Veterans headed to Standing Rock. Governor on police brutality at Standing Rock. Sheriff Clarke possible DHS. Breitbart on climate change. Scottie Nells Hughes on “facts.” Corey Lowendowski on Trump.
Donate to standing rock:
Also on the site is revealing audio of a meeting between the standingrock tribal council and energy transfer partners in September of 2014. They make it absolutely clear that they oppose the pipeline then for a variety of reasons. Then dapl has the nerve to blame standingrock for not taking the time to air their concerns with the project earlier.
Re Milwaukee prison: Dying of thirst in jail is cruel and unusual punishment. This is forbidden by the constitution. Yet another example of the lawlessness and disregard for the constitution by law enforcement.
97% of scientists agree on global warming. And only 3% sold out to the corporation? That is amazing. Is there another field with this much integrity?
I have been wanting to do a series of videos to really demonstrate to people how to determine if something is a fact and how to decide if a news source is reliable or not, and what the difference is between bias (which everyone has) versus lying. I don’t know if I can really do it, so I’m hoping TYT will.
I mean real hand holding. So, for instance, I have a FB friend who voted for Trump and believes the lies she reads on Breitbart and hears on Alex Jones. When this friend says things like, “The New York Times lied about Trump,” I ask her to send me an article that is an example of what she means. Instead, she sends me an irresponsible slander opinion piece that was not written by anyone in the NYT. She really, honestly doesn’t know what constitutes evidence. She thinks that a propaganda piece by a propaganda vehicle constitutes evidence.
PLEASE consider doing a series that really explains to people what constitutes a fact, evidence, and what the difference is between a fact and an opinion. I know you do a lot of that inherently in your reporting, but people really need their hands held.
I have much to say about the entire first hour, but in reading replys it has kinda already been said. So I will point out one FACT that wasn’t mentioned.
FACT- Lee, Wes, and John on the same panel made me very conscience about my looks and weight. Is this what my membership pays for? Hahahahahahahaha ;)
Moron County released a new “Know the Truth” video. On the video “law enforcement officers” bitched and moaned that veterans at Stand Rocks are throwing snow balls and saying bad words. I wonder why they might be doing that? Maybe “law enforcement” tear gassing, pepper spraying, throwing concussion grenades, using water canons on them and shooting them with frozen rubber while standing on Sioux graves.
It’s time that CSNY updated “Chicago” as “North Dakota” Listen to the 60’s era song, it still works, and may draw in both old timers and the newcomers to the Revolution.
umm. . . second most successful movie of all time. Gone with the Wind is the most successful / highest grossing (after adjusted for inflation). :) just sayin ;)
I am a member TYT , have supported TYT in the past and will continue to do so. However, you speak insistently about “facts” especially in relationship to Climate change. I think that with so much talk about the ‘facts’ YOU and your team should do some serious fact checking yourselves. For example, at this point I believe that you are under obligation to determine 1) how, exactly, the now famous figure of 97% of scientists came to be in the first place. In other words, does that number truly represent what it says it does. 2) are you not confusing Man induced pollution with climate change itself and 3) are the changes in our climate “demonstratively” being caused by human activity. When you have done this, and can show your audience,the facts that you have gathered to support your beliefs, then you can talk about the “facts” on Climate change. But not before. R.
dude, the SCIENTISTS did the experiments, published findings for peer review, did more experiments, made mistakes, and did more experiments until they reached a 97% consensus. THE SCIENTISTS are the people you need to be listening to. they are not invested in fossil fuels, they are not politicians who’s jobs depend on donations from big oil. they are not making stuff up that hasn’t been tested, peer reviewed, and re-tested.
stop being part of the problem and get into the solution.
How about this … while everyone is debating how many scientists, what the acceptable statistics are and where their sources are from, a few things ARE certain…
1. Oil companies will continue to pay politicians to do their bidding, regardless of what their voters think or want. With Greed being the only goal. More money, more power, more control. Fewer & fewer elites and more & more poor, sick, dying & desperate.
2. It appears that, at least for the US, almost every war has it’s root in “who wants whose oil,” who wants a pipeline to go where, who wants to rape & pillage resources of countries, states, etc. with NO regard for human life (oil rig explosions, wars, poisoned water, etc).
