Steve is a fucking Saint. The fact that he understands and feels for racist because they live in a dark despair. Holy fuck, I have a whole new respect for the guy. UnforUnfortunately I am still going to get in flame wars and Twitter battles with them but I’ll feel for them a little more from here on out.
I think the Clinton dynasty was over when Gore lost to GW, nobody informed the DNC properly. Before someone says it, yes I realize she was ahead 3 million votes in that count that doesn’t count for anything. She lost to an orangutan.
Love that coal miner guy! Get him on your show. And the segment on Dems/Money was great, too. Keep it up. (BTW, I’m an old boomer , but I won’t get out of the way. I’m one of the 99%. Hate Clinton. Terrified by Trump. Bernie was the only prez candy who spoke to me. Voted for Kucinich back in 2008, too.)
Please do more and longer shows!!! Both of you have so much interesting stuff to say… I dont wanna listen to cenk talking about trump ALL fucking day anymore…
I’d be delighted if they would air a new ep of “Aggressive Progressives” every day as Hour 2’s contents. No reason why the second hour as it is currently structured cannot be changed. I would greatly prefer AP in its place.
Why is my comment from 12/10 ‘awaiting moderation’?
It’s been a couple of days now, and other comments are going through without a hitch.
The comment starts with “After watching this in pieces, I don’t remember the part where Steve Oh or Jimmy commented on what the media is really all about, …”
, but there is a red font heading that says it’s awaiting moderation.
STUCK in ADMIN #2 (Without “Haych Tea Tea Pea” in links) Jail “awaiting moderation” On Dec 9th, I made a reasonable post on the Electoral College and my post is still stuck? Why?
Here’s what I wrote.
Hi Jimmy and Steve! This may be the LAST CHANCE to STOP TRUMP… Getting the Electoral College (Kindergarden ?) Electors to NOT Vote Trump. Get people to use their own email with template at to mail to relevant electors. I did this and and you can read it In that email I put these 3 links.
NY Times TX Elector No Trump:
Interview of TX Elector on DN
“Hamilton Electors” site:
Electors wanting Legal help from Lawrence Lessig’s “Electors Trust”
Jimmy, PLEASE cover this issue on the JDS or you and Steve on AP… TIME IS SHORT! THANK you!
-MaineBob, South China, Maine USA
Thanks! Keep up the great work… Love your AP and TJDS.
Nic Smith is someone TYT should consider hiring. He is AMAZING! It proves that a degree means nothing compared to a mind willing to challenge ‘common knowledge’. Thanks God for people like him. Keep him on your radar, he is going to be an important person. What am I saying :P? He obviously already is ;), I just think he’s going to go further and take a lot of cool people with him, and in these times it’s people like Nic who remind us of how much hope we have to reverse the stupidity and get smart governance back. It starts with the people.
Jimmy and Steve,
You guys are keeping this 60 year old sane. I am fighting and talking and trying to wake people up and you give me my inspiration. Since I an voting as an Ex-Pat, I voted for Jill and had no qualms whatsoever since the Murican voting system sucks big time. It sucks Huuge. I think the Cenk is wasting his time with all of his posts about the Russians hacking the elections, when the non-elections were stolen by Wall Street and the corporations. Every time you talk about polling and election results, your Stroke It right arm move should be employed by every sigh language interpreter.
I am trying to start a crowd funding page to send some wind turbines to Standing Rock. We have some in Switzerland that we would like to donate to the Protectors, and if there is any money left over I would like to also supply them with an electric van or bus so that they can transport people with energy that respects Mother Earth and doesn’t rape Mother Earth. I hope that we won’t have any problems getting the wind turbines past customs since they might have oxygen sniffing dogs. I know you will volunteer if there is a horrific accident and all the Protectors are covered in wind and oxygen.
Have you gone on the Standing Rock web site? This is the link to the Fort Laramie Treaty.
I used to live in Laramie, and know first hand the power of the wind.
You guys deserve a Noble Prize, since the Nobel Prize seems to have found it’s origins with dynamite and destruction.
I have to agree that Cenk, Ana and John are really two-siding things post-election and blaming the electorat for the non-choice. You guys should have a two hour time slot.
I appreciate this comment. I’m intrigued by what kind of wind turbines you intend to send to standing rock? Currently looking into grad school for clean energy related subjects and any wind technology you could transport semi-easily sounds amazing.
THANK YOU for giving the interview this platform !! the interview with nic smith is heart breaking . people are in such dire situations in many parts of this country.
how the fuck can anyone who who is not dirt poor and living the life many of these people are living come and judge them like ANA / BEN/ JOHN constantly do . Seriously fuck them ( ana, john , etc) if you are not dirt poor doing a cancerous job just to keep some fast food on the table (since groceries in america are astronomical in price for a family of 4. ) who the fuck are you ANA / BEN/ JOHN to come and wag ur finger at these people and say OMG they are so dumb , omg they ruined the country . Or when trump appoints goldman sachs executives and ANA and John will go; TOLD you so!! you guys are so dumb !!.
That is lacking in empathy something ironically Ana is always preaching about.
These people working in the coal industry have a super low life exp . get paid dirt and now their jobs are becoming extinct. any rational human in this situation will put aside caring about climate change , why would any of these individuals care for the future when their day to day life is MISERABLE, they work in a death factory were everyday they get closer to become ill and just dying . How can anyone fucking come and mock these people , and its so nasty ANA does it all the time just like scumbags in the media who say : ALL TRUMP VOTERS ARE BAD. wtf kinda logic is that . punching down on the lowest people in the social order . people who have been failed by capitalism , people who have been failed by neo liberal policies , people who are pained as idiot rednecks who do not know whats good forthem . Chris hedges talks about going to West Virginia in many lectures and when he describes staying the coal towns he describes them as worse than some 3rd world countries.
like steve and jimmy alluded to in the show FUCK YESS if ur a coal worker the rational thing is to vote trump. they are living in these conditions under OBAMA there is no telling how much worse it would get under clinton/ trump but atleast trump says hey ill bring coal back , and he had roaring rallies in WV . HRC meanwhile was too busy in NYC dinning with fortune 500 executives. rememebr the RNC ? coal was the main theme and what did ana/ cenk/ ben do? keep mocking the republicans for their emphasizes in coal. dont tell me that didnt help trump connect better with the working class in many parts of this country .
