In addition, I know it is available elsewhere – I still prefer the download and that is my right. As a correction, I was trying to state that it is not professional of them not to ensure the upload is made in a timely manner. That is all. Have a good night everyone.
Hmmmm…I think people are getting a bit too upset. Yeah it’s a bit disappointing not to see it once in a while, but they are on a low budget and are doing the best they can. Also, if you looked a little bit harder instead of complaining, you’d see that the recorded show is located here:
Probably some mistake was made, it happens. And sometimes it happens often. They aren’t doing it on purpose, and it’s not like they are raking in millions of dollars of profit either.
TYT is an amazing network that is still finding its footing. As things grow, mistakes and setback happens. Patience is essential, especially if its FOR people who are trying to do the right thing in the world.
For the 25 dollars I pay for, I feel I get way more context and content than I could ever get anywhere else.
Not taking a chill pill and not relaxing. They promote this service as a perk for members and it is not professional of them to make sure it is uploaded in a timely manner. I take exception to your characterization that we need to take a chill pill – we are not angry – at least I am not. It is just irritating they cannot get this right. Nothing wrong with that feeling. Be assured it is not ruining my night. Take your condescension elsewhere.
10:48 Eastern time zone and still no first hour available to watch. This was getting better, but has slipped again. We are asked for money to hire more journalists and they can’t even get the playback on the website in a timely manner.
It is now 10:10 eastern time and once again you do not have the first hour up to download for your loyal paying members. Such a cavalier attitude towards us. We continue to support you because we believe in what you are doing but you sure do not care about us or you would make sure the downloads are available to us as soon as possible which is way before 10:10 eastern time. How about uploading the first hour now? You can do it. It is not hard to post it to your S3 server at Amazon. Go ahead and do it and make us happy to be members rather than frustrating us constantly.
Is it too much to fucking ask for the show to be posted by four hours after it airs live?!!! I think not but apparently TYT doesn’t agree! Looking for the 19 Dec show at 7:06pm PST on 19 Dec…disappointed again.
As to what new reporters should be doung: look into Ivanka and Jared. This creep Jared – who is an asexual cheesy Ivy league creepy all white family descendant married into more money , is onto something but I think he is just the cover. More creeps are hiding behind him i am sure
Right, I didn’t even go into the Russian hacking what we know and don’t know article in NYT. I mean, how can you give credence to any CIA “evidence ” they present after the WMDs thing. Plus , it doesn’t change things.
Whatever evidence Rex Tillerson presents is not hacking, it’s their interests are coinciding, Trumps and Trump goons’ and Putins
Please send your first reporter to report on environmental issues all across the country as they relate to water. PLEASE. As you have said, this is a fundamental right as citizens and need constant light shed on these issues.
In a “no reply” you tube segment Cenk goes to the dark side by saying that the secretary of state appointment is evidence that the Russians hacked the elections. Shame on Cenk for joining the mainstream media. The appointment shows a possible motive but IS NOT EVIDENCE. In fact we have the same kind of evidence that we had for weapons of mass destruction; CIA lies.
Here is what professional US security say to disprove the Russian hacking stories. Please get this story to Cenk. Turns out Global Research is a better source than TYT.
Yes, thank you! Cenk has been way too eager to jump on this bandwagon with no proof! Then he works to characterize anyone who disagrees with him as an old time hippie who can’t help but support Russia. No!!! We just want the truth, the facts – not someone’s wet dream!
jesus christ. Either show us evidence for the alleged Russian hacking or just shut up… Beside the contents of the emails were never disputed. I actually think we could use some more hacking, if it exposes the truth.
The main reason business won’t get behind better infrastructure is because, while good in the long term, does nothing for next quarter’s profit.
Also, the plant leaking chemicals into drinking water should explode the libertarian philosophy. There isn’t even a bullshit theoretical argument for a remedy.
And the federal govt defict is non-govt surplus. It’s a good thing.
“December 19, 2016
We the People will come together at every state capitol across the United States to call on the Electors of the Electoral College to listen to the voice of the people and refuse to cast their ballots for Donald Trump.” – December19
We are part of the December 19th coalition that started with a petition that has 5 million signatures. We are meeting in all 50 state capitals, DC, and NYC. We have three main points as to why the elector should reject Trump: 1. Wide spread documented voter suppression 2. CIA revelations that Putin Helped “Hack our Democracy.” 3. Electors have the constitutional right to vote their conscience.
We are asking them to reject Trump and listen to the will of the people who voted for Hillary Clinton by 2.9 million votes.
See y’all on Monday.
PS – we are distinct from the Hamilton Electors, but our coalition isn’t at odds with them. We are in no way mutually exclusive.
We’ve got hashtags cause hashtags are a thing now: #Dec19 #doesmyvotecount #wasmyvotecounted #onepersononevote #StopTrump
I will only ever support a movement to get rid of the EC. This is not that, it may even be the opposite, in that if successful (it won’t be, but hypothetically speaking) it would merely open the door for BOTH establishment parties to more actively abuse the EC in the future. If they can more easily use it to gain power by the backdoor, then they will never get rid of it obviously.
I agree that the EC is out dated. I think that we should get rid of it starting now (Cenk said pretty much the same thing several times.) I support honoring the will of the people who voted for HRC by 2.9 million votes. Our coalition wants, HRC to be President not Trump because “democratically “she was elected. It’s a long shot, but if no one does anything… We could end up with “unfit” Trumpkin for 8 years. I voted for Bernie in the Primary and Hillary in the General. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do enough to fight fascism, but at least I’m trying. I get that this is a long shot, but seriously, why not at least look into this and give it the benefit of the doubt?
While I’m all for protesting against Trump, I just don’t think this is the best expression of it.