3. Someday oil WILL run out. It is a dwindling supply. It will not go on forever.
So, what is the reason to have a fake debate on Climate Change “fact or fiction?”
As has been said a million times before, “We can send a man to the moon, but we can’t (fill in the blank).”
What is wrong with completely abandoning fossil fuels in favor of different energy technologies?
What if (and this is a GIGANTIC if) every scientist, every study, everyone was WRONG? Climate change happens no matter what we do, or the dire warnings & predictions do not happen.
But, we have developed new technologies or have continued to refine existing ones.
The strangle-hold that the Oil companies have on us now would be gone. I suppose new reasons for war could be made, but hey, one problem at a time.
Don’t get bogged down in who said what, when & where.
Unless you are an oil executive, politician, oil company worker, or the relative of one, the only reason to prolong a “debate” on climate change is to enrich yourself.
It is ironic that John discusses facts versus beliefs that have no real evidence behind them all while he has pushed for neo-MacCarthyiate conspiracy theory that Russian government has hacked the DNC, even though there no evidence of that was ever presented, he has just chose to believe in the government’s claims about it.
(Previously John has even twisted a quote from a Russian pundit to make it seem that like the USA’s government claims were confirmed.)
Sorry, I am again too tired to close the styling tag properly.
On a different matter: it is not a major issue, but it was not Bernard Sanders who has commented on Breitbart’s article on climate change (it would have “-B” added to the end of the tweet). Though the fact that TYT got it wrong is a gazillionth proof that the lack of proper procedure to prepare stories affects both quality of reporting and TYT reputation negatively.
Yet another incorrect statement: John said Jordan was at governor’s conference on DAPL, but he was not; it was a different person (Jordan did the report and was a narrator, though).
It is absolutely amazing how easily people will believe fake news. I once pointed out to someone that the article he referenced was from a fake ABC News website and that still did not deter that person from believing in it.
The pen is truly mightier than the sword.
What interests me is that the kind of fake stories that were prevalent are also the most profitable which were fake news for Trump and against Hillary. That interview with Hornell who runs several fake news sites stating he didn’t make money spinning utterly fake news for liberals because they double check sources is frankly at the end of the day great to hear, but what does it mean for the thought processes that goes on in conservatives? The right is certainly more prone to religion and having faith is key. Is it then that facts also does not matter when they have faith that things in life are on their side and therefore items that reinforce that faith just makes it stronger?
At the same time, it is not as if liberals do not have their own bias against facts such as vaccinations and GMO (however deplorable the companies like Monsanto themselves can be going about it).
Then there is the issue of presenting both sides as equal. History for example which can have multiple versions of what happened is argued among historians based on primary sources of information such as first hand accounts, written documentation, status of the economy, population, etc at the time to discerned what was more likely to have occurred and what was bullshit. Like an account may have an inflated number of how many soldiers participated in a battle which can be shown to be bullshit by the circumstances of the participating nations at the time. We do not have that in these crazy panels where each side gets a say and the one who spout bullshit are simply allowed to as if it was fact without providing evidence. It is absolutely incredible. They do not review the mathematics of climate change to show that it is false, they just say that climate scientists have an agenda of making money and that is all they have to do!
YES Lee Camp on TYT- bringing the fight from the east to the west and nothing can stop the facts now, opps guess the glass is looking pretty half empty now corporate media!
lee camp being on the panel today totally makes up for how much i frowned when i saw there was no new regular episode of redacted tonight. great panel!
Donate to standing rock:
Also on the site is revealing audio of a meeting between the standingrock tribal council and energy transfer partners in September of 2014. They make it absolutely clear that they oppose the pipeline then for a variety of reasons. Then dapl has the nerve to blame standingrock for not taking the time to air their concerns with the project earlier.
Re Milwaukee prison: Dying of thirst in jail is cruel and unusual punishment. This is forbidden by the constitution. Yet another example of the lawlessness and disregard for the constitution by law enforcement.
97% of scientists agree on global warming. And only 3% sold out to the corporation? That is amazing. Is there another field with this much integrity?
