Cenk, Wes Clark Jr., and Jayar Jackson discuss the amazing effects of vinegar. Cenk raves the success of Jersey Mike’s. The trio talk how to avoid fights.
This has gotta be my favorite Old School of all time. Hilarious! Saw it again after New Year’s. The bit about security had me in stitches. But that is one hell of a valid point Wes’ got – you can’t throw a machete LOLOL
The Azodicarbonamide myth is a classic case of public and media misinterpretation of scientific findings, and subsequent witch hunt, outweighing any of the seemingly few informed and reasoned positions that did exist, like this one: http://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/eating-yoga-mats/
As to checking facts, sure you should always have more than one source, and you can question snopes to some degree, they arent immune to human biases and Im sure have posted a bad article before, but there are a few key reasons that should be recognizable to such an astute skeptic, that it is clearly more reliable than CBS news, who seems to get the higher regard as a fact checking source in your book.
Snopes importantly has a high degree of transparency, it is solely about presenting evidence and weighing it, relies on sources almost entirely, often written by people in relevant fields, is constantly updating articles for new findings, and always provides sources for you to go look at and decide if they are being fairly represented by the site. Did the CBS news article do that? I dont think it did, in fact, if this is the article: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/subway-sandwich-chain-to-remove-chemical-found-in-yoga-mats-from-bread/
It features and quotes, almost exclusively, a pseudoscientific food blogger/attention seeker/fear monger who should have been recognized as a fraud, and glosses over important details of what little science it actually cites, and was written by a digital media reporter.
Just looking at that CBS news article, or really any random CBS news article, against any single random, or otherwise, snopes article i can find… is there really a huge question about which we should turn to first when checking facts?
Wait…. They lock their homes while inside them?
That i don’t get. I DO know i forget to lock the door on my way out a lot.
But i see, and understand, that I should. What’s the point of locking it while you’re home?
The book The Painted Bird is unfortunately fiction. It was passed off as autobiographical, but Kosinski himself even later said it wasn’t true. Now it is somewhat based off of his own experiences as a boy. I don’t doubt that horrific things happened during this war, but I have not seen a page for page comparison of what is true in his book and what is not. It is however, not entirely accurate. I would hate to find out that was true, but that would be the first I’ve heard about it. A quick search didn’t pull up any information on that happening whether it was one incident or a continued method of disposal. If anyone finds a source that can confirm people were canned, I would really like to read that.
Hey, nice of you to be checking out Russian “brides” lol
Ive used this username since internet came into being , long before russian “brides” were posting (although they were probably the first ones using internet for their trade).
Yeah, I kinda agree that wes is a bit much when he’s like fuck this fuck that fuck cows a love steaks blah blah. Also, don’t especially feel strong about him being cool. Like I said in another comment here, his attitude kinda rubbed me the wrong way, especially while watching him next to Jayar. But the dude is who he is and from what i hear, is striving to do good stuff so. .i forgive him
His dad i don’t care much about, he was in NATO during the Balkan war and i wasn’t such big fan of that war
Yep he’s serious, saw some posts he wrote about finding Jesus on facebook before. None of our business really but I always liked the fact that TYT was a sort of religion-free zone…
I believe that all humans are sensitive to injustice. It is the reality that some just purposefully ignore it.
I’ll give you an example right now, please feel free to provide feedback, it is important to me :
My younger daughter is 10 yrs old (5th grade locally). Government provides free school books for kids until 7th grade. But a campaign by one of the well-to-do moms of a kid in her class now insists we buy – on our personal family budget, e-readers or tablets for the kids to substitute the free paper version of the books . I was the first to oppose it on financial reasons. No one f*n came to my rescue taking this position. The only guys who agreed with my position posted an argument that with the buying of tablets we are enforcing the “zombying” of our children. Moreover he went out to say that if we decide not to buy, we will then be viewed as “not caring enough ” for our children (no mention of what his kids think about it; i think he never bothered asking, whether it is a worthy expense for them and how exactly will it help)
I started arguing with this guy because I cannot stand such guys, Ok? His argument is all misdirected. How come we are buying something by our own volition when it is already provided to us for free? Who f* cares what is the carrier, electronic or paper. I don’t. I found out my kid doesn’t because I asked her. This guy i am engaging with was appatently the only one against it – besides one teacher – all for the wrong reasons. I tried to connect with him and explain that his argument against it was wrong. In response I got personal emails with capital letters advising me to shut the f up.
See? This is how they use our dissent. Some people feel natural dissent but when you try to argue with them that it is wrongly directed and it won’t be effective that way, they want to disassociate with it – and you, as fast as they can . And they become angry at you because you start treating them as dissidents and they do not want to be associated with that ever ever. This guy has the illusion that he is fighting for his kid to not be “zombied” while being zombed out himself. He is like, aah, such nice time we had without those emails and facebooks and comments, i am going to prevent my kid from seeing these as well as I can.
Oh , something I remembered : when I first heard Jayar’s name I thought it was initials, J.R. lol. Is it or isn’t it? I love how you guys use initials for names. I named my daughter so that she has J.J initials . I think it’s cool and I think my daughter is OK with it too
Where did you get the Middle Eastern hate of Wes’s. I don’t get such thing. He mocks Eastern European guys with the fake accent but still, I don’t feel hated (I’m EEuropean). Are you Muslim and feeling hated? Why? (not why you are Muslim but why if you are you feel hated)
All I get from your post is a lot of hate coming from you and going towards Wes. What did the guy did to you? You’re not as cool as he is and that annoys you? Like Cenk says, sad day for you then.
you’re a typical Actually I am an atheist & i mainly think this because of some of the other things he has said, also I don’t wanna bring his father into this but you’re welcome to look up things his dad has said about Muslims, it’s horrific.
wes had pretty much called for the killing of the iraqi army saying “fuck them let them die” on tyt, & several other things not as bad but paints a picture. he is also a sam harris fan. etc etc.
Was so typical of Wes to call that genius move of Bora’s dad “industrial espionage” despite him getting permission to look at it. Wes is a well-known Muslim hater & i suppose that includes middle easterners in general.
