TYT Old School December 28, 2016

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan33 Comments

Cenk, Ben, Steve, and Malcolm talk Ben’s Jewishness, Steve’s nude modeling stint, Malcolm’s meditation routine, and Cenk’s celebrity Twitter followers.


  1. you guys should add a Bitcoin Donating option. I know people who have Bitcoins which they don’t know where to use. They would gladly donate them. :)

  2. As I typed my comment they were discussing the points I brought up but I wasn’t paying attention. Now I’m the asshole. Hahaha, whoops.

  3. Hey, you stupid old fucks. Times were certainly more vicious back in the day. Steve got to America before the civil rights act passed. So when he was a kid in America lynchings were common and segregation was a rule.

    Even before then there were world wars, which, look I understand we’re still at war and we commit a lot of atrocities but even after 15+ years in the middle east fewer people have been killed in the middle east theatre there than in WWII. And all that shitty shit against black people was still happening.

    I will grant that maybe the advent of the Internet has made civil discourse more uncouth. But we have clearly become less vicious over time.

  4. I tweeted a quote from Cenk, and when I saw that he retweeted me, I was SO happy. In the end, it got 113 likes and 22 retweets, which is probably my most-reacted-to tweet to date.

  5. During your next fundraiser, sell the pad Ben was scrabbling during the show. I’d pay just to see it let alone own it :)

  6. Disappointed (but not surprised) that Ben is defending the $adists over at the CIA- seriously, the guys whose latest claim to fame is anally feeding prisoners? If you care about democracy and freedom, these guys aren’t your friends. You wonder why people believe crazy conspiracy theories? This is why. The list of countries where they’ve subverted, tortured, manipulated elections, and organized death squads is too long to count.


    Of course, he also had to get off that pointless potshot at Russians about Podesta leaks. “Some of it is the truth”? Which bit wasn’t true, Ben?


    Great idea to stop following Michael, although I think I might have a better reason- I’m just tired of all the apologism for Hillary. You want people to stop going for the crazies, then you need to offer them *real radical alternatives* that want systemic change. Not people who have been cool with business as usual, which includes all the shit the United States has been doing across the world for decades, under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

    1. You missed his point: there were career agents and analysts that argued vociferously against the Bush-Cheney narrative of Iraqi responsibility for 9/11 and mission-readiness of WMD. See Valerie Plame Wilson/Joseph Wilson as an example of what happened when honourable, dedicated professionals pushed-back against that Administration.

  7. About people dying soon after a spouse or loved one dies: No, it’s a real thing. It’s called Broken Heart Syndrome (AKA Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or stress cardiomyopathy). It affects more women than men, and can happen even to a healthy person.

  8. I took Johns advice from Abraham Lincoln’s letter writing. Ben is my favorite part about TYT. But I still need to vent. My dad didn’t believe me when I told him I was bi and me being gay is worse than my sister being a meth addict, in his opinion. But you’re never supposed to assume anything. She just has top and bottom dentures along with open sores and acne… Mary Jane used to just make my thoughts stop. Now she gives anxiety attacks, so I had to break up with her. My sister just uses my dad for his money. 7-9 hours is a healthy amount of sleep.

  9. I too stopped following Michael! Hehe!
    I have tried meditation numerous times for my chronic pain, and I too just end up thinking about, not my pain, just everything happening in politics and science. I end up just getting frustrated and hurting more than I already did. Before the age of twenty, when I did not have chronic pain and the symptoms of what my neurologist now believes to be a neuromuscular illness of which I am currently awaiting a diagnosis; I would just think about politics and science and eventually fall asleep. Now, that would be a luxury with my pain.

  10. Done some meditation using YouTube vids, and the desired effect for me was to relax, get my mind off whatever shit was bothering me…so when I fell asleep I obviously had done what I set out for. The second thing i would love to try is to get hooked up with a good Indica, but…waiting for shit to change here…

  11. I’m of the opinion that the “shift” is due to PRESSURE . the most debilitating force there is – relieve the pressure, or identify where it is and work it out – we do need each other now more than ever. i think the fact that TYT just raised a half million, is a testimony to our willingness to come together. stand up and keep fighting

  12. 1. The hosts talk about how the USA have become less welcoming and generous, but people who visit or newly move to the country are still saying that Americans are very welcoming, kind and helping to strangers. Granted, this is an anecdotal evidence, and the visitors I know do not “look Muslim”, but my point is that things might be not as bad as hosts think, looking from the inside.

    2. Cenk is incorrect on “alt-right”: Richard Spenser’s “alt-right” are not “almost” neo-Nazis, they are neo-Nazis. They theorize about the purity of blood and other typical Nazi stuff. Regular alt-right does not care about this at all, does not have anything against Jews, Latinos, blacks, LGBTs, but they care about radical Islam and “social justice warriors” (hence they have visible Jews, Latinos, blacks, LGBTs as among leaders that the wide crowd follows). Not making this distinction clearly makes people unable to understand why they are so popular.