So if some people just can’t wait until he takes office (and I predict he will), then sure, let them have at it. Personally I’d rather save the energy for when he takes office, but I can see the benefits of interrupted activity for some. As far as the latter goes, I am not “against” the activity (withholding support is not opposition). I just hope these people won’t hang their heads in defeat and permanently give up when this ploy fails.
I appreciate your point of view. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I don’t expect to change your view. I don’t expect to be successful tomorrow, but I like to look at things mathematically. It seems like the vast majority of people are just trying to get by. If every person continues on that path, we really could end up with some truly awful stuff. What is the down side of too soon? Mathematically, I don’t see one. Like at all. The advantages of acting now have been overwhelming. Literally. Successful resistance will take work and organization. I am now linked into many organizational networks and can actively participate in a meaningful way to prevent said truly awful stuff (possibly tomorrow) but definitely in the future.
This whole conversation on voting missed one major point (very briefly mentioned for 1/2 second by Jimmy) – PAPER! PAPER! PAPER! With no paper trail – there is no true checking. American elections are becoming a sad joke.
Hi ZedsterX,
I’ll try using my wife’s laptop that is running a different version of windows after she gets up and see what happens. Thanks for your recommendation.
Which part of this summary is the most disturbing?
“The Russians unethically influenced the election by revealing that the DNC had unethically influenced the election.”
So far as threats to our democracy go… What the DNC did is the more immediate threat. No wonder the mainstream media are working so hard to focus our attention on Russia.
Lets think about it: if the Russian government has done the hacking, indeed (no evidence of that so far, but lets imagine), but the leaked material would have shown how magnanimous, principled, honest the DNC and Podesta were, would not this act be still treated as unethical? “Russians have upheld the American democracy and voters’ belief in the system”. Though I doubt there would be much talk about the hacking.
Yes, because nothing the government EVER says is true, everything they say is a lie and nothing but propaganda.
Same goes for the MSM. Every single piece of info they ever give is false. And of course, our Lord and Savior Vladimir Putin is so pure and angelic, he would never want to try to interfere with foreign elections. And even if he did, who cares, right ? We shouldn’t investigate just to be sure, we should assume there’s no evidence.
And the government is lying because it’s really in their best interest to pick a fight with Russia by making unsubstantiated claims. It really helps the US to accuse Russia of a crime without proof. It can’t be that they actually have reason to believe that something happened. Nope, no way.
Hey, hey. No personal attacks on fellow Members, please. It does the opposite of strengthening your argument, it merely makes you look vindictive and anti-social.
If you have problems with voting machines, why not vote with paper and pen? I mean it`s much safer, why change a system that works? seems weird?
In my country(Denmark) you vote with with a voting card, and you need to count the vote afterwards… just to be sure… much better system.
Downloaded Video Files Do Not Display Video When Playing Back
Downloading the video Hour 1 TA file, Hour 2 TB file, and PG file do not display the video when playing them back but only play the audio. The file size is correct but the video doesn’t display.
This does not happen with the Aggressive Progressive file 161215__AP.mp4 that downloads and plays the video as normal.
This problem started Tues Dec 13th and is still happening Fri Dec 16th.
Democracy Now video files ( download and play correctly as do files from web sites other than TYT.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I know at least one other person is having this problem because they told me so.
Hi ZedsterX,
This is the identical setup I’ve been using for years with TYT, and like I said it doesn’t happen with the latest Aggressive Progressive and years with Democracy Now ( We’ll see, sooner or later the issue will reveal itself.
Does seem weird. But I was asking if you have tried a different player? I use VLC both on windoze and android. Could also be a driver problem if on windoze.
On the Russia story, the person providing the statement saying the facts are the same is an “intelligence source.” What does that even mean? Who is the source? As more information comes out about this, the more I am convinced it is political theater.
Batshit, crazy people have sources, too. We wouldn’t take Alex Jones’ sources seriously, unless he had genuine evidence to support his claims. Why are we so quick to believe anything the FBI says, let alone the CIA?
28+ minutes in, Cenk questions why we would assume there is no evidence. We assume that because the burden of proof is on the person or group making the claim. We assume that because of who is making the claim. These intelligence agencies lie constantly. The extent to which the Patriot Act was/is being used to violate the rights of citizens is insane. All they need now is one warrant from any judge to infiltrate any number of computer systems. It used to be that warrants were narrow in scope and specific when it came to probable cause.
I am so with you here Michael. This really goes to the fact that Cenk is not what I consider a progressive.
A progressive does not take the word of his government without proof. Think Iraq war here. This atrocity alone is reason enough to never believe a word from the CIA, NSA, NSA, or any other acronym you want, without real proof.
Now these these next are just my opinion but I stick with it.
A real progressive does not believe in capitalism. Every economy book tells you that with capitalism there must be winners and losers. There must be an enemy. These two things alone make it an unfair system. How long can businesses keep making a profit? Forever is not possible.
A real progressive can at least admit that consumption of meat and the animal agriculture industry is the most harmful industry for the planet, bar none, and until our priorities change we will never win the climate fight. A real progressive knows that it is time to panic. I am not 100% vegan but I sure am trying. I can at least admit the truth and I am making an effort.
A real progressive doesn’t look at the Democratic party and say, “We can fix it”. We say, “Screw your corrupt, bank run party. We can do better”. When the corruption is so deep in the party it just makes sense to let them play their games and fight them that way then trying to pry it from them on the inside. They are already showing you they want nothing to do with it from the Ellison nomination. Have some balls and start a party with balls. Cenk always calls them weak but he thinks that will change. Why?