It was interesting to watch how laid back, literally, Wes was during the show, while Jayar was a little restless, rolling his sleeves, all his slight body movements..To be honest I wasn’t too pleased with watching this state of affairs so to speak. I wish Jayar was the relaxed laid back one. When Wes said to Jayar you are my brother, your wife is my sister, was the first time his body turned fully toward Jayar. It sounded somehow. ..fake..like a doctrine..not something you really experience as an emotion and a connection . I’m not suggesting anything, it is just an observation
Yeah, I kind of felt the same way, but it is really that typical sort of thing people say after they “find jesus”. TBH I think it is pretty lame that he is becoming religious. IMO I think it will really hurt his activism, but who knows.
Lol. Your subway is just fine, man. Azodicarbonamide is used as part of the bread conditioner. It happens to be useful for pigments and “fluffiness” hence its use in yoga mats as well.
Now, when you want to break down the pronunciation of a chemical you can break it into its parts; azo di carbon amide. Azo is a specific compound, di means two, carbon is an element, amide is the type of structure (in vague terms). Consider the chemical as no different than dihydrogen monoxide, H2O. Did you know H2O kills people, too? You can drown in a very small amount of it in liquid state. It can be contaminated when you swim in its liquid state and drinking it in pure liquid state (distilled) is dangerous to your health. You can drink too much of it in liquid state and flood your cells and die. You can’t breathe in a room full of it if it’s at any state. Its gaseous form could burn you in certain scenarios.
It turns out life is hazardous to your health.
P.S. Due to public outcry over chemicals existing in life, Subway stated in 2014 that they would no longer use it in foods. I won’t complain too much considering it was still a factory risk – as in workers who were exposed to extreme amounts had health problems. However, the real issue is workers rights and worker safety more than the chemical compound itself.
Okay, okay. This is highly unusual, but I am going to make a second comment on the topic of childhood foods. So, I grew up very poor; we’re talking garbage bags for coats and ketchup in the (maybe) working fridge and fishing out of the creek or pond nearby to try to get food and two of the rooms in my house were dirt-floored, sort of poor. However, we had family donate items and food to us sometimes. Anyway, the childhood meals I remember definitely included balogna, but the main thing I remember getting the, “Omg you’re such a freak, man!” comment from was sardines, mustard and off-brand oreos. Lol. I cleared whole sides of the cafeteria because no one wanted to see or smell the sardines. I love them, though. Fondest memory of holidays with my dad involved us sitting on the floor in front of an old charcoal stove as it snowed over our windows and eating those damn off-brand oreos with milk from my grandfather’s cow, honey packets from McDonalds and sardines.
i did not grow up poor, i am descended from Russian peasantry. i love sardines. no, i ADORE sardines. they are so delicious, just thinking about them makes me salivate. but my fave memories include sitting around the table, eating hard bread rubbed with garlic and salt, and then eating the garlic cloves, too. that was some good. oh, and don’t forget pickled herring, or sour green tomatoes or … there’s lots of foods that are wonderful to eat, if you have the courage to try them, and the willingness to enjoy the taste and texture. i hear there’s a worm in Australia that, when roasted, tastes like scrambled eggs and bacon. i’m so there!
@Maxine Godfrey
I too ADORE sardines!! :) I was salivating for sardines when read your post! lol I couldn’t wait to get home after work and eat the last bit of sardine in my fridge. At the weekends, I love making myself a sardine omelette…! I first chop and fry crushed garlic, onions and a chilli pepper then add in the sardines and beaten eggs. Yummie! ;) Sometimes I like having sardines plain grilled with virgin oil, black pepper and sea salt with grilled sweet small vine tomatoes on toast or in French baguette. Ohhlala!
Not sure about the worm in Australia but hey…I ahve tried snails in France that delicious! :)
Old School is one of my favorite offerings by TYT, but I must say, as an individual that grew up in Philly, surrounded by bullshitters, that Wes Clark, Jr. is a big, professional bullshitter.
I love these kind of conversations. The gamut, the range of it. The friendly chemistry. I used to get this once in awhile, particularly around campfires.
The Painted Bird is a controversial “autobiography” that has since been classified as fiction. It seems not only did the author fabricate most, if not all, of his stories. But the stories themselves may have been plagiarized from polish literature.
Furthermore, I could not find any evidence for Romania or any other country having ever canned Jews. Thank goodness….
Wes let’s lead the revolution! I am with you 100% sir. I am a vet that would love to join you in at Standing Rock but living in Denmark makes it a bit difficult.
I second both your points. I would love to see Wes get a show too where he could really dig into climate change and the military stuff too. With the impending doom of the Trump administration’s actions on climate change, and the current state of affairs with the new Cold War with Russia and all the existing wars around the globe, I am always curious to hear Wes’s opinion and insider information. I am concerned that all of this stuff will turn into an enormous mess with Trump and his band of deplorables at the helm.
Here in Japan there’s WAY too much vinegar in all kinds of food. Two Japanese women actually gifted me some kind of ‘dessert vinegar’, I thanked them and promptly REgifted that stuff safely away from my network.
BUT. Vinegar RULES when it comes to three things: 1) homemade French vinegarette salad dressing (the olive oil and salt balance the wine vinegar) which I’m sure Jayar can make if he does one of Michael Jackson’s fav salads with seared tuna 2) Chinese sweet and sour dishes (fabulous combo of vinegar and sugar or honey) and 3) Harvard beets (same vinegar and sugar combo but salt and Cenk’s salted butter for the win).
As a black American woman, I was extremely disappointed to find, despite all my efforts to get out the vote this election, to find well heeled black people on assignment over here deliberately NOT voting and actually arguing against voting. I also discovered the one black man at my election watch party not only didn’t vote but told me if he did he’d vote for Trump. Looks like Con-ye either has a mighty reach or this is simply the sad state of things with black people in America.
