You guys keep saying that “the main stream media doesn’t care about Standing Rock”, which isn’t true. The reality is far worse.
Corporate media care so much about protecting their big business interests, that they are going through great lengths to cover up the story. So much for our free press.
The argument made here time after time is: Whats happening under Obama is everything everyone terrible that everyone is scared of and Trump is barely worse, if at all, and the only difference is that Trump wont get away with any of it because we will all hold him to account where we were asleep with Obama.
Which holds together okay on its face (setting aside domestic policy ie immigrant, muslim, race relations), but has to be recognized as totally speculative. Especially when it comes to people holding that kind of power accountable, which is what youre counting on, and is historically just a naive assumption. The occupant of the white house has done monstrous things for mostly the entire history of the position, and the American people dont have a strong record of stopping them.
The next line is usually that the Left are complicit losers, the left is easily duped, they stand for nothing and will just go along. So which is it? Are those idiot leftists the ones you expect to protest Trumps actions? Or is it republicans? Ya gotta have some people on your side to make your argument work right?
“If Trump did that everyone would be going crazy” – How are you sure about that? Could it just be another in a long list of outrageous things he has said and done, and no one will have time to be outraged while trying to pay attention to his most recent outrageous moment? What if he gets away with everything or most things he wants and there is not a ground swell of protest stopping him? Then what?
How many things has Trump already done that “no one else would have been able to get away with” What was behind that phenomenon? Whatever it was, why would you think that wont keep happening? It is reasonable to notice terrible things are happening, but if you think things cant get worse, you are badly mistaken.
First, let me preface this with a word of praise for this show. I love you guys. You make us think!!
Second, I’m also disappointed w/ Obama, but the one group lower than the Obama’s (blacks) is Native Americans?? Cmon. You say this a lot Jimmy. I get it, but can we figure out a better way to discuss/focus these issues w/o falling into the race trap? It divides us. DAPL is about green, not black or red. The folks at DAPL could look like a band of Jesus doppelgangers and they would STILL be sprayed and targeted. Stop pushing the bullshit you condemn big media for. It also assumes the Obama’s should be held to a higher bar than white presidents when it comes to race relations. This is a specious argument that “gets the people going” and “riled up” with no where to go. That’s when stupid folks go looking for someone to hang.
I could not agree with you more regarding the law enforcement assessment, but be careful Jimmy. You’re going against the strongest gang in the country.
These people have been forced into one of two choices: 1) Stand and fight back or 2) Fall to their knees and continue living like slaves. Indeed, the odds of dying with option 1 are high. But they also die, slowly – guaranteed – with option 2. What would their ancestors do? They would stand and fight back.
But it is troubling that he mainly talks about guns. Organizers like Wes Clark Jr. and Michael Wood have been very loudly asking veterans not to bring any guns. NO GUNS.
As I see it, the trouble with that is not necessarily the guns themselves, it’s the (potential) disagreement forming here. They need to be united behind a single strategy. Either that strategy involves “no guns” or it involves “all guns”, but there can be no middle on this. If switching from the one strategy to the next strategy is what is called for, then they need to decide collectively on this (and very much involving the leadership obviously). If they decide properly on this then I will support whichever strategy they choose in the end.
I would love it if there were a daily “Aggressive Progressives” in place of Hour 2 of TYT. One ep a week of AP is not nearly enough. I so appreciate especially Jimmy Dore, but Steve Oh is great as well, just misguided in having ANYTHING positive to say about Obama at this point who has betrayed those of us who voted for him in so many ways, most recently his shameful lack of action to support the water protectors at DAPL. Thankfully, Jimmy frequently reiterates all of the reasons Obama is a “failure”. Thanks, guys, for by far the most important-to-me TYT show. I eagerly await each new ep and thank you so much for helping me feel so much less alone.
Yes Steve!! Daily #noDAPL!! I check TYT Politics everyday when I know Jordan is at Standing Rock because it is one of the few places where I can get actual facts about what is going on there.
Calling All Aggressive Progressives: support the veteran deployment led by Wes Clark Jr., go to the Gofundme page that Wes made (see link below), they’ve raised $374,000 already.
Hey TYT I’d pay you more per month if I could see this show more than once a week! I bet I’m not alone on this one since Cenk &Co. doesn’t talk about the real issues progressives want to hear or talk about! TYT has gotten boring, at least Jimmy isn’t afraid to say what we all think, Cenk used to do that, but I guess he likes his chair on his imaginary mountain top, he sounds like One America, kinda like a MSM pro now hmmmmm…….
GozoTankGirl – you’re damn right! Im subscribing JUST because of the genuine progressivesness of AP and JDS. If TYT went fully system critical, they would get more viewers – also from the independents, center and right – and prevent the leak over to the altright.
Jimmy – the factoid about more Sanders Primary voters voting for Clinton than Clinton Primary voters voting for Obama is very interesting – do you have a citation, link or source that I can use?
