technology, of human capabilities to invent that COULD be applied to providing amazing technology that could save our air, our land, our water, our humans, our animals but instead is used to produce generations-long maiming, killing devices. Who wonders ‘why they hate us?’
Jimmy tell us what you really think about Cory Booker
PS: To the dreamy Jimmy Dore: Please come do a comedy show in New Jersey!!!
Excellent episode as always. I was dreading the THIRTEEN shirts I had to iron, and watching AP completely took my mind off this mind-numbing chore. Plus, I just returned from a vacation in Ireland and feel completely alone/frustrated with the state of this country, but as it always does, AP made me feel better and more connected. Thank you for producing this show as it adds so much to my quality of life here in the US. (BTW the great majority of Irish people we talked with are of course appalled by Trump.)
I so wish AP were a daily segment to replace Hour Two. I turned off Hour Two last night because it became utterly insipid/annoying as it so often does. PLEASE make “Aggressive Progressives” a daily, hour-long show, preferably taking the place of Hour Two.
I say make it hour one and have what is now hour one as hour two.
I wrote to my senators Murray and Cantwell yesterday and called the two of them and Cory Booker just now to register my disgust at their corrupt votes. I am sickened.
Also just emailed both senators and will follow up with phone calls. We are one of the most progressive states in the country but you would not know it from our elected officials. Time to primary both of these “liberal” senators.
I’m so glad I made my New Years resolution to become a member of the TYT family – to support a REAL media outlet, and so we can watch brilliant programs like this. Thanks guys – keep up the great work… I used to feel like my mom and I were the only sane people in a world of chaotic madness, but not anymore ~~~ and Jordan deserves a Pulitzer Prize for the work he’s done in 2016. He’s become a hero of ours.
I think I am losing my mind and then I watch you guys and I am motivated to continue the fight. First a shout out to dDRsss since you gave a very detailed description about cluster bombs with information about why we still have them. I just wanted to refer to our good friends at PNAC who put in place a plan to destabiize the entire Middle East. Remember their words: First Afghanistan, then Iraq. But they didn’t want the war to go well, it’s purpose was only to spread the war into either Syria or Iran. Then the plan is to get Israel involved. Only then would they leave the fighting between the Israelis and the Arab and Persian countries, and then they would go attack “Europe*, which is clear that means Russia. I just saw in the last couple days that the US Mahan has fired warning shots at boats a kilometer away, and Israel has fired missiles near Damascus. I think it would be safe to quit calling the Military-Indurstrial Complex a shadow government. It is the government, it is who we are. Saying that bad things were done by the CIA as an excuse should be punishable by a stern talking to by HRC. Bad things were done by the USA. They are war crimes, they are not even bought to trial which is in itself a war crime if you are in a position to do anything about it.
Living in Europe, I am amazed at the propaganda that the Sheeple are fed by their government corporate media. I was surprised that Malcolm mentioned the Trilateral Commision since I think they took over the elections in America long ago. Remember, Les Moonves was speaking at a conference sponsored by UBS. The Swiss president thinks that the situation in Syria has nothing to do with geopolitics, it is only a humanitarian problem. He urged all of the good Swiss Sheeple to give money to the Red Cross, and mentioned that the next crisis point is in Eastern Ukraine. We have the Green Light from the Red Cross to fight Russia.
You guys are right that climate change is our biggest problem facing our survival on this planet. I looked on Polar Portal (.dk) and did you know that the Arctic ice cap has been thinning since November? I fear that we will have a Blue Ocean event in 2017 already. 83 fucking years in advance of when they predicted it. Elon Musk is working his ass off since he has the right idea with his Gigafactory, and if we only had another 99 in the world we could change our energy and transportation system for the whole world. Could we stop making cluster bombs and Apache helicoptors and go to solar PV, wind turbines, batteries and EV? Please?
Pretty Please?
Man,how i wish Aggressive Progressives was on more frequently.You guys kicked complete ass!
Great show, can you guys please do a review of “The Donald’s” AKA “Twitler” (As my wife refers to him) news conference. I would really like to understand how “he is the best’s jobs creator that God had made”. Also as I am up in the great white north how his job policy’ s will effect the Canadian Auto industry which has been completely destroyed under our Provincial gov lack of planning.
Such a GOOD show, thanks so much!
For those who want more fantastic Aggressive Progressive we need to have an AP party and show our friends, buy them a months membership. Once we expand the base they can do anything!
