Aggressive Progressives: November 17, 2016

In Aggressive Progressives - On Demand, Membership by Gigi Manukyan73 Comments

Jimmy Dore and Malcolm Fleschner discuss why Democrats are blaming Jill Stein for Trump’s presidency, Obama’s trip to Greece, and protestors blocking Chuck Schumer’s office.


  1. JIMMY !!!

    You f* rock on that episode! Or, more like, you rap! Your monologue on Obama is excellent.

    I am now subscribed to the Jimmy Dore show, your breakdown of Obama s speech in Germany on the show is something I spread whenever I can.

    Too bad you guys have holidays , I want you on the air day and night lol

      1. Finally. I was beginning to think that no one here really wants to have any real conversations. This comment system is probably the worst I have seen on the net. I keep dropping the forum hint on twitter but never get any feedback.

        The only reason I can think for not having one is the moderation it will probably take to run but if it is just kept to members I don’t think it would get too outta hand. I have forum mod experience I am ready.

  2. Obama’s been a huge disappointment not just for America but for the world. He’s changed nothing, done nothing, his legacy will be a polite zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Rock on Jimmy Dore.

  3. We need a GIF of Jimmy saying “You stupid fucking moron on purpose.” And also a clip of every time he says Donny Tonnahands

  4. Jimmy still lives in a bubble he created. Dude, 40% of all gays voted republican, that should tell you how right wing the US is.

  5. Much as I love the tone and the thrust of the show, you gotta work on letting Malcolm and Steve have more airtime, Jimmy. Try to work in a recurring segment where they get to take the lead for five minutes and carry on uninterruptedly for that time.

  6. C’mon people, who’s with me?? Let JIMMY DORE do the show by himself. Get rid of Steve, he’s lousy. Malcolm is better and he’s the fricken producer, not a regular host fer chrissakes. We need a proper response to the shit sandwich the Dems have become. Only JIMMY knows how give it. Rage, anger, we need MORE, not less. I’m sick of these other bearded idiots cracking wise as if that’s an effective progressive response. Because the left doesn’t have enough fucking comedians already. Yeah, we need are more bearded millennial asshole comedian wannabes. Fuck that. We need RAGE. We need JIMMY DORE goddammit! This shit ain’t funny anymore. And btw, Trump is president. The JOKE is on us.

  7. C’mon people, who’s with me?? MORE JIMMY DORE RAGE. Get rid of Steve, he’s lousy. Malcolm is better and he’s the fricken producer, not a regular host fer chrissakes. We need a proper response to the shit sandwich the Dems have become. Only JIMMY knows how give it. Rage, anger, we need MORE, not less. I’m sick of these other bearded idiots cracking wise as if that’s an effective progressive response. Because the left doesn’t have enough fucking comedians already. Yeah, we need are more bearded millennial asshole comedian wannabes. Fuck that. We need RAGE. We need JIMMY DORE goddammit! This shit ain’t funny anymore. And btw, Trump is president. The JOKE is on us.

  8. Jimmy, you’re just too focused on the past!

    It’s time to move on. Way on. Past the Trump Administration. We need to focus on how we want things to work in the next administration, and right now we should put that all on the agenda. By doing that we force Trump to deal with our initiatives and our framing. If we don’t, we’ll be totally at the mercy of what Trump wants to do. That’s right: at Trump’s mercy.

    You’re right, of course, about Obama being a pure corporatist. He had the best social media organization, going into office, of any politician to that point. And he squandered it. He could have maintained his communication with all those people and used that two-way media to make progress. Real progress could have been his legacy. Instead, he did a deal with the healthcare companies and the drug companies.

    Sad. To coin a phrase.

    Trump used social media just like Obama to connect with voters. It’s equally unlikely he’ll maintain that organization and listen to them. Politicians think social media is just a way for them to influence people.

    But as a government official, it’s a way for people to influence their government.

    The Democratic Party needs to do what Obama failed to do: develop a truly two-way conversation. Progressives can help them by demanding it.

    1. You’re mainly talking about surface elements and electoral tactics. That’s not sufficiently structural or radical. Obama didn’t fail (just) because he “didn’t use his social media organizations”, didn’t use the bully pulpit, etc., he failed because he never delivered on his promise of CHANGE – meaning actual policies, a new ideological direction, structural changes in society, cutting ties with his corporate and wealthy donors, etc.