As much as one can sympathise with the DAPL protesters there is no legal case nor a constitutional power that protects the protesters. If anything they are breaking the constitution before breaking the law and the government is lenient from a legal standpoint because it did not pursue charges because if they did all those people will end up in prison.
Obama has no powers on this matter except when it comes to the river, this is a state matter and the state and the courts decided. All the baloney about Obama’s ability to block it using federal landmark registry or declaring it a national park is just that baloney. He needs congressional authorization which he will not get.
And by the way allowing the project to go on is his administration’s standing policy and this is by far not the first project approved by his administration when it came to using federal lands for pipelines.
Except that there is a dispute about whether the pipeline is going through Indian land without permission – according to the Fort Laramie Treaty:
This was adjudicated several times actually and the results were in favour of the government especially the supreme court decision and that was a liberal supreme court.
The only possible solution was on election day when elections for ND state legislature and governor were held and guess what? The republicans crushed that election with the largest majority in ND history running on a platform calling for an even more aggressive oil policy and the people loved it.
Face it, progressives are helpless on this issue since the people of ND rejected their program and chose the opposite.
I don’t care that it’s unintentional, all the same, I like that female clock voice that suddenly interrupts the proceedings and goes “It’s seven o’clock”.
Except for one thing, namely, it must be altered to say instead: “Hey soldiers, dou know what time it is? It’s AGGRESSIVE o’clock. It’s ‘War On Loser Democrats’ o’clock. THAT’s what time it is.” :)
For those of you wondering what it is we can do next.
First thing, CALL. It may not seem like much, but at least it is moving forward.
Even more importantly, call your own state’s legislatures. I saw a vid where a state house staffer said that, believe it or not, calls to your local state’s legislature works. Because REAL people have to answer the phone and they HAVE to talk to you. Keep your message strong, but short. Call repeatedly.
I think Jordan gives these numbers on TYT Politics vids about DAPL.
Energy Transfer Partners: (214) 981-0700
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers: (202) 761-0010; (202) 761-0014
Department of Justice: (202)-353-1555; (202)-514-2000
White House: (202)-456-1414; (202)-456-1111
Pass these numbers on … get your own state reps numbers & pass them on.
I love listening to Jimmy rant, but doing something feels good to.
What is the doubt? I would say cops are on the whole average people with a higher tendency to authoritarianism and protecting, while their modern day training is too fear-focused. Mindless lumping in of all cops makes you sound like an idiot to people who know good cops, and sets them against you, when really we should all be on the same side condemning the bad cops with bad training, and other undisciplined mercenaries hired for DAPL ‘security’. Jimmy’s falling into the same trap of demagoguery that Cenk does, (I know that’s his thing,) but Steve Oh is less prepared to call his co-host out on this compared to Cenk.
Do a segment showing how fake he is. He says we need a strident left and then smacks down Sanders. Has former head of NSA and CIA on show without condemning him.
Criticises Glenn Greenwald and Snowden, parrots the lie about putting Americans at risk.
Totally agree. During the election campaign, Bill Maher also said idiotic things like “Trump is so bad, now I think I was wrong to criticize McCain, Romney and Bush the way I did”. Just one rightwing populist candidate with a chance of winning was enough to make Maher suddenly develop a whole newfound appreciation for the president who caused the deaths of at least 600,000 Iraqis.
Pundits like Maher may be the worst kind of liberals there are.
I am definitely sympathetic to those who are looking for some sort of guidance alongside the critique provided here by Jimmy and Steve O. But I do find it very curious…. any budding movement needs many different people with diverse skills, so why don’t you begin a the conversation about what you think should be the plan of attack going forward. Sitting and waiting for instructions is a recipe for inaction. I know that personally, there was a time during the few weeks leading up to election day where Jimmy was almost literally the only one, even amongst people I generally respected, who stayed true %100 to his progressive ideals and to continuing to tell the truth which would’ve taken us courage and conviction in the face of vicious attacks. To me, the value of that lone voice at that time was so so important for my sanity, and so maybe being the organiser isn’t what he’s there to do. His worked fukn hard to make sure that a progressive voice could be heard at all times and the result of that is a group who can now be organised. But if that is something that you want and need, I’ll back you up all the way!
Ok Jimmy I get it Obama is/was/will always be shit. Yes US society is a lawless police state. I agree. You have been saying the exact same thing for what seems like months now. So what are we gonna do about it. Let’s talk solutions and quit pointing fingers. Are you aggressive progressive enough to say that reversing Citizens united is not enough? Balls enough to say that repealing the Federal Reserve act of 1913 is a much better start? Intelligent enough to know that as long as there is money there will never be freedom?