Will Obama selling cluster bombs to the saudis to destroy Yemen, be the repeat of henry kissinger bombing of Cambodia?
Loved the show as always. Glad you feel better Jimmy! Maybe next time maybe show the tweets you sent to the corporate whore Booker, or play the audio of the voicemail you left. :) Would have loved to hear it.
Also want to say that I REALLY like Malcolm on the show. Hope he comes on more. His humor and knowledge go together very well. Probably an Aries thing. Lol
Agree with the many others, would love to see AP with 2 shows a week. More than that though, I dream of a traveling show where you go across the country, do an AP show, then lead into a Jimmy stand up routine. Not just in Cali. In fact, as long as you came to Texas I wouldn’t give a shit if you didn’t go anywhere else. Hahahahaha I would def drive to Austin to see a live show. Hands down!
Great idea to do a traveling show across the country that features an AP show with a Jimmy stand-up following it!
The Aggressive Delusionals do it again. They have no idea how the world works yet it does not stop them from judging nor forces them to ask professionals for help.
But then again they live in an echo chamber where everyone agrees with them so they must be right. They do not report that the good people of Michigan returned the republicans to power with the largest majority since 1948 despite the fact that republican politicians ran on owning Flint and repeating it and did not flinch.
> But then again they live in an echo chamber where everyone agrees with them so they must be right.
They are all on Twitter, where they no doubt suffer a daily barrage of Alt-Right, Lol-bertarian and fascist attackers. Same goes for all the other social media platforms. What kind of echo chamber is constantly besieged by trolls?
I am also a regular on the TYT subreddit. The abuse is relentless. It doesn’t deter us in the slightest – we’re far too aggressive for that – but it does put paid to any notion of “echo chamber”.
> republican politicians ran on owning Flint and repeating it and did not flinch
Perhaps they got what they wanted from the richer parts of Michigan, the suburbs, the gerrymandered countryside, etc. There is class warfare within Michigan just like there is class warfare everywhere else.
They won the majority of the vote so the gerrymandering excuse does not work.
And as Jordan reported, Flint is not the only place in Michigan suffering from water pollution and indeed whites suffered even more since they remain the overwhelming majority of Genesee county residents (74%). That being said it did not stop them voting for republicans in even greater numbers than before.
Again, progressives think that conservatives look at the world through the prism of logic and facts, they have no idea. One of the best books on the mentality of conservatives is the one written by Arlie Hochschild and she spent 5 years in Louisiana studying those people.
> Again, progressives think that conservatives look at the world through the prism of logic and facts, they have no idea.
I am a progressive but I don’t think this at all (I think I may have ranted at length to you about this before ;) ). I think most people look at the world through the prism of narrative, framing, something to believe in , a great story, a myth, values, or even just feelings and emotions.
Meaning, if we want to convince them of 1) facts and figures, or 2) progressive ideology, or 3) both (ideally the last one), then we have to couch all this in the things that I just mentioned, and cast those things through those particular prisms. As opposed to merely throwing a fact at people and expecting them to instantly change their minds (out of all TYT hosts, John Iadarola is most guilty of this). That’s just elitism. And I may be an elitist in some ways, but I recognize all the ways in which it doesn’t work.
In this case, this means that the “fact” of conservative ideology having poisoned those people’s water, is not by itself sufficient to make people vote differently. I fully recognize this. The process of changing their minds is unfinished…for now.
You need a 2nd day guys. Tuesday + Thursday? Bring it on!
PLEASE MAKE Aggressive Progressives a LONGER show!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! How can we convince you!
Aggressive Progressives All Assembled! Give us some advance warning next time..can’t you shine a searchlight across the skies with Jimmy’s silhouette in it or something? :)
This is only relevant to a comment made at the end of the clip, so I wont go into all the deetz…
I never had any fondness for Rush, but now hearing his words on MJF I am having to fight myself from completely hating him. I don’t dig hate, as much as I dig violence, so when it comes to things like this is becomes quite the challenge to not wish an extremely slow and painful, gruellingly torturous death upon him! So to compromise, I just hope he loses his senses as he ages and, defiantly continuing his show, falls from grace in the eyes of his beloved audience.
Love you all, keep up the great work!