A real progressive does not believe that just overturning Citizens United will change the political system to perfection overnight. That is ridiculous. There was corruption long before that decision. They just wanted to make it easier for themselves. Everything will just go back to true bribery again. A good start is reversing The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. That will piss off some very important 0.01%ers. Then you move society past the antiquated monetary system and on to a more people and planet oriented system devoid of money. Yeah that’s real progressive thinking. All this that goes on here is how we want democrats to act. I am not a democrat, I am a progressive, Am I too aggressive maybe. :) Makes me communist is what I will hear now. And those people need to read more.
LOT OF INCORRECT in “Obama to Putin” segment (the 13 points follow hosts’ discussion as the points are made):
1. Why and how Obama should have stopped Putin in Crimea? Crimea case was a retaliation to the USA-backed coup in Ukraine that, mind you, was carried out with the use of literal neo-Nazis that were videodocumented to issue threats against Crimeans and later sent to the Eastern Ukraine to subjugate/kill those who did not accept the coup, who were still aligned with the legal authorities (now those neo-Nazis are officially employed by the new regime: google e.g. Azov and Aidar regiments’ Waffen SS insignia).
2. Why and how Obama should have shopped Putin in Syria? The USA (with others) are waging an illegal proxy “regime change” war there against country’s secular non-sectarian government with the use of literal jihadi terrorists, including Al-Qaeda.
3. Obama’s childish insults on Russia’s exports are ridiculous. Russia makes an incredible range of high tech now that ranges from engines for space that are used to launch American rockets to best nuclear reactors to planes (civilian ones) to microelectronics to special grade optics (imported by the USA!) to sapphire crystals for iPhones. Russia is #5 economy in the world in PPP currency and manufactures things that only those top five countries can do.
4. Obama’s sanctions did not cause Russia $500 billion. The is an evaluation of whole project that would span over decades, and it is to be developed anyway; just without the Exxon-Mobil’s money and participation, and in slower pace. There is no evidence that the hacks were a retaliation for the sanctions, which were not tough at all. And, so far, there is nothing to confirm that Putin had any role in the hacks. So Cenk discusses a conspiracy within a conspiracy.
5. There is a conspiracy theory that Cenk’s friend Wesley Clark Junior has embraced that Panama papers hacks were done by the CIA, considering the fact that it was used as a tool against Putin. Even though he is not implicated in any of the leaked documents, others, including those who are connected to Putins’ controversial party United Russia, were. So the “pay back” has already happened: some speculate it has harmed the number of votes that the party has got in Russia’s September parliamentarian elections than they projected (though the difference is minor, it did not “overturn” the elections).
6. Cenk claiming that the FBI is for Trump all while being under Obama’s command is questionable. Things are not that simple: obviously, some of the staff within the organization could be for Trump, but hardly the majority/”consensus”.
7. The intelligence on WMDs in Iraq in the Bush times was not manipulated by Cheney before it was put in the finale report, not after. So yes, the intelligence report by the intelligence community has claimed that there were WMDs in Iraq, not Cheney. Thus Cenk’s argument that there is a difference between the situation now versus then in this regard does not work. The intelligence community directly participated and signed the lies; the CIA and others are serial documented perjurers during both Bush and Obama’s years.
8. Foreign intelligence agencies talk about Russian hacking to use it as a political tool, too; no evidence is presented. They all love to fearmonger, red bait, to use Russia as a political card. Not that the hacking is not happening, of course, the issue is that there is no evidence that the Russian government is doing it. Kremlin’s networks are attacked thousands time a day. Should Putin scream that the evil USA are hacking Russia?
9. Cenk wonders why it is assumed by some that there is no evidence, but it would be quite legit to assume that. The Russian card is used by the losing camp to de-legitimise their competitors that have won. But Cenk is so entrenched in his Cold War mentality that he can not possibly imagine that; for him, any and all negative claims about Russia are true by default.
10. Cenk uses the T-Rex oil guy who is planned by Trump to head StateDep as “evidence” that the Russian government has carried out the hacks. This is a double conspiracy theory already. Even the huge Russian deal with Exxon-Mobil is only a portion of the company’s business and interests; the value of projects the company will develop in the future is measured in trillions.
11. Not even the CIA/FBI/DNI claim that there were hacks on the election day. And no one can forbid them checking; in fact, they monitor constantly. What Cenk keeps talking about this? This is yet even deeper another level of conspiracy theory.
12. Putin is not an authoritarian: read the definition; the political freedoms in Russia are not oppressed in any substantially different degree than elsewhere, including the USA: which means they are not great at all, but then you should either call both American and Russian regimes authoritarian, or neither. Putin prefers collective style of governing which does not depend on his personal whims and quirks. Putin is not a right-winger either; he is centre-left; the few right-wing policy he has pushed for was the absurd LGBT law that fines people for propaganda to minors; thankfully, the law is almost never used. Putin is against death penalty, he is for universal healthcare, free education, paid medical leaves, paid vacations, so on.
13. On “finding Putin’s billions”: as mentioned above, there was already Panama papers hack. Putin and his family were not implicated; I highly doubt that Putin or his family are beneficiaries in any off-shore companies. He does not own the crazy billions that Cenk baselessly claims. However, Putin did cement the corrupt regime that his USA-backed predecessor Yelsin has built, and his friends did become super rich during his tenure. They did not formally steal their wealth: corrupt contracts with the government where they were grossly overpaid (not unlike how Pentagon works) were used as a tool. Putin himself does not need the billions; this corruption works in a different way. The problem is that Russians already know that Putin’s pals have become billionaires under his watch. They accepted this as a part of a “lesser evil” equation. So there is no way for the USA to retaliate on this field.