Even though I agree with points made during rants, I think I am ready to hear about people and the stories of aggressive progressive movement and action NOW and moving forward. A public notice board of actions being taken for the next fight and the one after that. Listening to the same rant, true as it is, doesn’t move anywhere. How about having some Water Protectors on the show? Perhaps ground level activists pressuring DNC? Some young people who are involved? This show could be a great focal point and meeting place for rebel HQ as CY loves to name TYT. What about it?
oliverhere, good ideas. What about interviewing anyone on’s list of progressive candidates that were elected? Any one from any one of these groups that we have mentioned could have excellent suggestions to discuss during their interviews.
I had someone having a hissyfit at me because I dared to be vocal against Obama’s lack of action over Standing Rock when Trump has money involved. Apparently Obama is powerless because Dollhands Trump has the equivalence of pocketchange invested {cuz Trump has so much money, all the money. Really, believe me, it’s amazing. You can’t even believe it.} And Obama was out of the country at the moment so how could he do anything about it anyway?
Apparently we have Trump and he’s the only evil in the world. Because narrow world views serve everyone so well.
tmcintyre42, your suggestion, if followed, would result in a public service! By the way, did you sense a disparaging attitude from the CBS talking heads?
James is not overstating anything about the police. They are literally bloodlust predators that enjoy maligning and torturing people, they are smiling, they have fun. Just listen to the interview that Jordan Chariton did with a water protector who was beaten by them.
Jimmy just confirms what I already know. I was born when Truman was President, and Obama is by far the biggest liar and crook (even Nixon) of all the Presidents in my lifetime. As far as Obama’s being half black goes, Thurgood Marshall was replaced by another black man on the Supreme Court that George H.W. Bush said his choice of Clarence Thomas was his best nominee because he was the most qualified man in the country for Marshall’s replacement that got the whole country to laugh. Marshall said, “My dad told me way back that you can’t use race. For example, there’s no difference between a white snake and a black snake. They’ll both bite. . . .” Obama turned out to be Godzilla and as greedy as any white guy on Wall St. That’s the equality we learned from Obama. I remember the shock and grief the country experienced when John F. Kennedy died. At this point, I don’t think Obama’s color would get him a tear, certainly not from his donors because they couldn’t use him anymore. At least it would give Biden a short-term chance since he was the one who prevented Angela Wright from testifying at the Clarence Thomas Senate confirmation hearings who also accused Thomas of sexual harassment on the job and would have substantiated Anita Hill’s claims and shot down Thomases claims of a “high-tech lynching.” I think there’s some irony in there somewhere.
It will be interesting to see how Jimmy’s theory works out about all the negative things that only democrats can get away with doing to us after Trump takes office.
Thanks for the education and entertainment Jimmy and Steve.
Keep in mind, also, Dave, that the stock market does better during a Democrat administration than a Republican administration. Interesting information about 41’s assessment of his Supreme Court judge nomination! Thanks for reminding me, Dave.
Damnit, Jimmy! Like I don’t already spend too much time watching all your available material on Youtube. Just became a member and now I’ve got days of my favorite Turk. Keep up the good work.
They shot and killed a little boy(Tamir Rice) Obama said nothing. “The one race lower than you” yeah, that a personal view, all things being equal. Rage for pay is a sad trade.
Here is a post about the DAPL water protectors that Moby made the other day:
“Infuriating and heartbreaking, police using tear gas and water cannons and plastic bullets on #standingrock protesters. The use of institutionalized force to crush freedom of expression on behalf of corporate interests is not just un-American but anti-American. Hey @realdonaldtrump and @gop why do you only care about working people when you’re lying to them to get their votes? Why do you only care about the constitution when you’re discussing the 2nd amendment? Utterly shameful. #nodapl #nojusticenopeace”
When Jimmy says that Barack Obama puts half the Left to sleep he’s not joking. I have never seen such an idiotic post in my life. He was seriously blaming Trump for whats going on right now and he’s not even in power yet.
“THat woman” is Norah O’Donnell, who used to be NBC’s White House Correspondent. My family has called her “Noron” for years, and she has demonstrated why….but she’s reel purty!
Charlie Rose once had some usefulness…but not for a long, long time.
I’ve viewed Pete Rose’s PBS show back in the day and he appeared thoughtful, but not in that clip. He seemed like he had a terrible hang-over, annoyed by the bright stage lights and irritated that he had to work that day!
Direct it against Trump, as he already does? We’re against the establishment of both parties AND against the orange rightwing clown, after all. There is a whole swamp out there to rage against.
For example, Jimmy did a video called “Donald Trump Already Flipping On His Promises”
and the Jimmy Dore channel is full of negative Trump videos, needless to say.
Npr and AP standing behind the story that the water protectors rigged explosives and that’s what harmed the 21 yr old girl, her father’s quote is being taken out of context, no wonder ppl aren’t in the streets screaming, the precious little information they are getting about #nodapl is alarmingly erroneous.