      All this didn’t just happen because of Republican obstruction, it was because Obama never fought for it, and it was obvious to many that Hillary was never going to fight for these things either.

      More conversation is good but surely the conversation must be about much more than just “how can we get Trump out of office and the other corrupt party back into office”.

      1. I agree that Obama failed because he didn’t adopt the right policies. My argument is that if he were taking input from the people who elected him and acting on their needs, then he would have been pursuing the right policy.

        The reason he didn’t do either is because he was funded originally by rich special interests and had no intention of pursuing a progressive agenda. Once he was elected he had a choice to continue to help the people on Wall Street and use their money and influence to get things done or to turn to the people and work with them and use their votes to get things done. By maintaining and developing a two-way conversation through social media he could have bypassed all those special interests and had a very successful presidency.

        This might seem like surface elements, but it’s a fundamental change in how to do politics. It moves from a one-way broadcast model of social media to a two-way governance model.

        And, getting Trump out of office isn’t practical. Even if you got him removed from office you’d just get Pence. That’s not going to work. We should focus on our agenda and pursue it. We need to get inside their decision loop, which would frustrate their plans over the next four years and solidify our plans for our administration, which will come after his.

    2. The GoFundMe link for the DAPL march should’ve been put in the episode description.

      Heck… it should be on the front page of TYT and those of all the shows

  9. You are spending a lot of time kicking Maddow in the dick. Chris Hayes and Maddow don’t have a platform like TYT, They are doing a great job where they are. Too much Trump, they all did that shit. They provide more info that any of the networks. Love the show but Jesus, putting them in the same category as those assholes at Fox is bullshit.

    1. Completely disagree with this comment.

      MSNBC and HuffPost have done more to suppress the progressive agenda than Fox ever could, simple because they have the progressives ear.

      Yes, Fox news viewers are filled with hate, but both MSNBC and Fox viewers are equally misinformed.

    2. Like, how is that logic any more self-defeating than the Dems who moan about how “If Obama had not had the republicans in his way, he’d have… ” No he wouldn’t have. If Rachel Maddow wasn’t a corporatist shill she’d gtfo of MSNBC and drop an application to TYT and bring her followers here. Rather than sitting behind her prestigious desk, cashing her 140k dollar check, and shitting on actual progressives.

  10. Fucking great show this week! Man this show makes membership so much better. But you guys really have to talk management (aka Dave Koller? Maybe?) into letting you guys have the show twice a week. This show is way too good for a once a weeks show. No way.

    Also, I would love it (like others have said in these comments) if Malcolm was added to the regular host list. Jimmy, Malcolm and Steve Oh would be a pretty powerful A-Team of Aggressive Progressives.

  11. Yes!! 2 hours!
    In fact 2 hours EVERY DAY would be fantastic.
    I only pay membership for jimmy dore and jordan chariton.
    I like Malcolm AND Steve. We should have all three of them.

  12. Fantastic show as always.

    Let’s see future episodes have all 3 aggressive stars:


    All 3 on show at same time!

    1. Agreed sort of. We have ONE aggressive star and that’s JIMMY. Malcolm is a sorta okay, and Steve-Oh is tit-useless. He can host the “Complainin’ Asian.” There is NOTHING aggressive about that knucklehead. TYT has 3 PROPER progressives: Cenk, Jordan & Jimmy. I can’t tell the two hottie chicks apart, nor can I tell the difference between the bearded idiots who all sound the same. I only subscribe to watch Jimmy. Who actually knows how to talk INTO the camera. What a concept!

  13. I absolutely want two hours of Aggressive Progressives! Are there no Aggressive Progressive females? I think there should be an alternation between Steve Oh and Malcolm Fleschner and Jimmy Dore every hour on a two hour show!

  14. If I hear once more that Obama was the greatest president in modern history: yada, yada, yada. Really? Jimmy you nailed it as always with humor, passion and grit. Love Malcolm’s being on the show. We need at least two hours a day.

  15. YESS 2 Hours every day! Take over the main show please!! THIS IS THE SINGLE GREATEST POLITICAL SHOW ON THE PLANET!! Thank you Jimmy and Malcolm!

  16. I really fucking love this! Hell yes to 2 hours.

    I’m constantly trying to find ways to fit my TYT addiction into my daily life.
    Taking a shower? listen to TYT
    Driving to work? TYT
    Don’t want to study? TYT

    Ill find a way to get another hour in.