Also: anonymous sources claiming that the RNC was also hacked contradict to the FBI’s findings that no hacks have happened; the FBI has audited the RNC multiple times this year; last time on December 8th. This is to the popular argument about “selectivity” of the hacks; it was not voiced on the panel, but it is important to discuss. This was one of the disagreements between the CIA/FBI/DNI.
The White House said it is not going to release their evidence, but keeps referring to the priorly made reports by a paid contractor security firm that was hired by the DNC to investigate the hacks. (A curious thing: as the leaks have proven, the Democrats have decided to use the Russia card/red scare/neo-MacCarthyism attack line against Trump since long before the hack has happened.) So lets look at the “evidence” that WAS made public:
The level of proof that the hacking was done by the Russian government is truly epic. The phishing mail to Podesta came from Ukraine. But Ukraine is almost Russia. And Russia is almost the same as the Russian government/FSB-GRU special hacking forces. And, of course, the Russian military intelligence uses Yandex, the biggest Russian mail service. And the DNC hack’s “evidence” is also amazing. Some of the documents are signed by “Felix Edmundovich”, who was the founder of the KGB/FSB’s predecessor. It is like believing that the CIA would hack Russia using the nome de guerre “Allen Dulles”.
The “evidence” is so ridiculous that they understood that they can not claim it was GRU’s special hacking forces any more (as they did initially), so now they made “one step away” excuse (meaning it was not the FSB’s hacking teams any more, but “middlemen”) to still blame the hacks on the Russian government with literally zero actual evidence.
The point is that hacker teams do not need to be ordered to hack anything, they see it a sport, as a matter of pride and competition and between themselves. As anyone can understand that due to the hostilities, hackers, including in Russia, have more than enough motives to hack the USA’s institutions, and vice versa, and are doing it never asking for a permission or a direction. So whole idea that Putin was “personally involved” in the hacks seems to be blatantly excessive.
By the way lets imagine that that Putin did order the hacks, though there is no way to rationalize why would he use the sloppiest hacker team that was already implicated in previous hacks; did he want Russia to be exposed? Why?
But I digress; lets say it was Putin. What has happened? Putin has exposed the corruption within the political system of the USA. Of course, any and all hacks are a crimes everywhere, but hackers within countries, both on their own and governmental, always hack other countries; lets not pretend that the hackers from the USA, be it the CIA/NSA or enthusiast/independent, are not hacking Russia or even allies (remember that the NSA has hacked to Merkel, Hollande, et cetera communications). So there is no moral ground to claim on the matter of hacking, and there is a clear benefit from this particular one as it helped the democracy in the USA during the elections, not vise versa.
It is perfectly reasonable to argue that the result of this election harms the democracy, but it would be based on the idea that people should have been kept in dim about what is happening, which is indefensible for any truly liberal, progressive, democratic process respecting individual. “Hillbots” are not that, so this is a fine argument for them as they are none of the things I listed.
A member forum is unlikely. Most probably TYT will upgrade the comment system with the ability to edit posts, to upvote posts that readers like, as well as to sort comments by the number of likes/replies. There will be no statistics on whether anyone reads anything, but if there will be likes for a certain post, then it would mean that at least some people read it.
(By the way, I doubt that things I write are great reads; I have dyslexia, so my phrasing could be very weird, depending on how tired I am. At times it may seem as if I can express my thoughts more or less well, but, alas, it is not consistent.)
Hehe I have no room to talk about writing either. I am great at skipping words when I write so I am very lenient with people’s posts online writing styles. I was referring to content. So no need to be hard on yourself. That might, however, explain your handle here a bit better to me. :)
these Azov groups, how many are there… hundreds… i mean who cares about them…
Crimea have been a part of Russia in the past, it is Russia! The people are russians, and i think most from Ukraine want to be with peace with Russia, they don`t hate each other..
Overall the number of neo-Nazis that participate(d) in all this in cumulatively in thousands. And yes, many Ukrainians genuinely hate Russians, but you are right, many do not. The country is highly divided on the issue. But now the far right oligarchy is in the power. They control almost all of the media there, so the propaganda of hatred never stops there. Ukrainian prime minister called Russians “subhuman” (Nazi term), and the minister of culture said Russian-populated areas of Ukraine are “genetically unclean”. The glorious leaders of the free world Obama, Biden, Kerry, Nuland, Brennan, MacCain — all totally in love with the regime they helped to install. Ukraine’s president, corrupt criminal oligarch Poroshenko, as per Wikileaks, is secret StateDep informant since 2000s. Kerry’s and Biden’s children got director seats in Ukraine’s biggest gas company as a “thank you”.
In addition, I know it is available elsewhere – I still prefer the download and that is my right. As a correction, I was trying to state that it is not professional of them not to ensure the upload is made in a timely manner. That is all. Have a good night everyone.
Hmmmm…I think people are getting a bit too upset. Yeah it’s a bit disappointing not to see it once in a while, but they are on a low budget and are doing the best they can. Also, if you looked a little bit harder instead of complaining, you’d see that the recorded show is located here:
Probably some mistake was made, it happens. And sometimes it happens often. They aren’t doing it on purpose, and it’s not like they are raking in millions of dollars of profit either.
TYT is an amazing network that is still finding its footing. As things grow, mistakes and setback happens. Patience is essential, especially if its FOR people who are trying to do the right thing in the world.
For the 25 dollars I pay for, I feel I get way more context and content than I could ever get anywhere else.
So take a chill pill and relax :)
Also, show starts around the 23 minute mark. :)
Not taking a chill pill and not relaxing. They promote this service as a perk for members and it is not professional of them to make sure it is uploaded in a timely manner. I take exception to your characterization that we need to take a chill pill – we are not angry – at least I am not. It is just irritating they cannot get this right. Nothing wrong with that feeling. Be assured it is not ruining my night. Take your condescension elsewhere.
