
  1. I can’t go to standing rock but if u can do standing rock in D.C. I will come!
    Love the show. Just signed up to Tyt only because of this show.

  2. Jimmy and Steve Oh,

    Need my P.A. fix. Gotta wait too longer, week to week.


    Is your comedy routine from the Zeitgeist Media Festival, going to be available on your site, or somewhere else?

  3. weathered carl, there are left parties, so called by themselves mainly. the one I have close experience with, it is in Europe, has failed to represent or do any leftist policies, again, hiding behind the opposing party : they are too strong, cannot be fought, while all the while they were thinking, it’s time for me to make money now that I made them vote for me. Alternative “patriot ” parties are rising in popularity as a response. The so called left is failing, it is barely achieving any victories in a lot of places. People are no longer convinced by those who present the idea

    Maybe we should leave the concepts of socialism, capitalism, democracy, the left, the right, third parties, etc, and start defining what we want differently

    1. “Maybe we should leave the concepts of socialism, capitalism, democracy, the left, the right, third parties, etc, and start defining what we want differently”

      What the…?

      Someday actually gets it. Someone is willing to give up the Frameworks they’ve been handed down, even without knowing what to replace it with, because they clearly see that their shelf lives of these systems, have expired.

      There is indeed hope, after all.

  4. Jimmy and Steve and all members who watch this show – there’s this call for flocking to/starting/bolstering a 3rd party. Mostly this manifested itself as “protest” votes for Stein in November. I did this myself. Having said that, EVERYONE HERE should know that socialist parties do in fact exist. If you watch this show, you knowingly or not fucking dig socialism. Kshama Sawant and yes Bernie Sanders being the foremost examples carrying the torch and going after socialist programs. Membership and interest in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have SKYROCKETED in the past 2 months. Furthermore, membership and interest in socialist/far left pubs like Jacobin and Baffler have also gone through the roof lately. Look into that shit, do your homework and get involved for real in these and other activist orgs and events in your area (these are all over twitter and fb all the time) if you’re serious about the platitudes you spout. If not, you’re a poser sitting on your ass and your words are ashes in my mouth.

  5. Josh as a guest on AP was invaluable. He is lout there living our voice as is Jordan. I believe the citizen of these Many States can unite against all divisiveness and Standing Rock is a perfect model for the government to view and smash those blueprints like there was never a question this land has always been the many tribes. We all unite! Just pumped up and stoned. I just fucking love you guys. You guys @tytnetwork are my morning power smoothie packed with directed and focused rage. Rage To Love! Again stoned. This Governor/this Sherriff are unbelievably brainwashed. The excessive lying can wear you down on having faith in humanity.All these old white, men subconsciously to act in government for their own interest(Drumpf ‘s direct interest in this “black snake” to continue. Conflict of interest is something these people are used to hear and self dealing is just the beginning. These police are attacking; what!? Trespassers? Let off our land you military force. Blatenly foregoing any assumed civil or constitutional rights the citizen may have believed they had. But Politicians with the exception of a literal dozen; have the sense to speak about injustice and fiscal irresponsibility and unwavering loose regulations in the right places. We have a Putin-esk man that wishes to be America’s first dictator and royal standard:speaking directly to his blatant pigishness I simply cannot comply. The popular vote should always hold sway over any other process as per the Electoraxl College(set up to appease southern slave states. I digress. If there was only one regrettable thing of nasty office sex and adultey, I think Donnie Tonnyhans is in competikn with Bill in fact and possibly God. What happened to the conservative & morally righteous and “saved” or is “moved by the spirit or the voice of the Lord.” Not to minimize many people’s one religion but to hold yourself accountable to faith. If you want to believe in a book and a Son of man I say bless you but don’t justify in your mind that killing indiscriminately with endless drone strikes. Our last two presidents have committed war crimes or participated or provided money that ended up directly fueling war around the world. I won’t name them. How do we connect? Why can’t we organize a movement for a Progressive Party, maybe somewhat in the spirit of the way Theodore came up with it in 1912. Just saying there’s no reason why we can’t champion our own party. Yes that big. I have an incredible hope in our youth. Empowered with ever growing technology, self sufficiency and awake for JUSTICE????✊✌(in that order) Stay strong my little/huge army. TYT family are secretly trained to coordinate and execute strong stances on equality and religioius harmony, race relations, and easing our police into our communities. Finding leaders in the places everyone stays far from because someone’s getting shot tonight. But it could be your cousin or brother. It’s happening right then. Young men of really rough neighborhoods let’s “get up” and talk a way out to start fixing the schools, streets, residence efficiencies, etc. I’m op Ed spewing via text: oh no. love you guys!