Just as a final point we need more leftists like steve and jimmy taking lead and having a bigger voice inside TYT. Liberals like John, Ana, neo liberals like Ben, Shure just dont get it . Sadly even tho this is their job they seem quite ignorant like most of the media . the working class of all ideologies could join together but not if we keep giving figures like ana a platform for her to call people idiots , ignorant , etc etc just because they elected to take part in a democratic process. Look how easy it is to give these un heard voices a spot light like jimmy does in this show and in his own channel. voices like jimmy’s , jordans , etc need a bigger platform if the working class on the right can hear their message i am sure many will be willing to listen . not to mention the passion these guys have for helping the everyday man .
it pains me to see jimmy only gets a 1 hour show a week on a huge platform like TYT. hopefully this will change soon .
Good. I’m glad people are talking about this, Atlantis, and not ‘letting bygones be bygones’ without any proof that TYT has changed. Their behavior, their attitudes towards the electorate during this time, was unforgivable in the short term.
I see this slightly differently, from you. Individually, Ana and John and Cenk et al are just like us. It’s been a difficult stressful year, and its easy to revert to primal defenses and reflexively attack the OTHER, at times like these.
Ana in particular has already expressed her regret at the way she treated Trump supporters. I don’t know if the rest of the team have apologized in any way, since I no longer watch the main broadcasts.
But I feel no such affection or respect, for the TYT news organization as a whole. Only individuals are entitled to compassion & empathy; organizations are not people, just as corporations are not people, and they aren’t entitled to mercy. TYT deserves all of the invective that they have coming to them. They failed in their task to report accurately, and were disingenuous about their intent.
And their excuse that “well, we never pretended that we don’t have an ideological bias” is bullshit. Calling oneself liberal doesn’t in itself force one to dehumanize an entire class of people.
So good. TYT deserves this. Keep it up, for as long as you deem appropriate.
After watching this in pieces, I don’t remember the part where Steve Oh or Jimmy commented on what the media is really all about, but Carlin said it even better:
2:57 “And I don’t take very seriously the media or the press in this country. Who in the case of the Persian Gulf War, were nothing more than unpaid employees, of the Department of Defense. And who most of the time, function as a kind of unofficial public relations agency, for the United States government.
Clean up the oxygen. Heh.
The answer to not affording Universal Health Care, is not to avoid doing it. The answer is to implement a single Payer System for all of the health services that ARE affordable. And then throw more funding into making the more expensive procedures or medicines, more automated and more affordable.
Nobody is demanding that we have to pay for million dollar procedures. But there is no good reason, not to promote Basic Health Care as a human right for America, in the 21st century; and work with the United Nations, to help implement Health Care as a basic right for the entire human species.
Binary point of view (Steve Oh’s comment). Correct. It’s something you can’t battle directly.
“We (TYT) are not married to a party.” Wrong. At the very least, they are married to a pov that opposes a party and its primary representative, before that figurehead sits down in his office, for the first time. Sorry, but the main TYT team can’t claim to be any better than the binary/left-right/lesser of only two evils, thinkers in the population at large.
“I don’t wanna relitigate that”, or regurgitate that, or reiterate that. Or face the truth.
“Money in their minds, equals victory”
Yes. And they seem to be holding most of the aces. They don’t have the wildcard jokers, though.
“We gotta fix the system, by getting money out of politics.”
Sorry, can’t be done. The system has to be replaced. The system is based on money, because our lives & survival are based on money. A complete overhaul of our economic & political machinery, is the only way we avoid the coming catastrophes.
“I believe in the future.”
“It’s not like TYT is this perfect bubble, where we never do something wrong…. We need to be held to account, as well.”
Yeah. A lot of good that did, when we tried to hold TYT to account on some of their tasteless rhetorical tactics, and the only result were cursing trolls, and apologies AFTER the Election.
Not buying it. The only reason I’ll renew my annual membership (if I do), is for Jimmy, Jordan, Emma, and Ana. And I don’t believe for a minute, that TYT is open to being ‘held accountable’. They are a business, and that is the reality of it.
Good. I’m glad people are talking about this, Atlantis, and not ‘letting bygones be bygones’ without any proof that TYT has changed. Their behavior, their attitudes towards the electorate during this time, was unforgivable in the short term.
I see this slightly differently, from you. Individually, Ana and John and Cenk et al are just like us. It’s been a difficult stressful year, and its easy to revert to primal defenses and reflexively attack the OTHER, at times like these.
Ana in particular has already expressed her regret at the way she treated Trump supporters. I don’t know if the rest of the team have apologized in any way, since I no longer watch the main broadcasts.
But I feel no such affection or respect, for the TYT news organization as a whole. Only individuals are entitled to compassion & empathy; organizations are not people, just as corporations are not people, and they aren’t entitled to mercy. TYT deserves all of the invective that they have coming to them. They failed in their task to report accurately, and were disingenuous about their intent.
And their excuse that “well, we never pretended that we don’t have an ideological bias” is bullshit. Calling oneself liberal doesn’t in itself force one to dehumanize an entire class of people.
So good. TYT deserves this. Keep it up, for as long as you deem appropriate.
Btw. Another reason why there is no merit to what that guy Nathan at Alt Right is saying, is that not all people in Norway, or Scandinavia, is white. But it is true that it is a very homogeneous society, but it got nothing to with ethnicity, but rather social values, behavior and other social stuff. Ex: Our right-wing politics is socialistic compared to politics in the USA.
Regarding Mr Ellison…..while he is being slandered vis a vis Israel-Palestine and the old Anti-Semitism-clubbed by Zionist interests, his planned attempt to pump nice, fresh progressive blood into the Democratic Party corpse is counter-productive. TYT asks for $$ for an additional field reporter….gets 3X what was asked for. So why the flat note you always play when “brand new party” is proposed. Progressives in Canada face a similar problem with the New Democratic Party. Decades old power pacts control all the gates. The DNC has terminal hardening of the arteries. ….Fresh blood needs fresh arteries. Mr Ellison may have said a few inappropriate things but the REAL problem is the AIPAC and the federal policy flowing from their close association with in-coming Federal politicians.
Trump squawked progressive in mentioning the Palestinians without prejudice…but now….a different story. So the US Watchdog in the middleEast remains teeth bared…..on your nickel. In Canada we have the same sycophants running that file….guilt-ridden christians riding the rapture all the way to Armageddon.
