
  1. For someone looking back, Wes looks tired and changed. He has a great mind but this experience changed him, not for the better. His anger and self belief are even more over the top then even Cenk’s in a lot of cases. His attitude towards Cenk and Ana was very hostile, like they were the enemy. He didn’t understand they were on his side in the points they made. I’ve seen him on old school a few times previously and he was open to discuss. This time he had an air of ‘I know better than you and you are beneath me for not understanding’. Sad to see him like this. At least Jordan, for all his faults, kept his attitude in check for the most part

  2. You posted this today on FB and YT. You cut out 5 minutes of Wes talking about infiltrators [Tiger Swan],WHY ??? They are having trouble even now [12-26] they need help !!! I would like to know WHY you censored this ??? Maybe you could let Wes know they need help ???

  3. For me, this man is 20 feet tall. Enormous salute Wes.
    And please tell us, common footsoldiers, what you need. We are hungry to march, we are hungry to pitch in whatever capacity we can. Want more resources ? Just ask.

  4. Wes is naive saying “forgive them”

    Obama forgave the crooks on wall street that crashed our economy and look what good that did.

  5. Rest up Wes. We will need you soon, more then ever, but for now, rest up. It sure looks like you need it. Thank you for all you did and will do

  6. More people need to hear this. Although Wes discusses his spirituality, it could be taken as ‘spirit’ rather than a Christian God. It is such a powerful message, especially as he calls for us to ‘trust’ that Trump will come through. That’s what makes this so important to put out to the public. It will draw in Trump supporters, while giving them another way of looking at things.

  7. Great Post Game. I agree with others this should be public.

    For Cenk, you can be spiritual and feel connected to each other without believing in a supreme being, god, or force. We are all star stuff. Carl Sagan is someone who understood this and tried to direct us all in a better direction with his wisdom.
    I wonder what he would think were he alive today.

  8. I agree, I was shocked that with all the SCIENCE proving that the Jesus & God he refers to don’t exist, he won’t believe that, but his life is devoted to spreading other SCIENCE that people need to save our planet. I hate hearing that “Nobody really knows for SURE” argument, because I am sorry to say, I, and a few others on Earth, DO KNOW. I have had 2 separate incidents of heart failure, both times I was not revived for an hour or more. I *CAN* say for sure, there is NO heaven, and certainly no God that I ever want to have anything to do with. I realize more and more every day that if there is a God, which I only still question because I was raised a brainwashed child of strict Christian parents & even stricter grandparents, and I could not despise their beliefs more, when they are filled with HATRED for anyone who is not just like THEM. If there is a God, it’s the kind of sadistic being that would create this Earth like we have children create ant farms, and God got to watch humans progress, but of course he intervened quite a lot in the beginning, and I assume he then saw how fucked-up some of them were, and how much they loved to torture, rape, kill, or become corrupt powerful politicians who made more money in one day than a lot of the lowly peasants do in their entire lives. He decided it got too fucked-up to handle, then he left us all to our own devices, allowing countless billions of people suffer, innocent children & animals dying of starvation, abuse, etc. and he wandered off to start his sick experiment over again…
    Sorry so brutal, just ranting after watching this PG. I am inspired by Wes’ dedication to helping others, but I know he would have done this with or without a ‘revelation’ of finding Jesus. I just hope the others at TYT can remember the facts & not get lost in religion. I’ve had more than enough for my lifetime!

  9. I love wes and I think he will go on to do many more great things. Glad he is feeling happier than ever, I just hope that he soon realizes there is no god helping him.. Right now it seems we need to fight for science 1000%

    1. I agree, I was shocked that with all the SCIENCE proving that the Jesus & God he refers to don’t exist, he won’t believe that, but his life is devoted to spreading other SCIENCE that people need to save our planet.

  10. Thank you Wes for your passion and determination to help others. You are inspiring and your story is so important. Thanks for being part of TYT. I hope this gets posted on fb or YouTube because everyone should see it.

  11. Thank you Wes for your passion and determination to help others. You are inspiring and your story is so important. Thanks for being part of TYT. I hope this gets posted because everyone should see it.

  12. Amazing show, proud to stand behind Wes and TYT.

    Wes is right, the amount of lawlwssness is great, even brazen breaking of laws by governments – I spent anout two years of my life fighting our local gov ignoring some important laws.

    Nice shout out to Wes on the 12/5 Democracy Now show, in the middle somewhere during an interview.

    Take care of yourself Wes.