But fuck them. I AM BLACK PEOPLE. I voted with full knowledge of what I was doing, right from my home in Tokyo. I wanted Bernie, I listened to Cenk, Anna, Jimmy, Ben, Michael, Steve, Wes, Grace, Dave and Malcolm and I considered what they said deeply before I voted. Now I’m focusing on Bernie and TYT and Wolf-Pac to turn this Trump win into a Pyrrhic victory. He may not beome the first bigoted POTUS, agreeing with Jayar, but he will be first to have flaunted it in words, deeds and in writing, and he is the very first to be recorded speaking demonically about women and detailing his assaults on married women.
The grossness of Trump may be lost on old Japanese baby boomers and their younger benefactors, but not on the majority of decent forward thinking Japanese people who are struggling with severe sexism, racism and censorship. They view this horrific happening as their fight too.
I’m with Dave on leaving the car doors unlocked, but for different reasons. I have a 2000 Nissan Altima GLE. Even if someone wanted to steal it, it has to have the key to start. You’d have to be a pro, and if you’re a pro, you aren’t going to steal my car. So if someone wants in the car, it’s to see if there’s anything valuable in there (my stereo still has a tape deck). There isn’t. And I don’t want my windows broken for no freaking reason. Neighbors have had their windows smashed and a few things inside stolen, but no one has stolen a car. So I figure leave it unlocked, let them figure out that there’s nothing worth stealing to sell to get their meth, they can move on, and I have an intact window. Besides, my insurance is worth more than my car at this point, so it would be better for me if someone stole it (but I love my car, so I don’t want that to happen).
Glad you guys are still thinking about DAPL and Native American issues. I can’t tell you how humbling it has been for this awakening to native issues to happen. My grandmother used to tell me and my cousins when we were little the stories of our ancestors, that one day, all the tribes would become as one, and the world would look to us for guidance because they had not respected the land, water, air, and themselves. That was when I was 8 years old. I didn’t really believe that. Now, 3 decades later, I have seen tribe after tribe come to stand together, to say NO MORE to fracking and drilling and poisoned water. No more destruction of our only home. And people of all races, from all over the world are standing with us. They see that humans have lost their way, and that we have to work together to get back to a better place. I’m not a superstitious person. I’m what you would call an atheist. I pray with my people, but we do not pray to a magic sky being. We pray as a collective consciousness to give thanks for what we have, to mourn what we have lost, and to honor what we hold dear. We pray to remember. Sometimes we remember the past, but sometimes we pray to remember the future. It doesn’t translate well, but praying to remember the future is where those stories come from. You might call them prophecies, but I don’t like that word. It sounds like magical thinking, and that’s not what it is. It’s more like seeing what is inevitable, and then preparing for it.
This is an amazing episode. This is why I’m a member. Love free flowing conversation from smart and interesting/funny people, makes for a great podcast.
Is this no longer available to non-members? I usually get this podcast from ITunes, but this is the third episode that’s gone up on here without adding it to ITunes. Anybody know?
The funny thing is how much money the big networks spend to fill 2 hours while we are hugely entertained by 3 guys who keep it real sitting around shooting the shit. I look forward to this all week. This and Aggressive Progressives, which is just one less guy keeping it real and shooting the shit.
I live in one of the murder capitals of the U.S.A., Oakland, CA. I got axes, swords, guns, whatever. I live with like 5 dudes who all know martial arts including myself. Aint nobody fuckin with us. I leave my doors unlocked and my car unlocked and aint nobody tryin to do shit. :)
Wes, I have worked at subway, unfortunately for 2 and a half years now….
Eating subway for every meal for 1 month pshhhh.
Try 28 months…. give or take what I make at home.
When I sweat I smell like Herb and Cheese Bread…. Every undershirt I own is absolutely saturated. My body is a pile of carbohydrates that talks and walks
Dafuq is Jayar talking about? Real butter on popcorn is delicious! I wish movie theaters did have real butter. He must like margarine the way Cenk likes bologna.
I always went for the throat when a man came in for a kiss I didn’t want. Worked pretty well.
So true about cops doing nothing if you are poor and have been robbed.
I also don’t understand greed. If I had 3.9 billion I would feel a responsibility to raise the entire world’s standard of living.
1. Anti-Semitism in Europe was pretty bad, indeed. Catholic church has spread myths that Jews drunk blood of new born babies for their rituals. Ironically, Roman pagans have used this accusation against Christians previously, and it had much more sense since Christianity is all about eating the corpse of Jesus and drinking his blood. Jews are not fixated on such symbolic cannibalism even remotely as much.
When Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was conquered by its Western neighbours and by Russia that took back the territories it previously lost, this propaganda has started to spread to Orthodox Church regions, too, along with the Jews that started to migrate from Poland further to the East, to the Southern Russia, especially to the territories of the current Ukraine, where the majority of pogroms happened (only communists winning civil war in Southern Russia/Ukraine has stopped the pogroms).
Since in Russian Empire not only banking, but also sale of alcohol was considered to be highly immoral, Jews, who had limited rights to do many activities, had to engage in those businesses, and this has added to the anti-Semitism of regular people. The epidemic of alcohol in some regions was so bad that the government had to install regulation against trading alcohol, further limiting the rights of Jews, and this has added even more negativity towards them. So Jews were pushed to do the jobs no one liked, and were hated for that, as well as for getting rich, which is ironic; it was a lose-lose situation for Jews.
2. The mistake that Jayar has talked about in comparing Napoleon and Hitler was not about the winter and colds, but about latent and overt racism they had towards Russians. Both commanders planned to win against Russia during the warm time of the year in just few months as they thought that the “lowly”/”subhuman” Russians would not be able to withstand the assault. Both failed before winter as their plans did not materialize. It has turned out each time that Russia was able to fight much better than the aggressors thought so they were not even remotely close to winning by late autumn.
The currently popular myth that those campaigns have failed because of the notoriously brutal Russian winters is not only counter factual, but it also continues the racist narrative. And this could lead to more mistakes of the kind that Napoleon and Hitler had. The history of racism and bigotry against Russians has roots in 1500s, and it has lead to those horrible wars, and it still did not go away.
