TYT Old School December 14, 2016

In Membership, TYT Old School - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan48 Comments

Cenk, Steve, and John talk about “good coffee.” Steve breaks down the French press process. Cenk shares the story of a guy he knows that cheated on the SATs. Why Rhode Island hotdogs are so special.


  1. I Always said this for years.. its going to sound horrible but i believe females are incapable of true love.. I break it down like in general females want the best out of a man and love true love would tie them down emotionally with someone and for them to not move on after the man dies by a wild animal/battle/ natural disaster.. So they can like you a whole lot but for the most part you are there for a time and once your gone they can build new memories with someone.. As for males we have love very strongly . i think that was developed in our natural aspect as trying to be providers/defenders of home and family.. but thats just a theory of mine!!

  2. I completely agree with Steve Oh. I love French Pressed coffee, but I do not have to share because I can drink and will drink all three cups of a nice strong cup of French Pressed coffee. Side note, as a teenager, I never drank French Pressed coffee and ate hot dogs, but I ate shrimp cocktail and drank French Pressed coffee. I was a pescatarian/ vegetarian. Now, I am a vegetarian/vegan.

  3. Laughing at the football stories. I went to one college football game. I thought it would be fun; I grew up in Boston watching the Pats. Problem was I went to school in Canada. There might have been 50 people there, and I spent the whole game wondering why there were only three downs.

  4. I’m with Steve. I swear by my french press. Mostly because I can’t break it. If you can boil water, then there will be coffee.

  5. Listening to old school tonight, I realized that none of you are native Californians, let alone from L.A
    . You guys are the reason why housing is so expensive here. You are also the reason that liberals are only located on the coasts. You should go back to your home states and spread progressive ideas there and quite overcrowding my city.
    Just kidding!! Love you guys

  6. Strong tea made from one earl grey tea bag and one regular tea bag, milk and no sugar = good.
    That or strong coffee, made in a moka pot, with a bit of sugar/stevia.

  7. The Council estimates Americans consume 20 billion hot dogs a year – more than twice the retail sales figures. That works out to about 70 hot dogs per person each year. Hot dogs are served in 95 percent of homes in the United States.

  8. Steve, I am with you on the coffee. I love the ceremony. As a Brit Ex-pat, let me address a couple of misconceptions: firstly, Chicken Tikka Masala was invented by Indians living in North London and EXPORTED to Indian sub-continent.
    We lost many of our traditions, including food, dress, celebrations, etc due to the puritans’ dissolution of the monarchy in the 17C. Unlike Russia or China, they did not return even after the restoration of the Monarchy a generation later.
    Maybe the puritans simple diet and took it to American which has a huge variety of cultures state by state, but is relatively constant diet of burgers, hot dog, meat in general.
    Last point: Your old school conversations are EXACTLY my experience of real locker room talk…..happy daze!

  9. What’s wrong with trees? I’d rather live around trees than uninteresting concrete slabs and urine soaked parking garages. LOL

  10. I am proud of my state. I would fly the state flag if I flew any flags. Minnesota. We are libs and have a rep for Minnesota Nice. “ah geeze, my hot dish got cold, then.”

    Norwegian blood sausage, aka Blod Klub . My dad would eat that. When he did the dog would loose her shit. She would kill any family member just for a good begging spot. She stared my dad down until she got a bit of it. My grandma used to make it. Dad says she would come out of the kitchen covered in blood like an ax murderer. lol

    1. Cenk- I am from Turkey and feel the same was about eating the iskembe and kokorec. But my kids who are American love iskembe, kokorec and kele (the lamb head). Whenever we are in Turkey they have to go to the special iskembe restaurants and eat all that. Gross!

  11. Steve, I hear you about the view coming down the mountain pass there and the valley opens up with the hills around. I haven’t been there in years, but the visual still gives me goosebumps. With all the growth, maybe it’s good I haven’t seen it in so long!

  12. In Rhode Island: Spike’s Junk Yard Dogs is IT. There are two locations & offer vegan dogs! RI, home to Brown University has many good eats and wonderful places to visit. Do not dismiss! Connecticut can go, for sure :)

  13. Minutaes from a foreign student in Quincy Mass in 1995:
    I got a letter from my father while I was in Boston, asking me to write to him more often, for what I didn’t have time. So finally a Nor’Eastern storm arrives, we are all stuck inside, I get to finish my letters and catch a ride to the local supermarket for supplies and get to mail my letters. They did not reach their destination, and as a result, my father refused to speak to me for 2 months because he thought I was deceiving him in insisting I have mailed my letters. At least I saved on phone bills .