  13. Wes, freakin’ AWESOME…. what an amazing conversation… agree with most all posters so far, …what is being birthed right now is destined for HUGEness, none of us know how, so many layers…, but we are willing to be guided by this fierce energy of freedom and love and liberty for ALL, to organize and act as ONE…. we the people, too strong.

    For me, yes, spirituality as highly distinct from organized power-trippin religion…. but even without that, whatever a human being feels within themselves that drives them to love, to respect, to honor all life–that is what matters and needs to be cultivated… a raising of consciousness is required and peace/love is the Way.

    right on… we do not need permission to survive and thrive! But we do need to claim it!

  14. I would really like this post game to be made public so we can share it with others. Few people can explain the direness of our situation like Wes can. I know for sure that I can’t.

  15. a powerful episode for sure, but, seriously – spirituality as a perquisite? faith is a furious thing, but people need whether they feel empowered by faith or belief or whatever

  16. I seem to recall a video that Jordan shared about a vet who was at Standing Rock and he was flying the flag Upside down – protesting government oppression – give that guys some chops!!

  17. Wes is starting to sound like a missionary, that usually doesn’t end well. wes has said in the past that the coverted are uaslly the loudest and now seeing as he wants to anchor everything with religion how long till he stats getting picky about what community is good enough to help

    1. Wes is not preaching any doctrine other than mere sanity. How could a heroic person do any less than whatever he could to defend democracy and human rights?

  18. Absolutely brilliant, brilliant, brilliant post game. Wes is opening up a whole other dimension of activism for Young Turks and I really hope (and pray) that it will bear fruit in the months and years to come. The world needs it.

    I totally concur with those who have already said that this post game should be made available for all to see. The message is too powerful and prescient to limit the audience.

    The only thing I wish I could have heard more about was the Forgiveness Ceremony, to hear first hand from Wes about it.

    1. As Wes keeps saying religion is all about feeling better not whats real just what feels good, you need that hope you go for the sweet words.

  19. Wes is Intense. Watching that post game has now given me anxiety. I feel I am in a panic to help save the earth. I do what I can but I know there is more to be done. After watching Wes I am freaking the fuck out about it. I am sad, I am angry, and I don’t want to watch this administration speed the destruction of this planet up. I feel helpless and small. I need a place to start.

    1. I felt the exact same way. I only learned about climate change recently, and crammed all knowledge within a few months, it has given me chronic anxiety attacks, and with my being disabled since childhood, I REALLY feel helpless…

  20. Wes MOTHERFUCKIN’ Clark Jr.!!!
    The HARDEST REALEST dude you have EVER seen!!!
    He’s dead on right.

    Whether the Elite want to or not, they will be FORCED to make a positive change.
    Because all the money in the world, won’t save you from the Sun.
    All the money in the world, won’t save you from the Flood.

    Apocalypse is HERE & the proper actions WILL be made.
    Why? Because there’s nowhere to hide.
    The Elite will finally be reminded that they are not really above the rest of humanity.
    All of their statuses, titles, & positions mean NOTHING when it comes to the end of Civilization.
    When it comes to the end of Life On Earth.

    Wes would not let Cenk diminish or downplay the severity of the situation.
    The next 4 years of The Young Turks will probably be the most important 4 years in this organization’s history.
    They always grow dramatically between every 4 year period. Ever since the very beginning.
    Compare TYT 2002 to TYT 2004 to TYT 2006 to TYT 2008 to TYT 2010 to TYT 2012 to TYT 2014 to TYT 2016.
    But THIS time, they’ll be undertaking a growth period that is totally UNPRECEDENTED.
    This next upgrade, this next big change may just put them into the history books beyond just being examples of media.

    The Young Turks which started off as Half Politics, Half J-Lo’s Ass will TRULY be a force for Real Actual Worldwide Change.
    There’s a reason why Ana latched on to this place when they were in that tiny little studio.
    Instead of getting paid millions of dollars to simply read a teleprompter, Ana gets to be part of historical change.
    She THINKS TYT has changed her life for the better so far. HA!
    She has seen NOTHING yet.
    Decades from now she will tell the story of TYT over & over again with the fondest of remembrances.
    She may cry sentimental tears about how that little startup renegade outfit made her what she is.

    Even Cenk is not fully aware of where his little company is about to go.
    And in the process he will rehabilitate the name of that original Young Turks from 100 years ago.
    A Revolution without the unnecessary destruction.

    Wes is cluing them in to the future.
    The ride TYT is about to go on will change their lives FOREVER.

    John Lucas

  21. “This is Wesley Clark. If you’re listening to this, you are the resistance. There is a storm on the horizon. A time of hardship and pain. This battle has been won, but the war against the machines races on. Skynet’s global network remains strong, but we will not quit, until all of it is destroyed. This is Wesley Clark. There is no fate, but what we make.”