3. I never advocate to vote for anyone in any elections, but concerns about Trump have made me unable to even imagine advocating for him, despite some of his policies being supposedly better than Hillary’s (which means they belong to “I will believe it when I see it” category).
I see a shit-ton of words…. always do from you…. BUT!
What the hell is your point???
Or, is it just that “Russians are awesome. They’ve never done anything wrong. The end.”??
If so, your reality of history is warped.
And, I still never get the point of your long-winded replies. Try to be more focused, succinct & explain yourself better. Your words just turn into babbling… and nonsense.
I did not wrote anything even remotely like “Russians are awesome. They’ve never done anything wrong. The end”. And, on the contrary, I critique Russia for corruption, record-breaking income inequality, cynical social policies. Even in the very comment you replied to I critiqued historical Russia (on policy towards Jews).
It is ironic that you are offering the unsolicited advice on discussion/communication while you yourself have issues with it, coming up with things interlocutor never said and skipping things that were actually stated. But I do agree that my style of writing is far from being perfect, this is a fair criticism; I will try to do better, thanks.
Some one decides they want to show you their guns, stand behind them. Even if there is an issue, standing behind them there is a better chance of the gun owner shooting himself before you
I feel that my first post was a little light but in sync with the beginning of the video. Hearing the part on the nazi make me feel like I need to post a more serious note. Except for victims, people have no F… clue of how bat shit crazy and awful things can get until they do. It is expectable and maybe shows the inherent condition of man to hope that is fellow man can’t be that bad. The camps were famously used as cheap labour for some of the biggest corporation today (BMW, Volkswagen, …). But the Nazi saw also the camps as recycling factories where the prisoners were workers and stock along their belonging for recycling. They use the hair to manufacture brushes, fat for soaps and skin as canvases for tattoo art. I’m french and when I was at middle school our history teacher showed us the movie that was presented at the Nuremberg trial. My blood turned into ice. All of that was done with an efficiency and rational that I believe no administration today is capable of. All of it fueled by hatred.
okay, here goes. (so much to talk about; great episode!) vinegar comes from the French “vin” + “aigre” from the Latin “vin” + “acer” meaning “sour wine,” which is what vinegar is. i’m from NY/NJ, and all hoagies worth their salt have oil & vinegar on them; it’s a given. my own Salad Sandwich is a variation on the hoagie, but uses chopped olive salad — the kind you get for muffalettas in NOLA — and the juice from the olives in the sandwich, plus provolone and a ton of whatever veggies look good at the time. it gets wrapped and pressed, at room temp, for a few hours. you need a really sturdy bread for this sandwich, but NOT muffaletta bread (it’s too thick — you end up with a mouthful of bread).
yes, President Garfield was shot, but Guiteau, his “assassin,” merely shot him, a relatively insignificant wound to his back. his doctor, Dr. Bliss, took total control of Garfield’s treatment. Dr. Bliss didn’t believe that cleanliness was next to godliness; he let the wound fester and often poked around inside, looking for the bullet, with his dirty fingers — he thought, the more pus, the better. the whole story is told in Candice Millard’s book, “Destiny of the Republic.” fascinating tale. a real tragedy, because from everything written about him, Garfield sounds like an exceptional human being — he even had a chair specially made for reading, with one side higher than the other, so he could lean against the high side and dangle his legs over the low side. the story is also told, sort of, in Sarah Vowell’s enormously entertaining “Assassination Vacation,” where she combines a travelogue with presidential history — she visited the spots of three presidential assassinations: Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley; also, the apparent curse of Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd, who was present at every one of those events.
“The Painted Bird,” by Jerzy Kosinski, is an apocryphal story of an abandoned jewish or perhaps gypsy boy — a fish out of water — during WWII. i hadn’t thought of it in years, until you mentioned it, Wes. it’s a gripping tale that captures the horrors that you three were trying to convey in your Old School conversation, sort of a companion to Elie Wiesel’s “Night,” which is autobiographical, and about as depressing as you can get.
as far as the gun culture goes — any time a film is advertised with guns in the posters, i strike it off my list of “to be seen.” if you’ve seen one gun, you’ve seen ’em all. well, not really — there are lots of different guns. i know, because my bro is a gunsmith and i grew up around guns. but they are boring to me, and they have a tendency to stop a story dead in its tracks. the only exception to my rule is Quentin Tarantino, whose je ne sais quoi is enormously appealing to me. well, maybe a few Schwarzenneger movies, like THE TERMINATOR in particular. i wrote a paper on that one in college, “THE TERMINATOR and the Intention of Technology,” and got an A+, and my professor hadn’t even seen the film! it’s still one of my best essays.
I’m so confused coming from the east coast… Do they not put vinegar on hoagies on the west coast? Is like Jersey Mikes the only place that does that? If so I’m sorry for you guys. I can literally pick up a phone and have 5 different pizza places deliver me an Italian hoagie at any time.
Margarine sucks and taste like nothing and the best ingredient in the world is LEMON it goes on anything (salty or sweet) except cheese and cheese doesn’t need anything to taste good.
And no one can beat italian concerning pizza. American just invented something else and called it pizza.
This has gotta be my favorite Old School of all time. Hilarious! Saw it again after New Year’s. The bit about security had me in stitches. But that is one hell of a valid point Wes’ got – you can’t throw a machete LOLOL
The Azodicarbonamide myth is a classic case of public and media misinterpretation of scientific findings, and subsequent witch hunt, outweighing any of the seemingly few informed and reasoned positions that did exist, like this one:
As to checking facts, sure you should always have more than one source, and you can question snopes to some degree, they arent immune to human biases and Im sure have posted a bad article before, but there are a few key reasons that should be recognizable to such an astute skeptic, that it is clearly more reliable than CBS news, who seems to get the higher regard as a fact checking source in your book.
Snopes importantly has a high degree of transparency, it is solely about presenting evidence and weighing it, relies on sources almost entirely, often written by people in relevant fields, is constantly updating articles for new findings, and always provides sources for you to go look at and decide if they are being fairly represented by the site. Did the CBS news article do that? I dont think it did, in fact, if this is the article:
It features and quotes, almost exclusively, a pseudoscientific food blogger/attention seeker/fear monger who should have been recognized as a fraud, and glosses over important details of what little science it actually cites, and was written by a digital media reporter.