1. James might need to put on some weight, we need him to be healthy.
2. Jordan Chariton is, as always, amazing.
3. no wonder that James and other progressives hate fake liberals more than Trump, who is overall honest in his policies, however bad they are.
4. TYT predictably did not report it, but Trump has said in his press conference that he is going to dismantle no-negotiation laws for drugs. Lets see if he will be able to follow the suit.
a. James shows a video about a more advanced anti-vehicle/cannon cluster bombs; regular ones are much simpler, cheaper and more common than that they are created to work against infantry.
b. Major countries (the USA, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Israel, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia) did not join the ban of use of cluster bombs since they are way more effective than regular ones; it is not possible to wage a significant war now without the use of cluster munitions.
c. Those who did sign the convention did it not because they benevolent (holier than thou human rights advocates like Sweden or just good countries like Spain love to sell arms to Wahhabi/Salafi heads-chopping monarchic tyrannies such the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for example), but because they mostly do not have such munitions in the first place.
d. cluster bombs are used against open field targets (lethal area can reach 5000 square meters and more), not in the cities (where they are dramatically less effective as buildings are too strong for the bomblets that cluster bombs consist of). So when you hear claims about the use of those types of bombs you have to bear in mind where the supposed target was situated.
e. cluster bombs are not banned universally, they are not illegal (about half of the countries have signed the convention, it is optional and voluntary), however, they are subject of actual international law that prohibits the use of area-targeted munitions (of any kind) in close proximity with densely populated areas. Not following this law would constitute a war crime within an international law.
d. the law against of use of cluster bombs is not effective, considering the point “d” and “e”: those munitions are not really used on densely populated areas due to the low effectiveness, so the chances to prosecute the use of cluster bombs as a war crime are in general very law (let alone politics that guarantees that neither the USA, nor Israel will be ever under international tribunal even if such cases would be proven).
e. cluster bombs’ main danger is that the bomblets are small enough for people and cars go step on/roll over them, that might cause detonation. This aspect is not covered in international law at all, the convention is not law, it does not make anything illegal, and entities like the UN will never make cluster bombs illegal as all key players are against it.
f. the only thing that countries like the USA and Russia promised and are trying to implement is to increase detonation rates of the droplets. Theoretically, if they could achieve 100% detonation rate, the specific to cluster bombs issue would go away, however, for now it is not possible. Both normal full sized single explosion bombs and cluster bombs never guarantee detonation and always regularly fail, no matter how simple or, on the contrary, advanced they are. But it is possible to improve the detonation rate. This is the best case scenario that humanists can hope for.
g. countries like the USA, Russia are both selling cluster bombs and use them themselves. Public opinion makes them reluctant to admit that they are using those munitions directly, but there are claims that they do use them. Russia is using a typical trick: it sells cluster bombs to Syria, which uses it in their bombings, while Russia itself uses “good” (which really are not) classical single-explosion bombs and guided munitions. So in effect even the public opinion does not really help the situation anyway.
6. The difference between Syria and Yemen, however, is that half of Syria has fled: mostly to the government territory or abroad, what helps to save lives immensely as the fighting scenes have mostly long become depopulated, and Yemenis can not go abroad in masses: if you will look at the map, to the north is the kingdom of Saudi Arabia that does not favour taking care of refugees in principle, and to the West is Oman, but territories that are close to it are either controlled by the pro-Saudi government or directly by Al-Qaeda.
7. Good to see Maclom has getting aggressive (versus him being a master of calm ironic remarks usually). Though towards the end I was worried for him as the show went well beyond its time limited and I was afraid his research on Limbough will not get the airtime it, thankfully, received.
8. This is the best TYT show. Good to see Steven Oh also; you could totally see why he was a lawyer/prosecutor as he is able to formulate his points in a very clear way. He is the only hope for TYT in a long run to, in a few years, brink Cenk out of establishment bubble that makes his coverage on some major issues very pro-establishment. For example, even though Cenk admits that he was wrong on Libya, he did not really learn his lesson, he still uncritically pushes StateDep narrative on Syria, literally quotes StateDep, which is a job of stenographer, nor of a journalist.
Another example of Cenk being in the establishment bubble on major issues is whole Russia hysteria.