Agree we need a party of Berniecrats, but understand Bernie’s hesitancy. He’s been mocked and vilified for decades as the only Indie (until Maine rep) and pushed aside by the Dems. He’s seen it’s impossible to get on ballots, into debates, raise money. Wait – Jill Stein got on ballots and Bernie outraised Hillary most months. Let’s see what happens, he may see only way to elect real progressives.
Let’s support Brand New Congress and try to get real progressives into primaries and back them.
Also – Dems had no one else in line for leadership, the ones in training by leaders were more corporate hack blue Dems. Sorry, Pelosi challenger was anti-choice until last year. NOT what we need.
Cenk said it, Democrats are paid to lose. Raising money is the only reason they are holding the seats that they hold.
But this is how the elite governs the richest country in the world, by making sure their subordinates are kept in check. And the most practical way of achieving this goal is to fund politicians who pretend to represent them.
Yes, USA is the richest country in the world. How do you guard that wealth. You install protection.
I bet the first thing president elects are briefed about is how dangerous it is to leave American wealth unprotected.
Here is the flaw in your argument, election results:
52% of all voters voted for regulation-destroying, tax cutting, war-mongering republicans despite being outspent by democrats across all levels of government. With the exception of weed almost all progressive ballot initiatives lost badly even in so called “progressive” states.
The problem was never in the democrats, it was in the people. The people want those things the republicans campaign for that is why when a progressive democratic runs against a rabid right winger the progressive loses by a landslide.
If you don’t believe me look at the coal protesters. In 2010 the entire WV congressional delegation was made of democrats who fought tooth and nail for their rights, those coal protesters voted them out of office because of their association with president Blackenstein as Bill Maher saysand (Nick Rahall was a Representative for nearly 30 years with a stellar record praised even by his opponent and successor) and this election the republicans even increased their share of the WV vote (WV was the second reddest state after Wyoming) and what did the coal protesters get from their elected republican representatives? The middle finger.
But hey, the liberal agenda of good healthcare and clean air will not pass and that is a comfort for them.
Southern guy said many voted for Trump casue they were desperate for something to believe in. I started singing this
I am an old Young Turk
Hey Steve Oh & Jimmy! Love the show and representing the show from New Zealand.
Just a quick message to Steve;Thank you for voicing your belief in Millennials and the next generation of society; and for providing some much needed encouragement to stay strong.
Steve and Jimmy, you are doing your viewers a disservice by referring to Trump’s infrastructure “plan” like its going to create jobs. After seeing Trump’s picks for his cabinet, you think he’s going to implement an infrastructure plan that is not straight-up corporate welfare? Please, do not delude yourselves by holding out hope that Trump’s administration will fund a 21st-centure WPA. Instead, apply some Aggressive Progressive analysis and refer to it for what it will be: another crony-capitalism fraud on the American people.
I work on computers: If I had to diagnose the Democratic Party’s Problems like I would a Windows Operating System that is heavily corrupted I could give a couple options.
A. Clean house and try to regain the original integrity of the System. Try to remove all the corrupt politicians, and delete the entities corrupting the politicians. You keep your powerhouse: The DNC and the components that make the party a household votable name.
[ Like trying to run antivirus software, uninstall malware spyware and bloatware, and cleaning the registry]
B. Reformat Disk and start with new Windows Installation. You start from scratch and let the current democrats fail for 10 years, don’t vote democrat in four years, and once all the old dems are out, primary the hell out of them after 8 and work to get the house and senate back in 10.
[Its like starting from a blank install of windows, and taking the time to reinstall programs and features you need before it is ready to be used with ease, but being EXTREMELY careful to not allow the same conditions to occur that ruined the install in the first place ]
C. Reformat Disk and install Linux Mint. You say fuck it and go Green. You know the greens are completely clean and corruption free, the problem is that there is comparatively less infrastructure in place to get the party to do everything you need it to do, but there is excellent potential once you get it running
[Like installing linux and relearning how to use a computer, so that the problem you are reconciling never happens again in your lifetime.]
Option A almost never works well on computers
Option B will always result in the Problem Reoccuring eventually.
Option C takes the longest time and energy but is completely worth it.
“Reformat Disk and install Linux Mint. You say fuck it and go Green. ”
That’s the ticket. It’s a metaphor that will produce results in countless areas.
Voting machines, hardware and software, should be completely open source and Democratic. Give us the conveniences of modern technology, with the transparency of public-owned voting systems.
And if we Democratically control the surveillance state and its technology, we get to decide how much privacy is appropriate to sacrifice, and how long the records are held, and we get to monitor breaches & abuses.
Lots of responsibilities and vigilance come with this. But many of us, are ready for it, compared with a system that we have no control over.
Your interviewee is a great guy. In addition to him, if you want to know what’s happening in education contact Badass Teachers Association They can give you the facts about Arne Duncan and Betsy DeVos and more.
Eric does great interviews! Need as much of his style as Jordan’s, who I also look forward to seeing video posts from. Emma too!
Re: Bernie
The only reasonable explanation I can come up with, besides the “infrastructure”, is working to bring progressives in, take over in the same way that the Tea Party took over the GOP, access to debate participation which is controlled by the Corp created by, and mutually run by DNC & RNC, media coverage, in addition to attrition (aging out of the Corporatists/retirement/voted out). That’s what I’m trying to tell myself, anyway.
Excellent show…. Chomsky was mentioned, but you didn’t get a chance to get to the segmant about 3rd party voters-not a reason for DEM lost….sorry.
Populism…I am beginning to see the reasons why Bernie connected, and Hillary ate shit….and Trump won. Trump did the same thing BHO did in 2008-and they both won. I get it now,
Corporate DEMS need to move ovah, git out the way. Maybe Trump is a good thing-we need to shake the system, and if HRC won ,Biz as usual. Except she woulda ditched Social Security and Medicare. It take a village-of corporate muthafkn Dems.
Let me just list my comments.
1. Russia does have an anti-missile system which means not all warheads will make it to their targets and so that is why they have to basically spam a crap ton of them. Nuclear systems get old like anything else and need to be replaced.
2. Perhaps one of the most infuriating things I have come across is how loyal people are to the party, but not necessarily the values that it is suppose to have. It’s in relation to how Bernie is not a Democrat and what they mean is that he didn’t help raise money for the party, but it is that money that we need to get rid of so they would be accountable to us and they are the same ones that complain when the Democratic Party don’t go their way. It’s a doublethink that needs to be dissolved from Democrats as a whole. Also on this front, Obama is ok in their book because he was a Democrat who was a Senator and all that for them, while totally missing out that it was his anti-establishment rhetoric that won him the primary over Hillary. Bernie being the same thing, but Independent? Fuck that smoocher.
