Former NFL shot; shooter released. Hung jury on Scott Walker. Texan man hold “You belong” sign outside mosque. Pat Robertson advises caller to move out of “haunted” house.
Brett’s position at the start of the show didn’t perfectly conform to my pre-conceived notions of reality and my own personal biases. Moreover, he attempted to use logic to reach a conclusion rather than emotion. Please kill him and/or fire him.
I agree!
Brett: white privilege much?! You said we’re jumping down each other’s throats while jumping down Aida’s throat when she quoted the article about the shooting. I didn’t want to vilify you but you brought it on. You need a history lesson, Boy! You got way too much time on this show; hope I don’t see you again soon.
Aida – love you so much!!
Heartsick about the killing of Mr. McKnight. Yes Cenk; I’ve seen this movie way too many times.
Let me be a Devils Advocate. A friend told me a story two days ago that involved his friend who got robbed. The victim was unarmed and did not decide to contact police, and then decided to buy a handgun(bad-move), and apply for an easy-to-get conceal carry permit. A month or two later, he ended up seeing the dude ( the dude that robbed him) late at night walking down his street. The dude recognized the victim and started pulling out a gun, The victim shot the dude in the chest twice and him.
The victim then called the cops he STAYED on the crime scene.
He handed the gun over to the cops
He was released that night and was never “detained”
The victim was a black male.
When my friend told me this story I found it to be unbelievable, but apparently in unique situations the shooter is treated more like the victim, because he might be both.
BUT I LARGELY doubt that is the case here. NFL players have too much money and too much to lose to pull a fucking gun out in the middle of the road which would be the ONLY scenario which the shooter would be allowed to go home.
I think instead of letting the dude go home, for scenarios where you cannot prove any level of guilt or threat there should be holding cells which act more like a little kitchenette/lounge and bed-sized rooms to sleep in. So you aren’t exactly punishing anyone who you might not need to punish.
My friends friend should have been ATLEAST put into jail for a night
This dude DEFINITELY should have been in jail for atleast one night.
Just to keep the integrity of the investigation and to make clear what happened.
They should just make non-criminal and unknown offender holding areas a bit more humane.
he isn’t
you’re dumb
he’s fully aware of racist america
he just wants to focus on facts
and not any speculations
no matter how likely he knows it to be
i disagree with Brett in this case but that doesnt mean when shouldnt let him talk and be part of the convo cause i know his heart is in the right place he ‘s just giving is prespective . let i go people ,.
“Stand your ground” laws are a march back in time. It’s like pre-civil rights movement combined with the worst of the wild west. This is so bad, and it is going to get much worse. Thank goodness for and Wolf PAC. We really need suggestions on how to concretely participate. Can’t wait for next week.
Brett is clueless about the racial dynamic in America! It is assumed by a great many that every black male in N.O. (and all of the US for that matter!) is a criminal, up to no good, and is armed.
Who wants to help me keep an eye out for Thomas Young Terkson’s question on the Pat Robinson’s show? I can’t be bothered to watch too much of it, but Tom’s really worried about his possessed dog.
Two weeks ago a 15 year old African American teen was shot in Charleston WV. While witnesses have said the teen had a BB gun in his possession, police said there was noting in the teens’ hands when he was shot by an older white man. After shooting him the man went to a friends’ home and had dinner. He also told police it was “another piece of trash off the street”. After some national coverage, the story has fallen off the radar, but TYT can help bring it back to light.
The juror did exactly what he was supposed to do, issue a verdict based on what he “thinks” happened and he saw the defense case and would not here the prosecution’s.
The jury system was originally designed to exonerate nobility if they committed crimes because a juror of his peers meant other nobility like him who will not convict him and damned be the facts.
Time to end this relic of the middle ages which did so much injustice over the centuries.