I have been wanting to do a series of videos to really demonstrate to people how to determine if something is a fact and how to decide if a news source is reliable or not, and what the difference is between bias (which everyone has) versus lying. I don’t know if I can really do it, so I’m hoping TYT will.
I mean real hand holding. So, for instance, I have a FB friend who voted for Trump and believes the lies she reads on Breitbart and hears on Alex Jones. When this friend says things like, “The New York Times lied about Trump,” I ask her to send me an article that is an example of what she means. Instead, she sends me an irresponsible slander opinion piece that was not written by anyone in the NYT. She really, honestly doesn’t know what constitutes evidence. She thinks that a propaganda piece by a propaganda vehicle constitutes evidence.
PLEASE consider doing a series that really explains to people what constitutes a fact, evidence, and what the difference is between a fact and an opinion. I know you do a lot of that inherently in your reporting, but people really need their hands held.
Could you explain why Jayar is always not at the desk? I’m confused.
I was wondering the same.
I have much to say about the entire first hour, but in reading replys it has kinda already been said. So I will point out one FACT that wasn’t mentioned.
FACT- Lee, Wes, and John on the same panel made me very conscience about my looks and weight. Is this what my membership pays for? Hahahahahahahaha ;)
Great show as always guys!
Moron County released a new “Know the Truth” video. On the video “law enforcement officers” bitched and moaned that veterans at Stand Rocks are throwing snow balls and saying bad words. I wonder why they might be doing that? Maybe “law enforcement” tear gassing, pepper spraying, throwing concussion grenades, using water canons on them and shooting them with frozen rubber while standing on Sioux graves.
Much gratitude to Michael, Wesley, Jordan, all at TYT, and all TYT members <3
It’s time that CSNY updated “Chicago” as “North Dakota” Listen to the 60’s era song, it still works, and may draw in both old timers and the newcomers to the Revolution.
Just a side note: Crosby, Nash, and Young were all vocal in their support for Bernie Sanders.
umm. . . second most successful movie of all time. Gone with the Wind is the most successful / highest grossing (after adjusted for inflation). :) just sayin ;)
I am a member TYT , have supported TYT in the past and will continue to do so. However, you speak insistently about “facts” especially in relationship to Climate change. I think that with so much talk about the ‘facts’ YOU and your team should do some serious fact checking yourselves. For example, at this point I believe that you are under obligation to determine 1) how, exactly, the now famous figure of 97% of scientists came to be in the first place. In other words, does that number truly represent what it says it does. 2) are you not confusing Man induced pollution with climate change itself and 3) are the changes in our climate “demonstratively” being caused by human activity. When you have done this, and can show your audience,the facts that you have gathered to support your beliefs, then you can talk about the “facts” on Climate change. But not before. R.
dude, the SCIENTISTS did the experiments, published findings for peer review, did more experiments, made mistakes, and did more experiments until they reached a 97% consensus. THE SCIENTISTS are the people you need to be listening to. they are not invested in fossil fuels, they are not politicians who’s jobs depend on donations from big oil. they are not making stuff up that hasn’t been tested, peer reviewed, and re-tested.
stop being part of the problem and get into the solution.
How about this … while everyone is debating how many scientists, what the acceptable statistics are and where their sources are from, a few things ARE certain…
1. Oil companies will continue to pay politicians to do their bidding, regardless of what their voters think or want. With Greed being the only goal. More money, more power, more control. Fewer & fewer elites and more & more poor, sick, dying & desperate.
2. It appears that, at least for the US, almost every war has it’s root in “who wants whose oil,” who wants a pipeline to go where, who wants to rape & pillage resources of countries, states, etc. with NO regard for human life (oil rig explosions, wars, poisoned water, etc).
3. Someday oil WILL run out. It is a dwindling supply. It will not go on forever.
So, what is the reason to have a fake debate on Climate Change “fact or fiction?”
As has been said a million times before, “We can send a man to the moon, but we can’t (fill in the blank).”
What is wrong with completely abandoning fossil fuels in favor of different energy technologies?
What if (and this is a GIGANTIC if) every scientist, every study, everyone was WRONG? Climate change happens no matter what we do, or the dire warnings & predictions do not happen.
But, we have developed new technologies or have continued to refine existing ones.
