Cenk, Dave, and-for the first time on Old Schoo-Ana. The trio talk what awaits after death. Ana remembers fearing losing her job to an intern. Cenk talks Hasan’s “secret show.” Cenk explains why he’s not a “workaholic.” Ana on the lazy college students she dealt with. Dave shares the two greatest things in life.

That’s weird, I downloaded the video when it first posted. Someone must have screwed up the link, someone might want to email support.
Good to see Dave on OS.
Ana did fine! She might want to read up on the imposter syndrome, which commonly afflicts young women and every female professional should be aware of this. Good she is now more confident. Next will settle into a more calm confidence, but that is down the road.
Cenk, you don’t worry so much about aging and care because I don’t think you’ve been through that experience yet. Dave’s experience so far is sounding like the best possible, but being elder, if you have no advocate other than yourself, IS scary. I could go one, but it would be for pages.
Where’s the download option for this video? People gotta work while listening to TYT! ;)
Ana strikes me as the wannabe alpha female with a closet full of insecurities. I dunno. She should really stop focusing on everything she’s worrying about, past AND present on camera.
And you should start worrying that you are criticising and labelling someone you don’t know; someone by the way more successful than you. I think that’s what insecurity is.
It’s hilarious that bjorncaffe points a finger at someone being an “alpha female wannabe (whatever that is)” and yet is so threatened by Ana’s very presence that their only recourse is to try and tell her what she “really” needs to do, while at the same time admitting that they “dunno.”
What a bitchbjorn ;D
I’ve said it before, but Old School alone is worth the membership, and I love that Ana joined in on this episode!
Thanks again.
Supernatural is the best show on TV and Netflix, in my opinion. Watch the second to last episode of season 11. And you will watch the entire season. God Vs his Sister. Like the first season starts kind of slow, but it’s amazing. I, in my ego, picture my life as laying on the floor looking at gullible written on the ceiling and everyone else is walking around looking for something. I DVRd the Vikings games during Fall baseball and my teammates thought it was funny to tell me the score. Like WTF. It didn’t happen my senior season. I was the only senior on the team and was treated as a coach. My father has suffered multiple severe strokes, so he can’t hear everything people say to him. He says, “pardon,” when he can’t understand someone. I don’t hate spoilers except for sports. I read the 6th and 7th Harry Potter books first. Then the 5th. It was like a mystery. I loved it. I planned on starting to work out if I ever got to 300lbs. I didn’t start until I was 400lbs. I like writing so I planned ahead for my college semesters the last two years. The only paper I waited for. I wrote the day before it was due and it was a page short and I got an 80/100 because it was a page short of the minimum requirements. I literally researched gun control every weekday for a month. I befriended my teachers and senior year my teachers didn’t care that I was late for half my assignments because they knew about my mental health. They KNEW ME, they knew I was a hard worker and was struggling. I love talking to groups of people because then they listen. My farewell speech for my College English, idk what the actual name was, I earned a 50/50 with a comment that said I was the most comfortable speaker she had seen speak. I just need one second to breath and then my nerves subside. I got a D in Calculus and failed every test except 1. I got a C on that test. We had no homework, my teacher just wouldn’t fail me because I found shortcuts in the long way of Calculus he was teaching. I would love to sit on a beach in Cancoon writing. I listen to TYT when I workout now. I’m trying to live like each day is my last because I don’t know how long we’ll all get to live like we do. My grandmother married 7 times. Was widowed approximately 5 times, the last died in 2004, and she had a boyfriend when she past away. I cook my meals when I don’t eat out with my family. Cenk, you are the cool calm and collected version of my father. He’s an editor who suffers from Depression, PTSD, and Schizophrenia. I was really happy for 18 years. Doing anything and everything I wanted. I got everything I ever wanted. I discovered the World the day I discovered The Young Turks. I apologize for boasting. My mom always said, during my childhood, our lives could be a TV show because of how much drama we encountered. Journalistic writing, that was the name of my college English course. My teacher worked with my dad for years. She asked me if he was high when he worked. I said IDK. I Googled work sheet titles and found the answer keys online. Or yahoo answers.. I tried to tell people we should have 4 day school weeks year long. I like weekends. Wikipedia is not a credible source. I learned what we’re credible sources on the Internet, in College Government and Micro-economics My college professor only read my first two papers. I got an A. I argued grades. With all my teachers. I didn’t lose. My 8th grade teacher, who had an IQ of 147, taught our class how to never lose an argument. He’s one of the only people I love talking Baseball with. My dad said I would hate him for not forcing me to go to college. I had no idea what to major in, so I’m taking a gap year because I finished all but my science Generals. I’m just gonna learn ASL not just English sign and I’m gonna be an interpreter while I attend college. Old School is my favorite show on tytnetwork. Lawyers hate themselves. I wanted to be a lawyer after I gave up on President as 12 year old. I befriended the smartest boy in class and he voted for Trump in the primaries. My friend with ADD voted Ted Cruz. I didn’t know what a primary was until that day. The Trumpian enlisted in the military to get a free education and the Cruz voter dropped out because he couldn’t pay for college. They’re both the same age, roughly, as me.
Old School should be an Ana-free zone.
No Ben and Wes. No Video and you have Ana on “Old” School. Really, how did this happen? The one reliably great show on the network and just like that, down the drain.
ana did a fantastic job on this TYT Old School. she should be a regular participant [if she wants to]
Auto-In-corrects me.
I like watching the Young Turks. Not just listening to them. If helps me listen to look at who is talking. My ideal vacation is road tripping to tropical locations and seeing beautiful places. My grandmother saw the entire continental U.S. I have job security. My backup plan is to be an editor. Like who is that lucky. I’m grateful. I wanna see dude heaven. My dad washes the dishes with his hands. Not a rag. My dad is not smart, he just has command sense. My mom is brilliant. She just thinks she knows what everyone is thinking. She literally interrupted me to say I wouldn’t let her finish a sentance. My sister and mother do not allow me to speak in arguments. Literally. I had to scream at my sister when we confronted her for using hard drugs after we spent 2 hours talking. Then she just said I had an anger problem but she went to rehab in Florida..Like I vent to the Internet.
I’ve read this a few times over wondering if there’s an encoded message…
I see… no video evidence that there was an actual woman on Old School. What a conservative thing to do! ;)
You should have Ana on old school more often
No video?
Try this link:
Just came back here to thank you.
It works.
Thanks ~!
You’re new~? Welcome aboard~!
Hey thanks!
really appreciate this. thanks a lot man. all you ana haters are hilarious. LOL
Is there no video? What happened?
guys…where’s the video?
This is an audio only?