Come on ya’ll don’t be afraid of a heated discussion that’s when you get to the real issues, that is what TYT is about. Personally I think that the point of black lives matter is to say, hey, the law says that you are innocent until proven guilty and until the percentage of black men being shot in america has lowered substantially we are standing with black lives and spotlighting this story, whether you bring up journalistic integrity or highlight the repeated claim of searching for the weapon these all are valid points. We need philosophers who can have discussions like this running our country, love you all!!
Look what I did. I posted in the TPM HIVE: “What the heck? Why the hatchet job on Ellison?” Now Josh Marshall weighs in:
“Ellison is not an anti-Semite. He’s not anti-Israel. I think the ADL is wrong to call the comments “disqualifying” and wrong about how it’s treating this entire issue.”
“I will put this another way. I like the ADL. I like Ellison. I like the Democratic party.” – Josh Marshall.
Aida just doesn’t fit what TYT has to be right now. Shame but she can’t be on the show when there’s so much fighting and convincing to be done – major turn off for any potential convert to liberalism from the centre or the right as she’s just too PC, at points it’s unbearable, even for someone predisposed to agree with her on those views.
Presuming you weren’t being sarcastic :) I started off, when I was young and foolish, as a pretty staunch libertarian. A few years of studying economics and psychology soon changed this – I became progressive and proud. This was about 2011 and I started watching TYT in 2014, after discovering them through the Kyle Kulinski show, Secular Talk.
I feel sorry for him… He’s trying to be pragmatic and work to make sure TYT is viewed as a truly objective news organisation. Shifting the optics in order to draw back the viewers lost to Rubin Report etc.
The Rubin show despite the enormous financial support it’s getting from the alt-right (who think they found their new Hitchens) barely has a tenth of the subscribers of TYT’s main channel which FYI just added in the last 2 months as many people as the entire Rubin show.
The only people who migrated there are the ones who think the only good muslim is a dead one and Israel can do no wrong even if the Israelis themselves admitted to doing wrong.
David Rubin went totally off the rails when he has started using the ridiculous and childish “regressive left” phrase. You can be totally neocon on Israel as David is, but you can keep the arguments clear of such idealogical crowd-appeasing insults. This was the point where I turned from respectfully disagreeing with him to not respecting him.
Recently? Yes, he is heading in that direction which is a shame but I feel my point still stands. There is an issue with TYT being thought of as the social justice warrior safe space. Before you jump down my throat – I’m a member, obviously I don’t think that. But the way Brett approaches the story is just better given a major goal of TYT right now should be to appear as fair and balanced as they are. Aida screams imbalance….
I actually watched Rubin’s post-TYT show regularly in the beginning because he laid down some ground rules for his show which I imagined to be the antedote to what he thought were the worst excesses of TYT. But he has broken his own rules so many times it’s beyond irony.
He attacks the “regressive left” constantly but has given the alt-right a forum. When I was still watching him he said this was because the alt-right has no real power so should not be feared. How’d that work out? At first he said he was more critical of authoritarianism from the left because he wanted to clean up his “own side”, although I rarely if ever heard him advocate a lefty position on anything. Now he’s pretty firmly in the libertarian camp, so will he turn his attack toward the authoritarian right who are the ones actually in power? Doubtful, because he has found his niche audience and knows where his bread is buttered.
And for a guy who has spent so many years as a comedian, I have never laughed at a thing he ever said.
I mostly agree, though not in the part that David is libertarian now since he is a staunch supporter of the apartheid regime that Israel forces upon Palestine, which is a neocon policy, and libertarians do not like neocons policies.
And yes, I also do not remember David ever saying anything funny, does not seem to be a natural comedian; it looks like his career in that field was some sort of exercise.
Argh that hurts. Comparing him to Hitchens… I have some MAJOR issues with Hitchens but he is roughly ten times smarter, three hundred more educational, and an infinitely better orator. Yes, it is smaller but he’s only one. The whole ‘New Atheist’ community SHOULD be with TYT and progressives – it’s ridiculous that they’re not… I’m not blaming either side but it’s a stupid and childish tantrum on both sides. It needs to be sorted and now.