10:48 Eastern time zone and still no first hour available to watch. This was getting better, but has slipped again. We are asked for money to hire more journalists and they can’t even get the playback on the website in a timely manner.
It is now 10:10 eastern time and once again you do not have the first hour up to download for your loyal paying members. Such a cavalier attitude towards us. We continue to support you because we believe in what you are doing but you sure do not care about us or you would make sure the downloads are available to us as soon as possible which is way before 10:10 eastern time. How about uploading the first hour now? You can do it. It is not hard to post it to your S3 server at Amazon. Go ahead and do it and make us happy to be members rather than frustrating us constantly.
Is it too much to fucking ask for the show to be posted by four hours after it airs live?!!! I think not but apparently TYT doesn’t agree! Looking for the 19 Dec show at 7:06pm PST on 19 Dec…disappointed again.
Glad to see the Dore/Shure combo.
It gives a great spectrum on the broader perspective and views.
As to what new reporters should be doung: look into Ivanka and Jared. This creep Jared – who is an asexual cheesy Ivy league creepy all white family descendant married into more money , is onto something but I think he is just the cover. More creeps are hiding behind him i am sure
Right, I didn’t even go into the Russian hacking what we know and don’t know article in NYT. I mean, how can you give credence to any CIA “evidence ” they present after the WMDs thing. Plus , it doesn’t change things.
Whatever evidence Rex Tillerson presents is not hacking, it’s their interests are coinciding, Trumps and Trump goons’ and Putins
Please send your first reporter to report on environmental issues all across the country as they relate to water. PLEASE. As you have said, this is a fundamental right as citizens and need constant light shed on these issues.
In a “no reply” you tube segment Cenk goes to the dark side by saying that the secretary of state appointment is evidence that the Russians hacked the elections. Shame on Cenk for joining the mainstream media. The appointment shows a possible motive but IS NOT EVIDENCE. In fact we have the same kind of evidence that we had for weapons of mass destruction; CIA lies.
Here is what professional US security say to disprove the Russian hacking stories. Please get this story to Cenk. Turns out Global Research is a better source than TYT.
Yes, thank you! Cenk has been way too eager to jump on this bandwagon with no proof! Then he works to characterize anyone who disagrees with him as an old time hippie who can’t help but support Russia. No!!! We just want the truth, the facts – not someone’s wet dream!
jesus christ. Either show us evidence for the alleged Russian hacking or just shut up… Beside the contents of the emails were never disputed. I actually think we could use some more hacking, if it exposes the truth.
Agree!!! Let’s not gloss over the fact that the emails were not altered! This is information we should have had anyway!
The main reason business won’t get behind better infrastructure is because, while good in the long term, does nothing for next quarter’s profit.
Also, the plant leaking chemicals into drinking water should explode the libertarian philosophy. There isn’t even a bullshit theoretical argument for a remedy.
And the federal govt defict is non-govt surplus. It’s a good thing.
Okay, so I watched a Robert Reich live video on Facebook this week. That’s how I heard about:
“December 19, 2016
We the People will come together at every state capitol across the United States to call on the Electors of the Electoral College to listen to the voice of the people and refuse to cast their ballots for Donald Trump.” – December19
We are part of the December 19th coalition that started with a petition that has 5 million signatures. We are meeting in all 50 state capitals, DC, and NYC. We have three main points as to why the elector should reject Trump: 1. Wide spread documented voter suppression 2. CIA revelations that Putin Helped “Hack our Democracy.” 3. Electors have the constitutional right to vote their conscience.
We are asking them to reject Trump and listen to the will of the people who voted for Hillary Clinton by 2.9 million votes.
See y’all on Monday.
PS – we are distinct from the Hamilton Electors, but our coalition isn’t at odds with them. We are in no way mutually exclusive.
We’ve got hashtags cause hashtags are a thing now: #Dec19 #doesmyvotecount #wasmyvotecounted #onepersononevote #StopTrump
I will only ever support a movement to get rid of the EC. This is not that, it may even be the opposite, in that if successful (it won’t be, but hypothetically speaking) it would merely open the door for BOTH establishment parties to more actively abuse the EC in the future. If they can more easily use it to gain power by the backdoor, then they will never get rid of it obviously.
I agree that the EC is out dated. I think that we should get rid of it starting now (Cenk said pretty much the same thing several times.) I support honoring the will of the people who voted for HRC by 2.9 million votes. Our coalition wants, HRC to be President not Trump because “democratically “she was elected. It’s a long shot, but if no one does anything… We could end up with “unfit” Trumpkin for 8 years. I voted for Bernie in the Primary and Hillary in the General. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do enough to fight fascism, but at least I’m trying. I get that this is a long shot, but seriously, why not at least look into this and give it the benefit of the doubt?
While I’m all for protesting against Trump, I just don’t think this is the best expression of it.
So if some people just can’t wait until he takes office (and I predict he will), then sure, let them have at it. Personally I’d rather save the energy for when he takes office, but I can see the benefits of interrupted activity for some. As far as the latter goes, I am not “against” the activity (withholding support is not opposition). I just hope these people won’t hang their heads in defeat and permanently give up when this ploy fails.
That’s “the benefits of UNinterrupted activity”. Typo.
I appreciate your point of view. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I don’t expect to change your view. I don’t expect to be successful tomorrow, but I like to look at things mathematically. It seems like the vast majority of people are just trying to get by. If every person continues on that path, we really could end up with some truly awful stuff. What is the down side of too soon? Mathematically, I don’t see one. Like at all. The advantages of acting now have been overwhelming. Literally. Successful resistance will take work and organization. I am now linked into many organizational networks and can actively participate in a meaningful way to prevent said truly awful stuff (possibly tomorrow) but definitely in the future.