Instead of wasting time protesting Trump winning the electoral college, people should be protesting the human rights violations going on in Standing Rock at local and state levels to force congressional leaders to take the stand Obama won’t; particularly in states that have loaned out their thuggish police forces. On May 7, 2015, during the 50-year commemoration of Selma, Obama said : “It was not a clash of armies, but a clash of wills; a contest to determine the meaning of America.” Standing Rock is the opening volley that tells corporations like DAPL that they have carte blanche. It’s unconscionable to recognize the senseless loss and violence and turning the tide in the struggle for civil rights while turning a blind eye to the brutality and torture that’s ongoing at Standing Rock to the Native Americans, other Americans coming from across the country, and veterans who fought to protect our freedoms. To top it off DAPL just had a pipe issue, contaminating the Missouri River at the end of October!
> Instead of wasting time protesting Trump winning the electoral college
I agree with you, that’s a complete waste of time. The electoral college is a stupid and outdated system, but they’re not interested in truly getting rid of it, they’re just trying to find an obscure legal backdoor to squeeze in Hillary…which is so fucking typical of Loser Democrats, and a useful reminder that, starting around the 80’s, the leadership of the party was essentially taken over by lawyers.
Actually Jimmy and Steve, when you speak of the cops shooting at the crotch of the Native Americans, it reminds me of what Abby Martin describes in this podcast of her trip to Palestine:
how the Israeli soldiers shoot or attack Palestinians by shooting them in the genitals to prevent further breeding in the occupied territories. I think your probably correct when these fracking cops shoot them in the crotch, that it is to induce more pain, but it still makes me think there is an ulterior motive here too, just like in Palestine.
BTW, totally agree with what a fucking asshole Obama is. I knew it when he appointed his cabinet when he was first erected.
What TYT needs to do is tell everyone which COMPANIES & BRANDS are complicit in this travesty so that people can boycott and divest. We need a plan of attack!
Besides, DAPL, Trump has business interests and some of which are within the price range of most Americans, such as:
1.) Central Park Carousel: A merry-go-round carousel located in Central Park, Manhattan. In 2010, Trump took over the management of the Central Park carousel, where he promised to revive the merry-go-round after its previous operator was removed by the city’s parks department. The carousel generates $589,000 from annual admissions.
2.) Wollman Rink: A public ice rink in the southern part of Central Park. Wollman Rink has been operated by a joint venture between Trump Organization and Rink Management Services of Mechanicsville, Virginia since 2001.
3.) Trump Winery is a winery situated on Trump Vineyard Estates in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Oh great, so nice to watch Jimmy Dore and Steve Oh-Shit-I-have-No-Business-Being-On-This-Show. Where’s the aggression?? Shaking your head and sighing doesn’t cut it. “It’s unconscionable, just unconscionable.” Whoa, Steve, take it easy… you’re scaring me… try and keep it together, dude! Be a little civil for once! Stop shouting at me with your eyes!
What is wrong with you? You are mad because Steve doesn’t shout? Shouting does not prove you are aggressively progressive, it only shows that you are aggressive. Talking the truth about the important stuff shows that you are aggressively progressiv. And Steve does excatly that.
You guys keep saying that “the main stream media doesn’t care about Standing Rock”, which isn’t true. The reality is far worse.
Corporate media care so much about protecting their big business interests, that they are going through great lengths to cover up the story. So much for our free press.
The argument made here time after time is: Whats happening under Obama is everything everyone terrible that everyone is scared of and Trump is barely worse, if at all, and the only difference is that Trump wont get away with any of it because we will all hold him to account where we were asleep with Obama.
Which holds together okay on its face (setting aside domestic policy ie immigrant, muslim, race relations), but has to be recognized as totally speculative. Especially when it comes to people holding that kind of power accountable, which is what youre counting on, and is historically just a naive assumption. The occupant of the white house has done monstrous things for mostly the entire history of the position, and the American people dont have a strong record of stopping them.
The next line is usually that the Left are complicit losers, the left is easily duped, they stand for nothing and will just go along. So which is it? Are those idiot leftists the ones you expect to protest Trumps actions? Or is it republicans? Ya gotta have some people on your side to make your argument work right?
“If Trump did that everyone would be going crazy” – How are you sure about that? Could it just be another in a long list of outrageous things he has said and done, and no one will have time to be outraged while trying to pay attention to his most recent outrageous moment? What if he gets away with everything or most things he wants and there is not a ground swell of protest stopping him? Then what?
How many things has Trump already done that “no one else would have been able to get away with” What was behind that phenomenon? Whatever it was, why would you think that wont keep happening? It is reasonable to notice terrible things are happening, but if you think things cant get worse, you are badly mistaken.
DEMOCRATS are spineless losers and they get paid to be spineless losers. Donald Trump will galvanise the LEFT. Democrats are not left.
This is my first time commenting, just subscribed not too long ago. I’d love to see more AP! I love how genuine it is and the rawness of it.