    On the other hand, this Community College had probably the best admissions and success of new admissions ratio in the country at that time, 1995-1997

  14. 2a-dawn is my favorite time of day, the pre-dawn birds make me profoundly sad cause they herald the conclusion of my solitude & the inevitably of the bright, noisy day.
    I drink coffee and go right back to sleep, love the taste, get nothing but way too,many trips to pee from drinking it tho…
    Going to take the SATs was the first place I drove in my first car, got into my first accident in a library parking lot right afterwards lol
    Can’t believe Johnny Pie didn’t destroy the SATs, seems like he’d be a great test taker cause he is the personification of random knowledge
    I’m a jersey girl, and have Jersey pride, both NY football teams actually play here, “ny” auditions for almost every irrelevant competition reality show actually happen here, according to Futurama we’re the home of robot hell, who doesn’t love Kevin Smith, Danny Devito, John Stewart, The Sopranos, and some of the most hilariously brazen true tales of crime & corruption outside of Florida. Being proud to be from nj doesn’t make you Snooki(who along with most of her cast mates, is a fucking new yorker), it makes you a fire tested, battle worn, Badass as long as you’re not a pampered, privileged, narcissistic, obnoxiously unaware waste of a person in which case no matter where you’re from, you’re fucking awful.
    Trump is Randall Tarley but thinks he’s Jamie Lannister (pre amputation)
    Hillary thinks she’s Dany, but she’s a hell of a lot more like Liza Aaron
    Don’t disgrace the actual journalists by suggesting whoever let Trumpzilla slide thru yet another interview unchallenged, that person is a stenographer, not a damn journalist.
    Bud Light is genuinely terrible, i always figured Cenk would be a scotch sipping kinda guy.
    If you can pay for it, justice means always getting away with anything you stumble into.
    If not, justice means 10-20 as a slave laborer, the decimation of your future & family, and the inability to ever fully regain your place in society.

  15. “Listen to TYT, save 40000,” too true. Baseball is fun. Cliques are not supposed to exist past high school. My high school only had cliques because we had 11 round tables. We were all friends, the majority of us. Back in 1846. I took my ACTs and cheated with Mary Jane and got a 29. I didn’t study for anything other than Math. In my opinion, lying is like stealing with your own words. Bud light is Mmerica. Rednecks in Southern Minnesota like the term Merica. Minnesotans care about their towns. People literally take care of other peoples houses lawns. Just because they want it to look nice on their block. Our neighbors plow for us. My sister doesn’t have to shovel her steps and neither did my grandmother, who lived their beforehand. She didn’t have to mow either. Donald, Kiss my Ring, Trump. Dr. Jill Stein running for President; probably felt like Rick, following Negan around, carrying Lucille. Recognition Trumps Validation. “I just slipped my dick down your throat, and you thanked me,” Negan. A Texas, anti Hillary person, said he didn’t like her because, “name a lie.” I play League of Legends and make friends around the World. I use the delete button like Abraham Lincoln used to write letters. F.D.R. Day. November 8th. For Democrats and Republicans. Democracy Day. Unity Day. Roosevelt Day. Hot Dogs are cheap at Walmart.

  16. My wife and I “love” Old School. We have cocktails and good food and watch it whenever there is a new one. Paradoxically we are two old people who consider ourselves to be Young Turks. Our younger friends tease us about holding salons which are much like Old School conversations. They tease us … yet they never fail to show up for them.
    BTW, John and Cenk are Philistines when it comes to coffee etiquette. Steve gets both coffee and “love.”

  17. Cenk, I’m finding your definition/explanation of love quite unique (and I really mean unique). I haven’t heard it put that way before, and I like it…it makes sense. Thanks!

    1. How do you get a pic to show up in your profile? I seem to be to lame to figure that out. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. “Wrong.” Stannis is a honorable and righteous Tywin. The show made Stannis seem like a morally self-ish and dogmatic character.

  18. RI hot weiners are a thing, the relish Irma was talking about is pretty RI, too. They use a sweet red pepper relish usually, not a pickle relish. RI has a lot of food things – Del’s frozen lemonade, clam chowder & clam cakes, coffee milk, bakery pizza, johnny cakes, stuffies, grinders. Iced coffee and coffee ice cream used to be something you only found in RI. Food is part of the culture there and certain foods are just part of the RI identity. It’d be like taking jambalaya and po boys away from Louisiana.

  19. Agreeing with the others. This was the best Old School. I hope to see John make an appearance more often.

    I’m with Steve, though. French Press coffee is the only way, but I only settled on a French Press because making coffee with a French Press is basically the cheapest option. No filters or cups. Just a massive stainless steel press. Set for life.

  20. Trump is obviously Euron Greyjoy. Seriously, I’m almost surprised he never said “I’m going to make the iron islands great again!” in his pitch to become king.

  21. It’s funny how here, in France we call the French press the “Italian press” basically :)

    John, you’re not supposed to drink macha outside of the matcha ritual XD (I agree, it taste like crap), but guys, you may just want to try macha in cakes, I’m sure there’s a place in LA’s area that does them :)

    And, the Ivy League consultant, can we agree that he is an asshole? Some people have enough money to “waste” it that way, but maaan, if it’s a regular family, that’s…theft!

    Defending John here, he did what he liked and that’s what matters :p

    Agreeing with Steve about how to get in Ivy League schools. Network is the keystone. errggg…. And speaking 2 languages preferably none of them being Spanish(doesn’t count much).

  22. Sitting in my basement during a snowstorm in upstate NY with wife of 30 yrs asleep upstairs. Started thinking about loves of my past and realized that all though they are still a part of me they have faded so much that I have trouble visualizing what they looked like. So I think time is a factor you didn’t factor in to your love equations.

    1. Your ability to see their faces doesn’t negate their effect on you. It’s hard for some people to visualize loved ones who’ve been gone for decades but they still have an effect on you, right? Just my opinion.

      Stay warm and safe up there!

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