The strangle-hold that the Oil companies have on us now would be gone. I suppose new reasons for war could be made, but hey, one problem at a time.
Don’t get bogged down in who said what, when & where.
Unless you are an oil executive, politician, oil company worker, or the relative of one, the only reason to prolong a “debate” on climate change is to enrich yourself.
Someone is getting paid to close their eyes.
“Mitch McConnell standing on the Senate floor with a snowball”
Try again.
yeah mr. smarty pants, it was inhoff… but does that change anything?
Now THIS is a Power Panel. People Power Panel!
I second that! :)
It is ironic that John discusses facts versus beliefs that have no real evidence behind them all while he has pushed for neo-MacCarthyiate conspiracy theory that Russian government has hacked the DNC, even though there no evidence of that was ever presented, he has just chose to believe in the government’s claims about it.
(Previously John has even twisted a quote from a Russian pundit to make it seem that like the USA’s government claims were confirmed.)
Sorry, I am again too tired to close the styling tag properly.
On a different matter: it is not a major issue, but it was not Bernard Sanders who has commented on Breitbart’s article on climate change (it would have “-B” added to the end of the tweet). Though the fact that TYT got it wrong is a gazillionth proof that the lack of proper procedure to prepare stories affects both quality of reporting and TYT reputation negatively.
Yet another incorrect statement: John said Jordan was at governor’s conference on DAPL, but he was not; it was a different person (Jordan did the report and was a narrator, though).
It’s unceded territory from a sovereign nation and sovereign nation means just that…
YAY LEE CAMP. now just bring back all stars
It’s more than 97% of scientists. Like a lot more. Just say all.
It is absolutely amazing how easily people will believe fake news. I once pointed out to someone that the article he referenced was from a fake ABC News website and that still did not deter that person from believing in it.
The pen is truly mightier than the sword.
What interests me is that the kind of fake stories that were prevalent are also the most profitable which were fake news for Trump and against Hillary. That interview with Hornell who runs several fake news sites stating he didn’t make money spinning utterly fake news for liberals because they double check sources is frankly at the end of the day great to hear, but what does it mean for the thought processes that goes on in conservatives? The right is certainly more prone to religion and having faith is key. Is it then that facts also does not matter when they have faith that things in life are on their side and therefore items that reinforce that faith just makes it stronger?
At the same time, it is not as if liberals do not have their own bias against facts such as vaccinations and GMO (however deplorable the companies like Monsanto themselves can be going about it).
Then there is the issue of presenting both sides as equal. History for example which can have multiple versions of what happened is argued among historians based on primary sources of information such as first hand accounts, written documentation, status of the economy, population, etc at the time to discerned what was more likely to have occurred and what was bullshit. Like an account may have an inflated number of how many soldiers participated in a battle which can be shown to be bullshit by the circumstances of the participating nations at the time. We do not have that in these crazy panels where each side gets a say and the one who spout bullshit are simply allowed to as if it was fact without providing evidence. It is absolutely incredible. They do not review the mathematics of climate change to show that it is false, they just say that climate scientists have an agenda of making money and that is all they have to do!
What bias do liberals have towards vaccinations?
I am glad we have heroes like Michael J. Wood and Wes Clark Jr. on our side. Major kudos.
YES Lee Camp on TYT- bringing the fight from the east to the west and nothing can stop the facts now, opps guess the glass is looking pretty half empty now corporate media!
Goddamn i love Michael and Wes, the first time in a very long time I fully support a cause.
I joined last month in response to all the amazing coverage from Jordan. Gotta support independent journalism & original media. Thank you, TYT.
Great show! makes me proud to be a member supporting this show and TYT’s real news coverage.
lee camp being on the panel today totally makes up for how much i frowned when i saw there was no new regular episode of redacted tonight. great panel!
Great to see Lee Camp in the power panel!
Amazing panel. Just need Jimmy and it would be absolute perfection.
jimmy dore and lee camp both on the power panel may create enough combined power to cause a universal implosion.
Jordan Rocks!
What a panel!
Lee Fucking Camp, love it.
On Climate Change…. Let’s hope Trump’s answer to Global Warming is NOT Nuclear Winter….
Hubidaba hudipida Drop It