    – Wesley Clark, Jr (2025).

    1. @burchmore500 I am VERY impressed by Wes Clark Jr.
      THAT’S the kind of soldier I can look up to & respect.
      Not being an international hitman for a corporation’s greed as Major General Smedley Butler once told us.
      But being a soldier for a righteous cause with the righteous conviction.

      I personally have compared Julian Assange to John Connor but I like how you made the comparison between Wes Clark & John Connor.

      I think Wes’s life has been forever changed.
      And his change will reverberate through TYT the more time goes on.
      All the staff will really grow as people during the next 4 & 8 years.

      I don’t even think Cenk himself is fully aware of where this ride is about to take him.
      This silly little company that started out of Cenk’s living room talking half politics & half “J-Lo’s ass” will end up being one of the most important organizations in history before this is all said & done.
      This new media will tell the PROPER tale & so many views will be shaped by the work they do.
      It’s more than just a talk show. It’s more than just the news. It’s more than a network of alternative media.
      TYT will TRULY make world history the more they go on & grow on.

      Wes is giving them a peek into the future of their potential with his advocacy.
      TYT is going to change the world for the better. Literally.

      John Lucas

  22. Wes is absolutely correct. There were a number of scientific articles at the end of September this year saying we are now passing the tipping point. I couldn’t find the exact article that gave a projected time frame, but if I recall correctly it was the mid-2033 or thereabouts and that was at our current rate, let alone increased environmental destruction under a Trump regime.

    It is a pity we can’t share the post game on Facebook as there are a lot of people I’d love to hear what Wes had to say as an eyewitness at Standing Rock and how we do need to step up because drastic consequence are knocking at the door.

  23. Security Firm Running Dakota Access Pipeline Intelligence Has Ties to U.S. Military Work in Iraq and Afghanistan Posted on November 1, 2016 by BIOMORPHIC “Sad, But Not Surprising”

    What is TigerSwan?

    TigerSwan has offices in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, India, and Latin America and has headquarters in North Carolina. In the past year, TigerSwan won two U.S. Department of State contracts worth over $7 million to operate in Afghanistan, according to

    TigerSwan, however, claims on its website that the contract is worth $25 million, and said in a press release that the State Department contract called for the company to “monitor, assess, and advise current and future nation building and stability initiatives in Afghanistan.” Since 2008, TigerSwan has won about $57.7 million worth of U.S. government contracts and subcontracts for security services.

    Company founder and CEO James Reese, a veteran of the elite Army Delta Force, served as the “lead advisor for Special Operations to the Director of the CIA for planning, operations and integration for the invasion of Afghanistan and Operation Enduring Freedom” in Iraq, according to his company biography. Army Delta partakes in mostly covert and high-stakes missions and is part of the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), the latter well known for killing Osama Bin Laden.

    One of TigerSwan’s advisory board members, Charles Pittman, has direct ties to the oil and gas industry. Pittman “served as President of Amoco Egypt Oil Company, Amoco Eurasia Petroleum Company, and Regional President BP Amoco plc. (covering the Middle East, the Caspian Sea region, Egypt, and India),” according to his company biography.

    TigerSwan is one of several security firms under investigation for its work guarding the Dakota Access pipeline in North Dakota while potentially without a permit. Besides this recent work on the Standing Rock Sioux protests in North Dakota, this company has offices in Iraq and Afghanistan and is run by a special forces Army veteran.

    According to a summary of the investigation, TigerSwan “is in charge of Dakota Access intelligence and supervises the overall security.”


  24. Cenk and Ana, you can learn more about TigerSwan hired mercenaries by reading what Jeremy Scahill has written about in his research for The Intercept. TigerSwan evolved from Blackwater started by mercenary mastermind Erik Prince. Important note: Prince’s sister is new cabinet pick for Edu- Betsy DeVos.

  25. I’m willing to believe Wes’s assertion about how quickly are about to experience extreme environmental devastation but I just want some proof. What he says about the aquifer and the methane in the permafrost makes sense, and if he’s right that the shit is going down super fast, then he’s right that we have nothing to lose.

    I’ve tried to look into it a little myself and not found much, but I’m not exactly great at internet research. All I want from Wes is for him to tell me where he is getting his information on how bad climate change really is and how rapidly it is progressing. His claims are serious and demand serious evidence. If they are true, he’s right, we all need to start doing shit right now because we don’t have shit to lose.

    I’m open minded, I’m quite willing to believe him, but I need some solid evidence of these claims.