I can not take Hitchens seriously after such blunders as his support for wars. This has shown a lapse in judgement so severe that I do not have interest in anything else he has to says, even though I admit that some of those others things can be really smart. At the same time, I agree with you that Hitchens usually had a clean, clear, sharp way of outlying his position, and with David it is not the case most of the time; he is so reserved and cautious that I have hart time understanding how much sincere he is in his stances (was he sincere when he was moulding himself to TYT or now with alt-right?).
Even Hitchens wasn’t that giant of a thinker. A descent one with a different perspective but never someone who will be remembered in a decade, hell people forgot about him already.
As for the neo-atheist movement, I don’t believe in such a designation. These people are classic far right wing loons who happen to be atheist if we were to take their word at face value (which I don’t seeing their obsession with the non-existent Judeo-Christian heritage) just like Eberhard Milch happened to be the 2nd man in the Luftwaffe despite being a Jew or the relatively large number of open homosexuals within the Nazi party (before 1934 and even after it) that burned homosexuals in Auschwitz.
They want the exact same things as other right wing nuts but have the added advantage of being the uncle Tom of the left.
Never have Brett on the show ever again. He is a gigantic annoyance every time he opens his mouth and manages to derail the conversation every single time he cuts in. I couldn’t finish this hour because of him. For the love of God, keep him on Pop Trigger.
yeah, he has always had conservative leanings, and isn’t very bright at all, he once said we should keep an open mind about climate change not being true because he saw on cosmos how many times people didn’t believe in a particular theory which then turned out to be true. lol. yes really.
Yes, at times Brett’s stances do seem questionable, but even though I strongly disagree with him in this case, I personally against removing him from the panel or from anywhere else since otherwise the show would turn into an echo chamber too much.
I literally went through the same thinking process as Cenk did. When I have learned that the suspect that was released it felt strange since I from-barely-to-never heard of police releasing black suspects even if they are clearly unrelated to the case, let alone clearly implicated as in this case. And when I learned that the suspect is white, I went to “OF CO-O-O-OURSE!”.
Thank you everyone for responding to the in-coming meteor of pogrom engineers in the Drumpf Administration. I thanked Ana in a live tweet but didn’t catch the other responses by Cenk, John etc. because I’m toggling between Twitter & your stream which cuts me off on my phone. Very responsive & am extremely glad to hear progressive assault on this meteor is on the way. I do believe white supremacists are at war with all of us, using DAPL incitement & intentional escalation of brutality to distract us all.
Love yas. Forever your member, supporter & TYT ARMY soldier.
Assuming that the shooter/killer was released and the police continuing to search for the victim’s probably non-existent gun are due to the race of either men is completely legitimate. I’m not quite sure why Brett seemed to think the rest of the panel had an issue with the reporting rather than the decisions of the police.
Great show
Brett’s position at the start of the show didn’t perfectly conform to my pre-conceived notions of reality and my own personal biases. Moreover, he attempted to use logic to reach a conclusion rather than emotion. Please kill him and/or fire him.
I’m sorry your sportsing team doing poorly makes “your life a living hell”.
I’m so glad yall have Aida on the panel. Young Turks is great in its diversity, but the on-camera talent needs to include more PoC’s.
I agree!
Brett: white privilege much?! You said we’re jumping down each other’s throats while jumping down Aida’s throat when she quoted the article about the shooting. I didn’t want to vilify you but you brought it on. You need a history lesson, Boy! You got way too much time on this show; hope I don’t see you again soon.
Aida – love you so much!!
Heartsick about the killing of Mr. McKnight. Yes Cenk; I’ve seen this movie way too many times.