Just looking at that CBS news article, or really any random CBS news article, against any single random, or otherwise, snopes article i can find… is there really a huge question about which we should turn to first when checking facts?
To deter an intruder while you’re at home.
Wait…. They lock their homes while inside them?
That i don’t get. I DO know i forget to lock the door on my way out a lot.
But i see, and understand, that I should. What’s the point of locking it while you’re home?
The book The Painted Bird is unfortunately fiction. It was passed off as autobiographical, but Kosinski himself even later said it wasn’t true. Now it is somewhat based off of his own experiences as a boy. I don’t doubt that horrific things happened during this war, but I have not seen a page for page comparison of what is true in his book and what is not. It is however, not entirely accurate. I would hate to find out that was true, but that would be the first I’ve heard about it. A quick search didn’t pull up any information on that happening whether it was one incident or a continued method of disposal. If anyone finds a source that can confirm people were canned, I would really like to read that.
Hey, nice of you to be checking out Russian “brides” lol
Ive used this username since internet came into being , long before russian “brides” were posting (although they were probably the first ones using internet for their trade).
Yeah, I kinda agree that wes is a bit much when he’s like fuck this fuck that fuck cows a love steaks blah blah. Also, don’t especially feel strong about him being cool. Like I said in another comment here, his attitude kinda rubbed me the wrong way, especially while watching him next to Jayar. But the dude is who he is and from what i hear, is striving to do good stuff so. .i forgive him
His dad i don’t care much about, he was in NATO during the Balkan war and i wasn’t such big fan of that war
Cenk, I need to know what book you were reading. The Horror!
There IS something wrong with Subway bread. I get a weird sugar crash off Subway bread that is not like normal bread or anything I know of.
Subway bread is seriously gross.
Is Wes serious about finding “Jesus” or just fucking around? This would be very disappointing…
Yep he’s serious, saw some posts he wrote about finding Jesus on facebook before. None of our business really but I always liked the fact that TYT was a sort of religion-free zone…
How many minutes in does he say this?
I believe that all humans are sensitive to injustice. It is the reality that some just purposefully ignore it.
I’ll give you an example right now, please feel free to provide feedback, it is important to me :
My younger daughter is 10 yrs old (5th grade locally). Government provides free school books for kids until 7th grade. But a campaign by one of the well-to-do moms of a kid in her class now insists we buy – on our personal family budget, e-readers or tablets for the kids to substitute the free paper version of the books . I was the first to oppose it on financial reasons. No one f*n came to my rescue taking this position. The only guys who agreed with my position posted an argument that with the buying of tablets we are enforcing the “zombying” of our children. Moreover he went out to say that if we decide not to buy, we will then be viewed as “not caring enough ” for our children (no mention of what his kids think about it; i think he never bothered asking, whether it is a worthy expense for them and how exactly will it help)
I started arguing with this guy because I cannot stand such guys, Ok? His argument is all misdirected. How come we are buying something by our own volition when it is already provided to us for free? Who f* cares what is the carrier, electronic or paper. I don’t. I found out my kid doesn’t because I asked her. This guy i am engaging with was appatently the only one against it – besides one teacher – all for the wrong reasons. I tried to connect with him and explain that his argument against it was wrong. In response I got personal emails with capital letters advising me to shut the f up.
See? This is how they use our dissent. Some people feel natural dissent but when you try to argue with them that it is wrongly directed and it won’t be effective that way, they want to disassociate with it – and you, as fast as they can . And they become angry at you because you start treating them as dissidents and they do not want to be associated with that ever ever. This guy has the illusion that he is fighting for his kid to not be “zombied” while being zombed out himself. He is like, aah, such nice time we had without those emails and facebooks and comments, i am going to prevent my kid from seeing these as well as I can.
Sad state of affairs
Oh , something I remembered : when I first heard Jayar’s name I thought it was initials, J.R. lol. Is it or isn’t it? I love how you guys use initials for names. I named my daughter so that she has J.J initials . I think it’s cool and I think my daughter is OK with it too
Where did you get the Middle Eastern hate of Wes’s. I don’t get such thing. He mocks Eastern European guys with the fake accent but still, I don’t feel hated (I’m EEuropean). Are you Muslim and feeling hated? Why? (not why you are Muslim but why if you are you feel hated)
All I get from your post is a lot of hate coming from you and going towards Wes. What did the guy did to you? You’re not as cool as he is and that annoys you? Like Cenk says, sad day for you then.
you’re a typical Actually I am an atheist & i mainly think this because of some of the other things he has said, also I don’t wanna bring his father into this but you’re welcome to look up things his dad has said about Muslims, it’s horrific.
wes had pretty much called for the killing of the iraqi army saying “fuck them let them die” on tyt, & several other things not as bad but paints a picture. he is also a sam harris fan. etc etc.
you shouldn’t be using the same username you used on russianbrides.com – bad idea!
lol, just kiddin relax! :)
Was so typical of Wes to call that genius move of Bora’s dad “industrial espionage” despite him getting permission to look at it. Wes is a well-known Muslim hater & i suppose that includes middle easterners in general.
As someone who used to work at Subway for two years… I can confirm that, yes, every meat is turkey based.
Keep it up guys! My favorite show on TYT by FAR!
It was interesting to watch how laid back, literally, Wes was during the show, while Jayar was a little restless, rolling his sleeves, all his slight body movements..To be honest I wasn’t too pleased with watching this state of affairs so to speak. I wish Jayar was the relaxed laid back one. When Wes said to Jayar you are my brother, your wife is my sister, was the first time his body turned fully toward Jayar. It sounded somehow. ..fake..like a doctrine..not something you really experience as an emotion and a connection . I’m not suggesting anything, it is just an observation
Yeah, I kind of felt the same way, but it is really that typical sort of thing people say after they “find jesus”. TBH I think it is pretty lame that he is becoming religious. IMO I think it will really hurt his activism, but who knows.
he isn’t becoming religious, u missed his point i think. or maybe i did.