    3. On the craziness of population: 50% of Democratic voters believe Russia has hacked the election, even though not even Obama’s administration claims that. Sadly, Cenk himself has helped to spread this insanity by stating it was the main question about the election even though there was never anything to it. Those 50% of Clinton voters are about just as “gone” as half of Trump’s voters.

    4. The difference between half Trump’s voters believing in a satanic sex ring and other conspiracy theories is not as big as Cenk thinks: first, it is not Clinton, but her manager Podesta/Hillary sponsor-Pizza-house-owner are believed to run the satanic sex ring, not Hillary herself. Also, one of Podesta’s mail pals is an artist who does literal satanic art and rituals as part of her performance routine, and Podesta’s mails do use a lot of food descriptions that are coincidentally used by actual paedophile rings as code words for orgies with minors. (There is no evidence besides pure speculations to suggests that the conspiracy is true, of course. People just want to believe in that.)

    5. Keith Olbermann wants to be kind of left-wing’s equivalent of Limbough. He spews absolutely deranged lunacy lately.

    6. Benjamin spreads conspiracy theory that “Russia ran a propaganda campaign” against the USA and that “some of it was truth”. In reality there is no evidence of the involvement of the Russian government, and, more importantly, all of the DNC/Podesta mails were true, not “some”; the corruption of the political system was exposed. By perverting this great thing into the most hacky Peter Dau-level drivel that was made up to deflect from this corruption as well as the faults of the Democratic party, Benjamin, sadly, shows just how much pro-establishment he is.

    7. It is sad that Cenk continues to push the most reactionary Democratic establishment conspiracy propaganda on how Trump is supposedly Putin’s agent. Cenk also spreads conspiracy theory on how Putin kills his critics even though there was never neither evidence nor even motive (the victims were highly unpopular, never posed any threat) for that; no different from Republicans pushing the idea that William Clinton was a murderer.

    No ties of Trump’s campaign to Russia were found as per the FBI (which also denies that the RNC was hacked). There is a theory, not confirmed though, that some of the loans of Trump Organization were done from Germany with a Russian bank being a guarantor. But even if so, there is nothing weird about since big Russian banks provide global services for many years.

    Another “evidence” is that Trump’s T-Rex oil guy had business plan with Russia that is valued at $500 billion, but Exxon Mobil’s international portfolio is valued at several trillion of USDs, so even this particular deal is only small portion of their plans. Does that mean that T-Rex oil guy and Trump, via Exxon Mobil interests, are also agents of those other states? T-Rex getting Order of Friendship from Putin is also not an evidence of anything: dozens of Americans got the same Order. Does that mean they are Russian’s agents now? T-Rex got dozens of similar to Order of Friendship awards from other states; does that mean that he is also agent of those other states?

    By the way, Putin has always was for two-state solution for Israel-Palestine, and Trump came out de-facto against in during the UN vote. Does that mean that Trump is Netanyahu’s agent, not Putin’s? Or he is agent of both of them? Hillary, by the way, has documented financial ties to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Israeli lobbying organizations, does it mean that she is a Saudi/Israeli agent?

    Seeing spies and agents everywhere is a paranoid lunacy; Cenk becomes Alex Jones on this. Cenk means well, but he does consistently attach his thinking to the facts, does not discern facts and speculations. Otherwise he would not become conspiratorial in such an ungrounded way.

    1. The fact that the pizza shop where Hillary Clinton supposedly ran a sex ring doesn’t have a basement negates pretty much all the nonsense written about it. It’s a bullshit story peddled by insane right-wingers that has no basis in reality!

    2. To your last point ( because it was bold ), he usually let’s us know it’s his opinion or analysis of a situation. He reports, then gives his thoughts on it, we all know this. It adds uniqueness so it’s not just “here’s the facts” end of show. It’s honestly why I started watching TYT (for his analysis). If you watch more than 1 TYT video with Cenk, you see the pattern, which you make comments about all the time. I get it, you get it, I’m sure we’re not the only ones.

      1. “he usually let’s us know it’s his opinion or analysis of a situation”

        True, but on some matters, where Cenk’s beliefs overpower reason, this, sadly, goes out of the window. This happens in minority of times, but on very serious issues, and it harms TYT’s brand.

  13. Hey, Cenk! I’ve never meditated, but I know a cheap bootleg alternative:
    Sit in a steam room – saunas work, but usually aren’t as hot. All you do is close your eyes (or concentrate on a spot on the floor) and sit as still as possible for as long as possible. You want to slow your breathing as much as you can since the outside air heats you from the inside. I sit, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees and fingertips touching for stability. I have earbuds with music playing for the rhythm and to avoid distraction from conversation. The key is to empty your mind and concentrating all of your energy on withstanding the heat.

    1. I totally agree. I actually became a member after watching some of the Old School shows. Best show on the network.

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