What a joke. What a joke.
3. That laugh Jimmy had during the Pelosi segment was gold.
One more item, Steve Oh is the best co-host to be with Jimmy. There are times when Jimmy goes overboard, and Steve will toss the lifesaver and reel him in. The other hosts I have found to be the type that are hesitant to keep him steady so to speak.
1. True, the question is, however, whether a trillion budget for that is warranted. The prices are overcharged by few hundreds of USDs probably.
On the flag: Hillary is to the right to Putin on this Russia has one year maximum penalty for flag desecration, not two. Putin is also against death penalty, for universal healthcare, free education, paid maternity leave, paid vacations, guaranteed union rights, and so on.
Absolutely spot-on! A candidate must win the vote! The Democratic sense of entitlement was nausea-inducing. “It’s Her turn!” Why? The election wasn’t a queue at a sandwich kiosk. The Democratic blame game has fingers pointing to all points of the compass in attempt to explain away the incompetency, elitism, toxic hubris and complete unconsciousness of HRC’s campaign. The most insulting rhetoric is blaming We the People. HRC supporters on social media are STILL busy venting their rage at others who didn’t vote for ‘Her’.
Ok, the beginning was a bit like when Bill O’Reilly hung out with some black people in a soul restaurant and was amazed that black people are people. WHAT??? Someone with a southern accent can be smart???
Any chance of making the “real news is fake” segment starting around the 42:25 mark a public clip? It’s such a good point I want to be able to share it.
At least Tim Ryan (D-OH) got over 60 votes against Pelosi. He deserves a lot of credit for running, and we should consider supporting him for the future. People like Ryan and Keith Ellison are on the right track.
Hillary Clinton did say she wanted to help coal workers find other jobs. What Clinton never said and needed to was that she had a plan for reducing the wage disparity between U.S. workers and workers in other countries. That’s what’s really keeping wages down and unemployment up in this country. A very distinct lack of policy on this hurt her across the Midwest and through coal country.
We need a fundamental shift in the Democratic Party. It needs policy to help workers get a fair share of the income that comes from their work. Backing trade policy like NAFTA and TPP is going in the opposite direction. This has to be a clear message to the party, because Democrats can’t win elections at any level if they can’t run on economic justice. Bernie was totally on the right track, and this is only going to grow over the next four years.
What I want to see is a message to coal miners like, “We are going to get you out of the dirty dungeons Republicans keep you in and bring you up into the light and give you clean jobs in renewable energy and local production. We are going to shift spending to create jobs in your towns, jobs that pay you a living wage.” That’s how you get people like the guy in the video to support real change.
They covered several topics ranging from Trump, to being a minority running as a Democrat in a swing state like Virginia.
They scratched a little on the surface of how he was blackballed by the Virginia Senate Democratic Leadership and got primaried by a more “electable” white establishment insider, who never really wanted to run.
His story is a local level microcosm of what you guys were discussing on the show. What really happens to younger people who think like Bernie and want to run for office as Democrats. They get stifled to death in the infancy of their political activism.
He may be worth interviewing for that angle to learn how the Democratic Party is failing at every level.
If you’d like to pursue the story and need help getting him you can contact me — he’s my older brother.
Let us not forget we pay $30,000 a year to imprison our people. Yet we do not pay that same amount of money as a $15 minimum wage, to someone who puts in an honest weeks work. This point really needs to be driven into people’s minds.
Excellent point. Also would be good to point out in support of UBI or even welfare. Why not just give people that than turn them into criminals and end up paying it anyway.
8:42 Now imagine for a moment that in that moment when these people saw Trump for the buffoon he is that they turned to see not ‘stronger together’ but “a future to believe in” when they are so desperate to believe in something, ANYTHING! Trump gave them an illusion to hope for, Bernie would have given them a future to believe in
Steve is a fucking Saint. The fact that he understands and feels for racist because they live in a dark despair. Holy fuck, I have a whole new respect for the guy. UnforUnfortunately I am still going to get in flame wars and Twitter battles with them but I’ll feel for them a little more from here on out.
I think the Clinton dynasty was over when Gore lost to GW, nobody informed the DNC properly. Before someone says it, yes I realize she was ahead 3 million votes in that count that doesn’t count for anything. She lost to an orangutan.
Denmark actually has a higher percentage of muslims than the USA!
When are we taking over Hour 2??…still have not watched ANYTHING but the aggressive progressives since Nov 8th…and my life is sooooooo much better!
Great episode! Wish the episodes are longer! Bring the coal mining guy on the show!
Love that coal miner guy! Get him on your show. And the segment on Dems/Money was great, too. Keep it up. (BTW, I’m an old boomer , but I won’t get out of the way. I’m one of the 99%. Hate Clinton. Terrified by Trump. Bernie was the only prez candy who spoke to me. Voted for Kucinich back in 2008, too.)
Please do more and longer shows!!! Both of you have so much interesting stuff to say… I dont wanna listen to cenk talking about trump ALL fucking day anymore…
I’d be delighted if they would air a new ep of “Aggressive Progressives” every day as Hour 2’s contents. No reason why the second hour as it is currently structured cannot be changed. I would greatly prefer AP in its place.
Great show – sorry they didn’t get to UK surveillance and another must watch at TYT
Get that guy with a Southern view on TYT and do AP twice a week. That would make for a good Christmas!
What Hulu special was Jimmy talking about? Anyone know?
You guys should get that dude, Nick, on your show, on a regular basis. He spoke as truthful as you guys do.
Nic Smith’s interview gave me goosebumps. I sure hope there are a lot more like him.
Suggestion tyt: . pls. post this episode on youtube and further people could see this video.
Why is my comment from 12/10 ‘awaiting moderation’?
It’s been a couple of days now, and other comments are going through without a hitch.
The comment starts with “After watching this in pieces, I don’t remember the part where Steve Oh or Jimmy commented on what the media is really all about, …”
, but there is a red font heading that says it’s awaiting moderation.
What’s going on?
STUCK in ADMIN #2 (Without “Haych Tea Tea Pea” in links) Jail “awaiting moderation” On Dec 9th, I made a reasonable post on the Electoral College and my post is still stuck? Why?
Here’s what I wrote.
Hi Jimmy and Steve! This may be the LAST CHANCE to STOP TRUMP… Getting the Electoral College (Kindergarden ?) Electors to NOT Vote Trump. Get people to use their own email with template at to mail to relevant electors. I did this and and you can read it In that email I put these 3 links.