TYT Old School is such a treat..I loved Jayar on the show!
I’ve watched it twice already, and I m watching it one more time with my man
Waiting for the next episode and going thru old ones in the meantime. Much love
Lol. Your subway is just fine, man. Azodicarbonamide is used as part of the bread conditioner. It happens to be useful for pigments and “fluffiness” hence its use in yoga mats as well.
Now, when you want to break down the pronunciation of a chemical you can break it into its parts; azo di carbon amide. Azo is a specific compound, di means two, carbon is an element, amide is the type of structure (in vague terms). Consider the chemical as no different than dihydrogen monoxide, H2O. Did you know H2O kills people, too? You can drown in a very small amount of it in liquid state. It can be contaminated when you swim in its liquid state and drinking it in pure liquid state (distilled) is dangerous to your health. You can drink too much of it in liquid state and flood your cells and die. You can’t breathe in a room full of it if it’s at any state. Its gaseous form could burn you in certain scenarios.
It turns out life is hazardous to your health.
P.S. Due to public outcry over chemicals existing in life, Subway stated in 2014 that they would no longer use it in foods. I won’t complain too much considering it was still a factory risk – as in workers who were exposed to extreme amounts had health problems. However, the real issue is workers rights and worker safety more than the chemical compound itself.
Okay, okay. This is highly unusual, but I am going to make a second comment on the topic of childhood foods. So, I grew up very poor; we’re talking garbage bags for coats and ketchup in the (maybe) working fridge and fishing out of the creek or pond nearby to try to get food and two of the rooms in my house were dirt-floored, sort of poor. However, we had family donate items and food to us sometimes. Anyway, the childhood meals I remember definitely included balogna, but the main thing I remember getting the, “Omg you’re such a freak, man!” comment from was sardines, mustard and off-brand oreos. Lol. I cleared whole sides of the cafeteria because no one wanted to see or smell the sardines. I love them, though. Fondest memory of holidays with my dad involved us sitting on the floor in front of an old charcoal stove as it snowed over our windows and eating those damn off-brand oreos with milk from my grandfather’s cow, honey packets from McDonalds and sardines.
i did not grow up poor, i am descended from Russian peasantry. i love sardines. no, i ADORE sardines. they are so delicious, just thinking about them makes me salivate. but my fave memories include sitting around the table, eating hard bread rubbed with garlic and salt, and then eating the garlic cloves, too. that was some good. oh, and don’t forget pickled herring, or sour green tomatoes or … there’s lots of foods that are wonderful to eat, if you have the courage to try them, and the willingness to enjoy the taste and texture. i hear there’s a worm in Australia that, when roasted, tastes like scrambled eggs and bacon. i’m so there!
@Maxine Godfrey
I too ADORE sardines!! :) I was salivating for sardines when read your post! lol I couldn’t wait to get home after work and eat the last bit of sardine in my fridge. At the weekends, I love making myself a sardine omelette…! I first chop and fry crushed garlic, onions and a chilli pepper then add in the sardines and beaten eggs. Yummie! ;) Sometimes I like having sardines plain grilled with virgin oil, black pepper and sea salt with grilled sweet small vine tomatoes on toast or in French baguette. Ohhlala!
Not sure about the worm in Australia but hey…I ahve tried snails in France that delicious! :)
awesome comment, it definitely belongs in Old School! the TYT universe is filled with people i’d love to converse with :)
Old School is one of my favorite offerings by TYT, but I must say, as an individual that grew up in Philly, surrounded by bullshitters, that Wes Clark, Jr. is a big, professional bullshitter.
I love these kind of conversations. The gamut, the range of it. The friendly chemistry. I used to get this once in awhile, particularly around campfires.
Sorry Wes,
The Painted Bird is a controversial “autobiography” that has since been classified as fiction. It seems not only did the author fabricate most, if not all, of his stories. But the stories themselves may have been plagiarized from polish literature.
Furthermore, I could not find any evidence for Romania or any other country having ever canned Jews. Thank goodness….
BUT, if you want to check something out along these same lines, that is surely not fiction: documentary by Florin Iepan called ODESSA.
LOL. Why it’s so interesting to listening Cenk, Wes and Jayar talk about anything and everything I will never know but, I love this show.
Wes let’s lead the revolution! I am with you 100% sir. I am a vet that would love to join you in at Standing Rock but living in Denmark makes it a bit difficult.
I second both your points. I would love to see Wes get a show too where he could really dig into climate change and the military stuff too. With the impending doom of the Trump administration’s actions on climate change, and the current state of affairs with the new Cold War with Russia and all the existing wars around the globe, I am always curious to hear Wes’s opinion and insider information. I am concerned that all of this stuff will turn into an enormous mess with Trump and his band of deplorables at the helm.
Here in Japan there’s WAY too much vinegar in all kinds of food. Two Japanese women actually gifted me some kind of ‘dessert vinegar’, I thanked them and promptly REgifted that stuff safely away from my network.
BUT. Vinegar RULES when it comes to three things: 1) homemade French vinegarette salad dressing (the olive oil and salt balance the wine vinegar) which I’m sure Jayar can make if he does one of Michael Jackson’s fav salads with seared tuna 2) Chinese sweet and sour dishes (fabulous combo of vinegar and sugar or honey) and 3) Harvard beets (same vinegar and sugar combo but salt and Cenk’s salted butter for the win).
As a black American woman, I was extremely disappointed to find, despite all my efforts to get out the vote this election, to find well heeled black people on assignment over here deliberately NOT voting and actually arguing against voting. I also discovered the one black man at my election watch party not only didn’t vote but told me if he did he’d vote for Trump. Looks like Con-ye either has a mighty reach or this is simply the sad state of things with black people in America.
