Cenk, Dave, and-for the first time on Old Schoo-Ana. The trio talk what awaits after death. Ana remembers fearing losing her job to an intern. Cenk talks Hasan’s “secret show.” Cenk explains why he’s not a “workaholic.” Ana on the lazy college students she dealt with. Dave shares the two greatest things in life.

Thank you.
The people that go home or go on vacation and don’t have to think about or do anything work related usually get paid accordingly, just sayin’. ;-)
People who aren’t rich need to be keep busy and follow a routine because it distracts us from our existential crisis. Sitting back on a beach for too long gives you to much time to ponder your own existence. It can be scary.
Schlafanzyk, Bill Maher actually did not say that. It was people like Maajid Nawaz and Sam Harris who said a Trump would be elected as a reaction to liberals who did not address Islamism sufficiently. People like Rubin have kept parroting this even though there is no statistical or empirical evidence to support this claim. Maher said liberals were not responsible for Trump.
Which brings me to another reason why Rubin is full of shit. He cites Maher as a fighter against “regressives” because he’s tough on Islam, but Maher speaks the language of identity politics as much as anybody. For example, every time there is resistance to Obama by Republicans Maher attributes it to racism. Rubin never addresses that. More importantly, he sounded the warning of the left causing Trump to be elected and yet has not really indicated that he thinks Trump’s election is a bad thing. If you bash people for supposedly producing an outcome you don’t mind, then why bash them?
I’ll grant you the strawmanning of Sam was not a good look for Cenk. But in the big picture I largely trust Cenk because he is honest about himself.
Enjoyed Dave & Cenk.
I love TYT. I love everyone but I fucking love Dave. I want him on every show, every day.
Great show! A+!
I’m 100% with Dave on his teaching philosophy. That intern did fuck up, and anyone else who wants to just skate by and lose major opportunities to learn… How is that your problem? That’s their problem. When I used to teach at university for my PhD, I pretty much always followed this policy. If you want to teach, it’s not your job to make the student’s show up, to do the assignments properly, etc.
So imo, for the students, “You did your work, A. You didn’t do your work well, B, maybe a C if its dreadful. You didn’t do anything, F.” Why I am going to spend a huge number of hours a week trying to carefully make sure that people who don’t give a fuck about learning get the maximal number of points they have “earned”? It makes no sense, and it just encourages assholes to try to game the system. Also, why does anything think that a single grade is actually an accurate proxy for aptitude? In my experience, it rarely gives you more than a very fuzzy, broad-strokes picture of that student’s aptitude. So, if you want to be there and you want to learn, you have my undivided attention. If you want to stumble over your dick for a semester to satiate what some asshole Dean thought was a necessary course for your major, then I’m not wasting my time trying to teach you something you don’t want to learn. It’s a waste of your time and mine.
I changed my mind. I actually liked listening to Ana on Old School, she did good. I just don’t enjoy looking at her lately, she seems too pumped up – or whatever the expression, and it did not sit well on that show in the beginning but I enjoyed her after all.
Next time on old school why don’t you delve into the cultural differences in Asian vs Western cultures in how they consume food : Asians using chopsticks and fingers to eat their food vs Westerners using all sorts of instruments they put in their mouth along with the food, forks, spoons of various shapes and utilisation. No wonder Westerners are so into burgers french fries donuts etc, all stuff you eat without instruments.
Thanks for a great show as usual!
I’m a college student now and I wish I was half the student Ana was. Instead, I’m procrastinating a research paper by watching Old School.
Reason #74 Dave Rubin is full of shit. He calls TYT an echo chamber when he himself demonstrated it isn’t along, with all the other disagreements and arguments that have happened on the show. I love when they yell at each other in one segment and are back to friendly in the next one.
I love those moments as well. But I still agree with Dave Rubin in a way and I really miss him on the show… people naturally tend to hide their real opinion based on what they think their employer wants to hear – unless they are an essential part of the show and absolutely irreplaceable. Take Gina Grad for example – super liberal on TYT, now moderately conservative/libertarian on the Adam Carolla podcast. Also, the way people like Sam Harris were misrepresented and straw-manned for just speaking their mind rationally in order to explain the legitimate fears, that drove people into supporting an authoritarian strongman like Trump, was just embarrassing. None of us listened to people like Bill Maher who yelled at liberals to stand up for liberal values regarding Islam and not tolerate the inherent intolerance, and we were warned that if we don’t, people will vote for the nutjob with the crazy hair who promises to keep everyone safe – no matter the cost. And look what we got now.
Oh, that’s rich. So you’re saying that if people on the left went down the Harris/Maher road and declared Islam just the worst, fewer people would have voted for Trump? More people would have voted for Clinton? If the left started mimicking the right just a liiiittle bit more, it would have won? I’m sorry, but that’s horseshit.
Harris can pretend to have been misrepresented but I diligently read his blogs, including that pathetic attempt at a Chomsky takedown, I heard the sophistry spewing from his mouth time and time again. He is a pseudo-political thinker interested exclusively in landing gigs and selling books. He throws out weak syllogism after weak syllogism in the vain hope of presenting himself as controversial and outré. Socially progressive, politically conservative, courting the Trump voter and the Clinton voter at the same time, sneering at the Sanders voter.
And you’re now saying “We need more guys like that on the left! We should’ve promised security at all costs, alienating the whole world if that’s what it takes! That’s what would’ve stopped the Trumpocalypse!”
FFS, how long can you people watch the country slide further to the right and keep playing the same game? Each time you lose, you move one more step closer to the winner, hoping that’ll somehow get you the win next time. Eventually people figure out you don’t really stand for anything, you’re just being opportunistic and trying to read the zeitgeist in the hope of fleecing enough people to get to where you need to be.