Kudos and good luck.
I truly appreciate your support.
Does anybody else think the audio on all the shows has been kind of blown out for the past week or so?
Agreed, it has been unpleasant. This show wasn’t as bad as others though, the Friday PG was particularly bad. Use less gain, guys.
“She wouldn’t even take his last name”. Really, this is a pejorative? Very disappointing.
This whole conversation on voting missed one major point (very briefly mentioned for 1/2 second by Jimmy) – PAPER! PAPER! PAPER! With no paper trail – there is no true checking. American elections are becoming a sad joke.
Hi ZedsterX,
I’ll try using my wife’s laptop that is running a different version of windows after she gets up and see what happens. Thanks for your recommendation.
Which part of this summary is the most disturbing?
“The Russians unethically influenced the election by revealing that the DNC had unethically influenced the election.”
So far as threats to our democracy go… What the DNC did is the more immediate threat. No wonder the mainstream media are working so hard to focus our attention on Russia.
Lets think about it: if the Russian government has done the hacking, indeed (no evidence of that so far, but lets imagine), but the leaked material would have shown how magnanimous, principled, honest the DNC and Podesta were, would not this act be still treated as unethical? “Russians have upheld the American democracy and voters’ belief in the system”. Though I doubt there would be much talk about the hacking.
Cenk made his reputation with his rants against media cooperation with the government’s war-drum-beating propaganda leading up to the Iraq invasion…
Yet now here he is, faithfully parroting the mainstream media which faithfully parrots the propaganda being put out by the government.
Oh, the irony.
Yes, because nothing the government EVER says is true, everything they say is a lie and nothing but propaganda.
Same goes for the MSM. Every single piece of info they ever give is false. And of course, our Lord and Savior Vladimir Putin is so pure and angelic, he would never want to try to interfere with foreign elections. And even if he did, who cares, right ? We shouldn’t investigate just to be sure, we should assume there’s no evidence.
And the government is lying because it’s really in their best interest to pick a fight with Russia by making unsubstantiated claims. It really helps the US to accuse Russia of a crime without proof. It can’t be that they actually have reason to believe that something happened. Nope, no way.
God people like you are such monumental idiots.
Thank you.
Your language and attitude confirm that I am on the correct side of this issue.
So everyone who is sarcastic and rude (tbh that was gratuitous) to you is wrong? Poor logic.
Perhaps, but in any case, no one should honor an insult with a substantive reply (apart from one that calls out the insult and nothing more).
I’m with you Deb-n-Cal!
Hey, hey. No personal attacks on fellow Members, please. It does the opposite of strengthening your argument, it merely makes you look vindictive and anti-social.
Of course he cut it out. At the very least, Russia will not interfere with any elections until the next elections.
If you have problems with voting machines, why not vote with paper and pen? I mean it`s much safer, why change a system that works? seems weird?
In my country(Denmark) you vote with with a voting card, and you need to count the vote afterwards… just to be sure… much better system.
Downloaded Video Files Do Not Display Video When Playing Back
Downloading the video Hour 1 TA file, Hour 2 TB file, and PG file do not display the video when playing them back but only play the audio. The file size is correct but the video doesn’t display.
This does not happen with the Aggressive Progressive file 161215__AP.mp4 that downloads and plays the video as normal.
This problem started Tues Dec 13th and is still happening Fri Dec 16th.
Democracy Now video files ( download and play correctly as do files from web sites other than TYT.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I know at least one other person is having this problem because they told me so.
Everything good here brother. I DL them and haven’t had a problem. You try a different player maybe?
Hi ZedsterX,
This is the identical setup I’ve been using for years with TYT, and like I said it doesn’t happen with the latest Aggressive Progressive and years with Democracy Now ( We’ll see, sooner or later the issue will reveal itself.
Does seem weird. But I was asking if you have tried a different player? I use VLC both on windoze and android. Could also be a driver problem if on windoze.
On the Russia story, the person providing the statement saying the facts are the same is an “intelligence source.” What does that even mean? Who is the source? As more information comes out about this, the more I am convinced it is political theater.
Batshit, crazy people have sources, too. We wouldn’t take Alex Jones’ sources seriously, unless he had genuine evidence to support his claims. Why are we so quick to believe anything the FBI says, let alone the CIA?
28+ minutes in, Cenk questions why we would assume there is no evidence. We assume that because the burden of proof is on the person or group making the claim. We assume that because of who is making the claim. These intelligence agencies lie constantly. The extent to which the Patriot Act was/is being used to violate the rights of citizens is insane. All they need now is one warrant from any judge to infiltrate any number of computer systems. It used to be that warrants were narrow in scope and specific when it came to probable cause.
I am so with you here Michael. This really goes to the fact that Cenk is not what I consider a progressive.
A progressive does not take the word of his government without proof. Think Iraq war here. This atrocity alone is reason enough to never believe a word from the CIA, NSA, NSA, or any other acronym you want, without real proof.
Now these these next are just my opinion but I stick with it.
A real progressive does not believe in capitalism. Every economy book tells you that with capitalism there must be winners and losers. There must be an enemy. These two things alone make it an unfair system. How long can businesses keep making a profit? Forever is not possible.
A real progressive can at least admit that consumption of meat and the animal agriculture industry is the most harmful industry for the planet, bar none, and until our priorities change we will never win the climate fight. A real progressive knows that it is time to panic. I am not 100% vegan but I sure am trying. I can at least admit the truth and I am making an effort.