TYT’s main show has never covered any critical analysis of the claims (and will not cover, of course, the latest Michael Taibbi’s piece: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/features/the-russia-story-reaches-a-crisis-point-w460806 “The Russia Story Reaches a Crisis Point”), and what even worse, Cenk went into loony Alex Jones territory by claiming that whether the actual vote was hacked is the main question of the election, even though no one really claimed that the vote was hacked, there was nothing ever to it to begin with. Cenk casually admitted that there is no evidence for this notion, but did not release any bombastic rebuttal videos like he did while he was pushing this in the beginning.
hose initial videos got big number of views: the seeds of the conspiracy theory/fake news were spread wide. No wonder 53% of Democracts believe in this insanity by now — the fact that, of course, also never warranted a story in TYT’s main show as any information that would contradict to the fear mongering, xenophobic red baiting/neo MacCarthyite narrative that, sadly, included the use of Orwellian framing such as calling revelations that the DNC has undermined the democratic institutions “interference” and “propaganda”. (Cenk disagrees that his coverage is MacCarthyite, but in effect it is: what other effect it can have if it is completely devoid of any scepticism, making people believing that Putin has installed Trump as his puppet.)
It may take Cenk many years to get out of his establishment bubble on this and other issues, but I have hopes that he eventually will as he did show that he is capable of doing that. The unfortunate part is that Cenk can not reform the way he thinks and consumes information. The lack of consistency in his ability to think critically fails him again and again since he forms his preconceived notions on any subject without them attached to facts. And further Cenk goes confirmation bias route.
This is how Cenk has supported blatantly disastrous destruction of Libya, what now he regrets, AGAIN based on false pretences (Obama/Clinton/”intelligence community” lied that Qaddafi was about to commit massacres; the lie was exposed this September of UK parliament’s investigation). Cenk completely bungled the coverage of the USA-backed coup in Ukraine and of consequent retaliatory action by Russia such as reuniting with Crimea with the goal to make further expansion of NATO impossible (the territorial integrity issues guarantee that). The coverage of Syria is also a complete disaster.
I agree with you on Cenk and his occasional bouts with confirmation bias and disregard for real questions about evidence on Russian hacking. But I’d like to make two points.
1. I never got the sense that Cenk ever pushed the idea that Russians hacked actual voting machines. I think he raised that question to illustrate that he thought the hack of the DNC and Podesta (even if perpetrated by the Russians) was not particularly significant in determining the outcome of the election, but if they had hacked voting machines that would be more important to determine. I don’t ever recall him asserting that this actually happened, only that he wanted to make sure the vote was verified. And he reported intelligence sources’ findings that the voting machines had not been hacked.
2. Even the ideologically pure fall into this trap. In Jordan’s reporting (and as shown in this episode) he interviewed a lady who read off a long list of ailments she has suffered. It is implied that these came about due to lifelong exposure to contamination, yet no evidence is presented demonstrating a causal link. It’s very concerning and worth exploring, but not definitive.
1. My whole point is that no one really besides Cenk has pushed the question about the hacking of the vote, there was nothing to it. “Did the Russians Hack Voting Booths?” and “Did Russia Steal Election For Trump?” videos are examples of that. Cenk has even installed a petition on this very site for an investigation of the vote. I did not write that Cenk has made any asserts on that, I was writing about the narrative. And I did mention that Cenk has admitted that there is no evidence to the idea, though he never did a rebuttal video on this versus the bombastic videos that pushed the narrative in the first place. This is how Cenk has contributed to the unfortunate number of 53% of Democrats believing in the nonsense. Glenn Greenwald wrote a good article on the issue, though on the example of different cases : https://theintercept.com/2017/01/04/washpost-is-richly-rewarded-for-false-news-about-russia-threat-while-public-is-deceived/
2. The water in lady’s house is contaminated with a number of poisonous substances. Yes, it is impossible to scientifically establish which chemicals might have facilitated or caused certain illnesses that the lady suffers from, the more so with them acting in a combination. The lady also does not have an exact twin sister that would live in a clean area would have otherwise similar conditions, including the type of job. Fully scientistic level of proof in such cases is literally impossible. However, the sheer number of illnesses, especially considering lady’s age, and proven presence of poisons in the water allows to make applicable conclusion that at least some of the illnesses are related to the poisoning. Three chemicals that Jordan has named are documented to facilitate/cause some of the illnesses in the list the lady has.