  6. Nina Turner echoes Bernie when she encourages us to “give it a try” to take over the Dem Party. If after 18-24 months the effort is not showing genuine measurable results, then give up on the Dems and form a third party.

    My plan is to pursue both at once. Imagine the Dem Party as a tall steel building with solid foundation, full of modern technological amenities, all the plumbing works great, etc. The alternative to taking over and occupying this building is to pitch a tent on a vacant lot.

    I’m ready to help pitch the tent and start building from scratch if we have to. But… that shiny tall building is ripe for the take-over, right now. That’s why three Aggressive Progressives were able to be nominated to a local Democratic Central Committee this month. Because the existing members are elderly and demoralized. There will never be a better time to take over the Democratic Party.

  7. I’m really glad a few people have responded positively to my post a few days ago (way below, in this string). I feel so strongly about this, today I sent an email to TYT asking whoever rec’d it to share with Jimmy Dore, Cenk, Steve Oh, Ana — whoever may be willing to get on air and mobilize the TYT Army.

    I’m so Old School that I don’t even tweet. So if someone reading this cares to tweet Jimmy, Steve, Cenk, John, Ana or whomever, please do — please alert them! Thank you!

    =============== My email sent to TYT today ================

    The TYT Army has a unique opportunity to have massive influence on the Democratic Party, but RIGHT NOW is the time to take action.

    Before the end of January 2017 this opportunity will be over.

    However much we hate it for what it did to Bernie, the Democratic Party is a huge, well-oiled political machine. If progressives could take it over, we can turn that machine into a force for Good. It is great to pay attention to the top of that machine and do what we can, as constituents, to influence our electeds to make Keith Ellison the new chair, etc. But there is something MUCH MORE CONCRETE that we can all be doing, right now.

    Nutshell summary:
    1) Every county in California (and probably all fifty states) has its own Democratic Central Committee (DCC)
    2) DCC’s are the front-line force for DNC
    3) Members of DCC’s are chosen EVERY FOUR YEARS in the first 1-2 meetings following each Presidential Election.
    4) One of the first jobs of this year’s DCC’s will be to elect a new statewide California Chair.
    5) There are two contenders: a FABULOUS progressive from Oakland named Kimberly Ellis, and a Corporatist named Eric Bauman, who is the primary reason why Prop 61 failed to pass in California — he is a tool of Big Pharma.

    Under normal circumstances, getting elected to join a local DCC is a competitive and arduous process that no normal person would want to be involved in. I certainly would not.

    But these are not normal circumstances. I bet our local DCC is reflective of DCC’s across California — members are very elderly, and VERY demoralized right now. Hillary’s defeat shocked them. The fight has been taken out of them. In other words… NOW is the time to storm the barricades.

    This is why when three of us Aggressive Progressives attended our DCC’s first post-election meeting last week, quiet and respectful and on our best behavior… by the end of the evening, our DCC had three new members…!!!

    Most DCC’s have a requirement for continuous registration in the Democratic Party (and they check) for a period of time prior to being nominated to the DCC. Ours was 120 days. One would need to see if their local DCC’s have similar requirement.

    I urgently recommend that the TYT Army start showing up at their local DCC’s everywhere. Dress nice, be quiet and respectful, and watch the DCC’s calibrate how desperately they need young blood… And there’s the young blood, sitting right there in the audience (or guest area)…! Are they willing to serve? Yes? Sign’em up!

    I never, ever, expected to be a member of a DCC. But here I am. The DCC member who nominated me (simply because I was there, and younger, and willing to serve) is 78 years old. It’s like that everywhere. Many if not MOST current members are in their 70’s and 80’s.

    WE CAN DO THIS. Let’s take over the Democratic Party by infiltrating all the DCC’s.

    I hope Jimmy or Cenk or someone will inform the TYT Army about this.


    I don’t want word to get back to my own DCC (that they’ve let in a black sheep). They’ll find out sooner or later (I have a detailed list of improvements which I will be introducing, one at a time, at a speed the older members can handle), but I don’t want my hand tipped before I’ve even started.

    People can look up their own county’s DCC website for its Bylaws, rules, meeting times, etc. Most DCC’s are divided by voting districts within the county, with x-number of seats allotted to each voting district.

    Another way to become a voting member of the State Democratic Party leadership is to become an ADEM. That is more complicated, but mellenials are making great strides there, too, by clever use of social media to create voting blocks. I can share tips on that process, too.

    Thank you in advance for helping spread the word about this.

    In solidarity,

  8. AGGRESSIVE!! That’s how I like it!
    Jimmy & Steve goin’ HARD in this episode.
    And I love the guy Jimmy showed us who compared the political shifts in Europe to the ones in America.