First, let me preface this with a word of praise for this show. I love you guys. You make us think!!
Second, I’m also disappointed w/ Obama, but the one group lower than the Obama’s (blacks) is Native Americans?? Cmon. You say this a lot Jimmy. I get it, but can we figure out a better way to discuss/focus these issues w/o falling into the race trap? It divides us. DAPL is about green, not black or red. The folks at DAPL could look like a band of Jesus doppelgangers and they would STILL be sprayed and targeted. Stop pushing the bullshit you condemn big media for. It also assumes the Obama’s should be held to a higher bar than white presidents when it comes to race relations. This is a specious argument that “gets the people going” and “riled up” with no where to go. That’s when stupid folks go looking for someone to hang.
I could not agree with you more regarding the law enforcement assessment, but be careful Jimmy. You’re going against the strongest gang in the country.
I agree. I’ll let Jimmy know.
Jimmy, I couldn’t agree more about what you said about the Obamas.
More AP please!!!
Anyone who gives a damn about Standing Rock and DAPL needs to watch and share this video. This guy gets it:
These people have been forced into one of two choices: 1) Stand and fight back or 2) Fall to their knees and continue living like slaves. Indeed, the odds of dying with option 1 are high. But they also die, slowly – guaranteed – with option 2. What would their ancestors do? They would stand and fight back.
But it is troubling that he mainly talks about guns. Organizers like Wes Clark Jr. and Michael Wood have been very loudly asking veterans not to bring any guns. NO GUNS.
As I see it, the trouble with that is not necessarily the guns themselves, it’s the (potential) disagreement forming here. They need to be united behind a single strategy. Either that strategy involves “no guns” or it involves “all guns”, but there can be no middle on this. If switching from the one strategy to the next strategy is what is called for, then they need to decide collectively on this (and very much involving the leadership obviously). If they decide properly on this then I will support whichever strategy they choose in the end.
More AP!!
I would love it if there were a daily “Aggressive Progressives” in place of Hour 2 of TYT. One ep a week of AP is not nearly enough. I so appreciate especially Jimmy Dore, but Steve Oh is great as well, just misguided in having ANYTHING positive to say about Obama at this point who has betrayed those of us who voted for him in so many ways, most recently his shameful lack of action to support the water protectors at DAPL. Thankfully, Jimmy frequently reiterates all of the reasons Obama is a “failure”. Thanks, guys, for by far the most important-to-me TYT show. I eagerly await each new ep and thank you so much for helping me feel so much less alone.
Yes Steve!! Daily #noDAPL!! I check TYT Politics everyday when I know Jordan is at Standing Rock because it is one of the few places where I can get actual facts about what is going on there.
I just absolutely love Jimmy Dore. THAT PASSION, THAT FIRE.
That pissed-offedness. Matches our attitudes, at least several times a week after observing the world.
Calling All Aggressive Progressives: support the veteran deployment led by Wes Clark Jr., go to the Gofundme page that Wes made (see link below), they’ve raised $374,000 already.
Hey TYT I’d pay you more per month if I could see this show more than once a week! I bet I’m not alone on this one since Cenk &Co. doesn’t talk about the real issues progressives want to hear or talk about! TYT has gotten boring, at least Jimmy isn’t afraid to say what we all think, Cenk used to do that, but I guess he likes his chair on his imaginary mountain top, he sounds like One America, kinda like a MSM pro now hmmmmm…….
GozoTankGirl – you’re damn right! Im subscribing JUST because of the genuine progressivesness of AP and JDS. If TYT went fully system critical, they would get more viewers – also from the independents, center and right – and prevent the leak over to the altright.
Jimmy – the factoid about more Sanders Primary voters voting for Clinton than Clinton Primary voters voting for Obama is very interesting – do you have a citation, link or source that I can use?
Here’s the NEWS READER back in 2010 having with the news Nora O’Donnell
The Aggressive Progressives and Jordan Charitan make me glad to be a TYT supporter
As much as one can sympathise with the DAPL protesters there is no legal case nor a constitutional power that protects the protesters. If anything they are breaking the constitution before breaking the law and the government is lenient from a legal standpoint because it did not pursue charges because if they did all those people will end up in prison.
Obama has no powers on this matter except when it comes to the river, this is a state matter and the state and the courts decided. All the baloney about Obama’s ability to block it using federal landmark registry or declaring it a national park is just that baloney. He needs congressional authorization which he will not get.
And by the way allowing the project to go on is his administration’s standing policy and this is by far not the first project approved by his administration when it came to using federal lands for pipelines.
Except that there is a dispute about whether the pipeline is going through Indian land without permission – according to the Fort Laramie Treaty:
This was adjudicated several times actually and the results were in favour of the government especially the supreme court decision and that was a liberal supreme court.