    1. I haven’t found the solid evidence either. There is solid evidence that things will go down as Wes says they will, but there’s no solid evidence outside of conjecture where his timeline is concerned, that I can find anyway. But the thing is… does it matter if it happens in 5 years or 50? We have the same amount to lose regardless, and that’s everything (nothing in terms of fighting it, everything in terms of losing it).

      What I don’t like, is that I wish Wes did reveal his sources here. It’s a lot to take on faith. I believe Wes is a a stand up guy whose word means something. I also believe he’s personally, insanely well connected in terms of what’s going on behind closed doors in the realm of politics. If I had to take someone’s word on faith, it would be his, but still… just one source of evidence. Or even something flimsy like, ‘I was talking to my friends at the pentagon…’

      But there is a wealth of secondary evidence. For instance, the fact that every year for a while has reached ‘worst-case-scenario’ temperatures. It doesn’t seem like much of a stretch that we are plummeting uncontrollably towards a worse case scenario climate change catastrophe, which would make Wes’s timeline more credible.

      1. To be clear, Wes is not saying the world is going to end in 8 years, what he means is that, if we haven’t done significant action by then, it won’t matter anymore.

  26. Good show. I can see Wes’s points on a lot of the subjects he addressed. Some I don’t agree with but that’s just my opinion. I always remember a saying my dad used to tell me when I was a kid. Wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which fills up faster. My optimistic side wants everything he said to be true, my pessimistic side believes that it just won’t happen. I will continue to do what I can to fight, but the thought of abandoning my job/life/family so that I can stand on a picket line is just not realistic to me.

  27. The discussion of Trump was very insightful, maybe if he got INVITED to go to Standing Rock to see whats going on, they say he always listens to the last guy in the room so thats the goal, be the last person in the room. Let him hear from real on the ground people. As for Environmental issues they should have been addressed back in the Carter Admin. oh it was and Reagan stopped it. High time to get it going again this time on steroids.

  28. You need to make this public, put it on YT so we can share it everywhere,especially the white folk in N Dakota should know who their public officials are working for !!!

  29. Right well worrying about a pipeline or 2 in the US I’d going to amount to fuck all when India, China, Brazil and other developing nations are going to uping their pollution levels massively in coming years. If Wes’ 8 year doomsday fear mongering held any water it wouldn’t matter fuck all what the US did, they could stop emissions entirely and the global effects would catch up a year later.

    1. China is the world’s leading producer of renewable energy, and also leads the world in clean energy investment. India right now has the world’s largest solar power plant and ranks 7th in renewable energy. Brazil ranks 3rd right below China and US in clean energy.

      Try to keep up with the news before you spew shit you have no idea on.

      1. Oh really, I thought I saw once that their cities were filled with smug and pollution so that you couldn’t even see the Sun, I also thought they had less regulations than the US, but gosh, you disagreed with me so I guess I’m wrong and they’re actually all super clean and only the US causes pollution and if they stop the world will be wonderful.

        1. You are confusing developmental trends addressing climate change with pollution standards. Yes, pollution ain’t fun and is a serious health threat – but in terms of climate change, the visible and invisible pollution is actually a moderating weather factor since it promotes cloud formation as a result of more solid particles in the air, which then leads to a higher percentage sunlight being reflected in that area. You even get industrial snowfall in some places because of that. So if anything, the cleaner air combined with the virtually unlimited green-house gas output of the U.S. makes it even worse, speaking purely on climate change terms. Per capita, these other developing nations contribute a fraction of the green house gases that developed nations have released over centuries and continue to release (although some measures have been agreed upon and successfully implemented in progressive European nations and the EU in general). The developing world will at the same time suffer from climate change much quicker and much more severely, so they feel a higher urgency to step up their game appropriately. The U.S. has massive unused landmass and a relatively low population density, so Americans have this false sense of security if they don’t live in drought or flood affected areas like California or Florida. Once China, India, etc. will be the main drivers of the renewable energy sector, the U.S. will be nothing more than a supplier of arms and entertainment. That would be a major catastrophe for the U.S economy. Technological innovation is what made “USA – NUMBER ONE!” a thing. The expansion of Tesla Motors in the U.S. and the influence they might have on the economic drivers and local governments gives me some hope. Elon Musk might use crony capitalism to his advantage and outbid the oil companies for politicians.

        2. “Oh really, I thought I saw once that their cities were filled with smug and pollution so that you couldn’t even see the Sun, I also thought they had less regulations than the US”

          OMG, you’ve totally convinced me that I was wrong with your brilliant comment that has no evidence to back your statement.