But fuck them. I AM BLACK PEOPLE. I voted with full knowledge of what I was doing, right from my home in Tokyo. I wanted Bernie, I listened to Cenk, Anna, Jimmy, Ben, Michael, Steve, Wes, Grace, Dave and Malcolm and I considered what they said deeply before I voted. Now I’m focusing on Bernie and TYT and Wolf-Pac to turn this Trump win into a Pyrrhic victory. He may not beome the first bigoted POTUS, agreeing with Jayar, but he will be first to have flaunted it in words, deeds and in writing, and he is the very first to be recorded speaking demonically about women and detailing his assaults on married women.
The grossness of Trump may be lost on old Japanese baby boomers and their younger benefactors, but not on the majority of decent forward thinking Japanese people who are struggling with severe sexism, racism and censorship. They view this horrific happening as their fight too.
I’m with Dave on leaving the car doors unlocked, but for different reasons. I have a 2000 Nissan Altima GLE. Even if someone wanted to steal it, it has to have the key to start. You’d have to be a pro, and if you’re a pro, you aren’t going to steal my car. So if someone wants in the car, it’s to see if there’s anything valuable in there (my stereo still has a tape deck). There isn’t. And I don’t want my windows broken for no freaking reason. Neighbors have had their windows smashed and a few things inside stolen, but no one has stolen a car. So I figure leave it unlocked, let them figure out that there’s nothing worth stealing to sell to get their meth, they can move on, and I have an intact window. Besides, my insurance is worth more than my car at this point, so it would be better for me if someone stole it (but I love my car, so I don’t want that to happen).
Glad you guys are still thinking about DAPL and Native American issues. I can’t tell you how humbling it has been for this awakening to native issues to happen. My grandmother used to tell me and my cousins when we were little the stories of our ancestors, that one day, all the tribes would become as one, and the world would look to us for guidance because they had not respected the land, water, air, and themselves. That was when I was 8 years old. I didn’t really believe that. Now, 3 decades later, I have seen tribe after tribe come to stand together, to say NO MORE to fracking and drilling and poisoned water. No more destruction of our only home. And people of all races, from all over the world are standing with us. They see that humans have lost their way, and that we have to work together to get back to a better place. I’m not a superstitious person. I’m what you would call an atheist. I pray with my people, but we do not pray to a magic sky being. We pray as a collective consciousness to give thanks for what we have, to mourn what we have lost, and to honor what we hold dear. We pray to remember. Sometimes we remember the past, but sometimes we pray to remember the future. It doesn’t translate well, but praying to remember the future is where those stories come from. You might call them prophecies, but I don’t like that word. It sounds like magical thinking, and that’s not what it is. It’s more like seeing what is inevitable, and then preparing for it.
Just have to say, I have 3 swords in my house. Does that mean I win?
When Cenk said butter added to anything is an automatic win this came into my head https://youtu.be/wqqNr-hjh6M
This is an amazing episode. This is why I’m a member. Love free flowing conversation from smart and interesting/funny people, makes for a great podcast.
Amazing episode. Wess needs a show IMHO.
Is this no longer available to non-members? I usually get this podcast from ITunes, but this is the third episode that’s gone up on here without adding it to ITunes. Anybody know?
The funny thing is how much money the big networks spend to fill 2 hours while we are hugely entertained by 3 guys who keep it real sitting around shooting the shit. I look forward to this all week. This and Aggressive Progressives, which is just one less guy keeping it real and shooting the shit.
Love how much injustice enrages Wes Clark. We need guys like him
I live in one of the murder capitals of the U.S.A., Oakland, CA. I got axes, swords, guns, whatever. I live with like 5 dudes who all know martial arts including myself. Aint nobody fuckin with us. I leave my doors unlocked and my car unlocked and aint nobody tryin to do shit. :)
Wes, I have worked at subway, unfortunately for 2 and a half years now….
Eating subway for every meal for 1 month pshhhh.
Try 28 months…. give or take what I make at home.
When I sweat I smell like Herb and Cheese Bread…. Every undershirt I own is absolutely saturated. My body is a pile of carbohydrates that talks and walks
If you guys ever are open to interviewing a random fan? Give me an email (:
Jesus was either gay or asexual. According to Christians. In my opinion.
Gays literally end over population because they want kids too.
God put atheists in the world to prove morality is universal. Atheists do good deeds as well, just because.
Dafuq is Jayar talking about? Real butter on popcorn is delicious! I wish movie theaters did have real butter. He must like margarine the way Cenk likes bologna.
I always went for the throat when a man came in for a kiss I didn’t want. Worked pretty well.
So true about cops doing nothing if you are poor and have been robbed.
I also don’t understand greed. If I had 3.9 billion I would feel a responsibility to raise the entire world’s standard of living.
Few points:
1. Anti-Semitism in Europe was pretty bad, indeed. Catholic church has spread myths that Jews drunk blood of new born babies for their rituals. Ironically, Roman pagans have used this accusation against Christians previously, and it had much more sense since Christianity is all about eating the corpse of Jesus and drinking his blood. Jews are not fixated on such symbolic cannibalism even remotely as much.
When Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was conquered by its Western neighbours and by Russia that took back the territories it previously lost, this propaganda has started to spread to Orthodox Church regions, too, along with the Jews that started to migrate from Poland further to the East, to the Southern Russia, especially to the territories of the current Ukraine, where the majority of pogroms happened (only communists winning civil war in Southern Russia/Ukraine has stopped the pogroms).
Since in Russian Empire not only banking, but also sale of alcohol was considered to be highly immoral, Jews, who had limited rights to do many activities, had to engage in those businesses, and this has added to the anti-Semitism of regular people. The epidemic of alcohol in some regions was so bad that the government had to install regulation against trading alcohol, further limiting the rights of Jews, and this has added even more negativity towards them. So Jews were pushed to do the jobs no one liked, and were hated for that, as well as for getting rich, which is ironic; it was a lose-lose situation for Jews.
2. The mistake that Jayar has talked about in comparing Napoleon and Hitler was not about the winter and colds, but about latent and overt racism they had towards Russians. Both commanders planned to win against Russia during the warm time of the year in just few months as they thought that the “lowly”/”subhuman” Russians would not be able to withstand the assault. Both failed before winter as their plans did not materialize. It has turned out each time that Russia was able to fight much better than the aggressors thought so they were not even remotely close to winning by late autumn.