    It’s time to turn the Democratic Party into the Whig Party.
    Send them to extinction.
    In 2018, EACH AND EVERY sitting Democrat in every office must be dislodged by this new Progressive 3rd Party Coalition which includes Greens, Socialist Alternatives, & any other group who’s about justice & fairness in society.
    Time to retire these frauds. And that includes Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, AND YES Elizabeth Warren.
    Only THEN will we recover for 2020.

    If we don’t do this, the Trumpublicans will continue to wreak havoc nationwide, worldwide.
    John Lucas

  9. Gigi darling…how can you come up with such l a m e descriptions of thew shows you post every day for the members . ..forgive me but. live and breathe the culture and act like it is. ..just…w h a t e v e r, you are stomping all over your chance. Cmon be your own! !Be c r e a t i v e , funny, post clever descriptions, it could not possibly be such distraction from you job and “productivity. ” :)

  10. Mark Blyth , I found the dude.

    Tyt and AP show should dig into the partuculars and break those down for people not just play it. Come on Steve and Jimmy, I know you are tired but do it

  11. Like many here I would love to see AP to be 2 hours long, but I’m worried that it won’t be because it might ACTUALLY overshadow the main show and take over in popularity. lol

  12. What is the name of the bloke with the peculiar accent speaking truth at the end? I played Jimmy’s introduction several times but did not get it. Anyone know? I want to keep checking out what he s said and what he’s saying. Thank you

  13. Jimmy looks tired.

    Yes. It’s a mystery why Obama doesn’t want to make one last attempt, to candy-coat his legacy. With all of the damage that his presidency has wrought, the act that will be remembered, will very likely be last thing he does.

    Soooo easy, for him to support the Native Americans as he promised, and leave on a high note.

    Magical Mists for Invisible Fires, from Unidentifiable Protesters. Makes sense.

    Making fun of Debbie Uh-W-W-W-Wasserman Schultz. Yes!

    “I had to lighten this a bit, because it’s so depressing.”
    “I have a fantasy, about going back in a time machine, and beating the shit out of those people.”

    I hear ya.

    “This is why Democrats are losers, and this is why we need to have a third party.”

    Related to this, from Democracy Now:
    Cornel West: Unlike Bernie Sanders, I’m Not Convinced the Democratic Party Can Be Reformed

    “It’s mind-boggling to me, that Bernie complained about the number of debates.”

    Yes. Many things in the real world can be mind-boggling, when your mind is anchored solely to corporate interests.

    “They (the Bernie people) made me the boogeywoman.”

    First of all, that’s boogey person, ya sexist corporatist.

    Second, you obviously have the Boogey Fever, if you’re imagining this kind of persecution:

    O.J. Simpson rigged the election? Wow, Wikileaks comes up with shocking new material, all the time.

  14. Ironically, it was Josh Fox who said, in an interview with TruthDig, that Jill Stein was an “immoral leader” for running against Hillary.

  15. I stand with Standing Rock. Yet, I have to say I don’t believe the stuff about Thanksgiving. I think Thanksgiving is just a harvest festival and had nothing to do with any natives or pilgrims. It doesn’t even happen on the same day so how would it be commemorating any event.

  16. We can help Standing Rock also by calling our local TV and Radio stations and demand to know why they are not reporting in detail about this issue

  17. Great show again!
    I frequent the Majority Report chat on YT, and I hear a constant drumbeat of hatred towards Jimmy from the same people that supported (and still support) Hitlery.
    The same people propagated rumors that Dr Stein was anti-vaccination; wanted to ban wifi; encouraged homeopathy over pharmaceuticals, and others ad nauseum. Certainly AP is doing something valuable or the Hilbots wouldn’t be so hostile. As I told them….read the emails and see what might have been with a Hitlery victory. .
    Now–at least–we are aware.

  18. Jimmy and Steve, YOU GUYS are the reason I am a member of TYT! That piece on Mark Blight blew my hair back!! Going to do some research, for sure. (THANKS!)

    I wish your show was every day! I wish Chenk and Anna would do more of this. They are seeming like Rush Limbaugh of the left, while YOU are not blathering about inconsequential culture war BULLSHIT such as 10 year old boys wanting to wear makeup.

    I’m not stupid either. It is the economy. and its nature. Keep up the great work!

  19. YES. That was an A + + + Episode. I also agree that this should be split up into two hours; I can’t get enough of you guys. It’s as if my thoughts are collectively put into a coherent venting session by both Jimmy and Steve.

  20. Look what I did… I posted in the TPM HIVE: “What the heck? Why the hatchet job on Ellison?” Now Josh Marshall weighs in:

    “Ellison is not an anti-Semite. He’s not anti-Israel. I think the ADL is wrong to call the comments “disqualifying” and wrong about how it’s treating this entire issue.”

    “I will put this another way. I like the ADL. I like Ellison. I like the Democratic party.” – Josh Marshall.