          ” but gosh, you disagreed with me so I guess I’m wrong”

          No man, I’m the one who’s wrong because your sarcasm totally replaces your lack of information about what other countries are doing to combat climate change.

    2. That is such a right wing talking point. Ripped right out of their playbook of excuses. They use that same argument to justify Americas right to use more fossil fuels. “Well, if China and other countries can pollute all they want, so it makes no difference if we even try to clean ourselves up, it will just cost us our precious jobs. So lets just continue to pollute!”)
      I would rather America set the example of a cleaner world and get the rest to follow. Then follow the 3rd world industrial polluters down the rabbit hole to a quicker extinction.

    1. You misunderstood his message then. Don’t follow. Just go somewhere important! Followers are already everywhere. It’s more community leaders that we desperately need to get the followers to go places they would never think of and save our future.

  30. This was such a powerful message on so many different aspects; spiritalness, connectedness to community, the ability to bring about positive change. Thank-you Wes, Michael, Jordan and the whole TYT team.
    I agree with Masshole508, everyone should watch this video, please make it available to non-members.

  31. Loved Wes since 08, he is great, one of the best parts of TYT. Great to see him getting credit here for his work.

  32. At 23:00 Wes got so damn serious it had me stop in my tracks. I got the shivers for a second. You can’t be anymore serious about anything than he was in that moment. I love his passion though.

    1. @LOTUS-CTB Wes is that dude, man.
      He’s always been intense & real as hell.
      But I think that experience in North Dakota changed him forever.
      It amplified what was already there & opened new powers up to him.

      The man is on a mission & his passion will influence EVERY member of The Young Turks before long.
      TYT always grows dramatically every 4 years. You see major changes within 2 year periods, even.
      But this next 4 year transformation will be the most important in the organization’s history.
      The power of their media megaphone will REALLY rock the world very soon.
      They’ll look back at the comparisons between TYT & Alex Jones, TYT vs. the CNNs, Fox News’s, & MSNBC’s and see them as quaint & minor.
      This silly little organization that started as a combination of hard news/events & lighthearted Howard Stern-type stuff will soon be one that makes marks on world history.

      Wes is letting them know where they are about to be headed.
      I’m gonna love seeing the next evolution of The Young Turks.
      John Lucas

    2. Yeah, that gave me a chill, because he got super real for a second. That face he made, that was the face of someone who is about to deliver a beat-down.

      That being said, I hope he gets some good nights of sleep, he looks super exhausted.

  33. Wes needs some good sleep, that’s for sure! But I get what he’s saying, we’re past the point of waiting for the government to fix things or do the right thing, the people as a community are going to do it. Wes and Michael just proved it. Crowd funding and inexpensive mass communication have now enabled progressive leadership to bypass corporate influence. This can be the beginning of a great time!

  34. I’m a bit concerned about Wes who I generally like, the level of paranoia and internalised fear is not healthy.

      1. Wesley is the same way, tired or not. He is well intentional, but he suffers from paranoia for years already, and with age it will only go worse; this is the way how it develops (for example, Clinton’s secret paid speeches to the banks that discuss how ecological protests are paid for by Kremlin must have driving him insane as he sees Kremlin everywhere). But I am glad he has found things to be excited about and to be inspired, not only feel the fear.

        By the way, Wesley’s theory on Trump might be too optimistic. The other variant that he is just an “ass hole” naturally, and would have been no matter if he would be raised this way or another.

    1. I hear you Duomaxwe…. I love Wes but sometimes he is not the best communicator. However, I feel both his sense of urgency and frustration at the lack of urgency of others. I consider myself to be a moderate and I feel at least as panicked as Wes was at 23:00, and the 19 other physicists on my research team feel twice as panicked as I do. As a scientists I can say it’s long past time to panic….

    2. That’s not “the level of paranoia and internalized fear…that isnt healthy”

      That’s someone having a genuine, unfiltered, human reaction. If you take the 30 or so seconds when he is legitimately pissed off and run with it i can see that impression, but you missed the point.

      Let me guess… you’re from california…

      1. I am from cali and I do not agree with Duomaxwe’s statement. Can we not do that shit here please. Just another form of bigotry, sarcasm or not.

  35. The people who stayed at Standing Rock forever certainly do deserve immense credit to keeping the fight up against the oil company. At the same time, as Cenk said, Veterans for Standing Rock was needed to be there to seal the delay and denial of the easement. So Wes, huge props on you for starting the idea and Michael, and Jordan, and all the rest that brought it all together.

    I don’t think it’s a coincidence that on the same day that VFSR “deployed” there was also the same day they denied it on a Sunday no less.

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