NY Times TX Elector No Trump:
Interview of TX Elector on DN
“Hamilton Electors” site:
Electors wanting Legal help from Lawrence Lessig’s “Electors Trust”
Jimmy, PLEASE cover this issue on the JDS or you and Steve on AP… TIME IS SHORT! THANK you!
-MaineBob, South China, Maine USA
Thanks! Keep up the great work… Love your AP and TJDS.
STUCK in ADMIN Jail “awaiting moderation” On Dec 9th, I made a reasonable post on the Electoral College and my post is still stuck? Why?
Here’s what I wrote:
Hi Jimmy and Steve! This may be the LAST CHANCE to STOP TRUMP… Getting the Electoral College (Kindergarden ?) Electors to NOT Vote Trump. Get people to use their own email with template at to mail to relevant electors. I did this and and you can read it here: In that email I put these 3 links.
NY Times TX Elector No Trump:
Interview of TX Elector on DN
“Hamilton Electors” site:
Electors wanting Legal help from Lawrence Lessig’s “Electors Trust”
Jimmy, PLEASE cover this issue on the JDS or you and Steve on AP… TIME IS SHORT! THANK you!
-MaineBob, South China, Maine USA
Thanks! Keep up the great work… Love your AP and TJDS.
Thank you for speaking truth to power.
Make Nick a co-host!
co-host! co-host! co-host! YAY NIC! Or… tell him to run for public office, :P If I can vote for him, I totally will ;)
Nic Smith is someone TYT should consider hiring. He is AMAZING! It proves that a degree means nothing compared to a mind willing to challenge ‘common knowledge’. Thanks God for people like him. Keep him on your radar, he is going to be an important person. What am I saying :P? He obviously already is ;), I just think he’s going to go further and take a lot of cool people with him, and in these times it’s people like Nic who remind us of how much hope we have to reverse the stupidity and get smart governance back. It starts with the people.
Absolutely! Hire this dude!!! Make him a co-host.
The only good thing about Trump’s victory is that Clinton lost.
Jimmy and Steve,
You guys are keeping this 60 year old sane. I am fighting and talking and trying to wake people up and you give me my inspiration. Since I an voting as an Ex-Pat, I voted for Jill and had no qualms whatsoever since the Murican voting system sucks big time. It sucks Huuge. I think the Cenk is wasting his time with all of his posts about the Russians hacking the elections, when the non-elections were stolen by Wall Street and the corporations. Every time you talk about polling and election results, your Stroke It right arm move should be employed by every sigh language interpreter.
I am trying to start a crowd funding page to send some wind turbines to Standing Rock. We have some in Switzerland that we would like to donate to the Protectors, and if there is any money left over I would like to also supply them with an electric van or bus so that they can transport people with energy that respects Mother Earth and doesn’t rape Mother Earth. I hope that we won’t have any problems getting the wind turbines past customs since they might have oxygen sniffing dogs. I know you will volunteer if there is a horrific accident and all the Protectors are covered in wind and oxygen.
Have you gone on the Standing Rock web site? This is the link to the Fort Laramie Treaty.
I used to live in Laramie, and know first hand the power of the wind.
You guys deserve a Noble Prize, since the Nobel Prize seems to have found it’s origins with dynamite and destruction.
I have to agree that Cenk, Ana and John are really two-siding things post-election and blaming the electorat for the non-choice. You guys should have a two hour time slot.
I appreciate this comment. I’m intrigued by what kind of wind turbines you intend to send to standing rock? Currently looking into grad school for clean energy related subjects and any wind technology you could transport semi-easily sounds amazing.
Great show!!!
THANK YOU for giving the interview this platform !! the interview with nic smith is heart breaking . people are in such dire situations in many parts of this country.
how the fuck can anyone who who is not dirt poor and living the life many of these people are living come and judge them like ANA / BEN/ JOHN constantly do . Seriously fuck them ( ana, john , etc) if you are not dirt poor doing a cancerous job just to keep some fast food on the table (since groceries in america are astronomical in price for a family of 4. ) who the fuck are you ANA / BEN/ JOHN to come and wag ur finger at these people and say OMG they are so dumb , omg they ruined the country . Or when trump appoints goldman sachs executives and ANA and John will go; TOLD you so!! you guys are so dumb !!.
That is lacking in empathy something ironically Ana is always preaching about.
These people working in the coal industry have a super low life exp . get paid dirt and now their jobs are becoming extinct. any rational human in this situation will put aside caring about climate change , why would any of these individuals care for the future when their day to day life is MISERABLE, they work in a death factory were everyday they get closer to become ill and just dying . How can anyone fucking come and mock these people , and its so nasty ANA does it all the time just like scumbags in the media who say : ALL TRUMP VOTERS ARE BAD. wtf kinda logic is that . punching down on the lowest people in the social order . people who have been failed by capitalism , people who have been failed by neo liberal policies , people who are pained as idiot rednecks who do not know whats good forthem . Chris hedges talks about going to West Virginia in many lectures and when he describes staying the coal towns he describes them as worse than some 3rd world countries.
like steve and jimmy alluded to in the show FUCK YESS if ur a coal worker the rational thing is to vote trump. they are living in these conditions under OBAMA there is no telling how much worse it would get under clinton/ trump but atleast trump says hey ill bring coal back , and he had roaring rallies in WV . HRC meanwhile was too busy in NYC dinning with fortune 500 executives. rememebr the RNC ? coal was the main theme and what did ana/ cenk/ ben do? keep mocking the republicans for their emphasizes in coal. dont tell me that didnt help trump connect better with the working class in many parts of this country .
Just as a final point we need more leftists like steve and jimmy taking lead and having a bigger voice inside TYT. Liberals like John, Ana, neo liberals like Ben, Shure just dont get it . Sadly even tho this is their job they seem quite ignorant like most of the media . the working class of all ideologies could join together but not if we keep giving figures like ana a platform for her to call people idiots , ignorant , etc etc just because they elected to take part in a democratic process. Look how easy it is to give these un heard voices a spot light like jimmy does in this show and in his own channel. voices like jimmy’s , jordans , etc need a bigger platform if the working class on the right can hear their message i am sure many will be willing to listen . not to mention the passion these guys have for helping the everyday man .
it pains me to see jimmy only gets a 1 hour show a week on a huge platform like TYT. hopefully this will change soon .