  21. Love the PLAN for a New Progressive PARTY!…. It is unfortunate that Bernie is trying to Save the Democrats… Agree with Jimmy… The democratic party cannot be saved…. AND the Progressive party can use Bernie’s IDEAS. Looking forward to being involved in this New Progressive Party…. Just like I was involved as a former Democrat for Bernie…. Bernie won 70% to 30% in Maine…. Continuing as an Unenrolled Independent for now. Thanks!

  22. Sorry. Josh Fox smeared Jill Stein, mercilessly! But I’m totally in if you start a new party i will join and contribute.

  23. I worry that the oil companies/police will send ‘agent provacateurs’ to mingle in with the protestors and start a violent action, making it look like the protestors are doing that.

  24. My employees love you guys!! TYT is played for my trimmers when they are over, always starting with the latest Aggressive Progressives! It’s a draw on who is loved the most. Everyone loves Jimmy’s no bullshit approach, but Steve Oh brings a calmness that I think is easier to for everyone to receive.
    You guys have helped me educate a bunch of young adults on current events!! Great work, keep it up.

  25. Why not create a new Progressive Party, in a way that Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive “Bull Moose” Party was against the Republican Party at the time. Now, it should be the “Save the Moose(Earth), Reject the Bullshit” Party.

  26. YES. We need a viable and vibrant third party!!! I am on-board. And, further, I would suggest that The Birdie (the goldfinch that landed on Sanders’ podium) be used as the logo — what better symbol for purity of intent? And also helpful to ‘flip the bird’ at the establishment Donkeys and Elephants.

  27. THANK YOU GUYS!!! Best show ever! If you take over Hour 2 of the main show, Ill come back to the entire channel! Until then its AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVES ONLY!! Peace and Love

  28. I’m curious how much in corporate taxes the pipeline company evaded paying yet on the public dole for “Pinkerton Style Nazis” paid by Jon Q. Public?

  29. This is a shout-out to AP’s everywhere… Please consider taking over your local DCC.

    DCC’s (Democratic Central Committees) exist in every county. While the DNC is the “brain,” the DCC’s are the body that obeys the brain’s commands. Yes, that is terrible and it needs to change — so change it!

    DCC membership/recruitment usually follows the presidential election. Our local DCC is very under-manned (only about 2/3 of seats are currently filled) and almost everyone on our local DCC is over age 65. They are severely demoralized, after the election. In other words — RIPE FOR TAKE-OVER. Under normal circumstances it can be a time-consuming and torturous process to get elected into local DCC’s, but these ain’t normal times.

    Hence, we just got a bunch of mellianial (undercover) berniecrats elected to our local DCC. The coup has begun, to take back the Democratic Party.

    (Undercover) berniecrats are still outnumbered on our DCC, but we have youth and energy on our side. Not to mention, independent thinking (anathema to the old folks on the DCC). We will prevail.

    Now, multiply that x1000 DCC’s across the country. Seriously.

    Now is the time.

    1. YES!! couldn’t agree more, I think it would be more efficient to utilize the existing structure – enough ground troups could manage it. they will be critical – from the bottoms up!

  30. It would be great to have a 2-hour weekly show, or a one-hour daily show.

    Jimmy and Malcolm would be the perfect pair of hosts. And, would rather hear them talking with each other instead of long interviews and long clips.

  31. Obama’s legacy will be summed up by this:

    “Thanks in no small part to the tireless efforts of MLK, Obama was the first african american president of the united states, who, through action and inaction, displayed an unwavering dedication to demolish everything that MLK stood for.”

    That’s Obama’s legacy. He will never come out in defense of Standing Rock. He already pledged “I’m going to let this happen.” He just said it in his trademark flowery language.

  32. The Standing Rock situation seems like a bad Steven Seagal film, where you watch it but think there is no way this is realistic and nothing like this could ever happen in real life. It is absolutely reprehensible this is happening in this point in time and in years to come the main protaganists names are going to be known and the point is correct, they will be either on the right or wrong side of history. Obama is 100% complicit in this, and his entire legacy could rest on this one issue

  33. Yes! Third party lets do this.
    The DNC are completely useless and they have no message. Their party is irrelevant and even though Hillary got more votes many of those voters were only trying to stop trump. Then we have folks like this Peter Daou guy absolutely demonizing his own part for wanting better! I will help the Wolf-Pac i will stay informed and i will let everyone i come into contact with know what the fuck is going on!
    It’s sad when people think they have more in common with the rich because of the colour of their skin than they do with the people in their own friggen neighborhood. How the hell do you vote against your own interests this is silly.

  34. Totally agree! However, we need to take the few progressive democrats in office to another party to give it momentum. Bernie is the only one standing up for Standing Rock.

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