A real progressive doesn’t look at the Democratic party and say, “We can fix it”. We say, “Screw your corrupt, bank run party. We can do better”. When the corruption is so deep in the party it just makes sense to let them play their games and fight them that way then trying to pry it from them on the inside. They are already showing you they want nothing to do with it from the Ellison nomination. Have some balls and start a party with balls. Cenk always calls them weak but he thinks that will change. Why?
A real progressive does not believe that just overturning Citizens United will change the political system to perfection overnight. That is ridiculous. There was corruption long before that decision. They just wanted to make it easier for themselves. Everything will just go back to true bribery again. A good start is reversing The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. That will piss off some very important 0.01%ers. Then you move society past the antiquated monetary system and on to a more people and planet oriented system devoid of money. Yeah that’s real progressive thinking. All this that goes on here is how we want democrats to act. I am not a democrat, I am a progressive, Am I too aggressive maybe. :) Makes me communist is what I will hear now. And those people need to read more.
I’m with you ZedsterX
LOT OF INCORRECT in “Obama to Putin” segment (the 13 points follow hosts’ discussion as the points are made):
1. Why and how Obama should have stopped Putin in Crimea? Crimea case was a retaliation to the USA-backed coup in Ukraine that, mind you, was carried out with the use of literal neo-Nazis that were videodocumented to issue threats against Crimeans and later sent to the Eastern Ukraine to subjugate/kill those who did not accept the coup, who were still aligned with the legal authorities (now those neo-Nazis are officially employed by the new regime: google e.g. Azov and Aidar regiments’ Waffen SS insignia).
2. Why and how Obama should have shopped Putin in Syria? The USA (with others) are waging an illegal proxy “regime change” war there against country’s secular non-sectarian government with the use of literal jihadi terrorists, including Al-Qaeda.
3. Obama’s childish insults on Russia’s exports are ridiculous. Russia makes an incredible range of high tech now that ranges from engines for space that are used to launch American rockets to best nuclear reactors to planes (civilian ones) to microelectronics to special grade optics (imported by the USA!) to sapphire crystals for iPhones. Russia is #5 economy in the world in PPP currency and manufactures things that only those top five countries can do.
4. Obama’s sanctions did not cause Russia $500 billion. The is an evaluation of whole project that would span over decades, and it is to be developed anyway; just without the Exxon-Mobil’s money and participation, and in slower pace. There is no evidence that the hacks were a retaliation for the sanctions, which were not tough at all. And, so far, there is nothing to confirm that Putin had any role in the hacks. So Cenk discusses a conspiracy within a conspiracy.
5. There is a conspiracy theory that Cenk’s friend Wesley Clark Junior has embraced that Panama papers hacks were done by the CIA, considering the fact that it was used as a tool against Putin. Even though he is not implicated in any of the leaked documents, others, including those who are connected to Putins’ controversial party United Russia, were. So the “pay back” has already happened: some speculate it has harmed the number of votes that the party has got in Russia’s September parliamentarian elections than they projected (though the difference is minor, it did not “overturn” the elections).
6. Cenk claiming that the FBI is for Trump all while being under Obama’s command is questionable. Things are not that simple: obviously, some of the staff within the organization could be for Trump, but hardly the majority/”consensus”.
7. The intelligence on WMDs in Iraq in the Bush times was not manipulated by Cheney before it was put in the finale report, not after. So yes, the intelligence report by the intelligence community has claimed that there were WMDs in Iraq, not Cheney. Thus Cenk’s argument that there is a difference between the situation now versus then in this regard does not work. The intelligence community directly participated and signed the lies; the CIA and others are serial documented perjurers during both Bush and Obama’s years.
8. Foreign intelligence agencies talk about Russian hacking to use it as a political tool, too; no evidence is presented. They all love to fearmonger, red bait, to use Russia as a political card. Not that the hacking is not happening, of course, the issue is that there is no evidence that the Russian government is doing it. Kremlin’s networks are attacked thousands time a day. Should Putin scream that the evil USA are hacking Russia?
9. Cenk wonders why it is assumed by some that there is no evidence, but it would be quite legit to assume that. The Russian card is used by the losing camp to de-legitimise their competitors that have won. But Cenk is so entrenched in his Cold War mentality that he can not possibly imagine that; for him, any and all negative claims about Russia are true by default.
10. Cenk uses the T-Rex oil guy who is planned by Trump to head StateDep as “evidence” that the Russian government has carried out the hacks. This is a double conspiracy theory already. Even the huge Russian deal with Exxon-Mobil is only a portion of the company’s business and interests; the value of projects the company will develop in the future is measured in trillions.
11. Not even the CIA/FBI/DNI claim that there were hacks on the election day. And no one can forbid them checking; in fact, they monitor constantly. What Cenk keeps talking about this? This is yet even deeper another level of conspiracy theory.
12. Putin is not an authoritarian: read the definition; the political freedoms in Russia are not oppressed in any substantially different degree than elsewhere, including the USA: which means they are not great at all, but then you should either call both American and Russian regimes authoritarian, or neither. Putin prefers collective style of governing which does not depend on his personal whims and quirks. Putin is not a right-winger either; he is centre-left; the few right-wing policy he has pushed for was the absurd LGBT law that fines people for propaganda to minors; thankfully, the law is almost never used. Putin is against death penalty, he is for universal healthcare, free education, paid medical leaves, paid vacations, so on.