Good. I’m glad people are talking about this, Atlantis, and not ‘letting bygones be bygones’ without any proof that TYT has changed. Their behavior, their attitudes towards the electorate during this time, was unforgivable in the short term.
I see this slightly differently, from you. Individually, Ana and John and Cenk et al are just like us. It’s been a difficult stressful year, and its easy to revert to primal defenses and reflexively attack the OTHER, at times like these.
Ana in particular has already expressed her regret at the way she treated Trump supporters. I don’t know if the rest of the team have apologized in any way, since I no longer watch the main broadcasts.
But I feel no such affection or respect, for the TYT news organization as a whole. Only individuals are entitled to compassion & empathy; organizations are not people, just as corporations are not people, and they aren’t entitled to mercy. TYT deserves all of the invective that they have coming to them. They failed in their task to report accurately, and were disingenuous about their intent.
And their excuse that “well, we never pretended that we don’t have an ideological bias” is bullshit. Calling oneself liberal doesn’t in itself force one to dehumanize an entire class of people.
So good. TYT deserves this. Keep it up, for as long as you deem appropriate.
After watching this in pieces, I don’t remember the part where Steve Oh or Jimmy commented on what the media is really all about, but Carlin said it even better:
2:57 “And I don’t take very seriously the media or the press in this country. Who in the case of the Persian Gulf War, were nothing more than unpaid employees, of the Department of Defense. And who most of the time, function as a kind of unofficial public relations agency, for the United States government.
Clean up the oxygen. Heh.
The answer to not affording Universal Health Care, is not to avoid doing it. The answer is to implement a single Payer System for all of the health services that ARE affordable. And then throw more funding into making the more expensive procedures or medicines, more automated and more affordable.
Nobody is demanding that we have to pay for million dollar procedures. But there is no good reason, not to promote Basic Health Care as a human right for America, in the 21st century; and work with the United Nations, to help implement Health Care as a basic right for the entire human species.
Binary point of view (Steve Oh’s comment). Correct. It’s something you can’t battle directly.
“We (TYT) are not married to a party.” Wrong. At the very least, they are married to a pov that opposes a party and its primary representative, before that figurehead sits down in his office, for the first time. Sorry, but the main TYT team can’t claim to be any better than the binary/left-right/lesser of only two evils, thinkers in the population at large.
“The big lies”
The big lie, Higgins…
Nothing to do with anything, just popped into the mind, the other week.
As long as we’re talking about Chomsky, he also explained that Corporations are structured to be sociopathic. They have no choice about it.
“Corporations are not only persons, but they are necessarily pathological persons
Related to the topic, this is a good selection of relevant comments:
“I don’t wanna relitigate that”, or regurgitate that, or reiterate that. Or face the truth.
“Money in their minds, equals victory”
Yes. And they seem to be holding most of the aces. They don’t have the wildcard jokers, though.
“We gotta fix the system, by getting money out of politics.”
Sorry, can’t be done. The system has to be replaced. The system is based on money, because our lives & survival are based on money. A complete overhaul of our economic & political machinery, is the only way we avoid the coming catastrophes.
“I believe in the future.”
“It’s not like TYT is this perfect bubble, where we never do something wrong…. We need to be held to account, as well.”
Yeah. A lot of good that did, when we tried to hold TYT to account on some of their tasteless rhetorical tactics, and the only result were cursing trolls, and apologies AFTER the Election.
Not buying it. The only reason I’ll renew my annual membership (if I do), is for Jimmy, Jordan, Emma, and Ana. And I don’t believe for a minute, that TYT is open to being ‘held accountable’. They are a business, and that is the reality of it.
Thanks, Jimmy and Steve Oh, see you next time.
Good. I’m glad people are talking about this, Atlantis, and not ‘letting bygones be bygones’ without any proof that TYT has changed. Their behavior, their attitudes towards the electorate during this time, was unforgivable in the short term.
I see this slightly differently, from you. Individually, Ana and John and Cenk et al are just like us. It’s been a difficult stressful year, and its easy to revert to primal defenses and reflexively attack the OTHER, at times like these.
Ana in particular has already expressed her regret at the way she treated Trump supporters. I don’t know if the rest of the team have apologized in any way, since I no longer watch the main broadcasts.
But I feel no such affection or respect, for the TYT news organization as a whole. Only individuals are entitled to compassion & empathy; organizations are not people, just as corporations are not people, and they aren’t entitled to mercy. TYT deserves all of the invective that they have coming to them. They failed in their task to report accurately, and were disingenuous about their intent.
And their excuse that “well, we never pretended that we don’t have an ideological bias” is bullshit. Calling oneself liberal doesn’t in itself force one to dehumanize an entire class of people.
So good. TYT deserves this. Keep it up, for as long as you deem appropriate.
Can the moderator remove this? I mean to reply to Atlantis.
Btw. Another reason why there is no merit to what that guy Nathan at Alt Right is saying, is that not all people in Norway, or Scandinavia, is white. But it is true that it is a very homogeneous society, but it got nothing to with ethnicity, but rather social values, behavior and other social stuff. Ex: Our right-wing politics is socialistic compared to politics in the USA.
Regarding Mr Ellison…..while he is being slandered vis a vis Israel-Palestine and the old Anti-Semitism-clubbed by Zionist interests, his planned attempt to pump nice, fresh progressive blood into the Democratic Party corpse is counter-productive. TYT asks for $$ for an additional field reporter….gets 3X what was asked for. So why the flat note you always play when “brand new party” is proposed. Progressives in Canada face a similar problem with the New Democratic Party. Decades old power pacts control all the gates. The DNC has terminal hardening of the arteries. ….Fresh blood needs fresh arteries. Mr Ellison may have said a few inappropriate things but the REAL problem is the AIPAC and the federal policy flowing from their close association with in-coming Federal politicians.
Trump squawked progressive in mentioning the Palestinians without prejudice…but now….a different story. So the US Watchdog in the middleEast remains teeth bared…..on your nickel. In Canada we have the same sycophants running that file….guilt-ridden christians riding the rapture all the way to Armageddon.
“The DNC has terminal hardening of the arteries. ….Fresh blood needs fresh arteries”
Ow. Great analogy.
Agree we need a party of Berniecrats, but understand Bernie’s hesitancy. He’s been mocked and vilified for decades as the only Indie (until Maine rep) and pushed aside by the Dems. He’s seen it’s impossible to get on ballots, into debates, raise money. Wait – Jill Stein got on ballots and Bernie outraised Hillary most months. Let’s see what happens, he may see only way to elect real progressives.