The only possible solution was on election day when elections for ND state legislature and governor were held and guess what? The republicans crushed that election with the largest majority in ND history running on a platform calling for an even more aggressive oil policy and the people loved it.
Face it, progressives are helpless on this issue since the people of ND rejected their program and chose the opposite.
I don’t care that it’s unintentional, all the same, I like that female clock voice that suddenly interrupts the proceedings and goes “It’s seven o’clock”.
Except for one thing, namely, it must be altered to say instead: “Hey soldiers, dou know what time it is? It’s AGGRESSIVE o’clock. It’s ‘War On Loser Democrats’ o’clock. THAT’s what time it is.” :)
For those of you wondering what it is we can do next.
First thing, CALL. It may not seem like much, but at least it is moving forward.
Even more importantly, call your own state’s legislatures. I saw a vid where a state house staffer said that, believe it or not, calls to your local state’s legislature works. Because REAL people have to answer the phone and they HAVE to talk to you. Keep your message strong, but short. Call repeatedly.
I think Jordan gives these numbers on TYT Politics vids about DAPL.
Energy Transfer Partners: (214) 981-0700
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers: (202) 761-0010; (202) 761-0014
Department of Justice: (202)-353-1555; (202)-514-2000
White House: (202)-456-1414; (202)-456-1111
Pass these numbers on … get your own state reps numbers & pass them on.
I love listening to Jimmy rant, but doing something feels good to.
Stanford. Prison. Experiment.
The picture at 28:34 is not from the DAPL protest. Still think Jimmy’s being unfair to cops in general, and should specifically parse these cops from good cops. Otherwise, I love the show. This and TYT politics are why I subscribed!
Why should we give cops the benefit of the doubt?
What is the doubt? I would say cops are on the whole average people with a higher tendency to authoritarianism and protecting, while their modern day training is too fear-focused. Mindless lumping in of all cops makes you sound like an idiot to people who know good cops, and sets them against you, when really we should all be on the same side condemning the bad cops with bad training, and other undisciplined mercenaries hired for DAPL ‘security’. Jimmy’s falling into the same trap of demagoguery that Cenk does, (I know that’s his thing,) but Steve Oh is less prepared to call his co-host out on this compared to Cenk.
To everyone complaining about a lack of solutions offered:
1) It’s pretty hard to solve anything until enough people on the so-called left admit reality. So don’t stop calling the b.s. out, guys!
2) you’re right. They need a second hour which is mostly focused on highlighting local participation and aggressive progressives, too.
Do a segment showing how fake he is. He says we need a strident left and then smacks down Sanders. Has former head of NSA and CIA on show without condemning him.
Criticises Glenn Greenwald and Snowden, parrots the lie about putting Americans at risk.
Where the “Americans at risk” line implicitly states that American lives are all that matter, too, that’s what really drives me mad.
Also had Eric Holder on – You’re right about BM, he isn’t for real
Totally agree. During the election campaign, Bill Maher also said idiotic things like “Trump is so bad, now I think I was wrong to criticize McCain, Romney and Bush the way I did”. Just one rightwing populist candidate with a chance of winning was enough to make Maher suddenly develop a whole newfound appreciation for the president who caused the deaths of at least 600,000 Iraqis.
Pundits like Maher may be the worst kind of liberals there are.
I am definitely sympathetic to those who are looking for some sort of guidance alongside the critique provided here by Jimmy and Steve O. But I do find it very curious…. any budding movement needs many different people with diverse skills, so why don’t you begin a the conversation about what you think should be the plan of attack going forward. Sitting and waiting for instructions is a recipe for inaction. I know that personally, there was a time during the few weeks leading up to election day where Jimmy was almost literally the only one, even amongst people I generally respected, who stayed true %100 to his progressive ideals and to continuing to tell the truth which would’ve taken us courage and conviction in the face of vicious attacks. To me, the value of that lone voice at that time was so so important for my sanity, and so maybe being the organiser isn’t what he’s there to do. His worked fukn hard to make sure that a progressive voice could be heard at all times and the result of that is a group who can now be organised. But if that is something that you want and need, I’ll back you up all the way!
Agree with you 100%. Best comment. There are different roles within the struggle. I am so thankful for Jimmy Dore’s lone voice in this election cycle.
“Vox clamantis in deserto”
Ok Jimmy I get it Obama is/was/will always be shit. Yes US society is a lawless police state. I agree. You have been saying the exact same thing for what seems like months now. So what are we gonna do about it. Let’s talk solutions and quit pointing fingers. Are you aggressive progressive enough to say that reversing Citizens united is not enough? Balls enough to say that repealing the Federal Reserve act of 1913 is a much better start? Intelligent enough to know that as long as there is money there will never be freedom?
> Are you aggressive progressive enough to say that reversing Citizens united is not enough?
I’m certain that Jimmy wants to go much further than just reversing CU. The system was already deeply corrupt prior to that ruling.