With the first story:
Let me be a Devils Advocate. A friend told me a story two days ago that involved his friend who got robbed. The victim was unarmed and did not decide to contact police, and then decided to buy a handgun(bad-move), and apply for an easy-to-get conceal carry permit. A month or two later, he ended up seeing the dude ( the dude that robbed him) late at night walking down his street. The dude recognized the victim and started pulling out a gun, The victim shot the dude in the chest twice and him.
The victim then called the cops he STAYED on the crime scene.
He handed the gun over to the cops
He was released that night and was never “detained”
The victim was a black male.
When my friend told me this story I found it to be unbelievable, but apparently in unique situations the shooter is treated more like the victim, because he might be both.
BUT I LARGELY doubt that is the case here. NFL players have too much money and too much to lose to pull a fucking gun out in the middle of the road which would be the ONLY scenario which the shooter would be allowed to go home.
I think instead of letting the dude go home, for scenarios where you cannot prove any level of guilt or threat there should be holding cells which act more like a little kitchenette/lounge and bed-sized rooms to sleep in. So you aren’t exactly punishing anyone who you might not need to punish.
My friends friend should have been ATLEAST put into jail for a night
This dude DEFINITELY should have been in jail for atleast one night.
Just to keep the integrity of the investigation and to make clear what happened.
They should just make non-criminal and unknown offender holding areas a bit more humane.
That is some impressive braiding work
Hey Aida! Good to see you on TYT panel again! :)
Yes, would love to see her more often!
I literally cried during the story about the old man in front of the mosque. What is happening to me!?
to all the people who think Brett is racist.
he isn’t
you’re dumb
he’s fully aware of racist america
he just wants to focus on facts
and not any speculations
no matter how likely he knows it to be
Speaking of insightful – calling others dumb is really insightful and adds to the dialog. Thanks so much.
Truly insightful Brett
i disagree with Brett in this case but that doesnt mean when shouldnt let him talk and be part of the convo cause i know his heart is in the right place he ‘s just giving is prespective . let i go people ,.
“Stand your ground” laws are a march back in time. It’s like pre-civil rights movement combined with the worst of the wild west. This is so bad, and it is going to get much worse. Thank goodness for and Wolf PAC. We really need suggestions on how to concretely participate. Can’t wait for next week.
Ana, I always appreciate your sharp observations — you have a great targeting device between your ears.
Brett is clueless about the racial dynamic in America! It is assumed by a great many that every black male in N.O. (and all of the US for that matter!) is a criminal, up to no good, and is armed.
Yes, that is apparently the case. Sad.
Who wants to help me keep an eye out for Thomas Young Terkson’s question on the Pat Robinson’s show? I can’t be bothered to watch too much of it, but Tom’s really worried about his possessed dog.
And playing the role of Ben today is … Brett!
Two weeks ago a 15 year old African American teen was shot in Charleston WV. While witnesses have said the teen had a BB gun in his possession, police said there was noting in the teens’ hands when he was shot by an older white man. After shooting him the man went to a friends’ home and had dinner. He also told police it was “another piece of trash off the street”. After some national coverage, the story has fallen off the radar, but TYT can help bring it back to light.
I had not heard about this. Thank you Nicholas119851.
Hey everybody! Did you know Brett is an idiot just because I don’t agree with what he is saying. Get the jump to conclusions mat.
WTF Brett???
Yes, WTF indeed!
Why the anger about the Slager verdict?
The juror did exactly what he was supposed to do, issue a verdict based on what he “thinks” happened and he saw the defense case and would not here the prosecution’s.
The jury system was originally designed to exonerate nobility if they committed crimes because a juror of his peers meant other nobility like him who will not convict him and damned be the facts.
Time to end this relic of the middle ages which did so much injustice over the centuries.