Let’s support Brand New Congress and try to get real progressives into primaries and back them.
Also – Dems had no one else in line for leadership, the ones in training by leaders were more corporate hack blue Dems. Sorry, Pelosi challenger was anti-choice until last year. NOT what we need.
Keep up the great work Steve OH and Jimmy! A two-hour would be awesome, What is needed to get it done?
We want more!
completely agree. two hours for the best show on TYT!
Same here.
Cenk said it, Democrats are paid to lose. Raising money is the only reason they are holding the seats that they hold.
But this is how the elite governs the richest country in the world, by making sure their subordinates are kept in check. And the most practical way of achieving this goal is to fund politicians who pretend to represent them.
Yes, USA is the richest country in the world. How do you guard that wealth. You install protection.
I bet the first thing president elects are briefed about is how dangerous it is to leave American wealth unprotected.
Here is the flaw in your argument, election results:
52% of all voters voted for regulation-destroying, tax cutting, war-mongering republicans despite being outspent by democrats across all levels of government. With the exception of weed almost all progressive ballot initiatives lost badly even in so called “progressive” states.
The problem was never in the democrats, it was in the people. The people want those things the republicans campaign for that is why when a progressive democratic runs against a rabid right winger the progressive loses by a landslide.
If you don’t believe me look at the coal protesters. In 2010 the entire WV congressional delegation was made of democrats who fought tooth and nail for their rights, those coal protesters voted them out of office because of their association with president Blackenstein as Bill Maher saysand (Nick Rahall was a Representative for nearly 30 years with a stellar record praised even by his opponent and successor) and this election the republicans even increased their share of the WV vote (WV was the second reddest state after Wyoming) and what did the coal protesters get from their elected republican representatives? The middle finger.
But hey, the liberal agenda of good healthcare and clean air will not pass and that is a comfort for them.
Southern guy said many voted for Trump casue they were desperate for something to believe in. I started singing this
I am an old Young Turk
Hey Steve Oh & Jimmy! Love the show and representing the show from New Zealand.
Just a quick message to Steve;Thank you for voicing your belief in Millennials and the next generation of society; and for providing some much needed encouragement to stay strong.
Cheers guys! Keep up the great work!
Steve and Jimmy, you are doing your viewers a disservice by referring to Trump’s infrastructure “plan” like its going to create jobs. After seeing Trump’s picks for his cabinet, you think he’s going to implement an infrastructure plan that is not straight-up corporate welfare? Please, do not delude yourselves by holding out hope that Trump’s administration will fund a 21st-centure WPA. Instead, apply some Aggressive Progressive analysis and refer to it for what it will be: another crony-capitalism fraud on the American people.
I work on computers: If I had to diagnose the Democratic Party’s Problems like I would a Windows Operating System that is heavily corrupted I could give a couple options.
A. Clean house and try to regain the original integrity of the System. Try to remove all the corrupt politicians, and delete the entities corrupting the politicians. You keep your powerhouse: The DNC and the components that make the party a household votable name.
[ Like trying to run antivirus software, uninstall malware spyware and bloatware, and cleaning the registry]
B. Reformat Disk and start with new Windows Installation. You start from scratch and let the current democrats fail for 10 years, don’t vote democrat in four years, and once all the old dems are out, primary the hell out of them after 8 and work to get the house and senate back in 10.
[Its like starting from a blank install of windows, and taking the time to reinstall programs and features you need before it is ready to be used with ease, but being EXTREMELY careful to not allow the same conditions to occur that ruined the install in the first place ]
C. Reformat Disk and install Linux Mint. You say fuck it and go Green. You know the greens are completely clean and corruption free, the problem is that there is comparatively less infrastructure in place to get the party to do everything you need it to do, but there is excellent potential once you get it running
[Like installing linux and relearning how to use a computer, so that the problem you are reconciling never happens again in your lifetime.]
Option A almost never works well on computers
Option B will always result in the Problem Reoccuring eventually.
Option C takes the longest time and energy but is completely worth it.
“Reformat Disk and install Linux Mint. You say fuck it and go Green. ”
That’s the ticket. It’s a metaphor that will produce results in countless areas.
Voting machines, hardware and software, should be completely open source and Democratic. Give us the conveniences of modern technology, with the transparency of public-owned voting systems.
And if we Democratically control the surveillance state and its technology, we get to decide how much privacy is appropriate to sacrifice, and how long the records are held, and we get to monitor breaches & abuses.
Lots of responsibilities and vigilance come with this. But many of us, are ready for it, compared with a system that we have no control over.
Hey, you’ve got to get that interviewee on TYT.Get the people united.If conservative voters see you reach out to them,they will listen.
I despise people who go to the gutter on either the right or the left and hurl rocks at those in the center. Dwight D. Eisenhower
It’s not that the millenials aren’t interested in politics – it’s that they aren’t interested in POLITICIANS!
Steve is right on. It’s all about Team R and Team D. We need to get rid of the crap and start over.
Your interviewee is a great guy. In addition to him, if you want to know what’s happening in education contact Badass Teachers Association They can give you the facts about Arne Duncan and Betsy DeVos and more.
Love the Aggressive Progressives, need more shows per week :)
Eric does great interviews! Need as much of his style as Jordan’s, who I also look forward to seeing video posts from. Emma too!
Re: Bernie
The only reasonable explanation I can come up with, besides the “infrastructure”, is working to bring progressives in, take over in the same way that the Tea Party took over the GOP, access to debate participation which is controlled by the Corp created by, and mutually run by DNC & RNC, media coverage, in addition to attrition (aging out of the Corporatists/retirement/voted out). That’s what I’m trying to tell myself, anyway.
Nick should be picked up by Brand New Congress, they will help him run for congress.
You should sent his name and clip of the video in and nominate him!
Did it!!! Didn’t he sound exactly like Bernie? On researching him, he’s a Bernie supporter.
That’s awesome! I would love for this guy’s wonderful spirit to get him something positive in life…
Excellent show…. Chomsky was mentioned, but you didn’t get a chance to get to the segmant about 3rd party voters-not a reason for DEM lost….sorry.
Populism…I am beginning to see the reasons why Bernie connected, and Hillary ate shit….and Trump won. Trump did the same thing BHO did in 2008-and they both won. I get it now,
Corporate DEMS need to move ovah, git out the way. Maybe Trump is a good thing-we need to shake the system, and if HRC won ,Biz as usual. Except she woulda ditched Social Security and Medicare. It take a village-of corporate muthafkn Dems.