Even though I agree with points made during rants, I think I am ready to hear about people and the stories of aggressive progressive movement and action NOW and moving forward. A public notice board of actions being taken for the next fight and the one after that. Listening to the same rant, true as it is, doesn’t move anywhere. How about having some Water Protectors on the show? Perhaps ground level activists pressuring DNC? Some young people who are involved? This show could be a great focal point and meeting place for rebel HQ as CY loves to name TYT. What about it?
oliverhere, good ideas. What about interviewing anyone on’s list of progressive candidates that were elected? Any one from any one of these groups that we have mentioned could have excellent suggestions to discuss during their interviews.
I had someone having a hissyfit at me because I dared to be vocal against Obama’s lack of action over Standing Rock when Trump has money involved. Apparently Obama is powerless because Dollhands Trump has the equivalence of pocketchange invested {cuz Trump has so much money, all the money. Really, believe me, it’s amazing. You can’t even believe it.} And Obama was out of the country at the moment so how could he do anything about it anyway?
Apparently we have Trump and he’s the only evil in the world. Because narrow world views serve everyone so well.
Can we upload the Bernie interview piece to youtube? I would love to share this brilliant breakdown.
tmcintyre42, your suggestion, if followed, would result in a public service! By the way, did you sense a disparaging attitude from the CBS talking heads?
James is not overstating anything about the police. They are literally bloodlust predators that enjoy maligning and torturing people, they are smiling, they have fun. Just listen to the interview that Jordan Chariton did with a water protector who was beaten by them.
Jimmy just confirms what I already know. I was born when Truman was President, and Obama is by far the biggest liar and crook (even Nixon) of all the Presidents in my lifetime. As far as Obama’s being half black goes, Thurgood Marshall was replaced by another black man on the Supreme Court that George H.W. Bush said his choice of Clarence Thomas was his best nominee because he was the most qualified man in the country for Marshall’s replacement that got the whole country to laugh. Marshall said, “My dad told me way back that you can’t use race. For example, there’s no difference between a white snake and a black snake. They’ll both bite. . . .” Obama turned out to be Godzilla and as greedy as any white guy on Wall St. That’s the equality we learned from Obama. I remember the shock and grief the country experienced when John F. Kennedy died. At this point, I don’t think Obama’s color would get him a tear, certainly not from his donors because they couldn’t use him anymore. At least it would give Biden a short-term chance since he was the one who prevented Angela Wright from testifying at the Clarence Thomas Senate confirmation hearings who also accused Thomas of sexual harassment on the job and would have substantiated Anita Hill’s claims and shot down Thomases claims of a “high-tech lynching.” I think there’s some irony in there somewhere.
It will be interesting to see how Jimmy’s theory works out about all the negative things that only democrats can get away with doing to us after Trump takes office.
Thanks for the education and entertainment Jimmy and Steve.
Keep in mind, also, Dave, that the stock market does better during a Democrat administration than a Republican administration. Interesting information about 41’s assessment of his Supreme Court judge nomination! Thanks for reminding me, Dave.
Damnit, Jimmy! Like I don’t already spend too much time watching all your available material on Youtube. Just became a member and now I’ve got days of my favorite Turk. Keep up the good work.
They shot and killed a little boy(Tamir Rice) Obama said nothing. “The one race lower than you” yeah, that a personal view, all things being equal. Rage for pay is a sad trade.
Here is a post about the DAPL water protectors that Moby made the other day:
“Infuriating and heartbreaking, police using tear gas and water cannons and plastic bullets on #standingrock protesters. The use of institutionalized force to crush freedom of expression on behalf of corporate interests is not just un-American but anti-American. Hey @realdonaldtrump and @gop why do you only care about working people when you’re lying to them to get their votes? Why do you only care about the constitution when you’re discussing the 2nd amendment? Utterly shameful. #nodapl #nojusticenopeace”
When Jimmy says that Barack Obama puts half the Left to sleep he’s not joking. I have never seen such an idiotic post in my life. He was seriously blaming Trump for whats going on right now and he’s not even in power yet.
Hey TYT,
How about a “loser Democrat” section where we point out all the corrupt Democrats, money they have taken, their sources and the bills passed?
After all didn’t Cenk say he’s going to hold their feet to the fire once the election is over, well? Change from the inside and all that.
Thank you Jimmy and Steve for keeping it real, its now the only show worth me keeping membership.
> How about a “loser Democrat” section where we point out all the corrupt Democrats, money they have taken, their sources and the bills passed?
That would take a four hour show, wouldn’t it? Just listing them would take forever. :)
But seriously, yes.
“THat woman” is Norah O’Donnell, who used to be NBC’s White House Correspondent. My family has called her “Noron” for years, and she has demonstrated why….but she’s reel purty!
Charlie Rose once had some usefulness…but not for a long, long time.