The implication that all of the lady’s illnesses come from the poison is certainly possible to perceive from Jordan’s interview, considering the fact he did not detail all those “sciency” disclaimers and caveats I listed (and my list is not even complete), but even with this it does not change overall veracity of the report, unlike speculations on the voting machines hacks, which go way beyond the scope of core news. If we would compare it to Jordan’s report, it would be as if Jordan would start speculating on something completely detached from reality and facts of the case, for example, whether the lady was also abducted by aliens that might have been additionally poisoning her, even though the was nothing to it whatsoever.
I believe we have exchanged comments before specifically about Russia and Syria (if this wasn’t you I apologize), but I find your estimation of Putin to be naive. I normally agree with Glenn Greenwald, on many issues, and I saw his interview on Fox News where he says to distrust the CIA. And normally, I would. But I believe every case has to be thought of individually, regardless of the misinformation about WMD’s (which was perpetrated mostly by Cheney and the Bush administration directly, not the CIA, which was fed false intelligence). If you are trying to make claims about the Russia hacking scandal, specifically running with the whole “new McCarthyism” narrative, as Greenwald seems to be doing because he was called “an agent of the Kremlin”, then I would just make these comments:
1) If Putin did interfere through hacking the DNC, which I believe he did, based on the evidence that I have seen and the general consensus, that does not mean we shouldn’t see more evidence and treat things with skepticism. But to almost IMMEDIATELY run with the “new McCarthyism” narrative, as some did, makes it seem as if Putin is a blameless actor in the realm of foreign policy. He is a dangerous human rights violator who imprisons journalists and is openly hostile to the West. I agree with Obama’s new sanctions on him
2) Do I believe that the elites, to bolster their own standing, have used Russia as kind of a foil? Yes, and if you listen to Lindsey Graham and other neocons would do about Putin, yes it makes sense that they would run with this new evidence of Russia hacking and seek to unnecessarily increase tensions with Russia. I’m open to new evidence, but unless there is some conspiracy that I don’t know about, I believe,
-Wikileaks didn’t know the source of their leaks, and it was ultimately engineered by Russia, or they played into Putin’s hand
-Putin wanted Trump elected, and got what he wanted
-Russia definitely hacked the DNC
The Young Turks also covered the Podesta emails from Wikileaks. So why are they so far off the mark in your estimation? I get the feeling you are one of those who think Jimmy and Jordan are the “pure progressives” and Cenk and Ana are not. Why?
1. To be correct, neither Greenwald, nor myself are denying that Russia as government could have ordered the hacks, so we are not naive about that at all. The point is, however, that so far not only there is not evidence on that, what we have for “evidence” contradicts to the notion, rather supports is. And we have the fact that Obama belongs to a competing camp that has lost and obviously have motive to attack his adversaries and delegitimatize them.
2. The CIA was in full force supporting in “high confidence” intelligence fraud about Iran. Not only they signed united intelligence report, they had their high profile serial perjurer James Clapper at the time lie about this the media personally. So while some within the CIA did not support the “findings”, the organizations itself was used as a political tool. In lesser degree it has happened when the CIA has been claiming that Qaddafi was about to commit massacres in 2011 (exposed lie) and that Assad has gases his people in 2013 (exposed lie). So they do it consistently under any and all adminstrations.
3. As I mentioned before, “general consensus” on the role of the Russian government in the hacks only exists under Obama’s command (zero credibility and motive to smear opponents) and government/DNC-hired “pay to attribute” contractors with connections to globalist neolib pro-Cold War think tanks, which are the same thing.
4. neo-MacCarthyism, alas, is the only explanation. Considering points #1-3, it is a political motivated witchhunt with zero evidence presented and a strong motive to pretend it exists.
5. What journalists Putin imprisons? Zero whistle-blowers/journalists were prosecuted by Russia, unlike Obama, who has prosecuted at least eight. Also, if you ever cared to look at what Putin says and does, it is not “hostile” to West at all. He either helps West (as in the fight against Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, providing military bases in Russia for transit, TWICE warning about Boston bombers, so on), or acts in retaliation to destructive moves by the USA (Georgia, Ukraine, Syria).
6. Wikileaks says it is not a state party, and former UK Ambassador says he has got the data from the whistle-blower within the DNC, he personally flew to Washingon to meet with the person and get the archive. As he himself admits, this does not mean that the hacking attempt did not happen, but whether they were actually successful is a totally different things considering the fact that the DNC did not allow investigators to check the evidence that “pay to attribute” contractor claims it gathered; there is no way to confirm how much authentic it is.