Cheer up a bit Brett, you seem to have a little depressed & indirectly angry thing going on. Weeds legal now so…go smoke a clip and chill out. ????
for some reason the site turned my smiley emoji into question marks…
Come on ya’ll don’t be afraid of a heated discussion that’s when you get to the real issues, that is what TYT is about. Personally I think that the point of black lives matter is to say, hey, the law says that you are innocent until proven guilty and until the percentage of black men being shot in america has lowered substantially we are standing with black lives and spotlighting this story, whether you bring up journalistic integrity or highlight the repeated claim of searching for the weapon these all are valid points. We need philosophers who can have discussions like this running our country, love you all!!
Look what I did. I posted in the TPM HIVE: “What the heck? Why the hatchet job on Ellison?” Now Josh Marshall weighs in:
“Ellison is not an anti-Semite. He’s not anti-Israel. I think the ADL is wrong to call the comments “disqualifying” and wrong about how it’s treating this entire issue.”
“I will put this another way. I like the ADL. I like Ellison. I like the Democratic party.” – Josh Marshall.
a panel of my least fav people, apart from cenk, great! they should have kept michael wood on!
Ana’s really cool though
Aida just doesn’t fit what TYT has to be right now. Shame but she can’t be on the show when there’s so much fighting and convincing to be done – major turn off for any potential convert to liberalism from the centre or the right as she’s just too PC, at points it’s unbearable, even for someone predisposed to agree with her on those views.
i’d love to hear about your history & how you came to start watching tyt… were you centre or right?
Presuming you weren’t being sarcastic :) I started off, when I was young and foolish, as a pretty staunch libertarian. A few years of studying economics and psychology soon changed this – I became progressive and proud. This was about 2011 and I started watching TYT in 2014, after discovering them through the Kyle Kulinski show, Secular Talk.
I completely disagree with you. I’d much rather see more of Aida on the panels and less of Brett! Not sure what “too PC” means to progressives…
Brett sounds like he’s wrestling with being on tyt
I feel sorry for him… He’s trying to be pragmatic and work to make sure TYT is viewed as a truly objective news organisation. Shifting the optics in order to draw back the viewers lost to Rubin Report etc.
The Rubin show despite the enormous financial support it’s getting from the alt-right (who think they found their new Hitchens) barely has a tenth of the subscribers of TYT’s main channel which FYI just added in the last 2 months as many people as the entire Rubin show.
The only people who migrated there are the ones who think the only good muslim is a dead one and Israel can do no wrong even if the Israelis themselves admitted to doing wrong.
perfect description.
David Rubin went totally off the rails when he has started using the ridiculous and childish “regressive left” phrase. You can be totally neocon on Israel as David is, but you can keep the arguments clear of such idealogical crowd-appeasing insults. This was the point where I turned from respectfully disagreeing with him to not respecting him.
A Christmas miracle… We agree on something!
Recently? Yes, he is heading in that direction which is a shame but I feel my point still stands. There is an issue with TYT being thought of as the social justice warrior safe space. Before you jump down my throat – I’m a member, obviously I don’t think that. But the way Brett approaches the story is just better given a major goal of TYT right now should be to appear as fair and balanced as they are. Aida screams imbalance….
No, you’re wrong, just wrong.
I actually watched Rubin’s post-TYT show regularly in the beginning because he laid down some ground rules for his show which I imagined to be the antedote to what he thought were the worst excesses of TYT. But he has broken his own rules so many times it’s beyond irony.
He attacks the “regressive left” constantly but has given the alt-right a forum. When I was still watching him he said this was because the alt-right has no real power so should not be feared. How’d that work out? At first he said he was more critical of authoritarianism from the left because he wanted to clean up his “own side”, although I rarely if ever heard him advocate a lefty position on anything. Now he’s pretty firmly in the libertarian camp, so will he turn his attack toward the authoritarian right who are the ones actually in power? Doubtful, because he has found his niche audience and knows where his bread is buttered.
And for a guy who has spent so many years as a comedian, I have never laughed at a thing he ever said.
I mostly agree, though not in the part that David is libertarian now since he is a staunch supporter of the apartheid regime that Israel forces upon Palestine, which is a neocon policy, and libertarians do not like neocons policies.
