Irma Brito, Asher Coffield, and Gigi Manukyan here for a holiday-themed Post Game. Asher shares her Christmas card, Gigi explains how to donate wisely, and Irma explains topics to avoid at Christmas dinner. Irma gives the ladies some x-rated holiday inspired pick-up lines and a surprise home-made treat.

Thank you for taking the time to do these Friday post games. Also glad to see Gigi is getting more comfortable on camera.
The pickup lines were weird and disturbing, however I would like a few of them coming from my friends with benefits.
Gigi’s a smart gal ! Absolutely spot on about how local organisations make so much better use of your donation money.
This was hilarious. It’s refreshing balance to the normal male energy of the Friday post game. And Irma is adorably cheesy!
please tell the girl in the middle to stop screaming, her voice is so f-ing annoying i had to stop watching at 31mins in. man her voice is like nails on a chalk board.
Turn down your volume then. (:
havent watched it yet but please no more these three girls on at once its annoying,
Deal with it.
This time the guys were annoying and spoiled the fun :)
I liked you girls, Irma and Gigi did better than ever, and I loved it. Thank you for giving us the Friday Post Game! Merry Xmas on crutches (a saying for giving belated wishes for a holiday translated from my native language)
Favorite recipe for lonely nights in front of tv: Get a pan. Lay half of it with pork chops, the other half with sliced potatoes. Sprinkle with salt pepper olive oil, put in an oven and bake for 30 minutes. Time to prepare including baking time: 35 minutes. Bonus: You can enjoy the whole thing for longer than 35 minutes
prefer cenk’s political stances but you guys seem nice
I love Gigi’s eye for the mis-operation of charities, they suck at doing things to help people.
Happy Christmas Bart, hope you enjoyed your cookie!
Irma is adorable, how is she single??
I fucking love you all! Merry Christmas :)
And the pick up lines creeped me out. I’d turn down anyone who used them in any way but a joke.
Also I got a free tofurky from my local, Fort Worth TX, police department for Christmas! It’s the 1st time I’ll of actually had the real thing and not just deli meat, etc so I’m super excited to try that! I say do a “is it vegetarian or not?” food challenge!