I’ve viewed Pete Rose’s PBS show back in the day and he appeared thoughtful, but not in that clip. He seemed like he had a terrible hang-over, annoyed by the bright stage lights and irritated that he had to work that day!
As usual Jimmy is absolutely correct factually, but I wonder how he’ll harness his anger and aggression when Obama is no longer in office
Direct it against Trump, as he already does? We’re against the establishment of both parties AND against the orange rightwing clown, after all. There is a whole swamp out there to rage against.
For example, Jimmy did a video called “Donald Trump Already Flipping On His Promises”
and the Jimmy Dore channel is full of negative Trump videos, needless to say.
You got people listening, tell them what to do. We know they’re shit, let’s stop complaining and do something
this show is so good! thanks guys for keeping it real!!!
Npr and AP standing behind the story that the water protectors rigged explosives and that’s what harmed the 21 yr old girl, her father’s quote is being taken out of context, no wonder ppl aren’t in the streets screaming, the precious little information they are getting about #nodapl is alarmingly erroneous.
Instead of wasting time protesting Trump winning the electoral college, people should be protesting the human rights violations going on in Standing Rock at local and state levels to force congressional leaders to take the stand Obama won’t; particularly in states that have loaned out their thuggish police forces. On May 7, 2015, during the 50-year commemoration of Selma, Obama said : “It was not a clash of armies, but a clash of wills; a contest to determine the meaning of America.” Standing Rock is the opening volley that tells corporations like DAPL that they have carte blanche. It’s unconscionable to recognize the senseless loss and violence and turning the tide in the struggle for civil rights while turning a blind eye to the brutality and torture that’s ongoing at Standing Rock to the Native Americans, other Americans coming from across the country, and veterans who fought to protect our freedoms. To top it off DAPL just had a pipe issue, contaminating the Missouri River at the end of October!
JMD, do you have a list of the state and local entities that have supplied police to North Dakota to support the DAPL oligarchs?
This article is a good start, listing sheriffs departments, governors, congressional leaders, etc. and contact information for said people in North Dakota, Minnestoa, Wisconsin, Indiana, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Ohio.
Here is a link to a more up-to-date list posted by the ACLU 11/22/16:
> Instead of wasting time protesting Trump winning the electoral college
I agree with you, that’s a complete waste of time. The electoral college is a stupid and outdated system, but they’re not interested in truly getting rid of it, they’re just trying to find an obscure legal backdoor to squeeze in Hillary…which is so fucking typical of Loser Democrats, and a useful reminder that, starting around the 80’s, the leadership of the party was essentially taken over by lawyers.
Ouch, and true.
Actually Jimmy and Steve, when you speak of the cops shooting at the crotch of the Native Americans, it reminds me of what Abby Martin describes in this podcast of her trip to Palestine:
how the Israeli soldiers shoot or attack Palestinians by shooting them in the genitals to prevent further breeding in the occupied territories. I think your probably correct when these fracking cops shoot them in the crotch, that it is to induce more pain, but it still makes me think there is an ulterior motive here too, just like in Palestine.
BTW, totally agree with what a fucking asshole Obama is. I knew it when he appointed his cabinet when he was first erected.
What TYT needs to do is tell everyone which COMPANIES & BRANDS are complicit in this travesty so that people can boycott and divest. We need a plan of attack!
Susan Sarandon got this covered. Check her twitter and seek out information about divesting from banks related to DAPL.
axekicker, here is a link to a Democracy Now video that identifies the banks financing DAPL:
Besides, DAPL, Trump has business interests and some of which are within the price range of most Americans, such as:
1.) Central Park Carousel: A merry-go-round carousel located in Central Park, Manhattan. In 2010, Trump took over the management of the Central Park carousel, where he promised to revive the merry-go-round after its previous operator was removed by the city’s parks department. The carousel generates $589,000 from annual admissions.
2.) Wollman Rink: A public ice rink in the southern part of Central Park. Wollman Rink has been operated by a joint venture between Trump Organization and Rink Management Services of Mechanicsville, Virginia since 2001.
3.) Trump Winery is a winery situated on Trump Vineyard Estates in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Oh great, so nice to watch Jimmy Dore and Steve Oh-Shit-I-have-No-Business-Being-On-This-Show. Where’s the aggression?? Shaking your head and sighing doesn’t cut it. “It’s unconscionable, just unconscionable.” Whoa, Steve, take it easy… you’re scaring me… try and keep it together, dude! Be a little civil for once! Stop shouting at me with your eyes!
What is wrong with you? You are mad because Steve doesn’t shout? Shouting does not prove you are aggressively progressive, it only shows that you are aggressive. Talking the truth about the important stuff shows that you are aggressively progressiv. And Steve does excatly that.
Hummmm. The name you’ve chosen seems to reflect your inner self. What fun~!
~UPAYA~ {{{Look it up}}}