
  1. New York City Parks’ playgrounds do not allow lone adults and the NYPD will come and respond to such incidents apparently. I was told this by a park employee in a morning where maybe only one family was out and about and I was resting on the bench after jogging around the perimeter. The joke, however, is there are plenty of migrants who sit outside against the fence perimeter at any given time…

  2. It’s total nonsense that Mariah can no longer sing. Singers don’t lose their voice @ 47. Just look at Tony Bennett. He is much older and still active. What happened on NYE was a standard music industry practice that went bad. I love Ana, but she is clueless about musicians and singers. Mariah’s voice is still legendary.

  3. Regarding Mariah Carey: I am a singer in a band. I use an earpiece. If you can’t hear yourself, your singing will probably suck. Badly. (Presuming you can sing in the first place). Try it. Put some headphones on. Play really loud music on the headphones, like so loud that you can’t hear yourself. Record yourself for at least 2 minutes and then play it back. Also, the music was probably echoing like crazy seeing as how this was outdoors, so she would not have been able to hear if she was truly with the music. If her earpiece wasn’t working, it had anything to do with her singing ability or lack thereof.

  4. Selling drugs is already illegal no matter where it’s at. And almost cities have loitering ordinances at parks and public areas. So if some guy is being creepy around your kids you can do something about it. An outright ban was a bit much and pretty unnecessary IMO.

  5. Trump impeached? Not unless the complexion of the house and senate change. Until then, watch him do no wrong. Yikes!

    1. The difference between Ana and John, Ana doesn’t like her job, John does. And, it makes all the difference in the world. It makes me not want to watch the show when Cenk isn’t on because I know it’ll be a lot of bitching about how awful it is to work forTYT.

      We love TYT! C’mon Ana! At least wait until we aren’t watching to hate on the show.

    2. So, when Ana is complaining about receiving EMAILS that means she “hates her job at TYT”?? That’s ludicrous. I hate bullshit emails as well… That’s not an indication that I “hate” the people sending them. They’re just annoying. Also, she even admitted that she has a unique job that requires her to work “after hours” & to use emails & texts to communicate about upcoming topics. And, yet, you interpreted her annoyance as though “Ana hates her job”??

      Your conclusion doesn’t make sense. Furthermore, your seemingly obvious animosity towards her is… telling.

      1. You are right. I’ve been exposed. I have a secret “animosity” towards Ana and it is the only reason I am a member of TYT. You are very smart. I wish I was as smart as you.


    1. i can’t believe ana was making an argument AGAINST the necessity for evidence in relation to the russia hacking story. what the frack?

      1. Somehow do I see any of your replies, except this one to which I am responding to, published in either parts of today’s show,. Something has broken in the comment system? Do you see your own replies, other than this one about Ana’s argument against evidence? Do you other replies show red inscription that they are pending to be approved by a moderator or something?

  6. I never thought about it but Band wagon is right when I cast tyt from their website (my phone) to the roku the audio is insanely loud

    1. The audio is too loud and obnoxious. Why is TYT audio defaulted so loud? And when you tune into the next segment, it defaults back to full volume. TYT please correct this.

  7. Over at , we make stuff of movies and media’s depiction of hacking on a regular basis.

    MSM is obsessed with meaningless visuals, which I find insulting and distracting. “Look at the pretty graphics… believe what we say… it looks official so it is official… ” I’d rather just get the meat of the story.

    1. The combined joy/rage on that subreddit over CSI: Cyber was one of the great things of 2015. It basically became a CSI: Cyber screenshot sub.

      1. Another fake news: John and Ana said that the RNC was hacked, but the FBI has made multiple audits of the RNC and found no evidence of hacking.

        TYT destroys its brand by doing the coverage of this quality.

      2. Your source is a private online security service. Their argument that Russia didn’t hack the 2016 election is their own internal analysis. They cite no other references other than their own internal analysis. There are no other independent sources that confirm their analysis. Yet, it is TYT that is being uncritical that is spreading this ‘conspiracy theory’?

        To me, your argument sounds like, as Joe Biden put it, ‘a bunch of malarkey’.

        1. That security service is not the DNC/government contractor, unlike those who claim that the hacking was done by the Russian government, and their analysis is not disputed. Besides, others experts have similar to the analysis of other experts that are also independent. Finally, anyone can see the published “evidence” and see that there is nothing that would connect the hacks to Russia (they even published the IP list: you can download and check the IPs), let alone the Russian government.

  8. As an audiophile, I’d like to recommend that you stop ramming the volume to distortion on these TYT vids. On youtube, it seems to sound better. But these vids I have to turn down to close to 5-10% to equal the volume of the various other things the average internet user might have going on. Cheers and good day to you.

  9. She can still sing, perhaps not the same songs. I think she has good songs still in her. I send <3 2 Mariah. Live under the lights, then we can judge. Hope she keeps singing.

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  12. fyi guys…

    Your connection is not private

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    1. there is a suspicion that no one at tyt reads the comments. this sounds like serious shit. you would be better of emailing directly with this information

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