The currently popular myth that those campaigns have failed because of the notoriously brutal Russian winters is not only counter factual, but it also continues the racist narrative. And this could lead to more mistakes of the kind that Napoleon and Hitler had. The history of racism and bigotry against Russians has roots in 1500s, and it has lead to those horrible wars, and it still did not go away.
3. I never advocate to vote for anyone in any elections, but concerns about Trump have made me unable to even imagine advocating for him, despite some of his policies being supposedly better than Hillary’s (which means they belong to “I will believe it when I see it” category).
I see a shit-ton of words…. always do from you…. BUT!
What the hell is your point???
Or, is it just that “Russians are awesome. They’ve never done anything wrong. The end.”??
If so, your reality of history is warped.
And, I still never get the point of your long-winded replies. Try to be more focused, succinct & explain yourself better. Your words just turn into babbling… and nonsense.
~ Carrie*
I did not wrote anything even remotely like “Russians are awesome. They’ve never done anything wrong. The end”. And, on the contrary, I critique Russia for corruption, record-breaking income inequality, cynical social policies. Even in the very comment you replied to I critiqued historical Russia (on policy towards Jews).
It is ironic that you are offering the unsolicited advice on discussion/communication while you yourself have issues with it, coming up with things interlocutor never said and skipping things that were actually stated. But I do agree that my style of writing is far from being perfect, this is a fair criticism; I will try to do better, thanks.
Some one decides they want to show you their guns, stand behind them. Even if there is an issue, standing behind them there is a better chance of the gun owner shooting himself before you
I feel that my first post was a little light but in sync with the beginning of the video. Hearing the part on the nazi make me feel like I need to post a more serious note. Except for victims, people have no F… clue of how bat shit crazy and awful things can get until they do. It is expectable and maybe shows the inherent condition of man to hope that is fellow man can’t be that bad. The camps were famously used as cheap labour for some of the biggest corporation today (BMW, Volkswagen, …). But the Nazi saw also the camps as recycling factories where the prisoners were workers and stock along their belonging for recycling. They use the hair to manufacture brushes, fat for soaps and skin as canvases for tattoo art. I’m french and when I was at middle school our history teacher showed us the movie that was presented at the Nuremberg trial. My blood turned into ice. All of that was done with an efficiency and rational that I believe no administration today is capable of. All of it fueled by hatred.
I fucking love Old School.
I have a wooded axe handle. Can’t swing a bat in the corridor to my room
okay, here goes. (so much to talk about; great episode!) vinegar comes from the French “vin” + “aigre” from the Latin “vin” + “acer” meaning “sour wine,” which is what vinegar is. i’m from NY/NJ, and all hoagies worth their salt have oil & vinegar on them; it’s a given. my own Salad Sandwich is a variation on the hoagie, but uses chopped olive salad — the kind you get for muffalettas in NOLA — and the juice from the olives in the sandwich, plus provolone and a ton of whatever veggies look good at the time. it gets wrapped and pressed, at room temp, for a few hours. you need a really sturdy bread for this sandwich, but NOT muffaletta bread (it’s too thick — you end up with a mouthful of bread).
yes, President Garfield was shot, but Guiteau, his “assassin,” merely shot him, a relatively insignificant wound to his back. his doctor, Dr. Bliss, took total control of Garfield’s treatment. Dr. Bliss didn’t believe that cleanliness was next to godliness; he let the wound fester and often poked around inside, looking for the bullet, with his dirty fingers — he thought, the more pus, the better. the whole story is told in Candice Millard’s book, “Destiny of the Republic.” fascinating tale. a real tragedy, because from everything written about him, Garfield sounds like an exceptional human being — he even had a chair specially made for reading, with one side higher than the other, so he could lean against the high side and dangle his legs over the low side. the story is also told, sort of, in Sarah Vowell’s enormously entertaining “Assassination Vacation,” where she combines a travelogue with presidential history — she visited the spots of three presidential assassinations: Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley; also, the apparent curse of Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd, who was present at every one of those events.
“The Painted Bird,” by Jerzy Kosinski, is an apocryphal story of an abandoned jewish or perhaps gypsy boy — a fish out of water — during WWII. i hadn’t thought of it in years, until you mentioned it, Wes. it’s a gripping tale that captures the horrors that you three were trying to convey in your Old School conversation, sort of a companion to Elie Wiesel’s “Night,” which is autobiographical, and about as depressing as you can get.
as far as the gun culture goes — any time a film is advertised with guns in the posters, i strike it off my list of “to be seen.” if you’ve seen one gun, you’ve seen ’em all. well, not really — there are lots of different guns. i know, because my bro is a gunsmith and i grew up around guns. but they are boring to me, and they have a tendency to stop a story dead in its tracks. the only exception to my rule is Quentin Tarantino, whose je ne sais quoi is enormously appealing to me. well, maybe a few Schwarzenneger movies, like THE TERMINATOR in particular. i wrote a paper on that one in college, “THE TERMINATOR and the Intention of Technology,” and got an A+, and my professor hadn’t even seen the film! it’s still one of my best essays.
great comment, go old school!
I second the recommendation of Sarah Vowell’s Assassination Vacation. Her book “Unfamiliar Fishes” about the colonization of Hawaii is also good.
This was one of the best episodes of Old School ever.
From one vet to another Wes, same here, all Americans.
I’m so confused coming from the east coast… Do they not put vinegar on hoagies on the west coast? Is like Jersey Mikes the only place that does that? If so I’m sorry for you guys. I can literally pick up a phone and have 5 different pizza places deliver me an Italian hoagie at any time.
the “i gotta go take a shit” line also works on creepy guys at night who wanna suck your dick
Margarine sucks and taste like nothing and the best ingredient in the world is LEMON it goes on anything (salty or sweet) except cheese and cheese doesn’t need anything to taste good.
And no one can beat italian concerning pizza. American just invented something else and called it pizza.