Great stories and I did immediately google “the accomodator” when it came up. Old School is one of my favorites and the appearance of Ana worked in very well.
No no ballerina postures on Old School, please Cenk , Dave , ..
I have a late adopter history, no barometer I am, but just keep ana out of Old School
P L E A S E – uh
Damn it! I only had one class at the University at Buffalo that pulled that A/B thing, where if you did the work you get an A, and if you half ass it, you get a B. Everything kicked my ass! I mean, I did fine but there was no fucking around. Maybe it’s because I was taking science classes and not humanities or because it wasn’t Ivy league like Cenk said.
Fucking love Dave Koller. Listening to Ana talk inside baseball on teaching college was fascinating, and I never even went to college! Agressive Progressives is still my favorite TYT show ever, but I love having this show on in the background on Sundays when I clean the house.
Wanted to add, as you guys were sort of saying, you should actually be LEARNING in school. But really, everyone is there for the grade only. So obviously, the teachers/professors know this and they know if they give a bad grade, that kid is fucked. While also knowing the good grades they gave out, probably went to a bunch of people like Cenk, who did just enough to sneak by with an A. Neither student learned the information. So in their mind, who cares?
I know in high school especially, you’d have a test at the end of the week. I’d learn the stuff for that week’s test by reading it 20 minutes before class, get an A, and immediately disregard all that shit. So I finished with good grades, and not too much more knowledge than the kid who the teacher gave a D to.
I am not sure what you do, but we have to find a way to make learning the priority and not the grades. Colleges basically are escorting students for the grades and the degree, and not charging them for the knowledge they should be gaining. Just rich people putting a $100k roadblock in the middle of your life to enrich themselves further.
Oh man I’ve been following Old School since episode 1, and this is by far the best one yet! Glad Ana finally graced us with her presence, and Dave cracks me up, man. Unsung TYT Hero. The Accommodator had me in tears… A- just to keep you on your toes!
What’s the Six Feet Under finale-related story!? Cenk never got back to it.
You have no idea, Westworld is one of the best shows ever, 2nd after GoT. :-)
Also I love you guys and love to have Ana on the show –
more ladies in the future (that’s when Now is OldSchool – what?) please!
Boys Clubs are old OldSchool…
Did Cenk have some pot cookies before this old school episode?
Love the show! Hey Cenk, the “all is one consciousness” idea is more than some philosophical speculation because there are MANY people, past and present, who have seen the truth of this personally and who tell us we DO have access to it in every moment. AND, it IS on YouTube!! Quite extensively! Some of these enlightened people were monks or devoted seekers but many are just everyday people who had an awakening to higher consciousness. You are right that consciousness IS incomprehensible – it’s not something we can know with our thinking minds but something we can recognize with our own consciousness under the right circumstances. Of course there is also a lot of bullshit on YouTube as well so it takes some knowledge to distinguish what is authentic but check out these links if you ever have the time – maybe on one of your vision quests.
Thanks for the links pip2010!
Loved to see Ana on oldschool – this can’t be the last time
Much love
This should be a tradition to have her on the show once in a while as an exciting exception to the man talk rule.
I also liked that Bret had the balls to represent an unpopular opinion, especially as the only white guy at the table, and I like that TYT is a place where he can do that and we’re not like ‘Well, guess we’ll never see Brett again.’ I also like that Ana can admit it made her a little uncomfortable but still be fine and I’m sure her and Brett don’t have any ‘weird tension’. I just like it all, so I give it the best possible grade of C+.
I also like the Bret went not in the accord with others, even though I did not agree with him.
For this reason I liked when David Rubin was on panels and did not agree with others (even though it was rare, and I also did not agree with him).
When James (Dore) disagrees with others is, it is also great. And when Benjamin disagrees with Cenk, too.
Loved it!
Got to be honest, a show with Hauss and someone like Phil DeFranco would be perfect to compliment the rest of the content. Examining alternative points of view provided with an honest attempt to persuade not ridicule help to refine one’s own.
I get the feeling that Phil DeFranco doesn’t really like controversy, I don’t dislike him but he seems alittle bit too vanilla.
Yes, Americans certainly emphasis way too much work. Relax a little bit guys!
Great seeing Ana on Old School finally, this is one of my favorite segments.. and Ana was one of the main driving forces of me becoming a member. Maybe im a little biased since im Armenian.. maybe shes just a badass.. probably both.
At first I was shocked and appalled seeing Ana on old school but it turned out alright.. Please keep it to a minimum though.
I am like all three of them. I love learning like Dave, so I always ask the teachers if I can go over my tests to see which questions I got wrong and why I got them wrong to better know the material. I am super obssessed with grades, but only if I know it is my best. I don’t do all of my assignments ahead of class like Ana, but I do pay attention to the syllabus and make sure to read the chapters before the class in which it will be discussed. I start the assignment as soon as it is assigned, but I procrastinate slightly like Cenk so that I do work to turn in the assignments right on time. It was fun having Ana and Dave on TYT!
I love Old School no matter what. Almost always a cast of my faves where as the main show occasionally varies from the Ben, John, Cenk, Wes, Jayar, Steve and Jimmy group. Guess the old school” line up
just resonates more with me. I look forward to it every week because the experiences are so great to hear everyone share. Ana fits in well. She’s earned a spot at the table. No newbies though! lol
Loved the rare Koller appearance on Old School! Ana should be on more old school. Hoping for a Mankiewicz-Kasparian-Uyger OLD SCHOOL
You should have Ana on more
This could not be often since Old School is a men’s club show.