  17. Just gotta say, I love how the show is taking shape and Jimmy is really bringing the heat! Great episode! 2 hour show needs to happen.

  18. I agree wholeheartedly with everything Jimmy and Malcolm said. The Democrats deserve to be harangued until they get the message. However, this is a fight that will play out over the coming two years. Meanwhile, there is a clear and present danger about to take over the White House. I’m all for the Democrats cleaning house so they can fight stronger against Trump, and am hopeful that will happen when progressives push hard enough. But this is a two-front battle and we need to have some of our energy directed at the people who are about to have the real power.

  19. I’m not one to say cursing is wrong, but Jimmy is cursing in every sentence. It ends up discrediting his intelligence, rather than emphasizing his opinion. Its distracting from the matter at hand.

    It would be hard to share this, and have people take him seriously.

  20. “The people who backed Hillary Clinton in the Primary, are finally coming around to seeing the Error or their Ways.”

    Nope. They will never see the Terror of her Ways.

    I want a copy of that Wheel of Excuses.

    Maddow is not a surprise. She was compromised, long ago.

    “Then Democracy will break down.”

    Too late.

    “Have a rotten birthday”

    Why, thank you very much.

    Thanks, Jimmy and Malcolm. Have some good time off, Steve Oh.

  21. I’d like to be able to cite the “half the country is in poverty” bit to people I talk with. Can I get the source for that so I can forward it around please? Thank you! Amazing show by the way, Jimmy is fucking KILLING it.

    1. Agreed!! I was on the verge of cancelling my membership, because I had to choose between Hulu and TyT. That was the same night the first Aggressive Progressives aired, and I chose TyT after watching it.

  22. Thank you (again) for this show! It’s the bright spot in my week (other than friends and family) to know I’m not alone!! Love the humor – it’s the best way to survive this mess we’ve made!

    It was hard to watch Obama speak of relative peace; it gave me a physical start. But it’s much harder to live in a country being bombed. I’m so ashamed of him; I don’t know how he can sleep at night with all the people whose lives we have ended or made a living hell. It haunts me.

  23. Aggressives is getting better and better…..

    Might well be worthwhile stepping AP up to a two hour show for few months to throw some proverbial grenades into the mix.

  24. I love this show every week! Refreshing. Satisfying. Wonderful. I feel uncomfortable and amazing listening and watching here, all at once. Thank you. Thank you.

  25. I’m soooo disappointed in both Rachel Maddow and Paul Krugman. There was a time, BC (Before Cenk), when I enjoyed their analysis before heading to bed. When Rachel explained politics in Disney-sized bites that were easy to swallow. And when Paul, with his baleful brown eyes and fuzzy cheeks, kinda like a gerbil, explained economics to the masses on establishment media. As everyone knows, difficult topics are always easier to understand when explained by a character from the rodent family! Alas, we are rescued from our quagmire of doubt on who to blame by Jimmy as he rides to the rescue, wearing a suit of shiny armor with echoing epithets ringing in his ears and herb smoke billowing from his closed visor. “Who needs a lance to defeat these obfuscators of the center-right, these enablers of kitchen table fascists,” Jimmy shouts, “when I have ‘truth’ ranted as sarcasm progressively laced with vitriol on my side?” Who, indeed? And to all, a good night (pun intended)

  26. Yes! Aggressive Progressives!! Jimmy Dore was on Fire! Shredded Obama to Bits…What a Fuckin FEAST! (Hey Jimmy is ok to call Rachel Maddow a Cunt?Thought I should ask first before I say it..)

    Like to see Malcolm on the show more thought he interacted with Jimmy”s “fire” brilliantly :)

    You guys really need a 2 HOUR SHOW!!

  27. Please give us a ‘Calling in the Cavalry’ (to DAPL) video blurb that we can share!!! We need to get the word out. I’ve already donated, and I know many others would, too. I have shared the GoFundMe page, but the more you give us the more we will share!

    1. James at times breaths so much fire that I am getting concerned about the studio.

      On Malcolm:
      1. he is an ironic progressive, rather than aggressive one
      2. James cracked him up, which is a rare occurrence.

  28. Jimmy, Malcolm, you’re both spot on. In my view, voluntary ignorance is the worst intellectual crime anyone can commit, a felony of the mind if you will. Even more egregious is when public figures like Maddow and Krugman embrace such ignorance with open arms; they blatantly abandon reason and logic while promoting a false reality…. the damage they do to our country is incalculable.

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