Let me just list my comments.
1. Russia does have an anti-missile system which means not all warheads will make it to their targets and so that is why they have to basically spam a crap ton of them. Nuclear systems get old like anything else and need to be replaced.
2. Perhaps one of the most infuriating things I have come across is how loyal people are to the party, but not necessarily the values that it is suppose to have. It’s in relation to how Bernie is not a Democrat and what they mean is that he didn’t help raise money for the party, but it is that money that we need to get rid of so they would be accountable to us and they are the same ones that complain when the Democratic Party don’t go their way. It’s a doublethink that needs to be dissolved from Democrats as a whole. Also on this front, Obama is ok in their book because he was a Democrat who was a Senator and all that for them, while totally missing out that it was his anti-establishment rhetoric that won him the primary over Hillary. Bernie being the same thing, but Independent? Fuck that smoocher.
What a joke. What a joke.
3. That laugh Jimmy had during the Pelosi segment was gold.
One more item, Steve Oh is the best co-host to be with Jimmy. There are times when Jimmy goes overboard, and Steve will toss the lifesaver and reel him in. The other hosts I have found to be the type that are hesitant to keep him steady so to speak.
1. True, the question is, however, whether a trillion budget for that is warranted. The prices are overcharged by few hundreds of USDs probably.
On the flag: Hillary is to the right to Putin on this Russia has one year maximum penalty for flag desecration, not two. Putin is also against death penalty, for universal healthcare, free education, paid maternity leave, paid vacations, guaranteed union rights, and so on.
Nick Smith is my new F*#@@@ Hero.
Absolutely spot-on! A candidate must win the vote! The Democratic sense of entitlement was nausea-inducing. “It’s Her turn!” Why? The election wasn’t a queue at a sandwich kiosk. The Democratic blame game has fingers pointing to all points of the compass in attempt to explain away the incompetency, elitism, toxic hubris and complete unconsciousness of HRC’s campaign. The most insulting rhetoric is blaming We the People. HRC supporters on social media are STILL busy venting their rage at others who didn’t vote for ‘Her’.
Excellent show from beginning till end. Make the coal country guy a regular. Make some twtterable clips of his awesome messages!
Bravo, guys! And now… for some 2 hour versions? Pretty please? Can we have a fund-raiser just for lengthening Aggressive Progressives?
Ok, the beginning was a bit like when Bill O’Reilly hung out with some black people in a soul restaurant and was amazed that black people are people. WHAT??? Someone with a southern accent can be smart???
Still, kudos to the interviewer there.
Any chance of making the “real news is fake” segment starting around the 42:25 mark a public clip? It’s such a good point I want to be able to share it.
At least Tim Ryan (D-OH) got over 60 votes against Pelosi. He deserves a lot of credit for running, and we should consider supporting him for the future. People like Ryan and Keith Ellison are on the right track.
Hillary Clinton did say she wanted to help coal workers find other jobs. What Clinton never said and needed to was that she had a plan for reducing the wage disparity between U.S. workers and workers in other countries. That’s what’s really keeping wages down and unemployment up in this country. A very distinct lack of policy on this hurt her across the Midwest and through coal country.
We need a fundamental shift in the Democratic Party. It needs policy to help workers get a fair share of the income that comes from their work. Backing trade policy like NAFTA and TPP is going in the opposite direction. This has to be a clear message to the party, because Democrats can’t win elections at any level if they can’t run on economic justice. Bernie was totally on the right track, and this is only going to grow over the next four years.
What I want to see is a message to coal miners like, “We are going to get you out of the dirty dungeons Republicans keep you in and bring you up into the light and give you clean jobs in renewable energy and local production. We are going to shift spending to create jobs in your towns, jobs that pay you a living wage.” That’s how you get people like the guy in the video to support real change.
Eric Byler did another 3-part series for TYT Politics on a Muslim US Marine.
They covered several topics ranging from Trump, to being a minority running as a Democrat in a swing state like Virginia.
They scratched a little on the surface of how he was blackballed by the Virginia Senate Democratic Leadership and got primaried by a more “electable” white establishment insider, who never really wanted to run.
His story is a local level microcosm of what you guys were discussing on the show. What really happens to younger people who think like Bernie and want to run for office as Democrats. They get stifled to death in the infancy of their political activism.
He may be worth interviewing for that angle to learn how the Democratic Party is failing at every level.
If you’d like to pursue the story and need help getting him you can contact me — he’s my older brother.
Steve- I really appreciate the stories you shared and your epic ongoing contribution to the show!
Jimmy- If you were a Lebanese woman I would rape you so that you would be forced to marry me. Rofl! Relax ppl, it’s a joke.
Amazing show, always puts me in a Good/Bad mood!
Make Nick Smith a TYT reporter. He’d have an easier time connecting with the “red belt”, than us “coasters”.
the interviewed protester is hella woke to human society.
Let us not forget we pay $30,000 a year to imprison our people. Yet we do not pay that same amount of money as a $15 minimum wage, to someone who puts in an honest weeks work. This point really needs to be driven into people’s minds.
Excellent point. Also would be good to point out in support of UBI or even welfare. Why not just give people that than turn them into criminals and end up paying it anyway.
Sorry/Not sorry, for the plethora of comments.
I assumed that was one of the benefits of being a member now, other than being Cenks boss. Haha ( his words, not mine ).
So proud to be an official supporter of TYT, and don’t plan on ever stopping.
Now we are discussing Nuclear Waste/Disposal Steve…
Let’s do an episode about that. Seriously…
Talk about environmental catastrophes that go unspoken about.
Best Quote of 2016…
” You’re not coming for us, We’re coming for you…”
-Cenk 12/2/16
Outstanding episode, and that guy is one of my favorite people, that I’ve seen do an interview in a while. Honest talk from a real American.
Unadulterated and Truthful.
So proud I became a member. You guys are the best. And thanks for all that you do for our country. Sincerely Jimmy & Steve.
8:42 Now imagine for a moment that in that moment when these people saw Trump for the buffoon he is that they turned to see not ‘stronger together’ but “a future to believe in” when they are so desperate to believe in something, ANYTHING! Trump gave them an illusion to hope for, Bernie would have given them a future to believe in
Hey Jimmy and Steve! Get aggressive for a 2 hour show! Big love to you guys!