13. On “finding Putin’s billions”: as mentioned above, there was already Panama papers hack. Putin and his family were not implicated; I highly doubt that Putin or his family are beneficiaries in any off-shore companies. He does not own the crazy billions that Cenk baselessly claims. However, Putin did cement the corrupt regime that his USA-backed predecessor Yelsin has built, and his friends did become super rich during his tenure. They did not formally steal their wealth: corrupt contracts with the government where they were grossly overpaid (not unlike how Pentagon works) were used as a tool. Putin himself does not need the billions; this corruption works in a different way. The problem is that Russians already know that Putin’s pals have become billionaires under his watch. They accepted this as a part of a “lesser evil” equation. So there is no way for the USA to retaliate on this field.
Also: anonymous sources claiming that the RNC was also hacked contradict to the FBI’s findings that no hacks have happened; the FBI has audited the RNC multiple times this year; last time on December 8th. This is to the popular argument about “selectivity” of the hacks; it was not voiced on the panel, but it is important to discuss. This was one of the disagreements between the CIA/FBI/DNI.
The White House said it is not going to release their evidence, but keeps referring to the priorly made reports by a paid contractor security firm that was hired by the DNC to investigate the hacks. (A curious thing: as the leaks have proven, the Democrats have decided to use the Russia card/red scare/neo-MacCarthyism attack line against Trump since long before the hack has happened.) So lets look at the “evidence” that WAS made public:
The level of proof that the hacking was done by the Russian government is truly epic. The phishing mail to Podesta came from Ukraine. But Ukraine is almost Russia. And Russia is almost the same as the Russian government/FSB-GRU special hacking forces. And, of course, the Russian military intelligence uses Yandex, the biggest Russian mail service. And the DNC hack’s “evidence” is also amazing. Some of the documents are signed by “Felix Edmundovich”, who was the founder of the KGB/FSB’s predecessor. It is like believing that the CIA would hack Russia using the nome de guerre “Allen Dulles”.
The “evidence” is so ridiculous that they understood that they can not claim it was GRU’s special hacking forces any more (as they did initially), so now they made “one step away” excuse (meaning it was not the FSB’s hacking teams any more, but “middlemen”) to still blame the hacks on the Russian government with literally zero actual evidence.
The point is that hacker teams do not need to be ordered to hack anything, they see it a sport, as a matter of pride and competition and between themselves. As anyone can understand that due to the hostilities, hackers, including in Russia, have more than enough motives to hack the USA’s institutions, and vice versa, and are doing it never asking for a permission or a direction. So whole idea that Putin was “personally involved” in the hacks seems to be blatantly excessive.
By the way lets imagine that that Putin did order the hacks, though there is no way to rationalize why would he use the sloppiest hacker team that was already implicated in previous hacks; did he want Russia to be exposed? Why?
But I digress; lets say it was Putin. What has happened? Putin has exposed the corruption within the political system of the USA. Of course, any and all hacks are a crimes everywhere, but hackers within countries, both on their own and governmental, always hack other countries; lets not pretend that the hackers from the USA, be it the CIA/NSA or enthusiast/independent, are not hacking Russia or even allies (remember that the NSA has hacked to Merkel, Hollande, et cetera communications). So there is no moral ground to claim on the matter of hacking, and there is a clear benefit from this particular one as it helped the democracy in the USA during the elections, not vise versa.
It is perfectly reasonable to argue that the result of this election harms the democracy, but it would be based on the idea that people should have been kept in dim about what is happening, which is indefensible for any truly liberal, progressive, democratic process respecting individual. “Hillbots” are not that, so this is a fine argument for them as they are none of the things I listed.
Hey dDErss great reads. Wouldn’t it be great if you could tell if anyone ever read these things or you could edit them? :)
Always making my pitch for a member forum.
A member forum is unlikely. Most probably TYT will upgrade the comment system with the ability to edit posts, to upvote posts that readers like, as well as to sort comments by the number of likes/replies. There will be no statistics on whether anyone reads anything, but if there will be likes for a certain post, then it would mean that at least some people read it.
(By the way, I doubt that things I write are great reads; I have dyslexia, so my phrasing could be very weird, depending on how tired I am. At times it may seem as if I can express my thoughts more or less well, but, alas, it is not consistent.)
Hehe I have no room to talk about writing either. I am great at skipping words when I write so I am very lenient with people’s posts online writing styles. I was referring to content. So no need to be hard on yourself. That might, however, explain your handle here a bit better to me. :)
Next time, don’t try to sound so much like a Russian propaganda machine.
Mister MacCarthy?
these Azov groups, how many are there… hundreds… i mean who cares about them…
Crimea have been a part of Russia in the past, it is Russia! The people are russians, and i think most from Ukraine want to be with peace with Russia, they don`t hate each other..
Overall the number of neo-Nazis that participate(d) in all this in cumulatively in thousands. And yes, many Ukrainians genuinely hate Russians, but you are right, many do not. The country is highly divided on the issue. But now the far right oligarchy is in the power. They control almost all of the media there, so the propaganda of hatred never stops there. Ukrainian prime minister called Russians “subhuman” (Nazi term), and the minister of culture said Russian-populated areas of Ukraine are “genetically unclean”. The glorious leaders of the free world Obama, Biden, Kerry, Nuland, Brennan, MacCain — all totally in love with the regime they helped to install. Ukraine’s president, corrupt criminal oligarch Poroshenko, as per Wikileaks, is secret StateDep informant since 2000s. Kerry’s and Biden’s children got director seats in Ukraine’s biggest gas company as a “thank you”.
Thank you dDErss!
Two constants that I cannot shake in my life are that I always forget Friday is TYT Power Panel, and that it never fucking disappoints.
This is my first time watching the full main show and wow have I been missing out.
wait till you watch it live, and have twitter conversations with people.
Exclamation points!! Question marks?? Exclamation points sandwiched between question marks?!!?
Infrastructure update has been left to the states and cities! This is part of the great Ponzi Scheme developers hand to tax payers!!