And yes, I also do not remember David ever saying anything funny, does not seem to be a natural comedian; it looks like his career in that field was some sort of exercise.
Calling Rubin a “libertarian” is an insult to that word and to libertarians all over the world.
The essence of libertarianism is personal autonomy of any government intervention, something that does not extend to muslims in Rubin land.
Argh that hurts. Comparing him to Hitchens… I have some MAJOR issues with Hitchens but he is roughly ten times smarter, three hundred more educational, and an infinitely better orator. Yes, it is smaller but he’s only one. The whole ‘New Atheist’ community SHOULD be with TYT and progressives – it’s ridiculous that they’re not… I’m not blaming either side but it’s a stupid and childish tantrum on both sides. It needs to be sorted and now.
I can not take Hitchens seriously after such blunders as his support for wars. This has shown a lapse in judgement so severe that I do not have interest in anything else he has to says, even though I admit that some of those others things can be really smart. At the same time, I agree with you that Hitchens usually had a clean, clear, sharp way of outlying his position, and with David it is not the case most of the time; he is so reserved and cautious that I have hart time understanding how much sincere he is in his stances (was he sincere when he was moulding himself to TYT or now with alt-right?).
Even Hitchens wasn’t that giant of a thinker. A descent one with a different perspective but never someone who will be remembered in a decade, hell people forgot about him already.
As for the neo-atheist movement, I don’t believe in such a designation. These people are classic far right wing loons who happen to be atheist if we were to take their word at face value (which I don’t seeing their obsession with the non-existent Judeo-Christian heritage) just like Eberhard Milch happened to be the 2nd man in the Luftwaffe despite being a Jew or the relatively large number of open homosexuals within the Nazi party (before 1934 and even after it) that burned homosexuals in Auschwitz.
They want the exact same things as other right wing nuts but have the added advantage of being the uncle Tom of the left.
Never have Brett on the show ever again. He is a gigantic annoyance every time he opens his mouth and manages to derail the conversation every single time he cuts in. I couldn’t finish this hour because of him. For the love of God, keep him on Pop Trigger.
yeah, he has always had conservative leanings, and isn’t very bright at all, he once said we should keep an open mind about climate change not being true because he saw on cosmos how many times people didn’t believe in a particular theory which then turned out to be true. lol. yes really.
Yes, at times Brett’s stances do seem questionable, but even though I strongly disagree with him in this case, I personally against removing him from the panel or from anywhere else since otherwise the show would turn into an echo chamber too much.
I literally went through the same thinking process as Cenk did. When I have learned that the suspect that was released it felt strange since I from-barely-to-never heard of police releasing black suspects even if they are clearly unrelated to the case, let alone clearly implicated as in this case. And when I learned that the suspect is white, I went to “OF CO-O-O-OURSE!”.
Agree with you. I like having different perspectives on the show even if I don’t agree. It makes the discussion more well- rounded.
Thank you everyone for responding to the in-coming meteor of pogrom engineers in the Drumpf Administration. I thanked Ana in a live tweet but didn’t catch the other responses by Cenk, John etc. because I’m toggling between Twitter & your stream which cuts me off on my phone. Very responsive & am extremely glad to hear progressive assault on this meteor is on the way. I do believe white supremacists are at war with all of us, using DAPL incitement & intentional escalation of brutality to distract us all.
Love yas. Forever your member, supporter & TYT ARMY soldier.
Assuming that the shooter/killer was released and the police continuing to search for the victim’s probably non-existent gun are due to the race of either men is completely legitimate. I’m not quite sure why Brett seemed to think the rest of the panel had an issue with the reporting rather than the decisions of the police.
Wonder why Brett dislikes the new lady? He keeps leaning so far away from her, I fear he will fall off his chair.
Little mistake in the description where it says Scott Walker instead of Walker Scott, unless I am very dyslexic today.