7. I did not write that TYT did not cover Podesta’s mails. So I am not sure what is your point on this.
8. Jordan has critical thinking on, professional scepticism towards the claims of the government that is documenter liar for political purpose. This is a professional quality of true journalist. Notice that neither Glenn Greenwald, not Michael Taibbi, nor David Sirota, nor any serious intellectually honest journalists is running with the “Russia hacked elections” nonsense. They just can not detach themselves from fact-based journalism principles. (James Dore is not a journalist, so sometimes, unintentionally, he makes small mistakes here and there, but he also does trust in the claims of the government without evidence, unlike Cenk and others).
Putin doesn’t prosecute journalists, he “disappears” them and murders them-https://www.cpj.org/europe/russia/
I take it you aren’t Russian, are you?
There is zero evidence on how Putin “”disappears” and murders” journalists, and there is no even a motive. Unless you also think that Obama has killed Michael Hastings, organized “natural death” of Anthonine Scalia, “robbery” of Seth Riggs, and many more critics.
I take it you are not Ukrainian and are not payroll by the NSA/neolib/neocon think tank task forces, are you?
Thank you for (among many other points) mentioning Matt Taibbi’s article! I keep waiting for the Main Show to do ANY sort of critical unpacking of this propaganda debacle. In the meantime, I adore Dore and Oh and Jordan.
dDErss, thanks — your comments are always well considered and well presented. And, truthfully, one of three reasons I am sticking with TYT. Another reason is the Aggressive Progressive show. And, of course, a third reason is Jordan Chariton.
Reading in response something other than MacCarthiate accusations that I am a Putin’s agent (in lieu of any arguments on the substance) is almost shocking, I am almost at disbelief.
I would not discard Cenk and Ana from the reasons, though. While I often have to correct them they mean well and in the majority stories do good coverage. Too bad they miss so badly on some of important stories.
Oh, I agree and I do not discount either Cenk nor Ana — they are spot on about much. But as you say, they miss badly on important stories.
> James might need to put on some weight
Wouldn’t that just be giving extra food to the tapeworm? I’m only joking. Still, gotta lay off the salmon sushi/sashimi for a while, Jimmy.
My personal favorite is MACKEREL sushi or sashimi. But mackerel is always cured and then liberally vinegared for an extensive period prior to being eaten raw like this, which reduces the chances of parasites surviving, I think.
James fears about tapeworms are overblown as the overwhelming majority of fish is now grown in artificial pools, full of its feces and antibiotics. This fish is safe from tapeworms, but might be harmful anyway.
Ironically, there are dramatically higher chances to get a tapeworm in pricey sushi restaurants that purchase “natural” fish.
> This fish is safe from tapeworms, but might be harmful anyway.
Yeah. Sad to say but you have look damn hard to find a healthy fish on this planet.
> there are dramatically higher chances to get a tapeworm in pricey sushi restaurants that purchase “natural” fish.
I read that too. Very counter-intuitive.
Agressive progressives is the best show on tyt period.
I’m not living in the USA so I don’t have strong opinions of this Booker guy but glad to see Jimmy is back.
Corporate corruption is universal, of course.
Love this show, this show is the reason why I became a tyt member. My only concern is that why it takes so long to upload the episodes. I know airs on a Thursday then why can we not watch it the next day
I count down the days left till this show airs every week . I love you guys! This is the new progressive wave of TYT, you guys are WAF.
What does WAF mean? Pretty sure I’ve seen your comments at wsws.org Glad to know there’s another comrade out there.
“waf” means “woke as f@ck”.
“waf” means “woke as f@ck”. had never been to that website before, but now I will check out some articles/ perspective. thanks!
How can they sign trade agreements that tell corporations go buy cheap steel from China if you want to, go buy cheap labor in Mexico or Taiwan? If you’re a corporation you can indiscriminately shop for cheapest price on laborand materials all over the world. But if you’re a citizen you can’t even go to Canada or Mexico for a break on prescription drugs.
That jackass Jon Tester – MT was joking and yukking it up with Ben Carson in the hearing today too. How do rep’s from WA, MT, and ND get away with opposing buying cheaper drugs from Canada when they have constituents that could literally drive a few miles and save money ? If the bill passed prices in US would fall quickly anyway. Cut healthcare costs by a few points over night. But who cares about cutting healthcare costs ?